Takimag: What’s Going On?

I’ve been reading Takimag ever since January 2008. Whenever I come online, I never fail to make my rounds and check for updates. It is one of the top five sites that I visit on the internet. The short list includes TOQ Online, Occidental Observer, SBPDL, Majority Rights, VDARE, Guy White, View From The Right, and Age of Treason. Two years ago, Takimag was thriving and seemed to have a lot of momentum. It was hands down the best site around.

Lately, I have noticed that Takimag has been very quiet. I suspect others have noticed the same thing. The Sniper’s Tower hasn’t been updated in almost a week. A few Buchanan columns have been uploaded, but they are starting to run into each other. Christina Oxenberg and Mandolyna Theodoracopulos seem to have taken over the site. Everyone else seems to have left the building.

Something is up. I’ve heard rumors flying around. I have a vague idea of what is going on. Has anyone else heard anything? Speak up.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If anything we’ve become too jewish, valuing nothing but material things and self indulgence.

    Well, that’s one way to describe mimicking all of their flaws, and none of their merits. 🙂

    But there’s materialism, and then there’s materialism. I see Jewish materialism as mostly a good thing, rather than as the crass spend borrow spend some more kind of materialism. Jews, in the main, seem to me to be money-grubbers in the good sense. They see money as a tool. And their materialism generally goes well beyond the money sense. E.g., Jews don’t believe in the afterlife. That’s good materialism. The closest they get is living on as a tribe, through their descendants. Even better materialism. “Is it good for the Jews?” is materialistic. The way they handle their money is materialistic; look at how much they spend to control politics and culture while our elite buys football programs in flyover country. The enormous effort they’ve put into Hollywood is quintessential materialism.

    The hyperbolic “materialistic Jew” is a billionaire not with a bunch of toys, but a bare apartment with a chair and a computer to control his investments.

    I don’t think worrying about our becoming “too Jewish” is worth much. There are too many controls in place for that.

  2. One of the most popular ‘Gamers,’ Roissy in DC, is a Jew according to one blogger who exposed his identity

    Read further into the site you linked to. They think he’s a Catholic of German, perhaps French-Canadian background. (At his blog Roissy has claimed to be related to one of the real life persons portrayed in Goodfellas so he may be part Italian).

    “Laughing” (at “Laughing”) is regurgitating Buchanan’s drivel, ‘race is important but is not everything’. Wrong, ultimately, race is everything.

    Very few paleocons (or white people in general) think that way. By turning every single post at TakiMag into a WNist discussion you got their backs up and reinforced paleocon suspicions and negative stereotypes of WNists. If anything you delayed the racial awakening of many of them.

  3. But there’s materialism, and then there’s materialism. I see Jewish materialism as mostly a good thing, rather than as the crass spend-borrow-spend-some-more kind of materialism… (“Svigor”)

    Svigor grants us a mature and non-inflamatory photograph of the subject, to supplement OldRight’s self-indulgent and self-deceptive caricature.

  4. NeoNietzsche
    Svigor grants us a mature and non-inflamatory photograph of the subject, to supplement OldRight’s self-indulgent and self-deceptive caricature.

    How long have you worshiped the jew’s abominations as your god?

    If what the jew did was the correct approach it wouldn’t be hated by billions. Twisted philo-jewryites like you want us to remake ourselves in the image of absolute evil. As if a white man could become a tapeworm by studying its sickening habits.

    The jew is not a role model, it is a perversion.

    A rampaging gang of Muslims has a deeper understanding of the jew and how to counteract it than any intellectual.

  5. I’m sure the jew worshipers will claim that the hatred of billions is a mark of the jew’s great success, their superb, finely honed strategy, as if this peak of evil is a stable condition, a new age of jew power that will last centuries.

    What we’re seeing is not the jewish millennium, but the end of a very brief (historically) and typical jewry psychotic episode. Their strategy has been to burn through every bit of goodwill their propaganda had created for them in an orgy of self indulgent greed and sexual depravity. The jews did not have to rally to defend Roman Polanski, and any sensible PR adviser would have told them to keep quiet and cut their losses. But jews don’t have a Protocol, they have their tribal impulses. The very tribalism that some here admire is their undoing, because they are a tribe of evil, a tribe of criminals.

    They always abuse their host nations, those nations patience always runs out, and all the worldly glory they accumulated for a brief time is lost in an explosion of rage as the people rise up against jew tyranny and expel them back to the ghettos where they’ve spent most of their miserable history.

    There is nothing they can teach us, except as an example of how not to live.

  6. I agree, Judaism and Talmudist tumors must be excised from our culture. This excision will go back centuries, and so radically alter the spiritual constitution of the west that we will have few options but to create an entirely new world.

  7. A rampaging gang of Muslims has a deeper understanding of the jew and how to counteract it than any intellectual.

    I could not have more precisely and colorfully likened your own intellect. My compliments on your in-sight and artistry in so doing.

  8. NeoNietzsche
    I could not have more precisely and colorfully likened your own intellect. My compliments on your in-sight and artistry in so doing.

    The Muslims successfully purged the jews from their nations after 1948 and they’ve created a viable counterculture in opposition to the world plague.

    Meanwhile the philosophers grovel in the jew’s vomit licking up rotting scraps.

    Given those options I can only proclaim –

    Allah Akbar!

  9. And a hearty Allah Akbar! to you too, Rampage.

    Your Medieval mind, however, has predictably missed the real basis of the eventual undoing of the Jews (and ourselves, under their regime):

    From “superhuman”:

    The Earth is crying out for a threshing and it’s coming, much bigger than any normal intervention has ever been prior. While the Jews have all the slackjawed yokels fixing their gaze on the menacing spectre of towelheads charging on their goats to destroy the West … meanwhile Russia and China are 180 degrees opposite preparing to relieve all these gawping jackasses of their pathetic lives in a single day. So by all means keep worrying about Abdul the Falafel cook over there where my finger is pointing. (“Bill Baxter”)

  10. I don’t believe “Medieval” is the appropriate epithet for a thoroughly materialist Western mind impotently grasping for an exoteric solution to an esoteric problem. Devoid of tradition, incapable of submission to an ideal or the priestly bearers of an ideal, he lashes out like a cornered beast at the most obvious adversary – the Jews who are now commanding a civilization which has lost the will to command itself. The quintessential medieval man was the embodiment of tradition, experienced the full array of human experience which has been lost to the modern mind, and was prepared to give his life in the service of his ideals. How many of us are worthy of being called Medieval?

  11. Evil white men like them [NeoNietzsche and Curious Vojtech], assuming they are white, are spiritual jews and in a white ethnostate they will be treated the way the Inquisition, peace be upon it, treated heretics.

    Burned alive in the public square as an example to others. (“OldRight”)

    Somehow, the term “Medieval” does come to mind despite one’s best efforts. For there were, of course, several distinctive aspects of that era. Think of the ludicrous “Hocus Pocus” of Latin Communion. And the paranoia-laden torments of the countless witch-roasts. And what about all those quixotic, massacre-strewn Crusades to Salvationland?

    Indeed, should the prayers on his very lips be answered, our Inquisitor will have us on our toes dodging his free-ranging vice police, with the delights of the dungeon and the stake awaiting us, should we be caught in, or suspected of, naughty activities.

  12. The site was getting progressively better. If you noticed, they started posting Jared Taylor and Zmirak left. Other racialists began writing for it.

    The problem is just that Taki wants to make it about his social climbing exploits.

    I hope Richard’s site goes off well, but it would be nice to still have Taki’s money going to something productive.

  13. “If you noticed, they started posting Jared Taylor, and Zmirak left.”

    I wish Zmirak would leave the galaxy.

  14. “The problem is just that Taki wants to make it about his social climbing exploits.”

    What a narcissistic greaseball.

  15. The problem with Takimag isn’t Taki. What happened there is a microcosm of the hopeless state of the movement. We get a wealthy benefactor who supports our cause and we do everything imaginable to make the whole thing miserable for him. He’s offering airtime to Jared Taylor and hosting articles about Revilo P. Oliver, but some forum trolls who think they got some fancy strategery invest an incredible amount of energy in silencing discussion on the site. Raimondo and the religious traditionalists scold him for including “racists”. Everybody in every faction turns on him for failing to exclusively support their faction.

    So the rich scoundrel wants to post some of his rich scoundrel thoughts on his eponymous website. So he invites a couple of his rich scoundrel friends to post some of their rich scoundrel thoughts on his website. That’s the way the world works. Real influence requires riches and riches are in the hands of rich scoundrels. If you don’t like it, find a different world. As long as we continue treating our benefactors like that, the world we live in will continue to carry on without our influence.

  16. At his blog Roissy has claimed to be related to one of the real life persons portrayed in Goodfellas so he may be part Italian).

    I thought he openly stated that he is 1/2 or 1/4 Italian? He’s said that his maternal grandfather was a dead ringer for Berlusconi, at least.

  17. 111 NeoNietzsche

    Think of the ludicrous “Hocus Pocus” of Latin Communion.

    unfortunately, you have not yet grasped the powers that lay deep inside of the process of ‘Ritual’. The artificers of the Latin communion understood it, for it is as eternal as it is inexplicable, it is a shunt into the vein of primordial power; Aptly demonstrated by the status of the Church, and any Race at the time it was great was defined primarily by high Ritual.

    And the paranoia-laden torments of the countless witch-roasts.

    It is my understanding, that witches burn quite well. This was understood by mediaeval man, casting about for suitable flammables – he instinctively settles only on the most choice of consumables. This was an age of High Ritual….and the offerings reflected on the worth of the men who performed the sacred duties.
    They did not let posterity down. Neither shall we.

    And what about all those quixotic, massacre-strewn Crusades to Salvationland?

    Bite thy tongue . Remember you namesake. Those sacred massacres, where the most noble, most notable, most supreme, most consummate, most exemplary slaughters in the history of mankind. They represented the cosmic aspect, the planetary consciousness of the Northern primaeval breeds. Genghis Khan is a mere back alley pawnbroker of slaying by comparison. His mountain of skulls is worth a second look, but on inspection we find the mountain was only for the purpose of instruction to others, tawdry advertisement – abject materialism. Nothing to get excited about. Enthusiasm, but no soul. Simply the normal course of affairs. For the Crusades, this was done only to test the weapons.
    The Crusaders massacred thousands, preferably hundreds of thousands. regrettably not millions, because they embodied a disinterested and impartial Virtue that had not been known on the face of the earth and the entire saga of mankind until that time. And that in itself, is a battle among planets, among lesser Gods. They were Gods among men, for they made Gods wish they were men.

    For this they are resented, feared and maligned among the mice we call men in this age.

    In is one of our greatest losses that we do not understand today, the Crusader. We must wake up. We must remember who we are.

    For we have need of the spirit of these men today. Men of the breed who where among the 1600 Knights and 2100 sargents who took the field against a supremely organized, provisioned and disciplined force of 56.000, and yet to utterly decimate them in a single charge. Smashing them to atoms. Scattering them like dust to the wind. Forever assigning them to the status of second among the races of men, well above the pernicious Jew, but forever posterior to the flower that is western civilization.

    And I give you as the most perfect evidence, keep today by our true friends. Our only true friends left in this world. While our sorry selves have been brainwashed as to the glory of men like these, men purified of talmudic illusions that we are sheep, dogs, monkeys and cattle, the property of priests and vizers. They were Sages of the truth of the real world as a battle field, Men who killed the enemy, not bow or borrow from them. Searchers of wisdom in the highest adventures, Nobility of one of the most glorious and noble episodes of folly in the history of the world. This circulet of roses sits still on our head like a crown we are blind to. And our court, the mythic Camelot, is overrun by the vermin of sadducees changing money. while we stumble about in our stupor of illusions.

    And the proof is the wretched musselman. Our true friend. He is wretched without us. He still resents the abject humiliation by so few of a thousand years ago like it was today. He was forever assigned a distant secondplace in the world of men in those days. And he will never forget that humiliation, and he will never lose his fondness of recalling it. And his fondness for us. It’s true he won the holy land back. But he won it like the serial loser who keeps playing double or nothing over and over and over, until you let him win because your tired and have other affairs. And he really has won nothing but the absolution of a massive debt. In play his distinguishment is only of constantly losing. While we were victorious because we had the vitals to match the dream, to seize and conquer no matter the odds. That the dream became tiresome and a matter of piracy is natural. But even in that, no pirates in the saga of men has matched the monks of war.

    He is our true friend the musselman. Although we are blind to who are our friends. and seek nothing better but to destroy them, like mad dogs running loose in a pack. The musselman is the only true friend we have left in this world. For while we have forgotten who we are, he has not. And his badgering today for a rematch is to remind who we are. He knows he will lose. But he does not and has not forget his true friend is his greatest and most noble foe, He misses us. And like a ancient friend, he hates our hexing by Jews, and that he is helpless to wake us…..cannot he but despise us? Ask yourself. In his heart he remembers when there where Giants in this world. And he lived among them. But we do not remember. and wring our hands over the plight of the poor jews. The Crusader used roasted jew to feed his dogs.
    Learn the lessons of Saleh-adouin, the musselman is a noble man. Those who disparage the musselman are ignoble and ignorant. For today is not forever, but forever is today. We will become again the men we have always been, or we will become as if we had never been.

    Indeed, should the prayers on his very lips be answered, our Inquisitor will have us on our toes dodging his free-ranging vice police, with the delights of the dungeon and the stake awaiting us, should we be caught in, or suspected of, naughty activities.

    this is why the Crusader massacred a few handfuls of thousands of Jews and other vermin. Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un Priest ou Jude ou vermne pour encourager les autres.
    They were not tourists after all. And to feed the dogs.

  18. Grimoire,

    Encore, encore. Just a pity you didn’t manage to slip in a reference to “Khazars” — that would have really capped it off. You might want to save this one for the future; it’s no good having it languishing here at #117 on an obscure blog entry. After the men in white coats take you away you might want to pull it out again to treat the grand kids who come to break the monotony of staring out into the horizon babbling away at a world that long since passed you by.

  19. Bravo, Grimioire!

    But seriously:

    unfortunately, you have not yet grasped the powers that lay deep inside of the process of ‘Ritual’.

    Please note that I did not declare the Ritual false, but rather “ludicrous”. For I am quite notorious for calling for a return to the noble faith and sacrifice of and to Huitzilopochtli and Tlaloc. And I well note the “power” of Voodoo and Santaria. It is the ignobility and paranoiac psychopathology of that spirit surviving the corpse of Classical civilization and imposed upon the primitives of Europe to which I object. Please consult the list of “Faustian Pacts” for the chronic symptoms of this perpetual disease.

    It is my understanding, that witches burn quite well.

    And that might have been the understanding of the case for the Medieval minds of the masses that never witnessed an auto da fe. Unfortunately for the humans who stood in for the imagined witches, at the stake, the high-percentage water content of the body made a burning the Hellish experience that the sickened, self-righteous minds of their prosecutors intended it to be.

    The Crusaders massacred thousands, preferably hundreds of thousands. regrettably not millions, because they embodied a disinterested and impartial Virtue that had not been known on the face of the earth and the entire saga of mankind until that time. And that in itself, is a battle among planets, among lesser Gods. They were Gods among men, for they made Gods wish they were men.

    What was I saying, above, about “paranoiac psychopathology”? Let us grant a historicist perspective in contextualizing events, while yet maintaining a Classical view of these measures as quixotic and juvenile, as self-conceived.

    In is one of our greatest losses that we do not understand today, the Crusader. We must wake up. We must remember who we are.

    For we have need of the spirit of these men today. Men of the breed who where among the 1600 Knights and 2100 sargents who took the field against a supremely organized, provisioned and disciplined force of 56.000, and yet to utterly decimate them in a single charge. Smashing them to atoms. Scattering them like dust to the wind. Forever assigning them to the status of second among the races of men, well above the pernicious Jew, but forever posterior to the flower that is western civilization.

    The “spirit of these men” is that, as said above, of enthusiastic juveniles, hopped-up on PCP-like propaganda for superhuman strength – too stupid and ignorant to understand the nature of the alien agencies that have set them to crusading/stooging for agendas not their own, for the past nearly two millenia. The glorious and romantic battles of that period – the “Good Wars” – have rather been productions in the service of ancient parasitical and ultimately destructive elements that have insinuated themselves into the company of a young and immature people.

    Learn the lessons of Saleh-adouin, the musselman is a noble man. Those who disparage the musselman are ignoble and ignorant. For today is not forever, but forever is today. We will become again the men we have always been, or we will become as if we had never been.

    Better a warrior’s religion than a slave’s religion, if you have to choose and have no alternative.

    this is why the Crusader massacred a few handfuls of thousands of Jews and other vermin. Dans ce pays-ci, il est bon de tuer de temps en temps un Priest ou Jude ou vermne pour encourager les autres.

    They were not tourists after all. And to feed the dogs.

    Ah, to live life as the hero of a comic-book. I am not immune to its charms, in having tried to inspire whites to openly carry with and per my own example. But Genocide for Christ, or its ideological equivalent, is pathologically self-destructive in its ultimate consequence.

  20. NeoNietzsche
    I disagree with you, your analysis applies the model of the technocrat as an example of what the Crusaders did not measure up , a model which they did in fact incorporate to a higher degree than any other of their age. Europe scientifically and socially, economically was advanced half a millennium by the Crusaders. Your analysis is guilty of the comic book model template of the crusades. The problem is propoganda. has convinced you it is a comic book epic with comic book answers. A few simple morality criticisms and you become vastly superior to historical personages of note, along with the rest of the modern moral world.
    This is a common problem with most of the greatest episodes of western man. This is what I tried to convey in the previous post. But the commenters simply apply a few childrens morals and soar over head.
    The problem is your ignorance. The loss is you do not understand the most glorious ages of your own people. You refuse it because it is not but a comic book. And where did you get that opinion? Who made you so morally superior to discount your own real historical saga’s as comic books? The loss to yourself makes me sad indeed.

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