No Protestants Allowed: Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court.

/ scratches chin

1.) We are constantly told that we live in a nation that is dominated by “white privilege.” Yet we are fast approaching the historically unprecedented day when there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court, but at least one negro, three Jews, one wise Latina, two Italians, and a lesbian.

2.) We are told that federal legislation is needed to protect homosexuals from hate crimes and the hideous discrimination they experience. Yet we are appointing a Jewish lesbian to the Supreme Court.

3.) We are told women can’t get ahead in America because of what is called the “glass ceiling.” Yet we are about to appoint two women in a row to the Supreme Court; if Harriet Miers had been confirmed, it would have been three.

4.) We are told the Jews are powerless and talk of Jewish Power by White Nationalists is nothing but a baseless anti-Semitic canard. Yet there will soon be three Jews on the Supreme Court. Jews are 2% of the population, but will compromise 33% of Supreme Court Justices. Jews will also comprise 75% of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

5.) When Harriet Miers was nominated by George W. Bush, the Left and Right erupted over her lack of judicial experience, but now Elena Kagan is being described by many of the same people as “brilliant” and “eminently qualified” to sit on the Supreme Court.

6.) We are told to idolize “diversity” and that the Supreme Court is not “diverse enough” for an America that has moved beyond race into the twentieth century. Last summer, the media told us that it was essential to have a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court because a “Latino perspective” on the bench was absolutely essential. The same people now say that it “doesn’t matter” that there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court when Protestants are 51% of Americans. Has anyone else noticed that “diversity” and “inclusiveness” doesn’t seem to apply to one group in particular?

7.) President Obama and his supporters keep telling us that “race doesn’t matter.” We’ve moved beyond the days when individuals were judged on the basis of characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. Isn’t it ironic that his judicial appointments seem to be based exclusively on these factors?

8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

Whites have been suckered into believing in this dream of a post-racial future. In reality, there is nothing “post-racial” about the Obama administration or its base in the black community. This has become increasingly clear to Whites who used to support him but are abandoning him in droves. It is time we started looking out for our interests and our future as a people and before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We are all of us living in the dark and inherently Anti-White shadow of what Anglophiles and Jews did in terms of dragging America and England into World War II.

    That nest of vipers is to blame both for what has happened to the good Anglo-Saxons in Germany and America, and for what has happened to Southern European Whites.

  2. There’s probably more German blood in American Whites than there is English blood.


    It’s just that the ones of English descent were the ones who ruined everything.

    One minute you shed crocodile tears for “WASPs” and the next you vilify them and blame them for “ruin[ing] everything.”

    You are doing a better job than I ever could in showing that the Johnson-Reed Act ought to have been enacted several decades earlier and that the mass migration of southern Europeans was a disaster for Americans (real Americans, that is).

  3. “No.”

    You’re dead wrong MLGS.

    Even if we count EVERY person who told the Census bureau that they’re “American” as English, there are still only 47.4 Million Americans of English descent.

    In contrast in 2008 there were 50.3 Million Americans of German descent.

    “One minute you shed crocodile tears for ‘WASPs’ and the next you vilify them and blame them for ‘ruin[ing] everything.'”

    What you don’t seem to understand is that we are talking about two different categories of WASP.

    There’s the ones of entirely British descent who tended to be “Anglophiles”, and these are the ones ruined everything by agitating for American involvement in World War II.

    Also they did profound harm via the mechanism of the Warren Court.

    Then there are the WASPs of German descent who were just about entirely blameless for what happened to this Country.

    Also it is perhaps notable that Southerners and Mormons of largely English descent seem to lack most of the profound flaws so utterly manifest in other WASPs of English descent.

    I’m very sorry for what’s happened to Whites in the South and Utah, in terms of the designs of Jews and Liberalism of not Mormon Non-Southern WASPs dragging them down to places they didn’t want to go.

  4. “You are doing a better job than I ever could in showing that the Johnson-Reed Act ought to have been enacted several decades earlier and that the mass migration of southern Europeans was a disaster for Americans.”

    That’s because you are such an inarticulate fool that you have completely failed to make the case for your own theory.

    A cool gentle breeze would’ve done a better job than you of showing that southern Europeans have been a “disaster” for Americans.

    Anything could’ve done a better job because you’ve done no job at all.

  5. You are doing a better job than I ever could in showing that the Johnson-Reed Act ought to have been enacted several decades earlier and that the mass migration of southern Europeans was a disaster for Americans (real Americans, that is).

    Exactly. That was the beginning of the end.

  6. Nords and Meds can and should work together against our common enemies, but we are different peoples. We of Nordish descent have a right to be us, and only we can be us.

  7. Bernard,

    How so?

    It was an Irishman who displaces you guys from the White House.

    It was an Irishman who was America’s first Anti-Racist President.

    It was an Irishman who rammed through the Immigration Act of 1964 which opened the floodgates of Non-Whites into the Country.

    It was Anglo-Saxon Protestants on the Supreme Court who forced desegregation down the throats of the South.

    It was an Anglo-Saxon Protestant who brutally used the US Army to make that ruling stick.

    It was Anglo-Saxon Protestants on the Supreme Court who forced America to take the utterly disastrous step of legalizing Pornography.

    It was the Anglo-Saxon Protestants on the Rockefeller commission who laid the groundwork for Abortion to be legalized.

    It was Anglo-Saxon Protestants who forced all 50 States to legalize Abortion.

    It was an Anglo-Saxon Protestant who signed the Civil Rights Act into law.

    Now of course there have plenty of good Anglo-Saxon Protestants in American History, but that isn’t the point.

    The point is that you’re dying that Southern Europeans are responsible for what happened to this Country when the blood from the murder all over the hands of people who were/are Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

    This is an outrageous case of projection.

  8. The second to the last paragraph should read:

    “The point is that you’re lying that Southern Europeans are responsible for what happened to this Country when the blood from the murder is all over the hands of people who were/are Anglo-Saxon Protestants.”

  9. “We of Nordish descent have a right to be us, and only we can be us.”

    If the Nordish us is actually sacrosanct to you, you and MGLS would join me in condemning the fratricidal mass murderer Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

    The ultimate betrayal of the Nordish “us” occurs when an Nordish person stabs his fellow Nordish people in the back like FDR did.

  10. MGLS already refuted this silly “argument” above. In the end, this has nothing to do with “responsibility” or ideology or attitudes. This is about IDENTITY. What part of “we have a right to be us, and only we can be us” do you not understand? I don’t care if Meds aren’t “responsible.” They’re not us. Get it?

  11. You said that letting Southern European Whites in was the beginning of the end, when we had nothing to do with the end that rapidly approaches you.

    For you to say this has nothing to do with responsibility when you just tried to pin responsibility on us is absolute hypocrisy.

    “I don’t care if Meds aren’t ‘responsible.’ They’re not us. Get it?”

    And thus what?

    Is the level of subracial mixing really great enough to be a serious threat?

    While I would prefer for Italians to be encouraged to marry other Italians, and wish we had institutions dedicated to encouraging that sort of ingroup marriage, that’s mostly because we’re outnumbered by Northern Europeans in this Country.

    If there were more than 100 million Italians in this Country, I wouldn’t mind a some mixing with more Northerly European groups, in the interests of lowering the chances of us seeing the sort of fratricidal warfare that is so ruinous for Whites.

  12. It was the beginning of the end. Because it was the beginning of letting non-Nords in large numbers (outside of slaves) into the country.

    Nords are recessive. Even slight amounts of subracial mixing can be problematic.

    You wouldn’t mind “mixing with more Northerly European groups” because you clearly lust after Nordish women, as you’ve revealed both here and on your own blog.

  13. You’re taking my statement out of context.

    I said that if there were 100 million Italians I wouldn’t mind Italian-American mixing with more Northerly Whites.

    Anyway, all you are demonstrating is that it should’ve been the English who had millions of their Women Raped by the Red Army, and not the far more noble minded Germans.

    After all, it was the English who were to blame for the German Army losing their epic struggle against the Soviet brutes.

    It is from the traitors responsible for the defeat that the spoil should be taken from.

  14. “…because you clearly lust after Nordish women, as you’ve revealed here.”

    I did no such thing. I instead merely expressed my high opinion of Zooey Deschanel, a lady clearly more Latin than Nord.

  15. Anyway, all you are demonstrating is that it should’ve been the English who had millions of their Women Raped by the Red Army, and not the far more noble minded Germans.

    After all, it was the English who were to blame for the German Army losing their epic struggle against the Soviet brutes.

    It’s moments like this when your anger and frustration gets the best of you and you reveal your true vile and brutal viciousness and ethnic hatred and hostility. All it does is support my contention that strict measures are necessary for Nordish preservation.

    We Nords have a right to be us, and only we can be us.

  16. You’ve revealed it here indirectly. Plus, you’ve posted pics of Nordish women on your blog such as Taylor Swift.

  17. Reginald Thompson


    Mitochondrial DNA represents a miniscule portion of a Human’s genetic material. There’s no evidence that it has any effect on Phenotype or Mental Functioning.

    First you said Y-DNA isn’t important, now you’re saying mtDNA isn’t important. Are you having a laugh or what? You’re being incredibly dishonest and frankly nonsensical.

    A group of researchers belonging to diverse scientific Argentine, North American, Swedish, and Guatemalan institutions, directed by Michael F. Seldin of University of California, concluded that:

    The genetic average structure of the Argentine population contains 78% of European contribution, 19.4% Amerindian and 2.5% African (using the Bayesian algorithm).

    In 2004 Connecticut had a population that was 80.1% White, and it certainly stands to reason that now it’s less than 78% White.

    It certainly stands to reason that Connecticut currently is less White than Argentina is.

    We’re not talking about the percentage of Whites, we’re talking about the ancestral composition of the self-identified White population. Argentina is thoroughly mestizo and suffers from racial amnesia, numerous genetic studies show this to be a fact. Connecticut in comparison is actually one of the purest European White groups in America, being 99% White.

    Considering your willful deception and defense of admixture as irrelevant I can’t take what you say seriously. Your credibility is shot, you are not a White nationalist.

    So we see that again the enemies of Nordish preservation are advocates and apologists for miscegenation, the psychology is one in the same. They will be our undoing.

  18. We Nords have a right to be us, and only we can be us.

    From my perspective, no problem. However, that is not what is happening with comments from “MGLS” and his quotes from the “esteemed” Desmond Jones or James Bowery. He is allowing his ethnic hostility to rise to the surface. He is overlooking the Nordic hand that has allowed the fall of the West and looks to blame the “other” for it.

  19. And right on cue, Mark chimes in an attempt to drive another commenter away. Scrooby, Charlemagne, and now Reginald.

  20. If they’re not man enough to stand up to a little scrutiny then shame on them.

    What do we lose by eliminating degenerates, miscegenators and racially mixed people. Is this just all about numbers and popularity, are we using modern conservatism as our model?

  21. Bernard,

    Obviously I was in part satirizing MGLS’s non sequitor that because I dared to point out the Anti-White perfidy committed by certain English and Irish people, that somehow means I was making a good case that my ancestors shouldn’t have been let into the Country.

    The thing is that even if America would’ve been better without my ancestors being let in, saying that in response to my perfectly true statements was both stupid and insulting.

    It’s almost he’s taking the attitude that even when Nords and Nordoids are wrong, Southern European Whites somehow aren’t worthy of pointing it out.

    I find it telling that you are so utterly biased against Southern European Whites that you failed to join me condemning the brutal viciousness of FDR and Winston Churchill, the Men responsible for the REALITY of Millions of German Women being Raped by the Red Army, and instead get on my case for expressing my opinion that it would’ve better if the German Women had been spared in favor of the English taking the brunt of the VERY VICTORY OF THE RED ARMY THAT THE ENGLISH INTENTIONALLY FOUGHT FOR.

    Though it would’ve been better for no one to through that, though it would’ve better if the Red Army had been defeated, clearly the English deserved it much more than the Germans did.

    The Germans fought AGAINST the most murderous and Anti-White regime in the History of the West.

    In sharp and damning contrast the English fought FOR the most murderous and Anti-White regime in the History of the West.

    And even though the English knew what the Red Army was doing to the German Women, they did nothing to try to stop it.

    They didn’t even threaten to pull out of their alliance with the Soviets.

    That’s how little the English cared about their brother the Germans.

    I recall that in the Bible God condemned the Edomites to extermination for a far less harmful instance where they stabbed their brother nation in the back.

    Fratricide is a grave crime, and the English have it on their heads.

  22. “The 1924 immigration act should have been enacted several decades earlier”

    It’s my understanding that it would have been enacted about 20 years earlier if not for Jewish lobbying.

    Italians, Greeks and Slavic people played essentially no role in undermining WASP culture. Irish Catholics did play some role, but it was minor compared to the Jewish effort. The same thing happened in the UK. Unlike Jews, Irish people were genocided by English people in modern times, so it’s not entirely unreasonable that there would be some hostility. Again, unlike Jews, that hostility lessened over time is and is pretty much gone at this point.

    The hatred that Jews have for European people is qualitatively different from the inter-ethnic conflicts that Europeans have with each other. Jewish hostility is ultimately motived by a desire for total dominance over all other people. The historical grievances that they harp on are just rationalizations for this drive for dominance. That’s why their hostility never ends as long as they maintain their distinct identity and is directed against hosts who have never mistreated them.

    A lot of people from Catholic and Orthodox backgrounds have converted to Protestantism and most younger white Americans are mixes of more than two ethnicities. I think we can say that heavy non-WASP immigration did weaken America’s cultural cohesion without being hostile to contemporary non-WASP white Americans.

  23. You’re dead wrong MLGS.


    Here is a post by n/a on a paper supporting the belief that English ancestry is massively underreported in the Census.

    AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW, 1994 Feb;59(1):64-82.

    How 4.5 million Irish immigrants became 40 million Irish Americans: demographic and subjective aspects of the ethnic composition of white Americans.

    Hout M and Goldstein JR

    How did 4.5 million Irish immigrants come to be 40 million Irish Americans? The growth of ethnic populations, including the Irish, has three components: natural increase, intermarriage, and preference. We combine a demographic analysis of natural increase with a sociological analysis of intermarriage. Preference is a subjective component; it remains a residual in our analysis. [p. 65]

    Intermarriage and its complement, homogamy, are generally assumed to be critical factors in whether national origin groups grow or decline. Generations of “pure” Irish, Italians, Poles, and so on, have admonished their children to marry within the group to preserve it. However, recent findings by Alba (1990) and Waters (1990) imply that intermarriage hurts some groups but helps others, at least in the numerical sense. In the world of ethnic options, intermarriage provides an opportunity to exercise one’s options. For some ethnic groups, intermarriage thins out the ethnic heritage because few offspring of mixed marriages remember ancestors from that group. For other groups, intermarriage is a recruitment opportunity because the offspring of mixed marriages often think of themselves as part of that group, simplifying their mixed heritage with a single mention or expressing the sense that they “feel closer” to one group than to the other.

    Formally, we could show that if all groups have the same intermarriage rates and if the patterns of intermarriage between each pair of groups is symmetrical, then intermarriage will have no effect on the size of th population identifying with a group. However, there would be no point in such a formal exercise because neither premise is true. Intermarriage differs significantly among ethnic groups (Alba 1976; Lieberson and Waters 1988). The groups that started coming to North America first now have higher rates of intermarriage than groups that have come in large numbers more recently have had. This has led some observers of ethnicity to include intermarriage as a condition of assimilation (Gordon 1964). Geographically dispersed groups are also more likely to intermarry than are isolated or concentrated groups (Peach 1974; Lieberson and Waters 1988). [pp. 70-71]


    Natural increase of a population is the interaction of demographic trends with the elapsed time between immigration and the present. Social increase stems from the joint effects of a high rate of intermarriage and the high probability that someone will express a particular ethnic attachment. For example, the social increase of the Irish and German populations in America has far outstripped their natural increase. This important subjective component of ethnic identity is beyond our data; we can only speculate on its sources and implications. Second- and third-generation Americans, especially those of mixed heritage, exercise a significant level of choice in defining their ethnicity (Alba 1990; Waters 1990; Farley 1991). This has led to a certain unreliability in responses to ethnicity questions (Waters 1987; Farley 1991) and an alleged shallowness in the ethnic attachments reported to the Census. Our analysis has shown how the numbers of people identify with two groups — the Germans and the Irish — have increased because of this process. We have also shown how religious homogamy and the religious diversity of the Germans and the Irish combine to produce an intermarriage pattern that abets German and Irish ethnic identification, and how intermarriage has hurt identification with another outmarrying group, the British. We have also shown how numbers identifying themselves as Italian have grown, despite religious homogeneity, because of ethnic homogamy. We will not be surprised if the various Hispanic groups follow the Italian pattern in years to come.

    Ethnic intermarriage is limited by religious homogamy and social homogamy. Groups that are affiliated with the same religion, have similar socioeconomic status, and live in the same parts of the country have much higher intermarriage than groups that differ in religion, education, and region. A past history of intermarriage and American residence are also important; groups with many mixed attachments and few foreign-born members intermarry more. The nine-fold increase of the Irish population in the United States stems from the combination of favorable outcomes on each of these variables for the Irish. The Irish have been in the United States a long time; they are religiously diverse, highly educated, and dispersed throughout the country. In addition, an unexplained subjective “closeness” to Ireland contributed to the size of the Irish American population in 1980. [p.79]

    n/a’s comments:

    What’s to explain? Identify as Irish and you get to be a colorful victim, diametrically opposed to the evil, dull WASP television and public schools have taught you to hate.

    Aside from that effect, British-Irish and British-German mixes may simply be more aware of the origins of their more recent immigrant ancestors.

  24. What you don’t seem to understand is that we are talking about two different categories of WASP.

    You are utterly mendacious. When you were shedding crocodile tears for “WASPs” and wailing about the harm the Irish caused them, you were not talking about German-Americans.

    “WASP” is not used as a synonym for German-American. You and other commenters here attempt to undermine and subvert people of English descent by stripping them of and denying their identity as Anglo-Saxons.

    What you are doing is blatantly obvious. You are trying to drive wedges between “WASPs” and Irish, English and Germans, Southern Americans and Northern Americans, and so on; and puff up false alliances between German-Americans and southern Europeans, Germans and Italians, Southern Americans and southern Europeans, and so on. You are doing this because you believe it advances your Mediterranean interests.

    It is absurd to claim that being dispossessed and demographically displaced by Italians benefited Americans (i.e. real Americans). It cannot be argued that the mass migration of southern Europeans was anything but negative for Americans (i.e. real Americans).

  25. it should’ve been the English who had millions of their Women Raped by the Red Army

    This is one of the most vile statements, if not the most vile statement, ever posted on this site.

  26. Mark,

    It’s hard to talk to someone who lies about what I actually said.

    I never made said that the Y Chromosome is unimportant, but rather only that it wrong of you to use Y Chromosome data to infer ancestry.

    I never would’ve made such an ignorant statement given that Y Chromosome, unlike Mitochondrial DNA, has been shown to have some degree of effect on Phenotype and Mental Functioning.

    At the same time the vast majority of the functional genetic material in us is Autosomal in nature, and almost all the variation that makes different races different in meaningful ways is found in Autosomal DNA.

    “We’re not talking about the percentage of Whites, we’re talking about the ancestral composition of the self-identified White population.”

    If you read what I wrote, I clearly inaugurated this Argentine subject by making the claim that a higher Percentage of the Genes in Argentina are White than in Connecticut.

    You disagreed with that statement, and so I had no choice but to show that you were wrong to deny the truth of what I said.

    A higher Percentage of the Genes in Argentina are White than in Connecticut, and in that genetic sense Argentina as a land mass is more White than Connecticut is as a land mass.

    And since that the metric of Whiteness I started out talking about, and which you denied, I feel in context there was nothing wrong with my statement.

    “Argentina is thoroughly mestizo, and suffers from racial amnesia”

    I disagree with that statement. I think 3% of population identifies as Indigenous and 8% as Mestizo.

    If the Mestizos are 80% Indigenous, which seems likely, that means the self-identified Whites would average out to being 88% of White descent.

    But while this is more than one would hope, it certainly wouldn’t call it evidence of a “thoroughly Mestizo” population of self-identified Whites.

    And considering that I seem to recall that you can be 1/8th Indian and still get into the Klu Klux Klan, this means that probably about half of Argentinians who self-identify as White would be eligible for membership into the KKK.

  27. “‘WASP’ is not used as a synonym for German-American.”

    Germans are at least as Anglo-Saxon as the average American who identifies as English.

    Also they are White, and I’ve seen no evidence that German-Americans are less Protestant than other Whites of partial Anglo-Saxon descent.

  28. “and puff up false alliances between German-Americans and southern Europeans, Germans and Italians”

    The alliance was very real. If you ever read a book about World War II you’d know that.

    “It is absurd to claim that being dispossessed and demographically displaced by Italians benefited Americans (i.e. real Americans).”

    Once again you are lying about what I said. I never made the claim that Non-Italian Whites benefited from Italian immigration into America.

    I never expressed an opinion on the question of whether it was beneficial or not.

    I merely pointed out that Irish immigration was far more harmful to Whites of partial Anglo-Saxon descent than Italian immigration ever was to them.

  29. “‘WASP’ is not used as a synonym for German-American.”

    Germans are at least as Anglo-Saxon as the average American who identifies as English.

    Also they are White, and I’ve seen no evidence that German-Americans are less Protestant than other Whites of partial Anglo-Saxon descent.

    “WASP” is not a synonym for German-American (i.e. “WASP” does not mean German-American).

    “WASP” is a pejorative for (unhyphenated) “American”. The term may be applied to broad or narrow segments of the founding American ethny, in terms of class, region, and ancestral background, leading to many opportunities for confusion and misdirection. “WASP” functions primarily as an instrument for delegitimizing and dispossessing the progeny of the founders.

    n/a’s post quotes a Time Magazine article:

    Exactly who it is that will take over the center is a problem of definition. Wasps are not so easily characterized as other ethnic groups. The term itself can be merely descriptive or mildly offensive, depending on the user and the hearer; at any rate, it has become part of the American idiom. In one sense, it is redundant: since all Anglo-Saxons are white, the word could be Asp. Purists like to confine Wasps to descendants of the British Isles; less exacting analysts are willing to throw in Scandinavians, Netherlanders and Germans. At the narrowest, Wasps form a select band of well-heeled, well-descended members of the Eastern Establishment; at the widest, they include Okies and Snopeses, “Holy Rollers” and hillbillies. Wasps range from Mc-George Bundy and Penelope Tree to William Sloane Coffin Jr. and Phyllis Diller. Generously defined, Wasps constitute about 55% of the U.S. population, and they have in common what Columnist Russell Baker calls a “case of majority inferiority.”

  30. I find it telling that you are so utterly biased against Southern European Whites that you failed to join me condemning the brutal viciousness of FDR and Winston Churchill, the Men responsible for the REALITY of Millions of German Women being Raped by the Red Army, and instead get on my case for expressing my opinion that it would’ve better if the German Women had been spared in favor of the English taking the brunt of the VERY VICTORY OF THE RED ARMY THAT THE ENGLISH INTENTIONALLY FOUGHT FOR.

    Oh, yes, of course, anyone who is repulsed by the statement that millions of English women ought to have been raped by the Red Army must be “utterly biased against Southern European Whites.”

  31. MGLS,

    Once again you are twisting what I said.

    The issue of bias is in the fact that the REALITY of getting Millions of German Women Raped wasn’t enough to provoke your censure against FDR, merely because he was “Nordish”, while you do censure me for promoting the notion that there would’ve been more justice in sparing the German Women, even if it meant the English Women getting Raped instead.

    Obviously my statement was based in the context that since the brutes of the Red Army were going to Rape someone after their Victory, it would’ve been better for it to be the Group of people to blame for the Red Army winning in the first place.

    It’s called being hoist by your own petard.

    And it’s widely accepted as at least far closer to justice than malefactors being allowed to only inflict horror on others while being saved from experiencing horror themselves.

  32. the Italo-Germanic alliance

    Italy was a complete joke during World War II.

    The alliance was very real. If you ever read a book about World War II you’d know that.

    Pat Buchanan on p. 291 of Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War:

    Thus, on August 25, 1939, hours before the scheduled August 26 attack, Hitler called off his invasion for a week. Not only had Britain affirmed its commitment to Poland, Mussolini had, the same day, weaseled out of his Pact of Steel pledge to go to war. Italy’s ambassador and Foreign Minister Ciano were imploring Il Duce not to let Italy be dragged into a war that threatened national ruin for Hitler, who had never consulted Mussolini on his pact with Stalin or in his steps he was taking to war. Chief of the German Staff Halder wrote in his diary that Hitler was “considerably shaken” by the two events. “‘The Italians are behaving just like they did in 1914,’ fumed Hitler. He canceled the marching orders, and the invasion ground to a halt just before it reached the Polish border.”

    What an ally.

    Italy did not enter the war until June 1940.

    Buchanan again, pp. 303-304 of Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War:

    After Dunkirk, with the fall of France imminent, Mussolini saw history passing him by: “I can’t just sit back and watch the fight. When the war is over and victory comes I shall be left empty-handed!”

    “Mussolini had long been champing at the bit to grab a piece of French territory as well as a crumb of glory,” writes Alistair Horne. “He told Marshal Badoglio: ‘I need only a few thousand dead to ensure that I have the right to sit at the peace table in the capacity of a belligerent.'” …

    That fall, Mussolini’s armies invaded Egypt and Greece, where they quickly floundered. To rescue his ally, Hitler occupied Europe west to the Pyrenees and south to Crete. These conquests had come about not because of some Hitlerian master plan, but because of a war with Britain that Hitler had never wanted, and an invasion of Greece by Mussolini that Hitler had opposed.

    On p. 196 of Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War:

    As Hitler’s army pushed into Austria, Prince Philip phoned from Rome: “I have just returned from the Palazzo Venezia. Il Duce took the news very well indeed. He sends his very best regards to you.” Hitler was ecstatic. On and on he burbled to the prince:

    “[P]lease tell Mussolini that I shall never forget this…. Never, never, never! Come what may! … And listen – sign any agreement he would like…. You can tell him again. I thank him most heartily. I will never forget him! … Whenever he should be in need or in danger, he can be sure that I will stick with him, rain or shine – come what may – even if the whole world would rise again him – I will, I shall – ”

    This commitment Hitler would keep. His faithfulness to Mussolini would be a principal cause of Germany’s defeat and his own downfall.

  33. I suppose according to you King David wanted to kill himself, because he said he should have died so that Absalom would’ve been spared.

    I suppose according to you God wanted Jesus to be tortured to death, because he choose Jesus being tortured to death in preference to allowing Mankind to go unredeemed.

    You don’t have to want something to happen to say it’s the better of two evils.

    Certainly the English thought the German Women being Raped was to be preferred even to English Men having to fight a little more to stop the Soviets from reaching the Eastern part of Germany.

    If what I said was wrong, what the English DID was utterly Satanic.

  34. “Thus, on August 25, 1939, hours before the scheduled August 26 attack, Hitler called off his invasion for a week. Not only had Britain affirmed its commitment to Poland, Mussolini had, the same day, weaseled out of his Pact of Steel pledge to go to war. Italy’s ambassador and Foreign Minister Ciano were imploring Il Duce not to let Italy be dragged into a war that threatened national ruin for Hitler, who had never consulted Mussolini on his pact with Stalin or in his steps he was taking to war. Chief of the German Staff Halder wrote in his diary that Hitler was “considerably shaken” by the two events. “‘The Italians are behaving just like they did in 1914,’ fumed Hitler. He canceled the marching orders, and the invasion ground to a halt just before it reached the Polish border.””

    Invading Poland was a huge mistake, partly because it removed an important buffer against Soviet attack, and Mussolini showed excellent judgment in this incident.

    “His faithfulness to Mussolini would be a principal cause of Germany’s defeat and his own downfall.”

    I don’t see how.

    Hitler’s mistake was devoting too many troops to gobbling up Ukrainian farmland, and not enough to attacking Moscow.

  35. on 13 May 2010 at 12:21 pm171Mark

    If they’re not man enough to stand up to a little scrutiny then shame on them.

    Mark, it is not “a little scrutiny”. It is the exact same thing that you, MGLS, and other Nords feel when you react to when insulted. I no longer find it insulting due to 1) I actually like Nords very much and 2) do not view that preserving Nord culture means degrading Med culture. With that said, I do find some Nord views a bit funny that they want to blame everyone except their own for their current plight. To me, it has nothing to do with wanting to preserve your culture and genetic make up, which I advocate. It has to do with the barely hidden contempt for “white ethnics” that always comes to the surface. Most of us followed “the rules”. Some did not. Same for your group.

  36. Reginald: I understand you hate FDR, for going to war against your beloved Italy; but, he fought for the true concerns of America. If he didn’t fight for us, it is possibly Japan could have invaded us, and raped our women.

  37. “And considering that I seem to recall that you can be 1/8th Indian and still get into the Klu Klux Klan, this means that probably about half of Argentinians who self-identify as White would be eligible for membership into the KKK.”

    This may be nominally true, and most would accept part-Mestizoes. But the Brown South Americans are a dfferent race from the Reds in Eastern North America.

  38. Blaming WASPs for America’s decline is absurd. Ever hear of the Kennedy brothers? JFK was the first anti-racist president. He was also the one who penned “Nation of Immigrants” for the ADL.

    Jews killed JFK and put LBJ (southern WASP) in power. LBJ signed the 1965 immigration act, allowed Israel to get nukes, covered up the USS Liberty bombing, and escalated the Vietnam War, which facilitated the Jewish counterculture movement.

  39. What you are doing is blatantly obvious. You are trying to drive wedges between “WASPs” and Irish, English and Germans, Southern Americans and Northern Americans, and so on; and puff up false alliances between German-Americans and southern Europeans, Germans and Italians, Southern Americans and southern Europeans, and so on. You are doing this because you believe it advances your Mediterranean interests.


    Italy was a complete joke during World War II.

    True. Even the midget Japs were more formidable warriors.

  40. Does anyone seriously believe there is more resistance to multiculturalism among NW Euro protestants today than among Irish or Eastern/Southern Euros? Really?

  41. 177Reginald

    If you read what I wrote, I clearly inaugurated this Argentine subject by making the claim that a higher Percentage of the Genes in Argentina are White than in Connecticut.

    You disagreed with that statement, and so I had no choice but to show that you were wrong to deny the truth of what I said.

    A higher Percentage of the Genes in Argentina are White than in Connecticut, and in that genetic sense Argentina as a land mass is more White than Connecticut is as a land mass.

    Do you have Jewish ancestry? Your mendacity rivals Tim Wise.

    As a percentage approximately 86% of both populations self-identify as White. The important matter is that Connecticut Whites are 99% European in ancestry, while Argentinean “Whites” are approximately only 68% European. Your argument that mestizo Argentina is more White merely because they have a larger population is absurd.

    “Argentina is thoroughly mestizo, and suffers from racial amnesia”

    I disagree with that statement. I think 3% of population identifies as Indigenous and 8% as Mestizo.

    If the Mestizos are 80% Indigenous, which seems likely, that means the self-identified Whites would average out to being 88% of White descent.

    But while this is more than one would hope, it certainly wouldn’t call it evidence of a “thoroughly Mestizo” population of self-identified Whites.

    We don’t have to guess or hope, we know for a fact from DNA studies that the “white” population of Argentina is predominantly Amerindian matrilineally and some minor Amerindian and sub-Saharan patrilineal ancestry as well.

    And considering that I seem to recall that you can be 1/8th Indian and still get into the Klu Klux Klan, this means that probably about half of Argentinians who self-identify as White would be eligible for membership into the KKK.

    The standard was 1/16th, and Argentineans are far more than that, but it was rare that someone even had Amerindian ancestry in the South, unlike Latin America where they are mixed as a rule. Taken as a whole Argentinean “Whites” are in fact non-White.

  42. Here’s one of the main problems I see: WASPs have never had the stomach for anti-Semitism. This has been true from the founding of this country up to the present day. It’s true of England as well. I don’t really know why this is, but it’s difficult not to notice that nearly all opposition to Jewish power comes from non-WASP sources.

  43. Cyd, you need to think things through. Look who you’re defending, mischlings and those who accept mestizos as White. Don’t give in to the dark side.

  44. “WASP” is not used as a synonym for German-American. You and other commenters here attempt to undermine and subvert people of English descent by stripping them of and denying their identity as Anglo-Saxons. – MGLS

    Sorry MG, but obviously you do not know factual history, since the original “Angel-Sächsiche” were absolutely German before they were ‘English’ –

    The Germanics (Teutons) broke up into two groups, the Scandinavians (the future Vikings) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Germans (now split into Germany, the Germanic-dialect nation called Netherlands and the similar Flemish half of Belgium, German-speaking Austria and most of Switzerland; plus England (created by northern Germans from Angeln and Lower Saxony (home of recent chancellor Gerhard Schroeder), hence the Anglo-Saxons.

    And considering all that Great Britain and England did to the Fatherland over the centuries — I think it is a disgrace to appropriate a Germanic identity for themselves when they have been such crassly anti-German as a nation and as a people.

  45. Does anyone seriously believe there is more resistance to multiculturalism among NW Euro protestants today than among Irish or Eastern/Southern Euros? Really? – Reader

    Absolutely correct. Multi-kultism was a distinct product of the Anglo-Zionist coalition against other Europeans — and European-Americans.

  46. Obama ought to have nominated her for coach of the Olympic Softball Team, for that she’s definitely qualified.

    I got a kick out of that Wall Street Journal controversy of a picture of her all dyked out at the local softball league. Someone knew what they were doing when they submitted that photo. I remember in High School I one year our gym teacher was this big, hulking “mullet & flannel” type woman, she was also coach of the softball team, she wasn’t mean or anything, but you could just totally tell she was a dyke.

  47. I am starting to think that it is a sense of shame among certain ‘Anglos’ for supplicating to the Jews for so long (and who are the real ‘junior partners’ of the Jews) that causes them to react so angrily to anyone who points out to them the facts of their massive collaboration with the Zionist Crime Syndicate, and multi-kultism — and the fact that so many other Euro-Americans in fact valiently fought back when they did little to nothing (with of course the overall exception of brave White Southerners).

    I think this is part of the reason guys like MGLS, who, in his Archie Bunker style criticisms — like to look down upon and blame Italians for the problems of the American Majority’s dispossession.

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