Southern Homeland

In my commentary on the Northwest Front, I alluded to my own preference for a Southern ethnostate, but I didn’t expand much on this idea. The South has several advantages over the Northwest as the location for the White ethnostate. In the present political climate, I won’t argue that a Southern ethnostate is a realistic possibility, as I find that outcome unlikely to materialize. Instead, I will argue solely that it would be easier to carve out an ethnostate in the South than in other parts of the United States.

1.) Racial Consciousness

Southerners are far more racially conscious than Whites in the Pacific Northwest. There are still millions of Americans who cling to traditional racial values. The majority of them live in the South. In Alabama, I would argue that at least 1 out of 2 Whites are racially conscious to some degree. The rest have a high degree of “implict whiteness” that could be activated in the right conditions. More Whites voted against Barack Obama in Alabama than in any other state.

The strongest argument for the South is that racialists have a base in the region. The South is a fertile area for in reach activism. There are millions of Southerners who agree with us on race who have never heard of White Nationalism because of the media blackout. We have more human material to work with. We have more people who are potentially receptive to our message.

In some states, creating a racialist majority is not outside the realm of possibility. David Duke almost won some important races in Louisiana in spite of his Neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan baggage. A cleaner candidate with a professionally run campaign could conceivably become Governor of a Southern state. The Council of Conservative Citizens already have sympathetic elected officials in the Mississippi state legislature.

2.) Political Correctness and Multiculturalism

Political correctness and multiculturalism have invaded Southern college campuses. Every SEC college has an Office of Diversity and Multiculturalism or its equivilant. I would argue though that PC and multiculturalism have weaker roots in the South than any other region. Universities are commonly fortresses of liberalism, but Southern college students tend to be apathetic or apolitical.

It is not uncommon for Southern fraternities to ridicule political correctness. A huge controversy at Ole Miss is brewing right now over being forced to choose a new PC mascot. Contrast Ole Miss with UC San Diego. Outside the liberal college towns, White Southerners are even more likely to hold political correctness and multiculturalism in contempt. It would be easier to overthrow both in the South than in the Northwest.

3.) Liberalism

At least rhetorically, the majority of White Southerners are opposed to liberalism. They voted against Barack Obama and have since flocked into the Tea Party movement. In contrast, the Seattle-Portland urban corridor in the Northwest is a progressive stronghold. Washington and Oregon have voted for the Democratic candidate in every presidential election since 1988.

White Southerners get most of the conservative social issues: abortion, multiculturalism, illegal immigration, affirmative action, welfare, crime. In the South, White Nationalists still have to move the goal posts, but we don’t have to move them as far as in the Northwest.

4.) Culture

As everyone knows, racialism has deeper roots in Southern culture than in any other region of the United States. The South was committed to white supremacy for three centuries. Residual traces of that heritage still exist in the South. These embers could potentially be stirred up into a bonfire again. It would be easier to do this in the South than in the Northwest. We have more material to work with.

5.) Ethnicity

The South is unique in that the great waves of European immigration tended to avoid the region. The vast majority of European immigrants settled in the Midwest, West, and New England. White Southerners have deeper roots in America. The typical Southerner is more likely to be descended (in whole or in part) from the original White settlers.

Millions of White Southerners now identify as “Americans” on the Census. Their families have been in America for so long that they have “gone native” and shed European ethnic affiliations. Southerners are more patriotic because they have more invested in the United States. When your ancestors fought in the American Revolution, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, WW1, WW2, and Vietnam, naturally, you feel a greater sense of connection to America, its history and heritage, and its destiny.

I have no doubt that Southerners are more willing to fight for their idea of America. It would be easier to persuade them to fight for a White ethnostate because they have more to lose. After moving from Alabama to Virginia, I can still sense that I am living among my own people. The accents and culture are familar. White Southerners are an ethnic group that occupy a huge contiguous geographic region. Virginians and Alabamians are blood relatives only a few generations removed from a common stock.

In other parts of country, that just isn’t true. Poles live among Irish, Germans, and Italians. Southerners are related by blood, soil, history, climate, and culture. They move less often. We have more in common than the disparate other groups who live elsewhere in the United States. It would be easier to mobilize White Southerners around a common political goal. There are less obstacles in the way.

I love that line from The Good Shepherd where Joseph Palmi says, “Let me ask you something … we Italians, we got our familes, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland; Jews, their tradition; even the niggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?” And Wilson responds, “We have the United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.”

6.) Tradition

The idea of a White ethnostate originated in the South. Specifically, it can be traced back to the Upper South in states like Virginia and Kentucky where Whites often lamented the presence of blacks and yearned for the day when they would be spirited off to Africa. The history of the American Colonization Society is well known in racialist circles. Maryland and Virginia colonized thousands of their blacks in Liberia. After the Civil War, there was a renewed push to deport blacks to the Belgian Congo led by Senator Morgan of Alabama. Theodore Bilbo of Mississippi pushed the idea in Congress in the 1930s and 1940s.

7.) Actual Examples

The South has a history of ethnic cleansing. Famously, the Five Civilized Tribes were deported to Oklahoma from the Southeast under the Jackson and Van Buren administrations. After the Civil War, the Ozarks region of Arkansas expelled its negro residents and became a de facto White ethnostate. In the Great Migrations, half of the blacks in America relocated to the North rather than endure segregation and white supremacy in the Jim Crow South.

8.) Geographical Proximity

How would Southerners thread the needle of Greg Johnson’s dilemma? You can’t have strong racial consciousness without multiracialism, but you can’t have a White ethnostate by including non-Whites? The answer lies in geographic proximity: if a White ethnostate was created in proximity to a negro ethnostate, it would define its own identity in opposition to its African neighbor, in much the same way that Germany defined itself against France. A Southern ethnostate would prove more enduring.

9.) Separatism and Secession

The South is the only region of America that has ever seceded from the United States, fought a bloody war against the U.S. federal government, and existed as an independent country. The Jim Crow South was essentially granted “home rule” for over half a century. No other region of the United States has such a strong independent sense of identity.

Southerners alone have an ethnic and national identity to fall back on. However attenuated that identity may be, it still exists, and in the right conditions could potentially be reactivated. Secessionist groups already exist in the South. A stronger feeling of anti-government sentiment prevails in the region. Given their heritage, Southerners are more receptive to the idea of secession than other Americans.

10.) Building Blocks

The South has the building blocks of a potential White ethnostate. I’m referring to the White Belts that exist throughout the region. In these areas, Whites are 90% of the population or more, but heavily black areas are nearby and the focal point of racial consciousness. Historically, the White Belts have been notorious for their aversion to blacks.

In the South, racial separatism could take the form of a migration of Whites from the Black Belts to the White Belts. The spine of a Southern ethnostate stretches down the Appalachian Mountains from West Virginia to North Alabama. Large portions of North Alabama, North Georgia, East Tennessee, Western North Carolina, Eastern Kentucky, and West Virginia are relatively White. It would be sensible to salvage these areas. They would be easier for Southerners to relocate to than to the Northwest.

In an upcoming post, I will respond to some of the criticisms of a Southern ethnostate. These include Christianity, nationalism, economic dependence on blacks, the popularity of multiracial college football, devotion to the GOP, and the spread of miscegenation, multiculturalism, and political correctness in the region.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hate to break this to you gentlemen, but this idea has already been picked apart. By a Southerner, no less.

    ” Southern Secessionism: An Infantile Disorder

    “Why, we could lick them in a month!” boasts the hot-headed
    Stuart Tarleton soon after the Confederates fire on Fort Sumter in
    Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind. “Gentlemen always fight
    better than rabble. A month — why, one battle.” At that point,
    young Mr. Tarleton’s naive and tedious boasting is interrupted by
    Rhett Butler, a rather darker character in Mitchell’s novel than
    the swashbuckling playboy created by Clark Gable on the screen.
    Butler coolly points out that the Southerners do not possess what
    modern strategists would call the industrial and logistical infra-
    structure with which a modern war must be fought — the cannon
    factories, iron foundries, railroads, and woolen and cotton mills
    that the North has in abundance. “But, of course,” he concludes,
    with the sarcastic smirk that is ever on his lips, “you gentlemen
    have thought of these things.”

    But of course they hadn’t thought of those things, at least
    the fictional cavaliers gathered at John Wilkes’ barbecue that
    spring day in 1861, and if the leaders of the new Confederacy had
    thought about them more, too many other Southerners failed to give
    such mundane matters the consideration they merited. What they
    did think about was the glories of the coming conflict and the
    rights they were going to vindicate by force of arms, and within a
    few years and a few more battles than Stuart Tarleton had
    anticipated, he and his twin brother were dead, along with most of
    the others who had listened to them, the Confederacy itself, and
    the society on which it rested. As for Rhett Butler, he not only
    survived but flourished, confident in his philosophy that there
    are two times when a man can easily make a fortune for himself —
    once when a civilization rises, and once when a civilization

    Today, 130 years after the disasters to which the chatter of
    valiant fools like Stuart Tarleton led, secessionism purports to
    rise from the ashes, this time embodied mainly in the League of
    the South, of which most of the editors of this magazine except me
    appear to members. Its leaders foreswear the use of violence, so
    we need not anticipate that the results will be similar — at
    least not until a good many more Southerners sign up than seem to
    have done so in the four years of the League’s existence and until
    the federal government pays more attention to them than it has
    done to date. Nevertheless, if the physical extermination of
    600,000 white men over the burning issue of whether four million
    black men are to be slaves or serfs is not on the agenda this
    time, secessionism promises to be no less a disaster for those of
    the American right than it was for the pretty belles and beaux of
    Mitchell’s novel. It is unfortunate that many of those gentlemen
    most dedicated to secession seem not to have thought of the
    weaknesses of their position any more than the guests at the
    Wilkes barbecue had.

    Two main forces appear to drive the resurrection of Southern
    secessionism. In the first place, the American right as a serious
    political movement has collapsed, leaving its most dedicated
    adherents with no obvious vehicle for pursuing its goals of
    dismantling the federal leviathan and ending the cultural and
    demographic inundation of the South and the rest of the nation.
    In the second place, a concerted onslaught against Southern and
    Confederate symbols and traditions, most clearly represented in
    the attacks on public display of the Confederate Battle Flag,
    rightly excites the wrath of Southerners who remain loyal to the
    memory of the Confederacy and the culture that the flag and the
    war have come to represent. Correctly lacking any confidence in
    the Republican Party or the neo-conservative-dominated
    “conservative movement,” Southerners of the right have decided to
    chuck it all and set off on their own, with the goal of invoking
    the traditions and identity of their own land and culture as the
    basis for resisting federal tyranny and their own racial and
    cultural destruction.

    Yet neither of these two forces provides an adequate
    justification for secession, and neither suggests any realistic
    prospect of success. There are, to put it simply, two strong
    reasons why secession, for the South or any other part of the
    nation, is not a good idea. In the first place, it is not
    practical; in the second place, even if it were practical, it
    would not be desirable.

    Leaders of Southern secessionism often point to sister
    movements abroad — to secessionist movements in Northern Italy,
    Quebec, Scotland, the Balkans, and other places — as well as to
    perennial discussions and controversies about a kind of secession
    in various states, cities, and regions in this country. Both the
    foreign movements and those in the United States are irrelevant to
    what Southerners actually propose, however. Abroad, where
    secessionism has gathered significant support, it has done so
    because those pushing it can claim to be the heirs of real and
    ancient nations or at least of subnational regions that exhibit
    far more distinctiveness than the American South, today or at any
    time in its history, can claim. Scotland, Quebec, the Balkan
    peoples, and even Northern Italy all can boast of distinctive
    linguistic, religious, ethnic, and historical heritages, far more
    distinctive than those of the South, and some can point to some
    period in their past when they actually constituted autonomous
    states. Indeed, compared to some of these nations or regions, the
    American South under close scrutiny begins to vanish as a cultural
    unity. There is at least as much difference between Tidewater
    Virginia and East Tennessee or between northern and southern
    Louisiana as there is between Scotland and England or Northern and
    Southern Italy today.

    Within the United States, the periodic demands for breaking
    Staten Island off from New York City or East Kansas from West
    Kansas or Southern California from Northern California are not
    secessionist movements in the same sense as what the Southerners
    advocate. None of these other movements contemplates leaving the
    national political unity of the United States, and how they re-
    arrange or fail to re-arrange their own borders and jurisdictions
    is largely a matter of their own concern. It makes sense that
    over time some borders and jurisdictions will become outmoded, and
    to redraw the map every now and then to suit contemporary
    interests and needs is unobjectionable. But it is not secession
    in the sense that Southerners and most dictionaries use the term,
    and to cite such movements (none of which has so far been
    successful) as examples of the rising dissatisfaction with the
    unified nation-state is fallacious.

    Nor do contemporary Southern secessionists make any
    compelling case for the separation of their own region from the
    larger national unity. Historically, the Southern people have had
    an arguable case for separation, and in 1860, with the prospect of
    their slave-powered economy being gradually gutted by Northern
    dominance, their case was more arguable than ever, though even
    then there was less than a universal consensus in the South for
    separation. Today, that case simply does not apply. Today, the
    modern South has probably profited from federal largesse more than
    most other regions, and the argument for States’ Rights, which
    Southerners invoked from Jefferson to George Wallace, is silenced
    by the demands of Southern politicians for more farm subsidies,
    more defense contracts, more military bases, more federal
    highways, and — if we include blacks as Southerners, which the
    League readily does — more “civil rights,” more affirmative
    action, more federal marshals to enforce them, and more welfare.
    To find out how practical secessionism is in the South today,
    visit any large Southern city — Atlanta, Charlotte, Nashville,
    Richmond, Dallas, Fort Worth, let alone New Orleans and Miami —
    and ask yourself if the residents (even those who are still
    recognizably American) are ready for another Pickett’s Charge.
    It’s all conservative Southerners can do to keep the Battle Flag
    flying and Confederate monuments from being obliterated, and the
    most vociferous enemies of the flag and the monuments are not the
    “Yankees” of yore or even the federal government but Southerners
    themselves, either the manipulated blacks of the NAACP or white
    Southerners of Confederate antecedents like South Carolina’s
    Republican Governor David Beasley. The South today and the
    Southerners who inhabit it are simply too well connected to
    Washington and the rest of the nation to contemplate any serious
    movement for the national independence of their region.

    But even if secession were possible, it would be a bad idea.
    Today, the main political line of division in the United States
    is not between the regions of North and South (in so far as such
    regions can still be said to exist) but between elite and non-
    elite. As I have tried to make plain in columns in this magazine
    and many other places for the last fifteen years, the elite, based
    in Washington, New York, and a few large metropolises, allies with
    the underclass against Middle Americans, who pay the taxes, do the
    work, fight the wars, suffer the crime, and endure their own
    political and cultural dispossession at the hands of the elite and
    its underclass vanguard. Today, the greatest immediate danger to
    Middle America and the European-American civilization to which it
    is heir lies in the importation of a new underclass from the Third
    World through mass immigration. The danger is in part economic,
    in part political, and in part cultural, but it is also in part
    racial, pure and simple. The leaders of the alien underclass, as
    well as those of the older black underclass, invoke race in
    explicit terms, and they leave no doubt that their main enemy is
    the white man and his institutions and patterns of belief.
    The only prospect of resisting the domination of the Ruling
    Class and its anti-white and anti-Western allies in the underclass
    is through Middle American solidarity, a solidarity that must
    transcend the differentiations of region, class, religion, party,
    and ideology. White Southerners are a vital part of the Middle
    American core, as are their northern counterparts, and neither is
    the enemy of the other. Both regional sections of Middle America
    face the same threats, experience much the same problems, and
    ought to be joined in the same political-cultural movement to meet
    the threat together.

    If, however, Southerners were to secede, they would be
    engulfed by the same forces that threaten the nation as a whole.
    By the year 2020, the Census Bureau reports, the only parts of the
    South that will have more than a 75 percent white population will
    be a thin strip of western Virginia, most of Tennessee, and
    northern Arkansas; the rest of the region, especially Texas and
    the Deep South, will be dominated by populations more than 50
    percent non-white, in some places far more. Dr. Brent Nelson has
    calculated that even today, even if 80 percent of the white
    population of South Carolina were to support secession in a
    referendum, that would amount to only 55 percent of the state’s
    total population.

    I mention this racial dimension of the secession controversy not
    because of the obvious conflicts that will arise in its wake but to
    suggest that the majority populations of the South in the near future
    will either be blacks, who have only hostile memories of what secession
    and the historic South meant to them and their ancestors, or Hispanics,
    who will sympathize with secession only if it means union with Mexico. It
    is unlikely that either the black or the Hispanic populations will
    evince much sympathy for Jefferson Davis and his legacy.
    But the racial composition of the future South is significant
    also because the racial consciousness and solidarity non-whites
    will exhibit is already plain, in the frenetic, hate-driven
    language of their leaders and organizational vehicles, in their
    political behavior, and in the whole fabric of their subculture.
    It is a consciousness that readily identifies whites as an enemy
    and their institutions and values as alien and oppressive.
    The only prospect of white Middle American resistance to this
    racial and political engulfment is our own solidarity; instead of
    snorting at white Northerners as “Yankees” who lack good table
    manners and the rudiments of culture, white Southerners should be
    standing firm with them in opposition to more immigration and more
    domination by the federal leviathan that serves as the political
    instrument of the overclass-underclass alliance.

    The key to resisting that domination does not lie in resort
    to the dormant right of secession but in revival of the real
    federalism to which both Southerners and Northerners subscribed at
    the time the Constitution was ratified. It may be argued that the
    10th Amendment is itself dormant, but it remains more alive than
    secessionism. The Supreme Court has cited the 10th Amendment in
    striking down a federal gun control law in the Lopez case in 1994
    and the Brady law last year, and even poor old Bob Dole used to
    brag about carrying a copy of the amendment around in his vest
    pocket. Of course Mr. Dole didn’t understand or care what the
    amendment meant, but the fact that even he would invoke it means
    that it remains a living part of our Constitution. With its
    revival as a serious political tool, most of the dangerous and
    stupid overgrowth of the federal leviathan would disappear, and
    its disappearance would be welcomed not only by Southerners but by
    most Middle Americans of other regions who suffer from it.
    I do not, of course, believe that secessionism will prosper
    as a serious political movement, but I do worry that it will
    prosper to the point of becoming a serious political distraction –
    – a distraction from the imperative that Middle Americans now face
    of constructing their own autonomous political movement that can
    take back their nation rather than assisting the new underclass
    and the globalist Ruling Class in breaking it up. The time left
    for us to do so is shorter than it has ever been in our history,
    and until we outgrow the infantile disorder that secessionism
    offers, the construction cannot begin. If the gentlemen who talk
    of secession have not yet thought of these things, I invite them to do so soon.”

    P.S. Hunter, why didn’t you get in touch with me while in N.C.?

  2. Trainspotter summed up the situation correctly. The only thing I would add is that, like Hunter pointed out, the current estimate for White Nationalists in the United States is 30,000. That’s barely enough to fill a small town. If we want to start playing “Civil War 2” we need to increase our numbers by 10,000%.

  3. There are four secessionist movements to my knowledge that have some chance of causing trouble

    What about Alaska? They have an independence party. According to wikipedia it’s the third largest party in the state. They support gun rights, privatization, home schooling, and limited government.

  4. Euro,

    I was only there for two days and was wrapped up for 12 hours each day. I don’t live that far from North Carolina now and could easily visit on a weekend.

  5. nash2z,

    1.) Several of the White Belts in the South are geographically contiguous. Appalachia and the surrounding lowlands are heavily White. There is also a huge area of Whites in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri.

    2.) The vast majority of White liberals in the Pacific Northwest are concentrated along the coast. If a Northwest Homeland ever emerged, it would most likely be in the interior. I see no reason to surrender the American Heartland. The Upper South, Midwest, Plain States, and Mountain States are all still relatively White.

    3.) The vast majority of White Southerners are not going to uproot themselves to relocate to the Northwest. Moving within their states or to neighboring states is a much more reasonable expectation.

  6. If there was substantial resistance in multiple regions of the country, the Feds could not contain it. Their existing resources would be stretched too thin, and they would be denied additional resources that they could otherwise count upon. They would also find themselves in the unenviable position of dealing with every anti-government force out there, racial or not, and there are many.

    The really beautiful thing is that many of the non-racial resistance movements would become racial over time. The reality is that the different races in fact have different interests. Often conflicting interests. These fault lines will quickly show themselves in a tumultuous atmosphere. Non-whites will disproportionately support the Feds, for the simple reason that it is the Feds that butter their bread.

    This will make a powerful impression in the minds of white anti-government types. Psychologically, a gain for us. Or, in the alternative, if certain non-whites oppose the Feds (like perhaps an Aztlan movement) then whites benefit as well – both from the direct pressure brought against the Feds, and indirectly from the realization that “Non-whites are claiming territory, we’d better too!”

    Again, from our perspective it’s heads we win, tails the Feds lose. Racial fissures will always work for us in one way, shape or form. Our enemies understand this.

    As these dynamics play out, implicit white movements will tend to become explicit as the inevitable atrocities against whites mount, the rumor mill kicks into overtime, and the non-white opposition to the implicit white movements becomes obvious and undeniable.

    I love how the controlled media portrays the Tea Partiers, as if they are “unfriendly” to non-whites. What rubbish. In fact, it’s the non-whites that are unfriendly to Tea Partiers. Many of the Tea Partiers would love nothing more than to have legions of blacks march with them against Federal tyranny, singing “We Shall Overcome.”

    Truth is, to the blacks it’s not Federal tyranny…it’s a living! Those Federal policies allow them to feast off of whites, and they aren’t looking to get off of that gravy train. Why would they? The media tries to cover this up, and blame the lack of non-white involvement on white racism. The simple reality is that non-whites don’t support the Tea Party movement, or its objectives, in any appreciable numbers. That’s not going to change.

    These realities would become quickly evident and the power of media indoctrination over the actors would fade quickly. This is the great fear of the system and why they hector us to no end, no matter how badly we seem to be beaten. They believe that our racial consciousnesss is merely dormant, not eradicated. They believe that under the right circumstances, that which is dormant could come alive again, that which is implicit could become explicit.

    They are right about this, or at least more right than wrong. That’s why it is so important to spread white nationalist ideas NOW, to get them out there. That’s why it is so important to create our own narrative, a powerful narrative, that will be there when the balloon goes up. That’s why the work of people like Greg Johnson and Guessedworker, and any number of others, is so damn important. We can do all of the nuts and bolts organizing that we want, but hardcore white activists can only accomplish so much. What’s really going to happen, if we are to win, is that our ideas must spread like wildfire at the critical moment. In turbulent times, that can happen – IF those ideas are compelling and attractive.

    I’m happy to say that we seem to be moving in the right direction. It wasn’t very long ago when I was complaining to a fellow white nationalist that, for all of our presence on the net, there were virtually no sites worth sending an intelligent newbie to. Now, with the Occidental Quarterly, and the Occidental sites in general, we have that. I guarantee more intelligent people are being exposed to our ideas now than in many, many decades. Greg, you’ve played a big role in that. I have no hope that we are going to influence substantial numbers of the current elite. I have great hope that we are going to influence substantial numbers of the new elite.

  7. True – The Northwest has a tradition of Aryan resistance. The problem with that scenario, which Gregory Hood pointed out, is that the vast majority of Whites in the Northwest have never heard of these people or much less identify with them.

    In the South, the vast majority of Whites were bitterly opposed to integration and our representatives in Congress voted down all the civil rights legislation. The federal government had to send in troops to occupy Mississippi, Arkansas, and Alabama. It is also worth observing that George Wallace won several Southern states on a third party ticket. I’m not aware of any parallel movement in the Northwest similar to “massive resistance.”

    As recently as 2004, the majority of White voters in Alabama chose to keep segregationist language in the Alabama State Constitution. Huge numbers of Whites in Alabama and South Carolina also voted recently to keep their state anti-miscegenation laws. The Deep South is the logical place to start building a base.

  8. If I’m not mistaken, I think Sam Francis retracted his opposition to secession at a later point. Unfortunately, all I’ve got to prove this are some recounted conversations by Greg Johnson and a few others. Anybody else hear something similar to this?

  9. I’m positive the demographics in the Deep South are not nearly as bad as Francis suggests. I want to say that Mississippi is losing population. There has been some Hispanic immigration to the region, but outside of Florida and Texas it certainly hasn’t been enough to create a non-White majority by 2020. States like South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi are actually whiter now than they were in the past.

  10. The League of the South is a retarded and marginal organization. Francis is certainly right that racially conscious Whites in other parts of the Union are not our enemies. An independent South would break the back of the federal government and make secessionist movements elsewhere much easier.

  11. Just for reference, here’s when each state will turn majority nonwhite according to the Census Bureau:

    Already majority non-White

    District of Columbia
    New Mexico

    Before 2025:

    Arizona, 2016.
    Florida, 2018
    New York, 2019
    Nevada, 2023

    From 2025 to 2049:

    New Jersey, 2025
    Illinois, 2032
    Colorado, 2035.
    Georgia, 2039
    Mississippi, 2039
    Oregon, 2046
    Massachusetts, 2047
    Virginia, 2047
    North Carolina, 2048
    South Carolina, 2049

    From 2050 to 2074:

    Rhode Island, 2050
    Connecticut, 2051
    Washington, 2051
    Maryland, 2052
    Louisiana, 2056
    Kansas, 2058
    Utah, 2059
    Minnesota, 2062
    Idaho, 2063
    Nebraska, 2063
    Alaska, 2065
    Arkansas, 2067
    Delaware, 2070
    Iowa, 2070
    Oklahoma, 2071
    Alabama, 2074
    New Hampshire, 2074

    From 2075 to 2099:

    Wisconsin, 2080
    Tennessee, 2087
    Kentucky, 2092
    Indiana, 2098
    Wyoming, 2099

    Not till the 22nd Century:

    North Dakota, 2102
    Montana, 2104
    Pennsylvania, 2105
    Michigan, 2106
    South Dakota, 2107
    Missouri, 2109
    Maine, 2123
    Vermont, 2124
    Ohio, 2134
    West Virginia, 2178

    Map taken from Census Bureau:

  12. Another Wallace

    Your fixation on ZOG and how it afflicts the US government is not relevant to the ideal of a “new” State.

    Your fixation on blacks is not relevant to the ideal of a new State, because it’s not blacks that are preventing a white state – it’s ZOG. So bitching about poor blacks – who have no power, low IQs, no property, no wealth – or thinking they are a major obstacle, it not even useful. Sure, talking about negro street crime can rile up some anger, and that can be good, but it’s not the blacks that are the problem, in fact, they are problem number 8 or 9. Mestizo immigrants are a bigger problem than negroes, and they could be easily dealt with, if not for Jewish power.

    Food stamps are subsidies for Big Ag – to even think that the majority of that money actually makes it down to negro baby mamas is amusing.

    12% of people in America are black, concentrated in the Southern black belt and a handful of Northern cities. You really think they are the main obstacle to a white republic? They don’t even rate.

  13. Kievsky

    The Southern men I knew who were good, staid family men were hard core Christians. It seemed like they only behaved because they thought Jesus was watching. The atheist or agnostic Southern men go for wine, women and song, and run up their credit cards and get divorces, so the Jewish credit card companies and the Jewish divorce lawyers get all their money, so they never accumulate wealth.

    It might be a climate thing.

    Yep – it’s the heat. White people are not built for it, which makes otherwise normal white people go nuts. Since they invented air conditioning it doesn’t matter too much anymore, but still, I really don’t think it’s the environment we evolved to thrive in.

    But southerners – don’t hate me, I love Dixie, she’s like my beautiful but melodramatic cousin, maybe crazy but still family.

  14. And as for Texas, I think they already seceded but are keeping it under wraps for now.

  15. Re. post #57. A very good assessment of the situation, and likely ensuing scenarios, Trainspotter. Your name seems to give away your distinct, uncanny ability to see what’s coming, and what needs to be done. You have the insight of a visionary, with the prescient ability to describe the cause and effect of what you correctly envision. Very few can separate and read the tea leaves as you do. Keep the throttle engaged, watch the signals, and lay on the whistle, the White train is slowly gaining momentum.

  16. The people who run this country are more interested in global capitalism and global Jewry (and their little Middle Eastern bolt hole) than the preservation of the territorial integrity of the United States. Already they are clearly more concerned with maintaining Israel’s borders than our own. They can have it both ways right now because nobody has forced them to choose. But what if we force them to choose? This is Covington’s end-game scenario in the Quartet. The Northwest Republic comes into existence because the 4th generation resistance of the Northwest Volunteer Army is costing money and resources necessary to fight proxy wars for Israel in the Middle East. So the accountants throw in the towel.

    The same principle applies to big business (excluding, for the moment, the banks). Does it really matter to them who runs different parts of the continent as long as they have access to markets?

  17. The same principle applies to big business (excluding, for the moment, the banks). Does it really matter to them who runs different parts of the continent as long as they have access to markets?

    GJ, that is an excellent point. I don’t think a Japanese company like Toyota would have any problem opening a factory in a North West Republic and have access to the market there. (And you making an exception to this rule for the banks is also notable.)

    Already they are clearly more concerned with maintaining Israel’s borders than our own.

    Didn’t Vice President Biden make that clear today? It’s all rather overt isn’t it. I’ve only started the first book of the Quartet, but the idea that the US will be so busy fighting for the Zionist Regime in Palestine that the feds can’t control the situation here seems, well, likely.

  18. The other thing that makes the south more amenable to an ethnostate is that population patterns already delineate where the black ethnostate would be, in the “the Black Belt.” The Communist Party called for black ethnostate here in the thirties, and various maoists and black nationalists have had their eyes on the place as well ever since. You can see it in this census map that I’ve probably posted here at OD a half-dozen times already:

    “How would Southerners thread the needle of Greg Johnson’s dilemma? You can’t have strong racial consciousness without multiracialism, but you can’t have a White ethnostate by including non-Whites? ”

    Interesting. I’ve made that same point myself in several posts here, though I don’t expect Greg, who takes a negative view of me for some reason, to have noticed, or if to acknowledge it if he did.
    In any case, he is on to something important.

    I thread the dilemma by arguing that you CAN in fact have a “White ethnostate” and still include non-Whites. Hunter said Jim Crow South was his favorite era…I also see the social order the South was striving to implement an being unfairly maligned. It needed to change, but it didn’t need to change to the degree and in the direction that it went with the civil rights revolution. If I ever get my shit together and put together some real postings for OD, instead of just comments, I will write (in addition to my idea for a reading group) about humane alternatives to the civil rights revolution that could have allowed black and white Americans to move towards coexistence on a “separate but equal” basis. The book I need to read first though on this point is the “I’ll Take My Stand” Anthology put together by the southern agrarians of Vanderbilt back in the thirties. Have you read it, Hunter? Here is a review from ISI’s Modern Age:
    An from same source, an essay on Robert Penn Warren’s contribution to that anthology, about the place of the Negro in the South:

  19. @ post 69

    They are the heavy end of the hammer. Being wielded by our enemy. If we take away the enemies weapons, we can have more control. ZOG can only control through the federal government. We still have hope with the states if we act now, and do not get saddled with generation breaking debt as a result of the flood of welfarites from the north AND the south. We have to stem the tide, and cutting out welfare programs and social services is a way to stop the bleeding out. Aid to israel means squat to my day to day life. I dont care at this point. I want to insure a future for OUR children.

  20. Crypto,

    I thread the dilemma by arguing that you CAN in fact have a “White ethnostate” and still include non-Whites. Hunter said Jim Crow South was his favorite era…I also see the social order the South was striving to implement an being unfairly maligned. It needed to change, but it didn’t need to change to the degree and in the direction that it went with the civil rights revolution. If I ever get my shit together and put together some real postings for OD, instead of just comments, I will write (in addition to my idea for a reading group) about humane alternatives to the civil rights revolution that could have allowed black and white Americans to move towards coexistence on a “separate but equal” basis.

    That sounds plausible, but it’s ultimately fallacious. You’re dealing with human beings here, not components of a chemical concoction, which can be relied upon to produce the same reaction time and time again. People just don’t react the same way each time. It would be one thing if everyone was coldly rational and you sit three hundred million people around a table and calmly reason out a solution. But you can’t; maddening as it is, you can’t. And that means you have to strike while the iron’s hot.

    In any secession scenario heating up — hell, any perceived end to the old order (in reality it ended long ago, face it), ‘secession’ or not — people are going to be talking and asking questions and demanding answers, and will continue to do so long after — I mean years — any tentative initial ‘solutions’ are implemented. That’s when you have to make your push. You let it go for another fifty years, memories fade, feelings change and you’re right back where you began.

    It’s a pleasant fantasy, Crypto, this idea that the old order might sunset peacefully. The bell curves, the statistics, the dendograms all contribute to this hope that somehow things might be resolved rationally. But nothing on this planet is as irrational as race, ethnicity, religion, territory. That I, personally, find it disappointing beyond words goes without saying. But we all have to steel ourselves.

  21. Hmmm… regarding welfare is the problem that non-Whites use it more or is the problem that Whites don’t get an adequate share of it?

    This thinking of trying to cut welfare and social programs seems futile tactically. Also it is trying to be a good ol’ conservative, trying to hold back the collapse. That just can’t be done either.

    I thought it was common knowledge that you can’t preserve this sinking ship; it’s better to help it on its way. If so a better plan would be to give a guaranteed annual income to everyone so there is no racial difference in who gets welfare money.

    This would free up White women to have children earlier and White men to work on creating a new society as the old one declines.

  22. “David Duke almost won some important races in Louisiana in spite of his Neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan baggage. A cleaner candidate with a professionally run campaign could conceivably become Governor of a Southern state.”

    That was 20 years ago. Unfortunately, many of the people who voted for David Duke are dead or have softened their racial views under relentless pressure and the newer voters are less racialist.

    Both the Appalachians(including parts of PA and NY), large parts of the Midwest and Northern New England much whiter than the PNW. The PNW has a lot of Indians and huge numbers of Mexicans now. It’s not nearly as white as people who have never lived their seem to think.

  23. According to the US Census Bureau:

    Washington is 75.5% non-hispanic whites.
    Oregon is 80% non-hispanic whites.
    Idaho is 85.1% non-hispanic whites.

    Maine is 95.3% non-hispanic whites.
    Vermont is 95.2% non-hispanic whites.
    New Hampshire is 93.1% non-hispanic whites.

    Nebraska is 84.1% non-hispanic whites.
    Wyoming is 86.8% non hispanic whites

    I haven’t bothered with NY and Penn. the comments above were only about one region, which I can’t break out.

  24. Most of the drama and wackiness is coming from Yankees here. I think we need more cartoon and movie references and conspiracy theories. Give me a break with the pretentious lectures.

  25. Jackson,

    Regarding comment #1, I was unaware that Covington advocates expelling queers from the Northwestern homeland.

    Does he support exile or execution as the method? Can you direct me to something he has written in that regard?


  26. I don’t understand why one particular region has to be selected. Few people will ever be able to get up and move according to what area is designated a white ethno-state. All regions of North America should be considered good ground for WN. Hell, let them compete. That said, Wallace is right (I think I saw that on a signboard ’bout 1963). The South is by far the most fertile ground for a WN state.

    Consider Germany. Its people have undergone the most aggressive brainwashing campaign of all times. Yet the racial instinct is still stronger there than in any country in Europe. So it is with the South. Sure, there is propaganda to be overcome, but it is actually pretty thin stuff.

    One thing Wallace didn’t have on his list of positives for the South was that Southerners are, out of all proportion, armed to the teeth compared to the rest of the US. This might not be a cause for their separation but it sure would come in handy once they’ve decided. The propaganda possibilities on this one thing are immense (which I’d like to handle personally).

  27. Robert Campbell,

    I am basing my understanding of Covington’s plans on his Northwest Quartet novels, which I read. So that’s an imperfect description of his actual plans, but probably reflects his feelings. Obviously there is a bunch of artistic license in a novel-as-blueprint.

    But his hostility towards gays is clear.

    In general the NW Quartet suggests violence in measured amounts to make an example to other members of the targeted groups, which include gays. So (again in the fictionalized novels) the NWA would certianly kill some flaming gays, and make it clear that there were no longer welcome in the NW, encouraging them to leave. (I believe he was involved in the Yugoslavian civil wars? For sure Rhodesia — so he seems to have an organic feel for the politics of intimidation.)

    If you haven’t read them “The Brigade” is the best and covers all the themes.

  28. I don’t understand why one particular region has to be selected.

    Agreed, there is no reason we need only one path to our victory, in fact it behooves us to use every means available. In addition to smaller white enclaves that already exist naturally, we could have multiple bases in the country, one in the South and one in the northwest and possibly others.

  29. Just so long as we’re agreed on a headquarters somewhere about Abbeville, South Carolina.

    Just kidding!

  30. If we could take control of the media, it would take one generation to reprogram everyone.
    Nah. We don’t really need to reprogram anyone. We need to de-program them. That’s a lot easier. We don’t actually need everyone, btw.

    The gist of my statement was that that “us vs. them” perception on the part of southern whites will form a significant barrier to the formation of the theoretical white ethnostate with transplanted whites.

    Maybe. But you’re talking about unawakened southerners. They have all kinds of racial-cultural psychoses. Awakened southerners know better.

    I’m positive the demographics in the Deep South are not nearly as bad as Francis suggests. I want to say that Mississippi is losing population. There has been some Hispanic immigration to the region, but outside of Florida and Texas it certainly hasn’t been enough to create a non-White majority by 2020. States like South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi are actually whiter now than they were in the past.

    Demographics, schmemographics. It’s a mind war, not a body war. We need minds, not couch potatoes.

    the idea that the US will be so busy fighting for the Zionist Regime in Palestine that the feds can’t control the situation here seems, well, likely.

    Two-way flow there, too. A serious insurgency in America would definitely embolden the towelheads.

  31. Just thinking out loud, but when secession comes up I always lament the fact that black secessionism/separatism is such a non-starter. Imagine how easy it would be for blacks! Think the teevee would ever let the marines crack their heads? And then we could just go to court and get ours, too. 🙂

  32. Also, if we’re talking active resistance, let’s not forget that ethnostates aren’t the only means to freedom. Imagine an (enforced) Constitutional amendment guaranteeing freedom of association. I.e., an end to anything remotely resembling “anti-discrimination” laws. That would be practically as good as secession IMO. It would also probably be significantly easier to achieve.

  33. I am all for the Southern State, hopefully Alabama. After all, I have never met a man from Alabama that I have not liked.

    I will never forget the time I was staying on a friends sail boat in Key West and this gorgeous million dollar yacht pulled into the harbor. I could see that it was about to dock next to me. I was in anticipation, running onto the dock, waving, greeting, ready to pull them in. The gentleman just yelled in a strong Southern accent, “Look at this fucking Yankee!!!!!” As he pulled in, I was like, “No, Sir, I am from California!” Yes, I was exotic, and they let me hang around.

    He and his wife were beautiful as was their yacht. They were from Alabama and they told me it was the first time they had come to Key West. I told them they were in for a shocker…he started bitching about the fags a few days later. They were the closest to Aristocracy I have ever met. I tended to their every need, willingly (NO, not sexual, they were in their sixties and not perverted). I made them tea, cooked whatever they had on board, set the table, cleaned up, everything, and enjoyed every minute on their beautiful yacht and their charming company. Of coarse, they thought me peculiar, I did not care, it was the only time I was on such a fantastic yacht.

  34. Big-breasted, blonde Kiwis are always welcome in the South. In fact we should have it written into the new immigration act!

  35. Re:#65-“Yep – it’s the heat. White people are not built for it, which makes otherwise normal white people go nuts. Since they invented air conditioning it doesn’t matter too much anymore, but still, I really don’t think it’s the environment we evolved to thrive in.”

    READ: The Effect of Tropical Light on White Men

  36. Kiwi women love dumb men, I don’t. And they are, like me, big breasted, blonde, good breeders and in my opinion, pretty. However, if you are an intelligent man, forget it. Kiwi women love to pity the dumb man and take care of him. So, perhaps, there are a few of you that should consider immigration.

    It is amazing too, the days I go out with no makeup, in cut offs, looking really rough, sweaty, is when I get hit on by Kiwi White men. And they hit on me by saying things like, “You want to drink together?” “Where is your man? Let’s have a drink.” “what are you drinking?” And they do this while outside their parked automobiles after fishing and stinking.


  37. Mark-
    I live in NZ now, but I am 100% American.

    I bet you like it better there, I’m sure it’s beautiful scenery. You’re always welcome back!

  38. It is amazing too, the days I go out with no makeup, in cut offs, looking really rough, sweaty, is when I get hit on by Kiwi White men. And they hit on me by saying things like, “You want to drink together?” “Where is your man? Let’s have a drink.” “what are you drinking?” And they do this while outside their parked automobiles after fishing and stinking.

    Sounds pretty redneck to me, you’ll fit in in the South just fine! JK! 🙂

    I like women that aren’t afraid to be natural.

    When you’re dolled up your beauty is probably too intimidating for them.

  39. Umm, yeah, I forgot to mention I am usually pushing a stroller with my youngest baby! And the men, I swear, the last one to hit on me was only twenty! I just told him I really was not in the mood to get pregnant again…

  40. You sound like a really feminine and kind lady, Lena. I’m sure you’re a good mother. It’s nice to have your perspective and support on this blog and in the movement.

  41. Why do you say that? I only drink on occasion and when I do it’s only to mild excess. 🙂

    My statements were of utmost sincerity.

  42. READ: The Effect of Tropical Light on White Men —

    That’s extremely Nordicist, describing Aryan invasions into the Mediterranean, and how modern Greeks are descendants of the peasant class of old. The author describes modern lower class Italians as savages that live in conditions that even other savages resent. They are short brunets with Negroid-like projecting faces that resemble primitive man.

    Western man doesn’t have to suffer the climate as he once did, so it’s not an issue.

    Even though I’m quite fair, I find that if I stay properly hydrated the Southern heat doesn’t bother me. Skin cancer is still an issue though, so I try to avoid exposure when UV is at its strongest during the afternoon.

  43. Wherever our people actually secede and make it stick – the south, the northwest, northeast, mid-west or rocky mountains – that’s where I’m headed, loaded for bear.

    But, I’m betting on the rocky mountains this time around. Which is why I’m already here.

  44. Hunter,

    I agree with some of the other comments above. The outright distain many southern whites have for northern whites is a weakness within our people that must end. Most northern whites – I would venture to say the majority of northern whites – have no direct linkage to the yankee aggression. I know many northerners that wish the south had won. And, northerners have been brainwashed and handcuffed by the federal government for a longer period of time than southerners. Just look at the busing rebellions that took place up north in the 70’s – they certainly rivaled southern anger at desegregation. There are plenty of sellout whites in the south and plenty of whites in the north that are just as committed, determined, and passionate about our race as any pure rebel like yourself. We must bridge the gap that has separated our people for far too long. I know many northern whites that would jump at the chance for a white ethnostate – whereever it may be. I have an affection for the south and would probably prefer it to other areas, but the occasional hostility by white southerners toward this racially-conscious, yankee-born but rebel-minded, lady can oftens brings me to the boiling point. Lastly, why can’t we have an area that encompasses part of all these wonderful regions we love so much?

  45. “The PNW has a lot of Indians and huge numbers of Mexicans now. It’s not nearly as white as people who have never lived their seem to think.”

    There are hardly any Injuns around here! Heck if a White Ethno-state were to leave the reservations as is (an ethno-state within an ethno-state?) that is something that could be workable.

    Now the travelling mestizo is a real problem, but there are less of them around here then there are of negroes in the South and also the mestizos have no-where near the claim to live around here as negroes do in the South!

    “Youse best believe dat my great granpaw wuz one o’ dem slaves! He done even knew Kunta Kinte, biyatch! Saw it on dat dere television series myself, sure ’nuff! So dis darkie gets to stay around.”

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