Bobby DeLaughter Going To Prison

Bobby DeLaughter, a Mississippi civil rights icon who reopened old cases from the 1960s, is going to prison. DeLaughter is famous for securing the conviction of Byron De La Beckwith in the murder of Medgar Evers.

You might remember him as Alec Baldwin’s character in Ghosts of Mississippi back in the 1990s. Hollywood lionized this guy. DeLaughter went on to become a Mississippi state judge and recently pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice for lying to the FBI in a corruption probe. Corrupt asbestos and tobacco interests funnelled millions of dollars through close associates to influence his decisions.

DeLaughter’s flame out reminds me of James Bevel, MLK’s right hand man, who died in 2008 from pancreatic cancer. Bevel was convicted of molesting his granddaughter and went to prison for several months.

I wrote about it at the time. A lot of famous civil rights figures have ended their lives in similar disgrace. A book should be written about the subject.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I grew up hearing that lynchings in the south were nearly always done to innocent blacks for nothing more than looking at a white woman. Then I look at the rape statistics today and I think they are lying.

    You know how Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church made his name? Suing over segregation, which under Civil rights legislation meant that he got *paid by the government* because it was assume that blacks didn’t have enough money to bring suits themselves. By some family accounts, the guy was a typical midwestern white of his time who liked to tell “nigger jokes.” I’m sure a lot of civil rights activists, especially the White and Jewish ones, were the same way.

  2. I didn’t know about that Bevel guy. I did know that Martin Luther King, Jr. had extramarital affairs. The whole lot of the “civil rights” movement heroes were really frauds and crooks. Someone should write a book on the movement’s dark side.

  3. DeLaughter’s conviction can only be described as true poetic justice. He will now get to enjoy Negro ‘equality’ to its fullest.

  4. Bobby DeLaughter, a Mississippi civil rights icon who reopened old cases from the 1960s, is going to prison. DeLaughter is famous for securing the conviction of Byron De La Beckwith in the murder of Medgar Evers…A lot of famous civil rights figures have ended their lives in similar disgrace. A book should be written about the subject.

    That book should include a chapter about Sam “the Scam” Currin. Sam was the U.S. Attorney in Raleigh, NC, who teamed up and conspired with Morris Dees in 1986 to ban the perfectly legitimate White Patriot Party. Sam went on to be a JOG judge, then chaired the NC Republican Party. Unfortunately this race traitor’s flim-flamming eventually caught up with him and he went off to the big house in disgrace. I see the SOB got out early:

    Sam’s from Oxford, NC, my birthplace. The most famous Oxonian in this particular disgraced subset, though, would be the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Chavis of “Wilmington 10” infamy who earned his Dr. of Xian Divinity from Duke while in prison, then went on to head the NAACP before going down in disgrace for his TNB (described below). He was only kidding those stupid, White churchmen at the Duke School of Xian Divinity; later converted to Fruits of Islam:

    Reverend Benjamin F. Chavis, the disgraced ex-chief of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was forced out of the nation’s oldest civil rights group after he secretly diverted more than a quarter of a million dollars of the organization’s funds to settle a sex-discrimination claim. Anita Williams [no relation], the former volunteer recording secretary for the NOI’s Staten Island Study Group, alleged in a $140 million lawsuit that Minister Benjamin sexually harassed and attacked her. In papers filed in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn, Williams, 30, claimed that Minister Benjamin, 52, pressured her for sex for several months and that she repeatedly rebuffed him. He showed up at her house without his usual bodyguards, according to the documents, first published in the New York Post. “Complaining that he had not had sex with his wife for six months… Chavis suddenly grabbed [Williams’] breasts while grabbing his erect penis and said, ‘I want to make love with you,’ ” the suit charges. Williams claims she chided Minister Benjamin about his persistence, pointing out that they both were married. A few weeks later, Williams charges, Minister Benjamin asked her for oral sex. When she refused, he allegedly told her: “This is the will of Allah that the two of us be together.” Then he “coerced her into” letting him “perform oral sex” on her. The lawsuit also charges that Minister Benjamin often made lewd remarks to Williams and asked her for sex in his office at Mosque No. 7. Khalid, the founder of the New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, reminded a reporter about a prediction he had made after Farrakhan elevated Benjamin Muhammad into his inner circle.
    “Ben Chavis has never atoned for a damn thing!” Khalid had charged in a fiery speech at the Masonic Temple in Brooklyn on February 26, 1997. “If one of our points here is that stealing money from the movement is counterrevolutionary, what about the money he stole from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People? Goddamn it, you can’t sweep that under the rug! Ben Chavis is a goddamn thief and a rogue! … Now what is the nigga gon’ do…? Steal from the Nation of Islam? …He was busted for chasing women and buying the women, paying the woman to go to bed with him,” Khalid alleged. “Nigga should have been named John instead. Name him John F. Muhammad, not Benjamin F. Muhammad. No-good bastard!” Khalid offered these words of advice to Farrakhan: “I warn you, my dear spiritual father, Minister Farrakhan, not to have a nigga like that next to you. Be careful! Make sure everything is on a need-to-know basis because that kinda nigga will sell you out if he can.”

    What a nigga mess! BN infighting rivals WN “infighting.”

    While that proposed book’s author is researching down around Raleigh for disgraced Negrophillic snivil rights attorneys, let him not forget to add disbarred Ex-Durham, NC, DA Mike Nifong of the infamous “Duke Lacrosse Gang Rape” to the Hall of Shame:

  5. “I grew up hearing that lynchings in the south were nearly always done to innocent blacks for nothing more than looking at a white woman. Then I look at the rape statistics today and I think they are lying.” – Mann

    Absolutely. The PC history on this matter makes me ill. We here know what savagery negroids are capable of. The lynchings were a form of vigilante justice enacted on unruly ‘groids for their TNB (assault, rape, murder of whites) and I would bet 99% of them were completely justifiable.

  6. My child was stolen from me through Kangaroo courts in Meridian Ms. I begged Graves Thomas a popular lawyer in my home state Louisiana to help me..HE turned a deaf ear..because I was’nt rich. He got struck by lightening. I begged another well known lawyer to help me fight those Mississippi crooks..Stacey Freeman..he lied to me and led me on ..He was killed by his law office in Bossier by a drunk driver..In 2006..I begged Bobby DeLaughter to help me..

  7. He who is without sin cast the first stone. No one ever said that those who come before us are perfect God broke the mold after one man. The sooner we all accept the fact that there is no race but the human race we will continue to repeat bad habits. Delaughter was acknowledged for making a change. What are we willing risk for the sake of our old friends? What happens when we trust the wrong people? A good deed should be measured by the individual moment when it happens as a bad deed should not extend beyond moments outside of it’s reach. Live longer, listen more, look closely and keep it moving. =)

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