Reddit and Racism

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Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she isn’t directly linking to us. The link goes to the Google cache of Discourse Poisoning: An Hour A Day. Horrified liberals are strutting around in the comments and flapping their wings about “racism.” To their credit, a few Reddit members have made some insightful posts that I found interesting.

Here’s the situation: liberal moonbats dominate the Politics sub-reddit on Reddit. They gang up on right-leaning posters and enforce a taboo on politically incorrect content. They systematically down vote conservatives, libertarians, and racialists regardless of the quality of their links and comments. The other side of the coin is that they up vote the most retarded liberal nonsense. So the Politics section ends up being kind of like a sewer: their shit floats on top of higher quality political news and analysis.

They’re not supposed to do this. It is a violation of Reddiquette. You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. The quality of the link or comment is supposed to be what matters. If it is a good piece of analysis from a conservative perspective, you should up vote the story even if you are a liberal, and vice versa. This ideal of fairness (which I happen to agree with) doesn’t work in practice. Reddit is dominated by liberal anti-racist ideologues bent on forcing their views on others.

Let’s slap some sense into these people.

1.) Go to
2.) Look at the top right side of the screen. Register an account. This only takes a few seconds.
3.) Look at the bar that runs on the top of the screen. Click on “Politics.” That takes you to the Politics sub-reddit.
4.) Search for posts that concern us. Start with the most recent ones about White Nationalism. Here are the direct links:

White Nationalist Calls for Systematic Discourse Poisoning
Racists Discuss How To Gain Influence on Reddit

5.) There should be little up and down arrows besides the original story and the comments in each thread.
6.) Click the down arrow on every annoying liberal, anti-White comment.
7.) Click the up arrow on every good comment. These are often buried below the threshold.
8.) Leave your own pro-White comments, participate in the discussions, post your own threads to the Politics, New Right, and WhiteRights sub-reddits.
9.) Keep doing this until the anti-Whites on Reddit are forced to play by the rules.
10.) I spend thirty minutes to an hour every day doing this. It is a productive way to waste time.
11.) Spread the word on Facebook.
12.) Post about it on your own blog. Start threads about this on popular WN discussion groups.

White Nationalists always say they want to “do something.” Well, here’s your chance. This could not be easier. It takes only a few minutes. It can be done anonymously. It doesn’t require you to spend any money. Did I mention it is fun?

Most threads and comments only get a few up and down votes. There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. Liberals on Reddit drastically underestimate our numbers. The pro-White community is one of the largest social groups on the internet. If we were ever inclined to do so, we could upset the balance of power and eliminate the leftist bias over there.

Let’s get started.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “So let me get this straight. You are upset that content is being up voted or down voted based on politics and not content so you want people to register accounts and start up voting and down voting based on politics and not content?” This about somes up what I think about this post. You people are racist morons.

  2. So, here’s how it will be. You’ll downvote liberal stuff and upvote your racist stuff, that’s okay, it’s your opinion, you’ll be doing the same they are, but with a different perspective. Redditros will find out. And they won’t like it. They’ll strike back. They can be pretty territorial when they want to.

    Many of them are also 4channers. If you know -and I mean REALLY know- what that means, you’ll be scared. Reddit will consider you trolls, and they’ll troll back. You might not know it yet, but you WILL regret it.

    I’m not a 4channer, nor a troll in any way. I’m a quiet redditor, I enjoy “science” reddit, and some other less important stuff. I don’t visit r/politics. But I feel that you’re intentionally messing with reddit’s natural flow. The content is suposed to ve up/down voted naturally, so that the site adapts to it’s users, and not how you intend to do it.

    They WILL troll back. And they will win.

    tl;dr: You troll, they troll. They turn out to be better at it.

  3. It makes no sense. First they say (about liberals voting on a political basis):
    They’re not supposed to do this. It is a violation of Reddiquette. You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. The quality of the link or comment is supposed to be what matters. If it is a good piece of analysis from a conservative perspective, you should up vote the story even if you are a liberal, and vice versa.
    I completely agree with that. And for a moment I thought the author was going to say “so let’s get on reddit and get our white supremacist views represented,” to which I’d have thought “sigh, but fair enough, we’ll talk to them.” But then…

    4.) Search for posts that concern us. Start with the most recent ones about White Nationalism. … 6.) Click the down arrow on every annoying liberal, anti-White comment. 7.) Click the up arrow on every good [i.e. “pro-White”, whatever that is] comment. These are often buried below the threshold.
    So this is not intended to correct reddit’s alleged bias; it’s just intended as a dumb “revenge” move against a website that has the temerity not to be populated by white supremacists.

    None of this will be good for quality of debate on reddit, unless we rigorously stick to upvoting/downvoting as far as possible on grounds of the merit of each post. Let’s not get sucked into a downward spiral of revenge voting.

  4. ok you all are…. just just wow….. I can to this page via reddit. guess what? this is on reddit! Also people are going to do what they want and you bitching about it will do nothing….. deal with it homeboys!

  5. So your solution to them violating Redditique is to get a bunch of people together and do the exact same thing?

  6. reddit is just a festering shit hole of dick sucking faggots; the real problem is that gays are allowed to live and walk among us, they need to be killed in masses

  7. “You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them.”

    So, you are going to do the same. It will accomplish and/or prove nothing. It doesn’t seem like “a productive way to waste time” if you ask me.

  8. So you are annoyed that “Liberals” supposedly break reddiquette by voting down links that don’t agree with their viewpoint, yet you are encouraging right-wingnuts to break the same reddiquette?

    You are then just as bad as the lefties you despise. No better, no worse.
    Think of how much you hate liberals then look in the mirror. By encouraging this behaviour you hate yourself equally as much.



  9. 1) Manage identities and proxies; if you get banned somewhere, the software handles creating a new account automatically – all you have to do is read the captcha code or whatever; if your proxy is a problem, it switches automatically.

    That would be a good way to get the FBI involved. Thanks for the reminder, we’ll make sure to find a way to get Unauthorized Access/Use of Computer charges pressed against everyone!

  10. Hey guys. I’m white and my mother is white. I have a problem with my race, because it is apparently inferior to the pale whities of your mothers asshole. Please come suck my cock so I can infuse my sperm down your throats and purify you.

    P.S. Did Jesus suck dick?

  11. Hey uh, Hunter? You know that Reddit isn’t a public service, right? If you don’t like the fact that most of its content is submitted by people who tend to lean left, then, well, no one’s forcing you to post there.

    This isn’t a case of liberal conspiracy. It’s just that most people who tend toward conservatism can read the writing on the wall at, and they take the reasonable path: they don’t post there. Getting upvoted isn’t some ‘right’ that you’re being deprived of. As much as you’d like to think there’s some organized effort to marginalize your views, what you’re seeing is really just the emergent behavior of a large number of people who disagree with them and who all happen to be in one place. You can call it groupthink, and to an extent, I’d agree with you. But this call to wage indignant, holy war against the majority of Reddit users is utterly, utterly pointless.

  12. Poor advice. Entertain and educate properly online and then you shall be able to interact – this is deplorable and your post is not a good one. People will upvote and downvote what they want, suffice as to what you say.

  13. FYI, this story is on the front page of reddit (again). They’re terrified that an army of WN’s are going to game Reddit, heh.

  14. ….So in response to liberals mindlessly down voting comments they disagree with, you’re going to mindlessly down vote comments you disagree with.

    You’re different how?

  15. I put all, y’all black people, blue people (smurfs), white people, and Mexicans on this planet together. Can’t you all just get along? Remember what happened to the dinosaurs – do you want to know why? Let’s just say T-Rex and the velociraptors weren’t peacefully co-existing.

  16. I can’t wait til all you god-cock-sucking racist bigots die, that way if THERE IS THE SLIGHTEST POSSIBILITY OF A GOD (which there isnt), you can spend the rest of eternity nursing from his cock like the sinning little cockwhores you are. Racism is for scum, which is what you are. If you want to be racist, pack your fucking bags and go to a country where that is tolerated, like North Korea.

  17. White Nationalists article is past the 300 plus mark.
    Racist Discuss article is nearing the 150 plus mark.

    Seems the white, nationalists, conservative is right is getting their ass handed to them. Here is where you start wanking about reddit being owned by the liberal media.

  18. To paraphrase a fellow redditor: you’re trying to stop people from gaming the system by… gaming the system?

  19. Your arguments are automatically invalid by the word “white”. Re-frame your arguments without the automatic and useless inclusion of race, then maybe we can have useful discussions.

    That, and go read Guns, Germs, and Steel and then search within yourself if you still believe in the inherent merit and superiority of all things “white”.

    (and as a point of detail, I say that for any race-superior belief set, not just white ones)

  20. As an informed (Southern) European I don’t understand White Nationalism or White Racism. The same body of scientific literature that indicates the intellectual superiority of Caucasians over Negros also indicates the intellectual superiority of Asians over Caucasians. Surely if you take scientific evidence seriously the finding that Asians have a higher mean IQ than Europeans and that Asians have lower levels of criminality and are better at raising families than Europeans should knock some of the bluster out of your diatribes. Yes, I know that the broad body of evidence on racial differences also finds that Asians have smaller penises and lower levels of testostrone (and hence less masculinised physiques) than Europeans but these things aren’t especially disadvantageus in a post-industrial world. Intermarriage between Asians and Eurpoans will tend to raise mean IQ scores of European populations and produce better immune systems. These Eurasians will also benefit from the European genotype in that they will be more masculinised in comparison to pure Asians. I agree that Europeans have nothing to gain from intermarriage with Negroes. The genetic endowment of Negroes is entirely unsuited to life in high-density post-industrial cities — their marginalisation is inevitable because they (generally) lack the intellect, pro-social traits and discipline to succeed. Those Negroes that do succeed tend to do so via sports (in which they are genetically superior to Europeans) and popular music (eg. gangster rap). However, every Negro can’t become an elite athlete or pop-star and deindustrialisation has reduced the opportunities to sell unskilled labour. No such justifications exist for opposing intermarriage between Asians and Europeans. Rather both races benefit from these intermarriages.

  21. Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahahhahaaaa, you guys are hilarious.

    And ever so slightly pathetic.

    Seeing how there’s no one agreeing with me here, or in the comments of your other funny pages, I take it this stuff is moderated. Well, here’s me telling you: educate yourself. and think, all by yourself.

  22. “You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. ”
    Uh, isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?

  23. Christianity lost its way when women were let to meet men not in their family. Fathers do a lousy job nowadays of lockin up there daughters. That and hangin their homo kids.

  24. I think the problem stems from the original posters misunderstanding of the word etiquette as opposed to say the word, law or rules. Nobody has broken any rules, instead people have expressed their opinion and you don’t like the opinion so much, you are willing to attempt to game the system to give your point of view a larger audience on a social aggregate site, but besides being hypocritical (doing the very thing you blame them of) you might take time to realize that trying to force your point of view on an audience with another is quite childish and not how you win hearts or minds.

    You got a case of the internet blues because you found out you have a marginal opinion, the proper response is to go outside and smile or turn off the computer and go make the world slightly nicer. Or you could behave the same way I would expect a 10 year old angry little girl to act, whatever…

  25. this is going to make a great impression with the authorities. not only are you claiming there is racism on reddit. which there obviously is not, there is just a difference of opinion.

    and then you go off with your racist batshit, anti-white, anti this? wtf? haha.. you gotta be joking.

    you are some bunch of fucking looney crackpots. also, i suppose this would amount to a conspiracy as well, since this is an organized effort, whereas the individual viewers of reddit are, for the most part, just individuals voting basewd on their own preferences.

    if you don’t like that, then don’t visit reddit. it’s as simple as that.

    you cannot wage war against a site in this manner, that would probably break a few laws. unauthorized access (which covers things like waging war, etc..)

    anyways, have fun while i forward this little gem to the justice department.

  26. also, this is a closed community, is it not? moderated? liberal comments like mine weeded out? sure it is. so shut fthe fuck up lol…

  27. Wow, what a well written argument about being a racist. Go fuck yourself you biggot piece of shit. If you wanna post your hate, go to some white power site you backwards son of a bitch.

  28. Yes, please come to reddit, all of you! In fact, summon the rest of your beautiful white brethren from around the Internet. Then, invade all of the rest of the places Redditors go, too. Xbox Live, Digg, forums, blogs, Steam, the competitive Pokemon battling community, Star Trek conventions, comic conventions, Transformers opening night audiences…

    …and pretty soon you’ll all have ensured that just like most existing Redditors you’ll remain virgins for life and never breed.

  29. reddit would be lost, but the fact that they frequently vote pictures of white girls to the front page gives me hope that they will eventuually see the value of racial purity.



  31. Hey guys my annual curbstompin’ nig roast is coming up! Invites have been sent on facebook. l hate black n asians they dumb.

  32. “But as I said, by going up against the opposition you are forced to hone up your arguments and style.”

    You are missing a great opportunity here. This is the perfect chance to be truly introspective about your values and beliefs. There are great, thought-provoking discussions and some very interesting people on reddit if you take the time to find them. You can learn a lot about yourself if you made the effort to participate as just a person, and not as a white-nationalist.
    Reddit is not a battlefield and the users are not the enemy. If you go to the site looking for a fight, you will probably get one. But you will be missing the chance to really enjoy everything Reddit has to offer (especially the pics of cute animals).

  33. @Darren – don’t get such a big head, who could be terrified of a bunch of pussies like you. whilst i disagree with everything you stand for, it is refreshing to know that racist hicks are still able to express their freedom of speech – something i happen to believe in. you might all be misguided / poorly educated and cultured / low IQ individuals, but you should still be allowed to express yourselves.

  34. fuck you retarded assholes. if I ever meet any of you teabaggin moronic assholes I will fucking rip your stupid little heads off.

  35. White Nationalists always say they want to “do something.”

    Oh the irony and hypocrisy you ‘white supremacist’ portray. So happy to want to rid the world of so called ‘inferior’ races, whilst at the same time, using products. designed, developed and produced by these so called ‘inferior’ races. Happy to chear them on in sports when it suits, win wars which without them would be unwinable, mind vietnam who were the retards that time, oh the white man. you live on land stolen in a land where whites are the majority of imigrants, work less had and do more destruction. Oh the interweb, bill gates may be the software but where do you tv’s, pc’s and games consoles come from. You are blinded by your own futile, foolish stupidity to realise the truth, you are trying to fight an un-winable war against people who, without them your life would not be what it is.

    Are you so stupidly ignorant to the truth, heck go back far enough we were all fishes and florida was attached to north africa, do you hate fishes and people from florida now. Is it because incest gets borin you try to pic on other races who have enriched and made your lives better through fighting for the country you stole, inventing, working and helping mankind?

    There is not a day goes by where there isnt a product, service or item you use that in some what has been influenced by other ‘races’. Are you that stupid? Faces it, every time you take a breath of air, that air has been breathed in and out by the races you hate, every time you take a drink of water, even soda that water has already passed the lips of the races you hate and been pissed out by them for the water cycle to continue.

    Rant over, wake up smell the coffee, who do you think produces coffee. Unless you are as hard as mike tyson at 21 you aint shiit.

    btw go reddit!!!, down with racism, we rule the interweb and the interweb rules you bunch of villiage simpletons.

    And us europeans are sorry for spawning the bastard child of racist america, yep its our fault, we are just glad those are no longer our responsibility.

    ps, whats the colour of the gulf of mexico? get used to it cause oil will never flow white!!!

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