No Protestants Allowed: Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court.

/ scratches chin

1.) We are constantly told that we live in a nation that is dominated by “white privilege.” Yet we are fast approaching the historically unprecedented day when there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court, but at least one negro, three Jews, one wise Latina, two Italians, and a lesbian.

2.) We are told that federal legislation is needed to protect homosexuals from hate crimes and the hideous discrimination they experience. Yet we are appointing a Jewish lesbian to the Supreme Court.

3.) We are told women can’t get ahead in America because of what is called the “glass ceiling.” Yet we are about to appoint two women in a row to the Supreme Court; if Harriet Miers had been confirmed, it would have been three.

4.) We are told the Jews are powerless and talk of Jewish Power by White Nationalists is nothing but a baseless anti-Semitic canard. Yet there will soon be three Jews on the Supreme Court. Jews are 2% of the population, but will compromise 33% of Supreme Court Justices. Jews will also comprise 75% of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

5.) When Harriet Miers was nominated by George W. Bush, the Left and Right erupted over her lack of judicial experience, but now Elena Kagan is being described by many of the same people as “brilliant” and “eminently qualified” to sit on the Supreme Court.

6.) We are told to idolize “diversity” and that the Supreme Court is not “diverse enough” for an America that has moved beyond race into the twentieth century. Last summer, the media told us that it was essential to have a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court because a “Latino perspective” on the bench was absolutely essential. The same people now say that it “doesn’t matter” that there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court when Protestants are 51% of Americans. Has anyone else noticed that “diversity” and “inclusiveness” doesn’t seem to apply to one group in particular?

7.) President Obama and his supporters keep telling us that “race doesn’t matter.” We’ve moved beyond the days when individuals were judged on the basis of characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. Isn’t it ironic that his judicial appointments seem to be based exclusively on these factors?

8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

Whites have been suckered into believing in this dream of a post-racial future. In reality, there is nothing “post-racial” about the Obama administration or its base in the black community. This has become increasingly clear to Whites who used to support him but are abandoning him in droves. It is time we started looking out for our interests and our future as a people and before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.”


  2. One final thought. With WASPs like Warren, Burger, Blackmun and Souter maybe we would be better off WASP-less. If prior WASPs had been a tad more – ehem – judicious, maybe they (and we) wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

  3. Democratic party infighting. The D party is the jewish party with plenty of faithful colored friends who dislike their place in the line. Kos that pathetic avatar of SWPL liberalism is only excited because she is a lesbian and even that isn’t bringing much excitement to them. My WAG is that over the next few months all the aggrieved parties of the left weigh in on this pick, I have a feeling the Faithful Colored Companions feel slighted, the leftwing anti-semites will be in full passive-aggressive glory and the anti-wall street gang will make it be known that she is a hack. I say its popcorn time, especially if we can find some anti-white rhetoric of hers.

  4. Plessy was over a century ago. Scott even older. Brown v. Board of Education however is much closer to us in time. As are the worthies I mentioned above. WASPs were still in control when America started going anti-white. That was no coincidence.

  5. The decline of White racial consciousness in America coincided exactly with WASP decline. America started going anti-white in the 1920s through the 1950s when Jews and European ethnics were given a larger say in how America ought to be. In anthropology, the inclusion of Jews, White ethnics, and women was the decisive factor in the repudiation of racial theory.

  6. By the way, white ethnics really have no say in how thing are run even today. Most of the ethnics you see in office are co-opted careerists who’ve imbibed their poisonous politics in an effort to assimilate, curry favor with and enter into the heretofore WASP dominated upper-class.

    Dr. Frankenstein, meet your monsters.

  7. “I have a feeling the Faithful Colored Companions feel slighted,..”

    Well here it is: The Racist Breeding Grounds of Harvard Law School

    When we protested and communicated how upset many of the black and Latino students were, we were criticized as being too sensitive, for not being able to take a joke and for trying to suppress free speech. Dean Elana Kagan refused to take a stand, stating that she could not take responsibility for the parody — even though she actually had an on-stage role in its performance.

  8. @8 Hunter

    The Roman Catholic politicians need the Jew money, and the Jew media. I doubt that there is any real bond, except possibly some sour grapes. Although, some do claim there is more to it.

  9. Hunter,
    That was an outstanding, straight forward, inspiring presentation of the truth – brutal racial realities, our dispossession.
    I would like to put your words to paper – include strong visuals of this horrible Bull Dog Dyke Jewess Communist from New Yawk, now Harvard Law (a true axis of evil). These flyers with your words of the truth need to be put in the hands of our people, put on car windshields of church parking lots where are people still go to church.
    Also, I think your words, accompanied by Kagan’s hideous images should be put up permanently on the internet – so people can go to one place to see and read the truth about what this is about.
    Thanks Hunter.


  10. Hunter, you sum it all up here:

    8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

    Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

    The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

  11. What is the ethnic background of Stevens and Roberts?

    Stevens is retiring, being replaced by Kagan. Roberts is of Czech descent and is Catholic.

    Is Clarence Thomas a Protestant?

    No. He is Catholic.

    One final thought. With WASPs like Warren, Burger, Blackmun and Souter maybe we would be better off WASP-less. If prior WASPs had been a tad more – ehem – judicious, maybe they (and we) wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

    By the way, white ethnics really have no say in how thing are run even today. Most of the ethnics you see in office are co-opted careerists who’ve imbibed their poisonous politics in an effort to assimilate, curry favor with and enter into the heretofore WASP dominated upper-class.

    Dr. Frankenstein, meet your monsters.

    The biggest mistake the old American elite made was allowing the mass migration of eastern and southern Europeans to the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. The 1924 immigration act should have been enacted several decades earlier, and the “ethnics” should have been kept out of this country.

  12. “The biggest mistake the old American elite made was allowing the mass migration of eastern and southern Europeans to the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. The 1924 immigration act should have been enacted several decades earlier, and the “ethnics” should have been kept out of this country.”

    Good job, encourging a significant percentage of the White population to join the Rainbow Coalition!

  13. “WASPs like Warren, Burger, Blackmun and Souter”

    Rehnquist was White Protestant, best Justice since John Marshall.

    The left makes a point of destroying competant White Protestant Conservative male judges while they are still a step below the Supreme Court. Charles Pickering, for instance. Consistently opposed the Klan since the 50s, endorsed by the family of Medgar Evars, and still labelled a racist unfit for office.

  14. So here’s a question – is there a single Republican that is going to mention this out loud? Is there a single Republican that will say the word “Jew” regarding the new Supreme Court?

    Over at TOOBlog someone mentioned the similarity between Kagan and how Douglas Feith was sold to the GOP, by constantly calling them “brilliant” despite no evidence. Her connections to Larry Summers are interesting, and I bet there’s a very tight Israel connection somewhere. I bet she’s a literal sayanim.

    Anyone know if she has dual citizenship?

  15. People seem to forget that it was the Protestants that emancipated the Jews and freed them from the ghettos where the Catholics had intelligently confined them for centuries. Oliver Cromwell brought the Jews back to England after they had been expelled for 400 years.
    Unfortunately, since the Second WW the Catholic Church has also succumbd to the General guilt trip of the Holocaust and has become another Protestant sect.

  16. Italians are white. Many Catholics are white. Most “ethnic” whites are some of the most pro-white Americans you’ll meet, not least because they came here poor and suceeded whereas nonwhites here many generations longer have not. Plus they lack the slavery guilt complex typical of WASPs.

    That said, WASPs are a dying breed and it’s bad for America.

  17. Protestants have one fatal weakness: they’re Christian.

    When you constantly teach that a Jew is God, don’t be surprised when Jews rule you. When you constantly teach to turn the other cheek and not be aggressive and violent, don’t be surprised when you get rolled.

    White religion (a.k.a. naturalism, a.k.a. science) teaches that white men evolved from black apes, and that this world is one of constant struggle for genetic supremacy. It teaches one to live in tune with nature, for both safety and power. When science ascends, so do whites, when it declines, whites decline.

    The choice is yours, if it really can be called a choice.

  18. 23Roach

    Italians are white. Many Catholics are white. Most “ethnic” whites are some of the most pro-white Americans you’ll meet, not least because they came here poor and suceeded whereas nonwhites here many generations longer have not. Plus they lack the slavery guilt complex typical of WASPs.

    That said, WASPs are a dying breed and it’s bad for America.

    Agree, fully. Funny thing with this North/South divide, Northerners seem to think any and all slights directed at Southerners should be ignored. Yet when Euro does some chain rattling, everyone has their backs up. Goose and gander and all that. Better yet, civility and mutual respect would be much better.

  19. I appreciate Hunter and others’ defense of WASPs here and also for targeting WASPs to show when they are being insulted, attacked. Having a US Supreme Court that is completely ethnically cleansed of WASPs who still make up over 51% of the US Population – that’s a real insult!
    It’s just the right thing to do to note when specific sub groups of our people are being insulted, attacked. Whites fight back best when their specific White group, White family is attacked.
    And Southern Whites (95% Protestant) once fought for their kith and kin.
    That said, since 1955 which White group would I want to be with/around when NWs are threatening riots, murder and mayhem – often incited by this certain “other people”:

    1) WASPS like George H.W Bush Sr?
    2) Tough White Ethnic Catholics like Phily Police Chief/Mayor Frank Rizzo?

    Got to go with choice #2 all the time.

    And when have WASPS ( 75% my people) ever really stood up to the Chosen People in anything in the last 75 years?

  20. No one disputes the whiteness of Euro Catholics. It is just a sad situation when WASPs are completely wiped off the Supreme Court. They created this country. It is outrageous they are not represented.

  21. WASPs haven’t been the American upper class since the mid-twentieth century. The American ruling class is disproportionately Jewish, multiethnic, and increasingly multiracial.

  22. Blaming WASPs for America’s decline is absurd. Ever hear of the Kennedy brothers? JFK was the first anti-racist president. He was also the one who penned “Nation of Immigrants” for the ADL.

  23. The WASP bastions are Utah, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and the South. If anything is true, WASP resistance has kept America from sliding further into multicultural insanity.

  24. Americas’ decline started with FDR and Woodrow Wilson. I don’t think either of them were Catholic.

  25. 2) Tough White Ethnic Catholics like Phily Police Chief/Mayor Frank Rizzo?
    Got to go with choice #2 all the time.

    Yes, we need more ethnics like Frank Rizzo, Rudy Giuliani, Angelo Mozilo, Ted Kennedy, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity and fewer WASPs like Jared Taylor, Carleton Putnam, Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Harry Laughlin, Charles Davenport, and Lothrop Stoddard.

  26. Tough White Ethnic Catholics like Phily Police Chief/Mayor Frank Rizzo;col1

    “Forever scorned by the city’s WASP establishment, [Frank Rizzo] was finally embraced by its black leaders.”

    “Eight years as mayor did nothing to weaken Rizzo’s hands-on populist streak. A month before Rizzo left office, Rendell, who was then the city’s district attorney, received a panicked call from the mayor. Rizzo asked Rendell to do him the ‘big favor’ of getting jobs as county detectives for his two most trusted bodyguards, Tony Fulwood and Jimmy Turner. Paolantonio records Rendell’s reflection on the call: ‘Here’s the mayor of Philadelphia calling me, frantic, to take care of two ordinary black cops…what so-called liberal would ever do that?'”

  27. Woodrow Wilson was the most racist president of the twentieth century. He resegregated the White House. FDR avoided picking fights with Southerners on race and focused on class issues.

  28. Good job, encourging a significant percentage of the White population to join the Rainbow Coalition!

    Euro is already part of the anti-“WASP” rainbow coalition. He needs no encouraging.

  29. Woodrow Wilson passed The Federal Reserve Act and instituted income tax. As far as I’m concerned that was the beginning of the end.

  30. WASPs lost America because they had no other institution to fight from. America *was* our institution. The public schools were WASP and designed specifically to spread WASP values (which is why the Papists kept their own schools). The political parties were WASP institutions, Democrats for the South and Republicans for the North.

    Once we let the Jews and immigrant Irish/Italians have citizenship and invited them into our institutions, we no longer had any institution of our own.

    Imagine if an Irish Catholic church allowed Baptists as full members, and they didn’t have to become Catholics. Imagine if Jews let Presbyterians into a synagogue and let them pray to Jesus during the services. These institutions would no longer be Catholic or Jewish would they?

    We had the second Klan, but the crookedness of the leaders did them in. We had the Masons, same thing, the leaders were caught up in scandals and it lost power. We had the new Southern Republican party, then they all went nuts about war for Israel, being so gullible as to believe Israel wasn’t running the ragheads on 911. And before that, to secure tax-free status, the Southern Christian churches went ahead and integrated a few blacks, then everybody, into their church schools. Hell, they even kicked us off of TV in the 70s/80s.

    And now WASPs have no institution just for us.

    We need to start a pro-White, science minded religious institution, like a pro-White version of the Unitarian Universalists, to replace the lost churches.

  31. What I find interesting is this recent media pressure on Obama, regarding his standing with the Jews. Apparently we are to believe that Obama is not doing enough for the Jews, or Israel, and that his standing with them is under great peril.

    It all seems rather silly, Obama seems the same regarding Jews as every other recent president. I assume this media pressure is simply Jews trying to get even more power over the presidency, what with Obama having a muslim sounding name, and so many brainwashed whites taking talking points from Fox News.

  32. You know, I think that the old American ruling class might have been done in by their own liberal beliefs.

    Classical liberal ideas about freedom and natural rights are at the very core of the American myth. And I think it was difficult for America’s ruling caste to defend their institutions as such while operating under such a liberal value structure that is universal in scope. Certainly, it would have been a lot easier to defend the integrity of their institutions if they had operated from a value structure that is more nationalistic and less liberal.

    The irony of history is that the tea party movement, which is resisting the revolution of the socialist left, is rallying around the same [American] liberal values that got us into this mess to begin with.

  33. America is a failed experiment in liberalism.

    It was our liberal laissez-faire economic system that allowed for the immigration of all these foreign peoples, who now rule over us today. Perhaps an empire of liberty wasn’t such a good idea after all!

  34. Frank Rizzo tried to keep the peace. But, he really didn’t make much of a difference.

    I wouldn’t take anything jewboy Lucky Eddie Rendell said too seriously.

  35. @35 That’s it Hunter. Those who spend too much time reading antique nazi propaganda don’t get this.

  36. To summarize my comments in 40 & 41: I place the bulk of the blame for the decline of America’s original ruling class on those core liberal principles that makeup the American myth and which can be clearly seen in our founding documents.

  37. Euro is already part of the anti-”WASP” rainbow coalition. He needs no encouraging. – MGLS

    Actually, Euro is not, but you sure seem to be part and parcel of the anti-“anybody-and-everybody-who-isn’t-English” rainbow coalition yourself there, MG.

  38. “…and fewer WASPs like Jared Taylor, Carleton Putnam, Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Harry Laughlin, Charles Davenport, and Lothrop Stoddard.” – MGLS

    Isn’t it very interesting, that with the exception of Jared Taylor — that none of the “WASPs” that you list are alive today.

    Maybe this is part of the problem — that of so many White Protestants today lacking in the backbone and moral fiber of White American Protestants of generations past. Maybe this is a big reason why so many of you guys have been dispossessed and displaced.

    Serious question for you: Where is the White Protestant version of Sheriff Joe Arpaio — or the White Protestant Thomas Tancredo???

  39. The Rodriguez article wasn’t all that bad. It predicts, for the most part without pejorative comment, that we will see the rise of a kind of white ethnonationalism in the coming years and implies that politicians of all stripes will be trying to appeal to aggrieved whites. I think this is spot on: politicians will spend even more time plying their wares at the only ethnic bloc that contains swing voters and that reliably turns out in large numbers. They’ll put on a variety of dog and pony shows , and maybe occasionally even offer some good ideas as well.

    And whites are going to assert themselves big time in this year’s upcoming Congressional elections. Assert themselves by embracing mostly stupid ideas (libertarianism, Christian Zionism, etc.), to be sure, but assert themselves nonetheless.

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