No Protestants Allowed: Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court.

/ scratches chin

1.) We are constantly told that we live in a nation that is dominated by “white privilege.” Yet we are fast approaching the historically unprecedented day when there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court, but at least one negro, three Jews, one wise Latina, two Italians, and a lesbian.

2.) We are told that federal legislation is needed to protect homosexuals from hate crimes and the hideous discrimination they experience. Yet we are appointing a Jewish lesbian to the Supreme Court.

3.) We are told women can’t get ahead in America because of what is called the “glass ceiling.” Yet we are about to appoint two women in a row to the Supreme Court; if Harriet Miers had been confirmed, it would have been three.

4.) We are told the Jews are powerless and talk of Jewish Power by White Nationalists is nothing but a baseless anti-Semitic canard. Yet there will soon be three Jews on the Supreme Court. Jews are 2% of the population, but will compromise 33% of Supreme Court Justices. Jews will also comprise 75% of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

5.) When Harriet Miers was nominated by George W. Bush, the Left and Right erupted over her lack of judicial experience, but now Elena Kagan is being described by many of the same people as “brilliant” and “eminently qualified” to sit on the Supreme Court.

6.) We are told to idolize “diversity” and that the Supreme Court is not “diverse enough” for an America that has moved beyond race into the twentieth century. Last summer, the media told us that it was essential to have a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court because a “Latino perspective” on the bench was absolutely essential. The same people now say that it “doesn’t matter” that there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court when Protestants are 51% of Americans. Has anyone else noticed that “diversity” and “inclusiveness” doesn’t seem to apply to one group in particular?

7.) President Obama and his supporters keep telling us that “race doesn’t matter.” We’ve moved beyond the days when individuals were judged on the basis of characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. Isn’t it ironic that his judicial appointments seem to be based exclusively on these factors?

8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

Whites have been suckered into believing in this dream of a post-racial future. In reality, there is nothing “post-racial” about the Obama administration or its base in the black community. This has become increasingly clear to Whites who used to support him but are abandoning him in droves. It is time we started looking out for our interests and our future as a people and before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Actually, Euro is not, but you sure seem to be part and parcel of the anti-”anybody-and-everybody-who-isn’t-English” rainbow coalition yourself there, MG.

    There is an anti-“WASP” rainbow coalition. However, any pro-English or pro-“WASP” coalition or movement is definitely not a rainbow coalition.

    Maybe this is a big reason why so many of you guys have been dispossessed and displaced.

    We have been dispossessed because of the demand for cheap labor and agitation and activism against us by Jews and white ethnics. The “new immigration” of the late 19th and early 20th centuries was absolutely disastrous for the descendants of the founding Americans.

  2. Senate vote on amnesty in 2006
    Passed 62-36

    Jew 11-0
    Catholic 18-4
    Orthodox 2-0
    Mormon 3-2
    Protestant 23-30

    Black 1-0
    Asian 2-0
    Hispanic 2-0

    The really surprising thing here is the Orthodox.

  3. We have been dispossessed because of the demand for cheap labor and agitation and activism against us by Jews and white ethnics. … – MGLS

    With all due respect to you MG, are you totally ignoring the fact that it was White Protestants, “WASPS”, who initially brought in the ‘Dagoes and Kikes’, in the search for ‘cheap labor’ in the first place?????

    C’mon man, you can’t be that oblivious to this fact.

  4. “So are those not of pure British descent to be excluded from a hypothetical White ethnostate in North America?”

    There aren’t enough of those to fill up Massachusetts.

  5. I think it is a mistake to spend so much effort deriding “white ethnics”. Doesn’t this site focus on solutions, rather than arguing over the past? I am not sure that I even accept that “white ethnics” share a significant portion of the blame for what has happened, but certainly today the descendants of these later white immigrants consider themselves white.

    Are you working towards a White ethnostate, or a WASP ethnostate?

  6. MGLS,

    You’re being paranoid.

    Euro was merely pointing out the undeniable fact that by far the worst and most damaging Justices in the History of the Supreme Court were WASPs.

  7. danielj “The really surprising thing here is the Orthodox.”

    I’m guessing that the orthodox who voted for amnesty are urban Med Democrats from immigrant cultures that just want to move relatives in our out. In a sane world, that wouldn’t be much of an issue.

    In the case of the “Mormons” I’m assuming at least one is Harry Reid, the “Mormon” with a Jewish wife and Jewish children, supposedly. At least one of the “Catholics” is Pelosi, with a Jewish family, supposedly.

    All this shows is that the “Protestants” are the only ones against immigration, and you can be sure that most of them are Southern Republicans.

    At this point in American politics, “religion” is a PC label for whatever tribe you are from. “Orthodox” means Greeks and Russians, “Catholic” means NE Irish/Italians – all the Catholics in North Carolina are regular conservative Republicans – “Mormon” means the White tribe of Utah and Idaho, “Evangelical” means conservative Southerners, etc.

    Politically speaking – and my FDR Democratic father is rolling over in his grave for me speaking this blasphemy – it’s White Republicans vs. Jewish Democrats and everyone else. Greeks and Russians and Italians and Irish need to start voting for the White party, whether that means the Republican, or the “Conservative” Democrat, or the establishment Democratic Irish cop or Italian firefighter in the NE city.

    The one to watch? The Southerners. Hey, Dixie, are you going to give us another Jew slave like George W. Bush, or some Zionist bimbo like Palin, or some raw criminal like Gingrich?

    Are there *any* good Southern White Christian men who are not moronic Zionist neo-conservatives or globalist corporate whores?

    Is David Petraeus one of us?

  8. Let’s not also forget that not all Northwestern Europeans were/are necessarily Protestant.

    Some of the founding stock British-Americans were Catholic, as were some of the early German-American settlement from the Rhine-Palatinate as well.

  9. MGLS: So are those not of pure British descent to be excluded from a hypothetical White ethnostate in North America?

    No, I am not suggesting an ethnostate for those of only pure British descent. The other Northern European groups have assimilated with the descendants of the British colonists. While the percentage of white Americans who are of English or British descent alone may not be that large, a large majority of white Americans are of northern and western European descent.

    With all due respect to you MG, are you totally ignoring the fact that it was White Protestants, “WASPS”, who initially brought in the ‘Dagoes and Kikes’, in the search for ‘cheap labor’ in the first place?????

    No, I am not ignoring that fact. Above I said that one of the biggest mistakes the old American elite made was allowing the mass migration of eastern and southern Europeans to the United States. Industrialists and business interests were unfortunately permitted to flood the nation in their pursuit of cheap labor, leading to the dispossession of the old Americans.

  10. “…and fewer WASPs like Jared Taylor, Carleton Putnam, Madison Grant, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Harry Laughlin, Charles Davenport, and Lothrop Stoddard.” – MGLS


    I asked you this before, but you didn’t comment, and I am curious as to your feelings that with the exception of Jared Taylor — none of the “WASPs” that you list are alive today.

    Why do you think this is the case?

  11. You say Protestants are 51% of the U.S. That’s true, but actually, it’s more, if one were to count the folks who were raised in that tradition and carry it’s heritage in America, history, trajectory to the country, and real relationship with the founders. Many have fallen to things s/a the split caused by the attempt to gouge the Episcopals with Marxist pc.

    Many have turned to paganism or converted, having born the blows of all other groups, all of whom have attempted to benefit from their demise. At any rate, the incredible Lies are exposed once more. “Representation” —a byword ground into the minds of students for the past 40 years— is of no interest when applied to other groups.

    Certainly if 33% Jewish Court is acceptable, so will be 50% or 100.

    Sadly, neither they nor Catholics represent the majority population, nor the founding population, anymore than the similar graphic presented on t.v.. Years after “The Dispossessed Majority” the majority feels just as strange “in its own country,” just as cut off, as abused.

    Deep down, it’s as if they can’t accept that their investiture in the “grand experiment” did not work. Other people are around for race and religion—to get their own group ahead. They never really wanted to be a “Society” with the Protestant people –those were just lies to get power– nor do the other groups exude any of the qualities that had previously been seen as great—not the statesmanship, the transcendence, the ideals.

  12. “Above I said that one of the biggest mistakes the old American elite made was allowing the mass migration of eastern and southern Europeans to the United States.”

    I disagree!

    MGLS: Are you also opposed to the historic immigration of the Catholic Irish and Germans, or only Slavs and Southern Europeans.

  13. …Industrialists and business interests were unfortunately permitted to flood the nation in their pursuit of cheap labor, leading to the dispossession of the old Americans.

    Well, you cannot serve both God and Mammon. And by serving Mammon — they betrayed their own kith and kin — EXACTLY like the Protestant elites have done up to this very day.

    Just curious MG — are you a Christian?

  14. @51 MGLS

    Excellent blog entry, but, a little light on the number of Jews. I will have to dig out my records, people often forget that Wyden, Kohl & Lautenberg are Jews. “Frank” Lautenberg. LOL.
    Right now, Bennett from Colorado is an ethnic Jew, his mother is a Jewess, who claims to be a Roman Catholic/Christian(sometimes).

  15. Right now, Bennett from Colorado is an ethnic Jew, his mother is a Jewess, who claims to be a Roman Catholic/Christian(sometimes).

    Good research Tom!

  16. MGLS,

    It was the Irish who did far more to dispossess you than Eastern or Southern Europeans ever did. The fact that the Irish came from Northwest Europe in no way changes this fact.

  17. A little O/T – In honor of the old Americans that we are currently discussing, the movie <Northwest Passage is on the Turner Classic Movie channel right now.

  18. The “race doesn’t matter” claptrap is only used on whites to make us feel guilty for winning at the meritocracy game. This way we will be amenable to ceding important positions in all sectors of national life (by extra-legal means if necessary) to white hating racial groups in the interest of “fairness” and diversity. By and large we now have a racial spoils systems, a game in which whites have yet to adapt to, and if not checked will totally disenfranchise whites and place us at the mercy of third world barbarian who play for keeps.

    A number of years ago I came across an article that described whites as the “blah people”. That is, no un PC opinions, no fight, no self respect, no racial/ethnic pride. In sum a people with no form or character anymore. We’re kind of like modern Eloi from the EG Wells movie “The Time Machine” whereby we’re attacked and enslaved at will and utterly unwilling and incapable of defending our interests or to organize to mount a resistance.

    The Morlocks attacked the Eloi in broad daylight while other Eloi would dispassionately observe from a distance and make no attempt to thwart attacks. Similarly, most whites just shrug their shoulders at reports of vicious non-white on white attacks and murders and the naked minority power grab taking place. They reason that someday these troubles will blow over and it will be kumbaya time again.

  19. MGLS: Are you also opposed to the historic immigration of the Catholic Irish and Germans, or only Slavs and Southern Europeans.

    I largely agree with what Madison Grant said in The Conquest of a Continent:

    In 1860, at the end of the period, we find the essential elements of national unity still unchanged, but we were about to engage in a fratricidal war, which was to destroy the best blood of the nation. We had admitted large numbers of Irish and German immigrants who impaired, in the case of the Irish, our religious system and introduced certain undesirable racial elements. The Germans who came were largely Protestants and only temporarily disturbed our unity by clinging to their foreign language. Both of these elements, however, were predominantly Nordic, and it was not until the next and final period that the unassimilable Alpines and Mediterraneans came here from southern and eastern Europe. The tragedy of the Civil War and the introduction of cheap labor were still to come, so that in 1860 the United States was at its high-water mark of national unity.

    I asked you this before, but you didn’t comment, and I am curious as to your feelings that with the exception of Jared Taylor — none of the “WASPs” that you list are alive today.

    Why do you think this is the case?

    The old American elite has been displaced. We are ruled by a hostile elite that is extremely antagonistic to “WASPs.” Given this and the suppression of even the slightest bit of “WASP” racialism or ethnonationalism, the fact you note is not entirely surprising.

  20. Madison Grant was stupidly blind to how Anti-WASP the Irish have been at least since the Potato Famine.

    Even in England people of Irish descent have played a central role in cutting the legs out from under the English.

  21. But I guess all that matters is that the Irish were a few ticks closer to the Germans than the Meds were, in terms of genetic distance.

  22. I think there should be a white WASP on the Supreme Court. My problem is that I don’t think the Supreme Court is a good idea. A butt ugly lesbian jewess who has no experience is in my opinion, a poor choice. The Supreme Court, if it’s about representation, should have 1 Jew, 1 White Catholic, 1 Negro, 1 Asian, 1 WASP, 1 GLBT, 1 female, and the remaining spots can be chosen by the people. This way, all diversity quotas are met, and every group is happy. This is how America should be. The Supreme Court shouldn’t be chosen by merit or ideology, it should be chosen through the context of diversity. Diversity is love.

  23. The old American elite has been displaced. We are ruled by a hostile elite that is extremely antagonistic to “WASPs.” Given this and the suppression of even the slightest bit of “WASP” racialism or ethnonationalism, the fact you note is not entirely surprising. – MGLS

    Good response on your part, MG.

    However, let’s add to this the fact that many White Protestants, both individually and collectively, have shown way too much cowardice in the face of the enemy — that ‘hostile elite’ that you so rightfully speak of.

    Even today, unfortunately, too many NW Euros, especially ‘WASPS’, (includingJared Taylor) continue to show this abject supplication to those who are really dispossessing them — the Chosen elite — not an Italian, Polish, Irish or even a Catholic one, but a Jewish one.

    Like I asked before – Where is the WASP Sheriff Joe Arpaio… or the WASP Congressman Tom Tancredo… or the WASP Congressman James Traficant??

    So, please don’t blame contemporary WASP fears, shortcomings and refusal to face reality on fellow White European ‘ethnics’, since a lot of us are in this struggle with you.

  24. “I like my plan better: dissolve the Union, restore the Confederacy, secure the borders, deport non-Whites.”

    I like Hunter’s plan too 🙂

  25. The last ‘WASP’ mayor of New Yawk Shitty, for example, John Lindsay (wonder if he is any relation to Comrade Robert?!) was a milquetoaste disaster of a man — a disgrace to his race and to his ethnic tribe — couldn’t stop kissing kosher butt if his life depended on it.

  26. What’s an “alpine”? Austrian?


    Its the dominant sub-race of Whites throughout much of central Europe — France, Belgium, much of Germany, parts of Britain, northern Italy, northern Spain, much of the Slavic lands.

  27. @ 73 Kulaks

    Kenneth L. Roberts who wrote Northwest Passage, also wrote “Why Europe Leaves Home”. A book as important as any, if not more so, in the 1920’s immigration debates. Roberts spared no one.

  28. MGLS,
    You’re being paranoid.

    No, I am not. My comments regarding Euro were based on remarks he has made in the past, not just his comments on this post.

    Madison Grant was stupidly blind to how Anti-WASP the Irish have been at least since the Potato Famine.

    Please spare us your crocodile tears for “WASPs.” That the Irish have often worked against the interests of what Wilmot Robertson called the Majority is indisputable. This does not, however, mean we ought give Jews and other white ethnics a pass.

    As to the claim that Madison Grant was “stupidly blind” regarding the Irish, I will quote Grant on pp. 272-273 of The Conquest of a Continent:

    While a committee of experts went to work on the necessary research for this purpose, an amusing competition began among the alien groups and hyphenates, to exaggerate as much as possible their claims so that their relatives and compatriots might benefit by an increase in their nation’s quota. The Irish were perhaps the most industrious in this occupation, for they could take advantage of the confusion, due to the fact, pointed out in these pages time and again, that the territory now composing the Irish Free State had long taken credit for every one who has passed through Ireland. Actually the “Irish” immigration in Colonial times was, as already shown, not Irish at all, but for the most part Scotch, though taking shipping from Ulster; and the Free State Catholics had few representatives in America at the time of the Revolution. Such facts were conveniently ignored by the Irish patriots, who wrote books to demonstrate that the “Irish” not only fought and won the Revolution, but that they made up the predominant element at the present time. “It has been estimated by good authorities,” affirmed one such enthusiast, “that at least 25,000,000 of our present population have more or less Irish blood coursing through their veins. We” (i.e., the population of the United States), he went on, warming up to his job, “are no more Anglo-Saxon that we are Hindu!”

  29. Madison Grant, and other ‘Nordicists’ like him, of course was way off on just how much actual Alpine genes were present in the Germans (even amongst the early Protestant ones) and of course how much pre-Teutonic Mediterranean genes were to be found among the Irish (and even the Scottish, Welsh and English, as well).

    Even Grant himself did not look all that strikingly Nordic.

  30. “Please spare us your crocodile tears for ‘WASPs.’ That the Irish have often worked against the interests of what Wilmot Robertson called the Majority is indisputable. This does not, however, mean we ought give Jews and other white ethnics a pass.”

    So you think Jews are White?

    Anyway, you certainly are giving the Irish a pass by saying you’d let them into your Ethnostate, in spite of all the harm they’ve done to what you consider your ingroup.

    “As to the claim that Madison Grant was ‘stupidly blind’ regarding the Irish, I will quote Grant on pp. 272-273 of The Conquest of a Continent:”

    The quote demonstrates very little except that Grant disagreed with some Irish on a point of History.

    The point is that Grant viewed the Irish as much more benign to Anglo-Saxons than the Southern Europeans, even though the exact opposite view is the one that is actually true.

  31. Will Elena Kagan be good for Whites? I don’t know, and it would be impossible to make a case against her based on past legal decisions, because she hasn’t made any. I imagine someone in the conversative blogosphere will be able to sketch her politics before her confirmation hearing. If it turns out she’s anti-White, I’ll be against her nomination, and I’ll support Republicans using the filibuster. If you can’t filibuster an Anti-White activist non-judge nominated to the Supreme Court by an anti-White President, who can you filibuster?

  32. This does not, however, mean we ought give Jews and other white ethnics a pass. – MGLS

    How can you conflate the two — Jews with ‘White ethnics’?

    Like I said before, there is no Italian, Polish, Irish or even a Catholic ‘elite’ in this country ‘oppressing’ Protestants — but there most definately is a Jewish one.

    Like I asked you before MGLS – Where is the WASP (or Jewish) Sheriff Joe Arpaio… or the WASP (or Jewish) Congressman Tom Tancredo… or the WASP (or Jewish) Congressman James Traficant??

    Just share your thoughts on this. I am very interested in what you have to say.

  33. Anyway, you certainly are giving the Irish a pass by saying you’d let them into your Ethnostate, in spite of all the harm they’ve done to what you consider your ingroup. – Reginald


    This is why so much that passes for ‘Nordicism’ is patently stupid and counterproductive.

    Yeah, its ok to let nation-wreckers in the country — as long as they have ‘pretty blue eyes’ and flaxen hair — like some of the Irish, and even today, with some of these characters overlooking some destructive dimensions of Slavic immigration cause a portion of them are putatively ‘Nordic’ or ‘Nordish’.

  34. @ 73 Kulaks

    Kenneth L. Roberts who wrote Northwest Passage, also wrote “Why Europe Leaves Home”. A book as important as any, if not more so, in the 1920’s immigration debates. Roberts spared no one.


    So did you watch any of the movie on TCM? (“Last of the Mohicans” is on now”.)

  35. So you think Jews are White?

    The meaning of that phrase was not entirely clear, but by “other white ethnics” I meant white ethnics other than the Irish, not other than Jews. In any case, how someone defines the term white is not that pressing of an issue. Whether someone defines Jews, Turks, Arabs, or mestizos as white or not does not change the facts on the ground.

    The point is that Grant viewed the Irish as much more benign to Anglo-Saxons than the Southern Europeans, even though the exact opposite view is the one that is actually true.

    Racially, the Irish are indeed “much more benign” to Anglo-Saxons than Southern Europeans are.

    How can you conflate the two — Jews with ‘White ethnics’?

    I do not mean to equate Jews with white ethnics. While the white ethnics have contributed to the dispossession of the old Americans, Jews have certainly done much more than any other group has to dispossess us.

    Like I asked you before MGLS – Where is the WASP (or Jewish) Sheriff Joe Arpaio… or the WASP (or Jewish) Congressman Tom Tancredo… or the WASP (or Jewish) Congressman James Traficant??

    It must be pointed out that neither Arpaio, Tancredo, nor Traficant are racialists. They are “colorblind” and deny that race matters.

    Here are some quotes from a couple of news stories (links omitted so it won’t be held for moderation – if you want to see the story just put the title in a search engine):

    Tancredo wants one tongue
    By Sarah Liebowitz, Concord Monitor

    Tancredo repeatedly insisted that his views on immigration have “nothing to do with race or ethnicity or anything of that nature.” His concern, he said, is national cohesion, whether Americans share the same fundamental principles, whether there is “a singleness of purpose about the idea of America.”

    Protests, grand jury challenge Sheriff Joe Arpaio
    By Jacques Billeaud, Associated Press

    Arpaio denied the charge that his immigration efforts are more focused on skin color than on violations of law. He pointed out that his parents immigrated from Italy, that he was the target of slurs about his heritage when he was a kid, that his daughter-in-law is Hispanic.

    He said critics call him and his deputies racists because they have no defense of illegal immigration.

    “I just happen to be catching the people from Mexico because they are the ones we come across,” he said.

  36. Who else? Ron Paul and Rand Paul. The former is a Baptist. Not sure about the latter. Duncan Hunter was a strong advocate of border security. He ran for President in 2008. He is a Southern Baptist.

  37. MGLS
    I think you need to read between the lines a bit on Arapao, Hunter and Tancredo. Especially Joe, he’s trying to do something. You can be a racialist under a pseudonym on various forums, but it would only make his job harder to ever say something like that in his role. Ditto for people running for national office. The ground has not been made ready for someone to speak honestly. Buchanan made a few oblique comments and was toasted.

  38. “Racially, the Irish are indeed ‘much more benign’ to Anglo-Saxons than Southern Europeans are.”

    Tell that to all the Anglo-Saxon Women who’ve been Raped by Non-Whites let in because of what Ted Kennedy did.

  39. It must be pointed out that neither Arpaio, Tancredo, nor Traficant are racialists. They are “colorblind” and deny that race matters. – MGLS

    Still, they show a heck of a lot more character and courage where it really matters — IN REAL LIFE — than so many ‘WASP’s’ have shown… especially, as Jackson pointed out, not as anonymous ‘keyboard warriors’ of the ‘Laptop Luftwaffe’ (hat tip – Greg Hood ;}) as so many ‘Nordicists’ are.

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