Super Mario and the Fugu Conspiracy

Super Mario BrothersMyths play a critical role in establishing patterns of thought which, if ingrained during the impressionable childhood years, play a decisive role in determining adult behavior. The invention of the television has had a profound effect on this process, largely replacing bible stories, European fairy tales, and the Classical fables with Jewish propaganda and third world garbage.

But movies aren’t the only way to brainwash a child. In fact, they’re not the best way. Video games provide a far more deeply engaged and repetitive process of immersion than any movie can provide. And on this front, the Jewish stranglehold on childhood brainwashing has been far from decisive. Maybe this is because early video games were primarily designed by the same groups who programmed them, reflecting the overwhelmingly White and Asian male demographics of the creators. Maybe this is because all “games” naturally favor the martial virtues: of honor, valor, courage, beauty, and excellence. Weakness, victimization, resentment, and self-pity can make for a tear-jerking Civil Rights movie, but it all makes for a boring video game.

Family Resemblance???It’s sort of incredible that so many in my own generation (born in the 80’s) can be White Advocates after so much poison has been dumped into the academic and entertainment wells. But, having wasted practically my entire childhood playing Super Mario Brothers games, it may not be all that surprising: Working class White brothers team up against hordes of dark and sinister servants of their serpentine overlord on a valiant quest to rescue the blonde princess. This, in a nutshell, is how I envision our struggle and maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what those wily Japs intended.

Japan, being a martial nation which has struggled for centuries against “The Jews of the East“, intended during the imperial period of the 1930’s to attract the Jews to settle in Manchuria, taking advantage of their vast wealth while leaving the Chinese to cope with the externalities. This plot, the Fugu Plan, was considered highly dangerous, since its failure could result in their subjugation to the Jewish oligarchs. Fugu is a poisonous fish which is considered a delicacy if prepared properly but will result in immediate death if not. Stalin supported this fishy scheme with the establishment of a Jewish Autonomous Oblast in the Russian Far East adjoining Manchuria.

The Jews, not being a stupid people, did not fall for this obvious trap.

We’re supposed to believe that the Japanese just gave up on the whole thing. But maybe, just maybe, their flooding of America with games and cartoons which reinforce martial values, depict all the characters in a harmonious mono-racial White society, and exhort us to step up and rescue our White girls is a more thoughtfully planned and carefully executed plan to keep the West from falling entirely under Jewish control.

In all seriousness, understanding how we’ve allowed the masters of influence to implant us with narratives and themes bound to guarantee our decline and dispossession is critical. Even seemingly innocuous things like children’s cartoons and video games are key battlegrounds in the unceasing intergenerational struggle between the world’s tribes for resources and power. We in the movement rarely accord this the seriousness the subject deserves but our competitors most definitely do. And if we don’t start playing the game to win it, we’re never going to save the princess.

Princess Peach

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. Working class White brothers team up against hordes of dark and sinister servants of their serpentine overlord on a valiant quest to rescue the blonde princess. This, in a nutshell, is how I envision our struggle and maybe, just maybe, this is exactly what those wily Japs intended.

    That sounds like Nordicism.

    The Japs intended to sell their video game to Nordish Americans and Europeans, their target audience. You still see the same character design in their current video games. They rarely make characters look accurately Mongoloid.

  2. The fact that Mario and Luigi were Italians would seem to imply that they intend for us to overcome our petty regional concerns!


  3. Another great Nintendo video game series comes to mind, The Legend of Zelda, which I believe was made by the same people.

    In the series, you play the hero, who is a young, blond, Nordish looking lad, and try to save a blonde princess. The main villain in the series is a shape-shifting sorcerer. There are many pagan elements and themes as well, such as a giant Yggdrasil-like spirit tree, that I think speak to some of our ancient, European pagan heritage and tradition. The setting of the game is a verdant forest world that is similar to our natural European environment.

    And I believe Mario made his first appearance in the Donkey Kong arcade game, where Mario tries to save the princess from the giant gorilla, Donkey Kong. Perhaps Donkey Kong was a stand-in for bestial Negro savagery, which by the 80s when the game was created was well known world-wide following its explosion in urban American during the 70s.

  4. Zelda was consciously modeled off of European pagan myths, like that spirit tree, and Christian chivalric stories–in the first Zelda game, the hero actually has a cross on his shield. They soon got rid of the cross, but it was probably just because that was too much of a real-world element, and seemed jarring.

    The villain, who comes from a swarthy nomadic desert tribe, causes all the trouble by stealing the Triforce from the pagan goddesses, like Albrich in Ring of the Nibelung.

  5. That’s a very interesting idea! The Japanese are trying to save us from the Jews. The Koreans too. And Mahathir Mohamed, and Akhmedinajad. Hey Ameriguo! Watch out for Judeo-san!

    The Asians know about the Judeo-san question. It’s common knowledge over there, totally taken for granted. I think the fact that they don’t at all resemble Ashkenazim protected them. The rough similarity of appearance/racial type of Ashkenazim, made them able to enter among us and operate among us without attracting too much notice.

  6. “But maybe, just maybe, their flooding of America with games and cartoons which reinforce martial values, depict all the characters in a harmonious mono-racial White society, and exhort us to step up and rescue our White girls is a more thoughtfully planned and carefully executed plan…”

    Oh, come on. The Japanese like that sort of stuff and mindset, it is completely natural to them, so they assume that we Westerners like it too.

  7. Khazaria was a Caucasian nation that merely adopted Judaism.

    The urheimat of whites was Khazaria. If “the Jews” are taking over the world, it must be said that it is only those Jews who carry blood from the Persian Liberation / Babylonian Captivity, or are nominal Jews from the urheimat.

    What is the secret to success of “the Jews”? They aren’t Christian.

    In other words, they don’t believe that one should turn the other cheek or love one’s neighbor. They love their tribe. Period.

    What is it about Aryans / Caucasians that predispose them to migrate and rule other peoples from above? Certainly there is a genetic component, but perhaps there is a race memory stemming from the annihilation of the urheimat by the Black Sea Flood of 5600 BC. Each man of our tribe became, by necessity, a Prometheus. Carrying the knowledge of civilization to the darkened peoples of the rest of the world.

    Those humans that left Africa were also operating under these paradigms: 1) wanting to escape the limitations of the present condition, 2) moving out into a world that wasn’t empty, and conquering / exterminating who ever was in the way. By the way, historic paper just came out showing the admixture of non-Africans with neanderthal ~ 60,000 BC in the middle east.

    The real “Left Behind” is the story of black Africa.

  8. Growing up in Germany I was steeped in Grimm’ Fairy Tales and Prince Valiant ( Prinz Eisenherz ) comics. That definitely seeded my subconscious in a good way. The cartoons on TV these days are toxic to children. They all promote multiculturalism. I never got into video games but what you write sounds encouraging. I have actually been thinking about games, board games, online games etc as mediums to wake up our folk. I saw a few excerpts from online games with European archetypal themes. This is powerful stuff.

  9. Nietzsche,
    That wild-ass conjecture isn’t even nominally related to the topic, but I’ll go ahead and include it since the article was about a classic 80’s retro video game and your comment was classic 80’s retro anthropology and anti-Semitism. Here are some thoughts…

    White is a race, not the single family of tribes from which the Indo-European language group and the R1a1 haplogroup can be traced. Their urheimat was there around the Volga River, where the Khazarian Khaganate was. But Khazars were Turkic people from the Northeast who displaced the last of the Aryans to leave the region, the Sarmatians.

    The Khazar hypothesis was specious to begin with and is completely over now that we have genetic testing to corroborate alternative models of Jewish migration. The null hypothesis, which is that Jews are pretty much Hebrews who’ve only minimally mixed with their neighboring populations, has been strengthened by genetic testing.

    My money says that the Neanderthal admixture was limited to the Cro-Magnon tribes, with the tribes in the East Asian basin being left out. In my model, East Asians are humans who evolved to be as intelligent and attractive as possible, but without some of the additional genes we got from Neanderthals which essentially define us racially.

    I think the Aryan Expansion was more likely triggered by a breakthrough in military technology than by a traumatic loss of territory due to the flooding of the Black Sea basin. My money here is on the chariot.

    Bantu Africans are very substantially descended from Eurasian populations which back-migrated. They’re dramatically more intelligent and attractive than the pygmy and bushman populations which more or less typify the cognitive, physical, and behavioral characteristics of our common ancestor. Nilotic Africans have a strong dose of Semitic admixture. I think the Great Zimbabwe was probably a Jewish trading outpost which thrived until their failure to regulate breeding habitats resulted in the curious Lemba phenomenon.

    And why did the Jewish GES’s framework for limiting admixture fail in Black Africa while succeeding in Christian and Muslim worlds? I think that’s an important question. My bet is that their strategy for maintaining ingroup/outgroup boundaries relies on a hostile relationship with a threatening outgroup. When the outgroup fails to pose a credible threat of anti-Semitism, as was the case in Black Africa and as is the case in contemporary America, Jewish miscegenation with the natives rapidly flies out of control.

    You see this process in full effect when you watch the documentary Defamation. If you read Controversy of Zion (which contains your Khazar canard), you’ll read this hypothesis fleshed out more thoroughly. If they don’t figure out some way to whip up some anti-Semitism in America, American Jews are toast. If the Pharisees can’t whip up a pogrom from time to time, there’s no reason to stay in the shtetl, and no reason to cower before the Pharisees.

  10. EuroMike,
    I think it would be cool to devise a sport which intrinsically favors White qualities. We know from natural experiment that the NFL Quarterback position does so. Somebody ought to take this seriously and try to devise a new sport which favors creative problem solving, strategic intelligence, upper-body strength, and any other qualities we excel at. Every other nation focuses on a sport their people naturally excel at, and we should strive to do the same.

  11. The Khazar hypothesis was specious to begin with and is completely over now that we have genetic testing to corroborate alternative models of Jewish migration. The null hypothesis, which is that Jews are pretty much Hebrews who’ve only minimally mixed with their neighboring populations, has been strengthened by genetic testing.


    The ‘Khazar hypothesis’ is far from settled. For one thing, the claim that modern-day Jews are the (largely unmixed) Biblical descendants of the Hebrew Israelites is rather untenable — since 10 of the original 12 tribes have been lost in history — and since even the tribes of Judah and Benjamin have picked up significant Babylonian and other non-Israelite blood in their various sojourns and captivities.

    Regarding the alleged proof of a distinctive ‘Jewish race’ or ‘Jewish DNA’, well, this is largely from a single New York Times article, one that both ardent philo and anti-semites love to cite, to fulfill their respective agendas, of course.

  12. I don’t think anyone programming or designing Super Mario was thinking “Let’s save those poor white devils from the Jews!”, I think this is a case of the healthy instincts of the Japanese influencing the programming and design, something that’s possible in a jew-free society.

  13. What is the secret to success of “the Jews”? They aren’t Christian.

    In other words, they don’t believe that one should turn the other cheek or love one’s neighbor. They love their tribe. Period.

    That’s a big part of it. Non-gentiles pioneered racialism, specifically, racialist religion. This eventually led to their eugenic practices, and their high IQ and ethnocentrism (they started out ethnocentric but this fed itself via selection).

    The other part, as Kievsky notes, is that they look enough like us to pass. If they looked like east Asians, they’d be the Chinese’s misfortune, instead of ours.

  14. As for video games, they require a lot of technical know-how. Non-gentile dominance of film comes from their nepotistic behavior patterns and their propensity for bullshit. Other than script-writing, the key positions of filmmaking dominated by non-gentiles are ideally suited to their propensity for arrogant bullshitting. Making a video game is much more like real work, still very technical, rather than artistic.

  15. The most recent Legend of Zelda game, Twilight Princess, does include some unappealing elements…

    One of the characters who helps out the main character, Link, many times during his quest is a noble black female bar owner named Telma.

    The brown Goron race, who used to be very simple minded rock dwellers, are now smarter, less cowardly, and have a more advanced society.

    Most of the white characters now look somewhat uglier, including Link, who also needs more help from other characters during his quest than was the case previously.

  16. Edison Carter makes sense. It’s probably as much a case of projection as anything else; east Asians, particularly the Japanese, have healthy racial instincts and consciousness and probably just project that onto us.

    For now, I think video games will remain largely impenetrable to non-gentiles, though I’ve seen evidence of their influence (non-gentile “directors”) creeping in. This will remain until video game creation becomes more art than math.

  17. That’s the trend in the industry, segregation of technical and artistic teams. These creative design teams can only be overwhelmed by media jews and subverted->perverted->inverted. Though, even then, I believe they have an uphill battle. Games intrinsically favor martial values. Except SimCity. That there’s a Jew game.

  18. Stronza,

    Telma does appear pretty dark, though I’m not sure if she’s definitely supposed to be black. She resembles the Gerudo race/tribe of thieves from the series that are supposed to be a Semitic/Gypsy type people.

    As for the Gorons, I suppose they’re somewhat humanoid, but they seem more like monsters. They’re gigantic, don’t appear that human, and they eat rocks.

    The previous game in the series had somewhat sluggish sales in the US, and this was blamed on the cartoonish appearance of the characters. So they tried to make the characters more visually “realistic” for the most recent game. The characters look less cartoonish, for sure, but I’m not sure if they’re really “uglier.”

    I think you’re right that there may be some unappealing elements to the game, but overall I think it’s a pretty healthy game as far as video games go.

  19. Games intrinsically favor martial values. Except SimCity. That there’s a Jew game.

    LOL. In college, our suite had a Jew who would play nothing but SimCity. He would be hunched over his computer all day, furiously trying to control and manipulate a virtual city, while the rest of us gentiles would be in the lounge playing our mix of shoot ’em ups, sports games, and hero games.

  20. ‘east Asians, particularly the Japanese, have healthy racial instincts and consciousness and probably just project that onto us.’

    Humans instinctively associate pallor with female beauty.

    Ergo Japanese artists instinctively want to draw pale women.

    Ergo Japanese art tends to have a lot of depictions of Caucasians.

    ‘For now, I think video games will remain largely impenetrable to non-gentiles, though I’ve seen evidence of their influence (non-gentile “directors”) creeping in. ‘

    The original Bioshock was a festival of Jewish characters. An ambiguous John-Galt style hero, lots of very Jewish-sounding names, a Holocaust survivor — it’s worthy of serious analysis.

  21. Not much of a gamer myself, but I think Parrott is right about this:

    segregation of technical and artistic teams

    The people that program the game and the people that do the graphics are completely different and may not even know each other. Games are the premiere form of entertainment now, eclipsing film, TV, sport, and music. Do not underestimate the complexity and specialization of game companies.

    And yes, games are used for propaganda in the exact same way as film, TV, sport and music are. Hell, the US Army has an official FPS for recruitment purposes.

  22. Games are the premiere form of entertainment now, eclipsing film, TV, sport, and music.

    Not collectively.

    I think the total reach, total eyeballs is still much greater for film and certainly for tv.

  23. When Nintendo came out with the Mario series they were working off of an old established paradigm – the knight rescues the princess from the dragon. The novel twist was that the knight was a plumber – meaning working class. In the 1980’s it was still unthinkable to make the protagonist a negro so it was only natural they came up with Mario, the White lower class male. I believe his Italian background might have been a negative association with Italian=working class=poor. That fits with typical media associations we had at the time, or at least how I understood them implicitly.

    On the subject of race and video games, are there popular black characters and black game series? Other than sports games (based on actual sport-negroes) I can’t think of any. I don’t think many Whites want to play as a black character. What do you think?

  24. On the subject of race and video games, are there popular black characters and black game series? Other than sports games (based on actual sport-negroes) I can’t think of any. I don’t think many Whites want to play as a black character. What do you think?

    Donkey Kong.

  25. In the game Donkey Kong 64, Donkey Kong has a “crew” (comprised of other primates), the intro is a rap song about Donkey Kong and his “D.K. Crew,” they all have guns, and the health in the game (i.e. the objects you collect to restore your health) is watermelon slices.

  26. He also wears a red tie, just the tie, no other clothes. Maybe that’s an affirmative-action hire reference. LOL.

  27. The Final Fantasy series was all white or asian (I think) up until number 7, when they added a black character. He spoke ebonics in the American version. It didn’t really go over well.

  28. Also, although World of Warcraft is painfully multicultural in atmosphere, hardly anyone who plays a human gives them the black skin tone even though it’s available. That could just be because there aren’t many blacks playing WoW, and only one of ten ‘races’ (more like species) has the option of dark skin.

  29. “Bantu Africans are … dramatically more intelligent and attractive…”

    You lost me there.

  30. I suspect the reason for this is because most Asians imagine America to be a nation of whites with a few dangerous blacks stalking the back alleys of the big cities. The idea that Americans are in the grips of a Marxist movement to replace our white majority with 3rd world lifeforms is anathema to them. Probably just the most astute observers are figuring out what is really going on and the Chinese Leadership that invested all it’s money into what they believed to be “a nation of white people” must be seething if they’ve caught on to the con.

  31. AnalogMan,
    Bantu Africans get a bum rap. They’re largely descended from a migration back into Africa from Eurasia which occurred after a lot of evolving for intelligence and attractiveness had taken place. They’re capable of rudimentary agriculture and relatively organized warfare.

    There’s an entire realm of human races which are less intelligent and attractive than Blacks, including bushmen, rainforest pygmies, Australian Aboriginals, Melanesians, and Negrito islanders.

    In some ways, Whites share some commonalities with Blacks. For one, both of our races are top-heavy with alpha males. In Blacks, this manifests as warlords, Beeg Mon, and HNIC types. But it’s the same general imbalance of male personality types with too many leaders and too few followers to be optimal in a mature sedentary civilization. The case has been overstated by the multicult, but Blacks are also like Whites in being highly creative and artistically prolific.

  32. the Chinese Leadership that invested all it’s money into what they believed to be “a nation of white people” must be seething if they’ve caught on to the con.

    LOL remember the Japanese with the Manhattan real estate in the 1980s? The Japs lost billions on that scam. The poor Chinese thought they were buying nice White properties/factories and wound up buying third world shit they could have done better themselves.


  33. 42Matt Parrott
    There’s an entire realm of human races which are less intelligent and attractive than Blacks…

    In some ways, Whites share some commonalities with Blacks. For one, both of our races are top-heavy with alpha males.

    … but Blacks are also like Whites in being highly creative and artistically prolific.

    Who knew Matt was a negrophile. As you said before, we shouldn’t fight over petty regional differences with so much in common.

  34. Nothing I said amounted to negrophilia. I certainly didn’t repeat the nonsense about Black studs being irresistible to White ladies or any other such nonsense. I stand behind my statement that Blacks are more intelligent and attractive than the Australoid races and I stand behind my statement that both Whites and Blacks are lopsided with alpha males relative to other races.

  35. Matt Parrot: I support your claim that Blacks are more appealing than the Australoids and the pygmies of Central and South Africa. The latter two groups are arguably part Homo Erectus in anatomy; Blacks are not.

    I am not getting involved with the rest of the alleged Negrophillia debate, however.

  36. Nothing I said amounted to negrophilia. I certainly didn’t repeat the nonsense about Black studs being irresistible to White ladies or any other such nonsense. I stand behind my statement that Blacks are more intelligent and attractive than the Australoid races and I stand behind my statement that both Whites and Blacks are lopsided with alpha males relative to other races.

    Do you also stand by your previous statement of devaluing White males as being underendowed and how black men are greatly endowed? Despite the fact that I posted information that disputes this.

    Maybe you’re right, you should make a long post detailing how great Congoids are. You could cite Jon Entine’s book.

  37. Mark,
    If I did go on the record with that thing about the penises, which I don’t remember doing, I certainly didn’t do it with any of the creepy psychosexual connotations you’re implying. I believe that White women are generally attracted to White males and that White females who go for Black males typically have some kind of backstory that explains why they’ve chosen to do so.

    At no point here did I denigrate Whites or White males.

  38. “Alpha Male” is a term widely abused in in the HBD and game community.

    I don’t really consider thuggish, moderately intelligent (at best) negroids like Mugabe to be “alpha males”. Maybe you and Sailer do, but its really hard to take such classification seriously when you go down that road.

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