Our’n and They’rn

I’ve answered the following question:

“Here is the major issue that we need to address: does blogging about the Jewish Question, that is, drawing attention to the issue, is that aiding and abetting the exterminationist anti-Semites? Are we making their job easier? Are we making people more receptive to the idea of killing Jews and non-Whites? What are the moral implications of that?”

I think most people here will be satisfied. It is a fair and reasonable answer. It is not the ideological whiplash that some have expected, but a more tempered point of view.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Will the likelihood that the Palestinian people will be ultimately exterminated by the Jews increase if the ungentlemanly agreement that Braun implicitly advocates (‘We will not interfere in the way you deal with your kaffirs if you pay us the same courtesy.’), that is the mutual and simultaneous empowerment of the European and Israeli far right, comes to pass?

    Obviously so.

    Will the amount of suffering that American Blacks experience in their lives increase if racial separation is achieved on the North American continent?

    Obviously so. No, it is not as simple as fencing oneself off from one’s neighbors and then wiping one’s hands of the matter. In the real world, there are real consequences.

  2. A successful strategy is the hobgoblin of small minds, let’s stay wedded to what we know doesn’t work and will never work: anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, Hitler-worship, Nazi nostalgia, genocidal fantasies, and overall thuggery and hobbyism! Now we’re talkin’!

    Strawmen, one and all. Legitimate critique of Jewish influence on the west does not involve any of the above. Kevin MacDonald comes to mind. Any meat to sink one’s teeth into, Mr Brown? Such as an example of success using your (not so) novel approach?

  3. “Certainly not! A successful strategy is the hobgoblin of small minds, let’s stay wedded to what we know doesn’t work and will never work: anti-Semitism, Holocaust-denial, Hitler-worship, Nazi nostalgia, genocidal fantasies, and overall thuggery and hobbyism! Now we’re talkin’!”

    So there is only one successful strategy? Have you thought about the simple fact that people are different, so that they may fall for different arguments?

    What about different time aspects. Some actions are rational to do short term, like allying with the jews, while other stratgies like holocaust and ww2 revisionism pulls their share into the understanding that the average white man was the great looser of WW2.

    Holocaust revisionism also have the advantage that it helps to increase the hate of the jews from the muslim part of the world, something that is even good for your hero Wilders.

  4. One thing.

    I think JDL members ambushed Jared Taylor. It might have been the JDO though. The JDO isn’t a real organization, just a front, but the JDL is the real deal.

  5. Ally with the jews? Sure lets work with that, the first thing we’ll have to do is gain creditability – We must vigorously fight other white nationalists and defend Israel. Then of course we’ll have to develop our liason with the FBI and maybe a little undercover work and intel to provide our bona fides, all on the p.q…. hush,hush…..and we might recieve some kickback funding. Some of the essayists here might get some prestigious opportunity to explain how a certain people are chosen to rule over other people by G-d. But don’t worry, it’s a long term project and the workers are few.

    This forum has become haunted by Judas rats. People who have no business associating with the White Nationalist movement except for the purpose of infiltration. Why don’t you go join the JTF? Or the JDL?
    Check out B’nai Brith – they need a good laugh.
    I far as I can see any wNationalist group worth the name would know what to do with your kind.
    I thought this was a WNationalist site. Forget about crypto’s and secret infiltrators…the JTL actively recruits on these forums and the rats who do their bidding get away with repeatedly pitching the same theme with impunity. This open treachery is one of the most disgusting things I have yet seen on a WNationalist site. In the open!
    I think anyone who doesn’t have well founded doubts about what is going on here doesn’t know what wNationalism is.

  6. They do not go and join the JDL because they are human garbage worthless even to the JDL. They need to prove themselves viable by convincing others to sell their souls, the JDL expects dividends and doesn’t just want a few worthless, soulless goy judas’s.
    They stink up these forum with repeated, never-ending posts accusing Linder for what they do now in the open.
    This is called ‘chutzpah’…and it’s what you need to get along in the JDL world of fame and success. You must have no compunction or scruple about stooping to the lowest level to get any advantage. So much so that you can no longer call yourself a man anymore.
    JDL recruits ! You’ve made a miscalculation this time, your timing is off. Because it pay off for but a short time. A revolution is coming and you will be the first ones to be dealt with.

  7. http://www.amren.com/ar/2008/04/index.html

    The Jewish Defense Organization, an offshoot of the Jewish Defense League, called Jared Taylor “a Nazi pig” and called the 2008 American Renaissance conference a “neo-Nazi meeting.” Calling their plans “Operation Nazi-Kicker,” the Jewish Defense Organization pressured the hotel to cancel the conference and threatened to disrupt the conference. These are the sort of people with whom Friedrich Braun wants to ally and collaborate?

  8. Stop thinking of yourself as player, but rater the game-maker.

    From the position of the game-maker it might be beneficial for some whites to be allied with jews, while at the same time have other groups that thinks jews are an abomination.

    As I have said before, by having a fault line between the pro and anti-jews that pro-whites organize themselves after, is that it draws away from other potential hot potatoes, like nordicism, kapitalism, paganism, while the jewish question is not important enough, that it will not keep whites from completly splitting.

  9. Taylor’s hobnobbing with known neo-Nazis and Holocaust-deniers is problematic. I would rather invite Avigdor Liberman than Bruno Gollnisch.

  10. “…I would rather invite Avigdor Liberman than Bruno Gollnisch. …”

    Pretty much says it all where ‘Fried’ is REALLY coming from.

    Poor ‘Kulak’.

  11. “J.D.L. distances itself from liberal Jews.

    http://jdlcanada.wordpress.com/2009/12/04/jdl-response-to-cjc-press-release/ ( — FB)

    It’s not much, but it’s certainly welcome.

    What Braun wants is a muzzle on any and all criticism of Jews (Braun, incidentally, seems to consider no criticism of Jews to be legitimate) so that (so he seems to believe) Jews will stop being frightened off by the ‘anti-Semites’ among us and join us in opposing race-replacement of Eurochristians.

    There are major problems with Braun’s demands: 1) legitimate criticism of Jews is needed, precisely because such criticism entails explanations of a huge part of what’s going on, so that without it there’s no way to communicate among ourselves a comprehension of the origins and current engines of the race-replacement crisis, and 2) the extreme paucity of Jews among opponents of forced race-replacement has nothing to do with “Jews’ being frightened off by ‘anti-Semites,’ ” but is instead the result very simply of Jews’ viewing race-replacement of Eurochristians as in their interest and opposing it as not in their interest.

    There are Jews who for various reasons dislike the current official Eurospherewide program of forcible replacement of the Euro races and are highly skeptical of the view, held by 99.999999% of Jewry, that is in the interest of Jews. Lawrence Auster is one such; I would say Don Feder is one but I’m not sure; Matt Drudge might be one but not sure; Michael Savage is obviously one; Prof. Paul Nachman may be another but I’m not sure; Prof. Hart (the one who shouted at Dr. Duke at the AmRen meeting) clearly is one; I suspect Ilana Mercer is one but I’m not certain; the Jewish Task Force ( http://www.jtf.org ) belongs in this category; and there are others, a tiny smattering of Jews, comparatively microscopic in number, with less-than-zero influence or $$$. They’re already allied with us in the sense that they oppose what we oppose regardless of what they think of us personally or of the “anti-Semites” among us. We gain less than zero if we refrain from legitimate criticism of Jews in the hope of not “scaring these Jews away.” Our criticsm of Jews doesn’t scare them away from questioning race-replacement immigration: their questioning it doesn’t depend on us any more than our questioning it depends on them. They question it because they don’t see it, the government-enforced replacement of all white people in the world with Negroes, as in their interest as Jews. All the other Jews do see it as in their interest as Jews, very much so.

    What you have is a difference of opinion among Jews concerning what is and is not in the interest of Jews, some believing eliminating whites is, others believing keeping whites around is. In neither case does it depend on what we are saying about the Jewish role in bringing all this about in the first place.

    Finally, stating facts about the Jews, such as that they as a group were instrumental in putting in place the current race-replacement régime and continue to be instrumental in standing guard to keep anyone from dismantling it, is not “anti-Semitism.” Neither I nor HW nor Trainspotter nor Scotchfiend nor GW nor Kevin MacDonald nor Greg Johnson nor any of the rest are “anti-Semites.”

  12. If crazy Jew haters have always existed, than Jewish anti-racist activism makes sense. Yes I’m advocating a double standard. Jewish anti-racists are less innocent than other anti-racists, because of the historical anti-jewish nature of racialism.

  13. I find myself pondering about the Jewish Question sometimes and it usually results in me thinking there is nothing you can do. When I ignore it, I feel more hopeful that something can be done. Personally, I feel that it draws us away from the most threatening issue, and that would be non-White immigration to White countries. I am pretty sure we can all agree on that.

    Saying that “Jews control the media” or “the Zionists flood Congress” or anything of that particular nature does not help the cause at all. Moderate White Americans (those hearts whom we must work on winning) are not going to rally behind a White group that goes on to attack every single minority group out there.
    “The Koreans and their liquor stores.”
    “The Jews own this and that.”
    “The black crime rate is higher than the White majority.”
    “The Mexicans take all of our jobs.”

    … Whatever. Whether things like this may be true or not. It becomes a rage of grievance toward everyone, and it turns the average White person off. Ignore those things. Argue about the demographics and what they mean. If you need to use support that may be controversial, use it professionally and not as an attack. I’m no Jared Taylor cheerleader, but I do admire how he can appeal to the average White person effectively. I know that some of you here do him down, but his arguments have nothing to do with conspiracies like “the kosher tax” or “9/11 being a Zionist plot.” He argues professionally with statistics, the sake of culture, and the demographics and what they mean. The more you are respectful when talking about the most important matters, the more you will be able to sell nationalist principles to the ordinary White folk. Don’t play the blame game!

    Just get people to open their eyes, then let them radicalize themselves. Discussing the Jewish Question is a dead end, and must be put aside. Whites need a way to be united and not divided.

  14. […] Let me be clear, I want Jews inside the tent. They can be an incredible asset and appeal to the eugenicist in me. They are a people of immense talent, energy, organization, skill, work ethic, determination, drive, intelligence…I want to extend my hand in genuine friendship and love and say: “I want you to work with me for a better future for us!” I want White Nationalism to not only include Jews, I want them at all levels of power and authority. […]
    – F Braun (from the Mea Culpa post)

    “…I want them at all levels of power and authority. …”

    [Yup, this is surely a major problem in America and the West today… Jews having way too little power!! Can surely understand now why they are upset with us 😉 ].

    Now I am CONVINCED that ‘Fried’ Braun is either a self-hating ‘goy’ or is being supplied with a script and ‘talking points’ with the predictable use of insulting, demeaning anti-Euro rhetoric like this.

    Forget about Zionism, this is all BOILERPLATE Judaic supremacism straight out of the bowels of the Talmud, Mishnah and Zohar.

    According to people like this, one would be hard pressed to believe that European man, for several millenia, was able to even walk upright till those ‘amazin’ and ‘wonderful’ Jews came along and so ‘selflessly’ showed ’em how to run a civilization (LOL).

    *Now I can fully appreciate what George Orwell, in the novel 1984 (his *wake-up* call to European man) meant by the ‘memory hole’! 🙁

  15. “Are these our only two choices? Either associate ourselves with ranting nutjobs screaming about genocide, or cater to Jews and ban criticism of them, even, as F. Braun wants to do, invite them into the leadership of the White movement?

    I reject this false choice. We have no need of either nutjobs like Linder/Giles, nor Jew ass-kissers like Braun and Guy White. A pox on both their houses.

    I’d put Jews and gays into the same boat. Both are hostile for similar reasons to the majority, Christian inspired culture of Whites, because Christian culture rejected them both. (Philo and Chrysostom). The ones that are truly on our side put together may in fact fill up that Applebee’s restaurant.”

    I agree, this moralizing nonsense has seriously tainted my initial positive outlook on this site. Morality is bullshit when you are speaking of how you would redefine the rules. That is to say morality only has meaning within the system you’re playing in, once you stop playing the Christian game, for example, your values are really what guide you, if you lacked Christian values then you stop following them as soon as you can . The conclusion is that either you care for some value or you don’t and wailing on Alex Linder for that simply doesn’t seem like anything more than attempting to take the “moral high ground”, it’s really just a sort of arrogant gloating.

  16. So long as Jews wish to continue to exist as a separate people then necessarily they have separate interests, at least in the sense of their interest in separateness. In so far as they damage the ability of European peoples to secure same, those of European descent are absolutely justified in defending against that. And if European-derived peoples desire to remain separate from Jews then they ask nothing more for themselves than do Jews.

    Jews wish to have their cake and also eat it. I say no. I say I have no interest in sparing their feelings as they have no interest in sparing mine. I say damn their hypocrisy to hell.

  17. Friedrich Braun has repeatedly stated that anti-semitism is what’s holding back the White Nationalist movement. If you want to be technical, it is our racial position that holds back the movement. Anti-semitism is much more politically viable than ‘racial’ White Nationalism. An anti-semitic party that otherwise dropped all mention of race would be able to gain support from all ethnic groups in the West.

    A Muslim in Sweden has recently founded an anti-semitic political party:

    Indeed, anti-semitism has the same appeal as anti-capitalism. It can unite large masses of people who are otherwise unconnected into a movement against a small group of universally despised individuals. For the left, these are greedy capitalists who make tremendous profits while impoverishing the workers.

    If you want to know why White Nationalism isn’t gaining ‘traction’ it’s because our population is dwindling every year and this reduces our possible political support. (We can assume that 99% of non-Whites will be against White racial consciousness.)

    In fact, I think the anti-semitic potential of non-Whites has not been exploited. If there is any political trick up our sleeves it is the ability to arouse in non-Whites the natural resentment of the rich, cosmopolitan, and elitist Jews around the world. (Most politicized non-Whites are already anti-Israel, along with the radical left.)

  18. In addition:
    Most Whites interact with non-Whites on a daily basis. This makes overt racism, or White Nationalism, a difficult burden in day-to-day interactions. The tension between an explicit White Nationalist and a non-White cashier or bus driver is going to be tremendous.

    However, most Whites do not interact with Jews on a daily basis. This makes explicit anti-semitism easier to bear, especially in casual conversation. If you start ranting about the Jews most people won’t be too shocked. Say the word ‘nigger’ and you’ll get stunned looks from everyone.

    The lack of social reinforcement on a daily basis makes anti-semitism more easily promoted than racism. So, again, I think White Nationalism is what’s holding back the movement and not anti-semitism. Ironic, isn’t it?

  19. Braun, it would be helpful if you could address a few issues so that us skeptics could better understand your take on things.

    It seems obvious to me that the Jews have done very, very well under multiracialism. They are wealthy and are vastly overrepresented in the “power” and prestige positions in our society. It’s not unfair to say that they basically control the popular media, and through it the broader culture. Along with their great wealth and cultural/institutional control, they can more or less destroy any opposition that arises. Not too shabby. Pretty good times, eh?

    Some might counter that the multiracial monster will devour the Jews in time, and point to Arab immigration, or large numbers of Hispanics with anti-Semitic views. But really, can’t the Jews dodge those sorts of bullets without taking the far more risky step of supporting an all- White nation? I mean, if you were a Jew, who would you fear more? Paco the illiterate anti-Semite, or a White nation full of racially conscious men and women, determined to survive as a people? Is it any wonder that Jews fear Europeans more than a vast assortment of mongrelized third world critters?

    I think the question answers itself, but of course you may disagree. The point is that, when faced with the choice of managing a multiracial sewer in which they are already on top, versus dealing with a revived White population that is conscious of itself and its right to survive, which is the bigger risk from the Jewish standpoint? Again, the question answers itself.

    One of the basic problems that you have is that you are asking the Jews to go against their own self-interest. Why would they do that? How stupid do you think they are?

    Are they really better off supporting an all-White (plus Jews) nation, in which they would remain as a tiny minority, sticking out like a sore thumb? How is that better for them than Brazil North, with themselves on top, living in gated communities and managing the mongrelized population, a population that will happily gulp down Jewish entertainment products and media? A population that will respond perfectly to the Jewish carrot and stick. A true nation of consumer/slaves, that at most will riot once in a great while, burning down some local liquor stores and perhaps necklacing some other mongrelized, swarthy critters that get in their way. Or, better still, a few blonde Whites if any are available. Those are good for raping, too. Point is, Brazil North provides a population far too dumbed down and degenerate to offer any intelligent and determined opposition to the Jewish elite. They’ll import Chang or Apu to handle the technical jobs. No problem.

    I don’t know, Braun. If I were Jewish, Brazil North is looking pretty good to me. I’d figure I could handle Carlos the child molester a lot better than Charles the determined White.

    So at the end of the day, were I Jewish, would I support a revived nation of racially conscious Whites? Um…no. More like no fucking way, not in a million years. Persuade me that I’m wrong about that. More importantly, convince us that you can persuade the Jewish community. Convince us that the Jewish community would prefer to be a tiny minority in an otherwise homogenous land of racially conscious Whites, rather than the Big Dog that they clearly are today. Otherwise, you are expecting Jews to go against their own interests, something that they are manifestly not going to do. They’ve proven that much.

    Now, in fairness, I’ll say that this is only one objection amongst many to your position. So it’s not like you are going settle the broader issue by addressing this particular question of self-interest. But the issue of self-interest is quite basic, and is certainly a key hurdle that you would have to overcome in order to bring people around to your position. Frankly, I don’t believe that you can do it, but I’d be interested in what you come up with.

  20. Sam Davidson has it exactly right:

    Anti-semitism is much more politically viable than ‘racial’ White Nationalism. An anti-semitic party that otherwise dropped all mention of race would be able to gain support from all ethnic groups in the West. … anti-semitism has the same appeal as anti-capitalism … unite large masses … against a small group of universally despised individuals. For the left, they are greedy capitalists who make tremendous profits while impoverishing the workers.

    anti-semitic potential of non-Whites … political trick up our sleeves it is the ability to arouse in non-Whites the natural resentment of the rich, cosmopolitan, and elitist Jews

    This is an extremely viable strategy. Blacks and Latinos already hate Jews. Asians and Indians have no love for Jews. Let’s put them on the defensive for once. If there is to be any White/Jewish cooperation we should negotiate from a position of strength.

    Let the Jews get rid of their own unsavory element, and remake their own community in our image, then maybe we can talk.

    Hmm, something like this:

    Hey, how many people lost their homes to Jewish Bankers in the last two years anyway? Did you know that the CEO of Goldman Sachs is a Jew, like Bernie Madoff? Did you know the Democratic party bailed out all their Jewish donors with our money?

    Did you know that Jewish Hollywood is really racist against Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Indians? Not to mention their anti-Arab racism. Why are those Jews so racist anyway? And they are killing little Palestinian babies and stealing their organs!

    Who wants to be associated with those people? Maybe Whites should take the lead in freeing all the diverse peoples of America against the oppression and racism of Jews.

  21. “If you want to be technical, it is our racial position that holds back the movement. ”
    There has to be some way to inject right wing and racialist views into the population, without overtly claiming to be white nationalist or looking to form an ethnostate.

    it’s the ethnostate that holds you back.

  22. …I survived (six years of imprisonment in ghettos, labor camps and concentration camps as a child during World War II)… When, as a nine-year-old, I spent a month in Buchenwald, it never occurred to me that those of my fellow-inmates who were Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war, or Danish policemen arrested for helping the Jews escape, were undergoing experiences that were different from mine…. Ever since, for over half a century, I have not been able to accept the singling out of this one front, horrible as it may have been, as a unique epoch-making event that requires its own grandiose name, its own capitalized dictionary entry, its own academic discipline called “Holocaust studies.”… But the recent, officially accepted revision of the number of Auschwitz victims from four million to a million or so has made me wonder. One of the precursors of denialism, Paul Rassinier, who died in 1967, asked: “Were Jews murdered?” and answered: “Yes, but not as many as one thinks. Were there any gas chambers? Yes, but not as many as one thinks.” … For those who believe in ethnic cleansing, the leap from resettlement to massacre is not as great as some of us may think; and if the Nazis were, perhaps, no more evil than the Interahamwe of Uganda, the Bosnian Serb paramilitaries led by Karadži? and Mladi?, or the anti-independence militias of East Timor, there is no reason to suppose that they were less so…. Both of my parents survived, and I had no siblings. I have no tattoo (though I sometimes perversely envied those who had them). I was never beaten or starved. After the War I went on with school at the normal grade level. And when I recently visited the Buchenwald memorial site, the foremost thought in my mind – unrepentant cinephile that I am – was to find the location of the barrack where I saw my first movie; never mind that my first screen image was of a smiling Hitler on horseback, introducing a newsreel. The search for the site of the barrack where I actually lived took second place. … I spent the last months of the War, after Buchenwald, in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp…

  23. it’s the ethnostate that holds you back.

    yes yes Iceman you are very very perceptive!! please see my discussion with wikitopia in the persuadables comments and let me know your ideas.

    you can also post to my thread in the Strategy section of VNNF.

  24. Freddy Ben Judas Brown
    very bad work all and all. I don’t think you are a JDL infiltrator, you are far away from good enough for that, I think you are just are a wanna be. Too pathetic to take seriously, even JDL would make you out for what you are in a exceedingly short time. They want to see your work for free before they agreed to pay a schmuck like you. I bet they think the price was fair if they are following you on these forums.

    You’ve succeeded in one thing, you’ve brought discredit on the OD. I can’t believe people like you haunt the threads here. Anyone who has ever had doubts about this site, your presence validates those doubts. Your presence is the sign of a swine flu outbreak.

    I have no patience for judas’ like you. You have no ideas to debate, just prices you hope to get at the big sell-out . For you White Nationalism is just merchandise…your earlier posts were constantly about the bad news on how Linder cheapen the product – your new posts are the good news about how you found a buyer anyway.

    You disgust me. I was unaware these forums were a peddlers market.

  25. I mean I can talk to people, convince them not to walk in a black neighborhood (whether Chinese or White), convince them that Jewish people are politically flawed (though I don’t hate them), convince them that race is genetic.

    But as soon as you talk about an ethnostate, they (perhaps correctly) tune you out as being out to get other races.

  26. “However, most Whites do not interact with Jews on a daily basis. This makes explicit anti-semitism easier to bear, especially in casual conversation. If you start ranting about the Jews most people won’t be too shocked. Say the word ‘nigger’ and you’ll get stunned looks from everyone.”

    I have several Jewish co-workers but no black ones. In a professional environment, if you rant about either Jews or blacks you’ll be fired on the spot.

  27. I’ll read your comments, but my strategy is to do this :
    1) oppose interracial marriage, though I don’t browbeat people over it.
    2) talk about American people (a racially inclusive term) and how massive immigration puts foreigners before citizens.
    3) talk about anthropology
    4) If I do talk about Jews, first bitch about anti-semites and make sure I come off as objective.

  28. thanks. you sound like a good guy. if you are heterosexual, you should join the White tribe. and we need women, lots of white women. keep that in mind.

  29. @Robert Reis
    good post. I have one small problem with it. There was no Danish internment of the jews. The Danish government strictly forbade the persecution of the Jews, and Hitler accepted this because they were more than an ally…the german people would not accept coercion of the Danes…… this is a matter of record the Danes are proud to point out. The Nazi’s forced the issue of an arrest of about 500 jews with records as communist agitators and saboteurs. A majority of the rest of the small population escaped to Sweden. No Danish official or policemen were arrested for allowing Jews to escape. this puzzles me. Has history been rewritten? So I am always intrigued by these inconsistencies in any side of the story. I googled the ‘danish persecution of jews’….and find there is a wide array of different stories.

  30. On the friedrich braun question:

    In an old email account of mine, I find a piece of spam sent two weeks ago from friedrich’s yahoo account. It’s clear that his email address wasn’t simply spoofed, because the “To” field also contains email addresses of 30+ other people that fb had obviously emailed from his yahoo account.

    I think there’s been speculation that fb was outed or was afraid of being outed by antis. I didn’t pay attention to the events that led up to fb’s shutting down his site, but it’s clear that his yahoo account, at least, was compromised (though apparently by spammers rather than Dicky Warman).

  31. Hunter,
    I just listened to the interview. My take on it is that Jim Giles is overwhelmed with anger from the gruesome Newsome&Christian murder, and other crimes committed by blacks on whites (probably quite a few in Mississippi). He blames Jews for these, and I think his reasoning is that, “they are killing us, so we should kill them”. He is seething with anger, and in his “warrior mindset”, this idea, supported by Linder, seems to make sense to him. This isnt very deep thinking though, and Giles cant seem to comprehend that being in favor of genocide is going to make him and people associated with him radioactive, and is completely counter-productive.

    There is nothing that you have written that I have seen that suggests killing anyone, and I dont think this is a sign that you are doing anything wrong. It is probable that Alex Linder is a net negative in White Nationalism, sort of a free radical that attacks others, tries to drag the conversation into vulgarity and provides the ADL and SPLC with material to write about to increase their funding. There is no reason for you to be upset or rethink everything due to this interview. Its unfortunate that Jim Giles was “beguiled” by Linder’s ideas, but it does not reflect badly on you.

  32. I guess you are referring to my question on whether ‘Fried’ is really an ‘ethnischer Deutscher’ or not.

    Most importantly, it would be quite ironic if he is actally ‘ein deutscher Bürger’ (a German citizen) working out of the ‘BRDDR’, a police state with draconian laws worse than the Stasi, against “hate”, especially with his internet ‘activism’, as some have alleged (along with Canada, if I remember correctly).

  33. “it’s the ethnostate that holds you back.”

    I don’t see it this way at all. In America, racialism was defeated even though racialists were not advocating an ethnostate. Instead, racialists focused on far more “moderate” positions such as curtailing non-white immigration, or at the most defending segregation. We want our own water fountains!!

    Result? Cataclysmic defeat.

    Sure, there was the occasional victory, such as the immigration law in the twenties. But racialists weren’t going for the ethnostate, so they left the non-whites that were already in the country in place. This meant powerful non-white pressure groups within the nation and culture. Result? Those pressure groups worked to undermine white society and promote their own interests instead. In time, they won. Look around. Boy, did they win.

    That’s what the *moderates* can’t accept: moderate policies have been fought for in the past, and the result has been defeat after defeat after defeat.

    It reminds me of what happened in Switzerland recently with the minaret ban – an apparent victory. Don’t get me wrong, I was thrilled with the vote. I hope it is a harbinger of bigger and better things. But in and of itself, it will amount to very little. Banning minarets, while continuing to allow the Third World to flood in, will not work at all. Only if the Swiss slam shut the doors and work on repatriating the invaders will a true and sustainable solution be achieved. Otherwise, the non-white pressure groups that the Swiss leave intact within their borders, indeed allow to grow in number and strength, will over time manage to undermine the Swiss. Helped along by traitors, of course, who exist in every nation.

    It might take six months, or it might take twenty years. But it will happen. Those non-white pressure groups will have nothing more important to do than undermine Swiss solidarity. And the traitors will have invaluable tools – masses of Third Worlders – to work with.

    Moderate policies don’t work. Having your own nation does. The ethnostate is the solution, and it is the only solution that has long term sustainability.

    This is not to say that I would recommend hitting the typical Kwan with the ethnostate concept right off the bat. That would baffle and shock him. But hey, that’s true of many concepts, not just the ethnostate. And further, I question the way that you are bringing this up to people. If you said something like, “Around the world, most people have a homeland. The Japanese have a homeland, the Jews have a homeland, the blacks have numerous homelands. Isn’t it only fair that Euro-Whites have a homeland too?” I’ve said that sort of thing before, in real life, and have never gotten a hysterically negative reaction.

    Our real problem is that we seek to upset the status quo. That is always the fundamental problem that revolutionary movements face – not their message per se. Upsetting the status quo will always make people leery, unless and until they no longer have faith in that status quo. Some may say that the masses are stupid. That’s not entirely true. The reality is that they know, or can at least vaguely sense, that an upset in the status quo is likely to be accompanied by a lot of suffering and risk. They are right about this, which is why they tend to be suspicious of all revolutionary movements – Right, Left, or what have you.

    All this changes if and when they lose sufficient confidence in the status quo. The good news is, this seems likely to occur over the coming years. Let’s make sure that we are ready with a real solution, a sustainable solution, an APPEALING solution, when discontent reaches critical mass.

    Read O’Meara’s article on the ethnostate again. A real vision is there, something that can compete with Leftist universalism (which also has appeal, clearly). Having our own water fountains again just ain’t gonna cut it in the vision department. Whites aren’t inclined to support policies that they see as petty or unfair. Well, the ethnostate is fair. Almost everybody has one but us. And it’s more than fair, it’s grand. It offers a thousand possibilities and a singular promise. A nation of our own!

  34. Iceman, if you change your mind, all that’s required is the following:

    1. any children you have (biological or adopted), you will impress upon them the importance of keeping their genes within the White genepool.

    2. you will only have biological children with a fellow White (and you will only adopt White children).

    All that’s required is throwing your genetic lot in with the White race. Since you are opposed to miscegenation, assuming you are white, you automatically qualify.

    You said you are part Jewish, are you more than half? Hopefully not.

    Even if you don’t plan on having kids or being in a relationship you can still join. We need some people. Right now it’s only me.

  35. Trainspotter,
    A nation of our own would be great.

    However, first we have to define who “we” are.

    At a bare minimum, “we” are Whites who want to procreate only with fellow Whites. Whites who want to racemix are not us (they wouldn’t want to join a White ethnostate).

    So, the first step towards getting an ethnostate is getting together the group of people who desire to populate that ethnostate.

    That’s all I’m advocating: forming the group of people that will populate any future ethnostate.

  36. Hey, if David Koresh, Charles Manson and Jim Jones could convince people to start a tribe, we could make some cult religion and be the prophets in it.

    I’m 1/4 Russian Jewish. All my ancestry is from Eastern Europe. If I did marry, it would probably be another Eastern Euro.

  37. “Only if the Swiss slam shut the doors and work on repatriating the invaders will a true and sustainable solution be achieved. Otherwise, the non-white pressure groups that the Swiss leave intact within their borders, indeed allow to grow in number and strength, will over time manage to undermine the Swiss. Helped along by traitors, of course, who exist in every nation. ”

    Yes I couldn’t agree more, this has to happen with all of the European states. But we can’t do that in America, at least, not from a position of weakness. So we proselytize like Mormons and build up our strength and numbers. Except, unlike Mormons, we require only the belief in the importance of preserving the White race.

  38. OK Iceman you’re in. If you fall in love with a beautiful Indian girl, it’s no problem you just leave the tribe.

    If you find a nice Eastern European girl, and she wants her children to racemix, then you must also recuse yourself.

    Anyone else want to join?

  39. @Kulaks Never Learn
    I am ‘echt Deutscher’ and you overestimate the oppression here. Britain which I have visited many times, is far more oppressive.
    Canada, which recently struck down the hate speech laws, is not near as oppressive as Britain, and is far, far less of a police state then Northeastern US and California. They have less freedom in terms of a constitution than the USA, but more actual de facto freedom as a result of the society they have.
    I worked and enjoyed Mobil, Alabama for 5 months of every year for 6 years. I enjoyed living there very much, and would have settled there.

    No Freddy Ben Brown is an American I think, possibly Canadian. Let us hope something wonderful happens….the JDL slaps him around so violently for being such a fool, that he becomes a muslim

    @ trainspotter
    @ George Witzgall

    could you post the link to the Read O’Meara article? I don’t oppose the idea of an ethnostate, but I don’t agree with it as you I ‘think’ you mean it. North America and Europe are the European peoples ethnostates….all of it.

    Ultimately this is a war and not politics by another name. To concede any territory as a result of politics or political realities, on your homeground and you acknowledge you are defeated.
    Should you even be successful, shortly thereafter the Asians will come and wipe you out. Count on it, it’s guaranteed….a historical certainty.
    You must begin to see with certainty the future as a natural progression. People will wake up and retake the reins. When that happens all of us here must be there to make sure there are no compromises that our homelands are our own – all of it.

    I respect the fibre to state your 1/4 Jewish. Your honest and therefore trustworthy.

  40. Grimoire,

    Glad to hear that der Deutsches Vaterland, mein erb heimatland, is more free than one is led to assume. Nice to know that their government takes the ‘Einigkeit, Recht und Freiheit’ seriously!


    “I respect the fibre to state your 1/4 Jewish. Your honest and therefore trustworthy.”

    I totally agree with this. Iceman is a decent guy, worthy of respect. Whatever his background may be, he, most importantly, doesn’t come here to lecture or scold us: we can agree or disagree like gentlemen. (‘Fried ben Brown-stein’ can learn a thing or two from this).

    Frohe Weihnachten, Grimoire and all.

  41. I just took the liberty of stealing from a poster on this thread, or maybe it was another thread (I can’t recall), and posting the following comment in 2 open threads on the VNN front page:

    # Boris Says:
    22 December, 2009 at 3:05 am

    Alex – regarding Jews and the recent controversy over “extermination”: I just came across this comment on Occidental Dissent:

    “Alex is more detached. He reminds me of the gentile nerds who helped designed the atomic bomb. The consequences are remote so he can carry on like it’s a simple matter of logistics.

    If he was handed a gun and told to execute a random jewish child I bet he couldn’t do it.”

    It’s a distasteful question, but “extermination” is a distasteful concept. Would you care to respond?

    To the original poster on this blog (sorry I forget who you are): that’s an excellent point and an excellent way of putting it – I hope you don’t mind me stealing your words. I think this is a question Alex Linder needs to answer now that he’s declared himself in favour of “extermination”.

    I’m looking forward to a response….

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