Jared Taylor: The Tea Party Movement and Ethnonationalism

Jared Taylor has a response to Pat Buchanan’s recent article about how the Tea Party movement is an example of an emerging form of White ethnonationalism. He pretty much disagrees. Taylor points out that the Tea Party leadership is explicitly anti-racist, lacks the vocabulary of White dispossession, and is relentlessly focused on issues like government spending and overreach. More promising movements have come and gone, namely, the militia movement and the Minutemen.

These are all valid criticisms. I don’t take issue with any of them. Personally, I thought Buchanan’s column was a stretch too far, but I also think Taylor’s reaction is too pessimistic. To be sure, I don’t believe for a second that an explicit White ethnonationalist movement will evolve out of the Tea Parties, which the Republicans will milk until they are discredited, but I am convinced that all the polarization and anti-government sentiment the movement is generating – the political climate left in the wake – works in our favor.

If Washington loses its legitimacy in the American Heartland, especially a regime that promised to lead to lead us to a post-racial society, I can only see this as an opportunity for White Nationalists to capitalize on. The people who flock to our ranks (or at least have a passive interest in our discourse) tend to fit a certain profile: they are jaded, cynical White males of above average intelligence and education who have lost faith in the American experiment. In this respect, there isn’t much difference between the typical White Nationalist and the average Tea Party protester.

A few objections come to mind when comparing the Tea Party movement to its predecessors:

1.) Obama is the first black president. Americans have long flirted with the idea of a non-White president and a post-racial society (see Hollywood movies), but until recently this idea hasn’t been tried. Barack Obama campaigned on a platform that he would be able to bind up the nation’s racial wounds like Abraham Lincoln. He was given the opportunity to do so, failed spectacularly, and his most fervent supporters have blamed the latent “racism” of White America.

If Obama can’t lead America to the post-racial future, can anyone? For the first time in their lives, millions of White Americans have begun to ponder this question. The path to White Nationalism isn’t so much about answers as it is asking the right questions and working out their logical implications.

2.) Since the mid-1990s, in the aftermath of Oklahoma City, there has been a revolution in the media. Young Americans now rely more on the internet than television or radio for political analysis of current events. It is easier than ever before for us to get our message out. This is especially true in the age of Google and social media. For certain keywords (i.e., Amanda Kijera), a White Nationalist site is just as likely to pop up as the New York Times. The playing field is being leveled. Information is not as expensive as it used to be.

What does all this mean? In the past, White Nationalism wasn’t even on the radar screen. Now, if a Tea Party protester becomes disaffected with their leadership, they are only a few Google clicks away from an alternative perspective produced by any racialist blogger. In 2010, we have become competitive in a way that wasn’t even true in 2005. By 2015, when the iPad has replaced the laptop, we will be more competitive still.

3.) To be perfectly honest, the White Nationalist movement has only recently begun to get its act together. A few years ago, I wasn’t even willing to call myself a White Nationalist, as it meant being associated with all sorts of kooks and crazy people. There must have been millions of disillusioned Whites who took a look at White Nationalism from 1995 to 2005 and concluded the movement just wasn’t mature enough for them to join.

4.) The immigration situation is far worse in 2010 than it was in 1995. It affects far more Whites in far more states, not only in California, but also those in the Southeast. In Arizona, a majority of Whites have reached the point where the use of the word “racist” isn’t sufficient to cow them from supporting real “comprehensive immigration reform.” John McCain is fighting for his political life. Only a few years ago, that was unthinkable.

5.) The Bush years were dominated by mindless flag waving patriotards. The Tea Party protesters are so angry with the federal government that they are beginning to identify with other symbols like the Gadsden flag and state flags. From Oklahoma City to Obama, the federal government never lost its legitimacy in the way that it has now.

Conclusion: In 2010, we live in an America where millions of White Americans have lost faith in Washington, and have begun to search for other alternatives. The Tea Party movement is one alternative. White Nationalism is another. We need to bridge the gap between explicit White Nationalism and the implicit Whites who are flirting with the idea of making the jump.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. First “conservative” to challenge the race baiting and white hating left will garner more support than they know what to do with. As I have written numerous times at WOL it will be our Milosevic moment at the Field of Blackbirds which began the rebirth of the Serbs from their genocide under the Yugoslavian Commie empire.

    I will even paraphrase old Slobo the hack, “They will never intimidate you with the word ‘racist’ ever again and get away with it free of consequences.”

    There is so much power out there, millions of white men of above average intelligence and drive chafing under the boogo, booga left’s regime.

  2. To be fair, Taylor was dead on in early 2008 with his column “Why Obama Will Win” I had to eat my words when I confidently told those I knew that the Obama campaign would go down in flames just like Dukakis. I did stop by the local Tea Party and it seemed to have that “Tax Protest” obsession over more serious issues. While I understand the need to limit taxes, someone’s going to have to pay for this mess were in. I’ll be a heretic to those people and say I’d rather give the blacks a few hundred dollars in welfare to sit around and do nothing than give them tens of thousands of dollars in affirmative action jobs to sit around and do nothing, especially when there is a young talented white person who is the rightful owner of that job.(A view recently reinforced yet again by my interactions with 2 black affirmative action hires. The thing is despite knowing better, I naively gave them the benefit of the doubt after they seemed bright and competent in my first interactions. I soon found them to be hopelessly disorganized, incompetent, and utterly unprofessional in a way never before experienced with whites. To paraphrase Quark, I guess I can be thankful for them for reinforcing the 454th Rule of Acquisition “never trust a Negro to get the job done right”)

  3. Today, while driving on the fringes of suburbia, I passed a Tea Party sign. It read “Are African-Americans Welcome At The Tea Party?”

    The sign didn’t answer the question, instead merely giving the time and location of a meeting. However, the implication is clear enough: “We’re not racists! Please don’t think of us that way!” This was in Virginia, by the way, in a borderline suburban/rural area.

    I mention this to lend some support to Taylor’s perspective. He’s right, at least on a certain level: the Tea Partiers (their leadership, anyway) don’t want to be racists. But as to the deeper, more fundamental dynamics in play, Buchanan is closer to the truth. There is an underlying dynamic, a push and pull, that Taylor is ignoring.

    No blacks will show up at the aforementioned meeting. They won’t show up, not because they are afraid or have been made to feel unwelcome, but simply because they don’t support the Tea Party (by the way, as pushy and aggressive as groups of blacks are, the idea that they are afraid to attend Tea Party meetings is utterly absurd, truly laughable. Oh, the poor little dears! There, there.).

    The black vote for Obama was nearly unanimous. I’ve seen figures as high as 99 percent, which are amazing even by black standards, no strangers they to the idea of bloc voting. Further, blacks simply don’t oppose those things that so incense the Tea Partiers. In fact, they support them. Blacks support fully funded government programs, and they tend not to oppose tax increases. Why should they? They know that whites will disproportionately pay the taxes, and that blacks will disproportionately benefit from the payout. Again, why oppose? Been in a government office lately? Look at who works there. Look at who walks in the door for “benefits” and “services.”

    Blacks are wards of the state, and seem to like it that way. Beats working for a living.

    It’s not just about having a job at taxpayer expense, or getting benefits courtesy of the white working stiff. Blacks tend to support government intrusion into our personal lives across the board. Whitey needs to be controlled.

    Affirmative action? What’s not to love?
    Brown v. Board? You know that’s right!
    Lawsuits alleging discrimination, even at Denny’s? Get me some!

    Yeah, blacks are going to be beating down the doors at Tea Party meetings across the country, if only you just make them feel “welcome.” LOL! Perhaps the Tea Party should throw in free back massages and soothing music for the anxiety prone Bantus that would otherwise be marching arm in arm for liberty, wearing tri-cornered hats. Sounds entirely plausible.

    Tea Partiers want less government and more freedom. Blacks don’t want the Tea Partiers to achieve these goals, preferring to feed instead. It’s not that blacks feel unwelcome at meetings, it’s that they don’t like, respect, admire, or wish to assist the Tea Partiers. Any Tea Partiers reading this: they don’t want you to win. Get it now?

    So what is really going on here? Once we look past the obvious “We’re not racist!” disclaimers, a more fundamental reality emerges: different and conflicting racial interests, papered over and suppressed for so long, are beginning to emerge. The leftists, smarter as usual than conservatives, naturally see these rifts first. They see what this is about, while conservatives masturbate to the idea that blacks are going to start singing in favor of “free minds and free markets.” Has God made any creature more witless and less perceptive than a modern conservative? Hell, a 70 IQ Bantu has a better grip on reality than these clowns.

    Jared Taylor is right when he says that, in effect, Tea Partiers aren’t looking for racial conflict. Too bad. Reality doesn’t care what the Tea Partiers want, and the reality is that black interests (and non-white interests in general) are in direct opposition to the goals of the Tea Party.

    Buchanan is closer to the truth, simply because the fundamental dynamics of the situation will provide at least a stepping stone to white nationalism. The differences are too great, and screaming “I’m not a racist!” doesn’t make those differences go away. The dynamics of fundamental conflict and opposition remain. I’m not confident that the Tea Party itself will become ethnonationalist, but that’s not terribly important. The point is that they have their part to play, as the most visible example of the emerging racial dynamics that will define the coming years. The “real” party has to start somewhere.

  4. I mention this to lend some support to Taylor’s perspective. He’s right, at least on a certain level: the Tea Partiers (their leadership, anyway) don’t want to be racists. …

    Yeah, blacks are going to be beating down the doors at Tea Party meetings across the country, if only you just make them feel “welcome.” LOL! Perhaps the Tea Party should throw in free back massages and soothing music for the anxiety prone Bantus that would otherwise be marching arm in arm for liberty, wearing tri-cornered hats. Sounds entirely plausible. – Trainspotter

    If the Tea Bag leadership wants more Negroes to attend, they should just promise those ‘Bantus’ a White girlfriend or paramour if they show up to a Tea Party event — that should do the trick.

    Only problem is, then the ‘Party’s’ would be virtually 100 percent black.

  5. I agree with Taylor that the Tea Parties are anti-racist and the speakers at them go out of their way to enforce the idea that race is unimportant. I said some anti-semitic things at one of these rallies and was treated like I had the plague. Having said that though, after the rally a guy that was dressed like a government agent came up to me and said he agreed with everything I said about the Jews controlling America. I sized him up as a White Nationalist and he offered me some copies of his newsletter he prints locally. These people are out there, I just don’t know the real numbers circulating among the patriotards and lemmings, perhaps it’s quite large.

  6. RE: Trainspotter “The black vote for Obama was nearly unanimous. I’ve seen figures as high as 99 percent”

    99%? I seriously doubt that, try 100% that’s more like it, including Colin Powell, Condoleeza, and Michael Steele. 99% means if there are 100,000 blacks in a city 1,000 would have voted for McCain. Just who the heck are these 1,000 brothers who vote republican? Illiterate ones who punched the wrong button in the voting booth by mistake?

  7. Colin Powell, Condoleeza, and Michael Steele.

    That would be ‘Colon Bowel’, ‘Cunnilingus Lice’, and Michael ‘Kneel’.

  8. An excellent article by Jared Taylor. The Tea Party movement is aracial and neoconned, and it will accomplish as much as the anti-Clinton movement and Republican Revolution did in the 1990s, which is to say nothing.

    James Edwards has written many good posts on the worthlessness of the Tea Party movement.

    Tell me what I’m missing, folks
    The Littlest Freedom Rider
    What’s the big deal with Negro, anyway?
    Uncle Tom Lloyd Marcus becomes the face of the Tea Party movement
    Tea Parties fizzle out
    The latest Great Black Hope for conservatives
    Psst…Tea Parties – you’re not fooling anybody
    Real Polatik
    Tea Party movement is a dead end

  9. I’d seriously consider the possibility that Taylor might be jealous that the budding whites, newly racially conscious, don’t consider his organization viable. Taylor might be pissed off that he won’t get any glory or power.

  10. I’d seriously consider the possibility that Taylor might be jealous that the budding whites, newly racially conscious, don’t consider his organization viable.

    The Tea Partiers are not racially conscious. They fall over themselves to deny being “racist,” and they emphatically say that “race doesn’t matter.”

  11. Trainspotter: you are an excellent commenter here and elsewhere around the pro-White blogosphere. When are you going to start a blog of your own? Or do you already have one? Many of your great comments here could easily be fleshed out in to full blog posts. Starting your own blog is an idea to think about: the more articulate voices we have out there the better.

  12. Nobody is saying that the tea partiers are racially conscious. What Pat’s saying is that it’s the primordial making of an ethnonational movement. What Jared’s saying is that it’s not. Only Frank Rich and some panicky liberals actually believe that this is some sort of self-aware White identity movement at this point.

  13. Trainspotter: you are an excellent commenter here and elsewhere around the pro-White blogosphere. When are you going to start a blog of your own?

    I second that.

    Trainspotter, all you have to do is write up your comments and post them; then cut and paste them into your blog.

    That’s all it takes.

  14. I’d seriously consider the possibility that Taylor might be jealous that the budding whites, newly racially conscious, don’t consider his organization viable. Taylor might be pissed off that he won’t get any glory or power.

    I don’t consider his kosher pro-zionist brand of watered down White Nationalism viable either but I have to give credit to him for urging the Tea Partiers to dump Sarah Palin in favor of Pat Buchanan as their leader. That doesn’t sound like something a Jew slave would say. Of course he may have said it because he thinks it will never happen and scores points out of it.

  15. Most of the tea partiers are grandparents with mixed race grandchildren, or Christians who’ve donated their life savings to some Haiti or African relief fund, so don’t hold out too much hope that given enough time and OD proselytizing they’ll either be WN’s or sympathetic to our righteous cause. The tea parties are positive in that it’s brought attention to Obama’s ruinous policies and put libtards and Jewish radicals on the defensive but unless (as Jared said) their opposition becomes rooted in race don’t expect much other than periodic white noise.

    Low taxes and a free market style health care system won’t solve the intractable race problem or stave off the impending demographic implosion of the white race. It probably hasn’t dawned on most tea partiers that the ideals they espouse (low taxes, anti-abortion, constitutional rights, free markets, limited government) doesn’t resonate with the vast majority of non-whites and never will. The political activity of non-whites is centered around race baiting, policies that disenfranchise whites and that transfers our wealth to them. In short, they are waging a low intensity race war against us while we endlessly bicker over tax rates, Christian dogma and abortion.

    The tea parties are growing and becoming a voting bloc but otherwise are just glorified meet, eat, hold anti-Obama placard and retreat sessions. With each passing week some self styled tea party leaders sound more and more like graduates of the ADL’s school of anti-racism.

  16. Obviously the tea parties aren’t self-consciously “racial.” But Trainspotter is right: Anti-White Leftards like Frank Rich, Harold Meyerson and James Kunstler are seriously spazzed out over the ongoing bifurcation of the American electorate. The people in favor of traditional values like self-responsibility, hard work, and independence–the Republican and Tea Party crowd–are “shockingly, unAmericanly white.”

    In stark contrast to these “traditional Americans,” the Mordoresque hordes of the Left are all for entitlements and the transfer of wealth away from the White middle class. Naturally, Tea Party demographics illustrate and reinforce this dynamic when reported by the media. The fact that this division is slowly seeping into the national consciousness causes melodramatic bedwetters like Frank Rich, Harold Meyerson and James Kunstler to get spooked more frequently.

    They’re right to fear an increasing loss of power and legitimacy as their liberal worldview implodes. Their delusions of potential persecution and martyrdom, however, are mere figments of the imagination. Being steeped in the legends and lore of the Holocaust, having absorbed so much of the “magical unrealism” of its cinema and literature, they’re afraid the Nazi Boogeyman will come after them just because they eat bagels and celebrate Hannukah.

    [Note to moderators: I’ve posted before under various pseudonyms, but henceforth I’ll be sticking with “Sensei John Kreese.”]

  17. I’ll repost the reply I posted at Alt Right (why not?)

    No one seriously suggested that the Tea Parties were explicitly white nationalist, as Mr. Taylor complains that they are not. The argument is about implicit nationalism – most involved understand, on some level, that they are protesting the dispossession of their tribe for the benefit of others’. This development is a first step, not a culmination. The tea party phenomenon (if not the tea parties per se) is more promising than past “movements” such as the Minutemen by virtue of being much larger, more mainstream, and more favorably viewed by the public.

    As to the complaint that “tea partiers do not have even the vocabulary to think in those terms,” well, that’s our job – to provide that vocabulary, and to make the case for its adoption.

  18. Some excellent observations here, fellows. Most ‘tea party’ people may be brain dead about race, or pretend to be, but they have finally gotten off of their apathetic asses and onto the streets, and that’s saying something, in and of itself. Whether they are being orchestrated by the Fox propaganda channel or not, they are actually on the streets. I don’t think that they really know it, but they are the spark that has ignited a coming racial-political sea change in America. With the rapid genetic darkening that is going to overwhelm White complacency, this new racial-political paradigm is setting in, and will continue to be a dynamic growing trend. The inner parties may corrupt and co-opt this movement, and neutralize it, but it will reappear again in another form, more explicitly White than before. And, that is exactly our job, nay, our racial duty.

    On a more humorous note, regarding the race-deniers among the ‘tea party’ crowd, they might get their dream-come-true, of “equal” opportunity Negro participation, if the Negroids thought for a minute that they could pick up “White chicks”, or White slap bitches” at the events. As a matter of fact, if the left really wanted to wreck the ‘tea party’ protests, all they would have to do is inundate those gatherings with Negro rent-a-mobs, and watch the “non-racist” dilettantes scatter for the safety of the White suburbs!

  19. Hunter, I agree with your analysis. I had put that Buchanan article up on a local Tea Party site (with over a thousand members) last week, with my intro, and it received a lot of hits with surprisingly not one negative response. Whereas, on the other hand, I was almost booted last week (given last warning for “racial nonambiguity”) from a TP site that is patrolled relentlessly by its Beck-worshipping female organizers. It all depends on who looks, or who complains. But I keep putting the word out, in small, measured “pharmaceutical doses” of language that their disease is least able to resist. For example, they are not prepared to react against “ethnocultural” and “demographic” nearly as much as they would against “race”; although there still are “ways around” that allow even the most forbidden terms to be introduced sometimes, such as “white” and “non-white” might be used in a critique of the Census questionnaire! The more they hear (or read) these terms of truth, the more they may feel comfortable to accept them, and the more they will remember and may think about them. A very small dose of this catalyst allows the large-scale chemical process we want to occur, and the raw main ingredients for it still seem to be found most abundantly in the Tea Party groups, and among the gun show crowd.

  20. I see the future of the TPs as a generational issue. The older ones are stuck on the braindead neo-con, “I’m for less government, but more Jew wars, and I am not racist!” thing. But the younger amd middle-aged ones, who have years of economic disappointment and political dispossession if not outright catastrophe to look forward to, are eventually going to move much harder right. Only a minority will ever become WNs, but most will start thinking – and saying – the Z-word when it comes to explaining their miseries.

  21. This is off topic. I hope Hunter does not mind.


    Here is a screed against white nationalism, titled “White Nationalism? More like White Knight Nationalism”, at the site The Spearhead.

    This is just further evidence that the degenerate game devotees are confirmed, deep-rooted enemies of the pro-white cause.

    A selection of quotes from the article:

    “White Nationalism is also a form of female supremacism. White Nationalism promotes misandry by attempting to turn what would otherwise obviously be issues caused by misandry to issues of race. It seeks to keep men of different races from working together and discovering how much they have in common.”

    “misandry [is] inherent in White Nationalism”

    “Where did the false rape industry start? It wasn’t with feminists. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) had their own version of the false rape industry white women would make false accusations of black men.”

    “The KKK had a corresponding group for women called the Women’s KKK or WKKK. The WKKK is very similar to feminism both in action and language.”

    “Men of all races have a great deal in common. White Nationalism tries to hide that fact effectively acting as a vehicle for the promotion of misandry to benefit (white) women. White Nationalism and other racist ideologies are misandarist and benefit no man.”

  22. response to 22:

    Hopefully Hunter will respond to these moronic accusations that White nationalists are actually practicing misandry and our real goal is the empowerment of women.

    I have a few things i’d like to say, but I wont do it here.

  23. #22: “White Knight”? Aren’t there things that are so stupid that it doesn’t event warrant a response?

  24. “Where did the false rape industry start? It wasn’t with feminists. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) had their own version of the false rape industry white women would make false accusations of black men.”

    Absolutely disgusting.

    The person who wrote this article is living in a Jew created Hollywood fantasy World.

  25. The Tea Partiers are not racially conscious. They fall over themselves to deny being “racist,” and they emphatically say that “race doesn’t matter.”

    They most certainly are.

    No one in the Tea Party is so unbelievably stupid that they don’t realize how white their movement is. The leadership might spend a lot of energy denying it but I would too even I started an explicitly White Nationalist organization. I would go to great lengths to describe why it isn’t “racist.”

    Taylor is and forever will be irrelevant. He is irrelevant to the Tea Party and to us and I think this bothers him. He is too busy letting the philo-semites push him around to matter to the budding White Nationalist movement which includes people here and encompasses potential recruits from the Tea Party movement.

  26. Slightly (very slightly) OT, but read this new Ross Douthat piece in the NYT about our mass culture’s repeated, pitiful caving to Islamic threats:


    Now pay special attention to the final sentence:

    “…if a violent fringe is capable of inspiring so much cowardice and self-censorship, it suggests that there’s enough rot in our institutions that a stronger foe might be able to bring them crashing down.”

    Food for thought…

  27. The Taylor quotation applies well to many TPers I know, especially the mostly female Beck worshippers who lead, and thought-police the Beckite “9/12 Project” TP groups. They fear nothing more than that a charge of racism should be hurled at them, staining their purity. Presenting the facts and the racialist argument in their settings is extremely slow and touchy business, but the reward is potentially great, because the best raw material is abundant there, still waiting, actually longing, for a better answer than the flag-waving and patrio-libertarian bromides–wanting the catalyst of truth to convince them. Good, hard-working, self-disciplined, honest, upright people are there, many with children, many homeschoolers. They only lack certain crucial information.

  28. And what’s all this nonsense about misandry? How is white racial preservation a form of anti-male feminism? Haven’t we heard recently that it is misogynous also? But practicing monogamous, stable, life-long marriage without divorce, along with all the other associated moral “family values,” is the final, definitive answer to all such charges. Live the truth, and it is a defense.

  29. Seen on mainstream conservative blog, ace.mu.nu. Pretty good sign that even if people are not naturally white nationalist, they are sick of the rigged game:

    bama is urging all Americans to turn out for the polls in November to create a historic level of participation among all colors, races and creeds.

    Well, not so much, of course. He wants “young people, blacks, Lations and women” to show up at the polls. White men needn’t bother.

    Is this racist? If the liberals’ typical definition of racism were applied consistently, of course it would be racist. But of course it’s not applied consistently. Racism is something white people, and Republican white people in particular, do. Liberals and especially black liberals are incapable of being racist.

    If Obama’s exhortations for only some of the electorate to participate in democracy sounds racist to you, why, that’s probably a defect in you character — and, in fact, probably evidence of a deep-seated, subconscious streak of racism in you yourself.

    But that’s just the standard-issue double-standard we all know and loathe. There’s another disturbing element to it — the automatic presumption among the privileged class that wherever blacks and whites diverge in political thought, it must be whites who are in the wrong, and not only in the wrong, but almost certainly motivated by racism.

    But if it’s not racist or wrong for blacks to generally vote according to the perceived “black economic interest,” why is it wrong for whites to do the same? This is rarely explained, and when it is explained, it usually amounts to little more than rationalized ipse dixit restatement of the double-standard. It’s wrong for whites to vote according to their perceived economic interest because they benefit from “white skin privilege” and they are the “dominant social group,” upon whom a greater burden of acting for the greater good is placed, etc. Asked to defend the huge assumption of the rightness of a racial double-standard, academics tend to simply dream up closely-related assumptions and assert them (and claim those assumptions, in turn, “prove” the assumption they were asked to prove in the first place)

  30. Heller, please can we cut the “Islamic threat” bs? The “Muslim terrorist” group “threatening South Park” is FAKE. It’s run by an Israeli Jew and they love to hold up terrorist signs and the like. It’s FAKE. It’s a publicity stunt by South Park and the media is knowingly playing along. Don’t be a sucker.


    Yousef al-Khattab, born Joseph Cohen, an American Jew who converted to Islam in 2000 after living in Israel and attending an orthodox rabbinical school there, then returned to New York,[1][3][4] where he is said to have worked driving a taxi,[5] operating a pedicab,[6] or running a restaurant.[7] In December, 2009, al-Khattab said he would be temporarily outside of the United States during a protest outside his home in Woodside, Queens planned by the Jewish Defense Organization, after al-Khattab expressed support for Nidal Malik Hasan, accused of the Fort Hood shooting.

  31. Mosin Nagant you could quote crime studies and IQ studies all day to those folks and you would waste your life away.

    Simple they will be reached by finally being made aware of the actual abuses perpetrated by the anti-white Left against whites that are now nearly nakedly codified by law.

    Those gals still think they are gonna play big compassionate momma and protect and mother the lessers from big bad evil “racists” and “liberals”, its their script and they are sticking to it till they get a taste of victimization and oppression.

  32. I think nearly everyone is asking too much of the TPers who are slaves to the conventional wisdom. Try small slices or the thin edge of the wedge instead of asking them to overcome decades of anti-white propaganda in one sitting.

    I think first we should start along the line that the TP refute the anti-white bigotry and government collusion against whites as a starter.

    If they refuse then tag the TP as yet another liberal anti-white org. Their support will dwindle down to the GOP dead ender coalition of the moronic.

  33. Simmons, I agree in general, especially about organizers, especially the female organizers who are among the most hopeless cases. But there is some of the best possible raw material among the TPs, too.

  34. If Obama keeps it up (hope hope), he’ll go down as the best president for ethnopatriots, ever. And even better, he’s taking the media down with him – as if they could afford the hit, lol. Wait ’til they come back out of hibernation for his election campaign (pun intended), hehe.

  35. It’s not just about having a job at taxpayer expense, or getting benefits courtesy of the white working stiff. Blacks tend to support government intrusion into our personal lives across the board. Whitey needs to be controlled.

    Even blacks are smart enough to smell the Anarcho-Tyranny; they get the Anarchy, whites get the Tyranny, and blacks know this.

  36. “White Nationalism is also a form of female supremacism. White Nationalism promotes misandry by attempting to turn what would otherwise obviously be issues caused by misandry to issues of race. It seeks to keep men of different races from working together and discovering how much they have in common.”

    “misandry [is] inherent in White Nationalism”

    “Where did the false rape industry start? It wasn’t with feminists. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) had their own version of the false rape industry white women would make false accusations of black men.”

    “The KKK had a corresponding group for women called the Women’s KKK or WKKK. The WKKK is very similar to feminism both in action and language.”

    “Men of all races have a great deal in common. White Nationalism tries to hide that fact effectively acting as a vehicle for the promotion of misandry to benefit (white) women. White Nationalism and other racist ideologies are misandarist and benefit no man.”

    That could be the gayest thing I’ve ever read.

  37. The foundation for the future White ethnostate should be based on the model of Orania, where Whites do all the work from management all the way down to manual labor. This is far better than an apartheid state with Blacks as laborers, who will only become jealous, and create violence against people including our women–not to mention miscegenation.

    On Orania:


  38. Somebody is trying to steer the conversation to misogyny, the KKK, polygamy, etc. again. Don’t take the bait.

  39. Tremendous article!

    “In Arizona, a majority of Whites have reached the point where the use of the word “racist” isn’t sufficient to cow them…”

    Indeed! I see the sting of this slur word
    now at the very start of a crumble.
    The slur contains so many distortions and lies
    it had to crumble.

  40. The Tea Party isn’t any whiter than the GOP, the conservative movement or libertarianism in general are.

  41. If you feel the ‘American experiment’ has failed, then feel free to go back to whatever potato sucking shithole your family crawled out off and take the rest of these morons with you, please.

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