No Protestants Allowed: Elena Kagan for Supreme Court

As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court.

/ scratches chin

1.) We are constantly told that we live in a nation that is dominated by “white privilege.” Yet we are fast approaching the historically unprecedented day when there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court, but at least one negro, three Jews, one wise Latina, two Italians, and a lesbian.

2.) We are told that federal legislation is needed to protect homosexuals from hate crimes and the hideous discrimination they experience. Yet we are appointing a Jewish lesbian to the Supreme Court.

3.) We are told women can’t get ahead in America because of what is called the “glass ceiling.” Yet we are about to appoint two women in a row to the Supreme Court; if Harriet Miers had been confirmed, it would have been three.

4.) We are told the Jews are powerless and talk of Jewish Power by White Nationalists is nothing but a baseless anti-Semitic canard. Yet there will soon be three Jews on the Supreme Court. Jews are 2% of the population, but will compromise 33% of Supreme Court Justices. Jews will also comprise 75% of the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

5.) When Harriet Miers was nominated by George W. Bush, the Left and Right erupted over her lack of judicial experience, but now Elena Kagan is being described by many of the same people as “brilliant” and “eminently qualified” to sit on the Supreme Court.

6.) We are told to idolize “diversity” and that the Supreme Court is not “diverse enough” for an America that has moved beyond race into the twentieth century. Last summer, the media told us that it was essential to have a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court because a “Latino perspective” on the bench was absolutely essential. The same people now say that it “doesn’t matter” that there won’t be a single WASP on the Supreme Court when Protestants are 51% of Americans. Has anyone else noticed that “diversity” and “inclusiveness” doesn’t seem to apply to one group in particular?

7.) President Obama and his supporters keep telling us that “race doesn’t matter.” We’ve moved beyond the days when individuals were judged on the basis of characteristics like race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and creed. Isn’t it ironic that his judicial appointments seem to be based exclusively on these factors?

8.) Losing your country? That’s a myth we call the White Anxiety Crisis. Surely, it has utterly no basis in fact: a black president, a Catholic vice president, a Catholic Speaker of the House, 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court, Protestants declining from 74.1% of Congress in 1961 to 54.7% in 2008, Whites declining from over 85% of Americans to 67% and falling, Whites becoming an actual minority of new births, entrenched affirmative action and blatant discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, the demonization of our history and cultural symbols like the Confederate flag, and now the American flag itself.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

The ugly truth: Whites are being wiped out as a people. A Jewish-led political coalition of racially conscious aliens rules in Washington. These people believe in promoting themselves at our expense and nothing else. The shallow talk about “diversity” and “racism” and “inclusiveness” and “multiculturalism” are mere words they use to morally disarm Whites and justify their seizure of power and confiscation of wealth.

Whites have been suckered into believing in this dream of a post-racial future. In reality, there is nothing “post-racial” about the Obama administration or its base in the black community. This has become increasingly clear to Whites who used to support him but are abandoning him in droves. It is time we started looking out for our interests and our future as a people and before it is too late.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You’ve already lost it, and it’s never coming back. The lights are on but no one’s home.

    How quaint and original of you.

  2. Seriously MG, think what you will about the Italians — but don’t make untruthful claims that they dispossessed your co-ethnics

    I did not claim Italians orchestrated the dispossession of the old Americans. Nor did I say Italians or other ethnics were the principal movers for the dispossession of the old Americans; I said Jews have done more than any other group has to dispossess us. I did say the mass migration of southern and eastern Europeans was a calamity for the founding Americans and that they did contribute to the demographic displacement and dispossession of Americans. I listed a few items in comment #106.

    especially the ridiculous claim that they drove you out of your neighborhoods

    Yes, they did. Whole areas, in fact, in the Northeast. Just like blacks later drove whites out of their neighborhoods and areas.

    Were those cities in the Northeast vacant when the ethnics arrived? No. Americans were there, and they were driven out and displaced.

    It is, as Desmond Jones called it, the race-replacement that shall not be named.

  3. It’s like a kid who keeps retorting – “I know you are, but what am I”…

  4. I disagree with the notion that the British were the sole founding stock of White North America; and I also take a more welcoming view on the non-British ethnic groups. On the other hand, the other side rightfully wants to preserve the English heritage of America; this I agree with.

    But maybe now is a good time to lay the Nordicism issue to rest.

  5. MGLS #252 –

    Ah, no, most of the Italians, virtually all of them going to New Yawk Shitty, went to neighborhoods that haven’t seen a Protestant since well before the Civil War. It was the Irish and Germans that were there well before the Italians arrived — but of course that’s ok, I assume, with you — since these groups are ostensibly Nordic.

  6. Re: the founding stock of America

    From The Conquest of a Continent by Madison Grant:

    pp. 2-3

    In the days of our fathers the white population of the United States was practically homogeneous. Racially it was preponderantly English and Nordic. At the end of the Colonial period we had a population about 90 per cent Nordic and over 80 per cent British in origin. In spite of the intrusion of two foreign elements of importance, both nevertheless chiefly Nordic, our population and our institutions remained overwhelmingly down to the time of the Civil War. Since that time there has been an ever-increasing tendency to change the nature of this once “American” people into a mosaic of national, racial, and religious groups. The question to what extent this transformation has gone deserves careful study.

    p. 152

    It is probably accurate to say that there never has been a nation which was so completely and definitely Protestant as well as Nordic as was the United States just after the American Revolution.

    pp. 153-154

    Nine-tenths of the whole white population of 1790 was therefore Nordic in race, and ninety-nine hundredths of it Protestant in religion. It was all English-speaking, save for the little island of Pennsylvania Dutch, and for the French and Spanish on the frontiers. It was all living under a political and cultural tradition that was characteristically British.


    At the close of the period ending in 1790, despite the loss of many valuable elements at the time of the Revolution, the American race was homogeneous and Scotch and English to the core. It was bursting the bonds of the old frontier and ready to pour a human deluge over the mountains and inundate the West.

  7. In spite of the intrusion of two foreign elements of importance, both nevertheless chiefly Nordic, our population and our institutions remained overwhelmingly down to the time of the Civil War. – MG quoting M. Grant

    What about of the population of British Americans, and the British themselves, that are Mediterranean or part-Mediterranean?

  8. Yes Mark, most all of us here know what the founding racial stock of America was, and most of us, especially myself, feel terrible over the way the current system has dispossessed these good people, and empathize greatly with you — since your dispossession is our dispossession as well.

    Yes, I’m sure someone who vilifies English-descended people and attempts to undermine and subvert English-descended people by stripping them of and denying their identity as Anglo-Saxons “empathize[s] greatly” with us.

  9. I left out the word Anglo-Saxon in the fourth sentence of this paragraph. I apologize for the error.

    pp. 2-3

    In the days of our fathers the white population of the United States was practically homogeneous. Racially it was preponderantly English and Nordic. At the end of the Colonial period we had a population about 90 per cent Nordic and over 80 per cent British in origin. In spite of the intrusion of two foreign elements of importance, both nevertheless chiefly Nordic, our population and our institutions remained overwhelmingly Anglo-Saxon down to the time of the Civil War. Since that time there has been an ever-increasing tendency to change the nature of this once “American” people into a mosaic of national, racial, and religious groups. The question to what extent this transformation has gone deserves careful study.

  10. Yes, I’m sure someone who vilifies English-descended people and attempts to undermine and subvert English-descended people by stripping them of and denying their identity as Anglo-Saxons “empathize[s] greatly” with us.

    No MG, I just wish to recognize the truth and the facts in the matter, nothing else.

    “Anglo-Saxonism” is more of a culture than a strict racial ethny, since only a part of England can rightfully claim this heritage (East Anglia, Sussex, Kent, for example) of the fourth-century German invaders of Britain, not all of England or Britain as a whole.

    As well, mo

  11. Kagan’s thesis (PDF) praising socialism and the Jews involved at the height of the cold war. Quelle surprise.

    Reginald, when it comes to Jews and things not getting any worse, never assume.

  12. “Anglo-Saxonism” is more of a culture than a strict racial ethny

    Ah, the old “race is a social construct” gag. Many of you are not too far removed from Jews and liberals really.

  13. Yes Mark, most all of us here know what the founding racial stock of America was, and most of us, especially myself, feel terrible over the way the current system has dispossessed these good people, and empathize greatly with you — since your dispossession is our dispossession as well.

    Schizo much? First you attack me and defame me, then you suddenly have empathy? Crocodile tears itz, it’s all for show.

  14. I just wonder if any of the old stock preservationists have anything practical to contribute. Even if allowing Eastern and S. Euro immigration was the biggest mistake in the history of America, what do we do about it today? Is it more productive to spend time blaming “white ethnics,” for our present mess, or to try to find ways to stop third world colonization of our country?

    Should we spend more time telling people about how they are being lied to about the disastrous effects of negro and mestizo crime, dysfunction and general incompatibility with a White civilization, and the Jewish malfeasance that makes it possible; or should we spend more time talking about the Italians and Poles who aren’t haplogroup R1B and thus will never be American even if they are productive, responsible citizens.

    I’m willing to admit that maybe letting “white ethnics,” immigrate was bad for this country as a whole (though I really don’t know enough about the subject to make a judgement), even though I’m 1/2 “WASP,” 1/2 Slavic myself, but of what use is this to anyone today?

    There are still some German nationalists who pine for a German empire stretching from present day Germany’s western frontier all the way to the Urals, while not taking into account the fact that Germany’s biggest problem is 3rd world colonists, and that Russia has enough nukes to turn Germany into an ashtray in less than 24 hours. There are also Russian nationalists who want to Russia to retake and russify Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine, etc. while Russia is in danger of not having enough ethnic Russians to be a majority in Russia’s present day territory. Is the situation similar for old stock preservationists?

  15. Kulaks,

    Your quote is completely out of context. Wilmot Robertson considered Italians unassimilable and summarized his views in the very next paragraph:

    The average Majority member is not aware of these [intra-Italian] racial subtleties. He only knows that most Southern Italian pigmentation is darker than his own, that most Americans from Southern Italy and Sicily are “foreign looking,” that they are therefore predestined to the racial and cultural apartness reserved for the swarthy minorities of Mediterranean provenance.

    A point nearly too obvious for words, really. (Apart from being a play on “Occidental Dissent,” and the unexpected turn my search for the truth about things (life, love etc) took, another part of the reason I titled my blog Accidental Dissent is the reproachful stance it takes on “WN overreach” from the pro-preservationist side — an attempt to recruit people from the southern and eastern extremities of Europe into something called white nationalism, presumably because it sees them as an undifferentiated racial mass, is this for real?)

    And yet…

    …in one sense Wilmot was dead wrong. The most basic tenet of preservationism is that no one is predestined for racial and cultural apartness in the long-run, which is what those who would steer the ship of state must concern themselves with every bit as much as the short-run. And therein lies the reason there is any discussion about “nord/med” at all: people mix and people have mixed. Bonds cultural and familial have been formed and people are all too often loath to betray them for what they regard as reasons petty and trivial. They don’t see that preservationism is merely shorthand for all the benefits that flow from homogeneity or the sense of homogeneity (and that’s not to mention the “glory” that the keenest devotees yearn for).

    MGLS, broadly, it’s hard to fault anything you or the men whose initials you’ve taken for your moniker claim/ed. But realize this: those appeals largely fell on deaf ears even during an age in which most people were predisposed to react positively to them and a point in time in which reacting decisively would have been rather straightforward; whence this surly assurance that now that the dedication required is of manifestly greater degree your ideas will enjoy greater receptivity? People need something to be for, true, but they also need to be for something they feel it is within their power to achieve, that directs them towards tangible actions. All I’ve seen men of your ilk do is recite dry fact and hope that’ll do the trick on its own; it didn’t back then and I, personally, think there is far less reason to think it will do so now.

    The bottom line with respect to anyone viewing these matters from today’s perspective is you spend far too much time criticizing people for decision made Before Cosciousness (“BC”). If you want to move people you need to give them something to be for based on what their perspective is today. With respect to BC you’ll reach far more people with, this is what they thought then;whatever reason they had to believe it, the evidence is in and things haven’t worked out quite that way; here’s what needs to be done to set things right and (crucially) these are the reasons to believe we’ll all be a lot better off as a result.


    It’s entirely unrealistic to expect (broad) empathy. But it’s eminently realistic to expect (hopefully enlightened) self-interest and that’s angle that you can quite profitably play. Why you opt not to is something of a mystery. (Too “jewish,” I take it.)

  16. H. Rock, those maps are essentially useless. Individuals exist as part of groups, but they also exist as individuals and the only use of those maps would seem to be to help form the opinion of third parties towards individuals based on geographic origin. “Oh, I had some doubts about you, but ah, this map tells me people of your ethnicity share certain important traits in common with those of mine so I’ll welcome you to the club.” This strikes me as ironically unnatural for a movement that prides itself on how ‘natural’ it is.

  17. Gentlemen:

    Again, why are we on this site? I thought it was for white racial solidarity and advancement. It appears to me that many of you, all too often, do your absolute best to undermine that. When it comes to promoting and preserving our racial interests, ethnic intererests and egos need to step aside. Let’s stop rehashing history and start planning our future. This infighting/constant disagreement is our problem and it’s always been our problem. Regarding our current dilemma, there’s plenty of blame to place on all Euro ethnicities.

  18. Mark #210

    Earlier settlers/pioneers brought their culture with them. They did not abandon their culture and take up native culture. The culture morphed. It became American by influences subsequent to arrival. It has a European foundation. One instance is our legal system. It is based on English law.

  19. “. . .Again, why are we on this site? . . .”
    Cuz we want a living area free of niggers, mexicans, and jews. The other stuff can be put off until the first problems are solved.

  20. Amren censored my comment to the effect that Kagan owes her career to “ethnic networking.” I didn’t even use the J-word.

  21. @ ATBOTL

    How to understand AmRen:

    If you’re afraid to yell at your boss, kick your dog.

    If you’re afraid to confront Jewish power, start a magazine dedicated to insulting Blacks.

  22. Martin Luther, Charles Lindberg, Alexander Solzhenitsyn all had guts. THEY make me proud to be a White man.

    Jared Taylor? Not so much.

  23. Charles Johnson over at the anti-American, pro-Israeli website LGF (littlegreenfootballs, quite possibly the dumbest website name ever) has a post up bashing Pat Buchanan for criticizing the demographics of the Supreme Court. He manages to work in a whine about The Political Cesspool in the process. CJ has whined about AltRight in the past too. I hope Occidental Dissent is ready for the armies of “lizardoid” Israelis and philosemites who are going to descend on this site when OD shows up on CJ’s out-of-body persecution complex radar!

  24. If conservatives played by liberals’ rules, they’d dig up sordid details and purchase records on Kagan, they way liberals did to Bork.

  25. Whites Unite: Jared Taylor has more guts, than most of our race today! Just publicly speaking in favor of White Preservation in today’s social environment is a very courageous act. Most of today’s White “alpha boys” are peer pressured into approving non-White males taking White females.

  26. “Ah, the old ‘race is a social construct’ gag.”

    Kulak wasn’t saying that an Anglo-Saxon race doesn’t exist. He wasn’t saying that it’s just a social construct.

    He was saying the term is commonly used in a cultural, and not racial, way.

    Only a part of England can rightfully claim a primarily Anglo-Saxon ancestral heritage (East Anglia, Sussex, Kent, for example), not all of England or Britain as a whole.

    And yet the other areas of England get counted as “Anglo-Saxon” because the terms has taken on a largely cultural meaning, with its boundaries determined by whether or not the Anglo-Saxon culture was adopted in the few centuries after the invasion from Germany.

    Often Anglo-Saxon culture was adopted with relatively little gene flow, and Pre-Anglo-Saxon blood predominates in some parts of England to this day.

  27. Proverbs 19.10
    It is not fitting for a fool to live in luxury,
    much less for a slave to rule over princes.

  28. Proverbs 20.11
    Diverse weights and diverse measures
    are both alike an abomination to the LORD (YHWH).

  29. Not really, actually. I’ve never met one to my knowledge. But they read like mindless drones.

  30. And yet the other areas of England get counted as “Anglo-Saxon” because the terms has taken on a largely cultural meaning, with its boundaries determined by whether or not the Anglo-Saxon culture was adopted in the few centuries after the invasion from Germany.

    Yeah, kind of like how “Roman” and “Med” the Southern Euros are despite the Semitic and Sub-Saharan African blood introgression.

  31. Bernard,

    That analogy does not fit at all.

    There are parts of England which are not Anglo-Saxon by race in any real way because most of the ancestry is not Anglo-Saxon, but rather Pre-Anglo-Saxon indigenous.

    The Mediterranean White Subracial Term is much more general than the term Anglo-Saxon. It does not apply to a particular historic tribe or tribal confederation, and instead applies to a general group of Whites who developed in the South of Europe and who today tend to speak Romance Languages.

    Therefore we have every right to call ourselves Meds, given that the overwhelming preponderance of our ancestry comes from the South of Europe, even though we would not be right to call ourselves Romans except in a poetic or fanciful way.

    We can call ourselves Latin, though, as this is like Anglo-Saxon become a cultural term that is used to apply to people who adopted the language and culture of the Romans during the days of the Empire.

    Oftentimes a lot of Roman blood came along with the culture, but it also must be noted that Non-Roman Mediterranean White blood predominates in many areas that adopted Roman culture and language.

    As with the Anglo-Saxons, the Ancient Romans were better at spreading their culture and language than they were at spreading their blood.

  32. And trying to say that Latin Whites have had introgression from Middle Easterners because we’re closer to them than Northern Europeans are makes absolutely no sense.

    It makes as much sense as saying all Whites have Black introgression because all Whites are closer to Black Africans than East Asians are.

    Introgression need not be the explanation in either case, for the simple reason that in both cases we are talking about populations where one is descended from the other.

    Asians and Whites are both ~95% descended from Africans. Therefore Whites could be closer to Blacks than Asians are merely because the Asians evolved further away from the common parent population.

    In the same way all Whites have their origins in the Middle East and some of the lands just above it (small scale Neanderthal substrate being the only exception).

    Therefore Latin Whites could be closer to Middle Easterners merely because the Northern Whites evolved further away from the common parent population.

  33. Kulak wasn’t saying that an Anglo-Saxon race doesn’t exist. He wasn’t saying that it’s just a social construct.

    He was saying the term is commonly used in a cultural, and not racial, way.

    Only a part of England can rightfully claim a primarily Anglo-Saxon ancestral heritage (East Anglia, Sussex, Kent, for example), not all of England or Britain as a whole.

    And yet the other areas of England get counted as “Anglo-Saxon” because the terms has taken on a largely cultural meaning, with its boundaries determined by whether or not the Anglo-Saxon culture was adopted in the few centuries after the invasion from Germany.

    Often Anglo-Saxon culture was adopted with relatively little gene flow, and Pre-Anglo-Saxon blood predominates in some parts of England to this day. – Reginald


    Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to say, and more importantly, convey.

    Thanks very much for expanding on, and especially clarifying it even better.

  34. People in all parts of England are predominately descended from the pre-Indo European speaking peoples. The Anglo-Saxons were a small warrior elite, as were the Normans and the Celts.

  35. 288Bernard

    Yeah, kind of like how “Roman” and “Med” the Southern Euros are despite the Semitic and Sub-Saharan African blood introgression.

    Well said, and an apt analogy.

    And trying to say that Latin Whites have had introgression from Middle Easterners because we’re closer to them than Northern Europeans are makes absolutely no sense.

    Rubbish, it makes perfect sense. Proximity is a big factor in the exchange of culture and genes. Otherwise there would be little need to have a separate nation. Further the reality of Southern European and especially Southeastern European DNA shows it to be true.

  36. “Proximity is a big factor in the exchange of culture and genes.”

    If proximity is driving the substructure in the White population along the metric of genetic similarity to Middle Eastern Caucasians, why are Russians FAR further away from Palestinians than Germans are?

    Even though the Russian border is far closer to Palestine than the German border is, the Russians are the ones that have a 48% greater genetic distance from Palestinian people.

  37. Marcus Julius Philippus was not called “Phillip the Arab” in his own time, as you imply.

    The name was invented by later historians.

    The bust of him at the Hermitage looks very little like the Syrians of today, and nothing is known about the background of his parents save that his father had a Roman name.

    Also it should be noted that even the indigenous inhabitants of the area Phillip was born in were not Arab at the time.

    They only become Arabized with the Islamic invasion of the first half of the 7th century.

  38. If you don’t want to say “Arab,” that’s fine. The fact is that the region was thoroughly Semitic.

  39. But the thing is that if the Empire was actually the engine that made Italy appreciably more Semite like, the parts of Italy closer to Rome would be closer to Middle Eastern Caucasians than other parts of the Country.

    The thing is that the birthrate in Rome was very low at the time, and thus there wouldn’t been very weak gene flow out of it and into other parts of Italy.

    To the extent that there was outward gene flow from Rome it would’ve to outposts of the Empire like Iberia, Gaul, Greece, and to some extent Britain and the parts of the Levant.

  40. True. Even the midget Japs were more formidable warriors. – Bernard

    The British should certainly be familiar with this since they were handed their two greatest military defeats from them at the Battles of Malaya and Singapore in 1941. … – KNL

    I think it should be pointed out that the Africa Korps that fought in North Africa for over two years was mostly Italian. Italy lacks the Prussian tradition, and their officers were not as well trained as the Germans, but given good leadership, the Italian soldier fought well. … – Discard

    So commenter ‘Discard’ is correct when he says that there’s more to fighting prowess than Mediterranean or Nordic ancestry. – KNL

    Good points made above.

    Especially the last one by ‘Discard’ and KNL regarding imputing racial motives and reasons for military victories and defeats. Not only did Great Britain suffer two of their greatest military defeats at the hands of the Japanese with the Battles of Malaya and Singapore in 1941 (right after Pearl Harbor) … they also suffered another two tremendous disasters in the First World War at the hands of the Ottoman Turks at the Battles of Gallipoli and the Dardanelles Campaign (the ‘Dardanelles Disaster’) — the brainchild of the incompetent, Anglo-Zionist alcoholic stooge Winston ‘winnie the pooh’ Churchill — considered his and one of the Allies greatest disasters in World War One and a turning point in the history of ‘the Great War’.

    Regarding race, remember that the Turks themselves are virtually all sub-racially Mediterranean and true near-Eastern, Caucasoid people.

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