I suggested in a recent post that I believe the Orthodox movement in Eastern Europe is a promising template for reconstructing honor, tradition, and a sense of community from the ruins of modernity. Our best chance for success is to help spearhead a movement which breathes life into old ways with new methods. We need to become the virtuous indigenous elites – true advocates and educators for our White American countrymen.
Matthew Raphael Johnson, a White American from New Jersey, is setting an excellent example of all this in his weekly Orthodox Nationalist radio program on our movement’s own Voice of Reason Internet Radio site (a favorite site of mine). He’s a student of Slavic history in general and the Russian nation in particular and he’s an actual Orthodox priest. His show offers infotainment on Russia and the Orthodox Church as they’ve struggled against Bolshevist oppression. It also serves as a demonstration of something many Westerners find paradoxical: intelligent immersion in folk tradition.
The show is an excellent model of the kind of work that needs to be done, with one caveat: The Orthodox tradition isn’t OUR tradition and the Slavic history isn’t OUR history. From what I’ve gathered, there’s nothing integrally affirmative of ethnic nationalism in the theology or administration of the Orthodox institutions. I haven’t listened to all of the podcasts, so I may have missed out on how this particular tradition and would be appropriate in a Western context.
Maybe Mr. Johnson could take some time to answer some of these questions for us.
Nietzsche’s woefully primitive understanding of Christian origins may have simply been due to his lack of primary materials
This is laughable. Ever been inside a German university library? You owe your understanding of Christianity to men of Nietzsche’s profession, fool.
It would have been preferable to have had the attention of an Orthodox adherent who doesn’t suffer from a case of that reflexive hatred for White Americans borne of a deep and festering inferiority complex nursed by many Russians.
Much like the Greeks and the French in that respect. Always letting us know who-invented-what. Yea, the French invented instant messaging, but for sex chat.
I’m so glad you’re not slavishly slavophile like Kievsky. I’ve always found the collective WN hard-on for Roosiya thoughtless and repulsive.
Speak fearlessly.
Speak the truth.
Put the Jews in their place.
Completely ostracize all Dem-Rep operatives.
Cut off all support, all funds etc. to all Jew-stream media, cable, movies, etc
Name the Jew.
Expose the CFR, TriLaterals, Freemasons, etc
and so on
And just get accustomed to nothing having changed by virtue of your efforts.
I’m so glad you’re not slavishly slavophile like Kievsky. I’ve always found the collective WN hard-on for Roosiya thoughtless and repulsive.
Old book that gets in to Slav psychology as supportive of Marxist/Communist/Soviet culture characterized by rebelliousness needing to be suppressed by authority.
Reminds one of Yockey’s thesis that Slavic Russia is essentially Pugachevskian.
When I disappoint you, and I assuredly will, it will be from a direction you won’t see coming.
Wiki: “that reflexive hatred for White Americans borne of a deep and festering inferiority complex nursed by many Russians”
1. There’s no evidence of ‘hatred of white Americans’ in anything I wrote.
2. Your Psychology 101 classes did you more harm than good.
Wiki: “I politely ask him if there’s any hope for redemption and he mumbles a little bit about conversion (to what?)”
It seemed like a sarcastic question to me. But okay, you were sincere. So was I. I didn’t mumble. I meant conversion to Christ, meaning the Orthodox Christian path, obviously (obvious from the context). I mean, obviously as an Orthodox Christian, I believe it would be good for all humanity to be Orthodox Christian, but that wasn’t my immediate point. I meant that especially Western European and American and colonial (Oz etc) Roman Catholics and the 1001 Protestant cultists should be Orthodox Christian, because they already profess to be Christian, but in my point of view are all misguided. Most of the West is what I would call ‘Christic’ in culture, but their confusion about the relationship between theology, and hierarchy, and nationalism, and morality is very prone to manipulation. (Especially, in the case of the West, by the two prominent power blocs: Jews and Freemasons.)
Wiki: “a hysterical tirade about how we White Americans are all a bunch of doomed jews’ nigger slavemasons.”
You started out above by expressing some sort of admiration for the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Orthodox Christian, but of course only because you imagine there is something you could use (exploit) to achieve your political objectives.
Then you get offended by hearing Orthodox Christian teachings. Clearly the mainstream of Orthodox Christian thought over the past few centuries has been that the West is inherently corrupt, misguided, destructive, confused, and (one could argue, in the event that the West continues on its path…) ‘doomed’, yes. You can read similar analyses and predictions in the writings of Dostoevsky for one, or St Job (whose icon you reproduced above, to the amusement of certain deluded souls here), or Fr Seraphim Rose, or many others. As for the dominant philosophy of the West, every definitive statement of the Church in council regarding Slavemasonry has been unequivocable in condemning it. Please see:
Before, I couldn’t understand how some Byzantines (i.e. Romoi, The Roman Christian Empire the West calls ‘Byzantium) argued just before the Fall of Constantinople that subjugation under the Turks would be preferable to being ‘liberated’ by the West. I mean, I could understand it theologically, or intellectually, but emotionally it seemed wrong. Now I understand. The Orthodox Christian Church still survives in Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, ‘Turkey’, Iraq, etc. its teachings intact. It is their to provide a light to any Muslims who want to seek the Truth. (Of course, Orthodox Christians have been greatly uprooted by the Zionists and their Anglo-American slaves). So, in spite of all the hardships under Ottoman rule, submission to the West would have been a greater and more permanent form of slavery. It would have required the Romoi to deny the Truth of Christ and His Church. The Ottomans just forced the Romoi (and Serbs, and Wallachians, and Palestinian Christians, etc) to keep that Truth to themselves, and pay massive taxes. The West wouldn’t have been happy until they dragged the East to Hell with them (Matthew 23: 15: ““Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.”), promising all the time ‘progress’ (cf. Matthew 23:27; Luke 11:44), and ‘order’ (cf. Luke 11:24-26), and ‘liberty’ & ‘humanitarian intervention’ (cf Matthew 23:27-28).
A related point: The Church is not “Slavophile”. The Church of Japan is Orthodox Christian, St Patrick is an Orthodox Christian, as is St Aiden, St Columcille, the Church of Greece, St Herman of Alaska etc. The Church regards the majority of Slavs in Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Croatia, etc. as just as misguided as the Archbishop of Canterbury or Jimmy Swaggart.
+ + +
Whites Unite,
Thanks for summing up and explaining my point. I had thought it was obvious, but hopefully somebody will benefit by your explantion in comment 49.
Just one piece of evidence that America is enslaved to Jews:
Two Orthodox Christian priests — both longtime inmates of Judeo-Masonic Communist ‘Mental Health’ torture institutions in Judeo-Masonic Communist Romania — who explain things better than I could:
[I guess this comment was ‘spammed’ due to having 2 links, so, split into 2 parts:]
Two Orthodox Christian priests — both longtime inmates of Judeo-Masonic Communist ‘Mental Health’ torture institutions in Judeo-Masonic Communist Romania — who explain things better than I could:
Continued from last comment:
Sorry for the multiple comments, but since many of the comments above are in response to or regarding me, and since the subject is Orthodox Christianity and nationalism, and since I appear to be the only Orthodox Christian here, I’ll continue.
I notice that a few people have stated that I hate White people, or Americans, or Western people, or whatever. This is like if you criticize Jewish control or Judaic philosophy and you’re accused of ‘antishemitism’, or if you criticize Islam and your supposedly an ‘Islamophobe’. This is part of the Judeo-Masonic drive to pathologize all dissent.
An example of Judeo-Masonic pathologization of dissent:
“that reflexive hatred for White Americans borne of a deep and festering inferiority complex”
Anyway, I never believed or expressed any racial or national animosity or contempt. I’ve been talking about the philosophies and ideologies and intellectual supposition of the West. Not the inherent quality or character of the people. Many Slavs and others (Ethiopians, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc) have been equally deluded under Judeo-Masonic control.
Consider Vietnam. Both sides were fighting for slavery, so the outcome could never have been good. One side was fighting to impose Judeo-Masonic Communist slavery; the other to preserve and strengthen Judeo-Masonic usurious slavery.
Also, at one time all White Christians were Orthodox. From Ireland to Georgia.
But some of the responses here display the racist contempt I was falsely accused of. For example:
“Slav psychology … rebelliousness needing to be suppressed by authority … Yockey’s thesis that Slavic Russia … ”
“deep and festering inferiority complex nursed by many Russians”
[Wow. You people love your Judaic Viennese Witchdoctory, don’t you?]
“much of Russia, even ‘European Russia’ west of the Urals, has become strongly Asianized. Eastern Orthodoxy is also strongly Asiatic/Semitic”
+ + +
Maybe in the 14th century it was still too early to judge the West’s fate, but now it’s as plain as day. What else can you do in the face of a flood, or hurricane, or earthquake (or a Kami no kaze), but save what’s essential.
That’s another problem with the Western and Jew mindset, compared to the rest of humanity: They generally don’t get it that everything of this world is born to die.
+ + +
Whites Unite,
Since you get my point that the West has been on a path of destruction, even if it’s taken 1200 years (and counting) to fall. Have you heard Zhou En-lai’s response to the question of what he thought about the French Revolution? [1789. Zhou’s comment: 1970s]. I’m sure it’s the only intelligent thing any Chi-Com ever said. His analysis:
“It is too early to say.”
When I disappoint you, and I assuredly will, it will be from a direction you won’t see coming.
Then I’ll remember to keep the proverbial soap firmly in hand!
And just get accustomed to nothing having changed by virtue of your efforts.
Have you noticed that PF is lately “uh” writ large? Must be a conthpirathy afoot.
Akira, you are not completely alone here and I like reading your points of view whether I “get” them or not. I am Orthodox on my father’s side even though we didn’t go to the Orthodox church. 40 years later, I am mildly interested in that religion but can’t get past its seeming closeness to Eastern Rite Catholicism & the fkg Pope, which is what I do know.
But let’s just say if I saw the end quickly approaching, i.e., me as an individual or us whites as a group, and I felt a need for meaningful last rites in the broad sense, I’d sign up with the Orthodox church in a heartbeat.
This “Eastern Rite Catholicism & the fkg Pope” is exactly one of the things that St Job (the pic in the main article, and cited in comments above) was writing against.
You mean Uniatism. This was (and is) the drive to get Orthodox Christians to accept the non-Orthodoxx papacy and the RC-Vatican structure.
The Orthodox have no prroblem with a Bishop of Rome or even the title “Pope”. The Coptic patriarch and former Orthdox patriarchs in Alexandria are/were also called “pope”. It just means “Papa”. But the papacy is the office that claims authority over all Christians, just as the Vatican does over all Catholic nations (which, BTW, are disappearing).
The Church is conciliar and on a national basis. Unity is achieved through inter-communion and apostolic succession. Any bishop, no matter how misguided, or even corrupted or mad, cannot alter Church teachings, because only councils can. Even if one entire national church adopted some false teaching or practice, the other churches would break off communion. There’s no such thing as a ‘pope’ issuing orders or instructions.
At the time of schism, 1054, there were five patriarchates (pentarchy), in Jerusalem, Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and Constantinople. Constantinople was the imperial capital, Jerusalem was the oldest Church, the Bishop of Rome was considered ‘first among equals’ a purely honorific title granting know ‘power’ over any church not under the jurisdiction of Rome, which was basically all of the West, except parts of Italy. But the West/Pope demanded authority over all Churches. This BTW goes back to the Franks.
Anyway, the Uniate movement (‘Eastern Rite Catholics’) was a ploy to compel Orthodox to accept the papacy while retaining their languages, local hierarchs, married priests, liturgies of Sts Basil and J. Chrysostom etc. The ones who “went for it” did so under the threat of having their Churches seized and congregants persecuted, as happened to those who refused to submit.
This problem is still playing out today, esp. in Ukraine. Also most Ukrainian Churches in Canada, for example, are Uniate. They are NOT Orthodox, but most people assume they are due to their dress and architecture etc.
So that “seeming closeness” you talk about is actually 180 degrees the opposite. They are absolutely not Orthodox, and are under the pope.
Another confusion comes from the fact that in the West there are multiple ‘jurisdictions’ even in the same provinces (as Church districts are called). This is also not really Orthodox. but the problem is that the US etc are not orthodox nations, and most Orthodox are immigrants. So it’s a patchwork. Also states change politically: Texas, Quebec, Alaska, etc. So anyway, there is supposed to be a Church of America, Church of Canada, Church of England, etc, as is the norm in Serbia, Romania, Japan, etc. And that’s also complicated by for example their already being an alleged ‘C of England’ in Canterbury.
Anyway, the point is, the Orthodox Churches eventually all work together as One Orthodox Communion, sometimes going and out of communion in response to local problems, but they all still have the same teachings, which is the main point of the church: to teach the next generation and preserve the faith in order to be a sanctuary for the Truth. Not have some guy in Rome tell everybody to follow the last fad, or have Pastor Bob or Pastor Jim just make stuff up as they go along. The Orthodox Church is sort of Anarchic Nationalist in structure — neither Vatican tyranny nor Protestant chaos and atomism.
Here’s a history book for you [excerpts, PDF]:
The book is also available excerpted on google books, google: “The historical road of Eastern Orthodoxy
By Alexander Schmemann”
OrthodoxWiki has an entry on Unitaism:
“The Eastern Catholic Churches Churches are churches that follow the ancient liturgical traditions of the East, while being in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church and placing themselves under the authority of the Bishop of Rome.”
orthodoxwiki dot org/Uniate
1. There’s no evidence of ‘hatred of white Americans’ in anything I wrote.
You have got to be kidding me.
When people point out your palpable animosity for white Americans and the English, you whine about “Judeo-Masonic pathologization of dissent.”
When some people make comments about Slavs which are much milder than the vitriol you spew toward white Americans, you accuse them of displaying “racist contempt.”
I’m so glad you’re not slavishly slavophile like Kievsky. I’ve always found the collective WN hard-on for Roosiya thoughtless and repulsive.
The phenomenon of white nationalists who are Russophiles, even to the point of preferring Eastern Europeans to their own people, is comparable to that of whites who spurn their own race and fetishize non-whites.
Thank you for all your info, Akira, and esp. for the “history book”. I haven’t attacked it yet, though.
But some of the responses here display the racist contempt I was falsely accused of. For example:
“Slav psychology … rebelliousness needing to be suppressed by authority … Yockey’s thesis that Slavic Russia … ”
“deep and festering inferiority complex nursed by many Russians”
[Wow. You people love your Judaic Viennese Witchdoctory, don’t you?]
“much of Russia, even ‘European Russia’ west of the Urals, has become strongly Asianized. Eastern Orthodoxy is also strongly Asiatic/Semitic”
If Freud had something to contribute on the point, it has not come to my attention. Reshetar’s observations were drawn from interviews, if I recall correctly, and Yockey’s was from history (Varangian ubers over Slavic unters who otherwise resist one stone upon another). Also, East minus West Equals Zero
surveyed the borrowings from the West that led the mid-20th-Century USSR to boast, in compensatory fashion, of the purported priority of Russian inventions.
Okay, kids! Lessons for today: Nordic Europeans are superior and Slavs are inferior!
Nietzscheans are superior, and Christians are inferior!
Milites are superior, and quirites are inferior!
Predators are superior, and prey are inferior.
Animals are superior, and plants are inferior.
The Sun is superior, and the Moon is inferior.
Men are superior, and women are inferior.
[What else did you want to know, in this regard?]
Okay, kids! Lessons for today: Nordic Europeans are superior and Slavs are inferior!
Many Slavs are ‘Nordic’ themselves.
Well, how about black-haired, brown-eyed Slavs whose ancestors came from Tartar-infested eastern Europe, but some of whom are today putting the Nordics to shame when it comes to racial awareness?
Or is sorting out the inferior/superior aspect here too complicated, Nietzsche?
Varangian ubers over Slavic unters who otherwise resist one stone upon another – NN
This is not very credible anymore, since it presupposes that the Rus’ was founded by Varangians when in fact the lands of early Russia already had a native aristocracy by the time any Scandinavians found it. Rurik and the rest were Wendik.
It sounds like a rationalization of why Slavs are inferior to Germanics … not a very good one either in compared to your generally impeccable fact checking. Perhaps I’ve mistaken your point?
Perhaps I’ve mistaken your point?
I would argue, in general, that “Germanics” (perhaps I refer, basically, to Prussians – sometimes claimed to be Wends) are, in modern times, a more orderly people than are the Slavic peoples. And this seems to be matter of native temperament rather than mere imposition, as seems to the the basis of such order as exists to the East. Whether this amounts to “superiority” is a matter of the value one places upon that characteristic, evidenced by a more effective brand of soldierliness – and even civilian behavior – that has been noticed and remarked upon regarding the Germans.
And whatever the identity, “native” or otherwise, of the “Russian” aristocracy, that element was extirpated at the beginning of the last century, leaving behind an underclass of a temperament that has required rigorous and brutal measures, throughout European history, toward the maintenance of order in that territory. Hence the toughness, and lack of aptitude for technical warfare, of the Soviet soldier encountered by the Germans. And reports of the characteristic behavior of Russian civilians that have come to my attention have been less complimentary than otherwise.
And these are, of course, generalizations that do not allow of the attitude that an *individual* is “superior” or “inferior” by virtue of his tribal/national origins. A Russian Waffen SS is a brother to all Waffen SS.
Brian, thank you for your posts here. I am and always will be a Westerner but I do enjoy reading MR Johnson’s articles, and I appreciate your posts here. I think Westerners can learn a lot from Eastern Orthodoxy. Would that more of us had your fire. ?????
Well, how about black-haired, brown-eyed Slavs whose ancestors came from Tartar-infested eastern Europe, but some of whom are today putting the Nordics to shame when it comes to racial awareness?
Or is sorting out the inferior/superior aspect here too complicated, Nietzsche?
Not at all. Not if one distinguishes between racial awareness and racial “superiority”. If you equate the two, the Slavs might take the honors among Europoids, these days. If you want predominantly Nordic features as your measure, look to Iceland. I don’t know who, nationally, is at the top of the IQ rankings – might be the Poles.
For me, however, the matter is simple and straightforward:
*My* subjective measure of “superiority” – individual and collective – is orderly behavior, mental and physical, however you look, no matter your race, however smart you are. You tell me which group wins on that account. The Germans and the Japanese get my vote.
I would argue, in general, that “Germanics” (perhaps I refer, basically, to Prussians – sometimes claimed to be Wends) are, in modern times, a more orderly people than are the Slavic peoples. And this seems to be matter of native temperament rather than mere imposition, as seems to the the basis of such order as exists to the East. – NN
I wouldn’t really argue with this. Having been to both nations it is not really a contest in terms of orderliness. Of course, I would say that Germans in particular are more orderly than just about *any* other Euro nation, Slavic or otherwise. (Btw, considering the origins of Prussia isn’t it likely that they are both German and Wend?)
There are several other points you made which could be commented on but mainly I was curious as to the intention of your points on the subject and now that they have been clarified I don’t feel the need to go on.
Why does NeoNietszche believe that Jews are superior to everyone else!?
He/She wrote:
“Predators are superior, and prey are inferior”
Why does NeoNietszche believe that Jews are superior to everyone else!? – AKira
They are superior in their mastery at the current time. Please note that the condition of their mastery needn’t be accepted by us at any time. Unfortunately if we desire freedom we must come up with something better which has, thus far, eluded us.
“Why does NeoNietszche believe that Jews are superior to everyone else!?” – AKira
They are superior in their mastery at the current time. Please note that the condition of their mastery needn’t be accepted by us at any time. Unfortunately if we desire freedom we must come up with something better which has, thus far, eluded us.
And the “something better” is a reciprocal intent to dominate.
Comments 80 & 81 reveal the utter poverty of thought and morality of your pathetic ‘movement’.
Oh, sorry, have I demeaned your precious Identity?
Michael Mincinno:
“The most important aspect of mental health is giving people an identity that will make them happy and erotically satisfied. This was the great original contribution of the Frankfurt School after World War II, when they worked with several Jewish organizations to create a new identity for American Jews. The Frankfurt School said that henceforth, Jewish identity would be defined, not by religious belief, not by the ideas through which Jews contributed to the rest of humanity, but by the Holocaust: Jews would be trained to see themselves primarily as victims of genocide. This has worked fantastically; even today, Jews who think that the B’nai B’rith are a bunch of crooks still give money to that organization because they have been trained to believe that they are profoundly different from everybody else, and that anti-Semites are ready to start a new Holocaust at any moment.
“The Jewish identity project worked so well that we Frankfurt School Freudians asked to do the same thing for black people. In the 1960s, many black people were successfully re-trained to believe that what really defined their identity was how their African ancestors had been enslaved by white people. We did the same thing for women: The feminist movement used Frankfurt School theory and Freud to help millions of women realize that what really defined their identity was male chauvinism.
“You see how successful we have been? Today, we give everybody the identity they need. We even teach it in the schools—it’s called multiculturalism. Everybody gets an identity based on who raped whom: The Latin Americans understand that the most important thing is to get back at the Spanish colonialists; the Native Americans understand that the most important thing is to get back at the whites—everyone separated from everyone else. Fear? hatred? revenge? Sure! We give them that—but we also give them an identity, and they are happy.”
A good analysis from a Frankfurter of the petty Frankfurt-molded minds behind comments 80 & 81.
NeoNietzche the philosopher of rape:
“Predators are superior, and prey are inferior”
The child molester is superior, and the raped child is inferior?
What a diseased mind.
“Predators are superior, and prey are inferior”
The child molester is superior, and the raped child is inferior?
What a diseased mind.
It *is* telling of the person who thought of that interpretation.
A good analysis from a Frankfurter of the petty Frankfurt-molded minds behind comments 80 & 81.
I’m pressed to recall a more misguided apprehension of a discussion.
At what altitude is this “Akira” orbiting?
When did you become an Orthodox Priest? Where did you get your education to become an Orthodox Priest? How long did it take you to complete?
God God, the remarks of some of these would-be nietzscheans and Neo-Nazis out here are hilarious in the extreme.