Anger Building

I continue to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of the rage and acrimony unleashed by the healthcare debate. Here’s a priceless gem from The Washington Post that swedish fish found and left in the comments. Courtland Milloy, a negro columnist, writes:

“I know how the “tea party” people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.

I am sick of these people — and those who make excuses for them and their victim-whiner mentality.”

Any White columnist who wrote a similar column for a conservative magazine or newspaper threatening violence against blacks would be fired on the spot. He would be untouchable. His career in respectable mainstream journalism would be over. “White privilege” works in mysterious ways.

The Tea Party Movement can bury its collective head in the sand and pretend that the healthcare debate is not about race. The Left passionately disagrees. It is composed of professional grievance organizations (racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation) who are accustomed to thinking in “us vs. them” terms. They look at the Tea Party protests and see scores of angry White people. The mental image of White resistance to the Civil Rights Movement (Bull Connor and firehoses) instantly comes to mind.

Once again, I will reiterate one of the oldest White Nationalist adages: you might not be interested in race, but race-based groups are interested in you. The Tea Party Movement is going to be demonized as “racist” for no other reason than the fact that the majority of its members are White, angry, and opposed to Obama. We’ve come full circle in America: White skin color is now enough to earn you hatred, vitriol, and racial abuse from the multiculturalist establishment.

Here are a few questions I would like to ask the Tea Party Movement:

1.) In light of recent experience, do you still believe we are “progressing” toward a “post-racial” society, or does it seem more likely that Whites will become a degraded over-taxed minority as our numbers dwindle?

2.) Do you think your White grandchildren will live in a better world than the one you inherited?

3.) Does the America you love seem to be slipping away?

4.) Barack Obama promised a “post-racial” America in his 2008 campaign. Does this seem like a “post-racial” society to you? If Barack Obama can’t move America beyond race, can anyone?

5.) Do you honestly believe all of these privileged race-based groups will suddenly fall to their knees and embrace individualism and colorblindness any time soon?

6.) Have you ever pondered the thought that America might be lost?

I suspect your answers are similar to ours.

In The Washington Times, Jeffrey Kuehner wonders whether America will break up in the future. He notes that the American Heartland is dangerously alienated from the political class in Washington. Kuehner points out that the rhetoric of state sovereignty, states’ rights, and nullification are back in the air.

White Nationalists have already accepted this fate. The broader American Right finally appears to be moving beyond its distraction with Islamic terrorism and realizing that the country itself is being subverted from within. The earliest glimmers of this awakening might portend unsavory consequences for the Obama administration.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Not only do the TPs not know about the JQ, they seem to have basic trouble understanding any questions.

    They are scared of Obama, but for all the wrong reasons. They think Obama is a Secret Muslim. One of them actually said “they wanted a black guy with an Arab name to appease the terrorists.” They think that Obama is *anti-Israel!*

    I know a Christian Zionist Tea Party type who was extremely agitated about the Death Panels, and was absolutely certain that Rahm Emmanuel had actually used the term. When he was told that Rahm Emmanuel was Jewish, and a strong supporter of Israel – he simply refused to believe it. How do you deal with that level of deliberate ignorance?

    This is what happens when your “movement” is organized by Glenn Beck and other TV actors.

    But the anger is real – the question is whether or not that anger is going to be directed into something worthwhile, or the same old shit. Doesn’t look promising.

  2. The TP crowd is still living in Make-Believe-America. A mythical world of race denial, ideological fantasy, and democratic delusions galore. Well intentioned people, who have yet to figure out that they are engulfed in an anti-White race war. Most are Foxtards who economic dispossession and Negro violence may eventually, we hope, enlighten.

  3. Willful ignorance and irrational reactions to challenging preconceived notions is human nature. You’re telling people that they’re wrong, and that’s never easy for their egos to take. This is not exclusive to TP’ers.

    “I am sick of these people — and those who make excuses for them and their victim-whiner mentality.”

    “Courtland Milloy’s column began in 1983 and deals primarily with issues that affect the lives of African Americans.”

    The hypocrisy of the left and non-whites knows no bounds. All of this coming from a person who openly proclaims and actively works for his racial community.

    Coming from someone like him, Cro-Magnon is a compliment.

  4. TL;DR – the immediate goal with the Tea Parties is to get them to fight against the coming amnesty.

    Let’s break this down strategically:

    “Tea Party” is too broad of a term. There are actually about four different groups being referred to as the Tea Party.

    First, the original Tea Party were the Ron Paul fans. We all know his demographics, lots of young libertarian college students organized online, various WNs and SF types who thought Paul was the best bet, and other assorted types unhappy with the GOP status quo and the legacy of the Bush regime, some Christian independents and anti-war types. Paul’s fan base was virtually 100% white.

    The second Tea Party was during the bailouts. The quote from a Congressman said it all “we got two types of phone calls, no, and hell no.” This Tea Party was a lot broader in scope and was the main birth of the modern movement. This was really just a lot of extremely pissed off people that could not believe they were being forced to bail out Bernie Madoff’s business partners.

    The third wave came directly after the election. This is the FOX News Tea Baggers Party. Glenn Beck and his (disgusting and shameful) 9-12 Project. This was a basic anti-Obama movement. Mostly FOX tards, but starting to grow.

    The fourth Tea Party was almost wholly astroturf – the anti-health care crowds. These were organized and directed by various Republican public relations firms. They bussed in people and told them to yell at the meetings and the like. These were mostly FOX tards as well, but again it grew.

    As everyone here recognizes, all of these various groups are lily white.

    The FOX tards have the numbers, but no leadership – they literally take their marching orders from FOX news and Glenn Beck and their on the ground organizers are Republican party staffers, funded by the Chamber of Commerce and the like.

    All of the non-FOX tards in the movement are as close to on our side as they can be, whatever their differences. All they need are some visible leaders and they will show up with the pitchforks. God bless them, each and every one.

    The FOX tards are a problem to be solved. They are going to follow whatever the establishment GOP and FOX news says. They will be the first to try to purge the “racists” and “anti-immigration xenophobes” and especially, any one not fully worshipful towards Jews and Israel. They believe that if they can only vote in some conservative candidates, and maybe impeach Obama, they can go back home and finish watching TV. We have to find a way to break the FOX tards out of their spell. They could be a huge asset, or an unbearable liability.

    I’m absolutely serious when I say that if we could invent a device that would short circuit every TV in America, we’d be half way to victory.

  5. Can’t repeat that saying about race being interested in those that pretend they don’t notice race enough. Race stalks this country like nothing else, Marxism in its current form could not exist without “race.”

  6. Here’s why I crap on Amren; the mod wouldn’t post the following:

    What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, right? Universal equality, right?

    Then the author should explain to me why whites in America should be held as having inferior rights compared to Jews in Israel. He should explain why Jews in Israel get to create apartheid between Jews and non-Jews, one set of roads for Jews and another set of roads for non-Jews, restrict immigration to Jews, restrict marriage between Jews and non-Jews, etc., etc., etc, yet whites in America and Europe have to turn their homelands over to anyone and everyone, with a smile no less.

    I want a proper response to this. If there’s one set of rules for us, and another set of rules for Jews in Israel, why should anyone take the assertions of “equality” or “equal rights” seriously? Obviously they’re lies.

    Until the author and his ilk address this issue in a forthright manner, they can expect the trend to be towards increasing numbers of whites choosing “white supremacy” (liberal code for a mentally emancipated white), not “humanity” (liberal code for a mentally enslaved white).

    In other words, they kiss so much Jewish ass at Amren, and so lovingly, that we can’t make posts that refer to Israel and Jews in a way that HUFFINGTON POST probably wouldn’t mind (sure, they’d mind me advocating sauce for the gander (us), but that obviously isn’t Amren’s problem here).

  7. All I did was 1) point out what Jews have in Israel and 2) point out I’D LIKE TO DO THE SAME THING, but I suppose that’s too “anti-Semitic” to the chapped-lips-from-kissing-so-much-Jewish-ass folks at Amren.

  8. At the Tea Party meeting I attended recently there was a presentation regarding Numbers USA in response to which I stated the need for a moratorium on all immigration, including legal immigration. The speaker seemed to concur, and made an oblique reference to the Immigration Act of 1924. Afterwards a middle-aged woman approached me and asked me if I had heard of the phrase “the browning of America.” I tipped her off to Vdare and other things relevant to racial differences and the innate affinity we have for our own people.

    There certainly are instances of implicit Whiteness within this movement. Not making the effort to infiltrate and co-opt it would be to squander a big opportunity.

  9. The irony is that left-liberals are whining about how conservatives “promote violence.” So when conservatives talk about targeting Democratic incumbents, it’s horrible because they used “targeting,” which has violent connotations, yet it’s okay for a black columnist to write about wanting to commit violent acts against protesters.

  10. Svigor, AmRen has been Jew-friendly since its beginning. Four of the nine speakers at the original conference were Jewish. There was even an Orthodox Rabbi!

    I’ll give AmRen credit for spreading race realism. The Color of Crime gave me a factual basis for racial differences and pushed me into White Nationalism. But it’s insane how they can write about the decline of the West and its causes without naming the Jew.

  11. Amren has become so restrictive, I barely waste any time in thought for posts that will be more often be ignored. Moderating has become censorship at Amren and its censorship of others hasn’t stopped others’ censorship of it.

  12. Svigor – post #8 – I remeber you from AmRen Comments.

    I was supposed to attend the 2010 debacle – but I could not get out of work (long story).

    I lamented my inability to be there.

    I have a pal, that always sez, “There’s a reason why everything happens”.

    I am now happy that work prevented me from attending.

    A felt sorrowful, at first. I am sorry I didn’t see some old pals, and I’m sorry I missed the chance to meet new ones – but, upon weeks of reflection – I’m completely disgusted with the castratis of American Renaissance.

    I know Jared Taylor has produced wonderful things, and the writing in the magazine is still superb – but the reaction, of Taylor, et al, to his grotesque treatment, after being an utter gentleman about everything, is absolute proof of the utter futility of decades of “decent, respectable” behavior, in terms of fighting for one’s very survival.

    Oh – we shouldn’t be out slinging the War Hammer, in every setting – but we should be swinging the War Hammer.

    Taylor, instead of his polite outrage pieces, ought to have called every Kikenvermin he knows – and he knows plenty – and gone off. He should have cursed out every last one of them, in the vilest and filthiest terms imaginable, and arranged ……interesting “demonstrations”. Savages respect savagery – not clean polished fingernails. He conceded their dominance over him, when he stopped publishing articles on the outrages perprated by Israel.

    I have no use for eunichs like Taylor, et al. I really do not. In historical terms – issues are always, always, always resolved by one guy, bashing in the skull, of another.


    Now, if decides Taylor to grow a pair – or reactivates even one gonad – and begins publishing pieces on the organ-dealing rings of Israel. I may regain a shred of respect. Meanwhile – Old Lady Taylor can sit on the sidelines, and stie his weak tea, sitting in his rocking chair.

  13. Joanne Dee Post 13 – Excellent statement on the state of AmRen Comments.

    Oh – ps – I’d be moe than happy to offer my services, to Taylor, et al, on how to (verbally) “Ream Out a Jew”.

    Think Taylor would be interested in my convival offer?

  14. “I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads”

    God, please let them start doing this….

    I want to see these fat slob blacks perched in affirmative action jobs to come out and start violence. Let White America see the real face of these so-called “Americans.”

  15. Svigor, captainchaos et al: Amren may reject you but MR misses you! You have made this site worth reading — please drop by the old blog once in a while if you can find the time.

  16. Svigor if your familiar with AMREN then you know your wasting your time trying to get anything like that through the moderators. I’ve found I can’t even post something with a known Jewish figure in it without the person’s name being censored out of the post or they don’t post it at all. AMREN had better start adapting a real time blogging forum similiar to Occidental Dissent or just about every other pro-White forum has out there or the people that support it will grow tired of the censorship and go elsewhere. That’s what I did.

    I just came from my first Tea Party that was held in my town with Rand Paul as the guest speaker. I’ve found that what people say on here about the people attending are true. These are not like minded people. I’d say 80 percent of the people attending were over 45 and all were White. There were several speakers on before Ron Paul and they were speaking on topics about taxation, the national debt, abortion, etc, all the standard Republican platform topics.
    One guy got up there and starting talking about how the Tea Parties transcend party, class and race. I’m looking around at the exclusively White faces in the crowd and wondering how anyone could spew that kind of rhetoric out with a straight face. He talked about how serious the illegal immigration problem was but said Tea Partiers didn’t have a problem with legal immigration and that everyone there originated from some other country whether it was Europe or some other place. Everyone I could see was discernably of European ancestry. I’m wondering how everyone in that crowd would feel if our 98 percent White town was suddenly invaded by the open sewers of the third world.
    The next speaker got up and started talking about how America should support Israel and that the Jews were the chosen people quoting Bible scriptures from the Old Testament. My blood was boiling at this point and I’m normally a very reserved person but I started shouting at him about the Old Covenant being irrelevant and how people who accept Christ are the chosen. He started talking again and I shouted out worship Christ not Jews. Then some people in the crowd said Jesus was a Jew and I shouted out worship Christ not Judaism. He started talking again and I shouted out that both parties were controlled by the Jews. His response was to say he wasn’t a Jew and to allow him the courtesy to speak.
    I don’t know if I helped or hurt Tea Party cause by showing such a display of emotion but I was angry and having that venue to vent really made me feel good and I got to ask Paul to bring the troops home. My picture got taken by a photographer, not sure if it was local or other but I’m sure the headline, if there are any, will be Nazi KKK Tea Partier Extremist Goes Berserk.

  17. Fjordman sees the light. From Mangan’s:
    At 3/27/2010 04:01:00 PM, Fjordman said…
    As I wrote in the Death of Democracy thread over at Gates of Vienna, the democratic system has been formally abolished for half a billion Europeans due to the EU. It is severely weakened in the USA and only used for implementing Socialism. The democratic system has failed spectacularly in dealing with immigration and is breaking down as we speak, actively aided by post-Western, Globalist oligarchs. We should start talking about how to deal with our post-democratic future.

    We have no real choices, we can only choose from a preselected menu of right-wing and left-wing Globalists. We get Globalist Multiculturalism and mass immigration either way. We have just one ruling party throughout the Western world, and that is the Transnational Party for Anti-White Global Socialism, or perhaps we can simply call it the Transnational Party for Screwing Whitey. We only retain the right to vote for which figurehead the Party displays on TV at any given moment. If, God forbid, you actually constitute a real opposition to the status quo you will be beaten up by state-sponsored thugs like the Sweden Democrats, banned by the courts like the Vlaams Blok, demonized as a crypto-Nazi like Geert Wilders or executed as a Multicultural heretic like Pim Fortuyn.

    I am absolutely convinced that in order for the white West to survive we need to inject a healthy dose of masculine pride into white men. Women can play supporting roles of vital importance in defending a civilization, but they cannot have the primary role. A civilization is always first and foremost established and defended by men. If a nation disarms its men, morally and literally, then it leaves itself and its women unprotected from external enemies. This is what is happening to us now.

    Our Marxist internal enemies have spent generations trying to turn white women against white men, and thereby turning Western women into a weapon of mass destruction against their own civilization. They have been spectacularly successful in this regard. The end result is that Western women are less free and secure and more targets of violence and sexual abuse than ever before. Since a nation can only be defended by men who have pride in their people and the masculine will and courage to defend it, we need to restore these two qualities or we will perish. It’s that simple. It’s about survival, it’s not a “conspiracy to keep women down.”

    Contrary to what some Feminists might claim there never has been such a thing as a matriarchal society, at least not among advanced civilizations. All cultures are patriarchal, and there is presumably a reason for that. It is true that some patriarchal cultures have been or are extremely cruel to women, but even among cultures that have a justified reputation for granting a high degree of respect to women, for instance the ancient Egyptians or medieval Germanic peoples, the political and military power still resided in the hands of men.

  18. Instead of complaining about Amren, it would make more sense to write content for OD. If you have an insightful article about Jews, send it to me and I will post it here.

  19. Courtland Milloy the black racist:

    “I am sick of these people — and those who make excuses for them and their victim-whiner mentality.”

    The sheer hypocrisy of this statement is staggering. The people who do the least whining in America are White people. You gotta be kidding me. We’ve been listening to various non-Whites bitch and moan for years now about every damn thing. And it worked. They have Guilty Whites groveling at their feet catering to their whims with government handouts in the billions, advocacy groups, AA, college courses, television channels, amnesty for invading our country illegally, and on and on. They have the pandering weaklings and other anti-White racists in the corrupt media on their side on every issue.

    Every non-White failure is usually blamed on White people. Now that’s pathetic.

    Meanwhile these Tea Party Whites want “smaller government and lower taxes.” Wow such whiners.

  20. 6.) Have you ever pondered the thought that America might be lost?

    “Look for it only in books, for it is no more than a dream remembered. A Civilization gone with the wind…”

  21. What’s so illogical about all of this, at least to me, is that none of this would be happening without the cooperation of White traitors in our midst. Politicians, including liberals who vote for amnesty are basically voting themselves out of power because the alien hordes will turn around and vote their own people into office. It’s even more difficult to understand if they have children because they’re helping to create a world hostile to them. Money is not going to shield you in the long run because even the wealthy South Africans had to abandon the country in the long run.

  22. The issue of Whiteness of the Tea Parties should be confronted directly. The media is guilt-tripping us on it anyway. Our comrades need to be shown an option that doesn’t require self-abnegation.

    We are being accused of being “racist” “haters” for instinctively protesting and advocating in our own interests, and for the simple reason that too many of us are White. No other group is treated like this. The media and politicians never make a stink about the pro-amnesty crowds being too brown. So we are White, and we’re concerned about our future. And they attack us for this. We can face this without denying who we are and what we want. We want our country back. We want the parasites off our backs. Anybody who has a problem with this can go to hell.

  23. I think the best that could be hoped for, which is still a lot, is that white nationalists, by joining the tea party movement and getting to know locals involved, could get some new recruits. think of it as a gleaning operation. for every 100 people sympathetic to the Tea Party, there is one person who would be a sympathetic subscriber to American Renaissance, if only he was introduced to them by a friend or aquaintance he trusted.

    on the other hand, as far as tea parties becoming more explicitely white, i don’t see how that could happen. they’re being accused of racism today without even being racist. if a racist caucus were to emerge within the movement, there would be a tremendous temptation for the non-racist majority to make a show of expelling the racists in order to prove their own anti-racist bonifides.

  24. 16 Denise – he’d never even respond! He is a true gentleman though. I have a hard time saying anything bad about him but I understand your frustrations. I have my own. He does start the process of waking up dead whites. It’s a good place to send nervous whites who aren’t sure they want to cross over.

    I remember when I was a young girl, mom took me to the supermarket one day and she had an argument with a Jew woman. I only remember a few of mom’s words “Hitler didn’t do enough.” It used to bother me but it doesn’t anymore. Now, I understand. Mom was light years ahead of her time.

  25. Well gee, Tan, that’s what I’m attempting to do at least. And without climbing up on the rooftops and screaming about Nazis and Jews no less (although I certainly do slip in cryptic references to the latter), surprising as that might be.

    I recall saying to the lady who asked me about the “browning of America” in terms of qualifying my resolve, “It is the truth, and I will speak it. Burn me to the ground and bag my ashes, but I’ll never grovel.”

    Soren, so long as MR remains the most intellectually sophisticated and radical WN blog on the Web it retains my first loyalty. No worries. All this ‘accommodation with the zeitgeist’ schlock you find here, and elsewhere, erm, tends to make me retch. If I want pure bullshit, or truth mixed with some amount of bullshit, I’ll turn on the tube.

    Oh life, how short it is, and so too valuable to be wasted by saying what one doesn’t really think or listening to those who do that.

  26. Crypto-Aryan, I have a feeling that if I were to address you as aggressively as I’d like that I’d be put on “moderation” by this site’s owner. So please let my vehement opposition to your very personage be stipulated in your mind.

  27. Many TP aren’t just indifferent to the JQ, they are rabidly pro-Jewish and Israel firsters. Many of them are hicks who don’t know any Jewish people in real life and get all their information about Jews from the Jewish media. They have the kind of attitude towards Jews that Scandinavians have towards blacks: idealized and naive.

    The moderation policy on Amren is outrageous. It would be nice to have a central place to post all comments before we submit them so we can all see what they are censoring. Even many mainstream sites like Newsweek allow more open discussion of Jews. Many times, I have been censored just for pointing out that some anti-white activist they posted an article about is Jewish, or even just for posting their birth names.

  28. I know ATBOTL, and you make much more of an attempt to sugar coat the truth than I (of course you have the advantage of not being “deranged”). Life just isn’t fair.

  29. Must be A Wash Post, NY Time one two punch

    Whose Country Is It?

    The far-right extremists have gone into conniptions.

    The bullying, threats, and acts of violence following the passage of health care reform have been shocking, but they’re only the most recent manifestations of an increasing sense of desperation.

    …A Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday took a look at the Tea Party members and found them to be just as anachronistic to the direction of the country’s demographics as the Republican Party. For instance, they were disproportionately white, evangelical Christian and “less educated … than the average Joe and Jane Six-Pack.” This at a time when the country is becoming more diverse (some demographers believe that 2010 could be the first year that most children born in the country will be nonwhite), less doctrinally dogmatic, and college enrollment is through the roof. The Tea Party, my friends, is not the future.

    You may want “your country back,” but you can’t have it. That sound you hear is the relentless, irrepressible march of change. Welcome to America: The Remix.

  30. This is great!

    All these threats flying through the air! There is no way the status quo is going to survive!

    It is time for the whole pathetic house of cards to collapse! Personally I am hoping for an ‘American Years of Lead’.

    Note: I am sure that the violent nature of Blacks or Mestizos (look at ‘The Color of Crime’) will be what sparks everything off, Whites need only sit back and wait for the eventual acts and then take up the morally appropriate ‘self-defense’ position. Make it look like coloreds started it!!

  31. I dropped my subscription to Am Ren 5 years ago. It’s too soft core for me. When you get censored constantly, and can’t even use the word ‘Negro’, at a purported race realist site, they have a problem. They are so touchy-feely on the JQ, it’s preposterous, and their Foxtard style anti-Muslim drivel is an intentional distraction. I only give money to very explicit White causes now. Anything else is a half measure, and a waste of time and money. Accept no substitutes for real and explicit White racial causes. The hour is late, and pussy-footing is hazardous to our genetic survival at this stage of the racial debacle.
    Admittadly, Am Ren is still a useful gateway into the WN world, for those not yet race wise.

  32. Your wasting your time with AMREN, it’s nothing but kosher certified White advocacy with Jews, conservative gays, orientals and asianphiles thrown into the mix. I grew tired of having to codify my posts about Jews by calling them internationalists, banksters or money changers and I don’t think the average novice reader on the site even grasps what I’m talking about. AMREN even had the audacity to print some pro-zionist stories including the one about the Israeli ambassador being heckled by Muslim students on a college campus. Taylor’s Jewish partners (handlers?) are becoming too obvious.

  33. Charles U. Farley412:

    I can personally vouch for the fact that we are much better shots. The gun culture is 2-5 % of this country, ex-military, ex-LEO, but the majority, neither. Almost 100% white. We are just guys that grew up shooting, and take pride in hitting an orange at 200 yards. Some are TP’s, but all of us have bitched about taxes and fedgov over-reach. We teach our white women how to shoot, our nephews also. We don’t necessarily hunt. We own 3-100 guns, and we can field strip them all.

    We are like the group in Fight Club:

    “Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not… fuck with us.”


  34. Joanne – Post 29 – Yes. I do understand. I admire Jared Taylor. I am dismayed that he’s not…furious…..reacting more….I want “leaders” to be leaders.

    Gentlemanly behavior is not the thing that’s needed, now. We need the blood up, red and coursing. We need fury. Icy cold, murderous fury.

    Rage, anger, hatred – these are pure primal emotions. Fueling energy. Emotions are not “good” or “bad” – emotions *are*

    Channelled properly – the so-called “negative” emotions will carry us very very far……

  35. Rodger – good on ya. Don’t worry aboujt press coverage. Who cares? The funny thing, with the bad press – my current group is already hip to the fact that the press will make up anything, and is going to make up anything. My group would be inclined to blow reports of a “KKK Nazi Hater” presence right off (hee hee hee!..of course…some of my group are….. uhhh….appreciative of the Nazi Hater KKK element ).

    I’ve heard the Jew Worship stuff, at TP events. I’m glad you called thme out on the proper focus of worship, for Christians. These people need to hear truth. I’ve already gotten into fights over the fact that it’s distorted, heretical doctrine.

    These Jew Worshippers are invariably Millenial Evangelicals, fully exploited by the Self- Chosen. The smarter ones know what Jews are doing – they want the Apocalypse – so they can wait for Jesus to come, and take them up to Heaven in His great big gold Cadillac, for being such good little Zio-Xians.

    I’ve told them they are absolute heretics – John 8:44 baby! – and I hope they like boiling in fiery lakes.

    They get cheeeeeeeesed……..they almost never answer the John 8:44 taunt.

  36. Denise these people at these TPs, at least at this one, are totally clueless, not the kind I’ve heard about being fertile ground for recruitment. With so many of them being older people, growing up in a White America and watching the country turn into a third world garbage dump, they must have some idea of what’s going on.


    Many are still unaware of the eccentric, 180-year-old British theory underlying the politics of American evangelicals and Christian Zionists.
    Journalist and historian Dave MacPherson has spent more than 40 years focusing on the origin and spread of what is known as the apocalyptic “pretribulation rapture” – the inspiration behind Hal Lindsey’s bestsellers of the 1970s and Tim LaHaye’s today.
    Although promoters of this endtime evacuation from earth constantly repeat their slogan that “it’s imminent and always has been” (which critics view more as a sales pitch than a scriptural statement), it was unknown in all official theology and organized religion before 1830.
    And MacPherson’s research also reveals how hostile the pretrib rapture view has been to other faiths:
    It is anti-Islam. TV preacher John Hagee has been advocating “a pre-emptive military strike against Iran.” (Google “Roots of Warlike Christian Zionism.”)
    It is anti-Jewish. MacPherson’s book “The Rapture Plot” (see Armageddon Books etc.) exposes hypocritical anti-Jewishness in even the theory’s foundation.
    It is anti-Catholic. Lindsey and C. I. Scofield are two of many leaders who claim that the final Antichrist will be a Roman Catholic. (Google “Pretrib Hypocrisy.”)
    It is anti-Protestant. For this reason no major Protestant denomination has ever adopted this escapist view.
    It even has some anti-evangelical aspects. The first publication promoting this novel endtime view spoke degradingly of “the name by which the mixed multitude of modern Moabites love to be distinguished, – the Evangelical World.” (MacPherson’s “Plot,” p. 85)
    Despite the above, MacPherson proves that the “glue” that holds constantly in-fighting evangelicals together long enough to be victorious voting blocs in elections is the same “fly away” view. He notes that Jerry Falwell, when giving political speeches just before an election, would unfailingly state: “We believe in the pretribulational rapture!”
    In addition to “The Rapture Plot,” MacPherson’s many internet articles include “Famous Rapture Watchers,” “Pretrib Rapture Diehards,” “Edward Irving is Unnerving,” “America’s Pretrib Rapture Traffickers,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” “Pretrib Rapture Secrecy” and “Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty” (massive plagiarism, phony doctorates, changing of early “rapture” documents in order to falsely credit John Darby with this view, etc.!).
    Because of his devastating discoveries, MacPherson is now No. 1 on the “hate” list of pretrib rapture leaders!
    There’s no question that the leading promoters of this bizarre 19th century end-of-the-world doctrine are solidly pro-Israel and necessarily anti-Palestinian. In light of recently uncovered facts about this fringe-British-invented belief which has always been riddled with dishonesty, many are wondering why it should ever have any influence on Middle East affairs.
    This Johnny-come-lately view raises millions of dollars for political agendas. Only when scholars of all faiths begin to look deeply at it and widely air its “dirty linen” will it cease to be a power. It is the one theological view no one needs!
    With apologies to Winston Churchill – never has so much deception been foisted on so many by so few!

    [Also Google “David Letterman’s Hate, Etc.”]

    (I just discovered the above web item – Isidore)

  38. “Do any TP know about JQ?”

    Thankfully, no. The “JQ” is a non-issue to any sensible person. Let’s not scare aware potential recruits to the white nationalist movement with these insane conspiracy theories about Jews.

  39. I have one comment for those who concoct wild scenarios (typically violence-laden and action-packed) as to how the future will unfold, including the gun-obsessed nuts like FeminizedWesternMale, the “hard-right American nationalists” like seadragonconquerer, the race war fantasists like Jupiter, the Alex Jones-type conspiracy lunatics like Another Wallace, and the collapsitarians like Kievsky:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

  40. It would be good to acknowledge Amren’s brilliant format, but also to note the ease of duplicating the format, except allow commentary on the Jews. It should be semi-moderated for quality… more leeway for proven commenters, less for noobs…

    Amren shows you don’t need original content… OD could separate blog posts from news posts… use tabs

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