Amren: Up In The Air

It is almost 3 AM. I’m settled into a hotel room in Northern Virginia. Pip Pockets is here. As everyone knows by now, the AR Conference was cancelled again. I found out about it when I walked into the lobby of the Capitol Skyline Hotel. Jamie Kelso was broadcasting live on Voice of Reason when I got there.

There are still a lot of us in the DC area. I’ve spoken with everyone I came to see. We’re going to stick around for the weekend. 90% of the fun of these conferences goes on behind the scenes. There is nothing Jeffrey Imm or OPP can do to stop us from getting together and poking fun at diversity over a few drinks. The real conference will go on in various undisclosed locations.

Update: Jeffrey Imm is banned. He doesn’t respect the rights of others. Why should I provide him with a podium?

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Jeffrey Imm is banned. He doesn’t respect the rights of others. Why should I provide him with a podium?”

    For shits and giggles. No seriously, Imp is about the only thing that breaks up the monotony.

    “There are still a lot of us in the DC area.”

    So all of you are there in one place and Imp knows where that is? Not good.

  2. Imm,

    Since that you’ve been banned from this site, you will now have time off from your obsession with us and CAN NOW GO AND GET THAT F-CKIN HAIRCUT!

    While your at it, maybe you can now go out and shovel some snow that y’all been buried in out there in Maryland, and maybe put some ‘muscle’ on that scrawny, pudgy excuse of a woman’s ‘body’ that you have.

    Maybe your [sic] wife can come out and help ya too — she looks as if she can stand to lose a few (hundred) pounds as well.

  3. No loss, not like he ever said anything except repeating his mantra and gloating over the Amren conference being banned from hotels. Imm is a troll.

    However, I do think people like that serve the purpose of motivating us and bringing us together for the greater good.

  4. FYI: Following comment has been censored by ‘Hatewatch: SPLC’:
    Francis Marion Braidfute said,
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    on February 17th, 2010 at 5:47 pm
    Here is one link for those impartially minded, if there are any such people here. Enough information for you to pick up the phone and call the hotels, and ask professionally wehther it is true, they cancelled because their employees with threatened with violence.
    * The Saga Of American Renaissance’s 2010 Conference: “Anarcho-Tyranny” In Action

    It is clear that those who wish to enforce multiculturalism on Everyone else, are not interested in allowing all people to think for themselves, and make thier own nonviolent choices about whom to associate with and meet with.

    I also used to think multiculturalism was a wonderful concept, and then got married to someone from another culture, He is a good man, and always will be, but our cultures did not mesh. We had an honest conversation, and we parted, and I hold him no animosity whatsoever.

    I support him being happy with someone who shares his cultural beliefs; and he feels the same towards me.

    But the multiculturalistis would prefer to force us to be together, to pretend that our cultures were not different and to pretend that we were happy. They would be more happy if we were two-faced hypocrites and unhappy; than if we parted on honourable and ethical terms, after having had an honest conversation.. to be with someone who shared our cultural values.

    One of the greatest things that has pushed me away from the concept of multiculturalism, has been those who consider multiculturalism the most superior of all cultures, and thereby force all people from all cultures to have to choose between their own culture and multiculturalism. At the end of the day, an honest impartial analysis of multiculturalism shows it as an ideology of ideological supremacy, like few other.

    While American Renaissance adherents may study their culture’s differences to another, and debate between themselves what that means, and how to improve their cultural values, and how to avoid making the mistakes other cultures may have made…thereby attmepting to enrich their culture

    While Native Americans who wish to keep their culture pure, by excluding those who do not share their culture, for fear that the dilution of their culture is not good for their people…

    Multiculturalists have no particularl cultural values, except for ‘multiculturalism is superior to all cultures’…

    American Renaissance guys may only think themselves superior to blacks, or mexicans… Black Nationalists may consider htemselves superior to neo-nazis…

    But multiculturalists consider htemselves superior to ALL CULTURES!
    That is how culturally racists multiculturalists are!

    So, it was only once I stepped back and took a look at this behaviour of multiculturalists supremacists.. that i began to wonder what it was about people taking personal pride in their own culture, and wanting to better it… and to acknowledge the differences and superiorities and inferiorities of cultures, and thereby encourage cultures to grow..; that they hated with such vehemence.. that they wanted to forcefully suppress?

  5. FM Braidfute,

    Cri de couer like yours, that is, true stories of multiculturalism failing, are exactly what we need. The problem is, people don’t want to come forward and tell their stories because of the shame.

    I dream of making a documentary where mud-sharks tell the stories of their ruined lives.

  6. I dream of making a documentary where mud-sharks tell the stories of their ruined lives.


    You simply must make this documentary!

    As a Service to Humanity, no less.

  7. Many who date or marry Others do so because of social programming/indoctrination, especially from their own families, and simply don’t even consider the consequences. When they awaken they are ashamed and don’t want to admit it. They are often angry, and it’s not hard to imagine their inner talk. “Why didn’t someone say something to me? How come nobody warned me that my inlaws would be Africans/Mexicans and that my children would be so hideously different from me and my family? Didn’t my parents or siblings care that our family unity would be destroyed forever? Stupid, selfish liberal jerks.” This inner talk will rarely be admitted because they do not want to hurt the feelings of their mixed children.

  8. But multiculturalists consider themselves superior to ALL CULTURES!

    And this is of the essence of the power and attraction of “moral” deliberations:

    A priceless feeling of personal worth transcending that of all others (and some others are held to be less than worthless, depending upon how one constructs one’s morality) – and purchased, initially, at the price of lots of hot air.

    Such a *Deal* – *who* could resist?

    So, *step right up*, Ladies and Gentlemen!

    We have two – yes TWO – lovely varieties of moral superiority to appeal to that little slave lurking in your soul!

    Over here, we have on display your traditional brand of spiritual afflatus: Yeshua’s Sayings, with a bonus addendum authored by Saul of the Thirty-Nine Stripes.

    And for those of a more contemporary taste in ethical fatuities, we have pseudo-Christian, quasi-Communist, egalitarian utopianist Liberalism!

    (Do I see a flush of warmth in many a face in the crowd at the mention of this latter delight, simulating the sensation of a bracing intoxicant as it slides down that inward canal – soothing that tremulous little girl inside? I think I do!)

    So don’t be shy, Ladies and Gentlemen! Step right up and make your choice! It’s all free for you and won’t be paid for until your precious children wake up one day, staring the Devil in the eye, with old El Diablo demanding payment for the fatuous indulgences enjoyed by their parents.

    [“It is here and nowhere else that one must make a start to comprehend what Zarathustra wants: this type of man that he conceives, conceives reality as it is: it is strong enough for it —, it is not estranged or removed from it, it is reality itself and exemplifies all that is terrible and questionable in it, only in that way can man attain greatness …” (Ecce Homo, “Why I Am a Destiny,” 5)]

  9. I find this article almost as pathetic as NeoNitzche’s impotent ravings against life:

    “Clarence Otis Jr. has become a household name in America. … Since 2004, Otis, 53, has served as the chief executive officer of Darden Restaurants – which includes Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse, The Capitol Grille and Bahama Breeze restaurants – and he is Black. … Business leaders have called Otis “the Barack Obama of the business world.””

    This is supposed to be some sort of Great Achievement for Blacks — that some head manager of Olive Garden & Red Lobster is Black. Yee-haw. Break out the champagne! This is considered such an Earth-shattering development that WordPress has it on their home page.

    “He watched friends turn to gangs for comfort, and a few perished. Fighting was inevitable for Otis, but he was tough. His father once said that his son would occasionally get into fights at school, but would never come home beat up.”

    So he shanks his employees now or something like that?

    And they ‘boast’ that he’s like the Jews’ puppet in the White House. Sad. Almost as sad as poor NeoNitzche…

  10. God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong, God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are. (1 Cor 1:27-28).

    Is this proclamation an element of the sacred texts of Orthodox Christianity?

    If I mistake its inclusion, then “Akira” is excused from what would otherwise seem to be the extraordinarily ironic hypocrisy [?] duplicity [?] thoughtlessness [?] of a remark about “ravings against life”.

    And perhaps “impotence” comes to mind when someone else hits one out of the park, and all you can do is watch it sail gracefully overhead.

  11. The multicultural mandate was enunciated in the last century by mixed race change agent Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi
    Scroll down to the Wiki section dealing with his views on race and religion to learn that Coudenhove-Kalergi complemented his liberal views of the political role of the Jews with distinctive advocacy of race mixing. In his book Praktischer Idealismus (Practical Idealism, Wien/Leipzig 1925, pages 20, 23, 50) he wrote:

    “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
    “Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe’s feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.”

    So we have the moral supremicism of Christian multiculturalists trumped by the racial supreciism of a new aristocracy of liberated Jews.
    As America is lead by it’s leaders towards an ever more European form of governance the managerial class of the administrative state, as we are seeing, will be Jews. Sarkozy in France calling for patriotic “metissage” (race mixing) is a perfect example of Coudenhove-Kalergi’s vision in action. The manufactured rock star-like celebrity status of the nut brown unpresidential president is more evidence of a plan that was hatched after WWI.

  12. NeoNietzsche, you hate life because you love death.

    I understand.

    For those who must reject this world, mastered by others, this world is a living “death” – but for the promise of “life” in the next one.

    So you mistake my values, as seen through the lens of the delusions that sweeten this bitter world for the philosophically immature, when you prattle a pearl involving “hating” life.

    In your terms, rather, I have *no* feeling for a “life” about which one can have no confident conception or expectation – and the “death” of an existence in this world is what one can expect of organic processes, properly understood and placed in perspective.

  13. I read a lot here about how great Jews are.

    NeoNitzche says Jews will be superior until White people act the same as Jews.

    Now he says that Jews have “trumped” Christians. Not from where I see it, they haven’t. And never will.

    But people like him/her are just so madly in love with the Jewish paradigm, all they can think of is to slavishly copy the mimic-lords of the world. He/she sees a bunch of thugs, frauds, scamsters and gangsters as a racially supreme Jewish aristocracy?


  14. You write like a bad romance novelist on acid. Or are you working out a draft for your grade 9 “my philosophy” essay?

    BTW, how can I “prattle a pearl”? Sounds kinky.

  15. @whodareswings

    The problem with the ideology of race-mixing for the greater-benefit of society is that the end goals are never realized.

    Look at the race-mixed societies of today – there is quite a lot of ambiguity in Brazil over who is descended from what, yet they retain racial quotas and affirmative action programs for such a heavily mixed society. Everyone, including the paler-looking orange skinned people claim to have some sort of black ancestry to benefit from the various programs.

    India is another example – a caste-driven society in which pale skin is seen as more beautiful, where the most notable actors/actresses have lighter skin, and where there exists animosity between the castes. Hardly an example of a racially integrated society.

    It is not realistically possible to achieve their goals without the state carefully arranging marriages to ensure an even mixture for future generations – which just isn’t going to happen.

  16. Who in Hell are “those who must reject this world”?

    Stop writing like a 14 year old pining after Marylin Manson, and try writing in plain English. What’s this lousy ‘philosophy’ of yours you keep pissing about?

    Hang on a minute … I’ll try and sprach your lingo:

    oR *no” is iT “life” that is “death” to BE and pearl prattling expectation oR terms mastered by others = values = but for the promise through the lens O lethe O fairy mistress Atlantis! to sweeten this bitter anus for thee, philosophe imma~ture

    How’s that?

  17. Pseudo-Nietzsche,

    Der Wagner schrieb an Herr Doktor Eiser, um ihm mitzuteilen, dass die Ursache der Düsternis Nietzsches seine exzessive Penis streichelte wurde. Und Sie teilen natürlich diese Gewohnheit mit Ihrem Idol.

  18. BTW, how can I “prattle a pearl”? Sounds kinky.

    Your “pearl” (“of wisdom,” is understood) was the following:

    “…you hate life because you love death.”

    Since this was a vacuous, pseudo-philosophical, and ironically inappropriate attempt at a reposte, you thus “prattled” – defined as:

    To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate.

  19. Pseudo-Nietzsche,

    Der Wagner schrieb an Herr Doktor Eiser, um ihm mitzuteilen, dass die Ursache der Düsternis Nietzsches seine exzessive Penis streichelte wurde. Und Sie teilen natürlich diese Gewohnheit mit Ihrem Idol.

    Wie charakteristisch “Christlich” von Ihnen, um so zu sagen. LOL.

  20. Hang on a minute … I’ll try and sprach your lingo:

    oR *no” is iT “life” that is “death” to BE and pearl prattling expectation oR terms mastered by others = values = but for the promise through the lens O lethe O fairy mistress Atlantis! to sweeten this bitter anus for thee, philosophe imma~ture

    How’s that?

    That strikes me as an introduction to the literature with which you are evidently familiar – and thus as some instruction, for me, as to the bases of your handicaps in dealing with challenges to the intellect of an altogether different nature.

  21. You write like a bad romance novelist on acid. Or are you working out a draft for your grade 9 “my philosophy” essay?

    Stop writing like a 14 year old pining after Marylin Manson, and try writing in plain English. What’s this lousy ‘philosophy’ of yours you keep pissing about?

    Sorry, but the only version of this material currently available is one that is generally intelligible only to post-grad Weenies.

    I have yet to devote myself to reducing and producing the much-extended version of the same, suitable for assimilation by the ‘Tard element among us.

    Be patient.

  22. Neo loves dressing up in Nazi costumes more than he loves life (in general). Which is perhaps obsessive, and a tad unhinged, but hardly morbid (because he enjoys it, you see, and is otherwise functional).

  23. Stop your beeyich-slapping guys. We don’t need it.

    This is a disaster – and a choked canary. Tells us where we ARE.

  24. Neo loves dressing up in Nazi costumes more than he loves life (in general). Which is perhaps obsessive, and a tad unhinged, but hardly morbid (because he enjoys it, you see, and is otherwise functional).

    Well, Cap’n, since I had the balls and dedication to have actually donned a (Neo-) Nazi costume, in public, long ago (you, of course, sharing Trainspotter’s convenient hindsight and rationale, presumably have never dared to do so) – I can report that I didn’t love it – it’s not lovable. But I find your analytical ineptitude endearing, so take my remark as an expression of affection.

  25. Stop your beeyich-slapping guys. We don’t need it.

    This is a disaster – and a choked canary. Tells us where we ARE.

    We are amidst a bunch of guys who need a beeyich-slapping.

  26. “Der Wagner schrieb an Herr Doktor Eiser, um ihm mitzuteilen, dass die Ursache der Düsternis Nietzsches seine exzessive Penis streichelte wurde. Und Sie teilen natürlich diese Gewohnheit mit Ihrem Idol.”


    NeoNietzche is a wanker, with a name only a wanker would chose for himself.

    + + +


    Where you ‘ARE’, is wherever useful idiots hang about, since you go crazy about ‘J-E-W-S’!, but then support Zionists and Judeophiles.

  27. NeoNietzche writes:

    “the only version of [my philosophy] currently available is one that is generally intelligible only to post-grad Weenies. I have yet to devote myself to reducing and producing the much-extended version of the same, suitable for assimilation by the ‘Tard element among us. Be patient.”


    “I’m a wanker.”

  28. Akira – I go to meet, greet, and support other WN.

    Now – why don’t you tell every-one why you got banned from Incogman’s blog?

  29. Gentlemen:

    Please stay focused on the subject at hand and do not engage in puerile name-calling.

    I am losing patience with these petty personality conflicts, which are as pointless as they are distracting. Take is elsewhere!

  30. Well while we’re all dissing folks, let me express my disgust at what Laurence Auster saw fit to write. (Never liked the guy, btw, always struck me as a nasty jerk, a scrooge type character. You guys have my permission to expel him from your ethnostate! Or at least give him a wedgie.) Kudos to Michael Hart, however, in his reply, who sees the forest for the trees today:

    Someone in Auster’s comments section writes “Mr. Taylor thought it was great that ’15 percent of conference attendees are Jews and 15 percent neo-Nazis.’ Well, it seems to have backfired on him in the end.”

    And to that I say, as someone eccentric enough to actually honestly enjoy such diversity, that I share that sentiment. Although the events of this week are starting to make me wonder if the pro-white movement doesn’t need to really split up, as a tactical decision, into a legitimate, reformist, ADL-tolerated wing, and another wing that pulls no punches. I’ll be thinking about this, and hopefully discussing it with others, in the next few days.

  31. It’s not peurile name calling. It’s intellectual history: Wagner wrote to Nietzche’s doctor, Eiser, to tell him that Mietzche’s miserable disposition, and his health problems, were caused by his excessive masurbations; i.e. he was a big wanker. Wagner was trying to be helpful, but the wanker didn’t appreciate it. This is all part of White History. And now I know why NeoNietzche chose that name.

    + + +

    Laurence Auster’s a Jew pretending to be Anglican. He spends his time trying to get Whites to support Israel, hate non-Whites, hate the Irish, hate Germans, love Jews, etc.

  32. if the pro-white movement doesn’t need to really split up, as a tactical decision, into a legitimate, reformist, ADL-tolerated wing, and another wing that pulls no punches.

    Yes, you want to split the pro-white movement in half, and the “respectable” half kow-tow to Jews in the ADL, and confine any criticism of Jews to the marginal half.

    I have a better idea – Jews should break up into two groups – one half the anti-white fanatics, and the other half who fights the anti-white Jews. Pro-white Jews should be over at the ADL and SPLC forums, battling it out with their fellow Jews to stop their fanatical attacks on white people.

    Any volunteers?

  33. Although the events of this week are starting to make me wonder if the pro-white movement doesn’t need to really split up, as a tactical decision, into a legitimate, reformist, ADL-tolerated wing, and another wing that pulls no punches.

    Is there a non-zero level of pro-white sentiment tolerated by the ADL?

  34. It’s not peurile name calling. It’s intellectual history:…

    And it’s our great good fortune to have a student involved in inter-disciplinary work (Onanist *and* Intellectual History) with so rare a combination of interests to his credit.

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