Red Jeffrey on Alt Right

It didn’t take long.

Alt Right has officially made Red Jeffrey’s list of really scary White people who dare to chat with each other on the internet! He is absolutely scandalized by the fact that Richard Spencer is a fan of Epic Beard Man. For those unfamiliar with the greatness of Epic Beard Man, I highly recommend this hilarious YouTube video:

Apparently, Red Jeffrey has been Facebook stalking Richard Spencer. With the most absurd tone of self righteousness, Imm reports a whole list of thoughtcrimes. He announces that Alt Right’s “fans” include people who follow the Council of Conservative Citizens, National Policy Institute, Amren, and American Free Press. Spencer is also said to follow the American Third Position Party and various other racial nationalists who politically correct liberals and effeminate conservatives find abhorrent.

I’m getting the impression that Jeffrey Imm doesn’t understand the emerging youth subculture that Alt Right is targeting. The major reason that we despise Red Jeffrey is because he has unilaterally appointed himself the “hall monitor” of the internet. Among his various powers, Jeffrey Imm has pompously assumed – in the name of freedom, no less – the right to tell us who we can and cannot be friends with, which websites we can read, who we can party with in real life, which words we can use, which ideas we can consider, who we can vote and work for, who we can fuck, which events we can attend, who we can laugh at … okay, I realize there is no limit to the implied powers of this petty internet tyrant.

Everything he does is seemingly calculated to piss off and annoy highly educated, intelligent, right-wing White Americans between the ages of 18 and 35. Even young people who aren’t White Nationalists (the libertarians, post-paleos, gamers, etc) resent sanctimonious assholes who tell them what to do. There is a lot of common ground between young right-wing subcultures that don’t fit neatly into the mainstream conservative spectrum. Alt Right is emerging as a popular internet watering hole where we can interact and share ideas.

I follow all sorts of websites that I don’t necessarily agree with: Lew, Takimag, Roissy in DC, The Spearhead, View From the Right, Secular Right, Guy White. I find all these sites interesting on some level. More are popping up every day. There are a lot of young people like us who you would have to pay to read National Review, Frum Forum, and The Weekly Standard. Similarly, I join all the Facebook groups that my friends invite me to, including ones I don’t read. I do this for no other reason than hatred of Facebook stalkers.

Yesterday, Jeffrey Imm was whining about the explosion of so-called “hate sites” in America. Indeed, the last two years have been an incredibly productive period for racialists. I remember the days when Stormfront, VDARE, and Amren were the only sites worth following. Now you have Occidental Dissent, Occidental Observer, TOQ Online, Voice of Reason, HBD Books, Age of Treason, Alt Right, The Apricity, Diversity is Chaos, Stuff Black People Don’t Like, Nation of Cowards and lots of other new blogs and forums that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. There is a wider selection of interesting websites (including countless Facebook groups) than ever before.

I used to doubt racialists would ever get their act together. There were times when I thought our predicament was hopeless. In the last two years, White Nationalism has grown a brain. Racialist discourse has become funnier and increasingly sophisticated. Lots of people are exploiting radio now, mastering social networking, founding institutions, acquiring professional skills, and building sleek new websites. In the next ten years, White Nationalism will grow a body and explode out of cyberspace into the real world. I’m willing to bet money on it.

ODs and Alt Rights are popping up like mushrooms. The sub-niches are being filled: Nordicists, pagans, anarchists, Jew-loving Zionists, Christian patriots and so on are doing their own thing. Sooner or later, there will be so many “hate sites” that Red Jeffrey won’t have the time to follow them all. R.E.A.L. will have to hire a full time staff or rely on the demonstated psychic powers of Ariel Love to collect “intelligence” on White Nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “…The major reason that we despise Red Jeffrey is because he has unilaterally appointed himself the “hall monitor” of the internet. Among his various powers, Jeffrey Imm has pompously assumed – in the name of freedom, no less – the right to tell us who we can and cannot be friends with, which websites we can read, who we can party with in real life, which words we can use, which ideas we can consider, who we can vote and work for, who we can fuck, which events we can attend, who we can laugh at … okay, I realize there is no limit to the implied powers of this petty internet tyrant.”

    A salutation to The Imp, and what we think of his ‘advice’ –

    …………../´¯/)……..…… (\¯`\
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    ….\…………..(………. ..)……………/
    ……\………….\……… ../…………./

  2. The whole Kevin Bacon Game tactic of the left is incompatible with the Internet. Of course everybody’s linked with everybody else. I could just as easily demonstrate that OD is a Zionist site by listing all of its primary, secondary, and tertiary links with Jews. To Jeff’s credit, he has very few “links”. The only people following his website are from sites on the White right.

  3. Something I realized is the fundamental strength of the whole “right wing” side of things, is the idea that we are competent to rule ourselves. This is why the Banksters hate the Right and love the Left.

    The Left are masochists and “Bottoms” that want to be ruled and fed and taken care of by Big Nurse, or they are “Tops” that want to do the ruling.

    The Right wants no part of a global scale sadomasochism. The Leftist Globalist “open society” S&M relationship is icky perversion, and we can sense this instinctively. The Right is strong because our instincts are screaming against being ruled by Commissars and Antifas and Diversity Trainers and anyone who would want to teach homosexual practices (or any-sexual practices) to kindergartners . Those people have no practical knowledge, and their very lives are a mess. And yet they want to tell us how to live.

    Growing up in New England and going to a venerable New England private college (Connecticut College), I saw the Left up close, and did battle with them at a time that I didn’t have the social or ideological maturity to do it correctly. Now it’s quite clear and easy how to defeat them — understand their motives and their lifestyle, practice Taqqiyah, and watch them as close as you can. Be a member of a secret hostile elite AMONG THEM. And use NLP to mess with their heads.

    Anything that makes you more independent from the globalist sadomasochists IS RIGHT WING ACTIVISM. Joel Salatin may be apolitical, but his very life is one of implicit right wing activism. The elegantly simple title of his book, “You Can Farm” is a statement of independence and competence, not just for him, but “You” which means any and all of us.

    Personal competence translates to direct social influence. Someone like Imm or Dees has indirect social influence of government power backing him. Direct social influence is when you are Johnny on the Spot that has the knowledge, the ability, the competence, and an attitude that we can make a well functioning society better than the globalists can.

    Our best argument against the globalists is that they are mismanagers. The way to make this argument is not just with words, but by social initiatives that they don’t control. One example I have is to start mass producing restaurant take out pottery bowls to replace plastic/styrofoam/aluminum foil take out boxes. You pay a deposit of like 1 dollar to the restaurant, and get your deposit back when you return the clay bowl.. If you break the bowl, or want to keep it, it’s only a buck. If the bowl breaks, it doens’t pollute, it won’t choke an albatross in the South Pacific like plastic crap does.

    We do this on our own, and tell George Soros to go fuck himself. Our society is already open, we already know how best to manage our affairs. But we have to demonstrate this by being bottom up social reformers, and do things the bankers do not control.

  4. Our best argument against the globalists is that they are mismanagers.

    Definitely, and an underused argument at that. The current elite is failing miserably across the board; they are incompetent managers.

    Identifying them and calling them out on their failures is good politics.

  5. “A “friend” of the “white nationalist” “hate group” VDARE, Richard Spencer has started a new group called the “Alternative Right.” ”

    What is he trying to imply by putting the word “friend” in sneer quotes? That people he considers thoughtcriminals are so evil that they can’t possibly be friends with each other? LOL
    He also has “hate group,” a term which I’m assuming he endorses, in quotes.

    I have doubts about this man’s intelligence.

    Or rather, I don’t.

  6. Kievsky, in terms of sadomasochism, if the man is the dominant one, I’d say right-wingers would like it. If the man is the submissive one, it would appeal more to the lefties. (Or to the banksters who have power all day, and then want a break when they are off-hours.)

  7. Because we are immersed in it I think we forget what a powerful tool the internets really are. I freely admit I was essentially a Neo-con six years ago but the beauty of the internet is if you are an honest individual you will be exposed to new ideas that challenge you.

    That’s one of the reasons I am so hopeful.

  8. You have to wonder what the Red Imp would do with his life if he didn’t have “white racists” to decry and obsess over.

  9. I wonder if they can get some Obama grant money to harness the power of Ariel Love’s documented psychic ability in the name of equality and freedom.

    Choose Love, Not Hate.

  10. The only thing Ariel Love’s documented psychic ability is being used for is draining her husband of all originality. It’s as if she’s a psychic parasite of some kind. But of course that’s impossible!

  11. Jeffrey Imm is such a distraction – there was a blog recently that pointed out (as I said *all along*) that Imm had nothing to do with the hotel cancellations, that it was in fact some guy with the JDO.

    But here OD is, months afterward, still being distracted by Mr Love not Hate.

    Sort of like how many whites seem hung up on poor Negroes, but afraid to actually take on the enemy with real power – Jews.

  12. HW, of course, there is plenty of awareness, but all the practical suggestions seem to focus elsewhere.

    But yes, Imm is comedy gold, I certainly cannot disagree about that. I half suspect he’s been implanted with a Miniluv chip.

    But he’s one step below Guy White – why bother? Target the Queen, not the pawns.

  13. Jeffrey Imm and R.E.A.L. have an audience – OD and related sites. NO ONE else reads R.E.A.L. and no one else has even heard of him. The only “activism” Imm does is to call us names, and get us to respond. He’s a red herring, meant to have us looking this way instead of where the real action is, that way.

    Imm is our handler, paid for by the SPLC/ADL etc. Notice that JDO never talks about OD – they do their work quietly, because their audience isn’t us. It’s hardly worth arguing with Imm, linking to his ridiculous site, or even noticing him.

    Young 18-35 intelligent white activists may be better off talking about JDO, or SPLC/ADL directly – their rhetoric is just as laughable. I’m sure white Southern college kids would find Abe Foxman just as humorous. There are many clowning anti-racist groups that *do* have an audience that would be great targets for ridicule. It’s just that Imm has a non-WN audience of zero. We get no mileage out of engaging him.

    Obviously, that’s just my opinion, yours may vary.

  14. Jeffrey Imm is such a distraction – there was a blog recently that pointed out (as I said *all along*) that Imm had nothing to do with the hotel cancellations, that it was in fact some guy with the JDO.

    …The only “activism” Imm does is to call us names, and get us to respond. He’s a red herring, meant to have us looking this way instead of where the real action is, that way.

    Imm is our handler, paid for by the SPLC/ADL etc. Notice that JDO never talks about OD – they do their work quietly, because their audience isn’t us. …

    Absolutely correct, SSSS.

    (I thought I would repost this for all to see and be reminded of in case they missed it on other, earlier threads) –


    Why the Jewish Defense Organization Launches a Successful Boycott of a Hotel for allowing a Neo-Nazi Convention

    JDO launched a boycott against a hotel located in Virginia for daring to rent for a neo-nazi convention. It is true that JDO has launched and is continuing this important boycott and the effect is more than just local but national on various hotels across the US that have been asked by assorted Neo-Nazi and KKK misfits to rent for Jew-Hating and racist hate fests of the future, will think a million times over if they hear or read that not only were have been angry demonstrations at other hotels that rented to this neo-nazi outfit in the past. This local run by a despicable sleaze for renting to the neo-nazis but the Jews and others angry as well brought that Hotel to its knees with the additional weapon of boycott, meaning getting all potential customers to cancel ever using that hotel in the future.First, no greater justice can be done to the owners and management of the hotel.

    JDO plans on financially wrecking the hotel if they rent to these neo-nazis! This means effort and letting everyone also know the owners the manager be called and demand the neo-nazi meeting be cancelled immedaitely! This campaign is specifically aimed at the hotel, and its “rent to the Nazis” manager who rented unknowingly and eagerly to a band of neo-nazis that has hosted Nazi KKK pig David Duke speak about the “evil Jews” at its conventions. The neo-nazi that runs this group is one Jared Taylor. When JDO launched its campaign 8 weeks ago thousands called, and cabled Welliver to cancel this upcoming neo-nazi convention. Well, he allowed the neo-nazis in anyway. The only conscience the hotel has are its pockets, and if we financially wreck the hotel through a serious boycott every hotel will remember what JDO did to Welliver and his once proud hotel punished and brought to financial ruin by reaching out and getting every possible customer to cancel any parties planned there.

    The neo-nazi American Renaissance is holding their 9th biennial conference at the ??? on February 19-21, 2010 We just got word that the hotel cancelled the Nazi scum convention. Stop calling them, they did not know who they were renting to. Any info on where Jarad Taylor and his speakers will hold their nazi meeting would be greatly appreciated now that this hotel has cancelled.

    (***Imagine that, Jared Taylor is, and is hosting, a “Nazi scum convention”! RM LMFAO 😀 )

    Moral of the story — Jeffrey Imm – ‘the Imp’ – is still a window-dressing, red-herring, shabbos goy WIMP.

  15. Gee, its interesting that ‘Red Jeff’ thinks that it is all ‘relative’ when it comes to Whites having legitimate concerns and interests as a People, especially in respect to Blacks and Jews (particularly the crime and terror they both disproportionately inflict and commit), saying it is all just motivated out of seeking to ‘demean’ Blacks; and of course with the Khazars, peddling ‘anti-semitic’ ‘conspiracy theories’…


    when it comes to the enemies of Zionism, Jeff all of a sudden is an absolutist zealot in naming, and targeting for genocidal destruction, all such people –


    The growing problem of relativism is that some American companies, some American leaders, and a portion of the American people don’t care about the threats to our nation (or find such threats morbidly entertaining or amusing), don’t care about the Jihadist enemy, don’t care about our values, and aren’t willing to defend those values. Ideological relativism in America, the world’s bulwark of equality and liberty, is nothing less than national suicide.

    The most insidious threat of ideological relativism is found in the denial of the existence of Islamic supremacism itself in parts of the American government and throughout much of the American mainstream media and academia. Through an informed democracy, Americans could replace government leaders, policy advisers, and military leaders who hold a relativist view on Islamic supremacism. But while our nation’s values are disgraced by relativist nonsense from such leaders, our media and academia force feed the American public with a steady stream of propaganda of denial on Islamic supremacism, keeping the American public in a full nelson grip to keep them from fighting back in the war of ideas. Those who challenge Islamic supremacism are attacked as “Islamophobes,” while CNN, AP, and others promote members of organizations with links to Islamic supremacism as “representative” of grass-roots Muslim opinion.

    Such relativists are the “useful idiots” that Islamic supremacist leaders and organizations manipulate as part of their efforts to influence and infiltrate the American government. They have manipulated members of the American legislature, executive branch, judiciary, and our military, law enforcement, and counterterrorism communities. The passkey in every case has been the cancer of relativism. Without defenders of the values of equality and liberty in charge of America, our democratic nation is a wide open target for those who seek to subvert our government, our laws, our media, and our values.

    Yet we Whites are not supposed to care about the very ‘R.E.A.L. THREATS’ to our People — OUR NATION — as opposed to, merely, the ‘American’ state (or Empire)!!

    *Apparently Mr. Imp is a big believer in ‘anti-semitic’ conspiracy theories himself — with of course the ‘Semites’ in this case being ‘the real deal’ – the Arabs.

  16. Well, I guess Jeff is going to need the extra work now that he and his ‘wife’ are out of the psychic-scam business — with all that loss of income!


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