The Orthodox Nationalist

I suggested in a recent post that I believe the Orthodox movement in Eastern Europe is a promising template for reconstructing honor, tradition, and a sense of community from the ruins of modernity. Our best chance for success is to help spearhead a movement which breathes life into old ways with new methods. We need to become the virtuous indigenous elites – true advocates and educators for our White American countrymen.

Matthew Raphael Johnson, a White American from New Jersey, is setting an excellent example of all this in his weekly Orthodox Nationalist radio program on our movement’s own Voice of Reason Internet Radio site (a favorite site of mine). He’s a student of Slavic history in general and the Russian nation in particular and he’s an actual Orthodox priest. His show offers infotainment on Russia and the Orthodox Church as they’ve struggled against Bolshevist oppression. It also serves as a demonstration of something many Westerners find paradoxical: intelligent immersion in folk tradition.

The show is an excellent model of the kind of work that needs to be done, with one caveat: The Orthodox tradition isn’t OUR tradition and the Slavic history isn’t OUR history. From what I’ve gathered, there’s nothing integrally affirmative of ethnic nationalism in the theology or administration of the Orthodox institutions. I haven’t listened to all of the podcasts, so I may have missed out on how this particular tradition and would be appropriate in a Western context.

Maybe Mr. Johnson could take some time to answer some of these questions for us.

The Orthodox Nationalist

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. I did something similar to Matt, except I didn’t follow the route of religion. Despite having zero Russian ancestry that I know of, I learned Russian and tried to immigrate to Russia permanently when I was 23 years old. Had the agricultural university in Moscow been able to hire me as a greenhouse worker, I would have probably stayed there long term, if not permanently. The lower level administrators were willing to hire me, as I had an interest in horticulture. My pay would have been 20 dollars a month, which would have been supplemented by my 10 dollar an hour gigs teaching English.

    But they couldn’t hire me because they couldn’t give a government job to a foreigner. I told them I agreed that the job should be reserved for Russians, even though it hurt me personally and changed my fate forever. I had to go back to Amerikwa after 5 and 1/2 months living in Moscow in 1995.

    What really impressed me about Russia were the trips to the dacha. The highway to the dacha was a packed dirt road with no billboards. It was just a dirt road cut through the Russian forest. No “put a tiger in your tank” no McDonalds on the side of the road, no strip malls. It was amazing. The dacha was out in the Golden Ring. It had electricity but no running water.

  2. About a dozen years ago I was reading a general-interest women’s-type magazine where they interviewed various interesting people. One interviewee, an Orthodox priest, was sneering at North Americans who adopt all sorts of weird and/or eastern religions. I distinctly recall him saying that you should stick with the religion of your own ethnicity, what your parents brought you up as.

    Further. You say that “Slavic history isn’t OUR history”. May I ask just who “our” refers to? Are you speaking on behalf of non-Slav white people or what.

  3. Stronza,
    Further. You say that “Slavic history isn’t OUR history”. May I ask just who “our” refers to? Are you speaking on behalf of non-Slav white people or what.

    I’m a tribalist before I’m a racialist. I believe that White American people are an emergent ethnostate. While their ancestry can validly consist of a wide range of White nationalities, their folk memories, traditions, language, and other hallmarks of identity are of a decidely Anglo-Celtic substrate with a distinctively American superstrate: Anglo-American.

    The best way to boil it down is “us” and “them”. If you’re reading an article about Russian and American relations and you think of Russians as “us”, then your identity really isn’t White American. For the overwhelming majority of White Americans, including the majority of White Americans with Slavic ancestry, the Orthodox tradition is an alien one.

    For me, this is the final word on the Jewish Question. I don’t care if they’re White. The bottom line is that they’re a nation, a tribe, a people. I don’t care how well they speak English or how committed they are to defending White racial interests. They are “them”, not “us”. Even if they have blonde hair, blue eyes, and don’t practice Judaism. To the extent that they think of Jews when they think of “my people” and keep Jewish traditions alive, they’re members of a different nation.

  4. If you’re reading an article about Russian and American relations and you think of Russians as “us”, then your identity really isn’t White American.

    <3 u

  5. The Orthodox tradition isn’t OUR tradition and the Slavic history isn’t OUR history

    The pre-modern American identity, its founding character prior to post-industrial mass immigration, is Anglo-Celtic. The major demographic is of this stock still today. There shouldn’t be any dispute.

    No nation wide, mainstream Christian denomination explicitly represents American Anglo-Celts in particular. If a religion is necessary, an alternative needs to be created or revived.

    Asatru is supposed to be a contender for this position, but I believe it is a little too Scandinavian in character. It is a close cousin match, but not a direct descendent fit for the Anglo-Celt American majority.

  6. Mormonism is about the only truly indigenous White American religion that I can think of, and it is gulping down the the hemlock of multiculturalism with enthusiasm. I think we are going to have to go it without religion.

  7. I don’t believe we necessarily need to be fully uniform across every dimension of identity. I do believe that Mormonism is probably the best candidate for those interested in aligning their religious and racial interests, though there isn’t a simple answer. As Randy suggests, the LDS is scrambling to abandon its fine vessel to climb aboard the listing luxury liner of modernity. *twitch*

  8. You people are a gentile riot.

    “If a religion is necessary, an alternative needs to be created or revived.”

    And, “Mormonism is probably the best candidate for those interested in aligning their religious and racial interests.”

    Both statements so Judaic! So Masonic!

  9. Re: “From what I’ve gathered, there’s nothing integrally affirmative of ethnic nationalism in the theology or administration of the Orthodox institutions.”

    The theology and administration of Orthodox Christian institutions are absolutely integrally affirmative of ethnic nationalism, as was also of course the case in the Orthodox Christian British Isles and in Orthodox Christian Western Europe.

  10. Holy shit, are you joking? There’s no way whites are going to flock to some cornpone American cult like Mormonism (!) and Asatru (!!) over a traditional European Christian faith like Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodoxy, with its fealty to holy tradition and affirmation of ethnic nationalism, may well save the European American population.

  11. We’re Americans, Akira. We’re going to sound all Masonic because our country was founded by a mercantile elite with Masonic leadership and ideals. It’s part of what it is to be a White American. Now, you’re under the impression that Jewish and Masonic is interchangeable when that’s not the case. Evidently, Freemasonry has been entirely subverted, but its origins were among White Western European merchants.

    You can’t just go around sloppily taking everything that has been or is mixed up with Jewish infiltration and just stamp JEW on it. One could just as easily do that with your entire Slavic sub-race or your Russian nation. In fact, due to my American upbringing, I find it difficult to dissociate Bolshevist parasites from the Russian hosts. But I try to work past that.

    I’m sure that a lot of what I say is colored by Masonic traditions, as it’s inextricable from the White American tradition as a whole. Please explain how it’s Judaic.

  12. Whites Unite,

    That’s true, but only superficially so. Discussing how the different religious traditions handle the familial and racial concerns is valid. The Bible doesn’t dictate which specific church to attend and the esoteric cart can’t really go before the exoteric horse. So there are many seekers for whom this allegedly reptilian comparing and contrasting along objective guidelines is perfectly appropriate.

  13. Whichever tradition “pushes your buttons” and “clicks” with you on an intellectual, moral and aesthetic plane is probably the right one for you! If it doesn’t “turn you on” – it’s not going to last for long.

    Most so-called Americans have been put through the assimilation wash-spin-dry cycle for so many generations- it would be hard to find someone who still has a continuous and deep ethnic/religious identity anyway. If there’s any predominant note- it would probably be German (and not British Anglo-Saxon) among the so-called EurAmericans.

  14. Re: “We’re Americans … our country was founded by a mercantile elite with Masonic leadership and ideals. It’s part of what it is to be a White American.”

    So in order to be a White American, it’s necessary to be a Satanist?

    Re: “The Bible doesn’t dictate which specific church to attend.”

    Typical Judeo-Masonic Anti-Christ propaganda. There are no such things as “Churches”. There’s only one Church, the Body of Christ, which cannot be divided, as is clearly stated in the New Testament.

    I never said that Jewish and Masonic are interchangeable. One is slave to the other. A slavemason is pledged to be a Noachide — in other words a slave to Satanic Talmudism.

    Masonry is Judaic to the core with adepts as ‘chosenites’ and the ‘profane’ as ‘goyim’. The ‘Great’ Work is Tikun Olam. The gnosticism is pure Pharisaical Talmudism. The withcraft ceremonies are Kabbalistic. The sexual perversions are Sabbatean.

    + + +

    @ Whites Unite:

    “There is one, and only one, good reason to adopt a religion: because you really believe that it is true.”

    Exactly. So true. How ridiculous these people are with their invented and political cults. “We should promote this phony faith coz we can get something out of it!” they say. Like con-men. [Did I say “like”…?]

    + + +

    @ Anon:

    “Holy shit, are you joking? There’s no way whites are going to flock to some cornpone American cult like Mormonism (!) and Asatru (!!) over a traditional European Christian faith like Orthodoxy”

    Exactly. But the Jews and Slavemasons (here too) keep promoting their cults and new age garbage.

    That’s what Jews and Slavemasons do. They invent their cults, like Moronism, Wicca, Scofield loons, “Christian” Zionism, Nation of Islam, “Christian” Identity, ad nauseum.

  15. Roy Tov:

    “I was born to Jewish parents. … I am a Christian. …

    “When I was a student at an Israeli high-school on a kibbutz in the Jordan Valley, I learned that Jesus’ name in Hebrew had been changed so that it is now an acronym meaning “Be His Name and Memories Forgotten.” Hitler’s name had not been touched, hence – I thought – Jesus must have committed a very serious crime. Indeed he had. By putting the emphasis on faith and love he seriously threatened the Pharisees – later to be called Rabbis – and their monopoly on the interpretation of the Old Testament.

    “The Pharisees used their interpretation, called the Talmud, to create a convenient life for their group. For this, Jesus called them hypocrites. It took me a long time to walk the rest of the way to the Christian Church. One of the roadblocks was the Pharisaic propaganda that teaches that Judaism is both a religion and an ethnic group, implying thus that a Jew cannot convert. A more serious problem was the Christian teaching that we are all sinners. Jews believe they are born perfect; from childhood they are told they are the Chosen People.”

    + + +

    This is why Judaism is evil to the core. And, if possible, Slavemasonry is worse. Jews are mostly born into their cult. Slavemasons choose to lick Satan’s asshole.

    And this is the “White Nationalist” solution? To make Whites out as “Jews”?

  16. Jesus told his followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), NOT to reduce all nations (which means “tribes” in context)–besides Jews–into a multicultural mush to benefit those who had cricified him.

  17. The religion of the white peoples has always been that of a love for and balance with the natural, not the supernatural. For 3,000 years, that has been intellectually codified as science.

    When science has ascended, whites ruled the world (Greeks, renaissance, Victorian England, industrial America). When it declined, whites went into darkness (the dark ages, the “New Age”)

    Quit holding up the Jewish priesthood as a thing to be emulated (what does that “Orthodox” picture look like if not a rabbi?!?!?).

    Priests for the Jews, superstition for the darkies, Natural Philosophers for whites. (Why is this even an issue at this late an hour???? We don’t have time!)

  18. “NIetzsche” exaggerates a bit – but I like the tone of his thesis.

    The only thing that people of different values and temperaments can ever hope to agree upon (and only then granted manly objectivity) is the world outside ourselves and the pattern of its behavior, indifferent as it is to our hopes and desires.

    So my constructive request of all the tiresome sissy theologues hereabout is: grow the fuck up and get a pair.

  19. Nietzsche,

    If Evangelical Christianity is so anti-thetical to scientific progress, how do you explain the accomplishments of believers such as Kepler, Newton and Faraday?

  20. Pseudo-Nietzche:

    “When science has ascended, whites ruled the world (Greeks, renaissance, Victorian England, industrial America). When it declined, whites went into darkness (the dark ages, the “New Age”) … Quit holding up the Jewish priesthood as a thing to be emulated (what does that “Orthodox” picture look like if not a rabbi?!?!?).”

    Now is the height of scientific achievement, and the depths of the greatest Dark Age.

    Orthodox Christian priests are Cohenites?

    You Jews love to attack Christ and His Orthodox Christian Church, don’t you?

    BTW, most rabbis wear suits and ties, and the chick rabbis wear power suits or “slacks”, like their Protestant underlings. If you think this is a rabbi: then you need medical help (avoid your Jewish witch-doctors).

    Can’t you people come up with better material? Heard it all a million times.

  21. Re:

    “Jesus told his followers to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), NOT to reduce all nations (which means “tribes” in context)–besides Jews–into a multicultural mush to benefit those who had crucified him.”

    Exactly. That’s why the theology and administration of Orthodox Christian institutions are absolutely, essentially, definitively integrally affirmative of ethnic nationalism, as was also of course the case in the Orthodox Christian British Isles and in Orthodox Christian Western Europe.

    Don’t let these Jew trolls instill their disbelief when they attack their Jew-enslaved pseudo-Christians. They create fake Christians, and then promote them as real Christians, and attack them in order to feed Anti-Christ.

  22. Now is the height of scientific achievement, and the depths of the greatest Dark Age.

    Interesting observation.

    Nonsense in demographic and administrative terms. (Is “Akira” a girl? If so, I’ve got a woman for “Old Right”!)

    But there’s something to it when we assess the general state of “conceiving reality as it is,” in terms of cultural (social/economic/political) phenomena. The globe *does* seem to have been in perpetual decline, in this respect, since the extinction of the Light of Classical High Culture, and the consequent dark descent into Voodoo-esque Christianity and derivative theologies and ideologies.

    Yes, something of a Dark Age it is – in the multiplication of irreconcilable misconceptions and silly superstitions.

  23. St Job was a “rabbi”?

    In his writings, St Job defended Orthodoxy against the Protestant heresies (especially the Socinianists) that were spreading in western Ukraine during his time, writing on the most important Orthodox dogmas of the Trinity, the divinity of Christ, about the Mother of God, Baptism and everything that was rejected by Protestant missionaries.

    On account of his growing fame, he decided to withdraw as a hermit into the mountain caves monastery at Pochayiv in Kremenets.

    Job was quiet, brief in words, and the only sound heard from his lips was the Jesus prayer. For many days and weeks he would retreat into his locked cave, so narrow that entry is difficult, and so small that it was impossible to sit, stand or lie conveniently.

    In 1628 Job attended the Synod of Kiev, called to defend the Orthodox Church against Uniatism.

    The Printshop of St. Job of Pochaev at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, New York, is dedicated to St. Job, and is the principle press of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

    + + +

    Wow! That’s sure some ‘rabbi”!

  24. More on your alleged “rabbi”:

    In the manuscript of St Job there are teachings and extracts of writings directed against the Jews, Catholics and divers Protestant sects. The main efforts of Saint Job were directed toward the denunciation of the Protestant sects, especially Socinianism, which at that time was rapidly spreading throughout south-western Russia from Jewish-dominated Poland. The venerable Job conducted a wide polemical battle against Socinius, defending the most important dogmas of the Orthodox Church which were rejected by the heretics. Thus, in the saint’s manuscript, there is (to counter Socinius) an exposition of the dogmas of: 1) the all-holy Trinity, 2) the divinity of Jesus Christ, 3) the true divinity and manhood of Jesus Christ, 4) the all-holy Theotokos, 5) baptism, 6) the all-pure Mysteries of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, 7) images or icons, 8) the praise and veneration of the holy favorites of God, 9) fasting, 10) the commemoration of the departed, 11) the temples of God, 12) the passions of men and the necessity of good works for man’s soul, 13) monasticism.

  25. Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    Beaten by the queen of hearts every time
    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    He’s a loser, but he still keeps on tryin’


    Sit down, take a look at yourself
    Don’t you want to be somebody
    Someday somebody’s gonna see inside
    You have to face up, you can’t run and hide

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    Beaten by the queen of hearts every time
    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    He’s a loser, but he still keeps on tryin’

    Unlucky in love
    Least that’s what they say
    He lost his head
    And he gambled his heart away
    He still keeps searching
    Though there’s nothing left
    Staked his heart and lost
    Now he has to pay the cost

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    Beaten by the queen of hearts every time
    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    He’s a loser, but he still keeps on tryin’

    “It’s okay”, he smiles and says
    Though this loneliness is driving him crazy
    He don’t show what goes on in his head
    But if you watch very close you’ll see it all

    [Instrumental Interlude]

    Sit down, take a look at yourself
    Don’t you want to be somebody
    Someday somebody’s gonna see inside
    You have to face up, you can’t run and hide

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    Beaten by the queen of hearts every time
    Have you heard about the lonesome loser
    He’s a loser, but he still keeps on tryin’

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser

    Have you heard about the lonesome loser

    Now tell me have you heard about the lonesome loser

  26. Akira,

    Your furious and unbalanced denunciations of Protestants are exactly the sort of thing that White Americans need to avoid if we are to stay united in the face of our current predicament.

    I certainly wouldn’t obtrude myself into a Russian Nationalist forum with furious denunciations of the religion of Russia’s historic core people.

  27. What’s furious and unbalanced about stating that Protestantism is Anti-Christ?

    Didn’t the Protestants more than decimate Ireland, and go to war against Germany for the Jews, and help the Jews crush Russia?

    Didn’t Protestant England invade Palestine for the Jews?

    Isn’t “Protestant America” now the Jews biggest nigger?

  28. Priests for the Jews, superstition for the darkies, Natural Philosophers for whites. (Why is this even an issue at this late an hour???? We don’t have time!)

    Obviously what we need is a new Julian L’Apostata to set the old gods back on their feet! NAMA NAMA SEBESIO!

  29. So your method of proving that Protestants are the Anti-Christ is to list historical examples of aggression committed by Protestants.

    By this methodology, I could argue:
    Didn’t Chmelnicki massacer Catholics, Jews and Protestants?
    Didn’t Czar Peter wage aggressive war to conquer Protestant Estonia?
    Didn’t Czarina Elizabeth wage aggressive aggainst Protestant Prussia?
    Didn’t Czar Alexander wage aggressive war to conquer Finland?
    Were not many Russians the obedient tools of Trotsky and Zinoviev?
    Eastern Orthodox Slavs are the anti-Christ!

    See how silly it sounds?

  30. Nothing is more amusing in the white crowd than debates over western religion. I’m unsure which faction amuses more; the useless theological ranters waving their icons or hiding their multiple wives, or the supposedly hard headed atheist types with their priest class of charlatans in white coats and childless syphilitic philosophers. How many grandchildren has the Nietzsche?

    Today’s match has to be won by the atheist crowd. Nietzsche’s woefully primitive understanding of Christian origins may have simply been due to his lack of primary materials, but to be ranting at this late date that Christianity was some Jewish plot to turn the goyim into pacifist Jesus-hippies is just a few steps above TV faith healers and Umin and Thumin (or whatever).

    At least not everyone has forgotten Mithra. Christianity is the cult of Divine Caesar, given a Hebrew makeover by the Destroyer of the Temple, Vespasian the Father and his Son Titus Caesar. When they dragged the rebel Simon back to Rome, he surely became the Rock upon which the Church was built, just like Titus – er, I mean Jesus – said. By the time the Flavians are restored a few hundred years later by heir Constantine, all the various cults are merged and Vespanian’s triumph declared the historio-mythical center of history.

    It’s all mostly irrelevant now, but if we are to have religion, I suggest a uniquely American one that still has some fire in it’s belly (and babies in the bellies of their females) – the Westboro Baptist Church. It’s a fitting American template, an aggressive Bible thumping preacher spitting out fire and brimstone to the sinners. And whatever racial and social short-comings they may have, no one else has the balls to clearly state to the reprobates: God Hates Israel, God Hates Jews, the Jews Killed Jesus, and collaboration with the Antichrist leads to a foregone conclusion: Your Sons in Hell. Unless repentance is forthcoming, the only appropriate response is to Thank God for Dead Soldiers.

    God Hates America, America is Doomed.

  31. Whites Unite,

    Get real. You’ve completely missed the point.

    The English wrecked their nation with their slaughters and hypocrisy and genocide in Ireland.

    The English have shamed themselves as Jews’ bitches.

    The USA is pathetic. The most powerful military on Earth. The strongest economy. The most advanced technology. And a nation of Jews’ niggers.

    That was the point.

    Your examples?

    Khmelnytsky was a national hero, who threw off his people’s oppressors; the bloodsucking Jewish usurers who demanded bribes before allowing Church services Christian funerals, weddings; the Protestant landlords who worked with the Jews; the Catholic nobility and the Jesuits who forced conversions on Ortjodox Christians. Khmelnytsky didn’t invade Arab land for the Jews, did he? Only protestants are so pathetic.

    Peter was a Freemason who tried to destroy Russia and make it like a giant Holland or England. He tried to destroy the Church. He abolished the patriarchy and appointed his puppets over the Church, with much disssent and destruction of Churches and monasteries and torture and murder of priests. If he’d gotten everything he wanted, Russia would have been as corrupt and ungodly as England. Tsar Nikolai was trying to set the Church-State relations as they are supposed to be, and then the Jews and Freemasons and anti-Christs of the West destroyed Russia.

    Elisabeta was one of the most loved of Russian monarchs, she kept Germans out of the government. Not one person was executed during her reign. Oh dear, the poor Prussians! Anyway, she didn’t “wage aggressive aggainst Protestant Prussia” as you say.

    Re: “Didn’t Czar Alexander wage aggressive war to conquer Finland?”

    Really? Wasn’t Finland occupied by Sweden? Wasn’t Sweden another aggressive Protestant power? Didn’t the Swedes oppress the Finns and go to war against Russia?

    Anyway, that’s not the point, even considering the overall contexts. I never said that Orthodox Christians always do the right thing. The point is Russia was always involved in border disputes, as is the way in most of human history. They didn’t go off to exploit Africans and South Americans and whoever until the Jews were let loose on them, backed by the lodges and Jew-controlled FGermany and Jew-controlled America and Britain.

    Re: “Were not many Russians the obedient tools of Trotsky and Zinoviev?”

    Pathetic argument. Tens and tens of millions of Russians were slaughtered by the alien Bolsheviks, and enslaved, and raped, and beaten into submission. Americans willingly get on their knees for the Jews.

    + + +

    Divine Comedy,

    Half your name suits you.

  32. And no one – especially the cynical atheist – gets how absolutely brilliant it was. Tactitus was the same as Josephus, a ranking members of a tribe/nation defeated by Vespasian, then hired to write the official history.

    In Palestine, it was always the Temple Priests and the Law. The Temple Priests are useless without their Temple, and throwing down Temples is simply a military engineering problem, so that was a straightforward campaign.

    But the Law – that compendium of various Palestinian and Egyptian folklore, so dutifully written/edited/translated by Alexander’s Hellenists and popularized in Levant – was a tougher nut to crack. Perhaps Septuagint really does represents the influential text of Persian Zoroastrianism, not to mention whatever earlier Babylonian/Sumerian pieces may survived the editors.

    So Paul, a more religious version of Tacitus and Josephus, sets up assemblies in the Diaspora directly opposed to the rebel assemblies, the center of all the Zionist agitation and superstitious mystification of old texts passing as scholarship. Through Christ Caesar we are freed from the burden of the law, free to honor Vespasian and Titus, pay taxes, and eat delicious bacon.

    And it would have worked too, if it wasn’t for those meddling Arabs! Mohammad has a Joseph Smith Moment and re-writes the Old Testament in Arabic and leads another revolt. There goes the Empire.

  33. Akira,

    I wasn’t seriously trying to argue that East Orthodox Slavs were evil: I was trying, by analogy, to give you some idea how absurd your analysis of American Evangelical Christians seems to me.

    And as far as your examples are concerned: “Didn’t the Protestants . . . help the Jews crush Russia”

    On the contrary, didn’t American soldiers die fighting alongside the White Russian movement, against the Bolsheviks during the Russian Civil War? Didn’t America withhold recognition of the criminal Bolshevik regime until 1933, long after most European nations? Didn’t we wage a Cold War against Leninism, at great cost in money and lives, from 1945-1991 until communism fell? Didn’t we welcome refugees fleeing from communism with open arms, as brothers? Didn’t we have the courage to execute the traitors Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, in spite of the world wide outcry against us? Politically conservative Evangelical Christians supported the anti-communist movement with all of our strength. Akira, the only thanks you think we deserve is to be called “the anti-Christ”? To attack us from the right while we struggle against the overwhelming forces of the left?

    Do you seriously contend that ALL Bolsheviks were Jews, that NONE were Russian? Your country had its collaborators with the far left. My country also has its collaborators with the far left, but that is no reason to call the conservative Evangelical Christians who fight the far left “the anti-Christ”.

    At any rate, this entire discussion is foreign to the purpose of this blog. White Americans are a new, unique ethnic group. We have as much right as any ethnic group in the world to have self respect, and defend ourselves when we are the target of defamation and demoralization. Doing so does not mean we are “NAZIs”, nor is it proof that we are full of hate.

  34. Whites Unite,

    Now I understand your problem. You’re very confused. You actually believe that the US was opposed to the USSR, from the beginning and in the Cold War; you actually believe the Cold War was for real; you actually believe that the USSR “collapsed”. You are like a kindergartner in these matters. Good luck.

    I never said that “ALL Bolsheviks were Jews, that NONE were Russian”, so please enough with the straw man arguments. I advise you to read Vladimir Mosses’ History of Russia to 1917. You can find a pdf if you google. Check out the section on the causes of the ‘revolution’: 1. Jews. 2. Freemasons. 3. Russians/Orthodox Christians. The difference is that the Jews and Masons were doing what they were ‘supposed’ to do, but the Russians and Christians were acting against their nation and faith.

    And I’m glad you don’t believe that Slavs and/or Orthodox Christians are evil or Anti-Christ. I don’t understand your expectation of some sort of ‘reciprocity’ though. I maintain that the Papal cult, and the Protestant cults spawned by the schismatic heretic Papal cult, and Judaism, and Slavemasonry are all the work of Satan. There it is. It doesn’t do you any credit to respond by implying that “Orthodox Christians are too” or whatever, and then say you’re just exaggerating to make a point. The West is rotten, from the Franks, from Charlemagne, from the Schism, from the “Crusades”, from the “reformation” (as if Christ can be ‘reformed’… such idiocy), from Henry VIII, from the so-called “enlightenment”, from the French Revolution, … to today.

    Just because it’s taken about 1200 years to fully decline doesn’t mean the decline isn’t real. It make take another generation, or it might take centuries. The point is the West will be an amorphous multi-kulti mass and the US will be a memory and these 100,000 pseudo-Christian cults will fade into oblivion, and China and Japan and Russia and other real nations, and the Orthodox Church will go on and on… Sorry to be the one to deliver the bad news.

  35. The problem I’ve always had with Eastern Orthodoxy, the Slavs, and Russia and general is that it is a a semi-Asiatic place; it is where the Orient meets the Occident, and it shows — much of Russia, even ‘European Russia’ west of the Urals, has become strongly Asianized. Eastern Orthodoxy is also strongly Asiatic/Semitic, its origination being in the strongly Semitic crossroads of Byzantium/Constantinople.

    But I admire the perseverance of the Russian people in throwing off the demonic Judeocommunist nation-destroyers and seeking to reclaim their nation and culture — if Eastern Orthodoxy can help them achieve that I’m all for it.

  36. Akira,

    Okay. What could Americans do to redeem themselves? Are we just anti-Christ jew’s niggers? Is there any good news for us?

  37. Wow, I’m glad that I linked to that massive list of Jewish Communists on Akira’s website a couple days ago to prove to YoSemite that Communism was disproportionately Jewish.

    Akira’s comments here since then have been worth it on the whole.

  38. DC:”Perhaps Septuagint really does represents the influential text of Persian Zoroastrianism, not to mention whatever earlier Babylonian/Sumerian pieces may survived the editors.”

    Ah Zoroastrianism…now that is a religion that I’m very interested in.

    And yes, large portions of the ‘Big 3’ Semitic/Near Eastern religions are based upon earlier monotheistic religious ideas originally formulated by the Zoroastrians or proto-Zoroastrians.

  39. Zoroaster is with us on Occidental Dissent, actually.

    Where is he you might ask?

    Look at the picture at the very top of this website: which is of course Raphael’s “The School of Athens.” There you will find him.

    In that painting, Zoroaster is found in the bottom right-hand corner; he is bearded and wearing a light gray shirt and a brown hat; he is holding up a starry globe in his right hand and is surrounded by others – closer detail:

  40. Hunter — since you are now in Charlottesville you might be interested to know that a reproduction of Raphael’s fresco can be seen in the auditorium of Old Cabell Hall at the University of Virginia.

  41. Re: “What could Americans do to redeem themselves? Are we just anti-Christ jew’s niggers? Is there any good news for us?”

    What could Americans do to redeem themselves?




    Speak fearlessly.

    Speak the truth.

    Put the Jews in their place.

    Completely ostracize all Dem-Rep operatives.

    Cut off all support, all funds etc. to all Jew-stream media, cable, movies, etc

    Name the Jew.

    Expose the CFR, TriLaterals, Freemasons, etc

    and so on

    Are we just anti-Christ jew’s niggers?


    Is there any good news for us?

    Yes. The gates of Hell cannot prevail against Christ’s Church (but the US and White populations are apparently virtually doomed). The hour is late. Let us pray.

  42. WP,

    It would have been preferable to have had the attention of an Orthodox adherent who doesn’t suffer from a case of that reflexive hatred for White Americans borne of a deep and festering inferiority complex nursed by many Russians. He took a receptive audience, an audience which was actually looking for his message, then ruthlessly beat them over the head with it.

    Most tellingly, I politely ask him if there’s any hope for redemption and he mumbles a little bit about conversion (to what?) before reverting back to a hysterical tirade about how we White Americans are all a bunch of doomed jews’ nigger slavemasons. I’ll continue studying the subject and listening to the Orthodox Nationalist, but I’ve taken all the abuse out of him that I care to.

  43. Wiki,

    Akira wants us to convert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity, which he considers the only true church. In his view, Catholicism and Protestantism are false Christianity, and all of western European civilization since the time of Charlemagne has been one collosal mistake. (After we convert to the one true church, maybe we can hope to shed mental habits engendered by our decadent civilization, such as Ockham’s razor. Then we will be able to understand that historical events are the result of a mind-bendingly complex conspiracy 😉

  44. But I admire the perseverance of the Russian people in throwing off the demonic Judeocommunist nation-destroyers and seeking to reclaim their nation and culture — if Eastern Orthodoxy can help them achieve that I’m all for it.

    Please recount the events of the revolution or coup involved in the “throwing off”.

    Golitsyn seems to have neglected to mention those developments in his account.

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