Here is the reason White Americans are in bad shape. This is the 100% explanation. Yes, I blame ourselves.
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Kara Miller
My lazy American students
By Kara Miller
December 21, 2009IT WAS the kind of student conference I hate. “I’ll do better,’’ my student told me, leaning forward in his chair. “I know I’ve gotten behind this semester, but I’m going to turn things around. Would it be OK if I finished all my uncompleted work by Monday?’’
I sat silent for a moment. “Yes. But it’s important that you catch up completely this weekend, so that you’re not just perpetually behind.’’
A few weeks later, I would conduct a nearly identical conversation with two other students. And, again, there would be no tangible result: No make-up papers. No change in effort. No improvement in time management.
By the time students are in college, habits can be tough to change. If you’re used to playing video games like “Modern Warfare’’ or “Halo’’ all night, how do you fit in four hours of homework? Or rest up for class?
Teaching in college, especially one with a large international student population, has given me a stark – and unwelcome – illustration of how Americans’ work ethic often pales in comparison with their peers from overseas.
My “C,’’ “D,’’ and “F’’ students this semester are almost exclusively American, while my students from India, China, and Latin America have – despite language barriers – generally written solid papers, excelled on exams, and become valuable class participants.
We need to start establishing “economic bases,” because White people are getting muscled out of all economic niches by non-whites and Jews. Mexicans take our manual labor and skilled labor, Indians take our computer and medical jobs, Jews dominate finance, law, education, mass media and arts (and warp all these things in a very evil and disgusting direction). We have to fight for our economic niches, or starve and die. Do you get it? We have to start buying back convenience stores from the Gandhis and the Pakis, we have to go be R.N.’s so Filipino nurses don’t come in and take that slot, we have to farm so they don’t insource farming to Jew owners and Mexican laborers.
Taking stuff away from us is like snatching lollipops from babies. Once we realized we couldn’t just go shoot our enemies, it’s like we surrendered completely! Why doesn’t anyone try to fight back against Pakis owning all the convenience stores? What the F*%^ is wrong with us?
There is a spectrum of Resistance between shooting the enemy, and abject surrender. That’s what our People don’t get. The Asiatics and Jews play in that vast area between violence and surrender. We Whites ignore the real fight, and instead “play” at fake physical violence such as “world of warcraft.” WTF!?
When we step into that gray area between violence and surrender, we’ll start taking our stuff back. We’ll start seizing back our economic niches, and our dog-gone lebensraum for that matter. It’s animal competition for resources, fought by armies of collaborating intellects.
That sounds a bit like the Simple White Advocacy Guide I’m working on…
You’ve previously answered your question: Fear just isn’t a good cohesive model. Every/Any group will band together out of fear, and will also end up eating each other (metaphorically and physically).
It goes back to a TOQ article by O’meara regarding myth (sorry, no link); group effectiveness has to be based on something positive/building rather than negative/destroying (to include all levels of the group, as well). Victimology is just Liberal Religion explicit sublimation of outcome over individual – a very negative thing!
You can understand why WN always seems mired in irrelevancy. This is why I would de-emphasize the whole JQ (forgetting for a second the true level of responsibility – which I hold no passion towards) – the whole finger-pointing, crying-in-spilt-milk may wake the children up, but since the dominant paradigm is the Great Liberaldom, waking children up with the Liberal Church Bell, makes them good Pavlovian congregants, and they will remain children, crying, slothful. The remain culled by instinct and fear.
We need a whole cloth rejection of this Liberal Paradigm and an alternative presented. We need a positive motivator, not a revelation of victimhood.
I know this is no easy thing, but please realize that it is easy for me to say, as I am a Christian.
28 Revolt
“Wonder if she is Jewess knocking White kids?”
Does not matter what she is. She is 100% correct.
Thank you! Mike
@ Old Right # 38
You don’t understand jewry. Jewry is a criminal organization designed to steal money so most jews won’t have to do any real work. The top criminals, who do work hard, are rewarded generously. Below them you have the mass of jewry that provides help when called upon, for example by defending jewry in the media, but is mostly left to itself. What do these jews, millions of whom have no-work jobs waiting for them in the family racket or non profit (no difference between those two, actually) do with their vast reserves of free time?
Study complicated, difficult and usually worthless subjects to keep their overclocked nerd brains occupied. In other words they’re the modern version of the vast army of idle Talmudic scholars that mooches off jewry itself.
White men, having a desire to be useful and to create and build are repelled by education. Only white females, who share an aversion to reality and hard work with male jews, thrive in the modern academic system.
You don’t beat jews by becoming junior jews and fighting on their turf, you beat jews by focusing on white strengths.
OK, good post, demonstrates an excellent knowledge of the situation, BUT, two big problems.
The second to last paragraph is misrepresenting what I advocate. I am not advocating our entry into “academia.” Hell, what I am advocating would put a lot of professors out of work, if it was implemented on a large scale.
Here’s very well done resource for learning math and science:
Here’s how to translate that learning into a degree, on the cheap:
Ships in 3–5 business days
This book will show you how to get an accredited college degree without attending classes, spending a small fortune or subjecting yourself to endless diatribes on political correctness. If you aren’t afraid of hard work, are brighter than average, and are ready to dedicate significant time and effort to achieve something worthwhile, this book is for you.END QUOTE
Most of this book is just about doing CLEP tests:
OK, now your last paragraph:
You don’t beat jews by becoming junior jews and fighting on their turf, you beat jews by focusing on white strengths.
Look at how so many White men are pre-occupied with pro-sports statistics. There’s a pretty stark example of “junior jews” who are “keeping their nerd brains occupied” with utterly useless crap.
You are absolutely wrong in saying “you beat jews by focusing on white strengths.” They have the upper hand now. We must fight them on their turf. There’s no choice. I understand you’d prefer to focus on “white strengths” which in my opinion would be hot lead and cold steel. Violence has always worked for us . . . until now. You are like the drunk guy looking for his glasses “here, where the light is better” and not where he actually lost his glasses.
I understand what’s going on in your mind. You want to fight the good fight, but you want to remain in your comfort zone while doing so.
It’s a “tribal nerd war,” whether you like this fact or not. We have been beaten by weaponized collaborating intellects, and we have to fight back with the same. And learning foreign languages are practical for their own purposes, but they also make the mind more flexible and more creative. You get a broader range of contexts available to you, for understanding the world.
Our work can be broken down into separate autonomous components. I fully agree that simple White Advocacy is insufficient, that merely deprogramming White Americans isn’t enough. They must also be reprogrammed with a new set of myths, ideals, and values. As you imply, our efforts can’t be exclusively reactionary.
But until some sort of viable and attractive G.E.S. presents itself, the reactionary work of deprogramming White Americans is the optimal work. I think of it as creating a favorable environment for whatever redeemer, restoration, or revival of White American will comes along. A White who’s merely been persuaded that his group has legitimate interests is unlikely to devote the full force of his will to those interests, but he’s also unlikely to resist them.
OMNI:”Anyone who has ever been invited to a Jewish dinner table will KNOW why they are so far ahead of everybody.”
Actually, Jews are very similar to ever-babbling hyenas, droning on and on about the most inane and worthless things; around 75+% of what comes out a Jewish mouth is worthless, and often lies too (many Jews are inveterate liars), they just blab to dispel their constant nervous tension and to try and mentally intimidate non-Jews with their neverending barrage of worthless verbiage.
Whenever you talk and/or debate with Jews, the way to out-talk and out-debate them is to get them to slow down, to get them to talk at normal speeds like a regular human being and to not try to emulate their speaking style as a Talmudic hair-splitting maniac on crystal-meth — you are unlikely to be able to match them in that schizophrenic-style rapid-fire debate because they have been practicing and honing this skill amongst themselves for centuries as Talmudic squabblers.
I’ve never been out-debated by a Jew because I’ve always got them to slow down their deceptive and deliberately confusing rapid-fire speech — never allowed them to interrupt you when you are speaking, and never allowed them to run you in endless verbal circles, and so on.
The physical voice of most Jews is repulsive too, just as their physiognomies so often are — nasally, whiny, desperate-sounding Jewish voices are terribly grating to healthy eardrums. There is just something intrinsically wrong or ‘off’ with the way in which Jews talk, as if their vocal cords are designed solely for Semitic languages and thus they have not yet been able to fully evolve or adapt to Western languages yet.
+ “We have already gone beyond whatever we have words for. In all talk there is a grain of contempt.” – Nietzsche
Great point Sherwood — I wrote about this exact topic @
And in their foolish mass-industrialization and urbanization many Asian nations are bringing utter ecocide upon large swathes of their ancient ancestral lands —
I think there is a possibility of megadeaths occurring in some Asian nations in the coming centuries (even in this century), mostly because of the mass environmental destruction they have foolishly wrought: basically, they are soiling their own nests via relentless heavy industry, overpopulation and overconcentration of populations in certain areas, ruined rivers/lakes and groundwater sources, etc. Many Asian elites possibly realize this and thus they are scrambling to get as many Asians as possible to immigrate to White and African nations in order to establish a worldwide Asian diaspora with more land and resources before the megadeaths begin in Asia; the Chinese are also wholesale colonizing other countries in Asia like Tibet and Mongolia, for instance. In many Asian megacities nowadays the rate of cancer and other deadly degenerative diseases is high and still growing because of rampant pollution, bad water and food, etc.
India is a bit better off because they have maintained a strict separation between the urban and rural, and the mass-industrialization and urbanization of India has not been as chaotic or quick as elsewhere in Asia — but on the flip-side India is worse off because they are a racially/ethnically chaotic society full of hundreds of millions of moronic mongrels all squabbling amongst themselves, whilst the East Asians are much more ethnically uniform and thus inter-cooperative.
A very incisive post (# 56) there WP! I don’t recall anyone ever making a more learned observation. Cut, paste and save that one folks, its stupendous.
“…Whenever you talk and/or debate with Jews, the way to out-talk and out-debate them is to get them to slow down, to get them to talk at normal speeds like a regular human being and to not try to emulate their speaking style as a Talmudic hair-splitting maniac on crystal-meth —”
LMFAO 😀 Outstanding there, WP!!
OMNI:”Anyone who has ever been invited to a Jewish dinner table will KNOW why they are so far ahead of everybody.”
*Which REALLY translates into –
“As Sunic points out, in both Europe and America, White attitudes towards Jews have come to be defined in modern times by mendacity and intellectual servility.
“Faced with a political, academic, and media establishment — the current masters of discourse — configured around a colossal concentration of Jewish power,
…Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement,
…by piously demonstrating their conformity to Semitically-correct cognitive structures, and by loudly championing Jewish causes —
even when these run directly counter to White interests.
“Sunic correctly suggests that, in as much as this fuels Jewish hubris, such an unhealthy relationship approaches a limit where it exists one crisis away from detonating into violent anti-Semitism.”
Nice try, ‘OMNI’.
You are absolutely wrong in saying “you beat jews by focusing on white strengths.” They have the upper hand now. We must fight them on their turf.
Why? You are so enthralled with jewish metrics of accomplishment (skill with language, playing musical instruments, running family businesses) that you ignore white genius. You never let the enemy choose your weapons and the battlefield. That guarantees defeat.
We are against the jews because we would rather die than be jews. Becoming an abomination is not an option.
And who says the age of cold steel is over?
Kulaks Never Learn quoting Tom Sunic
Whites have not only trained themselves to avoid Jewish wrath by keeping any critical opinions about Jews to themselves, but they have also learnt to curry Jewish favor by flaunting their admiration for Jewish superiority and achievement,
Which Kievsky is perilously close to doing in his replies.
Grating jewish voice- hoffman in midnight cowboy:
It’s a “tribal nerd war,” whether you like this fact or not. We have been beaten by weaponized collaborating intellects, and we have to fight back with the same.
How did the jews beat us? They exploited our weaknesses. Our weaknesses weren’t intellectual. The white men the jews overthrew, the white Protestant elite of 120 years ago, put the jews today to shame in terms of toughness and intellectual achievement. Those whites weren’t lacking in language skills or musical ability or business acumen, they were lacking in wisdom.
They did not draw the right conclusions from history and they let millions of jews flood in. The one intellectual leap the jews made that the whites completely failed to defend against or understand was taking over the media. With their vast wealth the jews rapidly founded or bought out all the media choke points they could, then bided their time and grabbed those few that remained under gentile control one by one as the opportunity presented itself. That vulnerability was built into the Constitution which did not bar jews from entering the country, or allow government to regulate ownership of the press. At the time a wise elite could have corrected this oversight, either by cutting off immigration or making the United States an officially Christian or white country, but they didn’t comprehend the seriousness of the threat.
So your weaponized intellects are nothing of the sort. They’re firing blanks. Jews did not take over by winning arguments. They did not take over by learning languages. They did not take over by selling rags from pushcarts. They took over by buying up the media and feeding the public a diet of jew propaganda for decades until they reached the tipping point and the white elite surrendered in the sixties.
Any plan to fight the jews that doesn’t take into account how they won and keep control will fail.
@Old Right #63
So your weaponized intellects are nothing of the sort. They’re firing blanks. Jews did not take over by winning arguments. They did not take over by learning languages. They did not take over by selling rags from pushcarts. They took over by buying up the media and feeding the public a diet of jew propaganda for decades until they reached the tipping point and the white elite surrendered in the sixties.
Any plan to fight the jews that doesn’t take into account how they won and keep control will fail.
At this point you’re just making shit up and misrepresenting my views, and putting out a logorrhea of stuff we already know. At best, there’s a couple of points I can make sense out of and reply to:
Our weaknesses weren’t intellectual. Those whites weren’t lacking in language skills or musical ability or business acumen, they were lacking in wisdom.
How do you know that lack of language skills didn’t contribute to the lack of wisdom? What did Henry Ford call them, “The International Jew?” The “international” part is one of the main things that made them so powerful over us.
You describe the history of the jewish takeover accurately, but your conclusions don’t follow.
It’s interesting how vociferous you are. At any rate, I’ve recruited a few linguists in training, so these debates don’t really matter.
How do you know that lack of language skills didn’t contribute to the lack of wisdom? What did Henry Ford call them, “The International Jew?” The “international” part is one of the main things that made them so powerful over us.
Most of these men knew Latin. They could have read top quality jew wise writing from the Romans. They were Christians, they could have read Jesus’ warning about the Pharisees. Some of them did know but they didn’t act. Because it was already so entrenched the racialist writers of Ford’s day were afraid to take on jewish power. If they’d understood the nature of their enemy they would have spent less time making money and supporting the arts and more time fighting back.
Which is what already occurs, only in reverse. The majority of people aren’t motivated to demonstrate and hold placards screaming, “Somalis Are Our Neighbors!” (a real one I’ve seen, some young female twit), but neither do they resist it; their general feeling is I’m not really sure it’s a good thing, but it’s not wrong and it’s the way things are. If you flip that, you have it working in your favor. Most people will never become race warriors, but as long as they believe ‘something needs to be done’ they won’t resist whatever is done (within certain limits, I suppose).
Admiral, “Master Race Memetics: A Darwinian Discourse”? Hmm, lame. The New Left owns “discourse”; “meme,” the Alt Right (or at least it should claim it). Kidding aside, this is serious work, not the afterthought of Majority Rights’ silly “Snappy Refutation Project.” It’s a better use of your time than reminding everyone you can really feel a race war coming on, you can really, really feel it, and one more time, you can really, really feel it, and what’s more you’re really up for it, yesiree, you’re really, really up for it.
Whatever jobs whites are losing to foreigners are lost primarily because of our immigration policy and because of the desire for cheap labor, not because white Americans are being outcompeted by non-whites. Eliminate immigration and prevent companies from shipping all of their jobs overseas and you solve this problem.
There’s a spectrum of reality which intervenes between us and the new Reich. No one can demonstrate that learning Asian languages will make reality more pliant. Colombo could demonstrate his route to the Indies. Kievsky projects his experience as strategy. Eating bugs makum gud survival tho.