District of Corruption

I spent a long day touring DC with Pip Pockets and Jamie Kelso. We hit the Washington Monument, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and Congress. The highlight of the trip was a private tour of the Capitol and getting to actually sit in the House chamber. We saw Mercury 7, Apollo 11, the Vikings Mars Lander, and Charles Lindbergh’s The Spirit of St. Louis. Later in the evening, we ate dinner with two White Nationalist comrades in Northern Virginia, whom I will tease by calling Patrick Bateman and Mr. Miyagi.

Pip Pockets shot an hour of video for the OD documentary. I shot a ton of photos with my cell phone. Jamie Kelso must have snapped hundreds of photos with a digital camera. We got a lot of good material which we will upload to YouTube and Facebook when we get back. Over the next two days, we plan to shoot video and pictures of the White House, Supreme Court, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, National Archives, and U.S. Holocaust Museum. When we get home, we will edit the footage and add voice overs. Hopefully, we will have it all uploaded by next week.

Update: JewAmongYou has released videos of the AR Conference. We didn’t film it because we weren’t sure who wanted to appear on tape. Kelso also filmed it.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. wiki
    “I’m not going to waste time doing in-depth research of the Holocaust. I am relying heavily on trusted intermediaries because I don’t personally care about the issue. ”

    Who do you trust who have done in-depth research of the Holocaust? You can’t use David Irving, since he is on record having said that he is no holocaust scholar.

    According to jewish religion and prophecy – What needed to happen before the religious jews could go home to the promised land? God had forbidden them to have their own country, so why is it that it was suddenly OK for the religious jews to move back to Israel?

    The answer here is naturally the Holocaust, so no matter if the holocaust is true or not, it is part of jewish religion.

    Now that you know that the holocaust is jewish religion, is it not a remarkable coincidence that 6 million jews died in reality?

  2. Old Nietzsche is aright in his grave, now, since the failure to detect his political philosophy has been adequately accounted for 🙂

    Nevertheless, here’s to more big-breasted blondes in our ranks.

  3. Volks,

    I am going to go ahead and use David Irving, anyway. For me, it’s sufficient to merely confirm and respect that a tragedy did occur. I don’t care whether it was Hitler, Himmler, or mere neglect in a wartime hell. I don’t care whether it was politically or religiously convenient or coincidental. We all agree on the basics, that a lot of Jews were killed for merely being Jews in WWII and that the tragedy has been shamelessly exploited for political gain by unscrupulous Jewish activists. You’re not denying A and I’m not denying B.

    Yet we keep talking past each other, due to a difference in emphasis and strategy. What I’m trying to do is look forward and work locally, with normal White Americans. I can’t think of anything more deleterious to our practical activist interests than being angry hobby historians, dwelling on the dead. Hell, why not go the full monty and remind folks that Jews killed Christ?

    Wait. Don’t answer that.

    I sympathize with the importance of honoring bygone generations. But, you know what? If Hitler were alive today, I think he would patronizingly place his hand on your shoulder, smile warmly, and tell you to shut up about the Holocaust. Let’s fight today’s battles.

  4. We all agree on the basics, that a lot of Jews were killed for merely being Jews in WWII

    Because Jews eventually appear, due to their choice of racial strategy and tactics, as combatants out of uniform – having long enjoyed the advantages thereof at the expense of the host, and repeatedly experiencing the downside in expulsions, massacres, and pogroms. This is the kernel of the phenomenon, whether rationalized as retribution for Christ-killing or as racial hygiene.

    One cannot escape having to explain the foundations of the 20th Century to anyone worth persuading. Persons displaced by immigrants will be perpetually dismissed as “losers” and “bigots” (and consigned to the “prison” of which I wrote, above) by anyone who can influence events (correlatively, those who enjoy and profit from the cheap labor). Talk of franchise success or revolution is now antiquarian – our only hope is quasi-messianic and invested in the military, however miniscule the prospects.

  5. NeoNietzsche,
    Do you refuse to envision him in those terms? At least the master knew he was misbehaving when attempting to define the nature of the redeemer.

    What if the redeemer you pine for asked you to stuff envelopes?

  6. IS it? The Holocaust marketing is how the Jews managed to get deracinated White America to feel sorry for them, and therefore to shut up when the Jews howl the shut-up word “Anti-SEMITE!” And so, by having gained Whites’ sympathies, and use that sympathy to leverage themselves into being America’s hostile elite.

    It is useful for them in manifold more ways, for example, it’s their main tool for discrediting nationalism.

  7. It is useful for them in manifold more ways…

    Every discussion with a person of intellect is trumped and truncated by their reference to Hitler/Nazis/6 Million.

    Shall we set in concrete a regard as the intellectually contemptible and impotent voice of the lumpen-proletariat by addressing none but what appears, to the intellectually prestigious and influential, to be the fruits of their lack of initiative?

  8. Do you refuse to envision him in those terms?

    If you mean as the issue of “Providence” or “Heaven” or whatever, I do not “refuse” – I think much more realistically of a Caesar or a Napoleon.

    What if the redeemer you pine for asked you to stuff envelopes?

    I would question his identity and judgment as such.

  9. You think “realistically” of a Caesar or a Napoleon in today’s world? The Fuhrer and the Emperor were already anachronistic in attempting to win this struggle on primarily martial terms. The Nazis were defeated by superior manufacturing and marketing might. Technological superiority was radioactive icing on a cake of manufacturing might in Japan’s defeat.

    Hell, why not go all out with Aryan warrior spirit and charge into Washington, D.C. on horse-drawn chariots? What if you looked out your apartment window and some dude on a chariot were beckoning you to join him? Is that more along the lines you’re envisioning? Help me picture how this would work.

  10. The Holocaust isn’t about random atrocities against Jews — disease, lack of basic essentials, unauthorized executions and so forth. These things happen in all sorts of wars. The Holocaust is about a single incendiary claim: that about 2.5 million Jews were deliberately, systematically and industriously shot, gassed or otherwise executed at six extermination camps in Poland.

    Proving this is a lie would be the bombshell of the 21st century, and frankly the best possible thing that could happen to the pro-white cause. ADL and its allies would be completely discredited, anti-semites vindicated, Jews whose heads did not explode would either run to Israel or profusely apologize to whites, and whites would feel less guilty about defending themselves, their past and their right to a future as a distinct people.

    The problem is the weight of the evidence indicates strongly the industral extermination really did take place. Unless Dalton’s book which I haven’t read has new smoking guns, or hidden ones are burried really deep in Butz’ or Rudolf’s turdid, unreadable prose, the revisionists’ exculpatory evidence is weak. Really weak. Which is why I think they spend much time on irrelevant and non-exculpatory facts — the outrageous European thought-crime laws, the old sign at Auschwitz saying 4 million died there, the discredited decades-old testimony that Jews were gassed at Buchenwald, etc.. None of which has any impact on the question of the six extermination camps, or the question of what the hell else might have happened to those millions of missing Polish Jews.

    I also think a lot of Jew-naming WN’s know the extermination allegations are probably correct as well. Which is why even in America, and even while calling for a Jew-free country, many will attack the thought crime laws and the way that the memory of the Holocaust is exploited, like Finklestein and other non-deniers do, but ignore the substance of the revisionist claims.

    This is dishonest and ineffective. Either the industrial extermination of Jews took place or it didn’t. If it didn’t, the Holocaust is a hoax. If it did, all white advocates, whether anti-semitic or not, need to come to terms with the truth. Expressing neutrality on really weak exculpatory claims makes one look like a two-bit Machiavellian who doesn’t care about objective truth and would believe the sun revolves around the earth if doing so seemed to strengthen the white race. The proper pro-white response to revisionists ought to be: “you’re making us look like fools or worse. Put up or shut up.”

  11. Well for one thing regarding the numbers of the Holocaust — it was maintained for a long time that 4 million Jews alone died at Auschwitz — then that number was (quietly) revised downward to approximately 1.5 million instead (with some estimates even lower, I believe).

    I am pretty sure that I read both the government’s of Poland and Israel accept the latter, revised figure.

  12. Thanks Lena!

    The scenario I described sprung into my head, immediately, when I read your words. I wrote what I wrote very quickly, when inspiration seized me, when I read your words.

    I wanted to refine the imagery. I’ll fix it tonight!

  13. At least directly, I don’t think a sudden universal disbelief in the Holocaust would end White Guilt. We, White Americans are not the ones to be accused of exterminating Jews.

    And, the American power elites would still exploit the history of anti-Black “racism” and exclusion immigration laws towards China.

  14. A lot more of EVERY-ONE else died, in WWII, then Die Juden did. And then there is the absolutely horrific REAL genocide, in Russia, committed AGAINST Russian Whites, by Jews.

  15. Crypto,
    If it were revealed that America actually defeated the Nazis and liberated the camps, then Jews would apologize for their campaign to flood America with third world immigration and disempower the very people who fought and died for their benefit. Facts and logic have very little to do with it. If this stick weren’t handy to beat the dog, they would have found another.

    I confirmed that Jews were systematically exterminated and I stood by that claim. I don’t owe you or “truth and justice” any more than that. It happened long ago, among several horrific episodes of systematic slaughter in the 20th century. I am totally reasonable in denying it the centrality that both you and the deniers ascribe to it.

    The fact that I’m supposed to offer any conciliatory gesture whatsoever for a massacre that my ancestors fought and died to stop is the height of effrontery. In fact, it’s chutzpah.

  16. When some-one – any-one – stats beeyiching and moaning about the “atrocities”, and Not Nice Things, that Big EVil Racist Whites have done to every-one esle – I just start pointing out ALL the evil deeds committed By Darkies, and Jews, against Whites, and every-one else. I then ask the person I am delaing with if they ever heard of any of this. They never have. Then I ask them “Why not”?

    As far as the alleged “6 million” – Jewish sources belie the lies of Holohoax racketeers.

    On that matter- evne if 6 million Jews did go up the chimney (which did not happen) – so effing what? Jewry is responsible FOR WWII, and the rise of Hitler.

    Why are the “atrocities” committed against “Jews” so much worse than atrocities committed against every-one else?

    When will Israel pay reperations to Russia? Or Armenians? Or Palestinians?

  17. Wiki – the absolute global financial wreckage, created by Die Judenraus, justifies a REAL genocide. People are losing everything, starving, getting desperate and crazy, and killing themselves, and others. Jews are absolutely behind the horror. Hitler threw Jews out of banking, and finance, in order to stop their vile machinations, theft, and plunder. The German economy took off like a rocket, and we are still benefitting from the explosion of creativity and invention, when Aryan were freed from Talmudic debt slavery. Hitler was attempting to protect HIS people. His measures worked.

    The same sorts of charges are levelled against Jews, century after century, and Jews just can’t seem to help themselves………so it’s understandable when populations seek to expel dangerous and predatory elements. Ya know – Jews.

    I’m not saying this should happen, but let’s say, if the furious enraged Greeks investgated the hooknosed malevolence, behind the meltdown, and decided ot hang every Jew in Greece, from the lamp-posts – well – I think there could be a legitimate case made, for defending and protecting future generations of Greeks. I’m just sayin’…..

    I’ve said, again and again – Jews aren’t persecuted – they are CAUGHT.

  18. The evidence that 6 million jews were systematically exterminated is weak, and there is no proof of it at all, it is a lie. The proof that over 50 million Christian Europeans died in Two World Wars fighting jewish communism created by Rabbi Carl Marx, is in fact true.

    If the evidence is so compelling please “put up or shut up.” And the original complaint waged against the j.a.y, was this: why did he refer to anti-racist’s as Nazi’s as opposed to the communists that they are? Why? He should prove that they are in fact Nazi’s (which is impossible because there are no “Nazi’s”). I fail to see why we should tolerate in any context Nazi calling, and I fail to see how it helps the Whit race, but it sure is good for jews.

  19. Kulaks Never Learn: the long-standing claim of 5-6 million Jewish deaths includes only a million or so dying in Auschwitz-Birkenau. If 4 million had died there, the overall number would rise to around 9 million. The 4 million figure didn’t specify the ethnicity of the dead. It was put up by communists as a gesture to the Polish people, who of course suffered and died horribly as well, just not at that particular place. All the revisionists know this.

    Wiki — I’m not calling for an apology. I’m calling for pondering what happened and why. Why I think this is important: a) the people carrying it out shared many of the same passions and ideas about Jews that Jew-aware white advocates do today; b) somehow the fog of war led to an insane decision to engage in a barbaric policy unprecedented in the level of deliberation, technical planning and effort needed to carry it out. This wasn’t Hutus in Rwanda “chimping out” with machetes. c) unfathomably, it didn’t occur to these people what a millstone of criminal culpability they were wrapping around the neck of the German people who survived the war; d) Jews are afraid this could happen again if they loosen their grip on power; e) a few honest WN’s, such as Denise, are openly honest about their indifference to the mass murder of Jews; f) other WN’s are unclear about where they stand on the issue should the shit hit the fan; g) if the shit does hit the fan, could the fog of war and the passion of battle somehow lead people who in peace would oppose mass murdering Jews to act differently, as apparently happened?

    I just think these are important questions to deal with. There are all kinds of ways they could be addressed without groveling.

  20. Kulaks Never Learn: the long-standing claim of 5-6 million Jewish deaths includes only a million or so dying in Auschwitz-Birkenau. If 4 million had died there, the overall number would rise to around 9 million. The 4 million figure didn’t specify the ethnicity of the dead. It was put up by communists as a gesture to the Polish people, who of course suffered and died horribly as well, just not at that particular place. All the revisionists know this.


    Yes, you are right, I stand corrected.

    *I like your overall analysis on the situation, BTW.


  21. Crypto,

    Industrialization resulted in peculiar war crimes. Total War + Mass Production = Holocaust. You had similarly creepy stuff going on with the Chinese and Japanese involving the sinister fusion of killing the innocent with modern technology. This is a matter for Ted Kaczynski to explain, not Ellie Wiesel.

  22. Kulaks, and Wiki – haven’t you YET notices that Crypto’s last post is all about “What’s Good for the Jew”?

    Crypto -why should I CARE about Jews? What are Jews doing for ME? How do Jews benefit ME? How are Jews actively working to preserve and protect the WHITE RACE?

  23. Kulaks, and Wiki – haven’t you YET notices that Crypto’s last post is all about “What’s Good for the Jew”?


    I understand where you may be coming from with your concerns, but I very respectfully disagree that CA’s post is primarily motivated about being what’s good for Jews to the exclusion of others.

    His post strikes me more as being motivated by what the truth and facts of the matter is, and then how should we go about evaluating any potential value judgements from there.

    I could be mistaken, but that is my feeling on the matter.

  24. Denise,
    I’m not an unwitting sheepdog of the rabbinical shepherds.

    You accuse me of accommodating the Jew. The Jew accuses me of accommodating you. I’m in disagreement with both you and Crypto because the one thing anti-semitic obsessives and Jews agree on is that we should focus on the Holocaust and frame things in terms of exterminating Jews.

  25. I posted this at Majority Rights a few months ago, in regard to the Linder controversy:

    I am a socially functioning individual, and I consider myself fairly well-educated and cultured; I have buried myself in academia and try my best to keep my ethnocentric thoughts to myself. I navigate the world just fine, I have a very attractive wife, and I don’t consider myself to have a monomaniacal obsession with Jews.

    I keep my public rhetoric, which is always written under pseudonyms, mild because I actually hope to make progress and influence wider discourse—thus, I would never openly proclaim my desire to exterminate Jews—but that is exactly the sort of influence that I would ultimately exert if I were given the power to do so.

    The Jews are not merely, as Kevin Macdonald said, a people destined to dwell alone, but rather a people who have forfeited their right to dwell at all.

    I am not trying to shock people when I say that Adolf Hitler was too lenient, too soft, too much sun and not enough lightning. The next one will fix that:

    “That last, great individual—an absolutely harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally sun and lightning—is the one whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said, in 1928: “I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so”; the one whom I have called by his Hindu name, Kalki, on account of the cosmic truth that this name evokes.

    Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideologically heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages. “

    As for how we might physically accomplish this task, Dr. Pierce suggested dumping them into abandoned coal mines. I think this presents too great a risk of escape. 😉

    Does that view make me a Linderite? A sociopath? I am genuinely interested to know.

  26. Yeah, and in addition to the wanting to get at the truth, maybe just maybe I’m trying to figure out what’s best for white people who care about preserving the white race. Millions of whites — many of them conservative and implicitely pro-white in practice — believe that your movement is diametrically opposed to their own (white) standards of decency and morality. And when WNs express indifference about the denial of basic human rights to any group of non-whites, or associate with those who do, their gut-level disdain is reinforced. You do want to persuade millions of ordinary, decent white people that you’re not evil or deranged, right?

  27. Doing what needs to be done is not sociopathy.
    The real psychopaths are the shabbos-goy ass-kissing co-operationists- the enablers.

  28. Crypto,

    I didn’t express indifference about the denial of basic human rights. I refused to consider the Holocaust politically relevant and worthy of Tourette’s-style inclusion in unrelated conversations. I didn’t believe I was associating with a cohort which generally entertains the prospect of wholesale genocide. I was apparently off-base in that assumption.

  29. WHY hasn’t Crypto YET addressed the genocide of Russians, by Jews, under Talmudic (Soviet) Russia?

    Or what about the Palestinians?

    These are deliberately planned and executed genocides, fomented BY Jews, against other Races – yet all his posts are about “what’s been done to Jews”.

    Why don’t you see this?

  30. For the record – I am not not not calling for the extermination of Jews.

    It simply doesn’t work.

    I am stating that I do understand why it’s happened, in the past (but not in 20th Century Germany)

    I am asking why alleged WN are still *answering* to a Jew, over “the atrocities committed against Jews” – and not demandng that the Jew answer to the far greater and historically consistent record of Jewish attacks on Gentile populations.

    “What is good for the White” should and must be our sole concern.

    It’s that simple.

    Got it?

  31. Crypto – address the Talmudic destruction of Russia.

    Hitler may have despised Slavs – but don’t you think that he, and the rest of the Nazis, and Germans, in general, weren’t perfectly aware of what Jews did to Russia? And that Germany was next, in the batting line-up?

    Re: post 80 – Most people live in ethnic enclaves. Most Whites only know what Talmud Vision – TV – tell them about Non-Whites.

    As White Nations are flooded with Non-Whites – we won’t need to convince any White, that manages to survive the Mud Deluge, that we are not “not evil or deranged”. The Muds wil convivnce them of that fact. All we need to is wait, until Mainstream, “nice” Whites get Racial Reality literally beaten into them.

    It’s already happening, in SoCal.

  32. Denise, I’ve never had a problem acknowledging Soviet genocide, its enormous scale, with admitting a lot of Jews were in the party and they despised the kulaks, all that “Stalin’s Willing Executioners” stuff. But calling what Israel is doing “genocide” is just ridiculous. If that’s what it is, why are there still five million Palestinians living in Palestine, over sixty years after the Zionists conquered the land?

    NS sleeper?” — there used to be a wild clip of Rockwell on YouTube where he tells a reporter “I have no problem with religious Jews, the only ones I have a problem with are those mixed up in communism.” He’s then asked what he would do with them and he says he would have to send them to the electric chair (or gas chamber, I forget). He’s then asked what percentage of Jews are mixed up in communism and he deadpans, “I have no absolutely no precise knowledge, but I would have to conservatively estimate that number to be somewhere around 80%”

    Here’s the thing. I know that most OD writers or readers don’t agree with Denise and NS Sleeper or Lindner. But I know of no members or leaders of the German National Socialist movement of the twenties or thirties who talked or thought like them either. To the contrary. Still, the exterminations happened. At least in THAT situation, what was said in peacetime proved to be irrelevant. I’m just asking for some consideration of why that was the case, and some acknowledgement of why Jews might be as leery of working with anti-Semites as anti-Semites are of working with Jews. Unless, as I said, you can really prove that the Holocaust is a hoax.

    Lastly, to answer Denise’s question about why Jew Among You compared the antifas to Nazis, I think he was referring to the stormtroopers that did a lot of direct action stuff prior to the 1933 revolution, like shutting down speakers, boycotting stores, threatening their opponents, etc.. I’m not saying I’m excited about his comparison, but that’s probably what it was based on, since you asked.

  33. CA,

    Do you really think disproving the Shoah would ameliorate Jewish concern over nationalist aspirations? The World Jewish Congress declared war on NS Germany long before the alleged atrocities of the Shoah took place.

    The Germans did their best to re-settle the Jews abroad, but country after country turned those boats away. Most National Socialists of the 30s were firm Zionists, and would have loved nothing more than to export the Jews to Palestine. Britain would not allow this.

    Wiki likes to quote David Irving, so I will also: The jews were the architects of their own fate.

  34. Crypto Aryan
    And when WNs express indifference about the denial of basic human rights to any group of non-whites, or associate with those who do,

    A white nationalist state will deny “basic human rights” to all non-whites. They will not have the right to live in our homelands, to own property, manage businesses or speak in public. Non-white religions like Islam and Judaism will be banned.

    Anything short of that will not protect the white race from extinction.

  35. You think “realistically” of a Caesar or a Napoleon in today’s world? The Fuhrer and the Emperor were already anachronistic in attempting to win this struggle on primarily martial terms.

    Thus the necessity for there to have been a much more sophisticated assessment of Greater Judea, and derivatively an appropriate restraint in the application of force, toward delaying or avoiding an engagement with the monster.

    But I will concede that it is a bit much to have expected Hitler or Hirohito or a modern general to have been so gifted. If any modern generals are paying attention to “superhuman,” they’ll get a lot of what they need toward grasping the essentials of *current* geo-political challenges.

  36. There are no “basic human rights” save those which can be defended by force. It is unfortunate how many racialists have bought into “the fallacies of 1775” (Yockey), and it does much to explain the plebeian, anti-hieratic character of our movement.

  37. OldRight — Yes, I understand, but I don’t think of those as absolute human rights. Non-Americans don’t have the right to vote or live in America, and so if you all of a sudden had a white ethnostate, I guess that state could then discriminate in favor of white Americans as it saw fit. Though I note that a lot of ethnostates with secure majorities and secure borders usually are able to give the rights you speak of to minorities.

    When I’m talking about human rights I’m really just talking about the right of a civilian not to be excecuted for no reason at all.

  38. Crypto Aryan
    OldRight — Yes, I understand, but I don’t think of those as absolute human rights. Non-Americans don’t have the right to vote or live in America, and so if you all of a sudden had a white ethnostate, I guess that state could then discriminate in favor of white Americans as it saw fit. Though I note that a lot of ethnostates with secure majorities and secure borders usually are able to give the rights you speak of to minorities.

    Every white state eventually gave those rights to jews and those jews immediately set to work using those rights to undermine the racial basis of those states.

    How, you may ask, could they do this in states where there were only a few thousand jews and millions of whites?

    By owning the media.

    The most important “basic right” to deny jews is the right to speak.

  39. b) somehow the fog of war led to an insane decision to engage in a barbaric policy unprecedented in the level of deliberation, technical planning and effort needed to carry it out.

    Interestingly, this is not the uniform position of the Hoaxers, who are divided between “functionalists” and “intentionalists”.

    The “Plan” that supposedly was the product of the Wansee Conference, and expressed in Heydrich’s brief remarks, was not carried out in any alleged development that resembled the realization of that Plan.

    The Hoaxers are now reluctant to defend, in other than a summary assertion, the claim of an industrial operation – since the evidence therefor is, in fact, weak, contradictory, and compromised by fraud, fabrication, forgery, and extortion.

    The best assessment of the case is that Himmler took it upon himself to have the SS eliminate Jews who could not be accommodated in the East, as was the plan prior to having to attend to the details of its realization. We will never know the numbers due to the documentation and testimony having been processed by the shameful Show Trial apparatus.

  40. I don’t want to deny any-one the right to speak. I *hate* it when my right to speak is denied. There is *nothing I hate*, more.


    I am *not* calling for the extermination of Jews. Should certain Jews be execute,d for their crimes? You betcha!

    Should certain Whites be executed, for their crimes, and their betrayals of their own Race? Even more so.

    Non-Whites will have no rights, what-so-ever, in a White Homeland. Non-Whites will not be *in* a White Homeland.

    Non-Whites must organize their own social orders, as best they can. The only interest I have in anything pertaining to Non-Whites is to try and figure out ways to get them out my world.

    Every-one to thier own corners, etc.

    Now – as far as Jews – I think the worst punishment any-one could enact would be to force them into their own Nation – and cu them off. “Israel” is not a Homeland – it’s a Global HQ for a cabal of international milennial criminals. Make Jews live with *each other*, and do some actual work, and beg forgiveness for their relentless evil and abuse, against all others.

    Crytpo – your dismissal of the real concentration camp called “Gaza” is beyond despicable. Anything Goy is treated like dirt, in the Rothschild’s State – and The Zionists are committing real-world atrocities against the defenseless citizens of Gaza. And don’t give me ANY crapola about Palis “launching rockets” – I know people who can build better rockets right now.

    People aren’t jealous of Jews, or hate Jews for being Jews. People hate Jews because of *what Jews do*.

  41. It is unfortunate how many racialists have bought into “the fallacies of 1775?

    American racialists often fall for the Central European spite for Freemasonry and the deception that it’s synonymous with global Jewry. The Masonic founding fathers resisted Jewish monetary perfidy in their revolutionary war, creating a damn fine nation on a set of principles and values which are no more susceptible to Jewish influence than the ones Traditionalists frequently fawn over uncritically.

    Those who wish to hitch an overarching plan to overthrow America’s founding order to the struggle for White American national sovereignty are weighing our movement down with a challenge more formidable than the first.


  42. NeoNietzsche,
    As bright as you are, it seems like you could be able to reformat your belief system into some sort of cohesive book, booklet or essay. This “black column” is very frustrating, and all the more so because I’m interested in figuring out what the hell you’re getting at.

  43. Denise:

    “For the record – I am not not not calling for the extermination of Jews.”
    This may be technically true, but you did say (post): “the absolute global financial wreckage, created by Die Judenraus, justifies a REAL genocide.”

    and “…let’s say, if the furious enraged Greeks investgated the hooknosed malevolence, behind the meltdown, and decided ot [to] hang every Jew in Greece, from the lamp-posts – well – I think there could be a legitimate case made, for defending and protecting future generations of Greeks. I’m just sayin’…..”

    Rest of comment #85: “I am asking why alleged WN are still *answering* to a Jew, over “the atrocities committed against Jews” – and not demandng that the Jew answer to the far greater and historically consistent record of Jewish attacks on Gentile populations.”

    If this is refernce to me, I am not answering to or “sucking up” to any Jew. I am instead answering to morality and honor.

    If this is not in reference to me, then you can disregard the above paragraph-although it’s still true.

    “’What is good for the White’ should and must be our sole concern.

    It’s that simple.

    Got it?”

    What gives you the right to boss other commenters around; and what gave you the sole authority to declare ‘What is good for the White[s]?’

    I am not even demanding the Jews be kept in America/Canada. I am just not comfortable with wholesale genocide against innocent people.

Comments are closed.