The Jewish Question

The Jewish Question is by far the most contentious issue in the White Nationalist community. Being a veteran of the movement (stuckment?) for a decade, I couldn’t begin to count the number of times that contention over the issue has dissolved coalitions, ended productive conversations, and led to censorship of one kind or another. To Hunter Wallace’s credit, Occidental Dissent has become a true rarity on the Internet, a place where people with a range of perspectives on the JQ are politely discussing it.

I’m not sure how he accomplishes it. Some people contend that he logs in under a variety of aliases and performs an elaborate sock puppet routine of debating against himself. Those people are stupid, but I don’t have a better explanation for how he is managing to accomplish the impossible. I also don’t have any idea how long it will last. While we do have this window of opportunity, I hope some of you will consider my own thoughts on this matter, which don’t really fit in either the “philo-Semitic” or “anti-Semitic” camps.

The facts clearly indicate that Jews are directing our foreign policy, running Hollywood, controlling our media, and dominating our academic institutions. While I always make a point to be patient with the ignorant, I don’t think intelligent people who’ve seriously researched this issue can honestly dismiss the disproportionate role Jews currently have in managing Western Civilization. Personally, I suspect that those who do are often engaging in some sort of “deep game”, one which relies on cultivating a better relationship with our overlords.

But proof that they’re in control isn’t necessarily proof of malice, conspiracy, or causation. Honestly, a lot of the impotent rage toward Jews among the anti-Semites does look and smell an awful lot like the impotent rage that Black advocates like Rev. Wright direct at White folks. Just as some Black Nationalists can swing absolutely any Black problem back to White oppression, some White Nationalists can swing absolutely any White problem back to Jewish oppression. Most problematic of all, these same White Nationalists very often convince themselves that we’re helpless victims, a paralyzing conclusion. It can be, as BNP leader Darby put it recently, little more than a comfortable bed to lie on.

Many anti-Semites rely on the AIDS analogy, explaining that Jews suppress our civilization’s natural impulse to defend its borders, uphold its traditions, and preserve its racial integrity. Allow me to propose an equally unflattering but perhaps more apt analogy: shingles. Most healthy people have had chicken pox and have the the strain of herpes which caused it. If their immune systems are compromised, the typically dormant virus can become active, appearing to be “the” problem. In actuality, the shingles outbreak isn’t the cause; it’s the effect.

Every major civilization has Jews in it. Only ours is completely managed by them. Why did the Jewish colonies in China and India fail to follow the Western template? I propose that it’s because both China and India have their own indigenous managerial castes: Mandarins and Brahmans. The Jews, being a managerial caste, don’t really have an available niche there. The job of managing grain surpluses, keeping the records, and administering the crippling complexity that comes with mature civilizations is already performed by competent and entrenched indigenous elites.

To understand why Jews became the West’s managerial caste requires only that we understand when they started to become our managerial caste. The revolt against the Catholic Church which was triggered by the invention of the printing press and led by Martin Luther (a rabid anti-Semite, himself) toppled the managerial “caste” which had been at the helm of Western Civilization since the Classical Period. Into the power vacuum? Jews.

While Nietzsche was far from a proponent of either Christianity or the Catholic Church, his diagnosis of the root of modernity in the death of God was succinct. It wasn’t some literal “death of God”, but the implosion of the Group Evolutionary Strategy of the West, Christianity, which was the cause of our predicament. The Protestants who believed that they were relieving themselves of a corrupt and exploitative priesthood were only castrating their indigenous priesthood and sending themselves into subjugation to a new one. The myriad Christian sects refrained from literal control under the illusion that the people could control themselves. The “Enlightenment” was little more than the sunlight one enjoys when being transferred from one dungeon to another.

This perspective, which borrows heavily from MacDonald, Gottfried, and assorted Traditionalists, is what I call “evolutionary traditionalism”. One might be able to see now why my focus is less on Jewish behavior and more on the behavior of ourselves and our elites. The Jews, while being omnipresent, are really beside the point. Mere awareness of Jewish behavioral patterns and their potential threat to our society is insufficient, as Martin Luther demonstrated. We need a robust GES and a competent vanguard of indigenous elites prepared to implement and enforce it.

That’s my answer to the Jewish Question.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. The points made above by commenter ‘Heinous Heath’ were good, those about the dysgenic effect of Catholic celibacy, as it is known for sure is that the celibate Catholic priesthood had (for over 1,000 years) a SEVERELY DYSGENIC effect on European populations by barring the intellectually, socially, and financially elite Catholic priests from marrying and siring children. As as HH says, the exact opposite occurred amongst Jewish rabbis, Hindu holy men, and other similar groups, i.e. they tended to replicate themselves profusely and continue to tradition whereas Catholicism depended on a constant influx of ‘new blood,’ good European bloodlines which became extinguished when they were forced to become celibate under that system.

    The most intelligent Europeans were basically funneled (i.e., forced) in to the priesthood for a very long time, and the loss of their ‘smart genes’ has lead to the partial intellectual degeneration of European peoples. Dr MacDonald’s next book ought to be entitled Celibate Catholicism as a Dysgenic De-Evolutionary Strategy (or something like that).

    Notice how the Northern Euro nations which adopted Protestantism eventually rose to become the most advanced in Europe in terms of learning, technology, economics, politics, etc not all too long after abandoning celibate Catholicism. This occurred only after they abandoned celibacy of the clergy, as the Protestant elite then began to have many more children which lead to the rise of an indigenous elite not dependent on bureaucratic Catholicism to keep them in power.

    The tumult of the Protestant Reformation might’ve allowed for the rise of an ethnically Jewish managerial caste during the resulting vacuum of power in some areas of Europe during that transition, but the Catholic managerial class had by then become too corrupt from such a long period of power anyhow and needed to be replaced. I’ve read that at some points various Catholic big-wigs were actually borrowing a lot of money from Jewish bankers/usurers, using Jewish money to prop up the Catholic Church in some areas of Europe.

    After being mostly expelled from Western and Northern Europe, Jews had long been a managerial caste under the often corrupt royals of Eastern Europe, working with those royals to exploit Eastern European peasants and keep them under permanent subjection — others have written quite a bit about this.

  2. @Svigor

    I don’t know what to tell you about Hollywood. You apparently refuse to accept that they’re adept at managing the film industry. You sneer at their “collectivism” as if working for their group interests is shameful.

    Drawing a distinction doesn’t amount to sneering. The sneering comes from the reception of this distinction according to the natural inclinations of our folk (you among them, apparently). I point out their collectivism in general so that Euros can stop sneering at it and start emulating it, and in particular to distinguish between talent at filmmaking (tons of Euros have it), and talent at working collectively to pursue ethnic interests (the true Jewish forte).

    As for your analogy, I’m not blaming the girl (folk). I’m blaming her father (elites).

    And letting the rapists off the hook. But this all seems rather circular in the end, because what you’re blaming her father for is for putting her at risk to rape (from the usual suspects), which is what our lot has been doing since the word go. So I’m not really getting the point of this essay.

  3. @Svigor

    The point of this essay is that the root cause of our predicament is that our indigenous managerial elites and their G.E.S. have imploded, leaving us at the mercy of Jewish management. This frames the Jewish Question in a different light and implies a different approach to White advocacy.

  4. @WP

    I’ve spoken before of Ashkenazi Jews perhaps being a sort of “killer bee” hybridization of European aristocrats with power and no money marrying into Jewish families with money and no power. At this point, your hypothesis appears overwhelmingly circumstantial. I think Jews tend to inculcate genetic adaptations from the surrounding population, regardless of its effect.

    Are the Lemba a case of the strategy backfiring, with hilarious results?

  5. Wikitopian:”Jews are really good at show business. They write very popular scripts. Nobody is really stopping gentiles from making films independently. In fact, a lot of Christian and other groups do invest in producing alternatives. They’re generally of markedly lower quality in both concept and execution.”

    Jewish Hollywood certainly had a Golden Age, but it is has been all downhill from there. There have been a few Jewish directors that have made some movie masterpieces that I really enjoy (Jews like Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, Stanley Kubrick, and a few others), but it is clear that 99% of the films and TV shows which Jews write, produce, and direct these days is utter anti-cultural/anti-Western Jew garbage. Many Hollywood films or studios don’t even make any money these days; Hollywood itself has been declining and in the red for a while now, dependent on constant infusions of cash from Jewish banks and even foreign governments (the government of Germany, for instance, has loaned money to Jewish Hollywood for film production in recent years).

    Also, how do we know if the best and most creative material now coming out of Jewish Hollywood wasn’t originally written by non-Jews? Or the best scripts during Hollywood’s Golden Age too? Jews have long been major thieves of White-Western ideas, stealing the ideas (or in this case movie-scripts) of White Westerners and then claiming them as their own.

    I’m sure that White-Westerners could make a lot more excellent films if they had full access to hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars per year just as the movie studios of Jewish Hollywood do. Hell, I studied film in college a bit and I have plenty of film related ideas but of course I have no way to realize them considering I have zero access to hugely expensive moviemaking equipment, a full film studio staff, actors/actresses, special effects equipment, etc., much less billions of dollars per year for making them plus a worldwide film distribution network. Jews have basically monopolized everyone else out of the movemaking arts and film business in the USA and other parts of The West — the only competition they have is from select foreign governments that subsidize a nation’s film industry, as in India with Bollywood and so on.

  6. “Secondly,Jews must be uncompromisingly and unceasingly shunned,ostracized,fought and otherwise militated against until until all their privileges and power are whittled down to zero.

    Jews must never be allies and always be enemies.”


    You posted about ‘hey why did Rome fall?’ well that leads to the question, how did the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantines) last so much longer, here is the answer and also a possible non-violent moral strategem for dealing with Jewry:

    “In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was.

    It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world.

    Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history.

    Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place.

    It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence. Nor did the Orthodox priests bewilder their congregations with any vicious lies about Christ being a Jew.

    No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture.

    It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land.

    From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the Jews.

    “The answer to the Jewish problem is simple,” he said.

    “Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government.”

    And this is how simple it is.

    There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them.

    Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

    Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

    Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation.”

    Eustace Mullins –

  7. What is with all this wasted space, time and energy going over and over the JQ again and again and again? Are you addled?

    Let’s put it here succinctly, and this is a synopsis drawn from the best of men.
    The Jews are parasites that sap and eventually destroy the host.

    (now some wasted space)

    The Jewish function in our ecosystem is that of the parasite. Much like the R-14 strain of viral infection – Rabies, previously known as Hydrophobia.

    The Rabies bacterium infects the host organism and stimulates psychological effects that further it’s reproductive and evolutionary strategy.

    The host victim is stimulated to hyper aggression and violence – causing the bacterium to be spread through open wounds and ‘flying spittle’.
    Once a period for propagation of the virus passes, the host’s psychological stimuli changes, they become adverse to water, and die from dehydration.

    (thank you for your time)

    The question is no longer ‘what is a Jew’

    The question is how do we develop a defense to return our people back to a state of psychological health, whereas our natural defenses will naturally take over – keeping in mind that the game is already rigged – overt violence, aggression, hatred, loud complaints, op-eds, and leftist style activism will not work….they will in fact backfire.\

    And that in itself gives us our answer. Think about it.

  8. I wrote the above post before Heinous Heath’s post was up. I agree for with this statement. So the question is not ‘what is a jew?” “what colors is the jew”, “where jew are from?” or “why jew how?” – waste of time.

    The answer can start with a basic premise – and be developed into a master theory.

  9. “Properly speaking” there “is no such thing as a Jewish race.”

    – Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler

    Guys, please drop the retarded ‘one-drop’ rule regarding ‘racial’ Jewry and ‘mischlinge’.

    It is pointless and, more importantly, it is rabid zionist in its scope, motivation and intention. They of course want to take the best of the White genes away and comandeer it for themselves.

    Since Jews are not essentially a race but an amalgamation of the peoples in which they dwell (especially Slav and Khazar), this would be a good strategy in helping to fracture and weaken the cohesiveness of their IDEOLOGICAL ‘tribe’.

  10. Iceman >> Whites don’t naturally preserve themselves. Hitler was wrong too. The race isn’t naturally conscious. Whites aren’t dying to preserve themselves, but derailed by Jews. They will infight without an ethnostate.

    I have been concerned for some time that Whites are too outbred and, therefore, that is why they (we) don’t have enough of the ethnocentric self-preservation instincts that we ought to have (or that we might have had; or, perhaps, that we once had a long time ago).

    If kin selection and degrees of relatedness explain why, say, Iraqis and Afghanis are so protective of their own and why they despise outsiders, perhaps the problem with Whites is the inverse: that we are not related to each other enough anymore.

    The Roman Catholic church, as well as many of the Protestant state churches of Europe, long forbade marriage between cousins (although the RC church quite frequently gave out dispensations). I’m not sure what the motivation for this policy was — I’m guessing it had to do with keeping the peasantry down (if you can’t marry in the family you typically can’t keep the money in the family) — but a huge, accidental (from the point-of-view of the church) side-effect is that Europeans/White are now some of the least inbred of all peoples.

    Also, starting in Darwin’s time, the educated classes took note that inbreeding often leads to birth-defects (and lower IQ), so cousin marriage fell even more out of favor.

    The “extended-family (genetic) bonds” are, thus, rather weak in Europeans. Inbreeding levels differ, of course, between various White groups; so we have, say, southern Italians being more suspicious of outsiders than the Dutch. As a rule, though, the weak genetic links of Europeans = a weak expression of ethnic genetic interests (compared to Afghanis or Saudis or Japanese, etc.).

    Ironically, these weak bonds probably enabled Western-style democracy, which may or may not have been one of the greatest inventions of Mankind.

    And, obviously, Jews as a group do not have this same outbreeding problem.

  11. Gal White:”…perhaps the problem with Whites is the inverse: that we are not related to each other enough anymore. … Europeans/White are now some of the least inbred of all peoples.”

    Good post Gal White.

    However, it is worth mentioning that Whites of European descent are actually more closely related to each other in a genetic sense than any other macro-racial group, i.e. Whites are the race with the least amount of overall genetic diversity within the White/European-derived macro-race (on the other hand, Africans have the most). —,,3655263,00.html

  12. Yes! It must be pan-Europeanism,and when the Jews seek to impede it,it is there that we must attack.

    No. There is no reason to think that more Americans would be more receptive to Pan-Europeanism than to historic nationalism. A message based on the interests of founding-stock Americans and a movement to secure the interests of Americans of Northwestern European descent would likely be much stronger than Pan-Europeanism.

  13. “And, obviously, Jews as a group do not have this same outbreeding problem.”

    Please don’t take anything that is said by, or about, Jews as primarily true.

    Jews, like Wikitopian and White Preservationist have pointed out, are gene thieves, and they have always tried to assimilate the best of the White genetic stock into their ‘mesch-tizo’ mafia.

  14. There have been a few Jewish directors that have made some movie masterpieces that I really enjoy (Jews like Fritz Lang, Billy Wilder, Stanley Kubrick, and a few others)…”

    Would it be possible to add John Milius (director of Uber-Aryan ‘Conan the Barbarian’ and anti-commie ‘Red Dawn’) to that list perhaps? 🙂

    He is sort of the exception that proves the rule about which direction Jews in Hollywood go… Left!

    ” Hollywood itself has been declining and in the red for a while now, dependent on constant infusions of cash from Jewish banks and even foreign governments (the government of Germany, for instance, has loaned money to Jewish Hollywood for film production in recent years).”

    Yes that is an astute observation. For example Uwe Boll ( ) has been doing this financial chicanery for awhile.

    “I have been concerned for some time that Whites are too outbred and, therefore, that is why they (we) don’t have enough of the ethnocentric self-preservation instincts that we ought to have (or that we might have had; or, perhaps, that we once had a long time ago).”

    One must also take into consideration the massive amount of White Males that died during World Wars One and Two. Remember alot of these soldiers were probably the best of our Race. It is possible that Whites overall gene pool has been hopelessly corrupted beyond repair. Indeed I have heard that Professor Revilo Oliver was very pessimistic due to this line of Reasoning.

  15. I don’t think the Jew issue is a “hardcore” vs. “mainstream” issue.

    There are hardcore philosemites, and there are mainstream anti-semites.

    Meir Kahane is more extreme than David Duke.

  16. The point of this essay is that the root cause of our predicament is that our indigenous managerial elites and their G.E.S. have imploded

    I disagree. I think our indigenous elite has been elbowed out of the way (helped along the way, obviously, by the implosion of the very idea of “our indigenous elite”). But what are the different implications of our respective assessments?

    How is any of this significantly different from what we already knew?

  17. Jewish Hollywood certainly had a Golden Age, but it is has been all downhill from there.

    I think there’s a common tendency to conflate talent or skill at filmmaking and theme or content. Clearly the former have been on a steady up trend since Hollywood began, while the latter have been on a down trend since the kulturkampf moved into the open in the 60s.

  18. @Svigor

    This assessment implies that our most important work lies in designing and creating a new indigenous managerial elite. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe your assessment implies that our most important work lies in fomenting an antisemitic reaction against our current elites.

    As for originality, I didn’t claim to be entirely original. I made a point to name the influences. But, since you brought it up, I don’t know that anybody else has proposed that Jews are merely one of many endogamous managerial castes. If I’m missing out on some relevant research, I would love to be pointed in the right direction.

  19. This assessment implies that our most important work lies in designing and creating a new indigenous managerial elite. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe your assessment implies that our most important work lies in fomenting an antisemitic reaction against our current elites.

    If I could choose one, I’d choose the former. If I’m choosing the most practical path, I’d suggest door number 3, immunizing/reclaiming our own ethnic elite. Growing a new one is a tall order.

  20. @Svigor

    I was trying to be succinct and sacrificed clarity. I agree that rehabilitating a subset of our elites would probably be the optimal strategy.

  21. @22Hunter Wallace

    “The fact is both you and Hunter are scared and your retreating and making yourself meaningless and ineffectual.
    Scared of what? Retreating to where?”

    Answer: “Scared of what?” Scared of using your talents of perception to unite the perplexed, frustrated and addled into an integrated Christian framework, as you state, to strong to be ignored or defeated. The foundation of the Christian framework in this context? – to paraphrase – That my brother is my brother no matter that he strays. On this issue we will stand as ONE.

    Answer: “Retreating to where?” Retreating to regurgitating undigested, opaque issues like the article heading this thread. Watered down redefinitions that serve no purpose and are ultimately meaningless and decisive. The truth here is that we are all mystified – let God sort them out.

    It seems to me fate has handed you a christian and adult issue worthy of your abilities. Why not re-examine, this time with urgency – the splintering of the movement into hostile and isolated cells that find no common purchase ? Why not ask MacDonald, Giles, Linder, the Pastor…..hell, everyone and anyone with something to contribute…put it together and work towards an working agreement, a truce and a common plan.
    No matter how much anyone hates or likes Alex Linder, White, anyone, everyone or visa versa, they all have something vital to contribute that we must have or we have nothing, in a word – UNITY,

    Thats why I comment you are retreating from an issue worthy of your ideals. Search for the mote in your own eye. Find the flaw in yourself, and this movement and work to fix it.

  22. @Zeke

    GES is an acronym for Group Evolutionary Strategy. Dr. Kevin MacDonald describes Judaism as a prime example, with many of its traditions, laws, and customs amounting to an emergent pattern of behavior which benefits and sustains the participating group. Judaism is the most obvious one to the typical Western layman, but virtually all religions, traditions, and folkways can be understood or described in this context.

  23. The points made above by commenter ‘Heinous Heath’ were good, those about the dysgenic effect of Catholic celibacy, as it is known for sure is that the celibate Catholic priesthood had (for over 1,000 years) a SEVERELY DYSGENIC effect on European populations by barring the intellectually, socially, and financially elite Catholic priests from marrying and siring children.

    I can tell you right now that this idea is ludicrous on its face and could only have been made by someone ignorant of religious life in the Middle Ages (which, to be fair, is most people).

    For starters, the majority of priests in the Middle Ages were certainly not the “intellectually, socially, and financially elite”. Some of them certainly were, but nothing like the majority, nor were their ranks (as you seem to think for whatever reason) composed solely of only children, and the practice of sending at least one younger son into the priesthood arguably had a stabilizing effect of reducing the number of landless knights wandering about. Further, throughout the Middle Ages, clerical celibacy was honoured more in the breech than otherwise, so your theory falls through there again.

  24. I was trying to be succinct and sacrificed clarity. I agree that rehabilitating a subset of our elites would probably be the optimal strategy.

    Then I guess I should just drop the matter. It’s gotten so circular I don’t even know if we’re disagreeing any more. 🙂 Sorry if I came off as hostile.

  25. Yes I find the assertions of catastrophic dysgenics via clerical celibacy unconvincing. Where’s the proof? If it was catastrophic, it should be obvious. And if it’s obvious, it should be documented.

  26. Hart reasons in UHH that clerical celibacy did not have a dysgenic effect on IQ (based on IQ comparisons between Eastern and Western Europe- Eastern Orthodox priests could marry, whereas Western Catholic ones could not). Could be any of several reasons for a lack of dysgenic effect: the % of priests was too low to affect the gene pool significantly, priests were not always celibate, priests were able to increase the reproductive fitness of their immediate family members, priests acted to direct eugenic mating habits in their parishes.

  27. “But proof that they’re in control isn’t necessarily proof of malice, conspiracy, or causation.”

    So, for decades or more Jews, by their very words and deeds, have proven themselves hostile to the interests of the white majority are quite possibly apolitical if they’re in positions of authority? That they are incapable or unwilling of networking together to achieve ethnic objectives that are often detrimental to white group interests?

    True, Jews aren’t responsible for every social malady but they have done their utmost of exploiting our racial tendencies towards liberalism, tolerance and fair play to the point that we’re indifferent to, or actively taking part in, our own dispossession. Jews control Hollywood as everyone knows. Even the wacky philo-semites can’t deny that fact anymore.

    If they aren’t acting maliciously then why do they churn out hundreds of movies that tarnish our racial character and promote the mixing of white females with black and other non-white males? Where are all the movies depicting Jewish females falling in love with Arab jihadists or showing Israeli leaders as the sinister, duplicitous and genocidal actors that everyone knows they are? That is because Jewish writers and producers are race conscious Jews who see whites as their biological enemy.

    If, as you contend, Jewish control proves nothing of their intentions then shouldn’t they be making an equal number of pro-white movies or movies that are favorable to all ethnic groups? That’s clearly not happening.

    In the winter 2004 edition of “The Jewish Quarterly” Jewish professor Nathan Abrams proudly reported that Jews created the porn industry to defile and destroy Christian culture and morals. If that isn’t malicious and conspiratorial then what qualifies in your view?

    Sorry, but your answer only raises more doubts and questions. Back to the drawing board.

  28. Excellent comment by Mr. Dithers. I’d like to see a law that all depictions of Caucasian females in intimate or any sort of suggestive or romantic or marital relation with Negro males, whether in movies, talmudvision, print media/magazines, advertizing, or pornography — in all such depictions the female is required to wear a clearly visible Star of David around her neck or any other mark or sign clearly identifying her as Jewish. Right now as things stand the viewer’s default assumption whether unconscious or conscious is she’s a Euro. The Jews who create this stuff non-stop are well aware of that, of course. If a law such as I propose above were in force you’d see production of this stuff instantly drop to zero because 1) it’s all made and hyped by Jews and 20 needless to say the Jews don’t want to see their women with Negro men.

  29. For centuries RC priests suppressed the dissent of the intelligent, sceptical segment of the European population thus breeding conformity and hypocrisy, both of which evolved as long-term negative traits.

  30. Mr. Dithers,

    Did you read what I wrote? I didn’t suggest for a heartbeat that they don’t engage in ethnic networking or work against our interests.

    If, as you contend, Jewish control proves nothing of their intentions then shouldn’t they be making an equal number of pro-white movies or movies that are favorable to all ethnic groups?

    This is a ridiculous dichotomy. Groups flatter themselves and treat outgroups poorly. Every group does this. Jews are neither uniquely good nor bad, just uniquely powerful. In case I didn’t make myself clear: I am against Jews controlling the fate of my tribe. They are not my tribe. Us. Them. Them? Not us.

    Jewish professor Nathan Abrams proudly reported that Jews created the porn industry to defile and destroy Christian culture and morals

    Nathan Abrams doesn’t speak for all Jews or have special knowledge. The simple answer is that Jews exploit Whites in pornography because they can. The simple answer is that this Jewish chauvinist was being boastful. This same pattern of thinking supports every conspiracy theory. I have a family member who’s strongly anti-Catholic, and he knows that the Jesuits are behind it all because Alberto, a former priest, has spilled the beans.

    Feh. Evidence? Nope.

    For me, the correct answer is the simple answer. They treat us poorly because we’re not in their ingroup. They “hold us down” because we pose a credible threat to them. I never claimed that they’re apolitical. I really feel like you scanned my article half-heartedly, concluded I was some kind of dopey philo-Semite, then parroted some unrelated negative stuff about Jews.

  31. It seems superficially obvious that there was a dysgenic impact, but I can’t actually demonstrate it. How would it have been documented?

    I don’t doubt it caused some harm, at least from a given perspective, I just doubt it was catastrophic. If it was, surely someone would’ve given us an exhaustive treatment by now?

  32. And by “given perspective,” I mean just that. E.g., “it took smart people out of the gene pool.” Which could be countered by “it took smart suckers out of the gene pool, not the smart and savvy who got their groove on down low.”

  33. Wiki,
    I read your article three times to make sure I didn’t misunderstand or mischaracterize your position and just read it a fourth time and stand by my original comments.

    “Groups flatter themselves and treat outgroups poorly. Every group does this.”

    In post 1965 America whites treat every outgroup better than they treat themselves. Every minority has seen a sharp population increase thanks to generous welfare and entitlement programs funded by the white taxpaying animals. Movies produced by white directors don’t marginalize and demonize non-whites /outgroups. As I’ve stated in other posts Jews continue making interracial romance flicks even though most are box office flops, so they ain’t doing for the money. They’re willing to lose money to influence even just a small number of white women to breed outside of their race.

    The overriding point is how Jews use the freedom and power they obtain in white gentile societies. Kevin Macdonald has proven their influence is far from benign and that they constitute a hostile elite (or at a minimum a hostile minority) whether in 15th century Spain, Weimar Germany, the Soviet Union, and now 21st century America.

    It seems the “respectable” anti-semites over intellectualize the problem and ignore some evidence in a vain effort to prove to the world that they aren’t paranoid cranks like those declasse people at Stormfront and VNN.

  34. Mr. Dithers,

    You’re hellbent on pigeonholing me as some sort of uppity, insecure, and cowardly apologist for the Jews. I didn’t say they weren’t a hostile elite. You’re arguing against stuff I didn’t say and accusing me of having random motives (such as trying to be more fancy than VNN).

    If somebody had been arguing that their influence on us is benign, you would have sure shown him.

  35. @Wiki
    I won’t say that you are an apologist. But i will say your article would not suffice as an critical analysis. You deserve approbation because you provided no justification for your tepid arguments, and thus disrespected the intelligence of the forum. Your remarks regarding Nietzsche were an insult to any learned person. Take your lumps like a man, and if you can see it within yourself – admit perhaps you should work harder and do research. Thus everyone benefits.

    agreed; so much of what we know of catholicism is protestant anti-catholic propaganda…and when possible what we know of protestantism is catholic anti-reformation propaganda (origin of the word btw.)
    No entity however, had done more to obscure the historicity of the European people, prior to conversion, than the Roman Catholic Church.
    They actively and successfully set out to wipe out the past of the European nations, destroying all documentation and disallowing any histories, a objective they worked at for hundreds of years….so there would be no memory of ancient beliefs, histories and cultures before Christianity. It almost appears history didn’t exist before the Romans and then the Roman Catholic church. Although it very evidently did.

    That said my great-great-great-great Grandfather was a prelate and metropolitan who left Prussia for Austria in the time of Frederick The Great. The Austrian branch of my family has many clerics. And yet both branches of the family are very large.
    The idea of Catholic dysgenics is just another verbal tool used by jews to explain why they are so much smarter than Europeans – and happily given currency by Protestants, or those of a Protestant culture looking for a reason they feel inferior to Jews. However, the whole Jewish IQ gambit but another confidence trick. Successful because it would be considered antisemitic to pull apart the shaky edifice of Einstein and all those jewish noble prizes that seem to coincide so closely to prewar German science, lifted wholesale by the Americans in Operaton paperclip.

  36. @Grimoire

    After having re-read the passages pertaining to “God is Dead”, I’m going to go back and say that my interpretation is a defensible and rational way to take it.

    My argument, that Jews are merely occupying a void which Western elites once occupied before going under, has a scholarly pedigree that predates me, namely in Catholic and Radical Traditionalist schools. I didn’t offer a complete analysis, as that wouldn’t be appropriate for the medium. I may take your advice and work on a more thorough defense on this answer to the JQ and link to it when complete.

  37. “The idea of Catholic dysgenics is just another verbal tool used by jews to explain why they are so much smarter than Europeans – and happily given currency by Protestants, or those of a Protestant culture looking for a reason they feel inferior to Jews. However, the whole Jewish IQ gambit but another confidence trick. …”

    Wow, right on there Grimoire! You are so right about the ‘JewQ’ being largely a confidence trick (and a propaganda meme) that is not only spread by the Jewish elites themselves,

    …but moreso by dopey ‘gentile’ supplicants (especially the HBD geeks) who wish to kiss up to, and curry favor with ’em. Really sad that many a WN even falls for this schtick (along with many other Zionist bs — particularly the fantasy claim that AshkeNAZI ‘Jews’ are the descendants of the ancient Israelites and Hebrews – LOL).

    Like I said a few times before, eastern European ‘Jews’ are primarily the biological descendants of 7th century Khazar converts, with a good deal of Slavic genes thrown in the mix — when they, as they always have done, sought to appropriate the best of the genetic stock of the lands of the peoples of which they dwelled within.

    Today, like in the past, they are still seeking to assimilate the best of the North-West (and other) Euro stock into their own,

    …and are using the ” the whole Jewish IQ gambit (as) but another confidence trick” into fooling high IQ ‘gentiles’ in thinking that there group is a bunch of ‘rednecks’ and (their favorite term) ‘proles’.

    Hence, the only ‘hope’ for a decent life for intelligent Whites is to intermarry with the ‘tribe’ — and short of that, mix it up with Asians, and ignore the needs and interests of their own kith-and-kin.

    Ah, the machinations of the ‘Misch-tizo Mafya’.

  38. Wiki,
    I’m not trying to be argumentative and there were things about your article I agreed with. It’s just that it seemed you were arguing that Jews ascended to positions of leadership in most sectors of society almost be default because we lacked a native managerial class. This is almost like saying Mexicans are doing the jobs Americans won’t do, but Americans were doing them long before the Mexicans barged in.

    Perhaps I misunderstood, but in my opinion it constitutes more of a hostile takeover by Jews. Our former WASP elites simply weren’t organized enough or racially conscious enough to defeat them and we are paying a heavy price for their failure.

  39. Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the ancient Israelites.

    Ashkenazi Jews are very intelligent, though it’s unlikely to be as high as 115.

    The words Ashkenazi and Nazi have nothing to do with one another.

    I have never suggested breeding out our tribe or ignoring the interests of our tribe.

    This nonsense is similar to the Nation of Islam’s myth that White people were designed on an island in the sea by a mad-scientist. It’s detrimental to the actual struggle against Jewish domination of the West because it fails to soberly analyze our situation. It’s not harmless, especially to the extent that those who follow this line of reasoning spend more time calling out heretics within our own ranks than doing anything that interfaces in any way with the material situation.

  40. @Wiki
    Well, it’s sad you feel that way. You obviously nave not been taught to make the critical distinction between what an author means, and what the authors characters say. And this is vital to any understanding. And as this is Nietzsche, things are not even that simple, you must also understand Nietzsche’s humour, what he knows you will say…which most of you do …. the novels were written as much for the people who think they understand, and do not….as for the humour of those who do. And amazingly, a hundred and fifty years later, to the testament of his genius, the joke is still fresh.
    Perhaps it is translation. If you could read it in German, it may be clearer. Let me quote to you from the opening passages of the first edition of the original:

    “Der tolle Mensch. – Habt ihr nicht von jenem tollen Menschen gehört, der am hellen Vormittage eine Laterne anzündete, auf den Markt lief und unaufhörlich schrie: “ich suche Gott! Ich suche Gott!”


    “The Madman. Have you heard of the madman who one bright morning ran into the market place and called out “I search for God – I search for God”

    Then it goes on to describe how the people laughed and said such as ‘where is he hiding, is he afraid?” etc.

    Further down:

    Der tolle Mensch sprang mitten unter sie und durchbohrte sie mit seinen Blicken. “Wohin ist Gott? rief er, ich will es euch sagen! Wir haben ihn getödtet, – ihr und ich!

    The madman sprang into the middle and fixed them with his stare. “Where is God” I tell you! We have killed him, you and I!

    Two paragraphs down in original German

    Wie trösten wir uns, die Mörder aller Mörder? Das Heiligste und Mächtigste, was die Welt bisher besass, es ist unter unseren Messern verblutet, – wer wischt diess Blut von uns ab?

    How shall we solace ourselves, the most murderous of murderers? The holiest and mightiest that the world has had, had under our knife been bled – who will wipe the blood from us?

    Even the style is significant, but I have no time to explain the relation. Nietzsche added to the the original tale in ‘The Gay Science’ , “Die fröhliche Wissenschaft”, in the second edition, most often cited, but the addendum was only to perplex the idiots who already did not understand his original. So he develops an exegesis for their benefit. And it was barbed.

    You see, you cannot understand Nietzsche unless you read him for yourself, for knowledge, excitement,enjoyment and imagination, without critiques offered by philosophers, anglo churchmen and other sunday school teachers… telling you how to understand. Nietzsche was not a philospher in the English sense… he was an artist, a poet (as he called himself) who destroyed clay idols – his method not to insult god, or even to admit he exists (“to kill god one must admit he first exists” – but to insult ‘the murderers of god’. In English this is ‘The Madman”, but in German, it is also ‘The Mad Men”, where ‘tolle mensch’ infers a class of men.

    Translated from Maxims undt Arrows, Götzen-Dämmerung, oder, Wie man mit dem Hammer philosophirt

    “THE DISAPPOINTED MAN SPEAKS.–I sought great human beings, I never found anything but the APES of their ideal.”

    Nietzsche was not a philospher as the English refer to a philospher, and he only had contempt for the imaginations of slaves. He was a true philosopher, in the classic sense. He was the greatest student and professor of Greek of his time, before he was ever known as a philosopher and novelist, he was a man who understood the Greek classic philosophers more than anyone of his era, or any era.
    And in the Greek classic tradition, his poetry – are the keys to understand his work.

    In Brando’s Wild One – they ask jonnyboy what he is rebelling against, his answer – ‘whatta ya got’
    This was Neitzsche . His contempt for the academics of this age… referred to as decadents, employing dialectics as tools of self preservation. His books were written to enrage them with his superiority – the superiority of the free thinker. There is a poem in “Maxims” where he delineates this clearly, however I do not remember it clearly and will not offer it here in fragmented German or translation. God, for Nietzsche, as he says in his passages on Goethe, was the European soul.

    This is why he called the book that contains the Madman – “Die fröhliche Wissenschaft” or The Gay Science”, in german the meaning is clearer.

    If you try to understand Nietzsche via the reaction of decadents threatened by his work. You will understand nothing and remain at their mercy and a slave.

    And yet still, a hundred and fifty years later, the joke is still fresh.

  41. @wiki
    the documentation concerning the origins of Ashkenazi jews is multiplex and accepted by the Encyclopedia Judaica. They are not descendants of the original hebrews. I am beginning to wonder if you are not beyond hope…

  42. above I wrote “Die fröhliche Wissenschaft” or The Gay Science”
    I meant – Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, or “The Playful Science” which is the truer sense of the title translated into english.

  43. “Jews continue making interracial romance flicks even though most are box office flops, so they ain’t doing it for the money. They’re willing to lose money to influence even just a small number of white women to breed outside of their race.” ( — Mr. Dithers)

    Bullseye. Dead center.

    Dithers does a lot of good work.

  44. @Grimoire

    Thanks for the clarification on Nietzsche. It’s apparent that my analysis was superficial and my inclusion of it in my paper was probably a distraction.

    I was sitting in the bathroom earlier this week, thumbing through my vintage copy of National Vanguard magazine, and happened upon an article in which Revilo P. Oliver dismisses the Khazar Hypothesis and the claims that Ashkenazi Jews are unrelated to the ancient Hebrews. I’ve replaced Readers Digest in my bathroom with National Vanguard magazine and that actually made me MORE of a hopeless philo-Semite? Oy vey!

    @Mr. Dithers

    Our former WASP elites simply weren’t organized enough or racially conscious enough to defeat them and we are paying a heavy price for their failure.

    You’ve stated my thesis better than I did. It appears I’ve gotten myself into an argument with another person I largely agree with by being unclear. I’ll work on that.

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