MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer: Disappointed Times Square Suspect Has Islamic Ties

The liberal media was salivating over the possibility that the Times Square terrorist plot was the work of angry White men involved in the Tea Party and White Nationalist movement.

Epic letdown: the name of the suspect is “Faisal Shahzad,” a Pakistani U.S. citizen, and a legal immigrant. This is clearly why we need “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Note: The MSM was also convinced the DC Sniper was a White male.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. She sounds like she doesn’t believe what she’s saying… all breathy and nervous. I feel bad for liberal White women, having to act against their race publicly according to Frankfurt School diktat. The big problem isn’t the occassional low-grade subject from Pakistan or rural Michigan. The big problem is massive anti-White violence in American cities and Mexican settling of the Southwest U.S. And who keeps most Whites’ attention focused on Muslims and increasingly White men as the enemy?

  2. I think this is just a Pavlovian response. Women also tend to go with flow and embrace whatever is seen as mainstream. In a journalism program and MSNBC that is left-liberalism. I think women and others who “didn’t fit in back in the day” sometimes imagine that they’re on the outside and they won’t be eaten for lunch when the whites are sent to camps, but just ask Nicole Simpson whether gender trumps race among the would-be oppressors. White women need to realize they’re hated as much or more than white men, not least because of their beauty.

    Incidentally, it’s obvious to me hearing this dingbat who is also quite physically attractive yap that she’d be much more productive for society if she were having half a dozen babies rather than opining about politics.

  3. There are alot of people who wanna use umm terrorist intent to justify writing off people who believe in a certain way or come from certain countries or whose skin color is a certain way – I mean they use it as justification for really outdated bigotry

    Brewer very well sums up the anti-White zeitgeist – the new, improved bigotry. Non-Whites are consciously given a pass and Whites get shit on for being suspected of intending violence or even simply not being willing to give non-Whites a pass.

    If every White American suddenly converted to Islam and migrated to Mexico, the anti-White regime would indubitably start denouncing Islamic terrorist immigrants to Mexico in the harshest possible terms.

  4. I flinched when I first heard of this. The news said that the cops were looking for a White man who was changing his shirt as he left the scene. It is an relief that this one won’t be tagged on us, and we’ll be spared a lecture. As it is, it’s a point for our side.

  5. I just listened to the clip. How is it that so inarticulate a woman is a professional news reader?

  6. It’s sad how hypocritical the Far-Left is! They complain about websites like CofCC and Amren pointing out the race (Black and Brown) of people who commit crimes. Yet, they rejoice in pointing out a mere “suspect” of a failed attack is possibly White! The anti-White Bigotry is right out in the open. And self-hating Whites still love being defamed. 🙁

  7. Notice how she brought up the Hutarees. As one of the youtube comments mentioned, they released them all prior to trial likely because they don’t have any evidence that they actually did anything illegal. As *always* it was the FBI “informant” in their midst who was trying to incite them into terrorism. The entire Hutaree scam was simply meant to show “radical angry whites” as just as much a terrorist threat as Mossad, er, I mean Muslims.

    I have my doubts about the Times Square car bombing too. Just in time to justify Bloomberg’s new UK style Big Brother camera regime. Even Bloomberg said he assumed it was someone “upset about the health care bill.”

    It makes me sad and terrified for White people, my people, when I realize that a Jew can put a towel on his head, and release a video to SITE, an Israeli propaganda group, and when they see it on TV will have no doubt that it’s a Muslim in Al Qaeda.

    White people are so damn gullible I’m at a complete loss on how to fix the problem.

  8. Oh, Lord. She’s just the sort of example that makes me even more convinced that women should not be allowed to vote. At least not THAT sort of woman!

    Roach said: “…she’d be much more productive for society if she were having half a dozen babies rather than opining about politics.”

    Should she even be doing that?! I mean, she’s just gonna produce a bunch of STUPID babies. :-/

  9. Veni Vidi Dixi: “I have my doubts about the Times Square car bombing too. Just in time to justify Bloomberg’s new UK style Big Brother camera regime. Even Bloomberg said he assumed it was someone ‘upset about the health care bill.'”

    A police state is on its way! 🙁
    Here in Florida, greedy corporate boys are guilt-trippng cities into installing cameras at traffic lights. Next will be stop signs, speeding on the interstates and eventually all public roads. All downtown areas. Everywhere!

    And an irony is that we law-abiding Whites will be racially profiled, while Black and Hispanic criminals will eventually get away with raping and slaughtering Whites. The Far-Left will get its wish! Those John Brownites!

  10. In just a few weeks I am finally going to be able to openly talk about my experiences here behind enemy lines.

    And if OD won’t print I’ll sell it to Al Jazeera!

    Let me tell you folks – there’s no Jew here that actually believes in the “Muslim terrorist threat” – they go out of their way to make this city safe for Muslims. Muslims and Jews are tight, only the FOXtards in flyover country buy the bullshit.

    5 weeks I can barely keep my mouth shut!

  11. MSNBC is owned by GE, a multinational globalista corporation. Cuntessa Brewer is well aware of who signs her paycheck. Meanwhile, Schtupenie Miller is on a lifetime subsidy from George Soros. You get the picture.

  12. Eileen,

    At no time in the History of Europe were Women selected for the quality of being good at talking about Politics.

    To say Contesa Brewer shouldn’t have a dozen babies because she isn’t good at it would be like saying a Man shouldn’t father children because he’s bad at doing laundry.

    It’s called division of labor.

  13. Almost all the meaningful Political Debate in History has been done by Men, even if Women have sometimes listened to the debate and then played a role in the decision making process.

  14. The party paradigm is officially broken, although the charade of it continues to play out in DC for public consumption.  Real power is held and exercised by international capital, and it has no real opposition at present.  With campaign finance recently “reformed” to explicitly allow foreign contributions, it can get worse.  Someone ought to come up with some effective slogans and an iconic chant for the Tea Partiers.  It brought people power to the Manchurian Candidate Obama.

    None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

  15. “To say Contesa Brewer shouldn’t have a dozen babies because she isn’t good at it would be like saying a Man shouldn’t father children because he’s bad at doing laundry.

    It’s called division of labor”

    The problem is not Contessa’s failure is at politics. The problem lies in the chance that she pass her hatred of Whites down to her kids so that instead of just one Contessa, we end up with six of ’em.

    Reg, consider,

    If, as twins-separated-at-birth studies suggest, political opinions are inheritable, as are so many other personality traits, it seems to me we’re better off that White lesbians and lefty women and their metrosexual husbands DON’T breed.

    I realize numbers are important, but they’re not all-important. White man has, many, many times, demonstrated his ability to leverage his superior smarts to achieve kill ratios of hundreds of them to one of ours. All we lack is the will — for the moment.

    We don’t need the kids of these kinds of women. The risk they’ll go on tv, too, and further their mother’s demonic work of demoralizing our people with her anti-White poison far exceeds any potential benefit of 6 mestizoes’ votes being cancelled, even assuming her kids could turn out to be persuadables (dubious proposition at best).

  16. Oh, Lord. She’s just the sort of example that makes me even more convinced that women should not be allowed to vote. At least not THAT sort of woman!

    Women and the masses in general support those in power. In a White nationalist state women would support it.

  17. “. . .political opinions are inheritable. . .” With a correlation coefficient of 0.62. It truly means no communication is possible.

  18. barb,

    I don’t think Contessa Brewer has a hatred of Whites.

    What she might have is a reduced level of Ethnocentrism as compared to the average White which allows her to say Anti-White things in the specific context of working for a Anti-White Media Company.

    While it is better for more Ethnocentric Whites to have children than less Ethnocentric Whites, even if a lot of Contessa’s relative lack of Ethnocentrism is attributable to genetics this could be 50% negated in a single generation using the KD Rebel technique.

  19. “What she might have is a reduced level of Ethnocentrism as compared to the average White which allows her to say Anti-White things in the specific context of working for a Anti-White Media Company.”

    I don’t buy it. She CHOSE to go to work in media. To excuse her, to imply that she just says the things she does just to keep her job means we should excuse all the politicians who pander to the Israel Lobby, too. Phooey. She’s on MSNBC. She wields tremendous power, and she’s using it to hurt her very own coethnics. I don’t care if she’s a flibbertyjivett silly girl who knows not what she’s doing. She’s guilty of race-treason, and she needs to be held responsible for what she says.

    Better that THIS generation of women who are feminine, family- and home-focussed make babies, and the lefty women don’t, so the NEXT generation of women, who will also likely be feminine and family focused, and most importantly, in the majority so it’s socially acceptable to BE feminine and family focussed, can make LOTS of babies and play catchup with the mestizo breeders.

  20. I’d agree with you if Miss Brewer was talking about a Mestizo murdering a White person, or a Black murdering a White person.

    But instead she was using words to try to mentally disarm White People from defending themselves from Muslim Terrorists.

    The thing is that Muslim Terrorists and Whites have so many of the same enemies, that I’m really not sure if I want White People to effectively defend their Country against them.

    It was funny to watch some Counterterrorism guy say on the News: “This Bomb could’ve killed hundreds of innocent Tourists and Theater Goers”.

    With what’s been playing on Broadway lately, I’m not sure how innocent they were.

    Of course maybe Contessa is pushing a more general Anti-White agenda on T.V. without me knowing about it, since I stopped watching MSNBC much ever since they stopped bashing Bush 24 hours a day.

  21. “The thing is that Muslim Terrorists and Whites have so many of the same enemies, that I’m really not sure if I want White People to effectively defend their Country against them”

    See, I disagree with the philosophy “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” It’s misguided and always comes back to bite one in the arse.
    I think it’s entirely possible to recognize that Jews are enemies AND that Arabs are enemies. In fact, somewhere on the web is a great essay about how Islam and Judaism really are twists on the same thing — because both people are of the same base stock — Middle Eastern. Basically, Arabs are just dumb Jews. They are NOT the friends of White men.
    While I have no love lost for NYC I’m smart enough to recognize that NYC Jews will try very hard to get MY sons and sons’ friends into the army (institute a draft, etc.) to defend it against Arab terrorism. Therefore I want NO immigration of them to further give the anti-White Jews something to stir the pot.

  22. “They are NOT the friends of White men.”

    But the same people destroying us are trying to destroy them. The exact same people handing out condoms to little White Girls are also trying to sneak into the Middle East to hand out condoms to little Arab Girls.

    The same US Government agencies trying to entrap White Nationalists are entrapping Arabs.

    Arabs aren’t the friends of the White Man, but this doesn’t change the fact that we have interests that overlap in certain key areas.

    The weaker the American Government and Economy are the better of we are.

    And the weaker the American Government and Economy are the better off the Arabs are as well.

    There are places where our interests greatly diverge, but this is far less salient in America as the real demographic threat to American Whites comes from Mestizos and to a lesser extent the Asians and Hindus that the Jews are trying to use to make the White upper class redundant.

  23. barb I agree, Arabs and Muslims in general are not our friends, nor are they on our side.

    They are more like fellow prisoners though. As in the Hutaree example I mentioned above, and in fact going all the way back to Waco at least, the hostile regime puts us in the same category as Arabs, whether we like it or not.

    They were openly hoping that the Time Square bomber was a White tea party type. Openly, unashamedly blaming us, and does anyone have any doubt that if they fingered some white guy, it would be all over the news 24/7, along with Hollywood nazis and the like?

    Bush and Obama both support explicit policies to arrest and torture without trials or warrants any US citizen under any sort of terrorism pretext.

    So we have no time to waste fighting Arabs or Muslims. Otherwise we’re stuck in the Prisoner’s Dilemma with the worst possible outcome.

  24. Once the US collapses and resembles a prison yard fractured upon racial fault lines, Contessa Brewer will probably have a rendition alas Amanda Kijera. I know I’m surly not going to assist her, and every self respecting white boy worth his own salt should afford her no quarter and throw her to the wolfs she so scrupulously worships.

  25. Brewer would sound more intelligent face down buried in a pillow…

    Alot of white americans still cling to the atomic individual argument… ‘well, i’m sure not all mexicans hate us’, ‘not all muslims are terrorists’, ‘I’m friends with a ___________ (fill in the blank), and he/she is nice and hardworking’, etc.

    My counter to this line of thinking, ever time:

    ‘How many snakes must one kiss to find one that won’t bite you? And even if you found one, should you let snakes roam freely about your yard while your kids are at play?’

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