No Protestants Allowed: Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court.

/ scratches chin

1.) We are constantly told that we live in a nation that is dominated by “white privilege.” Yet we are fast approaching the historically unprecedented day when there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court, but at least one negro, three Jews, one wise Latina, two Italians, and a lesbian.

2.) We are told that federal legislation is needed to protect homosexuals from hate crimes and the hideous discrimination they experience. Yet we are appointing a Jewish lesbian to the Supreme Court.

3.) We are told women can’t get ahead in America because of what is called the “glass ceiling.” Yet we are about to appoint two women in a row to the Supreme Court; if Harriet Miers had been confirmed, it would have been three.

4.) We are told the Jews are powerless and talk of Jewish Power by White Nationalists is nothing but a baseless anti-Semitic canard. Yet there will soon be three Jews on the Supreme Court. Jews are 2% of the population, but will compromise 33% of Supreme Court Justices. Jews will also comprise 75% of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

5.) When Harriet Miers was nominated by George W. Bush, the Left and Right erupted over her lack of judicial experience, but now Elena Kagan is being described by many of the same people as “brilliant” and “eminently qualified” to sit on the Supreme Court.

6.) We are told to idolize “diversity” and that the Supreme Court is not “diverse enough” for an America that has moved beyond race into the twentieth century. Last summer, the media told us that it was essential to have a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court because a “Latino perspective” on the bench was absolutely essential. The same people now say that it “doesn’t matter” that there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court when Protestants are 51% of Americans. Has anyone else noticed that “diversity” and “inclusiveness” doesn’t seem to apply to one group in particular?

7.) President Obama and his supporters keep telling us that “race doesn’t matter.” We’ve moved beyond the days when individuals were judged on the basis of characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. Isn’t it ironic that his judicial appointments seem to be based exclusively on these factors?

8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

Whites have been suckered into believing in this dream of a post-racial future. In reality, there is nothing “post-racial” about the Obama administration or its base in the black community. This has become increasingly clear to Whites who used to support him but are abandoning him in droves. It is time we started looking out for our interests and our future as a people and before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Even if you use the following, 78.6% European is not enough for me, and I would hope it isn’t for White Americans or Europeans.

    Continental Ancestry of Argentineans from Autosomal, Y-Chromosomal and Mitochondrial DNA (Corach et al., 2009)

    According to the last and most thorough study about the Argentine population :
    The mean ancestry components as revealed from the STRUCTURE analysis is 78.6% for European, 17.3% for Native American, and 4.2% for West-African ancestry

  2. ““The biggest mistake the old American elite made was allowing the mass migration of eastern and southern Europeans to the United States at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. The 1924 immigration act should have been enacted several decades earlier, and the “ethnics” should have been kept out of this country.””

    Take that back! I’m the granddaughter of some of these immigrants and I am 101% PRO-WHITE. They were, too! There are many WASP traitors. Just look at the ancestral homeland of WASPs! An even bigger mess!!!

    Part of the problem is that white Americans were told to leave their ‘squabbling ethnicities’ behind. I believe in doing so, they became less racially conscious. If you notice, many pro-whites are the descendants of more recent arrivals (late 1800’s/early 1900’s).

  3. Another thing – when I first moved to the South, I was shocked to find out that most of the Southern-born and bred whites I encountered had no idea what their ancestry was. Huh???? I’d say that’s a little indicative of not knowing your identity and that is a precursor for not having racial consciousness. In other words, your ripe for the brainwashing.

  4. Lastly, if you don’t know your roots, you don’t know the impact your roots had on anything around you. And pride is the foundation of any racially-conscious person. Southern culture wasn’t created by America, it was created by the people that came to America. White Southern culture is a Euro culture that adapted to the region and not the other way around.

  5. I think it should be pointed out that the Africa Korps that fought in North Africa for over two years was mostly Italian. Italy lacks the Prussian tradition, and their officers were not as well trained as the Germans, but given good leadership, the Italian soldier fought well. And recall that the Germans in the Army of the Potomac earned themselves a very poor fighting reputation. There’s more to fighting prowess than Mediterranean or Nordic ancestry. Ask yourself, who would you rather have defending your flank today, Italian or Dutch soldiers?

  6. Take that back! I’m the granddaughter of some of these immigrants and I am 101% PRO-WHITE. They were, too! There are many WASP traitors. Just look at the ancestral homeland of WASPs! An even bigger mess!!!

    There’s nothing to take back. That’s just a factual statement. This isn’t meant to be offensive against eastern & southern Euros. It’s simply a fact from the standpoint of Nordish preservation and of the preservation of the original America. “WASP traitors” are traitors insofar as they facilitate the presence of non-Nords in America. Thus the old American elite which allowed mass immigration of eastern and southern Euros did make a grave mistake and were acting as “WASP traitors.”

  7. Another thing – when I first moved to the South, I was shocked to find out that most of the Southern-born and bred whites I encountered had no idea what their ancestry was.

    That’s typical of Old American families who could be said to be the true White Americans. They have more time apart from European ethnicities. Like how Europeans have long forgotten what tribes they were once in.

    Southern culture wasn’t created by America, it was created by the people that came to America. White Southern culture is a Euro culture that adapted to the region and not the other way around.

    It was created in America, it did not exist in Europe. We are of course related.

    It’s more accurate to say Northwestern European culture.

    Just goes to show you how much uniqueness can develop when small parts of a larger whole are allowed freedom to develop into their own distinct people. We have all the diversity we need already in ourselves.

  8. “As a percentage approximately 86% of both populations self-identify as White. The important matter is that Connecticut Whites are 99% European in ancestry, while Argentinean ‘Whites’ are approximately only 68% European.”

    That’s a lie.

    The overall European contribution to the Argentine Gene Pool was recently pegged at 79.9%.

    79.9% is more than 68%, in case you haven’t noticed.

    Also you are completely failing to understand that Non-European Genes in Argentina are obviously going to be concentrated more in the self-identified Mestizos, as opposed to the self-identified Whites.

    “Your argument that mestizo Argentina is more White merely because they have a larger population is absurd.”

    You are the one who is absurd for your constant lying.

    I never said anything about the population size of Argentina, and instead wrote about the % of the genes in Argentina which are White as opposed to the % of genes of in Connecticut that are White.

    If you look carefully and use that tiny brain of your’s to the max, it will come to you that a Percentage is unaffected by the issue of absolute size.

    In fact I never even mentioned, even in passing, the population size of Argentina.

  9. It can be fairly pointed out that Jews dominate the movie/TV/porn/news biz, their malevolence can be demonstrated, and accurate numbers can be given. The same can be said for Jewish control of finance, the law, psychology, “mainstream” politics, and leftist organizations in general. The shortcomings of Blacks, low IQ, criminality, sexual irresponsibility, can be satisfactorily proven to any thinking person with an 8th grader’s grasp of statistics. Though not yet as well documented, the unfitness of Mexicans for civilization is becoming clearer even to Main Street Republicans. And many Orientals are dropping the “model minority” mask and revealing their true racial loyalties. As a White man in Occupied America, it’s gratifying to see my understanding of events verified, hopefully in time to bring things to a screeching halt.
    But I really can’t see that this dispute over which European group has done the most harm to America makes much sense. Tarring all the Irish with the Kennedy brush is just nonsense. What about Presidents Buchanan or McKinley? And for every Italian American scoundrel, you can name a dozen or so 100% English Americans deserving the gallows. If you want to be convincing, get some numbers. What proportion of Italian Americans are born to unmarried women? What are the crime statistics for Polish Americans? What proportion of the ACLU is Irish? Compare the White ethnics to the Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans. If you can’t compile some decent statistics, you’re just excercising your prejudice.
    Some posters object to the non-Nordics on genetic grounds, which at least has the virtue of consistency, but they are really in fantasyland. Even in Europe, nobody has convinced the Swedes not to defile themselves with Somalis. You might in a few years time begin to convince Americans that they’d be much better off without the Blacks, Mexicans, Hindus, Orientals, and Jews, because you can clearly demonstrate the harm they do, and how much worse it will get. You’re not about to get anyone excited about mitochondrial DNA and haplogroups.
    A restored White America will be able to deal with any difficulties presented by non-Nords who can’t fit into our culture. Build your house before you worry about the wallpaper.

  10. “Even if you use the following, 78.6% European is not enough for me, and I would hope it isn’t for White Americans or Europeans.”

    That’s for the overall Argentinean population, including Non-Whites.

    It isn’t that the White Argentineans are only 78.6% European.

    While it is to the credit of America’s founders that even now self-identified American Whites are more White than self-identified Argentinean Whites, you are gravely exaggerating the degree of disparity between the self-identified Whites of the two populations.

  11. “That’s typical of Old American families who could be said to be the true White Americans.”

    Like the Bush family and other similar race traitors?

    You can have your personal sentiments; but, we no longer have the convenience to reserve all of America for the Western Nords. The Continental US & Canada as a territory is too big, to be exclusively reserved for the pure Northwest Europeans. We also have a large non-White population, a generation away from being larger than ours.

  12. Steve,

    I’m not an advocate of allowing Argentineans to immigrate into the United States.

    The one metric of actual value where America is a better Country than Argentina is that we still tend to have a stricter definition of being White than they do.

    Letting Argentineans in might tend to undermine this stricter definition.

    In any event the Argentineans are almost certainly better off in Argentina, a Country which currently has larger families and happier people than America does.

  13. I see; I was discussing the analogy of indigeneous South Americans and say, the Cheerokees. I was disagreeing with your analogy, not accusing you of supporting the former’s immigration.

  14. Sorry MG, but obviously you do not know factual history

    The paragraph you quote does not come remotely close to either refuting English identity as Anglo-Saxons or showing that “WASP” is a synonym for German-American. You are doing exactly what I said in my comment, attempting to undermine and subvert people of English descent by stripping them of and denying their identity as Anglo-Saxons.

    MGLS, who, in his Archie Bunker style criticisms

    This is just the sort of thing you would expect an anti-white leftist to say.

    The arguments the anti-“WASP” and anti-Northern European commenters make are remarkably similar to the arguments those who are anti-white make.

  15. I am starting to think that it is a sense of shame among certain ‘Anglos’ for supplicating to the Jews for so long

    “Ethnic dislikes” of Americans ca. 1938

    The evidence for the existence of very definite unfavorable stereotypes and dislikes of Jews and Italians, and to a small extent also of Irish, is unmistakable. Photographs to which Jewish surnames had been attached dropped, as seen from Table 3, 1.21 points in General Liking, 0.81 in Character, 0.29 in Beauty, while going up 1.01 in Ambition and 0.36 in Intelligence, with little consistent change in Entertainingness. The photographs with Italian surnames went down 0.78 points in General Liking, 0.33 in Beauty, 0.35 in Intelligence, 0.45 in Character, 0.34 in Entertainingness, while going up 0.39 points in Ambition. The Irish surnames produced a drop of 0.25 points in General Liking, 0.12 points in Beauty, 0.19 in Intelligence, 0.29 in Character, o.i i points in Entertainingness and a rise of 0.18 points in Ambition. The drops in General Liking and Character for Jews and Italians and the rise in Ambition for Jews are fully reliable statistically, while the other drops and rises possess some degree of reliability, are consistent, and borne out, in the main, by the interviews. The results are even more striking if one considers the fact that nearly 30 per cent of the subjects showed no consistent changes in their ratings and were—as revealed by some post-ratings questionings — definitely free from ethnic dislike.

    Anglo-Saxons were exactly the opposite of philo-Semitic:

    ethnic dislike and unfavorable stereotyping of Jews among Americans of different ethnic descents diminishes in the following order [n/a: line breaks added]:


    [. . .]

    The dislikes and unfavorable stereotypings of Italians follow approximately the same order, except that here the differences do not become statistically reliable till we pit those of Anglo-Saxon, German, Scandinavian, Irish, and Dutch descents against those who descend from white ethnic groupings in Eastern and Southern Europe (including the Jews among the latter).

  16. Sorry Steve,

    I was responding to you saying that the South American Indians may not have been genetically equivalent to the Red Indians in Eastern North America, and that this might be throwing off my estimation of how many Self-Identified White Argentineans would be eligible to join the Klan.

    I was mostly agreeing with your general point that the average American White is enough less Pre-White Indigenous that it would tend to mitigate against allowing White Argentineans the right to immigrate into America.

    At the same time we should offer the more White Argentineans any Non-Immigration related assistance they may need.

  17. “I see; I was discussing the analogy of indigeneous South Americans and say, the Cheerokees. I was disagreeing with your analogy, not accusing you of supporting the former’s immigration.”

    Sure Steve.

    I’m really not sure if Indians above the Rio Grande are appreciably closer to Whites than Indians in South America are.

    If the difference is in fact large enough, you are correct that it undermines my analogy to the Klan letting in Whites of 1/8th Cherokee (etc.) blood.

  18. … The shortcomings of Blacks, low IQ, criminality, sexual irresponsibility, can be satisfactorily proven to any thinking person with an 8th grader’s grasp of statistics. Though not yet as well documented, the unfitness of Mexicans for civilization is becoming clearer …

    … What proportion of Italian Americans are born to unmarried women? What are the crime statistics for Polish Americans? What proportion of the ACLU is Irish? Compare the White ethnics to the Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans.

    This is not about crime statistics, intelligence, or social delinquency. We are not “HBD” or “race realist” types.

    It is about race, relatedness, and the preservation and survival of the American ethny.

    The Congressional Record reports Representative William N. Vaile of Colorado, one of the most prominent restrictionists:

    “Let me emphasize here that the restrictionists of Congress do not claim that the ‘Nordic’ race, or even the Anglo-Saxon race, is the best race in the world. Let us concede, in all fairness that the Czech is a more sturdy laborer…that the Jew is the best businessman in the world, and that the Italian has…a spiritual exaltation and an artistic creative sense which the Nordic rarely attains. Nordics need not be vain about their own qualifications. It well behooves them to be humble.

    “What we do claim is that the northern European and particularly Anglo-Saxons made this country. Oh, yes; the others helped. But… [t]hey came to this country because it was already made as an Anglo-Saxon commonwealth. They added to it, they often enriched it, but they did not make it, and they have not yet greatly changed it.

    “We are determined that they shall not…It is a good country. It suits us. And what we assert is that we are not going to surrender it to somebody else or allow other people, no matter what their merits, to make it something different. If there is any changing to be done, we will do it ourselves.” [Cong. Rec., April 8, 1924, 5922]

  19. No one seems to have noticed that Amren is strangely silent on the nomination of Jewess Elena Kagan to the supreme court. She’s every bit the left wing extremist and as dangerous as Puerto Rican Sonia Sotomayor, but since Ms. Kagan is Jewish, Amren doesn’t seem to know just quite how to deal with the matter.

    Amren will deconstruct anti-white, white gentiles and anti-white minorities but mum’s the word when it comes to Jewish activism. No doubt if they do find the courage to write they will disingenuously refer to Kagan as a “white liberal” so as to avoid making the connection between her race and Marxist/radical leftist politics.

  20. This is just the sort of thing you would expect an anti-white leftist to say.

    The arguments the anti-”WASP” and anti-Northern European commenters make are remarkably similar to the arguments those who are anti-white make. – MGLS

    With all due respect MG, you and a lot of ‘Nordicists’ argue like Afrocentrists do — i.e. that all ‘progress’ that Europe made was due to Nordics and no one else.

    You also seriously overlook the fact that the English are not a majority Nordic nation, no matter how much you may wish for them — and mainly yourself — to be.

    Only the Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders can rightfully make the claim.

  21. Reginald: Genetic differences probably depend on the tribes. Of course a Southwest Indian will be similar to North Mexicans; and the South Florida Indians were very similar to the Caribbeanan Indians. But, I do not buy the idea that all nominal AmerIndians are the same racial stock.

  22. With all due respect MG, you and a lot of ‘Nordicists’ argue like Afrocentrists do

    Digression: the history of “Nordicism”

    Demonstrating a complete ignorance of the topic, RM states:

    “Nordicism, like its counterpart Afrocentrism, arose in response to the shame felt by now-civilized Nordics that their ancestors were savages while culture flourished in the Mediterranean Basin.”

    Of course, as a better-informed opponent of Nordicism acknowledges:

    “France has flirted with Gallo-Romanism, Celticism and Gallicism; the Slavic peoples with Pan-Slavism, and the Turks with Pan-Turanism, the Negroes with Pan-Africanism, the people of Asia with Pan-Asianism, and the Italians under Mussolini with Neo-Romanism. But these ideologies were for the most part pale imitations of the doctrine of racial superiority, known variously as Aryanism, Nordicism, Teutonism, Gobinism, Anglo-Saxonism, and Anthropo-Sociology or Social Selectionism, which developed in northwestern Europe.” (Jonassen 1951: 156)

    According to Jonassen, “the culture of the ancient peoples of the North Sea Basin contained a rather complete racist theory which was integrated with their mythology and their total value system, and which in most respects paralleled the myths of modern racist dogma.” Jonassen cites the description in the Rigsthula of Viking society as having a blond, Nordic upper class; a sturdy, red-haired middle class; and a deformed, black-haired lower class. Coon (1939) notes that these ideas “agree with and supplement the findings of archaeology and of physical anthropology”. Coon suggests that Nordics also had been “aristocratic overlords” to darker types earlier in central Europe. Roman historian Tacitus — whose Germania is often cited as an example of proto-Nordicism — offers the Germans as racially pure and virtuous, in contrast to the decadent Romans of his time.

    Nordicism, in various forms, dates back thousands of years; whereas, the “Medocentrism” to which RM and Dienekes subscribe is barely more than a century old. Mediterraneanism is just another “pale imitation” of Nordicism. Sergi, founder of Mediterraneanism, “sought to counter the Aryan ideology associated with growing German influence in Europe” (MacGaffey 1966: 3). Mediterraneanism, not Nordicism, is a twin of Afrocentrism. Afrocentrists and Medocentrists seek self-esteem in the “glorious past” of “their” peoples and blame their present degraded state on the exploitative white man or destructive Nordic barbarians.

    Incidentally, it’s a bit presumptuous for an American southern Italian, whose grandparents were in all probability illiterate, to call northern Europeans of any age “barbarians”. In the Appendix, I briefly discuss “barbaric” ancient Northern Europe.

  23. True. Even the midget Japs were more formidable warriors. – Bernard

    The British should certainly be familiar with this since they were handed their two greatest military defeats from them at the Battles of Malaya and Singapore in 1941.

    I think it should be pointed out that the Africa Korps that fought in North Africa for over two years was mostly Italian. Italy lacks the Prussian tradition, and their officers were not as well trained as the Germans, but given good leadership, the Italian soldier fought well. … – Discard

    This is very true. The Italians, although they didn’t have a great army overall, were very innovative with a lot militarily — such as with their navy being the first to have frogmen and divers, and having a decent air force. Individual units such as the Alpini, the Italian mountain soldiers (first in the world), and the Decima MAS, Italian naval special forces, were considered excellent.

    So commenter ‘Discard’ is correct when he says that there’s more to fighting prowess than Mediterranean or Nordic ancestry.

    I mean, the British certainly did not play a major role defeating the Third Reich on the battlefield — and lost way more battles to the Germans in both world wars than they won.

  24. MGLS,

    Thanks for the cut-n-paste, but I am not a ‘Medicist’ either, and I think Dienkes and, especially “RM” are absolute cranks.

  25. Thanks for the cut-n-paste, but I am not a ‘Medicist’ either

    Did I claim you were? No. It was a response to you comparing “Nordicists” to Afrocentrists.

  26. Did I claim you were? No. It was a response to you comparing “Nordicists” to Afrocentrists.

    Let me just say that Nordicists and ‘Medicists’ can sometimes both argue like Afrocentrists — in that they highlight anything that makes their group look better over all others, whilst simultaneously overlooking anything that puts them in an unflattering light — regardless of the truth and facts of the matter.

  27. I mean, the British certainly did not play a major role defeating the Third Reich on the battlefield — and lost way more battles to the Germans in both world wars than they won.

    But British victories were at the end of the wars, German ones at the beginning. Win all the battles you can but you have to win the last one.

  28. MGLS,

    Would you mind stating as precisely as possible what your criteria (in terms of race, ancestry, religion, etc.) are for being part of the “American ethny”?

    In this thread you and others seem to be adjusting your standards to whatever suits your immediate purposes – e.g., “Catholics” (likely mostly northern European Irish) are chastised for voting for immigration, but Tancredo (a southern European) is counted as “Protestant”, yet in other cases you clearly dislike “Meds” but see the Irish as “Nordic”, etc.

    It’s confusing as to what exactly your issue is. Do you see these Euro groups as actively antagonistic to traditional WASP America, or the exact opposite, that they are assimilating too well and thereby contaminating the American gene pool?

  29. I must say that I strongly disagree with you MGLS when you remark that Italians or other southern Europeans have caused the dispossession of ‘Anglos’ and other White Protestants. Utterly preposterous, and quoting 60-100 year old data on attitudes of who was more ‘Jew-wise’ proves nothing — maybe with the exception that it shows ‘WASP’s’ were even more craven — since they supposedly ‘knew the score’ about the Chosenites, yet not only let them get away with it, but facilitated and cooperated with Jewish perfidy and the dispossession of White America.

    Seriously MG, think what you will about the Italians — but don’t make untruthful claims that they dispossessed your co-ethnics (especially the ridiculous claim that they drove you out of your neighborhoods) or in any way wished you or other N Euros ill. If you don’t believe me, maybe you can believe Wilmot Robertson –

    In general, the Italian American exerts relatively little political and social influence, except in areas where the Mafia is concentrated. He is content to live in a kind of self-imposed ethnic quarantine and has little desire to impose his way of life, his prejudices, and his attitudes on others.

    Wilmot Robertson – The Dispossessed Majority, page 148.

  30. In this thread you and others seem to be adjusting your standards to whatever suits your immediate purposes… – Reader

    This is an excellent example of what I said before on how Nordicists, Medicists, Jews, Afrocentrists and any other overly ethnocentric person or group unfairly debates.

  31. “As a percentage approximately 86% of both populations self-identify as White. The important matter is that Connecticut Whites are 99% European in ancestry, while Argentinean ‘Whites’ are approximately only 68% European.”

    That’s a lie.

    No, moron, that’s based on Y and mtDNA.

    The overall European contribution to the Argentine Gene Pool was recently pegged at 79.9%.

    Wrong again, it was 78.6%, 79.9% was from a Buenos Aires sample.

    I never said anything about the population size of Argentina, and instead wrote about the % of the genes in Argentina which are White as opposed to the % of genes of in Connecticut that are White.

    Are you insane, stupid or both?

    85% is greater than 78.6%.

    That’s for the overall Argentinean population, including Non-Whites.

    We don’t know that for sure, because it was anonymous except they did exclude non-European and non-Amerindian surnames, specifically they rejected samples with Japanese and Middle Eastern names. It’s likely representative of the self-identified white group.

    That software company needs to fire you if they haven’t already.

  32. Would you mind stating as precisely as possible what your criteria (in terms of race, ancestry, religion, etc.) are for being part of the “American ethny”?

    Harry Laughlin provides a good definition of the American ethny:

    Definition of the American race
    Suitable for Legal and Technical Use, — and for General Understanding

    Racially, an American is a Caucasian each of whose ancestral lines traces directly to a member of the foundation racial stock of the American people, or to a race-assimilant thereto who was fully assimilated thereby.

    (a) The foundation racial stock of the American people consists in all Caucasians who were inhabitants of the territory of the original United States at the consummation of American independence, September 3, 1783.

    (b) A race-assimilant to the foundation racial stock of the American people is a person readily assimilable thereby on account of nearness in blood-kinship thereto; such a person is a Caucasian all of whose ancestral lines trace directly to one or more of those previously established European races which furnished the ethnic elements of the foundation racial stock of the American people.

  33. 233Kulaks Never Learn

    Let me just say that Nordicists and ‘Medicists’ can sometimes both argue like Afrocentrists — in that they highlight anything that makes their group look better over all others, whilst simultaneously overlooking anything that puts them in an unflattering light — regardless of the truth and facts of the matter.

    What utter nonsense. You feign innocence and objectivity. Stop being such an unconscionable hypocrite.

  34. What utter nonsense. You feign innocence and objectivity. Stop being such an unconscionable hypocrite.


    Stop letting your emotions get the best of you with childish name-calling.

    Sorry, but that’s how I feel.

  35. 1 — Madison Grant wrote at 5:32 PM on May 12:

    Obama is such a shameless bean-counter. He appointed Senora Sotomayor to the Supreme Court because she was a “two-fer”- female and Hispanic.
    Now he nominates Ellen Kagan because she’s a “three-fer” – female, Jewish and gay. (AMREN)

  36. Harry Laughlin provides a good definition of the American ethny:

    Actually, no, he does not provide a good definition. In fact, it’s a deliberately ambiguous definition which is undoubtedly why you chose it.

    Who counts as “foundation racial stock”? Do the Irish? French? Germans, Austrians, Swiss? Scandinavians? And what counts as “assimilation”? Are Irish-Catholics assimilated? Do you seriously dispute that there are lots of eastern and southern Euros who are perfectly assimilated to American culture and identify as simply “white”? What about people who are a mix of NW Euro and eastern/southern Euro?

    Might I also ask: are you the guy who writes the racehist blog, or are you just his biggest fan?

  37. Who counts as “foundation racial stock”? Do the Irish? French? Germans, Austrians, Swiss? Scandinavians? And what counts as “assimilation”? Are Irish-Catholics assimilated? Do you seriously dispute that there are lots of eastern and southern Euros who are perfectly assimilated to American culture and identify as simply “white”? What about people who are a mix of NW Euro and eastern/southern Euro?

    Read The Dispossessed Majority.

    are you the guy who writes the racehist blog


  38. Who counts as “foundation racial stock”? Do the Irish? French? Germans, Austrians, Swiss? Scandinavians? And what counts as “assimilation”? Are Irish-Catholics assimilated? Do you seriously dispute that there are lots of eastern and southern Euros who are perfectly assimilated to American culture and identify as simply “white”? What about people who are a mix of NW Euro and eastern/southern Euro? – Reader


    Excellent points you make in your comment. Outstanding.

    Read The Dispossessed Majority. – MGLS

    MG – I quoted right from this book for you before, and you didn’t notice, or overlooked it since it challenges a lot of what you have to say regarding Italians –

    In general, the Italian American exerts relatively little political and social influence, except in areas where the Mafia is concentrated. He is content to live in a kind of self-imposed ethnic quarantine and has little desire to impose his way of life, his prejudices, and his attitudes on others.

    Wilmot Robertson – The Dispossessed Majority, page 148.

  39. Stop letting your emotions get the best of you with childish name-calling.

    Sorry, but that’s how I feel.

    You’re very childish aren’t you. I don’t even think you’re capable of introspection.

  40. Also it is perhaps notable that Southerners and Mormons of largely English descent seem to lack most of the profound flaws so utterly manifest in other WASPs of English descent. – Reginald

    Let’s also not overlook the fact that the label “WASP” was never really intended as a moniker for all of America’s White Protestants — nor even for all of Americans of English and/or British descent — but primarily for the upper-crust Eastern Establishment, usually in a reference to an apparent elite status – i.e the ‘Boston Brahmins’, who are largely the descendants of the New England Puritan settlers –

    A class factor is implicit, so that working class whites are not usually called WASPs. In the 21st century, fewer than 25% of the American population is of English descent, yet they continue to have disproportionate influence over major American institutions, especially cultural, educational, business and financial ones.

  41. You’re very childish aren’t you. I don’t even think you’re capable of introspection.

    I think your losing it buddy with your projection.

  42. Excellent points you make in your comment. Outstanding.

    Silly cheerleading.

    Actually it’s not at all. It’s sad that people don’t even know what the founding racial stock of America was.

  43. I think your losing it buddy with your projection.

    You’ve already lost it, and it’s never coming back. The lights are on but no one’s home.

  44. Silly cheerleading.

    Actually it’s not at all. It’s sad that people don’t even know what the founding racial stock of America was.

    Yes Mark, most all of us here know what the founding racial stock of America was, and most of us, especially myself, feel terrible over the way the current system has dispossessed these good people, and empathize greatly with you — since your dispossession is our dispossession as well.

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