Anger Building

I continue to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of the rage and acrimony unleashed by the healthcare debate. Here’s a priceless gem from The Washington Post that swedish fish found and left in the comments. Courtland Milloy, a negro columnist, writes:

“I know how the “tea party” people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.

I am sick of these people — and those who make excuses for them and their victim-whiner mentality.”

Any White columnist who wrote a similar column for a conservative magazine or newspaper threatening violence against blacks would be fired on the spot. He would be untouchable. His career in respectable mainstream journalism would be over. “White privilege” works in mysterious ways.

The Tea Party Movement can bury its collective head in the sand and pretend that the healthcare debate is not about race. The Left passionately disagrees. It is composed of professional grievance organizations (racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation) who are accustomed to thinking in “us vs. them” terms. They look at the Tea Party protests and see scores of angry White people. The mental image of White resistance to the Civil Rights Movement (Bull Connor and firehoses) instantly comes to mind.

Once again, I will reiterate one of the oldest White Nationalist adages: you might not be interested in race, but race-based groups are interested in you. The Tea Party Movement is going to be demonized as “racist” for no other reason than the fact that the majority of its members are White, angry, and opposed to Obama. We’ve come full circle in America: White skin color is now enough to earn you hatred, vitriol, and racial abuse from the multiculturalist establishment.

Here are a few questions I would like to ask the Tea Party Movement:

1.) In light of recent experience, do you still believe we are “progressing” toward a “post-racial” society, or does it seem more likely that Whites will become a degraded over-taxed minority as our numbers dwindle?

2.) Do you think your White grandchildren will live in a better world than the one you inherited?

3.) Does the America you love seem to be slipping away?

4.) Barack Obama promised a “post-racial” America in his 2008 campaign. Does this seem like a “post-racial” society to you? If Barack Obama can’t move America beyond race, can anyone?

5.) Do you honestly believe all of these privileged race-based groups will suddenly fall to their knees and embrace individualism and colorblindness any time soon?

6.) Have you ever pondered the thought that America might be lost?

I suspect your answers are similar to ours.

In The Washington Times, Jeffrey Kuehner wonders whether America will break up in the future. He notes that the American Heartland is dangerously alienated from the political class in Washington. Kuehner points out that the rhetoric of state sovereignty, states’ rights, and nullification are back in the air.

White Nationalists have already accepted this fate. The broader American Right finally appears to be moving beyond its distraction with Islamic terrorism and realizing that the country itself is being subverted from within. The earliest glimmers of this awakening might portend unsavory consequences for the Obama administration.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Isidore, excellent post!

    More needs to be done to stop these heretical doctrines from effecting Whites behavior! (Of course as a Pagan I would recommend just dropping Judeo-Christianity in total, but hey a step in the right direction is always welcome!)

    When it comes to Jared Taylor though, there is already someone out there that:

    1.) Wears a nice suit.

    2.) Has written books.

    3.) Is highly presentable.

    … But also discusses the Jewish Question… Dr. David Duke!

    The ‘Suit and Tie’ Brigade should support Dr. Duke, there is always a better alternative out there if one searches long enough!!

  2. Yet another whitey-bashing column by Frank Rich.

    They’re really on a roll here. I wanted to leave a reply but they’ve stopped accepting new comments. I will go through the 300 comments and look to see whether, among the dozens that doubtlessly take Rich to task for impugning the pure, raceless motives of the Tea Party crowd, there is a single person who raises the idea that white gentiles in America have the right to organize for their own collective interests just like any other group. I doubt it.

  3. The next speaker got up and started talking about how America should support Israel and that the Jews were the chosen people quoting Bible scriptures from the Old Testament. My blood was boiling at this point and I’m normally a very reserved person but I started shouting at him about the Old Covenant being irrelevant and how people who accept Christ are the chosen. He started talking again and I shouted out worship Christ not Jews. Then some people in the crowd said Jesus was a Jew and I shouted out worship Christ not Judaism. He started talking again and I shouted out that both parties were controlled by the Jews. His response was to say he wasn’t a Jew and to allow him the courtesy to speak.

    God bless you Rodger.

  4. Great post Hunter.

    Negro journalist Courtland Milloy: “I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery” signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads.”

    In an eerily similar vein, did y’all hear about the recent voicemail threat left for Congresswoman Jean Schmidt? A Negro called and left the following diatribe:

    Anonymous Negro Caller: “Yeah, I’m glad the president passed health care. Yeah. Funky ass, racist-ass Republicans hate that, don’t you? Jean Schmitt, when you got hit by that car, you should’ve broke your back, bitch. And Boehner, motherfucker…that Mitch McConnell. All you racist fucking Republicans. Why don’t you just change your party name to racist? Cuz if one of those fucking Tea baggers had spit on me, I’d have shot all them in the fucking face with my fucking 9 millimeter. Fuck all you racist motherfuckers.” – listen to it @

    The USA is without a doubt headed for another civil war, the aftermath of which will likely be the partitioning of the nation along racial/ethnic lines.

  5. Yosemite:”The “JQ” is a non-issue to any sensible person. Let’s not scare aware potential recruits to the white nationalist movement with these insane conspiracy theories about Jews.”

    Huge Jewish over-representation and undue control of America’s macro-monetary system, certain areas of the federal government (foreign policy with the Jewish/Israel lobby; instigation of foreign wars in the Middle East, WWII, etc), the mass-media/Hollywood, now corrupted elite American academia, anti-White BIGLAW, race-denialist cultural anthropology, anti-cultural anti-art, feminism, so called ‘Civil Rights’ and the revolt against civilization brought about by the 1960s counterculture, megacidal Soviet Communism, and other areas are not at all “insane conspiracy theories” — they are facts that can be and in many cases have been empirically proven with objective research and statistics, case studies, lists of names, and old fashioned observation accrued over a period of time: it is as simple as recognizing patterns over time via the accrual of more and more evidence…and there is a whole lot of evidence which proves how deeply corrupt the ‘Jewish Mafia’ is and has been for centuries.

    It is also an identifiable historical pattern that Jews tend to corrupt and ultimately ruin every single nation they gain undue control over, especially when they infest a nation’s monetary system and key political sectors; again, that is fact and not at all a “conspiracy.” Many of the most brilliant White/Western leaders, thinkers, and others have opposed the corrupt machinations of organized Jewry in the last 1,500+ years, so we have many precedents to back us up.

  6. The posters here should take notice that Amren is very fortunate to have Jared Taylor as the head of Amren. The man shows much courage and stands up to a lot of heat from many directions. Taylor furthermore does not kiss any ass, Jewish, or otherwise. White nationalism has been frequently splintered by individuals who want things done their way, or off they go in a huff. Amren welcomes many people into its fold and if they stick together they will have a chance of accomplishing something. Try to imagine for an instant the tight rope that Taylor has to walk and the effort he gives our cause.

  7. and knock every racist and homophobic tooth

    Nigga, please. Black people hate white people almost as much as they hate queers. Stop lyin’.

    out of their Cro-Magnon heads.

    At least we evolved that far, erectine.

  8. I’d have shot all them in the fucking face with my fucking 9 millimeter.

    LOL, I’m sure there were at least a few there armed with something more impressive than a 9mm. To say nothing of the fact that, in the mean, groids are atrocious marksmen.

  9. Thing is, I don’t mind Amren’s ostensible policy of forming a brand of ethnopatriotism wherein anti-Semitism is discouraged. I think that’s a good idea.

    And for the umpteenth time, I think this is a good idea for reasons that have nothing to do with Jews per se; that is, I think it’s a good idea due the realities of European pathologies vis-a-vis Jews (basically, Jew brainwashing). I couldn’t give less of a damn how Jews feel about any brand of Euro ethnopatriotism.

    No, what I object to is the blatant pandering to Jews, and the acceptance of the blatantly Jewish mindset that frames the JQ in popular discourse. Basically, by censoring the kind of comment I pasted above, Amren is following not an non-anti-Semitic policy, but a virulently philo-Semitic policy. Any white who gives a damn about his race and knows his arse from his elbow knows what I wrote isn’t “anti-Semitic.” The only explanation for it’s exclusion is that it isn’t philo-Semitic in the extreme, i.e., it puts European interests (which are in dire straits) ahead of Jewish interests (which are currently so well-tended as to be unassailable). Amren’s policy seems to put Jewish interests so far ahead of Euro interests that they’re over the horizon. It’s almost as if Amren’s policy (which for all we know is poorly carried out; it’s not as if Taylor’s likely to be looking over his Webmaster’s shoulder) is to save Euros by starting a Jewish organization.

  10. Svigor, captainchaos et al: Amren may reject you but MR misses you! You have made this site worth reading — please drop by the old blog once in a while if you can find the time.

    Yeah Soren I’ve been remiss. I’ll make an effort to start reading and commenting at MR again. It’s just, OD seems like more of an American site, and MR European. And the discussions here aren’t quite as esoteric (to me), so I feel I have more to contribute here. I suspect CC may feel similarly, as he and I are somewhat similar in style and level of discourse.

  11. I am absolutely convinced that in order for the white West to survive we need to inject a healthy dose of masculine pride into white men. Women can play supporting roles of vital importance in defending a civilization, but they cannot have the primary role. A civilization is always first and foremost established and defended by men. If a nation disarms its men, morally and literally, then it leaves itself and its women unprotected from external enemies. This is what is happening to us now.

    Our Marxist internal enemies have spent generations trying to turn white women against white men, and thereby turning Western women into a weapon of mass destruction against their own civilization. They have been spectacularly successful in this regard. The end result is that Western women are less free and secure and more targets of violence and sexual abuse than ever before. Since a nation can only be defended by men who have pride in their people and the masculine will and courage to defend it, we need to restore these two qualities or we will perish. It’s that simple. It’s about survival, it’s not a “conspiracy to keep women down.”

    So true! With one caveat – ever since I read the grandmotherly rants of “CarolontheWeb” I’ve know that women have a special minority role to play in ethnopatriotism. There’s something viscerally compelling about a strong, proud white women obeying her maternal imperative and exhorting the white men around her to pick up their balls. Denise and others here are good examples. It’s also cognitive dissonance galore; our enemies expect us all to be angry white male bigots, and their neurology starts buzzing when they hear it from the wolf mother.

    Yes, it is, will, and should be a white male thing. But it should be peppered with white females, and an angry white female is worth ten angry white males.

  12. Rodger, congratulations. Your excellent example in front of tons of European eyeballs far outweighs any slander the MSM will cook up with it.

  13. Many times, I have been censored just for pointing out that some anti-white activist they posted an article about is Jewish, or even just for posting their birth names.

    Yep, exact same thing here. First I tried pointing out they were Jewish, and leaving it at that. No go. Then I tried to point out the surnames, and got censored for that, too. I stopped trying at all a long time ago. But my post wasn’t even about Jewish malfeasance! It was simply highlighting the fact that WE ARE SECOND-CLASS CITIZENS RELATIVE TO JEWS! My gawd, the anti-Semitism! The hate, the bigotry!

    It’s like a “pro-black” magazine in the sixties calling black civil rights marchers “anti-white bigots” or something.

  14. Welcome to America: The Remix.

    OMG special thanks go out to the NYT for that one. I knew if I waited long enough they’d give me something worth using.

    America: The Remix.

    No thanks.

  15. 42 Denise

    In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
    As modest stillness and humility:
    But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
    Then imitate the action of the tiger;
    Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
    Disguise fair nature with hard-favour’d rage;
    Then lend the eye a terrible aspect.”

  16. I have one comment for those who concoct wild scenarios (typically violence-laden and action-packed) as to how the future will unfold, including the gun-obsessed nuts like FeminizedWesternMale, the “hard-right American nationalists” like seadragonconquerer, the race war fantasists like Jupiter, the Alex Jones-type conspiracy lunatics like Another Wallace, and the collapsitarians like Kievsky:

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    Food for thought:

    Russia 1916
    China 1925
    American Colonies 1775
    America 1860
    Rome 475
    Constantinople 1470
    British Empire 1945
    Russia 1988

    Now, I don’t doubt that in each situation there was lots of whimpering at the end…

  17. Well – Hunter – I would like to contribute content. I want to write about how the Talmud influences Judaic policy. I was thinking I’s like to titel th first piece “Ed Rendell is a Talmudic Jew”.

    What do you think? That is what I’s like to write about.

  18. Ahhhh

    I wrote the above standing up. Still am. I just got back fromthe gym. I will write everything, and then spell check. How do I submit pieces?

  19. Svigor! Thanks!

    Thanks. All this politesse – we are being murdered, as a Race -= and we are supposed to be polite about it?

    Eerrr….Nah. I’d rather go out with gore-drenched sparagomas scenario, than whimpering about “ohhh…let’s not be unpleasant…”

    Men can fight, and battle with all they got, and be all hail and hearty, and meet for beers, later, when they collect and reassable their body parts.

    When females go to battle – we want ot rend and tear. We don’t merely want to kill, or maim – we want to obliterate.

    In many ways, females are far more evil than men. We can be very ammoral. It is the Wolf Mother, in us. When I think about the fate that awaits the darling little kiddies I know, if we don’t act – and some here have seen some of my wee relatives – well – there is nothing I wouldn’t do to those that would see my little ones destroyed.


    Eff “humane” treatment of the enemy.

  20. Yosemite,

    You lost all credibility when you attempted to deny that Jews were overrepresented among the Bolsheviks, particularly in the upper ranks (Trosky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, Kaganovich etc.)

    In contemporary America, Jews are over-represented among
    owners of and apologists for the porn industry, managers of the anti-white propaganda factory known as Hollywood, the “Russian” mafia, Ponzi schemers – this list could go on and on.

    Please stop insulting our intelligence with the “conspiracy theory” strawman. No conspiracy is necessary for any of this. It all stems from one simple attitude: Jewish life is more valuable than non-Jewish life.

    Several prominent 20th century Hasidic Rabbis have been quite frank about this attitude:
    “The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-Jews . . . is greater than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” Rabbi Kook the Elder, as quoted by Seffi Rachlevsky
    “Two contrary types of soul exist; a non-Jewsih soul comes from three Satanic spheres, while the Jewsih soul stems from holiness . . . the substance of all divine emanations was created only to serve the Jews . . . The entire creation exists only for the sake of the Jews. Because of this a non-Jew should be punished with death if he kills an embryo, while a Jew, whose existence is most important, should not be punished with death.” Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, Gatherings of Conversations
    “If a Jew needs liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewsih life.” Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, April 26 1996 issue of Jewsih Week

    (Well, at least now I know exactly which “pound of flesh” Shylock was interested in! Thanks for explaining, Rabbi Ginsburg.)

    Many secular Jews seem to have similar attitudes, although they do not proclaim these attitudes openly the way the above mentioned Rabbis did. How else do you explain the hysterical opposition to Robert Conquest’s “Harvest of Sorrow” in the 1980s, Stephane Courtois’ “Black Book of Communism” in the 1990s and more recently Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together”? Conquest and Courtois make the implicit assumption that Ukrainian and Russians victims of Bolshevism should be mourned equally with Jewish victims of Nazi-ism, while Solzhenitsyn points out that Jews were disproportionately represented among the perpetrators of Bolshevik crimes against humanity. For asumming that non-Jewish life has equal value with Jewish life, all three writers have been accussed of “anti-semitism”.

  21. I have studied (in serminary) and worked in contact wth the heresy of pretribulational premillenialism. I never accepted it when I first heard of it (I came from an amilennial, Mennonite-related background) and I OPENLY rejected it to the chagrin of my teachers and many fellow students. Despite earning the best grades, this made me a marked man among evangelicals. Whoever is openly not “pre” is suspect, their career opportunities limited. But I don’t care about that, of course. I’m out and independent, living for the truth. But this Judaizing, pro-Zionist heresy and misinterpretation of scripture is still my enemy and yours, one of our chief enemies that must be exposed and finally completely destroyed.
    Also, Robert Reiss, may I quote you? I agree that: “Women can play supporting roles of vital importance in defending a civilization, but they cannot have the primary role. A civilization is always first and foremost established and defended by men. If a nation disarms its men, morally and literally, then it leaves itself and its women unprotected from external enemies. This is what is happening to us now. Our Marxist internal enemies have spent generations trying to turn white women against white men, and thereby turning Western women into a weapon of mass destruction against their own civilization.” The rhetorical question I use again and again is: Where are the men? Even all our local gun clubs (around here) are now headed and directed by women. It is not any “liberation,” but an enslavement, and racial suicide. “International Women’s Day” is coming up in April, an opportunity to be heard about this.

  22. Fjordman: “A civilization is always first and foremost established and defended by men. If a nation disarms its men, morally and literally, then it leaves itself and its women unprotected from external enemies. This is what is happening to us now.”

    It sounds reasonable, but can we really find other examples of a nation having morally disarmed its men in the past?

    In any case, it is true that women tend to be more conformist. They cause less mischief, which is a good thing, but they don’t foment revolutions either.

  23. No opportunity for editing or deleting anything once submitted on this site, is there? Forgot to proofread before submitting, then noticed three ridiculous misspellings in the first sentence, which should have read: “…studied (in seminary) and worked in contact wth the heresy of pretribulational premillennialism…from an amillennial, Mennonite-related background….”

  24. A Fjordman quote, yes. Haste makes errors again. Good line of inquiry, Armor, to see whether we can identify historical examples. Such examples might not have been long lived, leaving little data behind, making them very hard to identify. But I doubt the present case is the first, though probably the most widespread and tragic.

  25. I have studied (in serminary) and worked in contact wth the heresy of pretribulational premillenialism. I never accepted it when I first heard of it (I came from an amilennial, Mennonite-related background) and I OPENLY rejected it to the chagrin of my teachers and many fellow students. Despite earning the best grades, this made me a marked man among evangelicals. Whoever is openly not “pre” is suspect, their career opportunities limited. But I don’t care about that, of course. I’m out and independent, living for the truth. But this Judaizing, pro-Zionist heresy and misinterpretation of scripture is still my enemy and yours, one of our chief enemies that must be exposed and finally completely destroyed.

    (First off, welcome Mr. ‘Mosin Nagant’! Cool name.)

    Essentially, the Bible that the Christian Zionist rely on is not really the ‘Bible’ that most of us know – it is indeed a ‘paraphrased’ bible; one that is absolutely notorious for fudging the translation – in favor of Jews.

    The Scofield Reference Bible, which is really what started most of this non-sense, is only like 150 years old! The notion that Christian Zionism hails from any real Tradition is false.

    And who was Cyrus Scofield?

    As a young con-artist in Kansas after the Civil War, he met up with John J. Ingalls, an aging Jewish lawyer who had been sent to Atchison by the “Secret Six” some thirty years before to work the Abolitionist cause. Pulling strings both in Kansas and with his compatriots back east, Ingalls assisted Scofield in gaining admission to the Bar, and procured his appointment as Federal Attorney for Kansas. Ingalls and Scofield became partners in a railroad scam which led to Cyrus serving time for criminal forgery.

    While he was in prison, Scofield began studying the philosophy of John Darby, pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren movement and the “any moment now” rapture doctrine.

    Upon his release from prison, Scofield deserted his first wife, Leonteen Carry Scofield, and his two daughters Abigail and Helen, and he took as his mistress a young girl from the St. Louis Flower Mission. He later abandoned her for Helen van Ward, whom he eventually married. Following his Illuminati connections to New York, he settled in at the Lotus Club, which he listed as his residence for the next twenty years. It was here that he presented his ideas for a new Christian Bible concordance, and was taken under the wing of Samuel Untermeyer, who later became chairman of the American Jewish Committee, president of the American League of Jewish Patriots, and chairman of the Non-sectarian Anti-Nazi League.

    Untermeyer introduced Scofield to numerous Zionist and socialist leaders, including Samuel Gompers, Fiorello LaGuardia, Abraham Straus, Bernard Baruch and Jacob Schiff. These were the people who financed Scofield’s research trips to Oxford and arranged the publication and distribution of his concordance.

    It is impossible to overstate the influence of Cyrus Scofield on twentieth-century Christian beliefs. The Scofield Bible is the standard reference work in virtually all Christian ministries and divinity schools. It is singularly responsible for the Christian belief that the Hebrew Prophecies describe the kingdom of Jesus’ Second Coming, and not the Zionist vision of a man-made New World Order.

    And it is precisely because Christians persist in this belief that they remain blind to the reality of Zion.

    Scofield served as the agent by which the Zionists paralyzed Christianity, while they prepared America for our final conquest.

  26. Aging TPs represent the last – 1960s – generation of multiculturalist- brainwashed white Americans. Thanks to the internet, much of the new generation will be and is more aware of the JP and of their own white interests. Poor MGLS. When the Jews’ black-brown and white-traitor stormtroopers come for him, he will indeed “whimper”; then befoul himself, curl up on the floor, and die. While the rest of us – militias, secessionists, WNs – will be standing upright and shooting back.

  27. CompassionateFascist can comfort himself with fantasies of violence and “RAHOWA,” but a lack of guns has not been the cause of the dispossession of White America. Millions of white Americans are armed to the teeth, and it has done nothing to prevent them from being dispossessed.

    CompassionateFascist, his soulmate seadragonconquerer, and their fellow “hard right American nationalists” are committed opponents of racial preservation. CompassionateFascist derogatorily refers to a white ethnostate as a “bantustan.” seadragonconquerer one-ups him and calls the ethnostate an “albino bantustan.” They wish to ally with a rainbow coalition of Jews, Hispanics, blacks, and others and fight against millions of whites. These “hard right American nationalists” have the potential to be more harmful to racial preservation than any indoctrinated leftist.

    CompassionateFascist is unable to stomach the loss of even one square inch of territory currently controlled by the government of the United States. He cares more about destroying what he calls “ZOG” than the well-being of whites. He wants a fascist regime to be installed to rule over a multiracial America, ensuring the destruction of the Nordish race in America through assimilation and mixture, rather than supporting racial separation and partition, which would preserve the Nordish race in America.

    With friends like CompassionateFascist and seadragonconquerer, who needs enemies?

  28. He wants a fascist regime to be installed to rule over a multiracial America,

    Is that what he actually wants? Or to establish control and then deport all non-whites? To where? Boy that’s gonna be fun. America couldn’t even deport blacks when virtually every white was a ‘racist’ but now you’re going to deport 100 million [and counting] far more able, far more likable and far more familially linked non-whites. At what point does reality intrude on fantasy?

    MGLS, use your brain and state what you see the most likely scenario going forward would be (on the assumption that anything racialist is even on the cards). A race war? Really? Because enough whites are really going to hate all non-whites [assuming they can even reliably tell the difference] so much that they’d be prepared to kill? (And isn’t it more than a little dangerous to presume victory? Why wage war and risk losing it all without even attempting a peaceful approach?)

  29. Hunter,

    20th century European history is extremely relevant to the situation in America today.

    Look at the way the Holocaust is used.

  30. Denise, I’m cross-eyed livid. My rage is more directed toward other whites than the muds. I agree, Jared went out with a whimper. I’ve noticed his more recent debates have a slightly angrier tone. He could be “regrouping.”

    I tend to write more meekly than I think. I guess I’ve been a little neutered by Amren. I will do what I need to do for my race. The right time is approaching.

    I have a mother-in-law who voted for Obama. Her excuse “I thought he was going to bring the troops home.” Think of the rage I feel toward her. It tires me out.

  31. It’s okay to speak calmly and sanely, Joanne. Teddy Roosevelt said to “speak softly and carry a big stick.” People who rant and rave tend to accomplish little else.

    Whites Unite, you have a good point. Unfortunately, going into the Holocaust debate would open up a big can of worms and would distract from other efforts. If American groups started talking about the Holocaust, it would be playing with a rigged deck. The Jews want us to talk about the holocaust. They don’t want us looking at all the Jewish business scandals and political manipulations. That’s the real issue today.

  32. Regarding the slide show & article (posted by Justin at #83) of S. African white squatter camps. Go to #36 – am I seeing this right? Blacks handing out charity to whites? Why would they bother? I wonder if they are some sort of Christian charity or if they are just paid to do so by a window dressing govt.

    There was mention in the article of many of the squatters’ tents & shacks having a bible in them. Betcha it’s a Scofied Bible. 🙂

  33. Denise, I’m cross-eyed livid. My rage is more directed toward other whites than the muds. I agree, Jared went out with a whimper. I’ve noticed his more recent debates have a slightly angrier tone. He could be “regrouping.” – Joanne

    You know what is so sad ladies in Jared Taylor’s response to the whole bruhaha over the latest AmRen débâcle: He did not mention, even once, who the ‘REAL’ perpetrators of the terroristic shutdown of the AmRen conference were – the JDO!

    Our opponents’ tactics were designed simply to stop the conference: flood the hotels with protest calls, trespass on hotel property and pass out inflammatory leaflets, promise to hold aggressive demonstrations and, of course, death threats. At one hotel, front office staff wanted to resign after taking calls like this one: “If you hold this conference I will go in there and shoot you.” One hotel even reported pressure from its suppliers, who said they might stop doing business with the hotel if it hosted us. There were also rumors that a local high school would be mobilized to demonstrate and leaflet.

    A loose collection of groups that call themselves anti-racists, anarchists, and anti-fascists was behind this effort to stifle debate. Some are avowed communists who hate the World Bank and rail against global capitalism. Others worry about animal rights and global warming, while some just seem to hate “bourgeois” society, whatever that is. And they all oppose “racism,” whatever that is. Each of these groups runs a web site or a blog, and they often cross-post each others’ material.

    Some of the groups that claimed responsibility for shutting down the AR conference were:

    *One People’s Project, led by a militant black named Daryle Jenkins;

    *Responsible for Equality And Liberty (REAL), the brainchild of a confused former FBI employee named Jeffrey Imm;

    *”Self-Described Anarchist Collective” (SDAC);

    *Indymedia, a network of so-called independent alternative media sites;

    *and even the Mormon Worker, a radical socialist newsletter for left-wing Latter Day Saints.

    Other groups, including a British labor federation and the United Steelworkers, approved putting pressure on the hotels but had little real effect.

    He rather mention ‘the British Labor Federation’ than the JDO!

    Ah, Jared….

  34. Denise, I’ll agree with you @ #74. Women can be more brutal in many ways. I could be, if need be. I know a few men who couldn’t even slaughter a chicken, none of them White Nationalists.

  35. Joanne – re : your Mother in Law – I would, personally torment the HELL out of her. I don’t care if she’s an old lady. I am SICK TO DEATH of people like her. She’s a stupid, self-satisfied old COW, who make thier decisions on what blows out of thier anal tracts – not based on the carefully considered results of trained, functioning beain tissue. There are millions like her.

    I HATE them all.

    Until people can give a fully account of the concepts and provisions detailed in the Constitution, and then relate the Constitution to any and all platforms of any candidates – they should be barred from voting.

  36. Silver: “Is that what he actually wants? Or to establish control and then deport all non-whites? To where? Boy that’s gonna be fun. America couldn’t even deport blacks when virtually every white was a ‘racist’ but now you’re going to deport 100 million [and counting] far more able, far more likable and far more familially linked non-whites. At what point does reality intrude on fantasy”

    Silver, we’ve covered this ground before. I don’t think anyone with two brain cells to rub together believes that we will literally and officially “deport” 100 million non-whites.

    On the other hand, this does not mean that we can’t get most of our country back, perhaps all in due time. Huge numbers of non-whites would self-deport in the face of a resurgent white America. Further, as has been mentioned before, look at a map. The real Leftist and non-white power centers are the BosWash Corridor, a few enclaves on the West Coast, and an assortment of potential non-white city states (most of the latter wouldn’t be viable on their own, but BosWash and a few other places might be).

    The vast majority of the continent is “flyover” country that is more or less hated and despised by our opponents. Even the parts of flyover that have numerous non-whites, like the Black Belt, shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Those dark shaded areas you see on a map of the Black Belt are mostly very low population rural counties, and even in most of those whites are still a majority. Those counties are typically not viable economically and are therefore mired in poverty with the black inhabitants dependent upon government checks. Translation: not a viable black homeland. When the checks stop (or require a different zip code), the blacks will need to go elsewhere – assuming viable and more attractive locations exist for them.

    In any event, the main point still stands: not advocating anything, but in a SHTF scenario, flyover would be ripe for positioning against BosWash and its satellites, or what others have referred to as the Blue Archipelago. At that point it is easy to envision massive self sorting, or self deporting, as people seek more favorable climes. If some remnants need a little encouragement, that may well be provided. But officially deporting 100 million people? Not gonna happen, and not necessary.

    If this seems unreasonable to you (or, unreasonable according to the fantasy terms of a SHTF scenario), what do you propose in the alternative? I’ll try posting this at your blog as well.

  37. Kulaks – I made that point, about Taylor not mentioning the JDO at all, in some other comment thread.

    What the HELL is his problem?

  38. I made that point, about Taylor not mentioning the JDO at all, in some other comment thread.

    What the HELL is his problem?

    Perhaps this is a good starting point –


    John 7:13
    “But no one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.

  39. I made that point, about Taylor not mentioning the JDO at all, in some other comment thread.

    What the HELL is his problem?

    Interesting Denise that not too long ago Jared was much more direct, and commonsensical, regarding pointing out the JDO’s role in his criminal harassment than he is now, when they went far and above — and did more damage — than was they did two years ago –

    The loonies, you see, have the magic touch with the media. This year, we are particularly indebted to a web page and an answering machine known as the Jewish Defense Organization. This obscure offshoot of the Jewish Defense League phoned up the newspapers in Northern Virginia, where we will hold the conference, to announce “Operation Nazi-Kicker,” the silly name for their plan to shut us up. Sure enough, the Washington Post, Washington Jewish Week, Herndon Observer, the Fairfax Times, and the Herndon Connection all sprang into action and wrote up the conference. We couldn’t have gotten that kind of advance publicity if we had sent out press releases promising a Storm Trooper rally, a cross-burning, a lynching, and free beer. Thank you, JDO! [ White Nationalist Group’s Meeting Prompts Protest | Jewish Defense Organization Urges Herndon Hotel to Halt ‘Neo-Nazi’ Conference in February, By Fredrick Kunkle Washington Post, December 13, 2007]

  40. Sorry about my earlier posts. I just had to deal with a JEW, who is bringing his octegenarian Latrino Joo mother in law, into the JooSA, and he can’t get her on Medicare for 5 years. “It’s not fair! Waaaa!” The hag never paid into the system – but the Joo thinks it’s not fair that he can’t get his claws on the money Americans paid up.

    I hope she chokes to death on gefelle fish tamales.

  41. Kulaks – do you think Taylor’s ….errr…reticence is connected with his proximity to DC?

    Oakmont is right next to a Jew hot spot. And their pet Nigras want to “get” as many Whities as they can, as examples to the rest.

    The Black Man holding the whip hand, and all.

    If this is the case – Amren et all needs ot move out of Oakmont. They need to move out of that lovely, exquisite town. Taylor has the means to do so. He won’t suffer financially. His staff is small – they can all go. with him

    I know he’s a Yalie. I get the feeling nothing, up to now, has realy interrupted his Yalie WASP reality, that unpleasantness in the Great White North not-with standing.

    Perhaps a strategic, forced move ought to drive in the reality of the situation. To Taylor, and his effete cohort.

  42. To all of you – as far as scenarios – all the classic WN scenarios are already happening. All of them are already happening.

    The biggest element, of all, if the fact that the vast majority of Whites refuse to identify as White, and the “Conservative” media works 24/7 to remind them that their first, most holy duty is to worship the Jew.

  43. Kulaks – do you think Taylor’s ….errr…reticence is connected with his proximity to DC?

    LOL, probably!

    I know he’s a Yalie. I get the feeling nothing, up to now, has realy interrupted his Yalie WASP reality, that unpleasantness in the Great White North not-with standing.

    This so, so eloquently hits the proverbial nail right on the head, Denise.

    In other words, wake up and smell the bagels, since its 2010, not 1910.

  44. No, silver, I don’t foresee a race war at all, and I certainly hope a race war does not occur. I think the prognostications of “rahowa” and violence are delusional. The prospects for a racial solution do not seem bright at this point, but if a racial solution can be achieved, I expect and wish it would be some sort of racial separation and partition, as smooth and peaceable as possible.

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