The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Not Necessarily My Friend!

Recently the proprietor of this blog wrote

Traditionally, the United States has always had good relations with the Islamic world.

In fact this isn’t true in any meaningful way, though I’ve noticed that those who focus on the JQ almost invariably end up taking some variation of this position, Pat Buchanan has, and much more recently Richard Hoste.

But I believe this position is based on a shortsighted misreading of history.

Obviously Europe has struggled against Islam for centuries but the fact is that just about as long as there has been an America we have had a conflict with Islam.

In 1773, after the end of the American revolution, America became responsible for its own national security. An ongoing issue which we inherited from the Crown was the depredations against American flag ships by the Ottoman empire, specifically that Ottoman ships were taking the crews as slaves.

Due to a lack of funds America first attempted to buy their way out of trouble through a disastrous attempt at paying tribute, but like every such scheme throughout history the amount simply kept inflating until it became cheaper to go to war.

Before they took that drastic step Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, in March of 1785, traveled to London to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy located there. They asked “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury.”

The Ambassador replied “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”

America opted not to pursue war at this time but the tribute ultimately reached about 20% of the American budget which was, needless to say, unsustainable.

Ultimately America did go to war with the Ottoman empire, but as is so often the case when dealing with Islam they were raiding ships again not two years after the peace treaty was signed which ultimately lead to the Second Barbary War.

The end of the Second Barbary War entailed the release of over a thousand Christian slaves.

Next came the Great Game of colonization and the Middle East was in many ways quiescent until WWII.

In early May 1941 Iraq, the new home of the Caliphate, entered WWII on the side of the Axis.

And so on and so forth. Hunter suggests that we have had “good relations” with Muslims over the years but I have to wonder, what are we talking about exactly?

Ironically it strikes me that in some ways they have the same problem we do, a progressive elite that don’t accurately reflect the hopes and aspirations of Muslims, the hope to crush the West and the dream of planting the black flag of Islam over Dar-al-Islam.

When we look at the realities of Islamic immigration to the West which parts are we liking, exactly?

The crime? The rapes? The no-go areas? In fact let’s call the horrors of Islamic immigration into the West the microcosm of my larger point, no matter what you think of Jews, in the real world it just doesn’t add up to Islam being anything other than just as much of an existential threat as the Jews pose.


  1. “There’s something to be said for the idea of using Muslims against non-gentiles.” Matt Nuenke has always asserted the same thing.

  2. Some revile the Jews to such an extent that they begin looking for virtues and redeeming qualities in Muslims that could make them our allies against Jewish aggression and activism in the diaspora. So much so that we tend to lose our objectivity and dispassionate state of mind in observing the Muslim world. The issue is a bit more complicated than it appears.

    Muslims hostility is derived both from a US foreign policy perceived to be designed to marginalize Islam and an awakening of the Pan Islamic spirit that went into remission following the crushing defeat of the Ottoman Empire outside the gates of Vienna in 1683. A case can be made that the former is fueling the latter. Either way Islam’s adherents are beginning to display the virility they possessed when that religion appeared in the 7th century.

    The Bosnian conflict is a case study of Muslim aggression towards non-Muslims preceded by a rise in Pan Islamic fervor. We’re seeing the same phenomenon in varying degrees in England, Scandinavia, Australia and any Western land with a growing Muslim population. The hapless citizens of these countries may easily delude themselves into thinking that Israel and Jews could be allies against Muslims but that would be a false choice as well.

    The answer is to create a legal framework for repatriating the vast majority of Muslims while adopting a policy of strict neutrality towards Muslim states. If the Jews and Muslims wish to slice each other into cube steaks we should assist them in this endeavor. Otherwise, it is ill advised to import the people and problems from the Middle East into the Western Hemisphere.

  3. This isn’t simply schadenfreude; it seems the only way to get these SWPLs off our backs is to give them a dose of their own medicine. Wait ’til the first generation of their kids comes of age, then the Yankees in Lewiston will start to really understand.

    The flaw in your reasoning is that small-town Maine has infinitesimal influence, for good or bad, on the rest of the country. Lewiston has 38,000 people, including negros. No major media organs preach to the rest of the country from this sleepy hamlet. The best that could possibly come out of this tragedy would be some SWPLs vacationing from NY or Boston at some point in the future realize what a shithole their favorite summer getaway has become. More likely they’ll just switch to summering in Vermont.

    I’m of the opinion that the largest chunk of our problem emanates from the New York/Hell-A/Beltway Axis of Evil. The rest can be chalked up to academia and other large metropolitan areas. Rural areas exert almost no influence on American politics and culture.

    In other words, northern New England is exempt from the “Worse is Better” strategy.

  4. “I’m of the opinion that the largest chunk of our problem emanates from the New York/Hell-A/Beltway Axis of Evil. The rest can be chalked up to academia and other large metropolitan areas. Rural areas exert almost no influence on American politics and culture.”

    Indeed Gussie.

    That’s why it’s unlikely we’ll get real change until at least 100,000 American Cosmopolitans die violently in a single day.

    Preferably this will happen in New York and/or Washington, DC.

  5. #30: Karl der Grosse ;o)

    The moslem problem there is mostly Somali and Iraqi. There are also reasonably large groups of Iranians and (nominally) christian Mideasterners (who are often as bad).

  6. It should be pretty obvious that a great deal of anti-muslim sentiment is coming from the Jewish owned media in America. They are trying to play us off against each other and some of you are taking the bait. I’m not pro-muslim or anti-muslim, I’m simply neutral on the point with the exception of their emigration into Europe and I would feed the Jews to the wolves if it would break their hold on us.

  7. @38 Charlemagne

    That’s a pretty big name, Charlemagne for an Italian Roman Catholic to use. LOL. – Tom Watstein

    Still following all your BS with that retarded ‘LOL’, eh?!? (and still can’t get over your psychotic anti-Italian prejudices yet cause your first wife dumped you, eh?) — “LOL”


    Btw, name calling doesn’t take away the fact that the Cathaginians, who were Asians-Semites controlled & settled Spain, and Southern Italy from as early as 1000 BC. That’s the facts sonny. – Tom Watstein

    BTW Timmy, Carthaginians and Phoenicians of antiquity were far more Caucasian than you would like to give them credit for. Either way, they weren’t Muslim, or Arabic even, and my original comment that you misconstrued is that we should not countenance miscegenation with the Arabs of today — especially since so many of them are distinctly mulatto. Read before you speak.

    *Stop attacking other Europeans as well, Watstein. The southern Europeans, from which I am a part of (France), fought the Muslims for centuries to protect Europe from their imperial designs. And to have some internet keyboard warrior like yourself say otherwise is foolishly insulting.

    As well, stop fancying yourself as something you are not, since it is obvious you disparage southern Euros to make yourself feel better.

    This was the best quote to date that I found that I think best sums up the motive’s of people like you who are always attacking other Europeans –

    This is the Great Unification. A true Future. Not the shabby counterfeit of the Anglo-Saxon unification. You British were never Anglo-Saxons, although you may have Anglo-Saxon, among other Northern blood. Your Aristocracy was connected to Anglo-Saxon bloodlines, so you took the moniker….but it was just a conceit for 99% of you. You need to become what you are – Britons, Europeans by blood. Maybe this will put you right with the future.

    Vive la France!

    Vive L’Europe!

    Vive la mémoire de la France Vichy et le Troisième Reich allemand!

  8. #30: Karl der Grosse ;o)

    The moslem problem there is mostly Somali and Iraqi. There are also reasonably large groups of Iranians and (nominally) christian Mideasterners (who are often as bad). – Nordicreb

    Wow brother, sorry to hear about your beloved Heimat.

    No worries, someday soon God will give us back our homelands — when we deserve to get them back.

    Nordicreb – so happy to have you here in America with us in our struggle — Meine geschätzten Kamerad!

  9. Freund Karl, Wir mussen alle zusammen Stehen. Leute von die Nordische länder, Großdeutschland, die Niederlände, Großbrittanien, Frankreich, Norditalien, Nordspanien und alle andere Weisse länder.

    Sure, there’s a fuzzy line going through central Italy and central Spain/Portugal, where Whiteness decreases, but let’s not get obsessive about it. I’m listening to RFV as I’m typing this, and Hunter, Pip and H.Rock are saying just this.

  10. The Bosnian conflict is a case study of Muslim aggression towards non-Muslims preceded by a rise in Pan Islamic fervor. We’re seeing the same phenomenon in varying degrees in England, Scandinavia, Australia and any Western land with a growing Muslim population. The hapless citizens of these countries may easily delude themselves into thinking that Israel and Jews could be allies against Muslims but that would be a false choice as well. – Mr. Dithers

    One problem with this, although very true, is that it is largely Zionist Jewry (or at least Jews loyal to the Zionist entity) that is facilitating the Muslim tidal-wave of immigration into “Festung Europa” (Fortress Europe – at least that’s what it would and should be called if we were running it).

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