About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “But any official pro-white business would be sued out of existence.”

    An auction site could by marketing and item categories (inclusive and exclusive) be implicitly white, become popular among WNs by word of mouth and be legally bullet-proof.

  2. “That was one of the main points: bearish people like to sit around, criticize, dwell on everything that is wrong whereas bullish people are always seizing on opportunities.”

    You sure are bearish on the bears.

  3. “While it is true that the (mostly online) WN scene is somewhat hostile to Christianity much of that criticism isn’t very serious and can be easily dismissed.”

    Christianity is an alien Middle Eastern religion that is not tied to blood and soil. The fact that any black or brown can be a Christian and the collection plate monies of the Catholics (and even the Southern Baptists!) go toward charity and havens for illegal aliens, relief aid for high-R third-worlders cannot be dismissed so easily. If it were a personal belief that people kept to themselves — put it this way, take away Pauline organisation and I have not so much a problem with it.

  4. there are very strong rational arguments for believing that God exists.

    Not really. I’d put it this way: there are very strong rational arguments — er, there are rational arguments — for believing that believing in God (or gods, even) is not absurd, or at least not as absurd as atheists would have it.

    None of the philosophers you cite really makes a positive rational case for the existence of God, and certainly none make a positive rational case for the truth of Christianity (or at least whenever they attempt to they are ably taken down by atheists — I’m an Infidels.org vet); they just do a pretty good job of establishing the plausibility of such.

    Ultimately, faith is a choice. In my opinion it’s a pretty good choice and one that I wholeheartedly support. Religion isn’t the “source of all the trouble in the world,” not in the way atheists would have it. Shitheads like Richard Dawkins who in this day and age still cannot see that race is a vastly more important issue than religion deserve all the scorn that can possibly be poured on a man.

    (William Lane Craig is really good to fend off the casual pesky little atheist nitwits with, who, like Richard Dipshit Dawkins, think faith is the number one problem in the world. But if you’re smart, you’ll use the opportunity to turn the atheist into a racialist: great, so you’ve seen through the crap that religious fundies peddle; now how about seeing through the crap that race-denier (or heredity-denier) fundies peddle?)

  5. Silver,

    “None of the philosophers you cite really makes a positive rational case for the existence of God”

    Um, no. “The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology” (abbrev. TBCNT) alone has several positive rational arguments for the existence of God.

    “(or at least whenever they attempt to they are ably taken down by atheists — I’m an Infidels.org vet)”

    I’ve been following the apologetics scene rather closely for at least the last ten years and I really have to disagree with you here. While the kind of people that contribute to Infidels.org can certainly handle the stray amateur they are almost always out of their depth when dealing with the more well-polished arguments of the professionals.

  6. Nice podcast guys, it was a breath of fresh air to hear something positive for a change. I’ve been kicking around the idea for a while of forming some kind of European Culture type of meet up group on http://www.meetup.com/ . The service is free and they’re nation wide, etc..

    The first step is getting white people to once again be proud of who they are, through there culture, history, and heritage. Once they reach that point it’s that much easier for them to want white advocacy groups looking out for white interests like all of the other so called ethno groups have. Once we reach that point things only get easier for future progression.

    But that first critical step is getting white’s to be and feel proud of who they are, there history, and culture. God knows Obama’s making it easier, so now is the time to capitalize on the situation. More and more people are waking up everyday from there state schooled brainwashing/education and indoctrination K through college they’ve received there whole lives, that whites are evil, everything about them is bad, etc… Not to mention they’re turning off the mass media hating YT, as evident from more people getting there news from alternative sources such as the internet, talk radio, and the mass bankruptcies of News Papers.

    You guys could maybe start a forum thread or hold conference calls were we can all throw around ideas on how to organize and just ideas in general to help start healthy white culture in general. Once we establish that than we go into how to co-opt and help these groups cross the next stepping stone into WN.

  7. Christianity is not grounded in reality.

    What is the racial doctrine of this universalist, abrahamic creed, REALLY? How can a racially conscious White man seek identity in a Jewish document from the Levant?

    European man needs a philosophy of life — religion, if you prefer — geared for the exclusive, lnog term interests of his own kind. It won’t be for everybody, not at first, but all great ideas take some time to take root.

    Saul of Tarsus’s idea of taking the creed that worships his Jewish tribal god, YHWH (aka Jehovah), tweaking it to impose on gullible, superstitious goyim, didn’t really take off until several centuries after he planted the subversive seed.

  8. “Saul of Tarsus’s idea of taking the creed that worships his Jewish tribal god, YHWH (aka Jehovah), tweaking it to impose on gullible, superstitious goyim, didn’t really take off until several centuries after he planted the subversive seed.”

    No worse example of malign encouragement exists.

  9. John and Will Williams,

    You guys are really confused. Both of you seem to blame Christianity as a major component in our people’s undoing when the truth is anything but.

    The liberal and cultural Marxist ideas that are killing our people have well-documented origins in Enlightenment liberalism and Jewish radicalism, not Christianity. This is made all the more evident by the fact that the liberal [anti-racist] mainstream that has swept over the Western world in the second half of the 20th century has been explicitly anti-Christian and continues to be so. It’s no mistake that the major communist powers of the 20th century were aggressively atheistic.

    Also, your attempts at delegitimizing Christianity by pointing out that it has Middle Eastern origins and doesn’t venerate European blood & soil [?] are irrelevant when not ridiculous. For one thing, almost all of the important ideas and inventions that trace back to antiquity either have Mediterranean or Middle Eastern origins.

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