About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I can’t imagine AltRight is much intimidated by the Frum-nerds. Some gay kid, Jews and a couple Asians repeating leftist boilerplate is their version of conservatism. Anyone, even the most neoconned types can see what they are.

    He also said Richard Spencer was a “tough guy.” I don’t have an issue with Richard, but he doesn’t exactly come across that way on the intro video.

  2. @Sam: I recognized the name Knepper from this very link you provide. In took a few things away from that article. One, Alex Knepper has a weak sense of self, seeking to “reconcile” being gay and Republican, as if that’s some sort of accomplishment. Two, he was never asked back to write at Indegayforum. Three, he feels some sort of accomplishment at “supporting”, i.e., cheer-leading our ill-advised wars. I just knew he was a tool of David Horowitz’s boob hatchery, and uses their lexicon and clichés constantly. When Richard Spencer calls for federally-funded basketball remediation for self-admittedly frightened and scrawny white laptop bombardiers, then I’ll believe that he’s “a collectivist, not an individualist”. This pussycat needs to hit the wrestling mat with Jack Donovan.

  3. “Individualism” is a scam pushed by the collectivists and their extended phenotypes, because groups will always have an advantage when competing against individuals. Universal morality is only workable when everyone practices it.

  4. They’re not that individualistic, considering they want us all to believe the same thing and any deviation from multiracial correctness is shouted down with threats and stigma. It’s all empty rhetoric, duplicitous platitudes. They’re for freedom, democracy and individualism they tout, yet no one voted for mass immigration or changing America into a third world country. In reality they’re for conformity, authoritarianism and global collectivism.

    Hunter’s version of Nickel Rant, I like it.

  5. He also said Richard Spencer was a “tough guy.”

    Spencer is a tough guy compared to Knepper. Spencer could whip him rhetorically and physically. Knepper looks like Harry Potter, a scrawny, limp-wristed metrosexual.

    Harry Potter and the Mongoloid Mullet, starring Alex Knepper and Tim Mak. Coming to a multiracial theater near you!

  6. I’m not used to hearing my own voice.

    You sounded good, it’s nice to hear a Southern accent, it intimidates liberals.

  7. Spencer doesn’t much appreciate having the Jew named on his blog, so I’m afraid I cannot concur. Still, an improvement over Takimag.

  8. “Spencer is a tough guy compared to Knepper. Spencer could whip him rhetorically and physically. Knepper looks like Harry Potter, a scrawny, limp-wristed metrosexual.

    Harry Potter and the Mongoloid Mullet, starring Alex Knepper and Tim Mak. Coming to a multiracial theater near you!”

    Yeah, Alex Knepper went to the Frankfurt School of sophistry and diversity. The Frankfurt School has four houses. They are Feminism, Communism, Libertarianism, and Neo-Conservativism. Of course Knepper was a member of Neo-Conservativism house. The school is led by Morris Deesdorf. Knepper with his friends Tak and Frum have had to fight off the dread Professor Kevin Macdonaldmort. Alex Knepper is a rainbow wizard. Better watch it Nazis 🙂

  9. Interesting broadcast, but I think you should invest in a higher quality microphone. And talk over the mic, not into it.

  10. I can’t figure out why pole-smokers aren’t racialists. I understand when they were totally scorned in society, there were still anti-sodomy laws in some states and the cops routinely targeted gay bars they tactically piggybacked on downtrodden races’ civil rights struggles. But those days are over — they’ve gained more or less full acceptance civilly and in society. Black people almost to a man hate them. That demographic voted overwhelmingly against gay marraige in California.

    Being pro-middle east war is only slightly less stupid. They’re being suckered the same way the Hageeized Christians are. “Fighting them over there” creates gay-hater war refugees whom they bring — guess where? Over here to the West — to bash some gays. Not very bright.

  11. “That’s a ridiculous methodology. I’ll accept that claim for argument’s sake and still say that it’s bogus: African nations have not failed because the skin color of the people is black. The skin color is just a coincidence. It’s the culture that’s the problem.”

    Knepper is a complete twit, typical straw man fallacy. No one argues black behavior is explained merely by skin pigmentation.

    As the others faded into the background, he moved just inches away from my face, gave me a menacing look and yelled: “You little child. How dare you talk to me — me! — about the West! You don’t know the first thing about the West! You’re a little twelve-year-old who thinks he knows shit. Don’t you ever talk to me like that again or I will beat your face into the fucking ground!”

    Hell yeah! Spencer has my vote just for that!

    Richard Spencer is a fairly tough guy, and I’m, well, kind of scrawny. So I kept my mouth shut. But I was frightened.

    That’s right, keep your head down and your mouth shut, you little worm.

  12. Captain Chaos has delusions of adequacy.

    You are way out of your intellectual league against Spencer.

    You’re likely out of your physical league too.

  13. “You little child. How dare you talk to me — me! — about the West! You don’t know the first thing about the West! You’re a little twelve-year-old who thinks he knows shit. Don’t you ever talk to me like that again or I will beat your face into the fucking ground!”

    This surprises me because when I’ve seen Spencer speak he always seemed soft-spoken and mild-mannered. But I guess he has a little of the Northman rage in him. I can see how some smarmy little critter like this could bring out the worst in him, LOL.

  14. “He probably doesn’t want retarded comments over there.”

    I should think that the millenarian aspirations of our would be masters is worth addressing, in comments, or otherwise.

    “Captain Chaos has delusions of adequacy.”

    LOL! Remember to place that bag over your head when ever in public out of consideration for the feelings of your fellows.

  15. Why is this blog have a man crush on some paleocon nobody named Richard Spencer. His blog is not in any way White Nationalist let alone anti Jewish Supremacist. Jews don’t give a fig about pale-conservatives and neither should we. That Jew who recently bought the American Conservative only did so because the magazine threatened to shut down and begged for someone, anyone to buy it.

    As for Richard Spencer, I don’t know anything about him only that he looks like a homosexual and far too young and frankly dim to have any political opinions of any interest to us.

  16. I know where he is coming from. I didn’t describe myself as a “White Nationalist” for seven years because of the deranged people who are so common on WN messageboards. There are really people out there who see ZOG in their cornflakes.

  17. 1.) Richard Spencer is not a paleocon. He said the other day that paleoconservatism is useless.

    2.) Richard Spencer has a hot girlfriend.


    3.) Alt Right addresses race and other issues of concern to us.

    4.) Alt Right is attacked by people who are our avowed enemies.

    5.) I will always defend without hesitation people who I consider friends. See my response to Alex Linder’s attack on Greg Johnson.

    Conservatives trip over themselves to stab their own friends in the back whenever some stupid leftist starts crying racism. I tend to have exactly the opposite reaction.

    6.) Spencer is highly intelligent and knows how to build a popular webzine. He is smarter than his critics.

    7.) Spencer hasn’t backed down after being attacked by Imagine 2050, Red Jeffrey, and the Frumbots.

    8.) Who are you? I’ve never heard of you before. If you have a problem with Alt Right, why don’t you go create your own website? Let’s see if you can do a better job. I doubt it.

  18. Looks like a homo? Why because he is well groomed? Give me a break.

    When it comes to the JQ, I think it comes down to being balanced versus coming across as OCD. That’s what is great about Kevin MacDonald–he is reasonable–and that’s why he is under constant attack personally, but no one ever debates his ideas.

    Captain Chaos–What a pathetic retort. It was that type of nonsense that made you look like an idiot at TakiMag–and yet you persist in your delusion that you out debated everyone. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.

  19. @Lady Lurker
    Captain Chaos is not the best debater in the world, but he really pissed off Zmirak and the other Catholics on Takimag. And let us not forget about Captain Chaos glorious duels with the libertarians on Takimag, especially Raimondo, who felt that race was just skin deep. Because of those two groups I am proud to say, GO GO CAPTAIN CHAOS.

    @Captain Chaos
    But seriously Captain Chaos, please show some restraint in your dealings with the Alternative Right website. I think Richard Spencer as an awesome website in the making. Takimag imploded not because of you, but because of the Libertarians and Catholics that wanted to make the webzine colorblind. I think Spencer learned his lesson.

    @General Audience
    Not attacking Catholics in general, but the traditionalist Catholics were really anti-white nationalist on Takimag. The Libertarians it was not a big shock, but with the traditionalist Catholics it was pretty amazing.

  20. Even the Jews that were not Libertarians had more tolerance for the white nationalists on Takimag, which is really only Paul Gottfried 🙂

  21. I think Richard Spencer knows kung fu or some type of martial arts. He is pretty diehard about keeping in shape.

    Naw, it’s the “Mongoloid Mullet” Tim Mak that knows the kung-fu.

    Spencer is a practitioner of the hitherto unknown, esoteric, pre-Christian, Norse-Celtic, Druidic-Odinist martial art of “Niflheim Nidhogg Bendigeidfrân.”

  22. Zmirak isn’t a real Catholic trad, he’s a pseudo-trad. He likes the Latin Mass, but that’s about it. I’m not convinced he’s politically conservative either. If it weren’t for abortion he wouldn’t vote for right-wing candidates.

    Catholic traditionalists (real Catholics) as opposed to “conservative Catholics” are very right-wing politically. In France, where they are most dominant, they are almost always aligned with LePen.

    I like Raimondo, he is spot-on in his criticism of Israel and the neo-cons. I was very surprised by how eager he was to silence those he disagreed with regarding racial issues. Seems so contrary to his free speech beliefs, though his position regarding race is completely consistent with his convictions regarding collectivism.

  23. African nations have not failed because the skin color of the people is black. The skin color is just a coincidence. It’s the culture that’s the problem.”
    Is this guy in the 6th grade? How can someone’s reasoning process short-circuit like that and not arrive at the correct conclusion? His boolean operator is lisping.

    As for Raimondo, its for people like him that a lot of us left libertoon theology long ago and took to the JQ so easily. He represents the very essence of it.

  24. “Zmirak isn’t a real Catholic trad, he’s a pseudo-trad.”

    Why must you say “trad”? What’s wrong with the word “traditionalist”?

  25. I like Raimondo, he is spot-on in his criticism of Israel and the neo-cons. I was very surprised by how eager he was to silence those he disagreed with regarding racial issues. Seems so contrary to his free speech beliefs, though his position regarding race is completely consistent with his convictions regarding collectivism.


    I know what you mean — his site Antiwar.com is simply excellent on the role of the neo-cons in promoting war and on ‘American’ foreign policy and the like.


  26. BTW, what’s up with this Jack Donovan guy?

    Why is a homo writing about “paleomasculinity” at Alternative Right?

    I guess Spencer is really serious about this pre-Christian pagan stuff – though I didn’t know he had pagan Classical Greece man-love in mind.

    What’s next, Derbyshire writing about racial purity at Alternative Right?

  27. Considering the recent bad news from the census about the impending demographic news…more White should excercise and learn how to defend themselves. A race war is inevitable. White Males better be in shape…

    I was assaulted by a home care worker from africa wo was “taking care” of my paraplegic dying brother. You would not believe what was going on. He was 6 4′ nigger from african. I snapped and broke his nose and jaw. This explains why a lot of my posts over the past three years in different places tend to have a high blood and guts content.

    Millions of White Americans have no idea what’s in store for them. But get this:this nigger from Africa can vote to make me and my family a rqcial minority.

    White Males are going to be murdered. Their wives will be ganged raped and made into sex slaves.

  28. Takimag imploded not because of you, but because of the Libertarians and Catholics that wanted to make the webzine colorblind. – AGis

    That’s true, by the time CC was on there it was becoming an anti-racist sewer. Why we’d want to preserve something like that, I don’t know. What was Taki thinking with people like Raimondo and Zmirak anyway?

    Seems so contrary to his free speech beliefs, though his position regarding race is completely consistent with his convictions regarding collectivism. – LL

    I don’t think it’s consistent at all. He’s only a nominal ‘individualist’ – as soon as someone disagrees with his world view he’s all for condemning them in the strongest and most vicious terms. I’m all for principled disagreements but what Raimondo did went beyond that into the territory of dishonorable smear (which is what you’d expect from the neocons he supposedly despises).

    It’s true, Raimondo performs a valuable service regarding his exposure of the neocons but I was very disappointed to see that other side of his personality.

  29. Homosexuals and pedaphiles use immigrant driven diversity as a cover for their filthy and degenerate life-styles. I believe this goes a long way to explaining the brutal suppresion of the BNP.

    The Dragnet net that exposed rock star Pete Townsend as a filthy pedaphile-from rumors I’ve heard-was intended to go after the pedaphiles in the Goverment.

    John Zimrak,still working on the great American novel. Very sad.

  30. “The skin color is just a coincidence. It’s the culture that’s the problem.”

    This is such an ancient argument that it’s almost a waste of time to address it.

    The little fellow never heard of race I.Q. and heredity or behavioral genetics.

    Genes, of course, create culture.

  31. FB,
    If that’s his argument as his memory and vanity can reconstruct it, one can only imagine how pathetic it sounded on the first take.

    One correction that I do have to add is that there actually have been Black nations that have been effectively governed and have been awash in wealth. The anomalous case of Botswana was mentioned in the comments. Though, I believe its pathetic state despite decades of universal education and an average income comparable to first world nations is quite possibly the strongest confirmation of unbridgeable differences one could offer.

  32. The little fellow never heard of race I.Q. and heredity or behavioral genetics. – FB

    Besides that, there are clear physical differences between whites and negroids: musculature, hair type, skull shape, bones, etc. There are enough physical and mental differences between the two to reasonably assume that the two are different species. Which is the current point of view of eminent minds in the field of race, i.e. Richard Fuerle.

  33. The anomalous case of Botswana was mentioned in the comments. – MP

    Botswana has only 1,990,876 people. It is also rich in natural resources. There are furthermore not strong ethnic/tribal tensions as in the rest of Africa. These three things strongly contribute to Botswana’s unique situation.

  34. enough physical and mental differences – my comment

    Another thing geneticists have noted is that there is as much genetic distance between tribes of negroes as between races in other parts of the world which lends credibility to Fuerle’s thesis that negroes are in fact a diverse collection of hybrids rather than a single race.

  35. Botswana might be a “success” (I don’t know) but compared to what? The bar isn’t set very high in Africa.

  36. Not to get all uppity, but the case of Botswana is one that we need to know enough about to be able to go on the offensive with when debated. I’ve seen its situation used to devastating effect against flat-footed realists. Many of us don’t even realize that there’s a Black country in Africa that’s been rich and well-governed since the fall of colonialism. It’s really boggling, even for somebody who ostensibly knows better, to see these people with their level of “education” and income living like that.

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