District of Corruption

I spent a long day touring DC with Pip Pockets and Jamie Kelso. We hit the Washington Monument, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and Congress. The highlight of the trip was a private tour of the Capitol and getting to actually sit in the House chamber. We saw Mercury 7, Apollo 11, the Vikings Mars Lander, and Charles Lindbergh’s The Spirit of St. Louis. Later in the evening, we ate dinner with two White Nationalist comrades in Northern Virginia, whom I will tease by calling Patrick Bateman and Mr. Miyagi.

Pip Pockets shot an hour of video for the OD documentary. I shot a ton of photos with my cell phone. Jamie Kelso must have snapped hundreds of photos with a digital camera. We got a lot of good material which we will upload to YouTube and Facebook when we get back. Over the next two days, we plan to shoot video and pictures of the White House, Supreme Court, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, National Archives, and U.S. Holocaust Museum. When we get home, we will edit the footage and add voice overs. Hopefully, we will have it all uploaded by next week.

Update: JewAmongYou has released videos of the AR Conference. We didn’t film it because we weren’t sure who wanted to appear on tape. Kelso also filmed it.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “we won’t need to convince any White, that manages to survive the Mud Deluge, that we are not “not evil or deranged”.”

    We will (need to convince them), if we subtlely call for, or even hint at genocide.

  2. creating a damn fine nation on a set of principles and values which are no more susceptible to Jewish influence than the ones Traditionalists frequently fawn over uncritically.

    Thus you damn them with faint praise.

    Had they left a legacy of realistic warnings, drawn from the history of their own ultimately-displaced ancient models of government, as to an inevitable replay of those developments – rather than the “idealistic” egalitarian BS with which we are now saddled – we would have good cause to hold them in regard as other than puppet mouthpieces from the past, easily conjured for use by Apple-Pie Patriotards and Crypto-Communists.

  3. Wiki, NN

    There may be a step between a general leading a coup and meeting up at a restaurant. Someone could set up a private intelligence agency. Model it on a standard military rank system and a need-to-know basis of access to classified materials.

    Level one is simply compiling interesting information from publicly available sources, much of this research could be publicized to outsiders or selected target markets. Some of the collected info may be for trusted activists only.

    Something at level 2 classification might be a list of persons of interest, figures both public and private, along with associates, contacts, etc. Levels 3 and above left for further speculation.

    Wiki loves Freemasons because he’s a Mormon, and NN loves a straight up battalion of soldiers. This is a little bit of both. An intelligence agency has ranks, degrees, or clearances. It collects information. It’s legal and non-violent too. It’s organized and disciplined.

    How much would it cost for salary and expenses to hire some bright college graduate to do basic research as a regular full time job? 100k? 50 middle class people could fund it.

    I’d give them a list of names and set them to work at namebase.org and whitepages.com.

  4. NeoNietzsche,
    As bright as you are, it seems like you could be able to reformat your belief system into some sort of cohesive book, booklet or essay. This “black column” is very frustrating, and all the more so because I’m interested in figuring out what the hell you’re getting at.

    The “Touchstone” is the Post entitled, “Law, Ethics, Morality: Pretense and Illusion”.

    That should be followed by, “Become Superhuman”.

    And then, “Nietzsche: Antichrist, not Antisemite”.

    Originally, the blog was organized with these introductory Posts with primary material on the first page, and I resisted placing new material above them.

    But I acquired regular readers hoping for fresh material, and I gave in to adding significant secondary material to the black column for permanent preservation outside the hidden Comments and the temporary STFTD’s. Thus the blog is no longer ideally organized, and the editing functions are so primitive that re-ordering the Posts, with Comments, will require vacation time.

  5. Someone could set up a private intelligence agency.

    Lovely idea.

    Unfortunately, racialists even of a high order of *intelligence* seem to have little aptitude for organization.

    And I’ve met most of them over the many years.

    I’ll spend some time thinking about why this is the case.

  6. NeoNietzsche,
    The other orders have major flaws, too. In fact, the martial orders (aristocrats) were the biggest pushovers of all. The Roman patricians folded like lawn chairs. Pilate was all too ready to do their bidding. The pagans evaporated on impact with civilized challenges.

    It’s absurd to abolish America altogether on the idle and dubious speculation that you’ve figured out a tradition better than the Masonic one it manifests.

  7. SSSS,

    Perceptive, but upside-down and inside-out. The conversion was the culmination of years of research and consideration, converging on the proposition that I need to throw myself behind the most realistic chance of restoring an indigenous White American elite. It was a close call between that and attempting to translate Eastern Orthodoxy toward that end.

    As for the actual doctrine, my religion IS my family. As such, they’re so close to manifesting this ideal that the goofy archaeology and clumsy origins are a very cheap price to pay indeed.

    Oh. And I’ve tried various initiatic schemes but I keep getting blown off. So it wasn’t for lack of thinking of that or trying it.

  8. The other orders have major flaws, too.

    Other than what order?

    In fact, the martial orders (aristocrats) were the biggest pushovers of all.

    If you mean European aristocrats, they used and were used by Jews. And the West is the example of the Faustian pathology, and the decline of the quality of aristocracy.

    But be more specific as to time and place and to who is doing the “pushing”. You’re not making sense.

    The Roman patricians folded like lawn chairs.

    To autocrats? What are you talking about? If you mean the autocrats, you are mistaken. Senatorial conspiracies remained a threat to the autocracy well into the Imperial period.

    Pilate was all too ready to do their bidding.

    Whose? The Jews’? The mob’s? Get ahold of yourself.

    The pagans evaporated on impact with civilized challenges.

    Depends upon how you regard The Church.

    It’s absurd to abolish America altogether on the idle and dubious speculation that you’ve figured out a tradition better than the Masonic one it manifests.

    It has long been abolished.

    You’re living in Greater Judea.

  9. “Had they left a legacy of realistic warnings, drawn from the history of their own ultimately-displaced ancient models of government, as to an inevitable replay of those developments – rather than the “idealistic” egalitarian BS with which we are now saddled – we would have good cause to hold them in regard as other than puppet mouthpieces from the past, easily conjured for use by Apple-Pie Patriotards and Crypto-Communists.”

    Well said, NN.

  10. I am clumsy, blonde, and big breasted, the brunt of all jokes, so that was the best compliment I have ever had! You really should consider moving to New Zealand.

    Given that luscious nugget of info I may have to contemplate a move to NZ myself. Let’s here it for the DOERS.

  11. As for the actual doctrine, my religion IS my family. As such, they’re so close to manifesting this ideal that the goofy archaeology and clumsy origins are a very cheap price to pay indeed.

    I don’t have any problem with that at all.

    I’ve tried various initiatic schemes but I keep getting blown off. So it wasn’t for lack of thinking of that or trying it.

    No argument, I’m trying to move to the next step myself. I think organization is key. Posting random stuff online is just for fun, nothing posted here means anything. As for “initiatic” I’ve put away spooky religious types and are more going for regular military, NSA type clearance schemes.

    Of course, I’m a died in the wool conspiracy theorist because I assume everybody knows my IP and can figure out who I am if they were so inclined. Not that it would be all that interesting, but let’s all be realistic here. Your Jared Taylor can’t even rent a hotel room.

    Hi NSA.

  12. SSSS,

    My concept was to have a “leadership development program” where a set list of books were to be studied. There could be study groups based around these programs and a sort of ranking system as one work up the leadership development pipeline. This would help bring us together into focused groups while honing our knowledge. Within that umbrella, different types of organizations and subcultures could thrive.

    I think it’s a tantalizing idea, but there is too much real work to be done now with existing and growing projects to throw in the kind of time and energy that such a speculative venture would necessitate.

  13. Leadership Development Program:

    How To Make Friends and Influence People
    The Aquarian Conspiracy
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad
    The Secret

    Oh, and I hear of a new book coming out soon, “Pragmatic Fictions.”

    That ought to do it…

  14. Lena – LOL!

    Steve in the Swamps – ZzzzzZzzzzzZZZzzzz…..

    Keep blathering about honor, and morals, in relationship to Jewry. You do understand that they possess no comprehension what-so-ever of the meaning of those words, right? Even if you would manage to convey the meanings – they still wouldn’t believe you.

  15. Seems like a lot of people are ganging up on Denise. Not me! I agree with her position on the holohoax, and I don’t think she is calling for true genocide of the “Khazars”, but is making the solid point that their own misery is brought upon themselves by their actions. The holohoax, or course, is the key method used to psychologically undermine their enemies by playing the victim card, and has worked perfectly for their agenda. Anyone who doesn’t see the importance of this isn’t looking hard enough or doesn’t want to see it.

    As for the poster or two that has claimed that the evidence that denies the holohoax is very weak, I am not sure what evidence they are referring to, for I have seen it exactly in the reverse situation. The only credible sources for the acutal existance of the holohoax it seems are the constant repeating of the supposed events, so called “documentaries,” and fictional movies that dramatise it. All of these are based on mere conjecture and opinions of people, but I guess because someone says they were “eye witness accounts” we have to take them as fact. How absurd.

  16. The scenario I envision, inspired by your post, is the lot of us, in a drawing room, after dinner, late at night. We have all dined on an exquisite and sumptuous feast. We are now sipping red wine, and brandy, in a beautifully-appointed, elegant, Neo-Classical drawing room. Beethovens’s Late String Quartets are playing softly, barely audible. The hour is late, and the soft glow of a handful of candles, supplement the eerie light the cool and mysterious Midnight Moon.

    We are dressed in evening clothing, sated, not quite awake, yet not ready for sleep.

    We have discussed everything, and nothing. The wine, and brandy, are permeating our systems, and having an effect. Some of the fellows are mellowing, and their natural male arrogance, and intellectual superiority, are becoming a trifle….self-indulgent. Boys being boys, eh what…..

    Their prattle is wearing on your nerves. The wine, instead of dulling your senses, has sharpened [them] The conversation is becoming irksome, to you. You’ve heard one to many patronizing little quips, and jests. Your patience grows more brittle by the second…..

    You are an elegant, passionate, cultivated Blond. Your skin is very White. Your hair is a river of molten silver, twined with liquid gold, falling sleekly over your shoulders, and back. You are wearing a strapless silk sheath, of Midnight Blue silk, which hugs every sumptuous curve, like supple, gleaming armor. And you have had enough.

    You suddenly rise up out of your chair, and hurl your crystal wine glass straight across the room, contents spilling in a perfect arc, exquisite tiny droplets, of deepest garnet, sparkling, suspended, for one moment in the half-light, then trembling, before they drop to the floor. The glass silently bounces of the chest of the poor, hapless male, that uttered the final, intolerable thoughtless remark (Wiki- that’s you. You look very nice in that tux, and your expression of perfect innocent amazement, at Lena’s Grand Gesture – well – it’s priceless, and rather endearing) -and shatters on the floor.

    You are coldly inflamed. You are a Severe and Terrible Ice Goddess, giving vent to Majestic Fury.

    That post – Post 37 – that is what you SAID!

    After your deliver your Furious Rebuke – you turn, suddenly, on your elegant and shockingly expensive heel (we females are ruefully aware that the most flimsy and minimal of female fripperies, commands the highest of prices. Beauty is Suffering), and stalk out to the balcony. You fling open the French doors, grasp the cool smooth marble bannister, and slowly, slowy permit the tension to drain form your body, into the soft stone of the walls. Your muscles relax, and your mane settles around your face, like a silvery gleaming veil. All the world is suddenly quiet, and still. You shut your eyes, seeking blessed relief from the irritation you’ve just left behind. You suddenly grow aware of the delicate, cool, sweet moistness of the night air, soothing your tangled nerves. The friendly, confident scent of jasmine unexpectedly climbs up from the garden to offer a comforting olfactory kiss…..

    You breathe in the reviving scent, and open your eyes. Your first sight is that of your cool White hands, resting lightly on the cool white marble. You notice that your hands, and the marble, are bathed in the moonlight, and both possess an odd and luminous glow, as though the moonlight has lit both your hands, and the marble, from within, and are now twinned. The flesh, and the marble….

    There ya go….

  17. I strongly agree with post #101 and I could not have summed it up better. Danke sehr, Herr Nietzsche.

    Wiki, you characterise this “damn fine nation” (where is this organic state, by the way? Is it still here? Can you chart its life cycle?) as “no more susceptible to Jewish influence [than Traditional societies]…”, which is quite a backhanded compliment. It must be difficult to rally thinking people around such a perspective.

    Why should we look to polluted half-measures, rather than seeking a return to first principles, which are dutifully informed by the values and lessons of the past? Beyond practical political reasons, which I believe are misguided though often well intended, why should a WN hold aloft the framers and their fuzzy, ambiguous, egalitarianism? Why saddle ourselves with the nebulous concept of universal/inalienable “human rights” rather than returning to the pellucid purity UR-Tradition?

  18. I believe this excellent essay by O’Meara is germane to this discussion:

    The Three Faces of the Modern Moloch: Liberalism, Judaism, Nihilism

    by Michael O’Meara

    Historically, liberalism was the ideology of the
    rising bourgeoisie. The liberal revolutions of the
    late 18th century and the concomitant industrial
    revolution, both reflective of the bourgeois ethos,
    made the market, with its “reign of quantity,”
    dominant in much of the “Atlantic World.” In time,
    the entire white West was drawn into its snare.
    By the 1880s, in a period when Nietzsche had
    diagnosed the spiritual crisis that came with
    liberalism as a condition of “nihilism,” it was,
    however, no longer simply homegrown capitalists who
    were responsible for perpetuating its subversions.
    Another agent — an alien one qualitatively more
    deracinated, materialist, and predatory than native
    white capitalists, especially in its orientation to
    the financial rather than the productive side of
    capitalism — had entered the scene.

    The great 19th-century rebellion against the
    nihilistic social forms associated with the
    bourgeoisie and the Jews — against what Germans at
    the time called “Judeoliberalismus” — took the form
    of nationalism and socialism. The merger of these
    two movements — beginning first in France in the
    1890s and then soon thereafter in the German-speaking
    lands, when elements from the revolutionary
    anti-liberal wing of the labor movement joined forces
    with elements from the revolutionary anti-liberal wing
    of the nationalist right — would pose the most
    consequential opposition to the modern Moloch. (See
    Karlheinz Weissmann, Der Nationale Sozialismus:
    Ideologie und Bewegung 1890-1933 [Munich, 1998]) It
    was, accordingly, only in 1945 (some might say 1989) ,
    when this counter-nihilistic movement was crushed,
    that the Judeo-liberal forces were able to established
    their unchallenged hegemony.

    The following short excerpt from “La Fin du
    Nihilisme,” written in a period when Hitler’s New
    Order held out the prospect of a resurgence of
    European life, ought to be of interest to VNN readers,
    for it offers a view of our history that has been
    largely purged from contemporary thought. — M.O.

    La Fin du Nihilism: The French Revolution of 1789 was
    the product of two converging, but fundamentally
    different currents. The first, arising from the
    people, was already present in the struggle of the
    medieval communes, in the Albigensian resistance to
    the Roman Church, in the peasant uprisings of the late
    Middle Ages, and in certain facets of the Religious
    Wars. The second current emerged from the materialist
    and mercantile demands of the 18th century bourgeoisie
    and the demagoguery of its Parliaments.

    This second current, that of the merchant class, had
    been cut off from the people for at least 150 years.
    Its ideology was brought to France from England by
    Montesquieu, Voltaire, and the Masonic Lodges and gave
    voice to the dynamic, transformative character of
    rising capitalism. Initially, liberalism demanded
    only the abolition of antiquated economic statutes and
    the reform of state institutions, demands made for the
    sake of free trade and property rights. In time, it
    called for freeing the bourgeoisie, the creators of
    wealth, from all forms of aristocratic and monarchical
    political domination. These demands were framed in
    universalist terms that reflected not only the
    egalitarian but the globalist pretensions of England’s
    wealthy classes, particularly those of its Jews.
    Previously, all the countries of the world had denied
    the Jews citizenship. It was the French Revolution
    that emancipated them and permitted them to play a
    political role. For behind liberalism there lurked

    Spurred by its ideologues, the Revolution of 1789
    didn’t stop at imposing organizational forms native to
    French popular tradition. The second current
    prevailed. The revolutionary liberals endeavored thus
    to create a universal democracy, a League of Nations
    avant la lettre, based on . . . the “natural equality”
    of all men and races. The result would be one of
    confusion and disorder, for a liberty and an equality
    indifferent to human and racial differences could not
    but affront the laws of nature.

    In its service to the new bourgeois plutocracy,
    liberalism ushered in the age of money. Its principle
    of free trade thus subordinated men to blind, amoral,
    uncontrollable economic forces. Its monetary powers
    subjugated small nations to powerful, wealthy ones.
    Its liberty detached men from society, desocializing
    man and dissolving society. And on the ruins of the
    ancient sovereign states it destroyed, it gave pride
    of place to the International Banker. . .

    Amidst the anarchy this fostered, power became the
    occult force of a small, coherent minority. The Jews
    alone were able to benefit from this world delivered
    over to the rule of money. Political power became
    thus their supreme instrument, world domination their
    avowed goal, wealth and venality their means of
    success. Race, Disraeli said in 1880, is the key to
    history. Eternally persecuted, but animated and
    united by blood ties like no other race, even though
    it is not a race, Israel derives from this persecution
    its pride and will. “Antisemitism continues to grow,”
    Theodore Herzl writes, “because its sources continue
    to exist and will never be suppressed. . .” All the
    problems posed by liberalism’s evolution since 1789 –
    the reign of gold, the decomposition of democracy, the
    preeminence of the financial powers, the emasculation
    of the Western spirit — all, in the deepest sense,
    are attributable to the prevalence of the Jews.

  19. Robert,
    O’Meara’s essay seems to be a finely worded example of the reflexive bias against the mercantile caste as having caused the Jewish problem by being especially vulnerable to Jewish subversion. But weren’t the Catholic and aristocratic orders vulnerable also? Why single out the Masonic order?

    It seems like a more realistic investment of time to repair a dying order than to invent a completely new one from scratch. The Eastern Orthodox Church is adapting to circumstances and increasingly resisting Jewish subversion in more direct terms. Why couldn’t America’s mercantile order? Or better yet? Why couldn’t America’s mercantile order mature into a managerial one, growing into the role of an indigenous elite capable of wresting control from the invasive elite while retaining continuity with the core American values?

    As for UR-Tradition, I believe that Europe’s Trad movement was a victim of its historical context, embracing a skewed view of history, presuming the third world cluster**** of Hinduism to be anything more than tangentially related to the Germanic people, and considering America to be sort of a Great Satan. But the important thing is that you oughtn’t begin the work of ripping apart the existing orders before you’ve even presented a viable replacement.

  20. O’Meara’s essay seems to be a finely worded example of the reflexive bias against the mercantile caste as having caused the Jewish problem by being especially vulnerable to Jewish subversion. But weren’t the Catholic and aristocratic orders vulnerable also? Why single out the Masonic order?

    Because the the Jews become involved with the aristocratic order (until intermarriage) merely as a tumor that can (and has been) excised by the order itself in the normal course of events.

    The order of commerce, however, immediately assimilates the Jew as its own tissue, permitting a metastasizing growth that requires the most *radical* of surgeries – by orders external to the suffering host.

  21. NeoNietzsche,
    What if I were able to take Freemasonry and make it:

    1. Explicitly White racialist in its core doctrine
    2. Incompatible with being a religious Jew
    3. Contain myths and prophecies perfectly suited to a White American restoration.

    Would you call the number on your screen?

    Okay. Okay. Tough customer. Let me speak with my manager…

    …Alright, I persuaded him to throw in explosive White birth rates which are not dysgenic.

    Now I know you’re the martial sort, so I might even throw in the founder having been a military general who was killed by an angry mob for manifesting something remarkably similar to what you suggest in your “black column”.

    It’s not like shit that perfect is just going to just walk up and knock on your door. Let’s be realistic.

  22. Wikitopian
    Why couldn’t America’s mercantile order mature into a managerial one, growing into the role of an indigenous elite capable of wresting control from the invasive elite while retaining continuity with the core American values?

    Because the mercantile order’s interests are close to identical with those of jewry. Only the special status of Israel creates serious conflict between the two elites, and there only with the oil companies who would like to improve relations with the oil rich Muslim nations and with the relatively powerless small business class that would rather not pay taxes to support Israel’s wars.

    In every other sphere the mercantile class agrees with the jews. They want a global market to buy labor on the cheap and sell everything everywhere. They want to destroy sexual morality so they can engage in free range sexual predation. They want no traditions binding their desires and they want no blood aristocracy getting in the way of their profits.

  23. OldRight,

    This kind of broad critique would stick to any of the orders. The martial orders borrow from the Jews to pit their peasants in perpetual contests of ritualized slaughter. The managerial order seeks a sort of pervasive mind control that would ritualize away the entire human experience while bleeding the peasants dry. The mercantile elites will topple everything righteous and good in pursuit of treasure.

    But none of these are fair portrayals. The mercantile elite in its highest form is offered in the writings of Benjamin Franklin. The mercantile guilds that I broadly characterize as “Masonic” are active in a lot of charities and charitable causes. The development of initiatic ritual and tradition within the mercantile guilds proves that they’re not the villainous adversaries of tradition you envision.

    If you’re shipwrecked on a desert island, you have three cardinal methods of power projection. You can use force (Skipper), you can use wits (Professor), or you can use wealth (The Howells). Brains, brawn, and bullion.

    Indians detected that pattern and the knowledge of it has been passed down as the Hindu castes: the Kshatriya, the Brahman, the Vaishya, and the Shudra (Gilligan). There’s perennial truth here, but everybody involved had two or less arms.

  24. Wikitopian
    But none of these are fair portrayals. The mercantile elite in its highest form is offered in the writings of Benjamin Franklin.

    Franklin was a libertine and a philo-semite.

    The United States, the most mercantile society ever created, is the most jewed society, second only to the second most mercantile society, that of Great Britain.

    The warrior class, the aristocracy and the priestly class are less easily subverted by jewish influence. The warriors because they’re strong and courageous and have a healthy contempt for the weak and cowardly jews, the aristocracy because they are bound by ties of blood, and the priests because they believe in a transcendent moral code that jews can’t help but violate flagrantly.

    Only the merchants have selling out as their highest principle, making them easy marks for the jew, whose criminal ways always provide a ready supply of cash.

  25. Quite true, Wikitopian. A mercantile class can have national interest in mind, if it subordinates the growing of wealth to the national interest.

    Great Gilligan’s Island/Hindu caste analogy!

    What did you mean by this:

    There’s perennial truth here, but everybody involved had two or less arms.

  26. Robert Campbell — “There are no “basic human rights” save those which can be defended by force. It is unfortunate how many racialists have bought into “the fallacies of 1775? (Yockey), and it does much to explain the plebeian, anti-hieratic character of our movement.”

    Not sure about Yockey or the fallacies of 1775, but isn’t this the topic at hand in chapter one of Plato’s Republic, in which Socrates is attacked by a sophist who claims that “justice” is whatever benefits the stronger party?

  27. Kievsky,

    It was a reference to the Hindu gods. I’m an “evolutionary traditionalist” and not a follower of Traditionalist Schools which I believe to be less rigorous and skeptical in their sifting for perennial truth in the dung heap of the world’s varied traditions. My belief is that both traditional wisdom and scientific knowledge are two maps for arriving at the same perennial truth by different paths.

    I believe many Traditionalists find truth in tradition, then reject the Western pursuit of knowledge. Similarly, many who begin with a Tradition discover that secular knowledge is more complete in some context and reject their tradition altogether. Our understanding of both is painfully incomplete, and to reject one in favor of the other is dreadfully premature.

  28. Typically after dominance by any one caste there is degeneracy and then takeover by another.

    Usually after the collapse of the mercantile-caste the military-caste take over.

    The priests then rule after the military system becomes oppressive.

  29. wiki “there is too much real work to be done now”

    Eh, if “intelligence agency” scares you how about “marketing research firm.” You are going to waste a hell of a lot of time and money doing direct mail and the like unless you do – or pay for – research first. If the term “classified” scares you, try “proprietary business intelligence” or “trade secret.” I’m all for your leadership development idea, but leaders are worthless without followers, and any organization of any size and importance needs staff as well as directors.

    There is only so much organic growth and networking can get you. I hope no one has any doubt that our enemies have hundreds of these type of organizations. A full time staff of 5 people gets far more done than 100 volunteers. If pro-white people can’t raise enough money to hire one full time professional researcher we are in worse shape than I thought.

    It’s not like shit that perfect is just going to just walk up and knock on your door. Let’s be realistic.

    I loled.

  30. SSSS,
    I apologize for being unclear. What I meant is that I personally don’t have enough time for MY scheme. I didn’t blow off your idea, which I consider polished and sensible, indicative of having stewed on these things for a long time.

    I agree with you that our movement needs one fully-funded full-time activist. In fact, I volunteer to be that guy. I accept checks, money orders, paypal, and even sweaty stacks of cash stuffed in envelopes. 😀

    I haven’t heard back from NeoNietzsche since I posted that, which means I probably shook his beliefs to the core. He’s probably driving toward the nearest mountain to be alone atop it with his pet falcon and brood on my powerful message.

  31. Old Right,

    The American small businessman, bitterly clinging to his Bible and guns, tracing his ancestry back to the Mayflower or the signers of ’76, is a priest/warrior/aristocrat/merchant/worker, a complete man superior to any old world caste.

  32. Whites Unite, the typical american businessman is a race traitor. If it’s profitable he’s a globalist, and most of them can profit from outsourcing and the low wages caused by mass immigration.

  33. “It’s not like shit that perfect is just going to just walk up and knock on your door. Let’s be realistic.”

    “I haven’t heard back from NeoNietzsche since I posted that, which means I probably shook his beliefs to the core. He’s probably driving toward the nearest mountain to be alone atop it with his pet falcon and brood on my powerful message.”

    Sorry, W., haven’t had time to entertain any core-directed belief-shaking – I’ve been over at “Majority Rights” assisting Grimoire with his grasp of epistemology (Kant and Heidegger, involved).

    So – to your point:

    Those are your requirements – not mine.

    I’m asking for an end to the pretense that this is a democracy and for an overt autocracy informed by Nietzschean perspectives.

  34. NN

    Unfortunately, racialists even of a high order of *intelligence* seem to have little aptitude for organization.

    Seems to be a common characteristic of “activists” of any stripe in my experience. I’m beginning to think of activists as preachers, spreaders of ideology and inspiration, but not sufficient in and of itself.

    You have said we are in a post-republican age, and I’m not one for indulging in Red Dawn fantasies myself, so maybe the Office of White Intelligence is a useful model for a tactically useful organization.

    Ya know, the *Scientologists* had a covert ops arm that broke into IRS buildings, bribed politicians, probably murdered opponents, policed dissents, and infiltrated several countries. If a loony space cult can achieve such a thing, surely racialists can establish a perfectly legal and non-violent intelligence apparatus to do basic research and data mining.

    Identifying potential recruits to the movement in general (market research) and the OWI itself (continuity), along with identifying enemy organization, strength and weakness, would be easy enough and completely legal. In theory it could form a nucleus of a larger movement.

    Again, such a thing would be private, not publicized, modeled after existing public and private intelligence agencies (or maybe just a start-up data mining company), be ultra-selective in membership, and opaque to outsiders on goals and methods, if not simply invisible.

    Ten guys and a budget and even I could deliver. They say Rove did his politicking with real-time data down to precinct and neighborhood level. Some county police agencies are actually more-high tech than in the movies. There is so much that could be done outside of the typical public campaigning, websites, conferences, and networking. There no reason I couldn’t buy/build a database of every human being in the USA along with all legal information about them, and track changes in real time, ditto with various organizations, businesses, etc. All I’d need is funding and a rigorously disciplined staff, to avoid breaking any laws.

    Forget the Office of White Intelligence, I’ll just call it Richardson and Associates.

  35. Hi Denise,
    I just read the thread. It is easy to immigrate here provided you have money. I am a refugee from SOCAL. There are a lot of us here.

  36. Lena and Denise,

    There are some amazing videos on YouTube on the “Bund Deutscher Mädel” (League of German Girls) and Belief and Beauty Society which I think both of you would be interested in, if you haven’t seen them already.

    This and part 2 of the same are my favorites. The music fits and adds to the effect considerably, in my opinion:

  37. @130

    It is really Socrates who goes on the attack in Book I, using an offhand remark by Cephalus — something to the extent that he would die owing nothing to either gods or men — as a pretext to begin his dialectical exercise on the nature of Justice, which is somewhat resolved in the second book.

    The word Arete is usually translated into English as “virtue,” which distorts the meaning, conferring fuzzy, post-Enlightenment values to the classical world. In actuality, it refers to the purity of function of anything, even an inanimate object. One could speak of the arete of a firearm, for example.

    I agree with Plato that it is better to be a just man who goes materially unrewarded, than it is to be a wicked but wealthy man. I was not arguing the Sophist position, but merely observing the fact that the concept of Justice is not shared by the majority, and thus “human rights” can only be assured by the sort of guardian caste Plato outlined. This is why he firmly rejected Democracy and proclaimed:

    “Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophise, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils,… nor, I think, will the human race.”

  38. Okay folks, here I am – none other than jewamongyou. Please allow me to clear a few things up:

    I used the term “brown shirts” according the the following definition:

    “A racist, especially a violent, right-wing one” which is definition #2 in dictionary.com. Being aware that they accuse us of being Nazis, I simply wanted to throw it back in their faces. It was not my intention to invoke the holocaust. Those vile people are racists; they hate the white race. Also, they are violent. So the term is very appropriate to them even though they are not “right wing”.

    As for the accuracy of traditional holocaust claims, I’m quite open-minded about that. In fact I’m in the midst of reading “Debating the Holocaust” by Thomas Dalton. I plan on posting a review on my blog when I’m done. Yes, I was raised to believe that 5-6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during WWII. But, being an objective, truth-seeking guy, I’m willing to question that account. Not only that but, as a Jew, I’d rather believe that far fewer Jews died during those unhappy times.

    Some of you here clearly dislike and distrust me just because I’m a Jew but guess what? The feeling is not mutual. You may dislike me but I do not dislike you. I wish y’all only the best.

    As for my handle at Amren, “jewamongyou”, read into it what you like but the truth is that at least 90% of non-Jewish whites care far less about the white race than I do. You should be taking them to task, not me.

  39. rhayat1/jewamongus

    “Being aware that they accuse us of being Nazis”

    Who is *us* rhayat1/jewamongus?

    As for my handle at Amren, “jewamongyou”, read into it what you like but the truth is that at least 90% of non-Jewish whites care far less about the white race than I do. You should be taking them to task, not me.

    Or perhaps you could be taking to task your fellow Jews about their anti-white attacks? Why are you here, instead of at the ADL forums, proselytizing to your fellow Jews? That would be evidence of “caring” for the white race, wouldn’t it?

  40. @ see something,

    “Us” would be those of us at the conference. Were YOU there?

    “…taking to task your fellow Jews about…” What makes you think I don’t already do that? Even the most die-hard activist needs to spend some time among like-minded people.

  41. What makes you think I don’t already do that? Even the most die-hard activist needs to spend some time among like-minded people.

    Please, share with us “like-minded” people your activism and intelligence efforts among Jewish groups. You, as an insider, could be of valuable information to us, not to mention a great tool to disrupt Jewish anti-white activities.

    What do you have for us? Can I be of any assistance? What do you know about ADL, One People’s Project, Jeffrey Imm, the people who disrupted AmRen, the JDO, etc? As a Jew who is on the white side, what suggestions would you give us for fighting these Jewish groups?

    Thanks in advance.

  42. …As for the accuracy of traditional holocaust claims, I’m quite open-minded about that. In fact I’m in the midst of reading “Debating the Holocaust” by Thomas Dalton. I plan on posting a review on my blog when I’m done. Yes, I was raised to believe that 5-6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis during WWII. But, being an objective, truth-seeking guy, I’m willing to question that account. Not only that but, as a Jew, I’d rather believe that far fewer Jews died during those unhappy times. … — rhayatt1


    Welcome to our site, and I wish to add that from what you say above shows you are a decent, honorable man.

    My wish as well is in finding out what the Truth ultimately is, not in attacking, or glorifying, any one person or group of people, whoever they may be — ‘Minorities’ or Whites — Jews or Christians.

    The Love of the Truth is what should ultimately motivate all good men and women, of all races, in this sometimes-seemingly matrix-like ‘Truman-Show’ we call life on earth.

    Some relevant passages from Scripture, two from the Hebrew ‘Old’ Testament and one fron the New, that conveys this, the Ultimate Power of the Truth –

    Psalm 40:11 –

    Do not withhold your mercy from me, O LORD; may your love and your truth always protect me.

    Zephaniah 3:13 –

    The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.


    2 Thessalonians 2:10 –

    and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

    Revelation 14:5 –

    And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

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