A New Decade

The Seventies were a time of chaos, collapse, and disarray. The Eighties were dominated by violent vanguardist fringe groups. The Nineties were dominated by the mainstreaming tendency. The Aughts were dominated by the internet. What do you suppose will come to define the pro-White movement in the Teens?

I think this might be the activism decade. I’ve predicted that a real world mass membership pro-White organization will finally emerge for ordinary White Americans. Someone will take the bull by the horns. I could always be wrong about this.

What are your predictions for the new decade?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The next decade will see emerge a culture of activism. Real world activism. Feet on the street. A new activist class of smart, young, racially-sharp Whites.

    I believe this can already be seen in groups such as Keystone United and Bay Area National Anarchists.

  2. Hunter Wallace

    “The Seventies were a time of chaos, collapse, and disarray. The Eighties were dominated by violent vanguardist fringe groups. The Nineties were dominated by the mainstreaming tendency. The Oughts were dominated by the internet. What do you suppose will come to define the pro-White movement in the Teens?”

    I disagree.

    The Seventies were full of evolutionary change; individuals and groups were created, by and large, from the dramatic increase in perceived power of institutional change. Reaction is not always bad…only mindless reaction. The Political parties were the modern ‘do-nothings’, but the burgeoning White Nationalist construct was not in disarray, to the contrary, more political, theocratic, and militant attitudes were formed in this decade, than any other since Reconstruction.

    The Eighties were, indeed, headlined by a more Direct Action orientated mindset; without which, I might add, the conception of the world would be much different for the lot here…it was the right hand to the intellectual body of thinkers and poets. As today, no body, no Duality may exist without a balance, sometimes, even an excess in one direction or another.

    As has been said before, it is not the ‘fringe’ groups (WE have no fringe groups, only Un-wanted ones) who did not support rational change, and supported the ‘old guard’ at every opportunity; it was the Old Guard, on the other hand, who always failed to support the action men.

    “I think this might be the activism decade. I’ve predicted that a real world mass membership pro-White organization will finally emerge for ordinary White Americans. Someone will take the bull by the horns. I could always be wrong about this.”

    Every single decade, since the end of the last Fratricidal War, has been active on many levels…but how does one win? Like in any game of Chess, the only true victory is, CHECK MATE.

  3. Scotchfiend has an important post up from ten days ago outlining his vision for the way ahead:

    http://scotchfiend.blogspot.com/2009/12/silent-diffusion.html .

    It’s a very long post but read the whole thing to the end: you won’t be disappointed. It consists of nothing but practical recommendations for taking concrete “next steps” to make our side stronger and augment our chances of success. I highly recommend everyone read it.

  4. A few predictions:
    -The USD will collapse.
    -One or more states will secede.
    ->= $10/gal gas (2009 dollars).
    – Domestic economic terrorism ie. orchestrated bank runs.
    -Silver / gold underground economy flourishes.
    -State sponsored Euthanasia of seniors.
    -Hunter will start an internet radio show.

  5. An ethnic generation gap of some kind. No white male will ever lead the Democrats again. That party will be permanently captured by the post 65 immigrants – of whom Obama was the harbinger.

  6. Hopefully we will see the collapse of the American economy and political system followed by the inevitable racial/ethnic balkanization of the USA, with the USA broken up in to at least 4-6 different areas correlated with race/ethnicity and geography.

  7. The USA definitely isn’t going to suddenly collapse in a day, a week, a month, or even a few years; rather it will continue to slowly decline and it will gradually dissolve just as the USSR did.

    The ‘Trends Research Institute’ is interesting – http://www.trendsresearch.com/

    By 2012 they predict the rounding up and mass-expulsion of immigrants from many nations, the rise of far-right 3rd parties, tax riots, food supply problems, the continuation of housing market collapse, energy shortages, more major banking/financial problems, many urban areas turned in to violent hellholes, among other things. It is very ‘doom & gloom,’ but some of their predictions may indeed bear out.

  8. By 2012 they predict the rounding up and mass-expulsion of immigrants from many nations, the rise of far-right 3rd parties, tax riots…It is very ‘doom & gloom,’

    Doom and gloom? Sounds like a celebration. Bring it on! 😉

    One can only hope…

  9. Reminds me of ‘Taxi Driver’

    All the animals come out at night – whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

    Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

    Now I see this clearly. My whole life is pointed in one direction. There never has been a choice for me.
    I got some bad ideas in my head.

  10. Travis Bickle is the jew screenwriter’s nightmare of a white man waking up.

    In the script the pimp and his gang were all black.

  11. FYI Many of the nationalists in Europe and S. America I’ve made contact with over the last few years mention the movie Taxi Driver, and Travis in particular, as an inspiration.

  12. About a year ago me and my girlfriend went and saw “Taxi Driver” in a theater which was running a lot of older classics and art-house films.

    After the movie was over, when the credits were rolling, she turned to me and said: “He [Travis Bickle] kind of reminds me of you.”

  13. Trends 2012: The 2nd American Revolution – http://files.e2ma.net/21873/assets/docs/tj-autumn-09.pdf

    “Autumn 2012, the “Greatest Depression” has spread worldwide. Billions are unemployed, homeless and desperate. Countries bankrupt, trade pacts broken, tariffs rise, borders close. Protectionist, nationalist and anti-globalization movements have moved out of the margins and into the mainstream. Immigrants brought in during boom times — blamed for bringing down wages, stealing jobs and rising crime — are being rounded up and deported…

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