Review: Precious

An illiterate and morbidly obese 16 year old Black girl scrambles out of KFC with a stolen bucket of fried chicken, then races to the waiting room of a special school for delinquents. While in the waiting room, she lurches forward and vomits into the garbage can because she’s pregnant with her second child. The father of the child is her own HIV Positive father, who viciously rapes her while her mother looks the other way and plots to use the additional offspring to get more welfare money.

No, you’re not trapped in one of Bill White’s darkest fever dreams. You’re watching Hollywood’s latest “racially charged” drama, Precious. The movie, directed by a Black homosexual, is based on the novel “Push”, which was written by a Black lesbian. It is part of a general paradigm shift that has occurred within the last couple years in which Hollywood has eased up on exploiting White Guilt for a spell in favor of exploiting an even deeper reserve: White Pity.

Precious, the titular monstrosity, fantasizes about being a blonde White woman, has a crush on her White math teacher, and is eventually rescued from a cast of literally and figuratively dark characters by White, nearly White, and very light heroines. White and light social workers, like guardian angels, are offering salvation, but the dark forces of Black culture try to pull her away from the heavenly glow of literacy, employment, independence, and Whiteness.

This inversion of the role of Whites isn’t part of some realization by Hollywood that it has been too hard on us. With White Pity films, we’re encouraged to perceive ourselves as noble protectors of our inferiors. In Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood turns his back on his own ungrateful White family to take pity on a Hmong girl who’s been raped and terrorized by Hmong gangsters. In The Blind Side, a suburban White family welcomes a homeless and muscular Black buck to live in the same home as their very young teenage girl.

It’s a bit refreshing to see more accurate portrayals of the poverty and depravity of America’s ethnic ghettos, but it’s the same product with a different pitch. Whites must transfer their resources to minorities. We have a moral obligation to give what we have to them. The new movies continue to promote our ongoing cuckolding on a civilizational scale, but accommodate the fact derived from focus groups that Whites are getting a bit desensitized to the guilt shtick.

Frankly, and this may be even more heretical than “racism”, the problem I saw was that there really wasn’t any hope…at all. If you’re not literate by 16, then encouraging you to try to study until you can get into college is preposterous. At one point, the teacher tells Precious that getting educated is more important than raising her child. I tried to picture these characters performing any kind of job whatsoever and was incapable of it. For all the conservative nonsense about “workfare”, proposing that Precious’s mom could become independent if she tried is preposterous. Pretending that illiterate third world couch potatoes infesting the collapsing ruins of Western Civilization would be capable of achieving first world educational, occupational, and social goals is a kind of abuse.

It’s like telling a paralyzed kid that he could walk again if he would only try harder.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. What you say about the deep problems of America’s black, ghetto subculture is largely true, but I think history needs to be the guide. Once upon a time whites acted with a sense of noblesse oblige, but also confidence in our civilizational superiority. Black leaders recognized this too and tried to emulate white elites. America and America’s black people were all better off under this regime. The 1960s decoupled effort and reward and the idea that if we’re giving you help then you need to follow certain basic rules. Rules are good for everyone, and people who are less educated, talented, or self-controlled benefit by greater social control. Pity need not be bottomless, so long as pity is coupled with realism about the need for order and discipline and is buttressed by civilizational self-confidence. This older, historical and more decent America is what I believe should be restored insofar as that is possible.

  2. “It’s like telling a paralyzed kid that he could walk again if he would only try harder.”

    In the words of Jack in the movie, The Shining, while responding to advice from the ghost bartender, named Lloyd………


  3. If you want to bet that “Precious” is going to be a net loss for White consciousness because of the pity factor, I’ll call your pity hand and raise the stake with the “gross-out factor.”

    Ordinary White kids who are not explicitly taught that they are supposed to “feel pity” for Precious, but instead to understand that “Precious” depicts the world as it has been created by liberal lunatics, and be grossed out at it. They’ll also have a good laugh at the liberal “angels.”

    New York City has been a cornucopia of welfare breeding for decades, but it looks like the party’s over:

    Manhattan is no longer accepting the welfare hordes. They did their job in destroying Whites, now “let them move to Fishkill, upstate.”

    The huge social experiment in killing YT and promoting non-whites to displace them is being revealed as a huge farce, a Madoff swindle writ large. The “Great Society” inheritance is bankrupt, and the Chinese debt collectors are going to be the conservators of the bankrupt estate. It’s going to be one big Detroit, from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

  4. I’m glad they’re showing a realistic portrayal of blacks in all of their dysfunctional glory. If they’re going to manipulate our emotions at least have the decency to show us who they really are.

  5. I think an important aspect of white nationalism is a total rejection of the idea that whites should waste any of own resources to help other races. That is one of the things that sets us apart from conservatism and old fashion “white man’s burden” white supremacy.

  6. I’m not against charity, however I’m against anything that has deleterious effects for our race and nation. I reject that we have an obligation to non-whites.

  7. Also, feeling compassion for human beings of other races is a trait that whites (including most non-Orthodox Jews) have in greater amounts than other groups. I certainly have compassion for lots of non-whites, and if I knew the character in this movie I would try to help.

    It doesn’t need to have a deleterious effect on whites provided it is the right type of help. Roach’s comments above make some good points.

    Anyway, if we’re able to keep America majority-white by ending Mexican immigration in the coming two decades, such a move will be VERY economically beneficial for under-educated and not-very-bright black Americans. So don’t throw these human beings on the scrap heap yet.

  8. Crypto-Aryan,

    I certainly don’t mean to imply that that they should be “thrown on any scrap heap”. My answer to the Black Question is the same answer I have to the White Question. Find indigenous elites who are thoroughly invested in and committed to that community and empower those shepherds to lead their sheep.

    In a Black context, this means something many Whites will find uncomfortable, which is empowering the Black pastors. While watching Precious, the moment where she’s envisioning herself as a gospel singer in the church choir was the only moment where any glimmer of hope for positivity seemed attainable. These Black religious leaders may irritate us and even say hurtful stuff about us, but they do something we simply can’t: inspire their own to be virtuous and industrious. Our involvement seems to have the opposite effect.

  9. Right, all these bleeding-heart liberals and Christians should move to the third world and stay there. Don’t bring the third world home and ruin our nations, thanks.

  10. In a Black context, this means something many Whites will find uncomfortable, which is empowering the Black pastors.

    I don’t think the majority would care.

    When Malik Shabazz goes on Hannity’s show and tells him blacks should teach blacks, and blacks should live with blacks, that’s genius. We should support that kinds of black leaders. But white morons like Hannity want to integrate with blacks, at least by their words. Where they actually live and send their children to school is a completely different matter.

    Pastors like James David Manning who hates Obama and seems to advocate for white preservation are much better leadership for blacks.

  11. These Black religious leaders may irritate us and even say hurtful stuff about us, but they do something we simply can’t: inspire their own to be virtuous and industrious. Our involvement seems to have the opposite effect.

    Excellent point.

    Right, all these bleeding-heart liberals and Christians should move to the third world and stay there. Don’t bring the third world home and ruin our nations, thanks.

    Another excellent point.

  12. It’s like telling a paralyzed kid that he could walk again if he would only try harder.

    The regime is vulnerable to ethnopatriotic criticism from the quasi-left, or quasi-ethnopatriotic criticism from the left, depending on how you look at it.

    E.g., the regime is clearly racist against non-whites. It portrays whites as inherently and irremediably “soft racist,” yet does everything it can to bring more and more non-whites into close proximity with whites via integration, immigration, population transfer, “anti-discrimination law,” etc. What kind of psycho does things like this? Someone who cares about non-whites? No. Someone who hates non-whites, or sees them as little more than tools to be exploited? Yes.

    Anti-human, or anti-humanist, is the best way I can think of to describe them. They aren’t anti-white, they’re anti-everyone. They’re misanthropes.

  13. E.g., the regime is clearly racist against non-whites. It portrays whites as inherently and irremediably “soft racist,” yet does everything it can to bring more and more non-whites into close proximity with whites via integration, immigration, population transfer, “anti-discrimination law,” etc.

    And everything it can to demonize what would ease the suffering of the poor non-whites, inflicted at the hands of wicked, inherently and irremediably “soft racist” whites: separation, freedom of association, etc.

    What do you think of your cat if you sew him into a bag with a wolverine? You can say all the bad things you like about the wolverine, and scold it for its inherent wickedness, but your sewing your cat into a bag with it suggests who you really have a grudge against.

  14. Hmmmm. Blacks realistically depicted in their natural state as semi-savages dependent on the good will of naive and altruistic white people for survival. Whites depicted as heroic and of sound moral character. This is eerily close to how things really are.

    I think it’s time Jewish Hollywood outsource the production of movies to black homosexuals.

  15. The torture-rape of a fifteen-year old white girl by Mexicans and blacks at a San Francisco high school was certainly heinous, but it was not an unusual occurrence. Such violent crimes are the norm now that America has become a multi-racial land mass rather than a white nation. There is no reason to believe that the colored hatred of whites will ever abate until they have killed every last white. The liberals’ exultation at every new atrocity against whites is the folly of a people who have declared themselves an evolved species of being who no longer regard themselves as white people. “It is those other white people who must die. And good riddance to them!” is the cry of the liberal.

  16. Great analysis, Wikitopian! But, it is refreshing to not be guilt-tripped just for being White. I would rather have empathy brought out than pure self-hatred!

    Maybe this could make a point that Whites are particularly empathetic and thus MUST be preserved. While I agree your point is right, and the Left won’t let the logic follow with step-one, there would be a benefit in exposing Mexican racism against Blacks.

  17. I think it important enough to be said, so I’ll post my thoughts on Gilesgate here:

    The decision Hunter Wallace makes on whether or not he will continue to write on the Jewish Question with a critical eye is important for the reason that it is an example in microcosm to which the same moral reasoning can be applied to the decision taken generally, that is by all of us and all future analysts and critics of Jewry. Often times an analogy helps us flesh out a problem, that is a parallel example in which the same basic issues are at stake, to which a similar way of solving said could be applied, and therefore the same moral reasoning process. An analogy: Let us say that a proponent of environmental preservation was attempting to build aid in building a movement to accomplish the former. He actively engages in the promotion of particularly radical proponents of environmental preservation. It turns out, however, that these men he promoted in good faith advocate as the only solution to save the environment from total ruination the total extermination of all human beings. Now, our proponent of environmental preservation must ask himself whether or not the total extermination of all human being is in fact realistically needed to preserve the environment. Having concluded that it is not – a much more moderate solution to the Human Question would in fact be effective – he can lay aside the matter of doing it unerringly by necessity, even from the perspective of a purely amoral, practical approach to the problem.

    I’ll expand on these thoughts later depending on their reception.

  18. Yes please, post more pages of convoluted analogies, I can’t wait to read it.

    HW you might as well reopen that thread, I think a lot of people have something to say on the issue and they’ll just post it elsewhere off topic.

  19. Hunter, it occurred to me at this instant that Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a very real and decisive way a moral algorithm that European Man may be bound to abide by for good or ill, that is genetically deterministically; he has no choice in the matter. This question must be answered eventually, if not by us now, then by others later; and if by them later, then why not by us now? This a stark example of what GW means when he says we need a philosophy to guide our actions in light of our BEING, our nature. You have looked into the Abyss, the Abyss has looked back at you, you have blinked, the question is now ‘What next?’. And if you have blinked then others will surely blink later and ask themselves too ‘What next?’.

  20. This note is a notable case study of an author who understands perfectly well what is going on, yet goes out his way to implicate “The Jews” and to suggest that they are guilty. As he writes, This inversion of the role of Whites isn’t part of some realization by Hollywood that it has been too hard on us… In Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood turns his back on his own ungrateful White family to take pity on a Hmong girl who’s been raped and terrorized by Hmong gangsters. True. Gran Torino was a hit and made a lot of money. Hollywood is permanently in search for what is working, and saw that the Gran Torino formula was working. Precious follows that formula and if makes money, many more Precious will be made. If anything, the formula belongs to its discoverer, Clint Eastwood, the paradigm of non-Jewishness. And it is a pity, because Bernie Madoff vacuum-cleaned Hollywood and our tin is empty.

  21. I’ll expand on these thoughts later depending on their reception.

    More or less my position. I don’t see the need to go a-moralizin’ about it, because it’s a bad idea, period.

  22. This note is a notable case study of an author who understands perfectly well what is going on, yet goes out his way to implicate “The Jews” and to suggest that they are guilty. As he writes, This inversion of the role of Whites isn’t part of some realization by Hollywood that it has been too hard on us… In Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood turns his back on his own ungrateful White family to take pity on a Hmong girl who’s been raped and terrorized by Hmong gangsters. True. Gran Torino was a hit and made a lot of money. Hollywood is permanently in search for what is working, and saw that the Gran Torino formula was working. Precious follows that formula and if makes money, many more Precious will be made. If anything, the formula belongs to its discoverer, Clint Eastwood, the paradigm of non-Jewishness. And it is a pity, because Bernie Madoff vacuum-cleaned Hollywood and our tin is empty.

    What a crock of shit. Dick Wolf tried and tried to make his show about rich, snobby Jewish and black and mestizo and Arab murderers in NYC. But in the end he had to make a few shekels to keep his family fed, and gave the audience what it wanted!


  23. If anything, the formula belongs to its discoverer, Clint Eastwood, the paradigm of non-Jewishness. And it is a pity, because Bernie Madoff vacuum-cleaned Hollywood and our tin is empty.

    Er, Clint Eastwood, a guy who earned fame and fortune in Jew-run Hollywood, is the paradigm of non-Jewishness?

  24. j,

    Your jew-babble is a timely reminder why it’s essential to keep discussing jewish influence. Pretty much everybody, in one way or another, suffers from the corny and/or deceitful ideas about reality that you people tirelessly propound (seemingly instinctively).

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