Secret Conference

The 2010 Amren Conference took place … well, sorta. In Jared’s words, it was not really a conference, but something thrown together at the last minute. It adjourned a few minutes ago. About 60 racialists gathered to discuss the attack on our constitutional rights in Britain, Canada, and the United States. There were five or six speakers in a small restaurant in an undisclosed location. No sign of Jeffrey Imm or antifa who were left in the dark.

Lots of people had already arrived in Washington, DC or decided to come anyway after the conference was cancelled. Known quantities were invited to attend the private gathering. This was necessary to eliminate spies and disruptors and salvage what remained of the weekend. There have been many fruitful discussions going on about the future of the Amren conferences.

Topics included:

1.) Should the Amren conferences be held in a more hospitable area? Cities like Richmond, Minneapolis, Dallas, and Birmingham were among the suggestions.

2.) Should the Amren conferences be held in private nature resorts? Many people hate the Beltway traffic and multicult diversity and would prefer a more natural location.

3.) Should the Amren conferences be private invitation only events? This would eliminate the Jeffrey Imm problem in one stroke.

4.) What steps should be taken to retaliate against antifa disruptors? Revenge was in the air.

5.) Should the 2010 Amren conference be rescheduled for later this summer? A lot of people were in favor of this idea.

The real conference is always the networking and camaraderie that goes on after hours behind the scenes. The speakers and the lectures are really just an excuse to gather in a central location, plot, conspire, and enjoy each others company. That has been going on since at least Wednesday when I arrived in town. I’ve made a number of new acquaintances.

Several people videotaped the pseudo-conference and snapped some photos. We plan to upload those to YouTube and OD Facebook. The videos will be linked here. I will be touring Washington, DC with Pip Pockets tomorrow and snapping photos of all the monuments and scenery. I want to check out the Holocaust Museum while I am in the area. Updates will be posted on OD Twitter.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thought I would repost this for all to see and be reminded of in case they missed it on other threads –


    Why the Jewish Defense Organization Launches a Successful Boycott of a Hotel for allowing a Neo-Nazi Convention

    JDO launched a boycott against a hotel located in Virginia for daring to rent for a neo-nazi convention. It is true that JDO has launched and is continuing this important boycott and the effect is more than just local but national on various hotels across the US that have been asked by assorted Neo-Nazi and KKK misfits to rent for Jew-Hating and racist hate fests of the future, will think a million times over if they hear or read that not only were have been angry demonstrations at other hotels that rented to this neo-nazi outfit in the past. This local run by a despicable sleaze for renting to the neo-nazis but the Jews and others angry as well brought that Hotel to its knees with the additional weapon of boycott, meaning getting all potential customers to cancel ever using that hotel in the future. First, no greater justice can be done to the owners and management of the hotel.

    JDO plans on financially wrecking the hotel if they rent to these neo-nazis! This means effort and letting everyone also know the owners the manager be called and demand the neo-nazi meeting be cancelled immedaitely! This campaign is specifically aimed at the hotel, and its “rent to the Nazis” manager who rented unknowingly and eagerly to a band of neo-nazis that has hosted Nazi KKK pig David Duke speak about the “evil Jews” at its conventions. The neo-nazi that runs this group is one Jared Taylor. When JDO launched its campaign 8 weeks ago thousands called, and cabled Welliver to cancel this upcoming neo-nazi convention. Well, he allowed the neo-nazis in anyway. The only conscience the hotel has are its pockets, and if we financially wreck the hotel through a serious boycott every hotel will remember what JDO did to Welliver and his once proud hotel punished and brought to financial ruin by reaching out and getting every possible customer to cancel any parties planned there.

    The neo-nazi American Renaissance is holding their 9th biennial conference at the ??? on February 19-21, 2010 We just got word that the hotel cancelled the Nazi scum convention. Stop calling them, they did not know who they were renting to. Any info on where Jarad Taylor and his speakers will hold their nazi meeting would be greatly appreciated now that this hotel has cancelled.

    Moral of the story — Jeffrey Imm – ‘the Imp’ – is still a $habbo$ goy (window-dressing) WIMP.

  2. First, I hope that Taylor consults with his lawyer friends, and then sues. I would hope that Taylor and his lawyers would talk with the Justice Department, and the FBI about being deprived of his Constitutional Rights.

    All of you who were also deprived of your Constitutional Rights in this affair should talk to your lawyer friends too. This may be a class action or a RICO situation—and you may want to join Taylor in a lawsuit.

    As I mentioned before, this looks like a big payday for Taylor.

  3. The noose has been drawn a little tighter. So now you can’t exercise the “right” to free assembly. It should be blatantly obvious by now that we have no “rights”, only “permissions”, such as they are, from our Jewish landlords (yes, they really do run the government and influence the minds of the masses with media ownership and their ability to get people fired from their jobs). Now AmRen has to meet in secret. So what’s next? We only need to look at the past to see what’s in the future: visualize the persecution of “Christians” in the USSR by Joe Stalin, now project what we are seeing in our country today into the future. Of course, we’ll probably have at least one or two nitwits posting something like “I’m from New York and grew up around Jews and they are like everyone else, there are some good and some bad, blah, blah”. Yeah right- the problem is, the “good” ones stick up for the bad all the time, but I don’t blame them for them for their ethnic cohesiveness, as a matter of fact I envy them that, but only that and nothing else. It is a shame whites don’t have some of that quality, if we did, we would not be in the economic and political bind we are in today.

  4. Holding the event at a naturist resort is a brilliant idea. We have nothing to be ashamed of. Let us get everything out into the open! Fresh air and sunshine!

  5. This might be worth putting up as a separate post:

    Meanwhile, same day, in another part of town:

    See this YouTube clip of a confrontation between Daryle Lamont Jenkins (One People’s Project) and Andrew Beitbart outside the CPAC conference taking place in Washington. They are arguing about the kid who dressed up as a pimp and videotaped himself and a girl trying to get seed money from ACORN. I believe his crime was attending the Jared Taylor-John Derbyshire debate a few years ago. Jenkins is a key player in these “antifa” activities. And note of course how his work marginalizes Taylor and American Renaissance further, since the only way Breitbart and others know how to defend themselves against this thug is to indignantly proclaim their opposition to “white supremacy”

  6. Yeah, check out the end of the clip I posted, Jenkins parting shot is asking him about why he posted Jared Taylor’s press release a few days ago. Breitbart, with balls, retorts “are you accusing me of being a white supremacist!?” and Jenkins then kind of sputters. Effective. But if you want to be able to say that when you get ambushed like this, the takeaway from an incident like this is that one better stay away from Jared Taylor.

  7. Richmond and Birmingham are majority black cities. I doubt they would be more hospitable. I live near Richmond but much closer to Petersburg. Two once fine southern cities run into the ground by negroes.

  8. So race realists and WN’s now must huddle in secret in the land of the “free”. This is reminiscent of the former Soviet Union where anti-communists had to speak in hushed tones and meet in secret.

    1) Yes, someplace outside of the D.C. area. It seems that locale lends itself too easily to anti-racist (anti-white) activism.

    2) Yes, nature resort if at all possible.

    3) I’m divided on this one since there are sincere people unfamiliar to Amren who would desire to attend but if it means avoiding another cancellation, then yes.

    4) I better keep my opinions to myself.

    5) Yes, but how would you avoid a repeat of the current fiasco? It would have to be held away from the D.C. area.

  9. Instead of requiring a particular hotel, why doesnt the group just reserve a meeting area (a large church or whatever), that is immune from cancellation? Then, members just stay anywhere they want, like Motel 6, and meet up at the meeting place. It seems like AmRen is needlessly putting themselves at the mercy of the activists. And why expensive Washington DC? Having the conference in the middle of the country somewhere would be better logistics. Perhaps there is some strategizing that I am not aware of, but making yourself vulnerable in this way just doesnt seem smart.

  10. It’d have to happen on private property. The large private property of a racialist truly indifferent to boycott.

    Anywhere else and that Damocles threat of cancellation, is sure to drop.

  11. Andrew has a really good point-why invite disaster the way AmRen did? Holding the meeting at a hotel does indeed make all the attendants and the hotel and staff vulnerable. But in the final analysis, there aren’t very many monied people (large properties usually go hand-in-hand with owners who are well off business types, ranchers, farmers, whatever and would be just as vulnerable to economic sanction and threat as are the hotels). Those whites who are well-heeled are either similarly vulnerable or are economically beholden either directly or indirectly to the Jewish Oligarchy themselves, or if they are “philanthropically inclined”, it is always to some minority cause or other (Bill Gates, that self-hating white billionaire who puts out grant money for “higher education for minorities” is just one example of this mindset).

  12. Have we not, in the entirety of America, a farmer type with an acre to spare?

    Outdoors even, such as alongside a huge barbecue. Preferably summertime warm, such as in Texas.

    Amren could redirect the savings on hotel costs to renting/buying the audio equipment, etc.

  13. None of those cities are any good. I will contact Robert, and Hunter, with some really concrete ideas, on that issue.We need to buy our own land. We need to have defensible land, with very limited, controllable access.

    Most of us are basically broke – but there *are* WN with money, and assetts. These folks must lay their money on the line. There are still White areas, with lots of cheap land. Nature preserves are a great idea, for now – but we need to set up shop in Whites areas, and entwine with the local law enforcement – make them ours- ASAP. I am thinking of one State, right now, that every-one forgets exists.

    As far as security – active, and pro-active measures must be taken. Again – KNOW the local law enforcement. There are WN security forces. And we “mustmustmust* raise Holy Hell with various government entities, instead of begging them to “not hit us, again, please…”.

    Private invitations? Perhaps…..

  14. Some thoughts:

    It may be that the time of the ‘hotel conference’ as a useful activism tool is over. We’ve all seen the problems, and now the internet allows for an alternate means of networking and dissemination of information.

    The city where the conference is held doesn’t matter. David Duke got the same runaround a year or so ago in Mississippi and Memphis, the center of the ‘deep south’. There’s actually not much of any antifa in DC at all. I’ve been to the AmRen conferences since 2002, and followed the east coast antifa closely for roughly the same time, and have never heard of this Jeffrey Imm character until a week ago on this site. There were no protesters at all at the 2002 and 2004 conferences. 2006 had a half dozen or so ‘antifa’ retards who were kept off the hotel property. In 2008, they had about the same number of ‘antifa’ plus a dozen or so illegal alien activists from the area, and again kept off the hotel property.

    The problem is that ‘antifa’ from all over the country-all over the world in fact-can go online, search for example ‘hotels with conference facilities within 25 miles of Washington DC’, call in posing as law enforcement officers in order to find out what if any events are planned, and then call in with death threats.

    We might as well just provide one or two suggested hotels to stay at, then meet up in a restaurant, since that’s we end up doing anyways.

    Meeting in parks etc: already happening. At least in the northeast (New England, New York, New Jersey) there’s a group that regularly holds meetups in public parks and private homes, East Coast White Unity If you live in or near Pennsylvania, check out Keystone United Despite the ‘skinhead’ title, all are welcome at the events they regularly host. Think of it as AmRen without the suits plus live music.

    AmRen’s style has always been geared towards ‘upscale’, educated people, generally older, many of whom come to nationalism later in life. They are aware that there’s a stereotype that white activists are a bunch of tattooed guys in construction boots drinking around a bonfire in rural Idaho yelling about ‘ZOG’, and that this stereotype turns off a lot of people, which is why they do everything they can to combat this stereotype. That’s why they meet at hotels in Washington DC and require people to wear suits, instead of a potato patch in rural Idaho. It may be that this is no longer reasonably possible to pull off, but that’s why AmRen meets in a hotel in the DC area.

  15. David Duke got the same runaround a year or so ago in Mississippi and Memphis, the center of the ‘deep south’. There’s actually not much of any antifa in DC at all. I’ve been to the AmRen conferences since 2002, and followed the east coast antifa closely for roughly the same time, and have never heard of this Jeffrey Imm character until a week ago on this site.

    These aren’t street-scum “anti-fa” or even an isolated Jewish org, it’s the Jews in control of the U.S. government, with use of the NSA total surveillance grid. Notice the precision tracking in both the Duke and now Taylor cases.

    You can’t do what they’ve done without highest-level access. They have access to the employee lists, their addresses, telephone taps of every hotel, the national registration lists of hotel conferences, etc. No doubt that’s how they do real-time blocking action.

    Jeffrey Imm is surely just one of their mid-level hirelings, and this new front organization “REAL” to divert attention further attention from SPLC/ADL (known Jewish organizations.)

  16. Btw, notice a great change in treatment of Jared Taylor since 2006, due to Amren’s de facto shift on the Jewish question. Before, Amren was Jew-friendly. Now, distinctly (even if subtly, even if it pretends otherwise) anti-Jewish. And Jared Taylor’s appearance on the “Derek Black Show”, February 16 won’t help. Don Black’s helpful preface mentions Jared Taylor as a long-time family friend of the Blacks. That means Jared Taylor has known all along about the Jews – every detail. So Jared Taylor’s over the Rubicon. He can now expect shitty treatment from the ADL/SPLC/ZOG complex.

    For the conference location, a second problem is to find 400 beds for one weekend. That explains the preference for a hotel over “potato patch”.

  17. Holy crap, I just listened to Imm on Black’s radio show and correct me if I’m misreading this but this guy is clearly a mutant. He talks exactly like his press release? Is he human?

    Hunter, were there any wires hanging out of this cat’s head?

  18. @The Man
    Imm doesn’t even try to sound genuine. He expects the WNist to immediately figure out the universalist propaganda + the organization (R.E.A.L.) are just fronts.

    He knows he’s not fooling you.

    But he must repeat the lines to earn the paycheck – the ADL/SPLC/Cointelpro check. Duh.

  19. Uh hcl? You have many friends? Duh? Even if I was dead F’ing wrong would it kill you to be courteous, or has this site become b/chan while I wasn’t looking.

    I once noted I enjoyed the comment section here, consider that comment rescinded.

  20. Btw, notice a great change in treatment of Jared Taylor since 2006, due to Amren’s de facto shift on the Jewish question.

    As should be clear to everyone, politically Jews are very intolerant people, they constantly make demands of loyalty and subservience to their interests. Jared is reasonable, they are not. So a mutually respectful friendship cannot exist.

  21. My comment wasn’t an intended barb. Nor was it even really directed at The Man.

    Point is, Imm isn’t some useful idiot who might be converted, but a knowing paid agent of the other side. And to speculate, not too wildly, possibly a crypto-Jew.

    And again this real problem: the Jews know who their guys are, with their synagogues and communal registers. While WNists are porous at every level.

    We can never infiltrate them. But they successfully infiltrate us 100% of the time.

  22. HCL writes:

    These aren’t street-scum “anti-fa” or even an isolated Jewish org, it’s the Jews in control of the U.S. government, with use of the NSA total surveillance grid. Notice the precision tracking in both the Duke and now Taylor cases.

    You can’t do what they’ve done without highest-level access. They have access to the employee lists, their addresses, telephone taps of every hotel, the national registration lists of hotel conferences, etc. No doubt that’s how they do real-time blocking action.

    If people at the highest levels of our government want a conference shut down, do you really think they would phone anonymous death threats to hotel clerks?

    Why do people claim to know things that they obviously cannot know, such as what is going on at the highest levels of government and in the bowels of the NSA and the secret cabals of our Jewish overlords?

    Do people who really know these things then post their secrets on the internet? If HCL really believed his own bullshit, he would not dare spill the beans, because he would fear discovery by the very “NSA total surveillance grid” he warns us about. No doubt they would use their “precision tracking” techniques to hunt him down and squelch the leak.

    I am sure that people get some personal gratification from this sort of insider posturing, but when we ask who benefits from it the most, it is clearly the Enemy. Because if there is an NSA listening device in Jared Taylor’s Rice Krispies and the highest levels of our government want to shut White Nationalism down, then the only conclusion that sensible people will draw is that it is hopeless and that they should do nothing. Cui bono?

    Which is not to say that HCL is working for the Feebs. He is just another sad example of a White Nationalist doing their dirty work for them, for free.

  23. “If people at the highest levels of our government want a conference shut down, do you really think they would phone anonymous death threats to hotel clerks?”

    If they wanted to maintain the fig leaf of ‘democracy’ and ‘Constitutional rights’, sure.

  24. If people at the highest levels of our government want a conference shut down, do you really think they would phone anonymous death threats to hotel clerks?

    The Zionist gov’t officials skirt the First Amendment issues while getting the job done. (They obviously can’t legally shut down the Amren conference.)

    Why do people claim to know things that they obviously cannot know, such as what is going on at the highest levels of government and in the bowels of the NSA and the secret cabals of our Jewish overlords?

    The ADL & SPLC have access to the NSA systems – that’s public info. Not to mention the Mossad. And remember Chertoff (Homeland Security) is a member of B’nai Br’th, and also the National Security government under Kissinger.

    And the Zionist bankers essentially created the National Security government back in 1947. They have always ran it. Read the books by former CIA officers such as Col. Proutly.

    Why do I believe they use the NSA systems? Becuz of what they did to David Duke and Jared Taylor – especially what happened in the attempted Duke conference. They harried every little hotel by the hour, knew every hotel Duke moved to in practically realtime. To do this, is far beyond the capabilities of volunteer “anti-fa” – if such a group even exists independent of the ADL/SPLC etc.

    And it’s standard ADL practice to deny the platform. And yes, again: the ADL is the visible arm of the secret society B’nai Br’th. The ADL is the designated defense/enforcement arm of the American Jewish government (AJCommittee, AJCongress, B’nai Br’th.) Read Howard M. Sachar’s (from a leading B’nai Br’th family) A History of the Jews in America for instance.

    If HCL really believed his own bullshit, he would not dare spill the beans, because he would fear discovery by the very “NSA total surveillance grid” he warns us about. No doubt they would use their “precision tracking” techniques to hunt him down and squelch the leak.

    I have no doubt the NSA tracks the IP of every visitor to every WN site. I have no doubt they could find out who I am, were I worth the time (although I always go through anonymous proxy (not sure if that helps.)

  25. Allow me to repeat & emphasize this passage:

    … the ADL is the visible arm of the secret society B’nai Br’th. The ADL is the designated defense/enforcement arm of the American Jewish government (AJCommittee, AJCongress, B’nai Br’th.) Read Howard M. Sachar’s (from a leading B’nai Br’th family) A History of the Jews in America for instance.

  26. P.S. – for those who will never read the 1051 page Sachar book, the various U.S. Jewish organizations had decided, waaaaaaay back in the 1940s, to charge the ADL with all domestic defense functions (to suppress neo-Nazis, and the like), while the AJCommittee would address international antisemitism.

  27. Umm – I don’t know why every-one is stomping poor hcl.

    Why do you think Talmudic Jewry would *not* put their low-level operatives to work, to earn their shekels, phoning death threats to hotel clerks?

    That’s the sort of thinig they’d do, for FUN. A hilarious little prank – that strikes terror into the souls of the little Shabbos Goy.

    “HAHAHA!!! They bought it! They blinked! HAHAHAHA!! Good stuff! Now let’s go get some knishes, brisket, and Slivowitz. And then go and punch out Palestinian hookers. Good times! Shalom! “

  28. “Jeffrey Imm is surely just one of their mid-level hirelings, and this new front organization “REAL” to divert attention further attention from SPLC/ADL (known Jewish organizations.)”

    Never send a woman to do a man’s job.


    Here is Guy White’s post on the American Renaissance conference being canceled.

    Guy White applauds Buckley and the respectable conservatives for purging the conservative movement.

    Commenter “Irish” calls Jared Taylor “lazy” and says “Taylor is as much to blame for this as the anti-white crazies.” “Irish” says Taylor “needs to do some real soul-searching, and do a Buckley-style purge, a REAL one.”

  30. Guy White applauds Buckley and the respectable conservatives for purging the conservative movement.

    This is why this philo-semitic apologist’s ‘REAL’ name should be Goy Weiss</strong instead.

  31. “Guy White applauds Buckley and the respectable conservatives for purging the conservative movement.”

    Is their anything more repulsive then a shabbos goy? Philo-Semite is one thing, but Goy White is a pathetic slave.

  32. Dept. of Homeland Insecurity chief Janet Napolitano labeled Ron Paul supporters and returning veterans potential terrorists so I can only imagine what she thinks of us. Then we have Jeffrey Imm, a former DHS official. It isn’t paranoia to suggest they or another federal agency worked through third parties to get the conference shut down. I have no evidence to support the claim but it seems the Amren people are just as clueless as the rest of us as to who the chief culprits were which is leading to rampant speculation.

    Just because the antifa clowns are crowing and claiming credit for the cancellation doesn’t mean they had anything to with it. Those bad white people of the ADL got an attorney who attended the 2008 Amren conference fired so they certainly had motive to see the conference cancelled. The boys at the Political Cesspool seem to think that is within the realm of possibility but strangely no one is discussing it.

  33. I’m not familiar with Guy White’s work, but if it is true he defended that whoring coward Jew-slave William F Buckley Jr., who I hope is roasting next to Judas in the lowest echelon of hell, Guy White is vile individual and a worse enemy of the White man than Abe Foxman himself.

    As for the conference, I vote Taylor takes it west, to Las Vegas. I attended a conference a while back at the MGM Grand, and it’s a great facility.

  34. …Just because the antifa clowns are crowing and claiming credit for the cancellation doesn’t mean they had anything to with it. … — Mr. Dithers

    They indeed didn’t.

    It looks as if the motive for what happened against Taylor and AmRen has everything to do with the Jews and next to nothing to do with the ass-clown Jeff ‘Imp the Wimp’… and ‘Daryle the Baryle’ of the One Primate’s Project.

    It seems like the Jews had it in for Taylor since the 2006 conference for the Duke-Hart squabble, as this article from the ‘Washington Jewish Week’ on the Jewish “Defense” Organization spells out their malicious, psychotic hatred for Taylor and AmRen back in 2007

    Hotel rebuffs JDO effortsManager: We’re not defined by our customers

  35. “If people at the highest levels of our government want a conference shut down, do you really think they would phone anonymous death threats to hotel clerks? ”

    Greg, the FBI released a sexual rumor about Jean Seberg (who was actively helping the Black Panthers at the time) in order to “neutralize” her. The rumor was given as an “anonymous tip” to a newspaper editor, who then passed it on to a columnist. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that the government was behind the shut-down of the AmRen conference, although I’m not going to speculate, because I really don’t care.

    This incident is similar to something I witnessed years ago:

  36. Were people so anti-liberal that they forgot what was going on during the Bush regime? Warrantless wiretapping, the telecos getting paid by the feds to turn over emails, IP logs, etc. Have we forgotten Hal Turner, or even Frank Collin/Cohen?

    Last year the NYPD “stopped” a “terrorist” attack against a synagogue. It quickly came out that the FBI officer assigned to the case recruited all the members of the terrorist cell, gave them the plan, and provided fake bombs for them to use. Then they “caught” the group of “terrorists.”

    You’re fooling yourself if you don’t think groups like ADL (itself an intelligence agency often in direct, official partnership with the FBI, etc.) are not behind this.

    No need to be paranoid, this is the reality of the current regime. You don’t have privacy.

    AmRen needs to sue, and try to press criminal charges. If they don’t, this harassment will get worse and worse.

  37. Good information Reality. I missed your earlier post. Making death threats is and always has been the M.O. of radical Jewish groups like the JDL and JDO. Edgar Steele has written that although he had some unpleasant experiences with individual Jews he never drew any sweeping conclusions about them. It wasn’t until he and his family were continually threatened with torture and death during the Aryan Nations trial that he developed a white hot hatred of Jews and rightfully so. In fact a sweet Jewish female threatened one of his young daughters over the phone. Yidtards really do say the darndest things sometimes.

    As much as Amren rails against Muslims they had nothing to do with the conference cancellation. Jews did. No matter, somehow Jared and his kind will find a clever way to keep the JDO out of the fray and blame this on “white liberals” and other anti-racist groups.

  38. The Jewish Defense Organization are not white liberals. Again, just who made the death threats to the hotels? As much as I detest Imm the threats don’t appear to originate with him.

  39. Jeffrey Imm is a White liberal.

    The idea that Imm and his front organization “REAL” got the conference cancelled is something that only a complete moron could take seriously. If you’re unfamiliar with the Jewish use of goy frontmen to make their organizations appear “less Jewish”, you should study up on it. It’s quite clear that “REAL” was created just for this purpose.

    Paying so much attention to Imm and pretending he is at all significant is falling right into a Jewish trap.

  40. What I find objectionable against this whole line of discussion is the cocksure attitude of the people who think it is obvious that Imm could not have pulled this off without a direct link to Carnivore and the highest echelons of the FeebGov. It is analogous to the people who are cocksure that 9/11 could not have been pulled off by a handful of towel heads with box cutters. In both cases, such assertions are the prelude to a lot of knowing posturing about the workings of the conspiracy on the highest levels of the government.

    1. You might suspect this, but you don’t know it. And if you really knew it, if you really believed your bullshit, you would not be posting it on the internet.

    2. Your suspicions are premised on a deep faith in the power and necessity of big centralized government institutions. You are advancing the assumption that individuals and small groups cannot disrupt the system. That assumption is false. One person could shut down the AmRen conference. It does not take spy satellites and Carnivore to find the location of a hotel, particularly when you know the general vicinity. Read John Robb’s book Brave New War, about how the same “all-powerful” FeebGov is being stymied in Iraq and Afghanistan and increasingly around the world by individuals and small groups who know how to disrupt complex systems and inflict enormous damages for tiny costs using tools that are available to anyone.

    3. Not only is your faith in the power of the state false, it is disempowering: since obviously we cannot equal the resources of the Feebs, people conclude that we should not try. But if AmRen can be shut down by an individual or a small group with tools available to all, well then we have a much more level playing field, and some WNs might be tempted to actually get in the game rather than sulk on the sidelines.

    4. Analogies are not arguments. The FBI used a leak to a journalist, so it is plausible that another government agency used a death threat to shut down AmRen. Sorry, that does not constitute proof. Food for thought, yes. Proof no.

  41. What I find objectionable against this whole line of discussion is the cocksure attitude of the people who think it is obvious that Imm could not have pulled this off without a direct link to Carnivore and the highest echelons of the FeebGov.

    Not what I said, and it doesn’t appear to be what others are saying either. It obviously wasn’t Imm, but that doesn’t mean it was “the government” either – the pressure was likely organized by the ADL, JDL, JDO and other private Jewish organizations (although, as has been noted by others, the ADL and the FBI are deeply intertwined at this point).

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