Far Wrong

A few days ago, a disgusted conservative friend sent me a link to the awful BNP hit piece by Peter Hitchens in The American Conservative. He asked me to comment on the matter. Unfortunately, nature intervened and a severe freeze in South Alabama disrupted my internet service for several days.

The article speaks for itself. Hitchens attacks the BNP from a neocon perspective: they have fascist roots, John Tyndall was a Neo-Nazi, they’re anti-Semitic, some of them deny the Holocaust, they bring the British Right into disrepute, they draw off votes from real conservatives, they are ethnonationalist, etc. Hitchens even does a little bit of chest thumping over his Jewish ancestry.

This piece of trash wouldn’t have attracted much attention if it had been published in Salon, The Weekly Standard, or The Huffington Post. Why would the leading paleoconservative magazine publish something like this though? It runs against the grain of everything Pat Buchanan has written for years now. Isn’t TAC his project?

I’ve read several comments at paleocon sites that suggest Buchanan is no longer associated with TAC. Scott McConnell is the editor. Ron Unz is the publisher. At least that’s my understanding. I haven’t been able to verify any of this.

A blogger called Bede has commented on the Hitchens article at Conservative Heritage Times. Most of the paleos over there had a similar negative reaction. This suggests there is more overlap between us than the extremists in both camps would like to admit.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I find that Weaver chap more than agreeable. Though, as you, or someone else wrote in a recent thread here there is a minority in the paleo camp that come to the conclusion that one of the reasons we in the West are in our current predicament is due to classical liberalism. The other commenters on the article may not go so far as that, but they are racially aware and in explicit language say that Europe must remain European and the problem is not racism and anti-semitism but anti-racism and anti-anti-semitism. This is more than a good start, it is a tiny step into White Nationalism from this type of Paleoconservatism.

    How anyone can call such people worthless is beyond stupidity. In the coming years these people must be brought into WN ranks; these would be the easiest people to recruit.

  2. Our ideas are only welcome at mainstream sources with very open editorial policies. That sword cuts both ways, with both AmConMag and TakiMag often featuring shrieking hit pieces from the well-funded and well-connected enforcers of political correctness. Peter Hitchens would be appropriately described as a member of the Alternative Right, but is by no means one of us and has been an obsessive critic of the BNP for a while, now.

    We don’t have any base of supporters. We don’t have any money. We don’t have any power. Nobody’s going to give us what we want and we’re not capable of getting it ourselves, yet. I look forward to the day when a politically correct hit piece is written in a magazine owned by a wealthy pro-immigration Jew and we all rejoice, since that will result in more readers going to our own increasingly popular magazine.

  3. Both Buchanan and Taki left the American Conservative and no longer have anything to do with it:



    The American Conservative is now owned by Ron Unz, a liberal Jew who opposed Proposition 187 in California (a 1994 ballot initiative designed to prohibit illegal immigrants from using social services):


  4. At first I thought this was Christopher Hitchens, then I realized it was his brother. Christopher Hitchens, you may recall, was one of the few “leftists” to support the Second Gulf War.

  5. But the problem is, Nick Griffin HAS had past associations with neo-nazis etc, and this is a problem both for Griffin and potential supporters of the BNP, who didn’t exactly come out in their droves for the party. Every time Griffin opens his mouth the Establishment will take the opportunity to remind the proles that he was a holocaust denier and a Jew-baiter who stood next to David Duke, you know the rest. Hitchens is demonstrating this point for us. This is clearly going to be a problem for the future as the vast majority of voters aren’t prepared to vote for a current or former “nazi” under any circumstances. It’s political poison, particularly in England. Griffin has done well to a point, but the BNP really should put some thought into finding a leadership team that doesn’t have any major skeletons in the closet, if they are interested in becoming a mainstream party. The alternative is to have a leader who must front up to an MSM interview and wade through dozens of questions about their “nazi past” before they can get a word in.

  6. TAC’s problem is they thought pacifism is the essence of paleoconservatism. Is Buchanan a pacifist? Was Russell Kirk? That magazine has gone way down hill and steers far clear of the most interesting issues.

  7. It should be obvious to anyone that Hitchens is a bought and paid for shabbos goy. He’s clearly expressing his Judeophilia loudly and overtly to score points.

    He’s disgraceful. He writes a book about the cultural revolution of the 60s and the abolition of Britain. Yet won’t even identify the people behind it or oppose non-white immigration which will clearly abolish Britain once and for all, along with other white countries.

    He should be on board with the BNP. Instead, he’s too concerned with his social standing and lifestyle to worry about little things like truth and the genocide of his own people.

  8. Mark,
    The BNP represents a sea change, an absolute reorientation, a revolutionary difference in basic principles. The BNP reminds Jews that the beast of European nationalism isn’t dead, but dormant. I don’t blame Peter at all for his fear and loathing, Mark, because he’s (fractionally) Jewish. He has every reason to assume that the BNP threatens his interest and ideals.

    He’s not trying to win friends, he’s viscerally aware of what this late rise in racialism portends for his people and his world. For his entire life, his people have been empowered to impose their worldview on the entire world. The spectre of losing that would be terrifying. If it serves realpolitik to go along pretending that the BNP is politics is usual, then I’m fine with that. But it’s not, and he’s not overreacting.

  9. Derbyshire wrote a vicious anti-KMD smear piece a few years back, which was published in the TAC long before Unz was involved. Scott McConnell has always been the PC enforcer over there, not PJB.

  10. Hitchens: In short, it doesn’t matter what you believe or what sort of person you are. If you are a socially and politically conservative monarchist Christian, opposed to further immigration and fully in sympathy with the BNP’s stated manifesto aims, that’s not enough. What they really care about is your racial pedigree.

    There may be some hysteria involved because of his mixed heritage (check out the werewolf eyebrows), but the BNP allows quasi-whites in their group already including partial Jews. The typical pro-white group is very lax in their standards.

    What his behavior does rather is just add to the conclusion that partial Jews should not be included in a White ethnostate.

    I have repeatedly argued that it is the rock music industry which has brought about this change, advertising drugs and drug taking through its lyrics (which are the most memorable combinations of words anyone ever hears) and through the unpunished behaviour of many of its greatest stars.

    Yes, it’s not that Britain will become a third-world outpost, it’s that damnable rock music! That’s what we must oppose!

  11. Right, Derbyshire is a lot like this Hitchens character, only Derbyshire went a step further and married and sired children with an Asian. He’s fully committed.

  12. Peter Hitchens: There used to be , and for all I know still is, a rather unsettling exhibit in the German History Museum in Berlin, which explained exactly how the National Socialists worked out who was a Jew. Now, if the Yellow Stars come out again I very much hope that, even if I hadn’t a drop of Jewish blood in me, I should wear such a Star with pride and defiance. But the Nazis wouldn’t agree. Under their classification, I should be a ‘Mischling, Zweite Grade'(Half-breed, second class) destined for persecution and privation, but not for deliberate or systematic murder.

    Much more important to me is this. The religion of my childhood, resumed after the usual prolonged atheist adolescence of the British baby boomer, is Anglican Christianity. The poetry, liturgy, ceremonies and seasons of religious Judaism, Orthodox, Reform or Conservative, have – alas – no resonance for me. Likewise, the cultures and traditions of secular Judaism, and the cultural and linguistic heritage of the massacred Jews of central and eastern Europe, are not mine. I am a British, specifically English Christian, as Jewish as a ham sandwich. It might be otherwise. My late discovery of my other ancestry might ( as it has for my brother and for others) have led me elsewhere. But it hasn’t.

    Probably more of a factor is that his ex-wife and children are Jewish.

  13. …he’s (fractionally) Jewish. He has every reason to assume that the BNP threatens his interest and ideals.

    But, of course, no one would consider him Jewish if he didn’t write stuff like this. 1/32? 1/16? 1/8? Not even the Nazis counted such people as Jews, so why would we?

    But his writings suggest a Jewish identity nonetheless.

  14. “Yes, it’s not that Britain will become a third-world outpost, it’s that damnable rock music! That’s what we must oppose!”

    It’s just more moralizing, one of the things that makes this “movement” so unpalatable. Never mind that most of the rock artists were/are Aryan, it’s the evil Jew and seductive Negro who done brainwarshed them into doing in it! Oh the impurity.


    I might add that rock music, merely another type of folk music, was never intended to be something sophisticated and crudity/informality is not necessarily limited to Jews or Negroes.

  15. Jews could go a long way in reducing the hostility towards them if they, you know, quit trying to destroy white identity. Its really that simple.

    If Jews, mischlings, and the like were as fervent in opposing immigration, multiculturalism, race mixing, and such as they are now in supporting it, they would have a lot more defenders and friends in the WN/nationalist camp.

  16. Mark, in some ways you are right about Derbyshire. On the other hand, he seems comitted to a biological view of human differences and has spoken favorably of Jared Taylor which is not something I would expect from Hitchens. His review of MacDonald of a few year ago in TAC, I would not consider overly hostile. It seemed more like he tried to ridicule KMD. Having said that, I found it really hard to believe that he would go on Radio Free Mississippi.

  17. The comments section under the piece that HW linked to was very encouraging! It suggests that an overwhelming majority of the paleo commentariat is now sympathetic to the idea of an organization that explicitly advocates for White interests. I even saw one paleo come close to reciting Bob’s mantra!

    This is great news because it suggests that the sentiments if rank-and-file paleos on the matters of race (or ethnicity) and nation have come a long way in just the last few years.

  18. Reading between the lines, Deryshire is probably closer to us (ideologically) than the average paleo. His stumbling block is that he married a Chinese woman, so his interests are naturally divided.

  19. @Mark
    Derbyshire is among a list of several other HbD types that one can profit from an arm’s-length familiarity with. Charles Murray is the best example. His Bell Curve was the book that radicalized me as a teenager. His book, Human Accomplishment, shows beyond dispute that we in the West are uniquely creative. Yet, they’re both married with children to Asians.

    That’s fine. No hostility toward them or their children. I appreciate their work and wish them the best. But they made a personal decision which permanently disqualifies them from being trusted or collaborated with in the political struggle for White American sovereignty and independence.

    Jews aren’t doing anything “wrong”. They’re not going to suddenly become truly amenable to our national identities. To the extent that they’re here and intend to retain their grip in the steering wheel of Western Civilization, the conflict is irrevocable. It’s not like they’re just going to apologize and hand us the wheel.

    A Black lady was cutting my hair last night and we were going on about how husbands and wives argue about stupid stuff. After laughing warmly, she declared with that pleasant and syrupy tone that some Black women brought with them when they migrated North, that “We all got our roles to play”.

    Jews in general – and Peter in particular – got their roles to play. The rationalizations, ideals, and essays only obscure the obvious, that nature has pitted us in competition for her finite resources.

  20. This is great news because it suggests that the sentiments if rank-and-file paleos on the matters of race (or ethnicity) and nation have come a long way in just the last few years.

    Yes but that’s cheating. Like developing an appreciation of youth as you grow older, it’s easy to racialize as the demographic tide continues to rise against you. The trick is to do it while there’s still time.

  21. Two observations: Pete is a severe critic of the EU and anything that can be described as Continental Rightism, Chris is a grotesque fop,who, but for his English inflection, would never have amounted to anything even in the degraded world of American journalism.

    This is all England has to offer. This is why we cannot be Anglophiles.

  22. “This is great news because it suggests that the sentiments if rank-and-file paleos on the matters of race (or ethnicity) and nation have come a long way in just the last few years.”

    Sigh. If only they had listened to Sam Francis (pbuh) years ago!

    Well at least it sounds like they are getting on board the program now. 🙂 Perhaps someone should go over there and post a link to the American Third Position!!!

  23. @Randy

    I went to Great Clips, waited in a long line, and I ended up with her. A man has to choose his battles. She did a nice job. Were there an explicitly White haircare establishment, I would have patronized it.

    This isn’t accusatory, but to what extent should I act against the present order? Should I select White cashiers at WalMart? Or would that be unwelcome? Should I just give up on ever eating fast food again?

    It would be nice if there were some sort of social networking which would empower fellow White racialists to network and patronize one another. As far as I’m concerned, Whites who fail to positively identify as such and act to preserve their heritage are no more deserving of my patronage than the friendly Black woman.

    I have more respect for a competitor than a traitor, anyway.

  24. Silver,

    Better late than never.

    However, I suspect that the increasing radicalization of American paleos has just as much to do with Obama’s presidency as it does with the prevailing demographics. There are many American conservatives who have been living a life of implicit Whiteness only to find themselves under the rule of a dusky helmsman whose regime feels rather alien to them. And for many of these people this feeling of alienation towards their national government (and its iconography) is an altogether new phenomena, dealing a psychic blow to their worldview and causing them to suspect that America is no longer their country.

  25. One does make a personal choice as to who cuts one’s hair. I prefer young white females with a gentle touch.

  26. This isn’t accusatory, but to what extent should I act against the present order? Should I select White cashiers at WalMart? Or would that be unwelcome? Should I just give up on ever eating fast food again?

    I do, if it’s an option.

    Having your hair cut, teeth cleaned and doctor visits are more personal. I am selective about it and prefer white females. Don’t be afraid to tell them what you want, it’s your money.

  27. This might peg me as a coward, which may be the case. But I don’t know if it’s safe to be overtly racist against a woman’s co-worker right before she goes to town on my head with sharp objects. At the very least, it would seem to guarantee a bad haircut.

  28. Morgan: “Europe must remain European and the problem is not racism and anti-semitism but anti-racism and anti-anti-semitism.”

    The Tea Partiers are the raw material of a BNP organization in the US (be it third party or some GOP faction) and the “other side” knows it.


    The other thing is that Democrats really have to stop this snide and smug and arrogant, you know, “haha, let’s laugh at the rednecks and rubes” stance, because, you know, first of all, the political right has out-organized centrist Democrats repeatedly since 1980. So I have no idea why they’re laughing on the Democratic Party side. And the other thing these inside-the-Beltway spin doctors who say, you know, “It’s OK to call them the radical religious right, the political extremists, they’re crazy”—you know, this whole theory that came out of the ’50s and ’60s that these people are psychologically maladjusted has been repudiated in social science. So, you know, there are people being pulled into the right-wing populist and white supremacist movement that **skillful, progressive organizers and labor organizers could be bringing into a multi-racial, multi-ethnic coalition.**

    The Spanish civil war, clerico-fascism vs. anarcho-communism. Two opposing organizing models.

    But the Tea Party has a big problem:


    However, they had shown up at the behest of local Republican businessmen, the Chamber of Commerce and fundamentalist pastors, who in turn were orchestrated by health care industry lobbyists and public relations firms.

    The day Obama was sworn into office the corporate lobbyists behind the GOP swooped in to co-opt the Ron Paul movement, or to design a counterfeit-style Ron Paul movement. There is nothing “grassroots” about the health care town hall crowds, that’s called astro-turfing. They were organized by lobbyists, not leaders, so the *quality suffered* because they just needed some dumb rubes to yell on tv.

    We have no leaders of any principle (aside from Ron Paul.) Pat Buchanan ALWAYS sells out when the chips are down, that’s how he stays on TV. He muscled his way into Ross Perot’s Reform party then nominated … wait for it … Lenora Fulani, a leftist black female gay rights activist, as his VP candidate. Thus destroying the Reform party, and the Republican party was saved. Some people will sell you out for money. Buchanan is brilliant but his loyalties are to the lobbyists. He also doesn’t have any children.

    Some of you guys are too damn smart for your own good, too cerebral. Group selection can be seen as an evolutionary principle, or just plain old selecting groups.

  29. ” nature has pitted us in competition for her finite resources “

    Until recently, everyone used to have its own country, and there was little competition for resources. Today, the finite resource is white-people themselves. Otherwise, non-whites would not object to racial separation.

  30. There was absolutely never a time when the competition for resources abated, and there never will be. The proposition that there ever was or ever could be a moment of respite from the struggle for life is a weapon wielded by those who know better against those who are being displaced and replaced.

  31. “Whites who fail to positively identify as such and act to preserve their heritage are no more deserving of my patronage than the friendly Black woman. / I have more respect for a competitor than a traitor, anyway.”

    Meanwhile, l’m sure many Whites who lack racial awareness still share Mark’s preference for young White women with a gentle touch.

    If you become a street activist, you’ll have to ignore friendly Black women and try to win back the White traitors!

  32. I am a street activist. I try to win back White traitors. I do so without provoking pointless and petty contentions that accomplish nothing and cast our movement in the worst possible light.

  33. There was absolutely never a time when the competition for resources abated, and there never will be. The proposition that there ever was or ever could be a moment of respite from the struggle for life is a weapon wielded by those who know better against those who are being displaced and replaced.


  34. “pointless and petty contentions that accomplish nothing”

    On the other hand, at some hairdressers’ where the staff is entirely white, they will ask you who usually cuts your hair, and whether you have a preference!

  35. I don’t understand his beef with the bnp.

    If you listen to what he actually says, he agrees with them a lot. Perhaps he views them as competition.

  36. Both Buchanan and Taki left the American Conservative and no longer have anything to do with it:



    The American Conservative is now owned by Ron Unz, a liberal Jew who opposed Proposition 187 in California (a 1994 ballot initiative designed to prohibit illegal immigrants from using social services):




  37. Pete is a severe critic of the EU

    All the white nationalists in the UK I know are anti-EU too.

    The EU is bollocks for whites

  38. “This suggests there is more overlap between us than the extremists in both camps would like to admit.”

    There is a lot of overlap between WNs and some individual paleos. However, most paleos really look down on us.

  39. Note: Hitchens’ piece makes it less likely that the Jews will be exterminated, which of course should be our primary concern – striving for extended–phenotypedom as the penultimate goal.

  40. I have known Mamzer Jews that think they ARE Christians – but they ACT and behave like Jews. They reflexively protect and defend their Jewish blood, when confronted with Jew criminality. There is ALWAYS an immediate rush to excuse, and explain – and then “My grandmother/father/niece/puppy dog was a Holohoax survivor! Waaaahhh!”

    Always. I have NEVER not experienced reaction. Not one time.

    It’s as though the Jew blood elbows out all other phenotypes.

    If we do manage to create a White ethnostate – NO JEWS, No excuses – no JEWS. One drop is one drop too much,

  41. Re: Christians vs Zio-Xians – Wiki – I’ve been working on bringing a good Christian lady back home, to her Nation. The White Nation.

    She’s a REAL Christian. She actually reads and comprehends the Bible.

    She gets squeamish about racial issues, cause she is a geniuely good, kind, feminine lady (“The little Darkie babies are soooooo cuuuuuuuuute!”) – but she is RIGHT on board with the JQ. I’ve bene giving her lots of info, on the JQ. Last night I stated that the real, hidden history, of the 20th Century, is the story of the relentless, merciless, grotesque slaughter of millions and millions of White Christians, BY Jews.

    She said she SAW it. She understands. Many WN denounce Christianity – but it’s a great tool for foment awareness of the JQ, when one is dealing with a genuine Christian.

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