Our’n and They’rn

I’ve answered the following question:

“Here is the major issue that we need to address: does blogging about the Jewish Question, that is, drawing attention to the issue, is that aiding and abetting the exterminationist anti-Semites? Are we making their job easier? Are we making people more receptive to the idea of killing Jews and non-Whites? What are the moral implications of that?”

I think most people here will be satisfied. It is a fair and reasonable answer. It is not the ideological whiplash that some have expected, but a more tempered point of view.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Are these our only two choices? Either associate ourselves with ranting nutjobs screaming about genocide, or cater to Jews and ban criticism of them, even, as F. Braun wants to do, invite them into the leadership of the White movement?

    I reject this false choice. We have no need of either nutjobs like Linder/Giles, nor Jew ass-kissers like Braun and Guy White. A pox on both their houses.

    I’d put Jews and gays into the same boat. Both are hostile for similar reasons to the majority, Christian inspired culture of Whites, because Christian culture rejected them both. (Philo and Chrysostom). The ones that are truly on our side put together may in fact fill up that Applebee’s restaurant.

  2. It still is a bit romanticist for me, with words like “our people.” I’m more of a materialist and a “harsh realist” than a romantic. But that’s just a personality trait you have.

    If one wanted to really address the Jewish question critically, your strategy is the one most likely to work. The people you found shocking probably do create a lot of philosemites who drop the Jewish question altogether.

    Though I still think, so much has been written about Jews. I’m beginning to think that the issue is compulsive and I need to break the habit about talking about them. Though my posts are usually more “philosemitic” than most. I wonder where this habit comes from?

  3. I think the answers are often found in history. The America of Ivy League quotas was not genocidal against Jews or anyone else. At the same time, a system of rank and privilege that looked more to birth and character and less to brains and craftiness succeeded for a long time in preserving a certain way of life. America in the 1920s was not Nazi Germany, try as Hollywood and Obama and all the rest would have us think this was the case.

    Why did it not persist? Well, the problem was that ceratain of our founding principles, particularly on equality, have been employed like an indictment by those on the outside. It’s Trojan Horse stuff. Outsiders, particularly blacks but also Jews, have shamed WASPy elites into giving up power in the name of fairness and fair play, which WASPs excel out. Little did they know that the rules would change as soon as the newcomers, the Mercurians, were in charge. Assuming continuing fair play is fatal to WASP power, and the Holocaust and the mythology surrounding it have prevented reasonable criticism of Jews, acknowledgement of their role as an elite, and generally the use of appropriate generalizations in making public and private policies.

    This may change. I think between TARP and the Iraq War, the neocons have overplayed their hand. But those would think we should go from happy-clappy multiculturalist America to mass murder are both (a) immoral and (b) unrealistic if they think that they won’t immediately be shown the door by such stuff. On the other hand, on issues like crime, immigration, the economy, education, and foreign policy nationalists have a lot to say that can be persuasive.

    The amazing thing about the current Republican party is that the cultural conservatives can form a majority coalition more easily than these shills for Israel and Wall Street.

  4. Can we start to address some different issues?
    Honestly, we have so much work to do. You’re living in your own little world here. Look at this:
    “Greater Diversity Seen as Positive Change
    A majority (61%) of the public says that the increasing racial and ethnic diversity in the United States has been a change for the better; 25% say increasing diversity has not made much difference and only 9% say it has been a change for the worse. However, opinion that increased diversity has been a change for the better is more widely held among some demographic groups than others.

    Older people are less likely to believe that increased diversity has been a change for the better; about half (49%) of people ages 65 and older say this has been a change for the better compared with about two-thirds (66%) of those younger than 50. More college graduates (72%) than those with a high school education or less (54%) think increased diversity is a change for the better.”

  5. I think it is undeniable that Jews have caused a lot of damage. However, it seems to me that your average man on the street is not going to say “I used to think that race doesn’t matter, but now that I realize the Jews are behind it, now I’m a white nationalist.”

    To get the persuadables, I would leave the Jewish question aside. However, it is important that we are aware of it ourselves, so we don’t get the movement turned into “Israel is on the first front defending the West from Islam” or something like that. So I think blogs like this, TOQ, TOO etc. are good places for us to debate amongst ourselves about the Jewish Question, but I think it is more important that we hold off on that when trying to convert people to our position on race. That’s why I think it’s good that AR stays clear of the Jews.

  6. “I used to think that race doesn’t matter, but now that I realize the Jews are behind it, now I’m a white nationalist.”

    Good point.

    I think racialists of my stripe are more concerned with the scientific aspects of race, whereas others racialists are more concerned with the fact that they think Jews are imposing globalism on them. Which they are to an extent, but grievances, naivety and capitalism explain it.

  7. “Israel is on the first front defending the West from Islam”

    This has the advantage of being factually correct. Have you been to western Europe? Islamic immigration is the number one problem. I have noted that the JDL has praised and defended the Swiss vote. I want to work with the JDL.

  8. 1.) Re: Damage and Jews.

    We should publicize the issue. The NAACP publicized lynchings until it ceased to be a problem.

    2.) An incremental approach is needed. We need sites that focus exclusively on race. We also need sites that discuss race and Jews. What we don’t need are sites that advocate crazy shit like exterminating entire groups of people.

  9. Someone from the last thread – “2) Jews are waiting and willing to become white nationalists en masse if only anti-semites would come to their senses. ”

    “Waiting and willing” to stab overly gullible Whites (their sworn racial [Darwinian] enemies) in the back again, you mean? Nah man, we ain’t falling for any more of their dirty tricks no more.

  10. Hunter, when racialists drop the Christian religion, then all kinds of evil are possible. At least the neo-Pagan 14 words types at least understand that one cannot be both a Christian and someone advocating genocide or something similar. At the same time, and liberal Christians don’t understand this, nothing in historical Christianity requires that one is indifferent to one’s nation, afraid of corralling troublesome minorities, or that you must accept the open borders and unpatriotic nonsense that masquerades as required Christian compassion.

  11. You closed the comments while I was writing this in the Mea Culpa thread, it’s still relevant here.

    Hunter Wallace
    With a single meme, Alex Linder destroyed Radio Free Mississippi, everyone take note. He convinced Jim Giles that exterminating the Jews was the only solution to the Jewish Question. After his explosion on Saturday, no one wants to touch him now.

    Giles self destruction was inevitable. He needed no push from Alex. Most of his crazy rants have been set off by dwelling on the details of black crimes from the distant past, crimes he’s been dwelling on for years.

    Giles doesn’t have the intelligence (or sanity) to have a moral code. One minute he says that no one is calling for killing jewish children, the next he’s defending Linder and calling for war on the jews. He isn’t capable of making the simple connection between “kill all the jews” and “killing jewish children.”

    In his calmer moments he probably would disagree with Alex. He isn’t a cold hearted monster. He’s a passionate madman. It’s ironic that his most intense, passionate rage is driven by thoughts of the cold hearted murder of innocent white children by blacks.

    Alex is more detached. He reminds me of the gentile nerds who helped designed the atomic bomb. The consequences are remote so he can carry on like it’s a simple matter of logistics.

    If he was handed a gun and told to execute a random jewish child I bet he couldn’t do it.

  12. “liberal Christians don’t understand this, nothing in historical Christianity requires that one is indifferent to one’s nation, afraid of corralling troublesome minorities, or that you must accept the open borders and unpatriotic nonsense that masquerades as required Christian compassion.” ( — Roach)

    Well said. Bullseye.

    It’s genocide-by-omission that the Vatican isn’t making this clear to Eurosphere Catholics. Someone mentioned above that the Swiss Jews wanted more minarets, which they did, along with the entire Euro-Jewish community. Guess who else wanted more minarets? The Vatican:


  13. The issue on this posting is really a variation on the question, “Who is white?” and at bottom asks, “Are non-gentiles white?”

    Non-gentiles, one of the most vigorous ethnicities, switch-hit between being white and being non-white. Sometimes they claim to be unique, and sometimes they claim to be a mixture of Asian and African origins. Sometimes a race and sometimes a religion. Sometimes a European-origin white ethnicity, and sometimes a Southwest Asian Semitic ethnicity.

    While we have to admire their relativistic swift-footedness, we can get trapped in the issue, and waste time and resources trying to sort out the mystery. The riddle has no solution. Our problem is to ensure that our white activist leadership will always be people who are white all the time.

    We mustn’t waste precious time on the topic. For one thing, it’s not white-centric at all. The issue for us is to select white leadership that knows its white voice and is white-centric.

  14. Since some of you think Giles might be a Neo-Turner informant-type, go ahead and pick him apart like a good investigative debater here in OD’s very own ‘School of Athens’ – no one is stopping you from doing so.

    I’ve listened to most of the last couple of Giles’ aptly named ‘Rebel Rants’ (great choice of name, man) and we ought to review some of the info and background about him which could’ve pushed him over the edge as of late:

    1- He lost what was likely a very good and lucrative job at IBM, probably sleazily pushed out by a non-White affirmative-action hire or bureaucratic Jew who could’ve nepotistically lobbied upper-level IBM Jews for his Jewish job over White Giles’ job

    2 – He went through a divorce, which is of course very traumatic for all involved: not sure how long ago.

    3- He was forced to leave NYC and elsewhere (?), places he said he much enjoyed living in, to move back home to backwater Mississippi near his parents to live in a trailer with a bunch of hound dogs and assorted other animals: surely a huge ego crushing blow to a grown man’s mind, especially a smart and driven person like Giles

    4 – He says he “don’t need/want friends, he has his dogs” (‘ain’t nuthin’ but a hound dog…’) – yet he stated that he is indeed pretty lonely living out in the woods…yup, take it from me, these sylvan Southern thickets during the wintertime can sometimes try a man’s soul…

    5 – On air he goes over and over and over extremely graphic official crime reports of Black on White crimes, including rapes/assaults/murders of White children and women, crimes which he (mistakenly?) perceives to be genocidal against Whites — this is what seems to make him the most angry and unhinged at times; then he sees and talks with a nice young single White mother with kids who is genuinely hungry and yet you have all these Black and Mestizo welfare leeches getting all of these food stamps, welfare, etc from ZOG, meanwhile this young White single mother who was too proud to ask for welfare

    6 – Though he has a thick accent and talks slowly (which I think is perfectly fine by me, in fact it shows character and an unwillingness to submit to Jewish ‘newspeak,’ those Jewsmedia accentless cosmopolitan coastal-types who looks down upon all White ‘provincials’), yet despite all that he has at least 2 college degrees (maybe 3 if you count MBA?), played a very violent and high impact sport (football) amongst lots of huge and powerful people which shows definite courage, etc (SIDE NOTE: one should always distrust fast-talkin wily confusing Jews who seek to mentally befuddle you, they do this in an intentional manner…you can always better trust the slow-talking and thoughtful Whites in whatever accent they speak in)

    7 – In earlier, more innocent American times Giles would’ve certainly made an excellent Southron lawyer, judge, and/or preacherman (he is indeed oratorically eloquent, you cannot deny him that), but he chased the big city livin’ corPIRATE faux Jew ‘Amerikwan Dream’ which is pushed by the Jewsmedia of lies and illusions and was seemingly disappointing by his inability to ‘make it’ there: he seems to take all of this personally, as possibly a personal failure on his part?

    8 – He is angry, isolated living in a trailer in the woods with a pack of loud hound dogs, all hopped up on black coffee, possibly suffering from SAD due to the very short days this time of year (as many people do), and he’s lashing out a what often appears to him (and us) to be an increasingly hostile America to genuinely intelligent and insightful White Southern men like him (and some of us), especially someone of a definite Northern-Euro phenotype such as him?

    9 – Some of the richer and more notable White locals in his Mississippi town/region, people like cops, judges, lawyers, etc, look down upon him sneeringly and snobbishly like some of the NYC Jews probably did despite his clear ability, drive, intelligence, brutal honesty, and so on — he sees himself languishing in a backwoods MS trailer whilst these brown-nosing Jews and corrupt White ‘good ol’ boys’ live it up on the taxpayer’s dime, corrupt tools of The System who sympathize more with Black murderers/rapists/etc than a White man trying to make a real difference in the USA, etc

    * I am not trying to be an apologist for Giles’ rather unhinged on-air behavior or possible insinuations toward ‘genocide’ in some of his radio shows, just trying to gather some reliable evidence…anyone else have more to add? Please by all means correct any and all of the above it is incorrect, some of it is just speculation corroborated by what Giles said in a few of his rants and interviews (the ones I have listened to anyhow, which isn’t all of them).

  15. By the way, I want to congratulate you, H.W., for not letting yourself be manipulated by Linder. You showed intelligence and character.

    By working with Jews and including them in our ranks we will have, among other good things, polarized the Jewish community and successfully inoculated ourselves against charges of a Nazi-like hidden agenda, something a Guessedworker, for example, cannot do. His disdain is reserved for *German* National Socialism, not the U.K. variety, as he clearly indicated in another thread on here by saying that U.K. Nazis of the ’70’s were fundamentally right on the issues but lacked “creativity” – your guess is as good what that piece of typical Guessedworker gobbledygook means. I’m still patiently waiting after 5 years for him to come up with a new philosophy for European-derived peoples. We need it, he says, for our salvation! He keeps talking about it without actually laying the golden egg, but attacks T.O.Q. for not producing a new ideological paradigm, just analysis. E.i., he attacks T.O.Q. for not doing what M.R. hasn’t done either. Personally, I think affected shadow boxing to impress imbeciles. What we need to do is to adapt to post-modernity by couching our case as a defence of liberal democracy, the way Geert Wilders has done, thereby stealing from liberals their rhetorical weapons and showing them to be the true illiberal ones. The ultimate rhetorical coup! (“war as discourse”, as a famous philosopher once said). I’m still amazed at Wilders’s cleverness. He’s defending Europe against the immigration/ invasion of barbarians who want to enslave women, stone homosexuals, destroy our fundamental freedoms, etc. He has successfully painted the E.U. elites as being disconnected from the people they rule and claim to represent. I really enjoyed the authoritarian and elitist reaction of the E.U. power structure to the Swiss vote! How dare the Swiss democratically decide how they want to live in their own country without obeying E.U.’s multiculturalist Diktats! In essence, Wilders is fighting to restore to foundations of liberal democracy against the authoritarian E.U. judicio-polical technoracy. Witness how the judicio-political system is persecuting him for hate speech while Muslim radicals are left in peace to preach violent Jihad in their mosques. This indicates to me that the system views Geert Wilders as a greater threat to the E.U. project and post-war ideological status quo than radical Islam. The attempt by the E.U. elites to effectively bar him from electoral eligibility should he be convicted of hate speech – for producing a 5-minute film quoting Muslim holy scriptures! – sends a clear message about whom they view as a menace to the E.U. monstrosity. He has already promised to repeal all E.U. anti-free speech laws – including those criminalizing Holocaust-denial.

    J.D.L. distances itself from liberal Jews.


    We need to appeal to the Right-wing (Orthodox or other), Islamophobic Jews. Priority number one. God knows there’s a lot of them out there!

  16. Everyone:

    Notice: This will be the last thread in which discussions of Alex Linder, Jim Giles, RFM, or VNN will be allowed. In future threads, references to any of the above will airbrushed out or deleted. We’re going to move on to more productive topics. Those who want to engage either Giles or Linder know which rocks they can be found under. I’m also locking this thread at 100 comments.

    I said I would lock the thread at 100 comments. There are over 360 comments now. It is past time to move on.

  17. Iceman:”It still is a bit romanticist for me, with words like “our people.” I’m more of a materialist and a “harsh realist” than a romantic.”

    Hey Iceman, thought you might enjoy knowing that the Jewish convert to Protestantism, the semi-philosopher Otto Weininger, once wrote: “The Jew does not really believe in knowledge, nor is he a sceptic, for he doubts his own scepticism.” – http://www.theabsolute.net/ottow/sexcharh.html#j – if you feel up to the task, you ought to consider writing such a strange and interesting book like Weininger did sometime one day in the future: maybe you got some similar HONEST-to-goodness talents somewhere within you?

    “If one wanted to really address the Jewish question critically, your strategy is the one most likely to work.”

    Well, it has been proven that biological anti-Semitism works, combined of course with a healthy dose of social, historical, religious, economic, political, and even philosophical anti-Semitism as well.

    “Though I still think, so much has been written about Jews. I’m beginning to think that the issue is compulsive and I need to break the habit about talking about them. Though my posts are usually more “philosemitic” than most. I wonder where this habit comes from?”

    Case of ‘Jews on the brain,’ dude. Does rampant Jewish macro-paranoia about the currently rising American/Western/Arab/etc “anti-Semitism” due to increasingly exposed Jewish economic criminality tend to ‘pervade the air’ so to speak of parts of the USA and elsewhere, infecting people’s mind via the general Volksgeist and/or Zeitgeist? Do the current Levant Arabs also got a case of ‘Jews on the brain’ just by being within close physical proximity with uber-paranoid warmongering Israeli Jews constantly? Does merely being around concentrations of Jews tend to make some of the more susceptible or ‘open’ non-Jews a bit ‘loopy,’ curious about the Jewish Question, and maybe even “anti-Semitic”? I know that I for one cared nothing about Jews and knew basically nothing about them until a bunch of Yankee Jews from the up North (I presume) started to move en masse in to my general region, state, and even local area in the last 5-7 years or so, including in to some nearby newly built homes and neighborhoods which I know for a fact are full of ethnic Jews who built overly ostentious cheap-yet-expensive pre-fab houses near my childhood home and actually leveled many parts of a local forested area in doing so, including woods I played in and explored a lot as a child with friends and family. Did the moving of these likely hyperparanoid and insufferable Yankee Jews in to my general physical, mental, or territorial proximity trigger “anti-Semitism” in my own reptilian hind-brain and/or general subconsciousness a few years ago, whereas before I was just your standard aracial clueless White American philo-Semite?

    In more general or philosophical terms, does a ‘Spiritus Mundi’ exist which constantly pervades our world and living human soul-consciousnesses, leading to such collective thoughts amongst many individuals simultaneously, a ‘mass-trigger’ of our collective unconscious ‘hind-brain’ so to speak? All questions we must ask in pursuit of Truth.

    Now since it is such a nice, sunny, and pleasantly warm day outside I am off to gather some more firewood for my Winter Solstice fire…Happy Winter Solstice everyone!

  18. F. Braun:

    “Israel is on the first front defending the West from Islam” This has the advantage of being factually correct. Have you been to western Europe? Islamic immigration is the number one problem. I have noted that the JDL has praised and defended the Swiss vote. I want to work with the JDL.

    How odd. Jewish interest groups are the ones primarily responsible for Muslim immigration into the West, and Jewish groups are the first to scream bloody murder when Westerners try to restrict Muslim immigration. Jews were the first to attack the Swiss for banning minarets. Yet you continue to pretend that they are our allies in fighting Islam?

    Israel makes the Muslim problem *much worse* and US support for Israel is responsible for perhaps 50% of the foreign policy problems of America. Jews are clearly more interested in destroying White cultures than they are preventing Muslim immigration.

    Jews and their allies who want to fight Islam – go right ahead, move to Israel.

  19. We are going to get around to revitalizing our own folk spirit rather than dedicating ALL our time and energy to The Other. Aren’t we?

    Merry Christmas/Yuletide Greetings!


  20. You write:

    “How odd. Jewish interest groups are the ones primarily responsible for Muslim immigration into the West, and Jewish groups are the first to scream bloody murder when Westerners try to restrict Muslim immigration. Jews were the first to attack the Swiss for banning minarets. Yet you continue to pretend that they are our allies in fighting Islam?”

    Show me evidence that European Jews are responsible for Muslim immigration. Again, this is not only false but also infantilizes Whites – Whites are never responsible to what happens to them, they’re just out there twisting in the wind at the mercy of inscrutable forces. It was first and foremost European industrialists who pushed for greater post-war immigration flows from the Maghreb. It were gentile European governments who acquiesced to family reunification legislative schemes that have been the number one cause of the current immigrationist mess.

    “Israel makes the Muslim problem *much worse* and US support for Israel is responsible for perhaps 50% of the foreign policy problems of America.”

    Muslim immigration and Jihad would be a problem even if Israel ceased to existence. In point of fact, things would be much worse, as Israel undoubtedly offers a stumbling block to the spread of Islamic expansionism.

    “Jews are clearly more interested in destroying White cultures than they are preventing Muslim immigration.”

    Blah blah blah

    “Jews and their allies who want to fight Islam – go right ahead, move to Israel.”

    As Carl Schmitt said, one doesn’t always get to choose one’s enemy, sometimes the enemy makes that choice for you. Paris is already an Arab/Muslim city.


  21. Hunter Wallace
    This will be the last thread in which discussions of Alex Linder, Jim Giles, RFM, or VNN will be allowed. In future threads, references to any of the above will airbrushed out or deleted.

    If you want to end discussion of Giles it would help if you didn’t make reference to Giles catchphrases in your titles (“Our’n and They’rn”).

  22. We need to appeal to the Right-wing (Orthodox or other), Islamophobic Jews. Priority number one. God knows there’s a lot of them out there!

    Ridiculous. The JDL is more marginal and wacko than the Linder crowd, is a barely concealed front for FBI/Mossad types, and it’s primary purpose is recruiting Whites (and especially Christian near-Zionists) into “fighting with Israel against Islam.” I have spoken to “Christian members of the JDL” and they are the same god-damn idiots that make up the FOX News Neo-Con footsoldiers.

    Does anyone really believe that by embracing the **JDL** the White movement is going to become more mainstream? That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever read in my life.

  23. You escaped the cult, HW, congrats. It’s a testament to your honor and courage.

    I know you’re glad you kept a pseudonym.

  24. one doesn’t always get to choose one’s enemy, sometimes the enemy makes that choice for you.

    No kidding. I never chose Jews as my enemy, they chose to fight us. Once Jews stop trying to infiltrate the White movement, and stop attacking Whites, we can finally ignore them.

    Once you all move to Israel, there is no more Jewish problem and I’ll be the biggest Zionist ever.

    As for the rest, I’m not complaining about the liberal Whites who are pro-Muslim immigration because they are not trying to pose as one of us and infiltrate the White movement.

    The JTF? Orthodox Jews? Surely you must be joking. I’m mean one of the pro-White Jewish writers, maybe, but you want to invite the Crown Heights black-hats and Chaim Ben Pesach to lead the movement?

    You cannot be serious. I must not be getting the joke.

  25. Judeo-obsessive writes:

    “Ridiculous. The JDL is more marginal and wacko than the Linder crowd, is a barely concealed front for FBI/Mossad types, and it’s primary purpose is recruiting Whites (and especially Christian near-Zionists) into “fighting with Israel against Islam.” I have spoken to “Christian members of the JDL” and they are the same god-damn idiots that make up the FOX News Neo-Con footsoldiers.”

    Sure you have spoken to members (Christian, no less!) of the J.D.L. I gave that as an example of Jewish activists who view the Islamification of Europe with alarm. There’s a great deal of evidence out there that elements in the mainstream Jewish community regard Muslim immigration as an existential threat. It doesn’t take a genius to see why. I want to tap into those fears. First step. Second step, other items that appeal to my agenda: social conservatism, freedom of speech and association, repatriation of extra-European communities, etc.

    “Does anyone really believe that by embracing the **JDL** the White movement is going to become more mainstream? That’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever read in my life.”

    Wilders is in close contact with Avigdor Liberman, someone also considered an “extremist” on the international diplomatic scene. The J.D.L. and the Betar have access to official governmental buildings in the E.U. for their meetings and paramilitary training. Again, our association with the J.D.L. doesn’t need to go beyond friendly intelligence sharing or collaboration on specific actions. Above all else, such friendly associations will inoculate us against the most harmful media lynchings.

  26. I just checked the jdl website and they just set up a forum. Nobody has posted though. I wonder if the JTF people are pissed off over getting purged, as many were purged over time.

  27. W.T. Mann is a timewaster: anti-Semitism über alles, über alles in der Welt! A judeo-obsessive is recognized by his willingness to lose an arm should a Jew also lose a finger. They also share a great deal with creationists in the way they don’t like to be confused with facts or put empirical evidence before ideology.

    Good bye.

  28. “White Preservationist”
    I don’t know why I can’t get off the subject. I think its culture. Jews are everywhere. The bible. The Pro-Jewish forums. The anti-Jewish forums. You can’t escape it.

  29. Giles must have used the word “opine” five times during today’s broadcast.

    Hal Turner always hid behind the exact same word.

  30. Sure you have spoken to members (Christian, no less!) of the J.D.L.

    You do NOT have to be Jewish to join the Jewish Task Force. In fact, most members of the JTF are NOT Jewish. — Jewish Task Force JTF/JDL

    Why you should join the JTF: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Hw_4mDJts

    These are the “allies” FB wants us to hook up with. And *I’m* the Judeo-obsessive here? What, should be help them turn on the lights on Shabbos too?

    You can’t be serious FB so I will assume I’m missing your irony.

  31. The first comment by W.T. Mann is the most apt. Allow me to restate it here:

    1W.T. Mann

    Are these our only two choices? Either associate ourselves with ranting nutjobs screaming about genocide, or cater to Jews and ban criticism of them, even, as F. Braun wants to do, invite them into the leadership of the White movement?

    I reject this false choice. We have no need of either nutjobs like Linder/Giles, nor Jew ass-kissers like Braun and Guy White. A pox on both their houses.

    It is a false choice as the overwhelming majority of WNs do not advocate genocide. Only the FBI infiltrated nutjobs do. It is an abhorrent thought. With that, the chasm between genocide and judeophilia is quite vast and I am quite certain many of us fall somewhere in between.

    I also reject Braun and his current bag of lies.

  32. In the US the JDL is a tiny irrelevant sect. They don’t even have a chapter in NY State! In the case of the JTF, I don’t think there’s any evidence that’s it’s more than two wacky guys and a website.

  33. Isn’t the JDL known for brutally attacking holocaust deniers with steel pipes?

    Careful who we form “alliances” with.

  34. I don’t deny that Islamic immigration is a huge problem in Europe, but what does supporting Israel’s policy against Iran and Palestine have anything to do. Most of the Islamic immigration is coming from Turkey, Morocco etc. If anything, if Israel manages to displace the Palestenians completely, then we’ll see them all immigrate to Europe.

  35. White preservationist, you said, “He has at least 2 college degrees (maybe 3 if you count MBA?)”
    But during the Kevin MacDonald interview, I heard Giles say he (Giles) does not read very often and does not read well.
    I do not see how it would be possible to gain at least two and possibly three genuine college degrees without the ability to read well.

  36. Donald, Holocaust-denial is completely irrelevant to the genetic interests of Whites in America or elsewhere. I don’t need the J.D.L. to tell me that it’s a bad idea.

  37. Instead of thinking up a new philosophical paradigm like that character Guessedworker enjoins us to do for our salvation (“après vous, monsieur!”), I favor following Wilders’s example of playing lexicographical jujitsu on our opponents by using their rhetorical arsenal of liberal premises against them. Thereby showing them to be the illiberal technocrats that they really are, of course. We know that for our elites multiculturalism trumps liberal democracy, as their panicky and hysterical response to the Swiss votes amply demonstrated.

  38. We don’t neet yet another Guy White or Fjordman, Brusselsjournal or Gates of Vienna.

    What we need is someplace popular that will scare the jews into supporting the “jew including racists”, in stead of the multikulturalists.

  39. If the truth of the impact of Jews collectively on our people became widely known, would that result in a increased likelihood that the Jews would be exterminated by our people?

    Obviously so. Precisely how much that likelihood would be increased, or even if it would be substantial enough to worry about, we here are not in a position to say with accuracy.

    And there are other questions one can ask. Such as: If the truth of the impact of Jews collectively on the Palestinian people does not become widely known, will that result in a increased likelihood that the Palestinian people will ultimately be exterminated by the Jews?

    Again, obviously so. Given that, why is it of greater concern to you what happens to the Jews as opposed to the Palestinians?

  40. “We don’t neet yet another Guy White or Fjordman, Brusselsjournal or Gates of Vienna.”

    Certainly not! A successful strategy is the hobgoblin of small minds, let’s stay wedded to what we know doesn’t work and will never work: anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, Hitler-worship, Nazi nostalgia, genocidal fantasies, and overall thuggery and hobbyism! Now we’re talkin’!

  41. White preservationist, you said, “He has at least 2 college degrees (maybe 3 if you count MBA?)”
    But during the Kevin MacDonald interview, I heard Giles say he (Giles) does not read very often and does not read well.
    I do not see how it would be possible to gain at least two and possibly three genuine college degrees without the ability to read well.

    That’s his shtick.

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