Michael Savage – Border Collie

Michael Savage is the border collie for the “right wing extremism” faction of society. There will always be a far right and/or ethnic nationalist faction of any human society, and “Savage” was assigned to this “savage” area of society. Even his name gives it away. His job is to police the White “savages” before we go totally “off the globalist plantation.”

That’s the whole reason behind his radio name. He’s been assigned to herd the “savages” — us!

More specifically, Michael Savage’s mission is to preserve Christianity among the White remnant. He says “politically incorrect” things to draw the audience, even at times explicitly defending the White race, but I, quite inadvertently, set off all his alarms, and in doing so, got a look into his true motives. Kind of like when a scout plane breaches enemy airspace in order to see what kind of defenses are in place — e.g. radar, surface to air missiles, scrambled fighters.

It was totally inadvertent on my part, of course. I called in to defend cremation versus burial, and had no intent of talking about World War II. He brought it up, and so I figured since he brought it up, I might as well take the opportunity.

I have not yet perfected it, but this clip is an example of ignoring the Jew’s question and getting your talking point downrange. For example, when he had me talking about the death and dying class, I said, “we watched a lot of Holocaust movies, and I realized that Schindler’s List was shot in black and white so the dummies would think they were watching actual footage.” I also mentioned Henry Ford and his book, and he didn’t edit it out of the archived show, though he did edit out when I said links to real history web sites.

Anyway, what really offended Michael Savage was my saying that many things about Christianity such as burial, and not taking baths, and original sin and guilt, need to be discarded. Of course we take baths nowadays, but it used to be considered “unchristian” to bathe. In saying that Christianity should be discarded, I think Michael Savage heard, “A very useful mechanism of Jewish control over Whites should be discarded,” and I can see why he had the reaction he did.

Here’s the clip:

http://www.mediafire.com/?vo2yqqt2mymKievsky et al v. Savage


  1. I’ve been listening to Savage for quite some time now (10 years or so), and it became obvious early on that his main adgenda is to protect his own tribe. Sure, he rails on and on about the SPLC, ACLU, NLG, even the ADL etc. He refers to them as the “curly haired lawyahs” from Brooklyn; the graduates from Columbia and NYU Law School. Of course he’s making reference to the jew Lawyers whose expressed purpose is to wreak havoc in our Euro-christian society. Savage’s reason for doing this is because he knows people en masse will eventually catch on to the fact that it’s mainly Jews who are at the core of the anti-white attacks that are currently taking place. In essence, for public relations purposes, Savage is serving as a counterbalance to cultural-Marxist/multicultist Jews. He has cleverly set himself up as someone who whites can easily point to and say: not all Jews are anti Euro-christian, just look at Savage or Mark Levin or Auster or Bernie Goldberg. But of course we know his real intention: he is trying to obfuscate the fact that most Jews see us as a threat, therefore they are in fact hostile to our very existence.
    Again Savage does not serve as a border collie whose purpose it is is to make sure Christians stay in their place. No, Savage’s main purpose is to protect the interests of diaspora Jews and the Jewish State of Israel.

  2. No, Savage’s main purpose is to protect the interests of diaspora Jews and the Jewish State of Israel.

    The real criticism lies not with Jews like Savage, it’s with whites who think Jews like Savage are white and represent them. Being racial advocates we can’t fault Savage for his allegiance to his people.

  3. “The real criticism lies not with Jews like Savage, it’s with whites who think Jews like Savage are white and represent them. Being racial advocates we can’t fault Savage for his allegiance to his people.”

    I couldn’t agree more, Mark.

  4. “I don’t believe that the Jews should have been allowed to enter the United States, but I say the same thing of the Irish, the Italians, the Huns, and other non-Anglo-Saxon white minorities. By Jewish standards, that makes me antisemitic; by my own standards, that just makes me a traditionally Anglo-centric white nationalist à la [I]wilmot robertson[/I].”

    Laugh out loud.

    Don’t let the Irish in?

    Did you know that Wilmot Robertsons real name was John Humphrey Ireland!!!


  5. I’m not a Zionist. I’m just not an anti-Semite. I don’t believe that the Jews should have been allowed to enter the United States, but I say the same thing of the Irish, the Italians, the Huns, and other non-Anglo-Saxon white minorities. By Jewish standards, that makes me antisemitic; by my own standards, that just makes me a traditionally Anglo-centric white nationalist à la [I]wilmot robertson[/I].

    No, this just makes you a lying idiot — who changes his contradictory opinions more than his underwear.

    *BTW yo-semite, in case you didn’t notice, nobody here either likes or wishes to speak/dialogue with you.

    So, take a hint.

  6. “Did you know that Wilmot Robertsons real name was John Humphrey Ireland!!! ”

    Yes, I am perfectly aware of that. Nonetheless, he was still very critical of Irish immigration and Irish “Americans”. Read his works.

    “No, this just makes you a lying idiot — who changes his contradictory opinions more than his underwear.”

    I’ve never told a lie in my life. My opinion on this matter has always been the same. Jews should not have been allowed to enter the United States, not because they are hideous, wicked, evil, “anti-Gentilic” (all of these are antisemitic lies), but for the same reason why Italians, Krauts, and the Irish should not be allowed in: they are not British, and more specifically, not Anglo-Saxon. But now that they’re here, there’s nothing we can do. Like Italian-Americnas, Irish-Americans, etc., we should work with them, tolerate them, and support right-wing Jews.

  7. …But now that they’re here, there’s nothing we can do. Like Italian-Americnas, Irish-Americans, etc., we should work with them, tolerate them, and support right-wing Jews.

    Yes, this is the whole point of this line of dissimulation — that Jews are no different, or worse, than any other White, non-“WASP” Americans — especially “right-wing Jews”. (And the corollary, of course, is that ‘left-wing’ Whites are no different, or worse, than ‘Liberal’ Jews… yada yada yada.)

    Sorry, but they are different than, as Fred Scrooby would call them, Eurochristians, no matter how putatively ‘right-wing’ they may be (in fact, most Jews are probably the biggest ‘right-wing reactionaries’ in the whole world — when it comes to Jewish interests and Jewish concerns).

    I don’t think all Jews are this way (some indeed are our allies), but just because some of them identify as conservative or ‘right-wing’ doesn’t prove or necessarily demonstrate any degree of common cause with our interests.

  8. According to YoSemite’s logic, we should also work with asians, blacks, and various other racial groups, since in his own words now that they’re here, there’s nothing we can do.

    What a tard.

  9. It is alleged that, in the verbal exchange that followed, Rodkechar’s 18-year-old son Ed jumped out of the car with a baseball bat and began swinging at his father’s tormentors. (he swung a baseball bat at Kievsky and another guy in front of his daughter) No one was hurt, but Ed was arrested and charged with assault. (the police chief who had been observing from a hidden lookout, showed up and wrestled the bat from the spazzed out 19 year old Jewish kid who was screaming “I’m a white man goddamnit, Jews are White!”)


    What ever happened with these lunatics?

    Did they ever go to court for this criminal behavior or at least get formally charged?

  10. You know, I should have pressed charges personally and forced the issue. I wasn’t aware of this. Strings got pulled, the kid got off. But getting arrested and fingerprinted is kind of its own punishment.

  11. Christianity is Judaism in all but name.

    Our ancestors were forced to give up their religion by the sword.

    As Judaism spawned Christianity, white naturalism spawned science.

    In eras where science triumphs, whites have also triumphed. In eras where science declines whites also decline.

    Any questions?

  12. Can you explain why Slavs, to this day, like to erect memorials to honor Waffen SS soldiers?

    Some do, some don’t. Poland has no memorials to the Waffen SS, and has removed the Russian built monument to the Red Army to the cemetary full of Russians, away from the city-center where it was erected.

    The Nazi’s were no friends of the Poles.

  13. “Jews should not have been allowed to enter the United States, not because they are hideous, wicked, evil, “anti-Gentilic” (all of these are antisemitic lies), but for the same reason why Italians, Krauts, and the Irish should not be allowed in: they are not British, and more specifically, not Anglo-Saxon.”

    Last time I checked Anglo-Saxons were merely a Germanic Tribe that moved North!

    ” The Nazi’s were no friends of the Poles.”

    You can’t possibly be serious!

    There is a reason why Poland is the center of the Slavic Catholic World (even with stations like Radio Mary broadcasting anti-semitic diatribes!) and that is thanks to the past efforts of National Socialists taking care of trouble-some hooked-noses in this area a few decades ago!

    Every Polish Nationalist should get down on his knees and thank National Socialists and Uncle Adolf for instituting their anti-semitic policies, which allowed for Poland to later become free to be the Catholic Nation it is today!

  14. (sorry for double post)

    If that had not occurred, then Poland would be saddled with just another Zionist Occupied Government and would resemble many Western Nations (Great Britain, Germany, heck even France which has an actual Jew in charge over there!)

  15. Yeah, well, keep in mind that this so-called “hallmark of conservatism” once wrote letters to Alan Ginsberg about “holding hands with a black man” in Fiji.

    Weiner is a twisted freak, a real red diaper doper baby. Just like David Horowitz. These so-called “conservatives” are missing large sections of their mental faculty.

  16. You could have held your water a bit better with better preparation. Your address was not without merit and tactic on spot, but you need to work on your “quick response” to random jew diatribe (which savage leveled on you). A good start though. Next time..

  17. “Last time I checked Anglo-Saxons were merely a Germanic Tribe that moved North! ”

    First of all, “Germanic” doesn’t mean German. It refers to a language group that includes German, as well as English, Frisian, the Scandinavian languages, Dutch, etc. English belongs to the Anglo-Frisian branch of the Germanic language family, while German belongs to an entirely different branch of the Germanic language family, called High German. The English language is not descended from the German language, though both languages have a common ancestor. The Anglo-Saxons were a Germanic speaking people, not Germans. Though geographically situated in what is now Germany, the original Anglo-Saxos were not ethnically or linguistically German.

    In any case, the majority of to-day’s Anglo-Saxons are of indigenous British descent, and not descended from the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. “Anglo-Saxon” is just a convenient label for Englishmen, because when people use the word “Englishmen”, they tend to think of people from England only, whereas Anglo-Saxon includes not only Englishmen, but also American, Canadian, Australian, and South African people of English descent. It doesn’t literally mean Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

    Genetically and linguistically, the original Anglo-Saxons (and by extension, to-day’s Englishmen) have more to do with the Scandinavians than the Germans.

    Moreover, to-day’s Germans belong more to the Alpinid race than to the Nordic, whereas the English and British are predominantly of Nordic ancestry.

    Indeed, the Germans of to-day are little more than Alpinid-Slavic-Asiatic mongrels, which is why the German people were also known as the “Huns” in WWI-era literature. The Hunnish, Mongol, and Slavic contributions to the German gene pool are notorious, and partly account for the distinctive character of the German people.

    The Anglo-Saxon race, on the other hand, is almost purely European in character. The level of non-European ancestry is lowest in the British, Irish, and Icelandic peoples.

  18. Old Yosemite quote


    I never meant that we should exterminate Anglos or Jews. That would be immoral in the extreme. What I means is, through their own actions and policies, Anglos and Jews are ensuring their own destruction. The Anglos are submerging themselves in the tide of Third World immigration. And when we take into consideration all the damage that the Anglos and the Jews have inflicted on the Western world, why should we stop them? As a German whose grandparents lived in the Third Reich, why should I feel any sympathy for Anglos or Jews – the very races who destroyed my civilization?

  19. I am perfectly willing to confess that I was once an anti-Semite, and I do have some German ancestors, formerly identified with them, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

  20. Nietzsche,

    I agree with you that Whites flourish when we do science, and we suffer when we don’t bother with science and technology. I have written some articles along those lines — we should be tinkering again, like Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, and doing science and technology and medicine, instead of giving up these fields to the Indians and Chinese.

  21. I am perfectly willing to confess that I was once an anti-Semite, and I do have some German ancestors, formerly identified with them, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

    What you really need to do is go to see a Jewish psychiatrist AND GET THE FUCK LOST, YOU STOOOPID LITTLE TWAT!!!

  22. I call for a Make an Ass out of Savage contest with some nominal amount (and more important, bragging rights) going to the winner. Do the same with Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, et. al.

  23. Such radical shifts in Ideological leanings indicate an unstable personality.

    Sadly Friedrich Braun may have been another of this wacko-type.

  24. (sorry for double post)

    “Indeed, the Germans of to-day are little more than Alpinid-Slavic-Asiatic mongrels, which is why the German people were also known as the “Huns” in WWI-era literature. ”

    Laugh out loud!

    Dude, Himmler directed a Eugenic policy of mating German Males with Norwegian Females in occupied Norway, thus adding greatly to the Nordic strain in German-kind.

    P.S. for the record my own ethnic background is Half-German/ Half-Norwegian so these past activities of ‘Uncle Himmler’ greatly interest me.

    ” Norway

    German forces invaded Norway in 1940 and occupied the country until 1945. At the end of the war the German presence stood at 372,000. It is estimated that between 10,000 and 12,000 children were born to German fathers and Norwegian mothers during the occupation.

    Nazi ideology considered Norwegians to be pure Aryans and German authorities didn’t prohibit soldiers from pursuing relationships with Norwegian women. In other occupied territories like Eastern Europe, such relationships were forbidden because of Nazi views that Slavs were an inferior race.

    [edit]The Lebensborn program
    Main article: Lebensborn
    Lebensborn was one of several programs initiated by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler to secure the racial heredity of the Third Reich. The program mainly served as a welfare institution for parents and children deemed racially valuable.

    In Norway a local Lebensborn office, Abteilung Lebensborn, was established in 1941 with the task of supporting children of German soldiers and their Norwegian mothers, pursuant to German law (Hitlers Verordnung, July 28, 1942). The organization ran several homes where pregnant women could give birth. Facilities also served as permanent homes for eligible women until the end of the war. Additionally, the organization paid child support on behalf of the father, and covered other expenses, including medical bills, dental treatment and transportation.

    In total, between 9 and 15 Lebensborn homes were established. Of the estimated 10,000 – 12,000 children born by German fathers and Norwegian mothers during the war, 8,000 were registered by Abteilung Lebensborn. In 4,000 of these cases the father is known.”


  25. “Indeed, the Germans of to-day are little more than Alpinid-Slavic-Asiatic mongrels, which is why the German people were also known as the “Huns” in WWI-era literature. ”

    Laugh out loud!

    Laugh out loud indeed!!!

    Heinous Henry,

    Don’t take ‘Yo-semite’ seriously at all. I was the first to uncover him with his two-faced, lying rhetoric, and its obvious polite debate has no bearing on him. His credibility should absolutely know be NULL-N-VOID for being caught in such bald-faced, outrageous lies (…”hey guys, I’m ‘Anglo-Saxon’ British, and I hate those damn ‘Krauts” … and … “hey guys, I’m German whose grandparents lived in the Reich, and I hate those evil ‘Anglos and Jews’ – the very races who destroyed my civilization”…).

    I like and respect Crypto-Aryan, Iceman, Jewamongyou and any other commenter who comes here in good faith to wishes to debate or discuss his ideas in a fair and honest way. These are sincere, decent men from which we can learn from eachother’s conversations.

    ‘Yosemite’ does neither — he is a conniving, hostile troll who is ALWAYS saying something provacative or stupid — and worst of all, is absolutely shameless about it. This is why I don’t think he is either a White man, or at least fully White, since he seems to carry the mental and emotional baggage around of some kind of half-breed who is extremely resentful of Western civilization and his mixed, confused status.

    Kievsky and Hunter Wallace: Please at once ban the troll ‘Yosemite’.

  26. “Such radical shifts in Ideological leanings indicate an unstable personality. ”

    If it happened often, yes. But this has been my only ideological change in 20 years. And it has not been a fundamental element of my ideology. I am still a racialist, a traditionalist, etc. just as I’ve always been. I’m just not an anti-Semite.

  27. So Yosemite,

    Do you think I should have spent the call with Michael Savage defending against his charges of Nazism/anti-semitism/Holocaust denial?

    That was a textbook case of a Jew using the whole framework of anti-semitism as an offensive weapon, and I merely used the most effective defense against this attack. Nothing more, nothing less? How else would you respond to a Jew who starts screaming “Nazi nazi!” I didn’t start off the call attacking Jews, and had no plans to do so.

  28. Yo-semite,

    When you first polluted this blog, you claimed you were a “German’ whose ‘grandparents’ lived under the ‘Third Reich’ … of whom ‘Anglos and Jews’ were the very ‘races’ involved in the destruction of ‘my civilization”.


    …you claim you are a “pure’ ‘Anglo-Saxon’ ‘Englishman’ … of which you ‘hate Krauts’, whom are ‘Alpine Slavic Asiatics’ and ‘Huns’ … and, of course, ‘eeeveeel knatsees”.

    Do you expect *anyone* to believe in the steamy mound of *dissimulating bullshit* that you regularly serve up?!?

    Are you that insane that you believe your own lies??? (Dude, you can’t even lie very well … your that much of a pathetic geek.)


  29. Re Yo-Semite: if one wants to know a man’s group membership, one asks around with known members of the same group. By this test, Yo-Semite is not in our group, regardless of what he labels himself.

    Re Weiner’s Judaism. It’s impossible for me to believe that it’s mere coincidence that the most radically right radio guy (big gap between him and the next most) is a Brooklyn Jew. Jewish privilege means he gets to say things others don’t. Border collie is the perfect analogy; you get close to the edge of the reservation and there’s this Jew surrounded by blinking neon arrows… Pied Piper is another good analogy if you’re sympathetic to border collies.

  30. Just in case anyone is taken in by the dissimulating lies of the idiot, anti-German troll on this thread, here are some additional historical facts to ponder.

    German/ic people, just like Germans historically (such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler), NEVER ‘hated’ the English, and in fact looked at them, right or wrong, as Germanic Kameraden, and Nordic bretheren. For Pete’s sake, Emperor Wilhelm was the first grandson of the “British” Queen Victoria, spoke fluent English, and was the first cousin of King George of England.

    Chancellor Hitler repeated himself endlessly that he never wished for war with a ‘bruder’ (brother) country like England, further stating that he felt the British Empire was a ‘bastion of stability’ in the world order, and said he would send German troops anywhere to help protect British interests.

    Of course, he warned that ‘International Finance’ — and their Masonic agent-puppets –would do everything they could to subvert Anglo-German friendship to undermine and destroy Northern European unity (as what so surely happened).

    This was the (unofficial) anthem of Imperial Germany and of Königreich Preußen — the Kingdom of Prussia. Listen to the tune, it is set to the same music as the British “God Save the King/Queen” and “America the Beautiful”:

    Heil dir im Siegerkranz

    *Long live the Anglo-Teutonic, Northern (and all) European Peoples.

  31. Kievsky,

    That was a textbook case of a Jew using the whole framework of anti-semitism as an offensive weapon, and I merely used the most effective defense against this attack.

    Maybe in your mind. But for 99% of the listeners out there you came across as a textbook “anti-semite” — someone with an unholy obsession with some abstract force called “The Jews” whom he blames for all of society’s ills.

    How else would you respond to a Jew who starts screaming “Nazi nazi!” I didn’t start off the call attacking Jews, and had no plans to do so.

    That’s the problem: the whole call was unplanned. You’ll probably claim otherwise but it is hard to believe you went into that call with any kind of game plan. What, you figured you’d just get on the air and then roll with the punches…with a freakin’ 24/7 professional? Come on, he tossed you around like a rag doll. I didn’t hear any of that vaunted “taqiyya”; all I heard was you stuttering and stammering trying to answer his loaded questions. I didn’t catch what was discussed earlier in the show so there might be some good reason you decided to play a ‘funeral director’ otherwise if you just cooked it up on the fly it was d-u-m-b and it showed.

    Even then, though, had you done your homework you would have known that Savage studied ‘Ethnobotany’ — the study of the relationship between people and plants. So when you started ragging on you for studying mortuary science and it being ‘fulfilling’ you could have returned fire with, “Gee, Michael, you studied Ethnobotany. I was only an undergrad but you studied it at a Masters level. So sheesh, you wanna talk about bizarre interests. Ethnobotany, what’s that? People and plants? What do you guys do, talk to your bean stalks? Pet your pumpkins? Okay, I’m just being silly now, but the point is you studied it because in some way you found it fulfilling. Same with me. And thank God there are people like you and I out there doing this stuff because rest of society benefits from our specialized knowledge. Now, if that’s “socialism,” well, you know, a lot of people are going to say well if that’s socialism then give me more!” You respond with something like that, all of a sudden you’ve established an equal footing and he has to backtrack because a bit and what comes next out of your mouth reaches an audience suddenly more receptive. I know this is worlds away from the calm, considered discourse intellectual racialists prefer, but there’s a war out there — a war of words (yes images, TV and print, but that ultimately translates into the words people use to describe reality to themselves). If you don’t challenge them on their own turf — if you’re too proud or “too Aryan” for that — they continue to win by default, just as they have been. Revolutions used to be fought over of control over the means of production; part of the objective of this one will be for control over the means of communication.

    Finally, the real reason Savage kept you on the air as long as he did wasn’t just to use you as an example of a kooky neo-nazi — though he certainly accomplished that, you can be certain — but to link ‘neo-nazism’ (ie white advocacy) to socialism. Listen to the program again and you’ll see Savage attempting to create associations between the points you raised (few and far between though those were — “Souls trapped in the earth”? Dude, you need to come back down to earth) and socialism. This is the line Jonah Goldberg took with “Liberal Fascism” and what they’ve been pushing with the use of the term “Islamofascism.” It’s all done so that when Joey Six encounters a certain vein of political thought being propounded negative associations are triggered and he ‘instinctively’ backs away.

  32. Silver offers brutally practical and correct advice. Those are verbal military tactics for the field. Learn and prosper.

    This is the benefit of Southern European influence. It’s like the Roman empire all over again – pragmatics over overly mental idealism.

    When is Silver doing another blog post? Ever?

  33. Reality Check,

    Yes, I do have German ancestors who lived in the Third Reich. Most of my ancestry, however, is English. The two statements are not contradictory. Despite my origins, I am a pure Englishman, if one understands by ‘English’ a person born in England of northwestern European racial heritage.

  34. Landser,

    Hitler was an anti-British fanatic who wanted to “Germanise” Britain, conquer the United States, and hand over White Australia to the Japanese imperialists. It is he who is is responsible for putting racialism and nationalism in disrepute following WWII by the atrocities that he committed in the name of race and nation. He is responsible for the Holocaust, the physical extermination of over four million innocent Jewish men, women, and little children. He sought to enslave the Slavic races, whom he viewed as racially inferior to the Germanic (forgetting that the Germans themselves are contimated with Slavic and Alpine genes, and that the British are more Nordic than any German).

  35. Yo, Semite – did Hitler want to do all those things? Considering how Jewed-up thus screwed-up England is, “Germanizing” the racial kin of the Germans would have been a blessing. The English gentry is sick – and I mean “sick” – with Sephardic and Khazar blood. England is in total collapse. England is gone.

    Dear old Adolf wanted to take over America? Hads he been able to accomplish this feat, do you think we’d have an illegal alien, Muslimized mongrel, as “POTUS”? Would every institution in the USA be wholly corrupted, and dumb-down? Would Die Juden have been allowed to loot and plunder every last shred of White-created wealth? Would Whites be hunted like dogs, in their own land?

    Finally – the Holohoax.

    Jews created the Holohoax. Jews created the Reich. Jews can’t get their numbers straight, though, on the Jews up the Chimbley. 4 million? I thought the number was “6 million”. Now it’s 4 million?

    Why don’t you check out the numbers of Total Jews Worldwide, in the Jewish World Alamanac 1940 version, and then the JWA 1946? They must have been f#@(ing like rabbits, during the very worst of the Chimbley Years, in those horrid, no food for you Jew “death camps”.

    Now – Landser – I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your posts to Yo – a Semite, on this thread. This last post, of the Semite, reveals all to me. There is always that “telling moment”.

    When any alleged White Nationalist starts lamenting the “extermination” of “innocent Jews” by Big Bad Mean Old Adolf – I know it’s not a WN at all.

    Yo, Semite – Holomodor. Start talking.

  36. Yosemite is an obvious troll, now he’s smearing continental ethnicities as non-Aryan, and his extreme Nordicism, anti-Germanism and philosemitism tell me he’s of the desert-dwelling variety. What a lowlife. Please remove this mentally unstable pest from your site.

  37. Just in case I get accused of “being uncivil” in the above post, a quick perusal of Yosemite’s posts will reveal there is nothing civil or reasonable about them; he is almost unique in his lack of restraint and venomous demeanor.

  38. Kievsky – Silver’s right. Weiner is used to this sort of thing. He’s very very very well-practiced. You weren’t ready with fast, impenetrable responses. You should have prepared.

    I have been listening to him for years. He, and other Yids, always always always bring up the Hoax. Be ready. You don’t know how to feint. Do not ever ever ever ever ever answer their questions. You answered him. Do not ever defend. Always attack. You did this a little bit, re: your changing Death Camp numbers – but he changed the subject, and started attacking you personally. You should bring it right back – “Why won’t you answer my questions about the changing numbers? I don’t matter – the facts matter…”

    Also – he defended burial, and then he trashed “mortuary science”. Your answers were not good. Turn that back into an attack. You should have asked, “Why are you attacking people who offer solace, and help with their grief? You just defended the suffering of those that lost people. Now you attack the enite funeral industry?”, and “Don’t you want people to be professionally trained to dela with deads bodies?”.

    When he made that foul Jewish characterization, about playing with dead bodies – you sounded like he was talking about using the wrong salad fork. You should have been outraged by his vile imagery. “Wow. I would never ever ever have cosidered abusing bodies, Why would that be the FIRST thing that springs into YOUR mind? That is foul!!!! Do you talk that way in synagogue? Is that were you learned that type of thing? “(Capitialization intentional).

    Kievsky- the first thing that sprang to my mind, when listening, when he trashed mortuary science, and started talking about abusing bodies, was, “What should I do with the bodies? Cut deals with rabbis, to sell off the organs?”

    It’s easy to Monday morning quarterback – but Weiner, like Silver said, is a 24/7 Jew. He’s a pro. His rhetoric and attack stratagems are already in place. He batted you back, by the book.

    You must be ready.

    You need a killer instinct, with the Tribe. They are killers.

  39. Yosemite is an obvious troll, now he’s smearing continental ethnicities as non-Aryan, and his extreme Nordicism, anti-Germanism and philosemitism tell me he’s of the desert-dwelling variety. What a lowlife. Please remove this mentally unstable pest from your site.

    Now Yosemite is extremely philo-Semitic and anti-German.

    A few months ago, Yosemite was an extreme anti-Semite, hated Anglo-Saxons, called Adolf Hitler the “greatest German in history,” and said “German pride, world wide”!

  40. Isn’t it ironic that he attacks Germans and Germanophiles for how these have supposedly “damaged racialism” and then he goes on to smear Germans and Slavs as basically racially impure? A hypocritical sociopath is what he is. And a liar.

  41. Sorry, meant to add to the above: So the alleged mass-murder of Jews, in fact a vicious lie, ain’t ok but smearing all non-Brit Aryans is? Germans and Slavs “Asiatic”? Laughable. Anglo-supremacists like him are far closer to the Judeo-Asiatic mindset and modus operandi.

  42. Yes, I do have German ancestors who lived in the Third Reich. Most of my ancestry, however, is English. The two statements are not contradictory. Despite my origins, I am a pure Englishman, if one understands by ‘English’ a person born in England of northwestern European racial heritage.


    You are obviously a schizophrenic liar, since you have said repeatedly in the past that you were a “German” — now you are claiming you are a “pure” “Englishman”?!?

    Additionally, a few weeks ago, you denied you had any German ancestry at all, saying you were only ‘English’ and ‘Scandinavian’ by racial ethnicity.

    Sorry, but we are not as crazy as you to believe your contradictory, bald-faced lies.

    It is obvious that you are either bat-shit crazy or an ADL troll. In fact, you are probably both. More importantly, no one here either likes you or wishes to identify with what you are saying, so your hanging around is absolute proof of your malicious intentions against us — and against White Americans.

    All the more reason to suspect that you indeed really are a half-breed, Asiatic Hapa who is so envious and resentful of real White men, hence your childish, provacative and insulting trolling here to disrupt meaningful dialogue.

  43. Here is a dose of The Truth for the good name of Germans and German Americans –


    Of Teutonic Blood – Early Contributions to Civilization of Germans & German-Americans

    Few would deny that the Germans have long been one of the most important peoples in Western history, science, engineering, music, war and peace. (Incidentally, Germany has waged far fewer wars over the last 1,000 years than Britain or France.)

    But few also realize that German (with Austrian/Swiss) is also the biggest ethnic heritage in the United States.

    Even fewer white Americans or others realize that the English are a kind of “Germans”; that these two peoples, with the Dutch and Scandinavians, form one original Germanic language group; that they are all closely related to Kelts (Scots, Welsh, Irish etc) and Italic-speakers in language and culture as well as blood; that all Europeans (except the Basques of Spain, the Hungarians and Finns, and a few other small groups) speak what were once mere “dialects” (now tongues that have diverged so far that they are separate languages) of the same original language from the Bronze Age; that this one language and people spread, in the pre-Columbian era, from Ireland to Italy, and from Russia to Iran and India; and that despite World War II anti-German propaganda, this people actually did call themselves “Aryans,” (hence Ire-land and Ir-an, and ar-istos, for the pure, noble Greek founding families, the “aristocracy”).

    Narrowing things down quite a bit, we arrive at the Germanic peoples. They were called Teutons (Teut or Deut[sch] means “the people”) or Gerr-mans (men of the “gerr,” a very dangerous and accurate close-range short spear that was whipped with a strong wrist flick off a grooved shaft of wood while running forward). They moved from their snowy Urheimat to even more snow, into southern Sweden and Norway, up into southern Finland (where an Asian people, the Suomi, replaced their language with their Finno-Ugric Asian tongue), over into Denmark and into the northern half of Germany.

    The Germanics (Teutons) broke up into two groups, the Scandinavians (the future Vikings) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Germans (now split into Germany, the Germanic-dialect nation called Netherlands and the similar Flemish half of Belgium, German-speaking Austria and most of Switzerland; plus England (created by northern Germans from Angeln and Lower Saxony (home of recent chancellor Gerhard Schroeder), hence the Anglo-Saxons.


  44. German/ic people, just like Germans historically (such as Kaiser Wilhelm II and Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler), NEVER ‘hated’ the English, and in fact looked at them, right or wrong, as Germanic Kameraden, and Nordic bretheren. For Pete’s sake, Emperor Wilhelm was the first grandson of the “British” Queen Victoria, spoke fluent English, and was the first cousin of King George of England. — Landser

    Yes, yes indeed.

    …The kings of England from the 1730s on have been Germans themselves (or of German blood) from the House of Hanover (named after the capital of Lower Saxony). Though no longer speaking German after the time of King George III (who lost America in the Revolution), the House of “Windsor” (so-called since World War I) is nearly 100 percent Protestant German. The motto on the coat of arms of the princes of Wales, the heirs to the throne, is “Ich dien,” i.e., “I serve.”)


  45. Polygynous Evolutionist,

    When is Silver doing another blog post? Ever?

    Funny you ask — I was actually considering deleting the blog. I think there are some important and valuable points raised there, but much of it is muddled and hidden among the comments. And the whole thing takes a tone far more strident than anything I feel or believe (which I excuse by the need I felt at the time to “prove” that I’m “onside” with the basic outlines of your project, and one way of doing that is obviously talking the tough talk; that tough talk itself being partly the result of the influence of the far racialist right). I’ve gained quite some more clarity since then and considered redoing the blog in such a way as to reflect that, but the problem is I’m really not cut out for blogging. I’ll put something up to clarify this all this, so do pop in and say hi.

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