Reddit and Racism

Join the first ever OD moonbat shoot! Invite your friends!

Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she isn’t directly linking to us. The link goes to the Google cache of Discourse Poisoning: An Hour A Day. Horrified liberals are strutting around in the comments and flapping their wings about “racism.” To their credit, a few Reddit members have made some insightful posts that I found interesting.

Here’s the situation: liberal moonbats dominate the Politics sub-reddit on Reddit. They gang up on right-leaning posters and enforce a taboo on politically incorrect content. They systematically down vote conservatives, libertarians, and racialists regardless of the quality of their links and comments. The other side of the coin is that they up vote the most retarded liberal nonsense. So the Politics section ends up being kind of like a sewer: their shit floats on top of higher quality political news and analysis.

They’re not supposed to do this. It is a violation of Reddiquette. You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. The quality of the link or comment is supposed to be what matters. If it is a good piece of analysis from a conservative perspective, you should up vote the story even if you are a liberal, and vice versa. This ideal of fairness (which I happen to agree with) doesn’t work in practice. Reddit is dominated by liberal anti-racist ideologues bent on forcing their views on others.

Let’s slap some sense into these people.

1.) Go to
2.) Look at the top right side of the screen. Register an account. This only takes a few seconds.
3.) Look at the bar that runs on the top of the screen. Click on “Politics.” That takes you to the Politics sub-reddit.
4.) Search for posts that concern us. Start with the most recent ones about White Nationalism. Here are the direct links:

White Nationalist Calls for Systematic Discourse Poisoning
Racists Discuss How To Gain Influence on Reddit

5.) There should be little up and down arrows besides the original story and the comments in each thread.
6.) Click the down arrow on every annoying liberal, anti-White comment.
7.) Click the up arrow on every good comment. These are often buried below the threshold.
8.) Leave your own pro-White comments, participate in the discussions, post your own threads to the Politics, New Right, and WhiteRights sub-reddits.
9.) Keep doing this until the anti-Whites on Reddit are forced to play by the rules.
10.) I spend thirty minutes to an hour every day doing this. It is a productive way to waste time.
11.) Spread the word on Facebook.
12.) Post about it on your own blog. Start threads about this on popular WN discussion groups.

White Nationalists always say they want to “do something.” Well, here’s your chance. This could not be easier. It takes only a few minutes. It can be done anonymously. It doesn’t require you to spend any money. Did I mention it is fun?

Most threads and comments only get a few up and down votes. There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. Liberals on Reddit drastically underestimate our numbers. The pro-White community is one of the largest social groups on the internet. If we were ever inclined to do so, we could upset the balance of power and eliminate the leftist bias over there.

Let’s get started.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. For those who belong to reddit my recommendation is check out the “New Right” section ( and to check for submissions that say “Kevin MacDonald” or “Sunic”. Befriend the submitters and regularly check out what your friends submit. Otherwise you will miss a lot of great quality content.

  2. We need to do this on Digg too. Reddit is the smaller site. They have also fucked with us. We will probably have more success on Reddit than Digg for now.

  3. HW, digg and reddit cannot be “gamed.” Digg is censored, and reddit is censored to a slighly lesser degree. Please do not be fooled by the marketing spin that they are a “crowd-sourced” site, the mods and the core team are in control of everything.

    These are companies that make money from advertising and sponsored links. They are in the business of creating an audience to sell to advertisers.

    Now, I’m having fun with this little project too, but this doesn’t count as “doing something” What would count as doing something is this:

    $100 a month.

  4. That’s a waste of time. Your time would be far more productively spent working and making a beautiful white baby.

  5. Of course. That’s true.

    This little project is nothing more than a sink for wasted time. I spend a lot of time working online during the day (it’s part of my job) and there are times when I like to zone out. It doesn’t take much attention to down vote threads. It certainly shouldn’t become a distraction from courting a White female.

  6. We need a WN version of the megaphone network. Jews use the megaphone to gang up on stories about Israel and harass critics.

    If just 15-30 dedicated WN’s had a similar tool at their disposal on a daily basis we could dominate pretty much any online news/discussion page.

  7. I tried to post something and it said, “you are trying to post too fast. Wait 4 minutes.” Is it because I use the Opera web browser do you think?

  8. Here’s the situation: liberal moonbats dominate the Politics sub-reddit on Reddit. They gang up on right-leaning posters and enforce a taboo on politically incorrect content. They systematically down vote conservatives, libertarians, and racialists regardless of the quality of their links and comments. The other side of the coin is that they up vote the most retarded liberal nonsense.

    This is universal human behavior, a similar mentality exists here among some of the posters and commentators (typically VNNtards). Fortunately for OD the right people, Hunter and Robert, are in control.

    It’s really crucial that leadership is in the hands of the right people.

  9. No.

    If you have a low karma, you usually have to wait several minutes before submitting articles. You should be able to vote posts and comments up and down though without waiting.

  10. You know, since I discovered OD I rarely, if ever, post on reddit anymore. The post-Obama reddit went a long, long way to me embracing the pro-White movement. I’ve always been pro-White, but the outright anti-White bigotry and lockstep lib groupthink on reddit really steeled my resolve so to speak.

    Really, in 2007 reddit was really a decent place. Now it’s nothing but MSNBCtards.

  11. Ive been back on reddit, upvoted any comment that seems to be sympathetic or by one of our guys.

    Most especially Johnny_Cash, the, epic comment guy! Well over 1200 comments, Ive now upvoted every single one of those.

    Inevitably Ive been drawn into making a few comments of my own but for now Im trying to stick to the up and down voting.

  12. Mark,

    That was disgusting.

    The irony is that they took down my video where Black Men are chased by lynch mobs to help them stay in shape.

  13. “It doesn’t take much attention to down vote threads. It certainly shouldn’t become a distraction from courting a White female.”

    Courtship is for losers. Just demand a dowry of a dozen camels from the girl’s parents, and then wait a week or so to see if they consider you worthy of her hand in marriage.

  14. Courtship is for losers. Just demand a dowry of a dozen camels from the girl’s parents, and then wait a week or so to see if they consider you worthy of her hand in marriage.

    Now we’re talking.

  15. Courtship is for losers. Just demand a dowry of a dozen camels from the girl’s parents, and then wait a week or so to see if they consider you worthy of her hand in marriage.

    This is yet another example of why Northern European racial preservation is of utmost importance.

  16. That was disgusting.

    It was, but has some elements of truth in it.

    It’s insightful though too into the negro mind. The negro thinks it’s “stupid” for White females to be safe in their own cities. They think it’s normal for White females to be victims if they are in certain areas or venture out at night. I think it’s normal for their asses to all be sent back to Africa.

  17. This is yet another example of why Northern European racial preservation is of utmost importance.


  18. Internet warfare keeps the mind sharp and the soul engaged. Sometimes it is fun to jump into a virtual hornet’s nest. Yet going to a place like reddit or digg, when one knows of a place like this, is indicitive of a mild masochism. It is thankless prostlytism looking out for your lost brothers and sisters, so I’ll thank you now, however I do insist there are less aggrivating ways to improve your life, your family’s life, and your race’s overall health.

    If you are just a time wasting slacker, then I guess it is better than playing World of Warcraft. So go for it, give ’em hell, and don’t type anything you think might get deleted. Non-posted posting is the worst time waster ever.

  19. MGLS,

    Are you ignorant of your own people’s history or something?

    Arranged Marriage and Dowries were a cherished custom in Northern Europe until very recently.

    Do you remember a gal named Queen Victoria? While some say she was Italian, I hold to the view (which is shared by many Historians) that she was in fact a German of some kind.

    Every last one of her daughters had their parents arrange their marriages, and thus they didn’t have to go through the time wasting idiocy of courtship.

    Also I think recent decades have served to prove how little Human Females are to be trusted to choose their own mates, and how much wiser it is to give control of the decision to those older and wiser creatures called parents.

  20. Also I think recent decades have served to prove how little Human Females are to be trusted to choose their own mates, and how much wiser it is to give control of the decision to those older and wiser creatures called parents.

    Adolescent females and males are not to be trusted with choosing their own mates. The heart is inherently foolish. Children are a genetic extension of the family and race, thus they must choose responsibly and respectfully.

  21. Internet warfare keeps the mind sharp and the soul engaged. Sometimes it is fun to jump into a virtual hornet’s nest.

    Definitely, I’m getting better at the arguments all the time. We can go up against any number of them but all they’ve got is abuse, invective. They only feel comfortable in the liberal echo chamber. On venues where they are outnumbered, the weakness of their position is plain for all to see.

    Yet going to a place like reddit or digg, when one knows of a place like this, is indicitive of a mild masochism.

    You have a point! But as I said, by going up against the opposition you are forced to hone up your arguments and style. The liberals almost always refuse battle away from their home bases and that leaves their arguments fatally weak.

  22. Donald’s right, our own version of Megaphone would be great.

    1) Manage identities and proxies; if you get banned somewhere, the software handles creating a new account automatically – all you have to do is read the captcha code or whatever; if your proxy is a problem, it switches automatically.

    2) Include a scripting language/engine/whateveryoucallit that’s easy to learn, and include lots of examples. This way users could create scripts for new websites, or sites that change.

    3) Manage boilerplate comments and notifications.

    4) something special for Wikipedia. 🙂

    In short, something to help us coordinate, AND make banning by scumbags as painless as possible.

  23. When you find someone who posts good material, add that person as a friend. Then check your friends page often and upvote any good links they have submitted.

  24. When you find someone who posts good material, add that person as a friend. Then check your friends page often and upvote any good links they have submitted.

    Been doing it every day, though given the low upvotes on many links/comments I suspect that not many others are actually doing that. Come on, try harder!

  25. Its funny that you blame the site itself, when its run almost entirely by the users. People don’t follow reddiquette, and that applied to every subreddit, not just politics. Get off your cross and start posting pictures of cute animals… that’s the only surefire way to make it to the frontpage.

  26. waaaah waaaah! redditors systematically downvote all of our crap so lets get back at them by systematically downvoting all of their crap. waaaaah waaaah! I hate all those people that hate us for hating anyone that’s not like us. waaaaaaah!

  27. “They’re not supposed to do this. It is a violation of Reddiquette. You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. ”

    So to retaliate, you want every one to down vote comments you disagree with? You see where Im going right?

  28. With all due respect, the incidents you mention are generally down voted because they’re wrong. I’m not saying Reddit is perfect, there are many fickle redditors who don’t practice what they preach. Really though, are you honestly upset that ‘racialists’ are downvoted?

    America is for everyone. All races, all religions. If you have a problem with that then you’re the one that doesn’t belong. Take it from a Western, White, European; it has long since been proven that one race is not superior to another.

    Bad habits are the hardest to break. Racism is the worst habit of all, and it is most dangerous when believed to be ground in fact. It isn’t. No good has ever, or will ever, come from being racist.

  29. HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa


  30. So you are upset that content is being up voted or down voted based on politics and not content so you want people to register accounts and start up voting and down voting based on politics and not content?

  31. Wow, I’m surprised. There are actually people who such openly promote hatred and racism.

    Why are whites superior? I’m just wondering how that reasoning works… the genetic differences between individuals are greater than the average differences between ethnicities. So what makes “white” really so different? And who counts as white enough?

    I’m seriously surprised by this since for me racism is such an outdated system, I simply can’t get my head around it… I don’t see a difference between humans, whatever colour – and, well, the promotion here of arranged marriage and inferiority of women speaks quite a 1850ish model of how the world works…

    Well, let’s see if this gets censored.

  32. You are sure to achieve your goals of racial purity with this foolproof plan! With ideas like this I’m shocked we aren’t all goose stepping to Deutschland über Alles yet!

  33. “They systematically down vote conservatives, libertarians, and racialists regardless of the quality of their links and comments.”

    and then

    “Keep doing this until the anti-Whites on Reddit are forced to play by the rules.”

    Which rules? It seems you want to change the rules, but you do the same as they do. That’s not a good idea.

    Instead, behave and play nicely. Argue properly and reddit users will not be able to stand a chance. Grow in numbers, but don’t grow in annoyingability.

  34. Uh, hi.

    I think that your “pro white race” bias can be used, and is used, by the pro Israel and anti-America people to paint everybody who disagrees with Israeli apartheid policies and actions as a “nazi”.

    I think you are providing cover for the pro Israel lobby guys on the internet, a sort of “boogey man” to whip out.

    A useful idiot, as Lenin used to say.

    I am all for preservation of the white race and am, well, not ashamed (and kinda proud) to be white, but there is going overboard.

    It is to me OK to protest and call attention to reverse racism (for example, the firemen test fiasco), but, well, common sense should always be present in one’s argument.

    And, uh, hitler was not exactly friendly to white people either for the neonazis out here.

    For the record, am dating an extremely cute black girl right now, so, yeah…

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