Reddit and Racism

Join the first ever OD moonbat shoot! Invite your friends!

Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she isn’t directly linking to us. The link goes to the Google cache of Discourse Poisoning: An Hour A Day. Horrified liberals are strutting around in the comments and flapping their wings about “racism.” To their credit, a few Reddit members have made some insightful posts that I found interesting.

Here’s the situation: liberal moonbats dominate the Politics sub-reddit on Reddit. They gang up on right-leaning posters and enforce a taboo on politically incorrect content. They systematically down vote conservatives, libertarians, and racialists regardless of the quality of their links and comments. The other side of the coin is that they up vote the most retarded liberal nonsense. So the Politics section ends up being kind of like a sewer: their shit floats on top of higher quality political news and analysis.

They’re not supposed to do this. It is a violation of Reddiquette. You’re not supposed to down vote links and comments solely because you disagree with them. The quality of the link or comment is supposed to be what matters. If it is a good piece of analysis from a conservative perspective, you should up vote the story even if you are a liberal, and vice versa. This ideal of fairness (which I happen to agree with) doesn’t work in practice. Reddit is dominated by liberal anti-racist ideologues bent on forcing their views on others.

Let’s slap some sense into these people.

1.) Go to
2.) Look at the top right side of the screen. Register an account. This only takes a few seconds.
3.) Look at the bar that runs on the top of the screen. Click on “Politics.” That takes you to the Politics sub-reddit.
4.) Search for posts that concern us. Start with the most recent ones about White Nationalism. Here are the direct links:

White Nationalist Calls for Systematic Discourse Poisoning
Racists Discuss How To Gain Influence on Reddit

5.) There should be little up and down arrows besides the original story and the comments in each thread.
6.) Click the down arrow on every annoying liberal, anti-White comment.
7.) Click the up arrow on every good comment. These are often buried below the threshold.
8.) Leave your own pro-White comments, participate in the discussions, post your own threads to the Politics, New Right, and WhiteRights sub-reddits.
9.) Keep doing this until the anti-Whites on Reddit are forced to play by the rules.
10.) I spend thirty minutes to an hour every day doing this. It is a productive way to waste time.
11.) Spread the word on Facebook.
12.) Post about it on your own blog. Start threads about this on popular WN discussion groups.

White Nationalists always say they want to “do something.” Well, here’s your chance. This could not be easier. It takes only a few minutes. It can be done anonymously. It doesn’t require you to spend any money. Did I mention it is fun?

Most threads and comments only get a few up and down votes. There are thousands of White Nationalists on the internet. Liberals on Reddit drastically underestimate our numbers. The pro-White community is one of the largest social groups on the internet. If we were ever inclined to do so, we could upset the balance of power and eliminate the leftist bias over there.

Let’s get started.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Not really, it’s more really that you’ve piqued our interest.

    Your racial views are like a combination of fat people having sex and bad dancing

    Pretty repulsive and a bit funny; but we just can’t help wondering how it’s going to turn out.

    I mean, your targeting fairly liberal minded progressives with self-centric close mindedness.

    I really hope some of your pundits are smart and/or eloquent, or it’s all going to look quite foolish. Much like the teabaggers, flat earth theorists, home schoolers, intelligent design theorists and the Japanese game shows.



  3. I don’t personally support white nationalism, but I’d like to think I’m open minded, and would like an honest answer to the question below. This question, in various forms, is the one I hear most often asked by non-white-power whites regarding your movement:

    Why is it that the most visible members of your movement are poor, undereducated, blue collar workers? If whites are the “master race”, shouldn’t you all be doctors, engineers, scientists, and wall street financiers?

    My wife grew up in a 3rd world asian country, moved here 6 years ago and has become very successful. No one gave her a break, handout, subsidy, or affirmative action placement. Those don’t exist for asians. If a 3rd world asian woman who grew up in a thatched-roof hut with no plumbing whatsoever can come to this country and make it big, why are white nationalists still spraying disinfectant into bowling alley rental shoes?

  4. Here’s what some of us redditors have to say about this bullshit,
    and it looks like (judging by the upvotes) many of us agree with them, not you.

    “the problem comes with people like me, who think that no racist post has any merit, and therefore should be downvoted automatically.” -ClemsonPoker (185 points)

    “Personally, I vote based on logical consistency. Does their statement make sense? Does it hold up to logical analysis? Are they able to discuss it civilly?

    Virtually no racist post manages to pass these three requirements, and thus I vote the vast majority of them down.” -ZorbaTHut (166 points)

    Also, don’t try to play Reddiquette into this, Reddit is a user-based site, and we have the freedom to ignore those rules if the vast majority of us simply DO NOT want to see a bunch of unintelligent racist jibber-jabber on the front page of our favorite site.

    P.S. None of us take you guys seriously.

    “The pro-White community is one of the largest social groups on the internet. If we were ever inclined to do so, we could upset the balance of power and eliminate the leftist bias over there.”

    Don’t make me laugh, if you think you can upset the balance of power, bring it on.
    We are smart, capable, and we don’t like you. We know you desperate bigot-types, we know the difference between being right-wing and being a racist. We will downvote the shit out of you.
    Don’t believe us?
    Go read all the comments on the link to this site (posted on reddits front page), you will see where we stand.

  5. Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!Black Power!

  6. I am against the rise of the white race, I am for the rise of all the other races.

    You white people should be ashamed of yourself, Tyron Biggims is ashamed of you.

  7. William,

    I can respect your honesty. You are against the White race, but are for non-White races. You are for “black power.” That’s the point we are trying to drive home to our co-ethnics: there is no such thing as a “post-racial” society.

  8. amusedredditor,

    Thanks for informing us that Redditors do not respect their own rules. I’ve been saying for weeks now that you people are mindless drones who up vote or down vote on the basis of political ideology.

  9. Randy Garver,

    The reason that White Nationalists are portrayed in the media as violent, ignorant, and uncouth can mostly be attributed to liberal media bias. The social penalties that come with White Advocacy also ensure that unsocialized types, or kooks, are overrepresented in television news coverage of public events.

  10. Nathan,

    By liberal minded progressives, do you mean “liberal” in the classical sense of the word (i.e., openminded, reasonable, and tolerant), or are you referring to brainwashed people who march in mindless lockstep with political pundits like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow?

  11. Redittornator,

    1.) We do not want to rid the world of “inferior races.”
    2.) I don’t know where you got the idea that we are opposed to trade.
    3.) White males are responsible for over 90% of all the great advances in science and technology.
    4.) Please explain how we are “stupidly ignorant to the truth.”
    5.) Which country was stolen by Whites? I don’t recall American Indians creating the United States.
    6.) What’s a villiage simpleton?

  12. My wife grew up in a 3rd world asian country, moved here 6 years ago and has become very successful. No one gave her a break, handout, subsidy, or affirmative action placement. Those don’t exist for asians.

    Her being allowed to immigrate constitutes a break, handout, subsidy, ad affirmative action.

  13. VoxyBrown,

    The solution is for White Nationalists to join Reddit en masse. Few WNs bother with Reddit though. We already have sites which serve the same function.

  14. >>My wife grew up in a 3rd world asian country, moved here 6 years ago and >>has become very successful. No one gave her a break, handout, subsidy, or
    >>affirmative action placement. Those don’t exist for asians.

    >Her being allowed to immigrate constitutes a break, handout, subsidy, ad >affirmative action.

    ben tillman,

    Your assumption is incorrect. She came over to this country on an H1-B visa which are offered to skilled foreign workers in high-demand careers where significant labor shortages exist locally.

    Since being here, she’s been a net asset to the tax base and the economy, and earns triple the US median income.

    If whites are so superior, why couldn’t they fill her job? Somehow a poor girl from an impoverished country can travel 10,000 miles with barely a dollar in her pocket and end up earning a 6 figure salary, but the master race who is already here and has almost every advantage in the world can’t do the same.

    When you look at the success of asian immigrants in this country, many coming from unfathomably destitute origins, it’s hard to buy the whole “master aryan race” argument.

  15. Randy,

    Few, if any, people on here support the whole “master aryan race” argument. I’m sure your wife is a smart and nice Asian lady. But she’s not an American lady. She’s a foreigner. The fact that she’s so talented merely suggests that she, with her foreign attitudes, beliefs, and loyalties, will be that much more likely to gain political and social dominance over my people.

    In many ways, Asian and Jewish immigrants are a greater threat than Mexican or Caribbean immigrants because they’re so smart. I promise you that your wife has no special love for my White American ethnic nationality, if she even believes my nationality is a valid one. Your wife is almost certainly for flooding America with hundreds of thousands more of her extended family.

    She can take her hundreds of thousands of dollars and her Asiaphile husband back to where she belongs and bless her own people with her gifts.

  16. I’m not a White Nationalist, but I am a Pan-Nationalist. Looking over history, it seems to me that Nationalism with Monarchism provides the best existence for all populations and the greatest degree of sensible peace.

    On Reddit, however, I have learned that the Reddit Hivemind Groupthink (RHG) is extremely active against disturbing aspects of reality. Disturbing means anything that interrupts the narcissism of a modern person, which is:

    * An ethic of convenience
    * A desire for government or society to do what the individual is unwilling to
    * An egalitarian sense based on the idea that others, too, may want to hang out play video games
    * A sexual mythos based on convenience, where sex is a no-bind contract, and therefore the male has no need to get more deeply invested than the sexual act itself
    * An ideology of pacifism, submission, and bending the rules (or interpretations of reality) so that everyone feels happy and OK

    For the most part, Redditors are the children of 1970s and 1980s “everyone wins, everyone is equal” propaganda and they’ve learned to take advantage of this. They will immediately counterattack with assertions of inequality if you interrupt their video game playing, pot smoking and plunking of overweight hipster geek girls.

    In fact, it’s their only counterattack. Their life plan is that we all tolerate each other and the money keeps magically appearing from somewhere, and all our enemies really aren’t enemies, and deep down, everyone is reasonable. It’s a ludicrous childish vision of reality.

    If you want to exploit Reddit, my advice is to be asymmetric. Don’t go in there to post white nationalist opinions; go in there to subvert everything they believe in by pointing out how useless it is.

    If nothing else, Redditors are bonded by negativity.

    I wrote an article on Crowdism (the tendency of groups of individualists to join together to demand a lack of realism, so each can continue his or her selfish ethic of convenience) on Reddit, here:

  17. If whites are so superior, why couldn’t they fill her job? Somehow a poor girl from an impoverished country can travel 10,000 miles with barely a dollar in her pocket and end up earning a 6 figure salary, but the master race who is already here and has almost every advantage in the world can’t do the same. @Randy Garver


    With all due respect, your being a bit mendacious with this line of reasoning of yours.

    In general, it’s cheaper for businesses to pay foreigners, like your wife, than it is to pay a White American. That is one of the biggest reasons for the whole corrupt Visa scam going in this country.

    Traditional Anglo-America became a economic and cultural superpower, prior to 1965, well before any Asian or other non-White immigrants flooded our labor markets.

  18. Mr. Parrott,

    My wife is a naturalized citizen, and is no less of an American than anyone else. As for her not having a special love for the white American nationalism, you’re correct. She has no concept of race except as a broad scientific classification, which is fine by me. I work to ensure our children are similarly unconcerned with ethnicity.

    Even though the folks here appear to object to it, you and everyone else benefit from meritocratic immigration and opportunities for success. Such immigrants help pay for roads, social security, and the national defense. They create business and grow the economy.

    And while you don’t like it, the odds are that should a loved one suffer an unfortunate medical emergency, one of these hard working folks will probably be instrumental in helping to save their life. You’re just going to have to deal with having to see a chinky eye or an east indian face while you sit in the waiting room giving thanks to God that they pulled through.

  19. Amerikaner,

    If you learn about the H1-B system, you’ll discover that these are jobs at the upper end of the income scale, often at 2-3 (or more) times the median income. From an economic perspective, it’s a win for everyone. Economies do not benefit from labor shortages.

  20. Randy,

    1.) California used to have one of the best public education systems in America. It now ranks at the bottom.

    2.) Millions of Whites in California have moved to other states. If diversity is so wonderful, why are there so many ex-Californians?

    3.) California = Greece on the Pacific. The state is bankrupt. It has the lowest bond rating of any state in America.

    4.) The “progress” being made in California consists of higher rates of illiteracy and poverty.

    5.) Meritocracy is the worst of all possible systems for selecting our leaders. It thrusts into the social and economic elite people who have nothing but contempt for the masses and who feel no sense of obligation to America or its future.

    6.) We were able to pay for defense, roads, and social security before the Immigration Act of 1965 flooded America with Third World immigrants. Come to think of it, we also managed to split the atom, defeat the Great Depression, win the Second World War, and land a man on the moon.

    7.) Why, pray tell, should White Americans want to import millions of non-White immigrants who nurse racial and cultural grievances against us?

    9.) We already have a Hispanic Congressional Caucus, a Black Congressional Caucus, and a Asian-Pacific Islander Congressional Caucus. So much for colorblindness.

  21. Mr. Wallace,

    The H1-B visa system only applies to skilled, high-demand fields where insufficient domestic labor is available. These days it’s mostly engineering, nursing, and physical therapists. Any native citizen with a degree in those fields is practically guaranteed a high paying job with their choice of employers.

  22. If you learn about the H1-B system, you’ll discover that these are jobs at the upper end of the income scale, often at 2-3 (or more) times the median income. From an economic perspective, it’s a win for everyone. Economies do not benefit from labor shortages.


    Even though these jobs may be, as you say, at the upper-end of the income scale, it is still, nonetheless, cheaper for a company in wages paid to a foreigner than for wages the company would have to pay an American national.

    And while you don’t like it, the odds are that should a loved one suffer an unfortunate medical emergency, one of these hard working folks will probably be instrumental in helping to save their life. You’re just going to have to deal with having to see a chinky eye or an east indian face while you sit in the waiting room giving thanks to God that they pulled through.

    Again, with all due respect Randy, this is a bit of a haughty statement on your part, sir. As I said before, prior to 1965, there were plenty of native-born, ‘hard working’ and intelligent White American folks working in hospitals (from the doctors down to the bed-pan changers) who were ‘instrumental’ in making sure that those under their care ‘pulled through’. So your statement to Matt Parrott is a bit of a non-sequitor.

  23. Any native citizen with a degree in those fields is practically guaranteed a high paying job with their choice of employers. @Randy

    Mmmm, strongly disagree.

    Check out this (very non-racial) immigration reform organization, regarding the H-1B visa program that allows skilled immigrants to work in the United States on a supposedly temporary basis, for evidence against your supposition.

  24. Mr. Wallace,

    California is certainly an example of “how not to do it”. However, the cause of its troubles are complex, as are all large problems.

    I lived in Silicon Valley where innovation is king, and when you go visit a tech company you’ll see a rainbow of faces. They’re diverse not to fulfill some hippie-dippy ideal, but because each company scours the world to find the best and the brightest. Those companies are absolute meat-grinders in pursuit of success. Talent now operates in a global marketplace. The world has changed since the 1950s, and we can either adapt or die.

    My personal experience of immigration is with an asian immigrant who works hard, pays a lot in taxes, and gets involved in holding our local school system accountable for its performance. Obviously I’m biased, but those appear to be the traits of a model American citizen. If she were Irish you’d probably agree.

  25. Randy,

    The boards that cater to engineers and the discussions that go on there suggest otherwise. I also utterly reject the notion that we should evaluate immigrants on the basis of their skill sets:

    1.) When immigrants settle in America, we are importing individuals and their descendants. The outstanding individual is trivial in the larger scheme of things.

    2.) Many of these “highly skilled workers” are all sorts of other things besides. They are often racial and ethnic chauvinists who despise the indigenous population.

    3.) We don’t want “highly skilled immigrants” from outside of Europe. We value the racial and cultural integrity of our nation above and beyond any of the economic benefits that accrue to America from the exploitation of cheap labor.

  26. Randy,

    1.) California’s problems are hardly unique. The only difference between California and the other states is that it has more immigrants and the magnitude of their impact is greater there.

    2.) Blacks and Hispanics underperform relative to Whites in California and every other state. For over a century, the federal government has tried to raise blacks and Hispanics to the level of Whites. It has failed in that task.

    If we were talking about any other subject but race, there wouldn’t be a controversy. Suppose for a moment we were talking about automobiles. If one automobile consistently underperformed relative to another brand of automobile for a century, most logical people would assume the environment is not responsible.

    3.) Show me a school anywhere in America where black and Hispanic children perform at the White level.

    4.) Japan and South Korea seem to be able to compete fine without transforming themselves into Brazil.

    6.) I’m sure your observations of this particular Asian immigrant are accurate. I am more than willing to grant that Asians tend to be hardworking, pay their taxes, and keep their noses out of crime.

    That doesn’t mean I want my descendants to be crowded out of state universities by Asians. It doesn’t mean I want my descendants to be ruled by Asians. It doesn’t mean I want to see Asians entrenching themselves as an economic elite in America. It certainly doesn’t mean that I welcome the racial division and antagonism that comes from hosting a large Asian population in America.

  27. Irishmen can become White. They can assimilate and intermarry with other Whites. They can and have mixed to the point where they cease to be a distinct group.

  28. Mr. Wallace,

    You have explained your positions clearly. This exchange has opened my eyes a bit. To be honest, I had the expectation that any WN folks I might come across would be hateful bigots. Perhaps this is a result of the media bias that the other poster alluded to.

    That being said, it’s obvious that we have a difference of opinion in terms of our core beliefs and values. It’s a testament to the freedoms which we all enjoy that we can have and share these opinions openly.

    The WN folks appear to be on the wrong side of history. At some point white people will be the minority, and regardless of one’s opinions on the matter, there’s nothing which is going to change that.

    Quite frankly I welcome the competition my child will have to face for a university slot. Competition makes everyone better. America didn’t become great because the world lobbed softballs at us. As developing countries increase their economic power, the US will have to work even harder to stay ahead.

    By the way, Japan is an example of the dangers of ethnocentrism, as they’re on the precipice of a demographic and fiscal crisis similar to one that the US will face. Put simply, the Japanese aren’t breeding enough to create sufficient workers to fund the pensions of their rapidly aging population. Given their reticence to import foreign workers, every projection regarding their future solvency is dire.

  29. Mr. Garver,

    I appreciate the return of civility to this discussion. Maybe we can have a polite and informative exchange after all. I’m willing to talk to anyone who has an opposing point of view.

    Most of us are not “hateful bigots.” We just recognize the need for a different living arrangement than the one we have now. America already has Indian reservations set aside for indigenous tribes who prefer to maintain their traditional way of life. White Americans should be given the same chance to “opt out” of the United States.

    White minority status is not inevitable. If Whites remain loyal to the United States and present trends continue, then Whites will certainly become a minority.

    The alternative to that scenario is secession. We could secede from the United States, establish our own government, and set our own immigration policy. That’s what most of us favor here.

    We’re not interested in engaging in an economic race to the bottom with Third World immigrants. I don’t see how California and Texas are better off by becoming more like Mexico. I see plenty of evidence of decline, not much of progress. If poverty, crime, illiteracy, insolvency, and ignorance are “progress,” then count me out.

    It was the “white supremacists” who founded America and built it into a great nation. “White supremacists” controlled America until the Kennedy administration. Those “white supremacists” also had an immigration policy that favored Europeans. By the 1960s, around the time that average SAT scores peaked, America was 90% white.

    Pundits have been predicting economic disaster for Japan in years. In fact, the Japanese spent most of the 1990s and 2000s quietly increasing their U.S. holdings. The Japanese have all the benefits of a modern industrialized nation with none of the costs that are borne by America.

    The last thing Americans should do is listen to economists. The same free market economists spent 200 years misjudging America’s future economic development. Adam Smith himself thought America would become an agricultural backwater like Poland.

    If the Japanese or Germans had listened to the theories of free market economists, neither country would have built their great industries.

  30. Stephen,

    You have identified the problem: America is for everyone, but Mexico is for Mexicans, China is for the Chinese, and India is for Indians. We seem to be getting the raw end of the deal here.

    You can keep America. We’ve given up on the idea that people like yourself should be considered our fellow citizens. We plan to secede and create our own society.

  31. Guy,

    This site isn’t about promoting “hatred” and “racism.” We don’t have anything against non-Whites who prefer to live in their own societies. It is only when these people come here and sanctimoniously tell us how we should live our lives that a problem arises.

  32. When will you folks realize that being a racist just isn’t very cool? @”Marvin”

    Better question is: When are you type of folks going to realize that being a nerdy lemming isn’t all that “cool” either?

    BTW Marvin, are you admitting your position of (supposed) “anti-racism” is really not genuine and sincere, then?

    White anti-white racism is a broadly fashionable attitude that extends far beyond loonies like Ignatiev. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen it formally explained, although Tom Wolfe’s novels show it in action.

    The usual explanations of what drives whites like Ignatiev are “white guilt” or “self-loathing.” But does Ignatiev appear as if he personally feels guilt or self-loathing?

    No—he sounds like he’s having the time of his life arguing that you should feel guilt etc. He comes across as an arrogant, hostile jerk who thinks the world of himself.

    He wants to feel that he’s better than other whites and to rub their faces in it. The bad guys in his book are Irish Catholics and Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Ignatiev himself is neither.

    And this is typical, in my experience: whites who proclaim their anti-white feelings don’t really care much about blacks or other minorities, pro or con. What they care about is achieving social superiority over other whites by demonstrating their exquisite racial sensitivity and their aristocratic insouciance about any competitive threats posed by racial preferences.

    To these whites, minorities are just useful pawns in the great game of clawing your way to the top of the white status heap. Which, when you come right down to it, is the only game in town.

  33. Also, don’t try to play Reddiquette into this, Reddit is a user-based site, and we have the freedom to ignore those rules if the vast majority of us simply DO NOT want to see a bunch of unintelligent racist jibber-jabber on the front page of our favorite site.

    Of course that’s a lie, like most “user-based” sites some users are not welcome. If a majority of White Nationalists tried to immigrate into Reddit the rules would be changed to make sure they couldn’t take over. I say they and not we because I don’t agree with this approach. Reddit, like Google, Youtube, Facebook and many other sites is Jew owned and has limited value as a tool for promoting White Nationalism.

Comments are closed.