Takimag: What’s Going On?

I’ve been reading Takimag ever since January 2008. Whenever I come online, I never fail to make my rounds and check for updates. It is one of the top five sites that I visit on the internet. The short list includes TOQ Online, Occidental Observer, SBPDL, Majority Rights, VDARE, Guy White, View From The Right, and Age of Treason. Two years ago, Takimag was thriving and seemed to have a lot of momentum. It was hands down the best site around.

Lately, I have noticed that Takimag has been very quiet. I suspect others have noticed the same thing. The Sniper’s Tower hasn’t been updated in almost a week. A few Buchanan columns have been uploaded, but they are starting to run into each other. Christina Oxenberg and Mandolyna Theodoracopulos seem to have taken over the site. Everyone else seems to have left the building.

Something is up. I’ve heard rumors flying around. I have a vague idea of what is going on. Has anyone else heard anything? Speak up.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. As for Taki’s, I’ve always found the site rather effete. They had a few interesting exchanges a few months ago about Western Christianity vs. Western Paganism, and some of their guest posts by Buchanan, Jared Taylor, and others are good, but much of it does not interest me in the least. I could care less about the ramblings of cosmopolitan snobs; if I wanted to imbibe that swill I might as well head over to the NYT. If the Taki-ites want to truly discuss race and racial politics, they ought to just come out and do so rather than endlessly pussyfooting around the issues.

    I wasn’t reading nor I had even heard of Taki’s back in January 2008 when Hunter said it was at its peak, and I probably only started to occasionally browse it within the last few months; likewise, I didn’t even know what “paleoconservatism” was 2 years ago, and I don’t care much about it nowadays either (it is just too staid).

    Probably the best article I ever remember reading over on Taki’s was JT’s “What Do White Nationalists Want?” back in June 2009 – http://www.takimag.com/article/what_do_white_nationalists_want/

    I like Hunter’s idea, which he promulgated on his previous blog, of a “far-right/far-left synthesis,” i.e. taking the best of both (if not ALL) sides of the political spectrum. Frankly, on most days I would rather read sites like “Adbusters” or even “The Atlantic” (being very careful to fully avoid the Jewish-written tripe on those sites, of course) before heading over to Taki’s – https://www.adbusters.org/magazine/85/coming_insurrection.html

  2. Roach:”The idea that people should be devoted to the country and identify with its people and their life experiences is hardly Marxist; it’s nationalist: as in there are things more important than making money, and virtue and love of one’s people is a greater claim to fame than mere wealth.”

    I agree with you, but frankly I am more devoted to the White race overall than the USA, i.e. I would rather see America collapse in to a big heap rather than see Whites eventually become extensively miscegenated here.

    Lately I’ve been thinking – even though I am personally a strong localist, decentralist, and anti-internationalist – if it would it be wise at this juncture to discard ‘White Nationalism’ in favor of ‘White Internationalism’? As Yockey wrote, “nationalism” is indeed an outdated 19th Century idea in our very shrunken 21st Century world:

    “I set forth here then the two great action-tasks of the Inner Imperative of the West:

    First, the liquidation of the tyranny of 19th century ideas. This means the complete cleansing of the Western soul from every form of Materialism, from Rationalism, Equality, social chaos, Communism, Bolshevism, liberalism, Leftism of every variety, Money-worship, democracy, finance-capitalism, the domination of Trade, nationalism, parliamentarism, feminism, race-sterility, weak ideals of “happiness” and the like, of every form of class war. Replacing these ideals is the strong and manly Idea of the Age of Absolute Politics: Authority, Discipline, Faith, Responsibility, Duty, Ethical Socialism, Fertility, Order, State, Hierarchy — the creation of the Empire of the West.” – http://www.vaidilute.com/books/imperium/imperium-06.html#imperium

  3. I think white internaitonalism will probably have about as much luck as Panslavism did among the southern Slavs.

    Nations are real; races are real. But racial unity means little, unless there is a particular situation where one race is threatened by another race. In other words, Poles, Italians, and Germans all suddenly realize they’re white when blacks start moving into the neighborhood. Otherwise, their differences are more meaningful.

    For now, we should cultivate American nationalism and American renewal, because we have an existing nation and history and bond here, whereas any “white international” would be an artificial creation with little to hold it together.

  4. HW:”I quickly discovered that the Far Left wasn’t interested in a Far Left/Far Right synthesis.”

    Well, I tended leftish when I first arrived here, or rather on your old blog…so you did manage to convince at least one lefty to see their errors of their aracial ways.

    Ever since I became a racialist my personal politics have predictably taken a more rightward turn, though I still hold many stereotypical leftish views in regards to some issues.

  5. Roach:”any “white international” would be an artificial creation with little to hold it together.”

    Our shared European blood would hold it together, of course. Blood trumps borders. Whites are closer to each to each other genetically than any other macro-race.

    I like your coinage though, “White International”…it doesn’t sound as pretentious as “White Imperium.”

  6. The left isn’t interested in a far right far left synthesis if you make everything about race, but if you speak their language and talk about class and an “authoritarian state,” then you can do it.

  7. In America, race was always a badge of ethnic identity. It was another marker of “Americanism” like the English language, Protestant Christianity, and republican political principles.

  8. Roach:”Nations are real; races are real.”

    But nations and empires rise and fall, they come and go, much quicker than races are created and go extinct. Races, ethnicities, and human tribes have taken endless centuries (even thousands of years) to evolve, whilst nations can be created within just a few short years, even created instantaneously on paper by government power-brokers.

    My main point is: races are ancient, nations are comparatively recent.

    Blood is eternal, borders are a ‘social construct.’ How many times have the borders of Germany or Poland (for instance) changed in just the last 150 years or so?

    But you are to correct to say that blood (race) does indeed need soil (nation) to truly take root, I am not denying that.

  9. “It’s an impoverished imagination that screams Marxist at people like me or Pat Buchanan.”

    Geez Roach, and isn’t it a gelded mind and man that will not even openly say that he wants his own people to live. Look at shitheads like Toddard, though he says he is not a “racist” and an “anti-Semite” he hints that he can be convinced when he says that it is a certain approach which would be more likely than not TO convince him. In other words, ‘buy me dinner and I just might spread my legs’. Isn’t it just that kind of unmanly lack of resolve that led the WASPs to roll over like trained curs for the Jews? (Rhetorical question.)

    The bottom line is this, and you best get it through your head: You WILL toe that goddamn fucking line on race. Oh yes, you will.

  10. I’ve been reading Takimag for less than a year and I’ve also noticed the decline in productivity lately. Personally, I – and call me a prude if you will – just about threw up when I read Mandolyna’s “bitch”-article.


    That is the language and attitude of Negroes and, for someone who is supposedly highly cultured and White (although the Greek people are a rather doubtful case), is absolutely unbelievable. More than the skin color is required in order to be White, in my not so humble opinion.

    A sign of the times, unfortunately. Imagine that the PC-crowd laughed at Southerners in the 50’s, when they said that giving the Blacks civil rights would “negrofy” the whole culture…

  11. European Nationalists, especially in continental countries such as Italy, France, and Spain, are unlikely to make an alliance with WNs in the US simply because the situations and cultural/political traditions are so different. Can anyone imagine something like CASAPOUND or GRECE taking hold in the US? The attitudes, history, symbols, and language of the ‘far right’ in Europe are very different from those of WNs. Anti-Americanism in Europe and anti-Europeanism (sp?) in the US are liable to limit any cooperative efforts.

  12. Maybe the female Takimag writers Mandolyna Theodoracopulos, Christina Oxenberg, and Nina Kupriyanova (who appears quite beautiful if her Facebook photo is to be believed) can be sort of a collective Diana Mosely of the nascent WN movement? 😉

  13. White Women in the USA act like a strange combination of Jewish Women (overly materialistic) and TNB black women. They haven’t acted feminine and white in a long time. It will take several generations to take the Jew/Black out of white women and return them to their true nature. To white women, BMWs are more important than babies.

    Is there a white woman in the USA that isn’t nude on the internet?

    In fairness, I’d also like to say that white men practicing “game” is essentially white men acting like Negros trying to screw anything with a pulse.

    We definitely have a failure of proper white parenting.

  14. Ultimately race is everything vs. race is important but not the only thing.

    Well, both are kinda true. Race is foundational. Build a foundation and you don’t have a house, but take away the foundation and your house is gone.

    Ultimately I think all CC and others did at Takimag was to force a decision. I’d rather they kept comments but I think their decision was inevitable. I suppose that’s a good thing, forcing people to choose sides (in this case, open vs. closed, not anti vs. ethnopatriot).

  15. Euro-nationalist correctly defend their borders not only against non-europeans but also against other europeans.

    it isn’t white nationalism.

  16. The Linder-Chaos position is dubious. I would like one example of a White Nationalist who, exposed to Paleoconservatism, has decided to become a Paleocon. The enlightenment/conversion process works entirely to the advantage of White Nationalism. Or, if not entirely, then certainly primarily in that direction.

    Linder’s zero sum model is false ideologically speaking.

    But let’s get serious here: his real concern is money. He is insanely jealous of people who receive more donations than he does. He has the silly notion that if he can destroy all other WN organizations, that vast amounts of cash will suddenly be diverted into his pockets.

    It does not occur to him that sane people would not support VNN if it literally were the last WN place on earth. VNN has declined from a webzine that used to publish a lot of brilliant original material from a lot of brilliant writers into a message board/septic tank full of mental defectives under the editorship of a vicious troll.

    But to Linder’s mind, the only thing that prevents him from receiving big bucks is the fact that other people are producing essays, books, magazines, conferences, etc. All of that has to stop. Then the movement will be forced to bow down to Linder as he squats on his porcelain throne.

  17. hardcore nucleus has outlined the third strategy. Let us call it the P.T. Barnum strategy. It involves not having a real job, living in your grandmother’s basement, and surviving off donations from suckers in the WN movement who work for a living.

  18. I don’t know how the comment decision came about at Takimag. I do recall a lot of crackpots were hanging around, and I particularly remember the libertarians were annoying me more than anyone else, and they tended to be particularly obnoxious. For them everything was THE STATE even though THE STATE is one part of the problem facing our civilization, and not necessarily the greatest part, and part of the problem with our society is that the state is not doing some things it should be doing, like punishing criminals swiftly and violently.

  19. “White Women in the USA act like a strange combination of Jewish Women (overly materialistic) and TNB black women.”

    No, women are not ‘acting’ like that, it is in fact their basic Nature! Read Otto Weininger ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_and_Character ) to learn about the ‘connection’ between femininity and Jewishness (they are essentially the same!)

    Only extreme Social Controls (Religious Fundamentalism usually) or a very small minority of Women consciously deciding to reject their nature can rise above depravity.

    P.S. as for Taki I rather like the Chap, his endorsement of Chuck Baldwin years ago helped to send me onto the Far Rightist vector I am currently traveling.

    P.P.S. If Takl-mag sucks so bad, why did they just have a piece on Revilo P. Oliver a few weeks ago? Is Taki-mag at least somewhat salvage-able?!?!?!!?!

  20. “I go to sleep one night and wakeup the next day and you all turned into fucking Communists Jew Manchurian Candidates. The comments in this thread make me sick to my stomach, …”

    Geesh, calm down my man, I was just being a little rhetorical. I really like your writing, and there is no need to get all batsh-t on us over a disagreement or so.

    I am against the obscene wealth of jews and their ‘shabbos goyim’ sycophants, which is largely derived in a very parasitical way from non-jews; and I am against the parasitical nature of black/brown parasitism in the form of White American society’s endless SUBSIDIZATION of them. Not much more, not much less.

  21. “In fairness, I’d also like to say that white men practicing “game” is essentially white men acting like Negros trying to screw anything with a pulse.”

    I completely concur!

    These “game ‘playas” are just really playing themselves if they think the be-all-and-end-all of life is getting drunk and ‘chasing tail’.

    Additionally White men living this sort of negro ‘lifestyle’ are a detriment to our race since all they are really doing is DEFILING the (putative) future mothers of our People.

  22. “I suppose that’s a good thing, forcing people to choose sides (in this case, open vs. closed, not anti vs. ethnopatriot).”

    How is that a good thing? What was gained except to see another vehicle of (at least) implicit Whiteness decline and die because of all-or-nothing extremism? Something is better than nothing, unless you’re a Linderite semi-moron.

  23. Since Alex “the exterminator” Linder is back on the menu, I can’t resist quoting the latest.


    When asked if he is worried about a libel suit for falsely identifying someone named Greg Johnson as the racist, anti-Semitic editor of TOQ, Linder writes simply: “Let us worry about the law.”

    This is the kind of insouciance that one would expect from someone who enjoys immunity from prosecution because of services rendered to ZOG.

    Was Kievsky the last sane man at VNN? I think so.

  24. Correction to Linder’s latest:


    “Focus on White-Al-Sharpton activism in the streets and emotion even more than evidence in written work.”

    should read:

    “Focus on writing online about White-Al-Sharpton activism in the streets and emotion even more than evidence in written work.”

    There, now. Isn’t the difference as plain as day?

  25. I don’t think there is any evidence that Linder is having second thoughts about this approach at all. Hell, he hasn’t even had first thoughts.

  26. # 48 Roach

    Grimioire, America had strong traditions of middle class identity, limits on corruption (both cultural and legal), limits on the power of accumulated capital, such as antitrust laws and restrictions on the right of “foreign” corporations to do business out of state, property and religious oath requirements on voting, a WASP culture of limits on ostentation (quite unlike the Jewish oligarch’s in today’s Russia, which buys yachts but builds no museums), noblesse oblige, and all the rest. The idea that people should be devoted to the country and identify with its people and their life experiences is hardly Marxist; it’s nationalist: as in there are things more important than making money, and virtue and love of one’s people is a greater claim to fame than mere wealth. It’s an impoverished imagination that screams Marxist at people like me or Pat Buchanan.

    Bullshit. America has a stronger tradition of outright oligarchy and unlimited materialism/capitalism that has always trumped the Democratic traditions the main architects of the constitution intended. American WASP culture is a non culture that begs and swindles culture from it’s own and others, mixing it together into a sorry gruel to pass on to Jews who can get more from it’s unhappy rags than the cost. The true artist in America has usually been a deserved or undeserved pariah or an expatriot. In the high culture of the Great Britain, and the English, there is none of this sad confusion about WASPism. You may be ‘W’hite, you may be ‘A’nglo’S’axon, although you neither know what one is or think like one should…but the ‘P’ stands for ‘P’rofiteer. And in that vein, note your foremost plan for a renaissance is getting your hands on and ordering other peoples money and culture, as you have none of your own to worry about.

    #49 W.T. Mann

    The ‘levelers’ were directly inspired by Zionism. In their own word, In every single pamphlet, every screed – they directly reference the return to a Zionist Jerusalem where all who do not submit to abject slavery to Jehovah are to be subject to beeble inspired torment.
    Where did they get these ideas? Think about it. And oh yes, they were zionists.

    As to your reference to the hilarious dialogue from Monty Python – understand the humour of the gag – in medieval Saxon Britain, suddenly the peasants are filled with all these erudite diatribes on the nature of executive power. Think about it. What happened to Saxon Britain? And then the Anglos? And then the Normans? The gag isn’t just funny, but ironic in a thoughtful way.

    #50 White Preservationist:
    As for Taki’s, I’ve always found the site rather effete.

    Think Overtons Window. This is why I am impatient at the petty egoism of maligning those people who opened, and held open that window. Taki is old now, has borne the burden of constant slander and sabotage with an Old World grace that has disarmed all his enemies, encouraged his allies, never failing to speak the truth as he saw it. He is daily besotted by fine Madeira’s and Opiates. In the best Aryan/Greek tradition, he has probably has had many incidents of syphillis to talk about with his grandchildren. He is a old school rake and raconteur, and god bless him, he may not have amounted to much but he never let us down the same as he never gave a shit for his enemies.


    North America is an ethno state. It is an ethno state by the same laws of nature that the American aboriginals followed and lived by among each other. Anyone who states that Europeans live under separate laws, is a liar, a profiteer. or is ignorant that while Man may make laws to harmonize his affairs, the laws of civilization and culture, the laws of Nature are inviolable. Those who transgress these laws of Nature are discarded and unless they come to their senses, and will no longer appear under Natures domain, It is Natures justice that the sentence of death is carried out by the transgressors own hand. And that according to the worth of the transgressor, time is given to correct one’s ways and come to one’s senses. Otherwise, fate is inexorable.

    But as an ethno state, America is not exceptional except in transitory good fortune. Winning the continent, slipping the noose of your Westminster overlords and displacing stone age aboriginals are not exceptional hurdles. If you consider exceptional good fortune, boundless opportunity, limited nuisance the basis for a race…then you are as exceptionally optimistic as you are ignorant of the meaning of blood. This ignorance make your stand in this world a weak one to face the challenges that stare into your faces in this century of reckoning. The time is past you can purchase victory or pick the bones of other falling empires. You have profited well on the destruction and enslavement of the European Fatherland. The falling empire is your own this time. This is not a battle of ideology, of marketing and commerce, or propaganda. It is a battle of blood. This is, as the ancients called it, Ragnarok, The Gotterdammerung. And you will fail this trial unless you wake up and stop serving your foolish wasp vanity. The law of Nature is inviolable.

  27. #73 Kulaks Never Learn
    Geesh, calm down my man, I was just being a little rhetorical. I really like your writing, and there is no need to get all batsh-t on us over a disagreement or so.

    I woke up with a rerrible hangover. Last night I went to a party at a tennis club – someone had given another gentleman, the Host, a ‘professor of literature’ , at a questionable university, a James Michener (I believe) novel about the Teutonic Knights in Poland. It was the usual WDTAA evil / good and oppressed shetl dwellers slaughtered by medieval darthvader Germanics….you can see the hollywood angle. They clucked like chickens over the fate of all the poor rabbit-worshipping pagans. As politely as possible I began to explain how we cannot apply cable tv dramedy plots to history. They would have none of this, this novel was gospel. I probed a few points about how mass pulp novels apply contemporary morals to historical subjects, because a) it appeals to the largest audience, b) it allows the public to feel morally superior to historical persons of note, and c) it makes money. The little puke was outraged. He stared at me like an angry falcon chick. He was my host, so I suppressed the strong urge to take his gormless throat in my hands and smash his head through the wall. I did go to his bar and find his most expensive scotch and drink all of it. But I suppose that did not sublimate the annoyance. As i’ve been in a foul mood all day.

  28. Grimoire,

    I agree that, in general, class warfare ideology is inimical to white interests. So are many other forms of intra-racial status jockeying. I think your comments fall into this unproductive category.

    (1) “Levelers” (sic) did not advocate what you think they advocated.

    (2) Cromwell was not a Leveller. He suppressed them.

    “Puritan” as a term of abuse was popularized by Mencken as part of an attack on (and attempt to set himself apart from) mainstream, middle-class Americans. Besides intra-racial status competition, ethnic animus no doubt formed part of Mencken’s motivation, as I’m sure it does also in your case.

    “You goddamn Cromwellians who want to destroy everything that makes life worth living…I will kill you with my own hands when I come across you, one by one. And you won’t be the first. I’ve never met a Puritan who wasn’t both a coward and a barking dog.”

    Zee irony.

  29. ” Bullshit. America has a stronger tradition of outright oligarchy and unlimited materialism/capitalism that has always trumped the Democratic traditions the main architects of the constitution intended.”

    Reminded of this quote: “The business of America is business.” President Calvin Coolidge.

    A market is not a homeland.

  30. According to Facebook Spencer and Nina Kouprianova are dating.

    Does this mean she’ll follow him to his new site?

    Some of her writing has really been top notch, especially the Motherland article on Russia’s efforts to raise the birthrate for ethnic Russians.

  31. Hope you are feeling better, Grimoire. Scotch whiskey is wicked stuff, I imbibe milder forms of liquid refreshment during the Julfest, like meade, or Glüwein. Gesundheit!

  32. Grimioire let me rephrase. The levellers were not influenced by jew rabbis and toilet talmud.

    As for the Monty Python routine, the temporal setting is incidental, it’s a josh on 60s leftists. But the point stands – the “elites” and “aristocrats” of the so-called White movement seem to amount to little more than aging, over-educated dilettantes constantly bitching because the Jews beat them at their own game. Does anyone really believe that the leadership of a future White culture are going to be effete, inbred aristocrats sipping expensive brandy? That seems unlikely. They are too busy fellating Jew York City banksters at Goldman Sachs and getting their daughters checked for VD.

    As for all this Catholic vs Protestant culture clashing, the era of fag priests is over. Whites who think we had it better pre-Reformation – well, that type would be happier going all the way back to classical Greece and Rome, you know, when sodomizing little boys was considered high class. Thank God for Philo, at least the Jews got one thing right (“not a day or even an hour”).

    Just because the vag you popped out of had 6 names doesn’t make you elite, you actually have to accomplish something (other than excelling at faggoty “sports” like badminton) – and so far, in this century, the old elite hasn’t done anything but lose, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon.

  33. #83 n/a
    I agree that, in general, class warfare ideology is inimical to white interests. So are many other forms of intra-racial status jockeying. I think your comments fall into this unproductive category.

    Foolishly, I suppose, think that this is not so. There is no intra-racial status to jockey about. You mean intra-national? Yes, i think nationalism among us, is a albatross. This has to be, in the end, about blood – not nationalism.

    Levelers – yes they advocated greater democracy against absolute rule by aristocracy. I use the term incorrectly – in the context of the revolution their ideas were advanced and they were suppressed for it.
    But the Puritan component is self explanatory. And Cromwell was aligned with them, their doctrine speaks for itself. They were also suppressed eventually – religiously – but the Calvinism lived on culturally in the market – notably Blake’s satanic mills.
    “You goddamn Cromwellians who want to destroy everything that makes life worth living…I will kill you with my own hands when I come across you, one by one. And you won’t be the first. I’ve never met a Puritan who wasn’t both a coward and a barking dog.”

    sounds like Giles, are you sure your quoting me?

  34. #86 W.T. Mann

    But the point stands – the “elites” and “aristocrats” of the so-called White movement seem to amount to little more than …..


    If you are a European by blood, you are by nature an aristocrat and the elite in this world.
    “know thyself”
    As for all this Catholic vs Protestant culture clashing, the era of fag priests…..

    how is that relevant?


    so far, in this century, the old elite hasn’t done anything but lose, and that’s not likely to change anytime soon.


    Well I guess since you’ve had such brilliant successes you have the right to point fingers,

  35. Captainchaos: I certainly did enjoy sticking the knife in and twisting it at Takimag. I’d like to think I played more than a small role in its demise.
    I remember you seemed to be running a one-man trolling war on Takimag. What was your problem with it? Forcing VNN-style rhetoric on a paleocon site is just going to alienate people who might be useful allies on immigration, etc.

  36. The right must be a movement of the workers and the middle class. The very rich and the very poor are both dangerous for a self-governing Republican people and need to be kept from having excessive political power. (“Roach”)

    Ironically, this prophylactic measure was achieved with the ascent of elite Jewry to supreme power in what is now Greater Judea.

    Greater Judea is now a theocracy of sorts more than it is a plutocracy, united (as it must be by transcendent objectives) at its summit, alternately, by Judeo-Communist and Judeo-Fascist agendas – rather than by mere individual material self-seeking by oligarchs who would soon disrupt and dissolve their own collective enterprise for lack of this transcendent element (as was overtaken the WASP establishment).

    Unfortunately, this development has not been to the ultimate advantage of “the workers and the middle class”. For the Iron Law of Oligarchy and the passage of time in the High Cultural evolution of the West assure that “a self-governing Republican people” has become nostalgic nonsense. These are, rather, the times of Septimius Severus.

  37. I’m with NeoNietzsche, here. The transcendent religious ideal behind Judaism empowers its individuals to exercise a degree of discipline, patience, self-sacrifice, and loyalty we in the West haven’t experienced since our own transcendent religious ideals fell apart. It’s the next stage in human evolution, one in which the individuals throughout the tribe coalesce into an emergent entity, a superorganism.

    The more I research, the more I’m thinking that the esoteric and the biological are different perspectives on the same object.

    I look forward to seeing what Richard Spencer creates. From what I can gather, he seems to have been the real workhorse behind TakiMag. The death of their comment section (partially the fault of men in this room), was the death of TakiMag. Turning off your comments at a website sets off a negative spiral of decreasing site quality.

    Can you imagine what commenters would do to those hilarious rich girl soliloquies?

  38. imperil:”In fairness, I’d also like to say that white men practicing “game” is essentially white men acting like Negros trying to screw anything with a pulse.”


    One of the most popular ‘Gamers,’ Roissy in DC, is a Jew according to one blogger who exposed his identity – http://ladyraine.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/exposed-roissy-in-dc/

    Other modern proponents of ‘Game’ have also been Jews.

    It is the flipside of Jewish feminism — Jew-invented feminism has undermined and corrupted White-Western women, whilst ‘Game’ undermines and corrupts White-Western men.

  39. @White Preservationist –
    “It is the flipside of Jewish feminism — Jew-invented feminism has undermined and corrupted White-Western women, whilst ‘Game’ undermines and corrupts White-Western men.”

    SO true!

    @Kulaks Never Learn –
    “These “game ‘playas” are just really playing themselves if they think the be-all-and-end-all of life is getting drunk and ‘chasing tail’.

    “Additionally White men living this sort of negro ‘lifestyle’ are a detriment to our race since all they are really doing is DEFILING the (putative) future mothers of our People.”

    Indeed, the MOTHERS of our future White nation!

  40. Wikitopian
    I’m with NeoNietzsche, here. The transcendent religious ideal behind Judaism empowers its individuals to exercise a degree of discipline, patience, self-sacrifice, and loyalty we in the West haven’t experienced since our own transcendent religious ideals fell apart. It’s the next stage in human evolution, one in which the individuals throughout the tribe coalesce into an emergent entity, a superorganism.

    Jews don’t sacrifice anything, they’re an extended organized crime family. They are well compensated for their donations to jewish criminal organizations in the form of no-work jobs and insider information.

    We don’t need to become jews to beat the jews. Many white nations have beaten the evil jews without giving up white culture. If anything we’ve become too jewish, valuing nothing but material things and self indulgence.

    We don’t need to become evil parasitic criminal jews, we need to return to whiteness.

  41. @OldRight

    I didn’t suggest that we need to become Jews, but I will go ahead and suggest that we need to adapt in certain ways so that we can survive. One of those necessary adaptations will be the emergence of some sort of group evolutionary strategy that protects us, serves our interests, and turns our efforts in a constructive direction.

    Ethnic tribalism is the solution, not the problem. We don’t have to become Jews to reclaim our self-determination, but we do have to ditch the secular abstract idols (individualism, democracy, humanism) that have all been turned against us.

  42. One of the most popular ‘Gamers,’ Roissy in DC, is a Jew according to one blogger who exposed his identity – http://ladyraine.wordpress.com/2009/11/23/exposed-roissy-in-dc/

    It’s not clear that he’s a Jew. The exposer based this assertion on his German surname. He has denied being Jewish several times, the exposer herself has said that she doesn’t really believe he is Jewish, several people who know him have said that he’s Catholic, etc.

    He has also revealed himself to be quite “Jew-wise” on several occasions and even took the frequently trolling commenter and Jew dissimulator/apologist “Whiskey”/”Testing99” to task for his lying propaganda.

  43. “I suppose that’s a good thing, forcing people to choose sides (in this case, open vs. closed, not anti vs. ethnopatriot).”

    How is that a good thing? What was gained except to see another vehicle of (at least) implicit Whiteness decline and die because of all-or-nothing extremism? Something is better than nothing, unless you’re a Linderite semi-moron.

    Well, I guess what I mean is, Takimag was going to choose the way they were going to choose, regardless of the timeline. So better sooner than later. Now we know their decision and can move on.

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