The Big Zero

In The New York Times, Paul Krugman describes the 2000s as The Big Zero: a decade in which nothing good happened, there was zero economic gain for the average family, zero gains for homeowners, zero gain for the stock market. That’s the progressive spin. In fact, the average White American is worse off in countless ways in 2010 than 2000.

As Krugman notes, private sector employment actually declined. The composition of the job market also changed. There are less high paying manufacturing jobs, but more bartenders, waitresses, burger flippers, and Wal-Mart associates. The White middle class and working class faced cut throat economic competition from abroad. College graduates discovered that the advanced degrees they had earned were debt certificates. The filthy rich gorged on the public treasury and sucked up all the net economic gain for themselves.

There are several million more legal immigrants (and illegal aliens) from the Third World in America. Multiculturalism and political correctness have sunk deeper roots. A mulatto has been elected President of the United States. American culture is coarser than it was ten years ago. The White Nationalist movement has grown somewhat in maturity and overall numbers, but remains politically marginalized and confined to the internet.

No one seems to regret the passing of this sorry decade.

@Antisemitica : Kunstler and Whites

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Experience has always confirmed the progressive faith. Science and technology advanced. America became wealthier. Living standards improved.

    Not so in the last decade. The majority of White Americans believe their children and grandchildren will be worse off than themselves.

  2. The stagnant economy, the dispossession of the White middle class, the misrule by an alien oligarchy, and the racial blighting of the US are all signs of the ongoing Decline and Fall of Anglo America.

  3. Kunstler’s forecast:

    “One wild card is how angry the American people might get. Unlike the 1930s, we are no longer a nation who call each other “Mister” and “Ma’am,” where even the down-and-out wear neckties and speak a discernible variant of regular English, where hoboes say “thank you,” and where, in short, there is something like a common culture of shared values. We’re a nation of thugs and louts with flames tattooed on our necks, who call each other “motherfucker” and are skilled only in playing video games based on mass murder. The masses of Roosevelt’s time were coming off decades of programmed, regimented work, where people showed up in well-run factories and schools and pretty much behaved themselves. In my view, that’s one of the reasons that the US didn’t explode in political violence during the Great Depression of the 1930s – the discipline and fortitude of the citizenry. The sheer weight of demoralization now is so titanic that it is very hard to imagine the people of the USA pulling together for anything beyond the most superficial ceremonies – placing teddy bears on a crash site. And forget about discipline and fortitude in a nation of ADD victims and self-esteem seekers.”

  4. When you make sauerkraut, there’s a time period during the process when it stinks so bad it doesn’t seem like it would ever be something edible.

    That was the Zeros for ya. The “stink” is running its course. It won’t be forever, and I believe it is being followed, even now, by a very broad and strong opposite reaction.

    We are like Skynet, before it became self aware. I really believe that Skynet from the Terminator is an unwitting analogy for White consciousness. A certain critical mass of our population will hit a level of consciousness analogous to the Skynet tipping point. And we’ll “decide . . . in a microsecond.”

  5. Judging by cities like Detroit and the Deep South, the best thing for any self-conciously white politics would be for whites to feel threatened as a group and to be rendered a discriminated-against minority. It would be silly, of course, under those circumstances to think fair play will prevail–ask the white Afrikanners–but we are more administratively capable, smart, organized, and disciplined than most competitors, and could probably compete better in a political system where group cohesion were needed. As a majority we can be broad-minded and inclusive; as a minority, it’s more likely we’ll be fairly ruthless. Of course, we could just be destroyed out of ennui, contraception, third world immigration, and a a general lack of self-respect. It’s a toss up.

  6. The election of a negro president, Obongo, is symbolic of the start of America’s decline. Even Europeans are starting to notice and speak out:

    Kunstler avoids the race issue, as usual, and doesn’t mention the principal difference between the 1930s and now, namely the sheer number and hostility of the growing non-white (i.e., non-American) population within the borders. Unlike 80 years ago, today we are a nation of whiggers and metrosexuals, black gangsters, hispanic militants, Muslim terrorists, and Asian colonists.

  7. It is the Left that is primarily responsible for deconstructing the cultural fabric of FDR’s America, a society they deemed to be irrevocably fascistic, racist, etc. Suburbia has mostly been a response by the American people to avoid (and/or escape) the Left’s handiwork in the urban centers.

    Kunstler should talk to his fellow leftists ask them if they think that American culture of today is better than that of the 1930s. The truth may surprise him.

  8. Roach,

    We will not be totally destroyed. Incredible things will happen in the 21st century as the various consensuses that made the post-war era continue to erode.

  9. “We’re a nation of thugs and louts with flames tattooed on our necks, who call each other “motherfucker” and are skilled only in playing video games based on mass murder.”

    Of course. His tribe played a big part in creating this crass atmosphere. Young white men today are not the “thank you sir, may I have another” gentlemen they were in the 20’s and 30’s. Whole new ballgame this time around.

    “The masses of Roosevelt’s time were coming off decades of programmed, regimented work, where people showed up in well-run factories and schools and pretty much behaved themselves. ”

    The “greatest” generation followed this pattern as well after the war. My grandfather was the exact type Kunstler is talking about here. He served in WWII at 19, fought all the major battles of Europe, got a lot of medals, came home and worked the rest of his life in low paying jobs totally satisfied with his lot in life while never questioning anything. This was how Jews acquired their power. This is how the 1960’s happened; taking advantage of “well behaved” men like my grandfather while at the same time corrupting their children.

    Kunstler is a man who lives in fear. He is guilty and he knows it.

  10. “One wild card is how angry the American people might get.”

    As long as the televitz is on and there is beer in the fridge one doubts anything will change. Even if the lemmings do get angry they just get mis-directed towards futile efforts like ‘Tea Parties’.

    Only a serious Propaganda effort by White Nationalists may save the lemmings from a dismal fate.

  11. “Kunstler is a man who lives in fear. He is guilty and he knows it.”

    I don’t see how Kunstler, a critic of our existing order, is guilty of anything. Are you saying individual Jews are responsible for the crimes of organized Jewry, even if they disagree with organized Jewry’s aims? If so, fuck you. Ordinary, non-militant white people are not held responsible for the crimes of gentile whiggers, metrosexuals and neocons. Same principle applies to ordinary, non-militant Jews. Fight the system, leave individuals alone.

  12. I don’t see how Kunstler, a critic of our existing order, is guilty of anything.

    I don’t see how a critic of the “our existing order” could have supported Obama, someone who has numerous ties to powerful elements of “our existing order” in the form of Goldman-Sachs, the Chicago machine and AIPAC, among others. Also “our existing order” is entirely a construct of left -wing projects such as the New Deal, the Great Society and the Permanent Cultural Revolution which has been with us since the Sixties. Obama was clearly the purest representative of America’s hegemonic left in the last election.

    Most likely anything valuable that Kunstler has to say (aside from Peak Oil, where he is hardly the only Jeremiah) was anticipated by the Southern Agrarians at the dawn of the New Deal:

  13. Crypto-Aryan
    I don’t see how Kunstler, a critic of our existing order, is guilty of anything. Are you saying individual Jews are responsible for the crimes of organized Jewry, even if they disagree with organized Jewry’s aims?

    I don’t think Kunstler feels guilty, that’s not why he’s scared. He’s scared because he knows that when jews wreck a nation all jews pay the price.

    All jews, guilty or not, will be expelled from a white nationalist state. Even a nice pet rat can give birth to a plague spreading horde.

  14. From the Michael O’Meara article at TOO

    Viewed “objectively,” neither secession nor a white conservative reconquest has a chance, not one in a universe of infinite possibilities. Both are figments of a few white minds troubled by the prospect of their people’s imminent demise.
    But that’s the way all great movements begin.
    If a presently unattainable ideal is not first articulated as a mythic possibility, it remains unrealized, for its idealization is part of the process that quickens its realization.
    In 1774, only a few believed in American independence. After 1776 it was a critical mass.
    For those with the courage of their convictions, it’s never a matter of calculating the odds and going with the winning side, but of doing what needs to be done — like that Roman soldier of Pompeii cited by Spengler in Man and Technics, whose Aryan sense of duty kept him at his post, as Vesuvius exploded in fire.

  15. A certain critical mass of our population will hit a level of consciousness analogous to the Skynet tipping point. And we’ll “decide . . . in a microsecond.”

    At least that part of the analogy is apt. We’re fighting the battle right now. The building of consciousness is the battle, not the preparation. I think this is why Jews fight so hysterically, because they understand this, and that yes, once critical mass is achieved, things move very quickly. They know an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure.

  16. I like this kind of talk. Enough theory as to causes already. Get out and agitate. Do what you can to inflame racial tensions. Undermine the government and consumer economy at every opportunity, and let others see and feel your contempt for the Jew and his depredations. We have more allies than we know.

  17. Svigor: ” and that yes, once critical mass is achieved, things move very quickly “

    In the final stages, there will be a WN TV station. It will have a huge impact, much stronger than a nationalist station for Mexican immigrants. I look forward to hearing a debate about the JQ on a big TV station for Aryan folks.

    Cronoil Goathl: “Even if the lemmings do get angry they just get mis-directed towards futile efforts like ‘Tea Parties’. “

    In the last decades, the media and public institutions were hijacked by the far-left. Then, the idealism and rebellious instinct of the young were mis-directed into left-wing, anti-white activism. It helped break down society some more, creating dysfunctional families, social maladjustment, and more anger, mis-directed into more destructive leftism. I suppose at some point, downtrodden young white people will realize it is incredibly stupid and not-rebellious to support state-sponsored, media-encouraged anti-white activism! Then they will start channeling their energy into something different, like WN.

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