Let HIM Leave

Doug StanhopeThe stand-up comedian Doug Stanhope thinks that Americans whose jobs are stolen by illegal immigrants are “losers of epic proportions“. I didn’t laugh when I heard that joke. It wasn’t really about him, though…It was about the audience. It summed up our White elite’s attitude toward their own countrymen. It reminded me that they, wealthy Whites, really don’t care if we choke.

Yes, Doug. Some Whites are pathetic. Some Whites are struggling to get jobs. Some Whites can’t escape the flood of third world immigration that you unleashed on America. As Stanhope’s routine and the audience’s reaction makes plain, it would be inaccurate to suggest that America’s White gentile elite don’t care about us. They openly despise us. They wish us harm. They want us to choke and they’re laughing at us while we’re choking right now.

Doug Stanhope and other wealthy libertarian creeps giggle while we struggle to cope with the policies they support. Meanwhile, Michael Clemens takes a more smug and academic tone while arguing exactly the same point in “Let Them Leave“, an article about how the solution to Haiti’s problems is mass emigration to the United States. Michael Clemens doesn’t care that American women will be raped and killed. Michael Clemens doesn’t care that entire neighborhoods will be destroyed by third world savagery. Michael Clemens doesn’t care about White people.

Michael ClemensHe probably gets a pang of revulsion at the thought of “rednecks”, “hillbillies”, and “white trash” rejecting his enlightened solution to third world poverty: Give them America. He doesn’t just want our money and he doesn’t just want to assist with the natural disaster. He wants to enslave us to them – in perpetuity. He wants to give them our jobs, our homes, and our communities. He wants to instruct our women to remain barren and load them up with the rest of the world’s children. He wants to see White Americans cuckolded on an epic global scale.

Michael Clemens, Harvard alumnus social engineer EXPERT, doesn’t intend to put his proposal to a vote. You can tell from the comments on the page how well that would fly. He’s even jumped into the comments to offer his arrogant and indignant reaction to his cognitive inferiors. He has no use for democracy or “the will of the people”. He’s an enlightened despot, a philosopher king. But he’s not just king of a mere country; he and his technocratic think tank pals are kings of the world! He surveys his global domain, redistributing the wealth of one group of working folks to another to appease his big fancy abstract vision of social justice.

The Blind SideI say that we let HIM leave. Let Michael Clemens leave this leper colony of unenlightened xenophobic rubes and take his moral teachings directly to the red-eyed street gangs of Haiti. I don’t wish ill against the people of Haiti. I don’t even object to foreign aid when it’s apolitical assistance in the immediate wake of a crippling disaster. But shipping every horde of disaster victims to our neighborhoods is hysterically stupid. It would be as suicidally idiotic as taking the first monstrously huge homeless guy you find on the street and taking him into your home to live with your young teenage daughter. Of course, that’s just the kind of thing Doug Stanhope, Michael Clemens, Barack Obama, Hollywood, and the rest of these jackals would find heartwarming.

If your your heart (or daughter) has been touched by the flood of third world immigration that Michael Clemens and his co-conspirators have wrought, take a moment to share your experience with him: mclemens@cgdev.org .

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. I think the population of Haiti should immigrate to Israel. I think more Jewish women should take huge homeless Negroes into their families the way the Jews had Sandra Bullock do in that movie and that movie poster. I’m sick and tired of the Jews being deprived of the blessings of having Negroes in close proximity and sick and tired of Israel always missing out on the blessings of massive inbound non-white population transfers from the Third World. I really wish the hidden anti-Semites who have things rigged so that the poor Jews and poor Israel always miss out on these blessings would be stopped once and for all.

  2. By the way, people like this Clemens filth aren’t interested in the economic well-being of X, Y, or Z, they’re interested in doing away with “racism” by getting the white, black, and brown populations mixed, the quicker the better. Every word this ilk write about “the economics of migration” and “what the brain drain does to the home countries” and “the economic benefits of aracial cognitive elitism” is one hundred percent a smoke screen used to hide their real objective: the racial browning of all white countries.

  3. They’re extremely upset about racial strife and that’s their way of solving it. The “economics” is all secondary.

  4. I’ll second that motion, Fred. If the Israeli’s weren’t such racists and “Nawtsees”, they would share their great ‘democracy’ with scads of the world’s dark denizens, like their Jewish fifth column in the U.S. is always imploring us to do.

  5. Surprise, surprise. This piece of shit Stanhope is a libertarian who supported Ron Paul and then Barack Obama. He also has interracial homoerotic fantasies and wanted to raise money for Bristol Palin to have an abortion.


    Doug then endorsed libertarian-leaning Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.

    In August 2008, Doug Stanhope endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, citing his disappointment with the libertarian candidates and a desire to have “a strong, handsome black man in the White House”, as well as referring to himself as “the head of the one-man Libertarians For Obama group.”

    On September 11, 2008, Doug reentered the election scene with the creation of http://www.savingbristol.com, a web site dedicated to raising money to pay for an abortion for Bristol Palin, daughter of staunchly pro-life Alaskan governor and Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

  6. “I’m sick and tired of the Jews being deprived of the blessings of having Negroes in close proximity and sick and tired of Israel always missing out on the blessings of massive inbound non-white population transfers from the Third World.”

    Ha! Good stuff.

    I know men who are in the construction/home improvement business that are really hurting right now. Men like Clemens are so contemptible that their mere presence and articles will bring out the radical in the most conservative man. I guess they really feel so sure about themselves that they fear no backlash.

  7. It would be as suicidally idiotic as taking the first monstrously huge homeless guy you find on the street and taking him into your home to live with your young teenage daughter.

    Stuff White People Like!

  8. Speaking of white elites who hate their own people


    Bill Gates: White kids not eligible for my scholarships

    Bill Gates has made his scholarship fund off limits to white teenagers. The Gates Millennium Scholarship fund is financed by a $1 Billion endowment Bill Gates made in 1999. The fund explicitly denies eligibility to white students.

    “Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American;”

    Gates Millennium Scholars website

  9. I think more Jewish women should take huge homeless Negroes into their families the way the Jews had Sandra Bullock do in that movie and that movie poster.

    Kind like this, do you mean? Briefly: directed by a Romanian Jew, the plot centers around a Christian Ethiopian child adopted by an Israeli couple and passed off as Jewish; Israeli society accepts his Jewishness but his blackness causes problems; boy meets Jewish girl who falls head-over-heels in love with him but bigoted parents won’t accept him; after the marriage is consummated he lets her in on his Christian secret; she is shell-shocked but love conquers all.

    Every word this ilk write about “the economics of migration” and “what the brain drain does to the home countries” and “the economic benefits of aracial cognitive elitism” is one hundred percent a smoke screen used to hide their real objective: the racial browning of all white countries.

    In other words, it’s uniformity, not diversity, that is the strength. If that’s the case then there are easier ways to achieve uniformity than waiting around for the hundreds of years it’ll take for America’s mess to breed itself into uniformity; and all whites breeding out won’t help much, since the masses of non-whites don’t share any particular love for one another anyway.

    A further problem is that Clemens’ head can explode with rage out at “the racists” but it won’t alter racial reality one iota: violent black African nigger idiots are going to remain violent black African nigger idiots whether there are any racists around to point it out or not.

    What a mess, and all so that holier-than-thou antiracist nitwits like Clemens can feel good about the world in their delicate little heads.

  10. Kind like this, do you mean? Briefly: directed by a Romanian Jew, the plot centers around a Christian Ethiopian child adopted by an Israeli couple and passed off as Jewish; Israeli society accepts his Jewishness but his blackness causes problems; boy meets Jewish girl who falls head-over-heels in love with him but bigoted parents won’t accept him; after the marriage is consummated he lets her in on his Christian secret; she is shell-shocked but love conquers all.

    ONE movie! Wow!

  11. I tried to post this to the cgdev.org blog but it wouldn’t post.

    If you care about American workers you must oppose mass immigration.

    The law of diminishing marginal utility guarantees that increased immigration will lower wages, all other things being equal. To put it more simply increasing the labor supply will tend to suppress wages. The hand waving excuse is that not all other things will be equal, that we’ll have such an abundance of growth that we can allow millions of immigrants in without harming American workers. That this hand waving persists in the face of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression is a sign that mass immigration is a matter of theology not rationality for some people.

  12. Let us not forget that much of academia and the media is dominated by Jews. Gentiles who want to advance in those areas have little choice but to promote Jewish policies of diversity. I have no idea whether or not Stanhope or Clemens believe what they are advocating but if they refused to do so then the Jews would just find other gentiles to promote those views.

  13. One suspects Michael Clemens gets paid by the global corporate elite to study and promote labor arbitrage, which necessarily includes immigration, population transfers, multiculturalism, off-shoring, etc.

    Bill Gates is a god damned traitor, and so is his partner in crime Warren Buffet (ex-wife of Kosher Nostra Godfather Maurice “Hank” Greenberg of AIG infamy)

    A White Republic in the northwest is the exact opposite of what Bill Gates is currently constructing there, the Gates Plutocracy where the commissars personally choose people from all around the world to come and live there.

    Forget the Jews, there’s just a handful of Big White Men who have turned against us, and viciously fight us: Gates, Buffet, the Waltons, etc.

    What about the Koch brothers? The grandfather started the John Birch Society and I’m pretty sure they’re not Jewish. They fund all sorts of conservative causes but I can only imagine they promote immigration for labor purposes at least.

  14. It’s not an either/or proposition. Our elites have betrayed us, and they’ve betrayed us to the Jews.

  15. 16 makes good point; Henry Ford used to talk about how the entire culture of business changed among both Jews and Gentiles when Jews were actively in competition. Most people can follow norms and limitations but won’t engage in unilateral disarmament if someone “doesn’t fight fair.”

  16. There wouldn’t be a Jewish problem without jew-enablers like Buffet and Gates. Buffet has spent his career as a Gentile frontman for Big Jew Insurance, and Gates is an anti-white fanatic. Without the jew-enablers, the Jewish problem is easily solved.

  17. On the Bill Gates Anti-White Kid Scholarships, WN need to make a big stink about this one across the net. We must start a boycott Microsoft/Buy Apple campaign and be damn loud about it. Not only is it righteously infuriating, but we can gain the sympathy of many a white person responding with advocacy and anger over this huge insult.

  18. Gates is a social retard who has been battered by the MSM for many years. He finally conceded by turning control of his empire over to hivest Ballmer, and settling for being CEO over his Third World Foundation. He is the billionaire equivalent of the once out of favor Hollywood Aryan Brad Pitt, who took so much abuse from the MSM that he finally cried uncle by adopting non white children and playing the sadistic killer for the ultimate white self-hating ethnic masochist Quentin Tarantino. Speaking of Brad Pitt, he did two things wrong from the start, he looked Aryan and he played a sympathetic mountain climbing National Socialist officer. He won’t ever do that again, and Gates learned his lesson too. We’ll see about Gibson.

  19. I don’t follow the Hollywood gossip, but did Brad Pitt really “take so much abuse from the MSM”? I never heard of it.

  20. I tried to live in America and failed. By the American rules I am indeed a loser of epic proportions. Epic fail, indeed.

    However, the world is wide. In other countries, I find that I am much more successful. Whether American succeeds without me, or fails without me, I plan to be elsewhere.

  21. It’s very cool and sophisticated to bash Jesus, rednecks and trailer trash. The Jews, after all, have said so.

  22. I wrote a book called “Let Their People Come.” I also wrote a paper with Michael Clemens. I am envious that you hate him and not me. If a man is known by the quality of his enemies, your post is very good news for Michael Clemens.

  23. Libertarianism is applied autism.


    Lant’s big idea: End global “apartheid” by abolishing “arbitrary” national borders.

    Reason: It seems strange to worry more about inequality within the arbitrary boundaries of a nation-state than about much larger global inequalities.

    Pritchett: Exactly. I’ve never understood a view of the world in which the place in which a person was born becomes the key factor in whether you care about them.

    Reason: The political scientist Robert Putnam has done research showing that diversity correlates with diminished feelings of trust within a community. It seems plausible that higher levels of immigration could erode support for a welfare state.

    Prichett: No one responds to Putnam’s research by saying we should make America less diverse. The logical consequence of that line of thinking is, let’s resegregate America; let’s re-create nondiverse communities. I think Lester Maddox used to say something like that in the ’50s.

  24. …I am envious that you hate him and not me. If a man is known by the quality of his enemies, your post is very good news for Michael Clemens.

    Zzzzzzzzzzzzz… huh? did you say something??

  25. Lant’s big idea: End global “apartheid” by abolishing “arbitrary” national borders. – Gussie Fink-Nottie

    And this illustrates, to a tee, what insanity all stripes of Liberalism give rise to, and why subversives like these were viewed as dangerous nuts to be gotten rid of.

  26. “Prichett: No one responds to Putnam’s research by saying we should make America less diverse. The logical consequence of that line of thinking is, let’s resegregate America; let’s re-create nondiverse communities. I think Lester Maddox used to say something like that in the ’50s.”

    If Lester Maddox said something, it must be rejected.

    In the same way, we need to start smoking crack from infancy, because Hitler was against Narcotics.

  27. Lant’s big idea: End global “apartheid” by abolishing “arbitrary” national borders. – Gussie Fink-Nottie

    I think this excerpt from Steve Sailer describes oh so nicely the “REAL” motivations of these Trotskyite’s in their hateful proclamations for “love” and “equality” … and their “crusades” against “global apartheid” (LOL) –

    White anti-white racism is a broadly fashionable attitude that extends far beyond loonies like Ignatiev. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it formally explained, although Tom Wolfe’s novels show it in action.

    The usual explanations of what drives whites like Ignatiev are “white guilt” or “self-loathing.” But does Ignatiev appear as if he personally feels guilt or self-loathing?

    No—he sounds like he’s having the time of his life arguing that you should feel guilt etc. He comes across as an arrogant, hostile jerk who thinks the world of himself.

    He wants to feel that he’s better than other whites and to rub their faces in it. The bad guys in his book are Irish Catholics and Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Ignatiev himself is neither.

    And this is typical, in my experience: whites who proclaim their anti-white feelings don’t really care much about blacks or other minorities, pro or con. What they care about is achieving social superiority over other whites by demonstrating their exquisite racial sensitivity and their aristocratic insouciance about any competitive threats posed by racial preferences.

    To these whites, minorities are just useful pawns in the great game of clawing your way to the top of the white status heap. Which, when you come right down to it, is the only game in town.


    Isn’t it so interesting that these very same ‘crusaders’ against ‘segregation’ almost always live in the most segregated of ‘communities’ themselves?!?

    *A little OT – Just wondering if ‘Lant’ (nice name) is as much of a metrosexual-looking nancyboy as his ‘partner’, er, ‘colleague’ ‘Mr’ Clemens is :/

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