I had the pleasure of meeting Fred Reed at AmRen’s 2008 Conference. He’s married to a Mexican and devoid of loyalty to his White American countrymen, but he’s a very creative thinker with a gift for getting to the heart of whatever matter he’s engaging. In his most recent blog post, he picked apart several conservative arguments on the subject of immigration from a frank and politically incorrect perspective, then concluded with “What now, gang?”
His recent eye surgery has temporarily impaired his ability to read, so it’s important that I respond rapidly, while I still have the advantage.
Fred Reed
Immigration is not something Mexico did to the United States, but something the United States did to itself [emphasis added]. Decades ago it changed its laws to favor Latin immigrants, gives immigrant children born in the US citizenship, avidly employs the ilegals, forbids police to check their papers, give them social services and schooling, establishes “sanctuary cities,” and in general does everything but send them engraved invitations. And then expresses surprise when they come.
Americans have consistently voted for restricting immigration, even legal immigration, to no avail. The lax laws themselves were imposed on an unwilling nation by a Jewish elite hellbent on weakening our traditional White American ethnonational foundation. I recommend that you read Professor Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique for a complete analysis of this well-documented usurpation.
Yet, even then, the laws are relatively restrictive. But a law that the people force the government to pass is a mere scrap of paper to be deliberately misinterpreted by judicial activists and simply ignored by the bureaucrats entrusted to execute it. Birthright Citizenship was never the intent of those who drafted the legislation in question, and all the laws in the world are useless when “our” government simply chooses to ignore them.
From a Mexican perspective, it does indeed appear like something the “United States did to itself”. But we, the White American people, have been shafted in broad daylight by the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of “our” federal government. At no point did the American people ask their government to abolish them and appoint a new citizenry.
We hear endlessly that Mexicans are “taking the jobs of Americans.” Not quite. Reflect that every time a Mexican gets a job, it is because a shiny white noisily patriotic American businessman gives him that job.
A game which enriches scoundrels and bankrupts honest men will find scoundrels willing to enrich themselves at America’s expense. If there’s hatred to be had in all this, it should be toward these fratricidal monsters who’ve sold our birthright for a bowl of soup. There is no race or nation so perfect as to be devoid of traitors and quizlings. On the positive side, we have a real opportunity here to quietly take notes and names.
Don’t expect a lot of sympathy when Mexicans move back into what they regard as theirs in the first place.
I don’t. But they shouldn’t expect a lot of sympathy when a reinvigorated American people reassert their sovereign borders. In your article, you seem to genuinely give a shit about the feelings and entitlements of Mexicans in America who’ve been granted “citizenship” by the ruling regime. This giving of a shit is not reciprocated toward the actual Americans from whom this birthright was stolen. I accuse you of having that curious White Supremacist bias in which Whites are to be treated like adults and deal with tough reality while people of color are to be cared for and protected as inferiors.
You’re sounding like a veritable Lawrence of Acapulco.
Speaking of getting over it, the US will sooner or later will have to entertain the idea of getting over Latin immigration. Allowing the immigration in the first place was a terrible idea, since diversity regularly proves disastrous, but now there is precious little to be done about it. Nativist fantasies notwithstanding, the US is not going to round up thirteen (give or take) million people at gunpoint and force them across the border. If it doesn’t do this, few ilegals will leave.
Are Americans Still Badasses?
While White Americans don’t currently have the will to defend their right to exist, it would be foolish to accept this as an inalterable and permanent reality. Our will to live was, after all, only extinguished within the last several decades. It’s unthinkable to the contemporary mind that White Americans could awaken and rally to the defense of their birthright. A historical process has been set in motion in which either one unthinkable or the other must occur. Either one of the most gifted and vigorous nations in history will welcome a hostile foreign invasion and cease to exist, or tens of millions of alien usurpers will be displaced.
Somebody’s feelings will be hurt. Somebody will be clutching a worthless piece of paper asserting his birthright as an American citizen. At some point the multicult music will stop and somebody is going to be left without a chair. These papers asserting that Mexicans are American citizens may matter as much in the future as laws on the books to deport illegal immigrants matter now.
Personally, I already reject the legitimacy of this regime and I reject its alleged authority to declare who is and is not a countryman. I believe that more people share my attitude with each passing day. You scoff at the possibility of Mexicans who aren’t technically Mexicans being deported and you offer some cutesy absurdities like this one about how we would go about reasserting our birthright…
Perhaps at three a.m. you put a lightning cordon of Marines around a ten-block region and then go house to house, kicking in doors and dragging screaming people out. These you would throw into sealed eighteen-wheelers, drive them to the nearest border, and perhaps literally kick them across.
You’re sort of challenging us to engage in cruelty, with the implicit assumption that we’re so broken as a people that we’re incapable of decisive action even when cornered. As a combat veteran, I would think you would be the first to recognize how thin and fragile the veneer of civility can prove to be when human beings are frightened, threatened, and confused. You might just be surprised by the wrath of the awakened saxon.
I do admit that the birthright of myself and my family is not something I’m willing to compromise on in face of even the most absurdly horrific hypothetical scenarios. But I think you’re failing to recognize how rapid and complete an ethnic cleansing can be without a single shot being fired or a single child being rounded up. Perhaps you’ve never visited Detroit.
Okay, so there were plenty of shots fired at Whites and the government actually did try to round up our children in buses. But you get the idea!
As you admitted yourself, they’re here for the jobs. They’re a highly mobile group of people who arrived very rapidly for short term gain. With some relatively minor and humane tweaks in America’s political, economic, and cultural milieu, the polarity of the magnet can be reversed and the bulk of the migrants will quietly deport themselves.
The underlying problem is that no solution, or attempted solution, has enough support to get put into effect. Business wants the labor, politicians eye the vote, polls show young Americans as being much less worried about the whole question than their elders [For now].
Conservatives—those, anyway, who are not profiting by immigration—talk of putting the military along the border, but support seems lacking [For now]. On Fox News I see people urging the characteristic American solution: high-tech this and that. Anyone with experience with dispersed guerrillas will see the prospects of success [Agreed].
As is so commonly the case in semi-democracies, whatever might work is politically impossible, and whatever is politically possible won’t work.
I agree with your analysis of the present political reality, but I don’t believe you’re taking into account the possibility that maybe, just maybe, the slumbering giant of White American identity will awaken. If that happens, and only if that happens, these disorganized and poverty-stricken foreigners in our midst will be the ones up against steep odds.
Best wishes and best of luck with your recovery, Fred. I’ll be making a toast to your sacrifices tomorrow.
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.
The first paragraph made me laugh out loud.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Somebody please change the stylesheet so that links show more clearly, in both the posts and comments.
He’s married to a Mexican and devoid of loyalty to his White American countrymen
He’s married to a Mexican, and he advocates for other White men to marry Asians and mestizos because he hates White women.
Why should we prop up people like him and compliment them? It’s like listening to negrophiles talk about how great Tiger Woods and other black athletes are. I don’t give a damn, it’s disgusting.
Good points Matt.
Fred writes:
Most of the children would be American citizens, but not Mexican. The idea of deporting a couple of million US citizens to a foreign country is fascinating.
Not nearly as fascinating as the reality that tens of millions of alien peasants can walk into our country and be treated by a treasonous government as better than any native born White citizen. How is Mexico being forced to take back millions of US-born mestizos any stranger than the idea that the US must accept millions of Mexican-born mestizos “migrating” here to stay forevermore?
Americans have consistently voted for restricting immigration, even legal immigration, to no avail. The lax laws themselves were imposed on an unwilling nation by a Jewish elite hellbent on weakening our traditional White American ethnonational foundation. I recommend that you read Professor Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique for a complete analysis of this well-documented usurpation.
Freddie has gone native on us. Virtually all of his columns addressing illegal immigration are seen through the eyes of a mestizo race chauvinist. Freddie has lived in Mexico so long that that he can no longer write dispassionately and objectively on relations between mestizos and whites or the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico and mestizos always have the moral high ground evidenced by some of the snippets included in Matt’s post.
Illegal immigration was forced on an unsuspecting American populace by soulless, political prostitutes and corrupt business and media (Jewish) elites. While it’s been tolerated there has never been widespread support among ordinary, working Americans. It was only tolerated because most white Americans could isolate themselves from the social pathologies of illegals, but no longer. The ubiquitousness of mestizo illegals has allowed people to see the monster up close and personal leading to the backlash in Pennsylvania, Arizona and other states across America.
Fred is always singing the praises of Mexico like it’s the last heavenly bastion on the planet. Nevermind that it has one of the highest violent crime and murder rates in the world but that’s probably the fault of the U.S. like everything is. Nevermind that 50% of mestizos desire to live in America and Canada.
Fred is the same guy who, several years ago, wrote a column extolling the virtues of the Jewish people. Anyone who disagreed was dismissed as a demented Nazi or paranoiac. He received so much criticism that he stopped publishing his e-mail address. I like some of his columns but believe he’s a paid propagandist for the Mexican government.
Why should we prop up people like him and compliment them? It’s like listening to negrophiles talk about how great Tiger Woods and other black athletes are. I don’t give a damn, it’s disgusting.
I complimented him on the sacrifices he’s made as a veteran. I didn’t compliment him on his marriage to a Mexican woman or his disloyalty to his own people. Our movement should take every opportunity to influence popular commentary, and Fred Reed is an established voice on the Alternative Right. We need to be injecting our ideas, not our asses, into mainstream discourse.
Always be suspect of whites married to non-whites.
Your sadly mistaken if you think, “these disorganized and poverty-stricken foreigners in our midst will be the ones up against steep odds.”
Underestimating mexicans will cause folly and loss,in their eyes,conquest is
completely justified and from within that emotion draws a power that will have to be understood to defeat,in so many words,they have their gods w/them,and the first encounters will almost have to be hands down decisive,i grew up around alot of mexicans and this deal has the very real prospect of scary intense. Weaker whites in Atazlan should be getting prepare for exodus
Fred’s a douche. As a result, he turns his intellect to malfeasance.
If we turned the employment of illegals into a “lose your business and all your assets” lotto the jobs for illegals would dry up overnight. Then the illegals would self-deport overnight. Drug dealers know they’re playing the asset forfeiture lotto, which is why businessmen generally refrain from dealing drugs.
A sixth-grader could figure this out, as long as he wasn’t a douche. But Fred, being a douche, can’t.
Mexicans know they aren’t welcome here. And if they don’t, ignorance is no excuse; it’s your job to get the lay of the land before you move somewhere.
But Fred’s a douche, so this additional bit of sixth-grader logic is beyond him.
Oh, and the “white businessmen are hiring them” thing ignores the fact that in business, you compete or you die. If you’re running a business in a sector that utilizes lots of brown labor, and all of your competitors are cutting costs by using brown labor, you have to, too. Which is why argumentum ad hominem is fucking stupid; one need not refrain from hiring brown laborers to genuinely oppose the brown invasion, since one need not refrain from competing to want to change the rules of the game.
But Fred’s a douche, so this bit of sixth-grader logic is lost on him, too.
Matt says, “I accuse you [Fred] of having that curious White Supremacist bias in which Whites are to be treated like adults and deal with tough reality while people of color are to be cared for and protected as inferiors.”
Supremacy claims are made by many people in many ways. When a Mexican calls you a “gringo” or a Jew calls you a “goy,” they are claiming supremacy by claiming the right to name & label you. When President Obama referred to “typical white persons,” he’s claiming supremacy by claiming the right to describe & define you, to deprive you of American status, and to strip you of your demographic diversity.
Nevertheless, the ways that white supremacy reveals itself is a question for us to understand. One way is that our white office holders, as Matt says, hold us up to the precepts that once applied to everyone but give a pass to certain non-white persons. It is a true supremacy claim and based on a truly held supremacy view.
Another way is that, when other white people scoff at the need to vividly and memorably rebut those claims of supremacy by the Others on the ground that we mustn’t act like whiny Mexicans, Jews, and Africans, it is really a claim that the white American stock is so strong, so secure, and so superior in virtues and graces that we cannot be harmed by the Others’ claims.
But you need to ask the Portuguese & Spanish who were enslaved by Arabs for 700 years, or the Slavic peoples who were enslaved by the Turks for 500 years, about that. We can be enslaved, literally, just like other peoples and we need to keep it in mind.
Ask the Volga Germans. Ask the Prague Germans. Ask the Danzig/Prussian Germans. The “Cosmic Race” is on the move and the white effite liberal left cannot stop it, they ride its coattails. The white race will emerge post empire of the plutocrats.
@ “He’s married to a Mexican, and he advocates for other White men to marry Asians and mestizos because he hates White women.”
Since in the real world I’ve not met a single WN I emailed him and asked if he was interested in the movement (I could drive my car and in a few hours meet him in Mexico). He told me he was not interested.
Obviously those who have compromised their genotype cannot be solid anymore. (BTW, you guys would be surprised to learn about the customs and taboos here down the South, where the native Iberian white males are never seen on the streets with an Indian or semi-Indian partner; only the eccentric Nordics do that.)
There might be a considerable destruction of property, but the military would have little problem ousting the mexican interlopers from our midst. Just pull up the armored cars and tanks and establish a perimeter around the barrio and blare over the loudspeakers a 72 hour warning for everyone to pack their belongings and prepare for deportation. After 72 hours any one who remains, any house that resists would be shot up like swiss cheese by 50 caliber Gatling guns. Then an armored vehicle sporting a flame thrower could move in and burn the structure to the ground. If the mexicans refused to leave enmasse, I’d sleep well at night if the entire area was saturated by daisy cutters leaving little else but scorched earth. Those neighborhoods are run down and need rebuilding anyway.
I tried to read his columns for a long time years ago. Finally had to come to the conclusion that the guy is a total ass wipe.
Matt: I covered illegal immigration as my beat for about six years and guys like Fred never ceased to amaze me. They truly seem to delight in the idea of White people dying off and delicious Brown peasants replacing us. It is literally beyond my ken why this would be so but it is disheartening to say the very least.
Svigor: I spent almost thirty years working in kitchens and I’ll let you in on a little secret. The only thing that changes when a business hires illegals is the amount of money going into the owners pocket, at least where restaurant owners are concerned, and I have a feeling enough other businesses that we might be surprised.
American restaurant owners prefer illegals, not because they’re cheaper, but because they are almost perfectly disposable and you can pawn off so many other costs on Uncle Sugar like healthcare.
It is the nearest thing to slavery going on in this country right now and I find it pretty bloody despicable.
I’m just a poor former E-5 in the Army of my birth country, peace-time only, so I’m not claiming to be G.I. Joe.
However, this guy has always struck me as an A-team wannabee on ‘schrooms. The whole style just screams “attention whore” and “age anxiety”. I understand Matt’s reason for communicating with him, I just see the guy as pathetic…
Fred is, well, Fred. Good writer, prone to the occasional insight, can be interesting from time to time. But, at the end of the day, yawn. I can only take so much of these guys that are supposed to Hunteresque (Thompson that is, not Wallace), but at the end of the day stay well within safe boundaries. How cutting edge!
Fred is right about one thing, though. The System is so broken that it cannot behave rationally. As he says, that which is politically possible won’t work, and that which would work is not politically possible. A broken system, plain and simple. Which, after all, is why we will win.
Having read Mr. Reed’s columns and commentary over the course of the last 6 years or so, I can’t help but feel sorry for the chap. Just contrast his idyllic, all-American, Leave It to Beaver pieces on his youth and the America of yore (see: http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed104.html and http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed135.html) with the column posted above.
Fred Reed is a bitter man and, by all accounts, he has the right to be. He is a Vietnam vet, a drunk, has one eye, doesn’t have too close a relationship with his children (which he has written about), got bent over in a nasty divorce, and has taken up with a mestizo in the wild jungle about an hour outside of Puerto Vallarta in turd-world frontera de Jalisco. These aren’t the sort of circumstances that breed altruism.
What folks need to realize is that Fred is the old fart on the Titanic pouring himself a highball as the ship begins to take on water. Rather than run for the life boats or help the women and children, he just wants to watch the motherfucker sink. Knowing this about him makes his columns more entertaining and far less disconcerting.
Conspiracy to destroy the White Race? What “Conspiracy”? Of course, all the key early feministas – Friedan, Jong, Brownmiller, Steinem, Feuerstein. etc. – who conned white women into having “careers” instead of children, were….Jewesses. Hmmmmmmm……Back on topic: browns, blacks, and their Jew-masters clearly intend to liquidate White America; this is an extremist goal and, normally, one form of extremism leads to another. It’s probably fortunate for Fred that he and his better half are already living in Mexico; where they will eventually be joined by millions of southward-bound mestizos.
“What folks need to realize is that Fred is the old fart on the Titanic pouring himself a highball as the ship begins to take on water. Rather than run for the life boats or help the women and children, he just wants to watch the motherfucker sink. Knowing this about him makes his columns more entertaining and far less disconcerting.”
Yes, that’s about the size of it. This can indeed make his columns entertaining, but after reading him regularly for several years, I began to tire of the punch pulling. If you are going to play the role of surly curmudgeon, why throw meatballs at the bottom of the ninth, with the bases loaded? But that’s our Fred. Still, Fred will go further toward the truth than most, but that’s not saying much.
“It’s probably fortunate for Fred that he and his better half are already living in Mexico; where they will eventually be joined by millions of southward-bound mestizos.”
LOL! Love it. That will be a sweet day indeed. At the risk of indulging in silly fantasy, few things would give me more pleasure than a tidal wave of brown stubbies heading Fred’s way. One of the things that would give me more pleasure is a huge wave of blacks swarming into New England, particularly Vermont. Or Portland and Seattle, now there’s a thought. Not for permanent occupation, mind you, just long enough to teach the anti-whites a most needed lesson. Since such people are slow learners, however, that lesson might need to last a few years.
Here’s to poetic justice.
This is an excellent article, but I would have done two things differently.
1) I would stress that many of the white-skinned Americans who hire illegals are in fact loyal to Israel. In the eyes of WNs, these are Israelis, not whites.
2) I would ask the writer to choose one word differently:
The original reads:
“In your article, you seem to genuinely give a shit about the feelings and entitlements of Mexicans in America who’ve been granted “citizenship” by the ruling regime. This giving of a shit is not reciprocated toward the actual Americans from whom this birthright was stolen.”
“Reciprocate” is a misleading word choice that will confuse many readers.
I suggest an alternate wording such as the following:
“This concern is not equitably extended toward the actual Americans from whom this birthright was stolen.”
I’ve personally known too many White Christians who exploit illegal immigrant labor to blame this treason at the small business level on Jews. Though I probably could have woven the Postville circus into the article.
I appreciate your advice on the phrasing. I’m afraid I could have almost certainly made that more concise.
Regarding The New Colossus:
“Unguarded Gates” by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
Named of the four winds, North, South, East, and West;
Portals that lead to an enchanted land
Of cities, forests, fields of living gold,
Vast prairies, lordly summits touched with snow,
Majestic rivers sweeping proudly past
The Arab’s date-palm and the Norseman’s pine —
A realm wherein are fruits of every zone,
Airs of all climes, for lo! throughout the year
The red rose blossoms somewhere — a rich land,
A later Eden planted in the wilds,
With not an inch of earth within its bound
But if a slave’s foot press it sets him free.
Here, it is written, Toil shall have its wage,
And Honor honor, and the humblest man
Stand level with the highest in the law.
Of such a land have men in dungeons dreamed,
And with the vision brightening in their eyes
Gone smiling to the fagot and the sword.
Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
And through them presses a wild motley throng —
Men from the Volga and the Tartar steppes,
Featureless figures of the Hoang-Ho,
Malayan, Scythian, Teuton, Kelt, and Slav,
Flying the Old World’s poverty and scorn;
These bringing with them unknown gods and rites,
Those, tiger passions, here to stretch their claws.
In street and alley what strange tongues are loud,
Accents of menace alien to our air,
Voices that once the Tower of Babel knew!
O Liberty, white Goddess! is it well
To leave the gates unguarded? On thy breast
Fold Sorrow’s children, soothe the hurts of fate,
Lift the down-trodden, but with hand of steel
Stay those who to thy sacred portals come
To waste the gifts of freedom. Have a care
Lest from thy brow the clustered stars be torn
And trampled in the dust. For so of old
The thronging Goth and Vandal trampled Rome,
And where the temples of the Caesars stood
The lean wolf unmolested made her lair.
Most of the children would be American citizens, but not Mexican.
Mexico will grant citizenship to anyone under the age of 18 if they have at least one parent who is a Mexican citizen.
I don’t understand the fascination with race traitors who happen to be “right wing” and “un-PC.” If that kind of stuff was of any use, we’d be sitting pretty right now.
People in Vermont are not responsible for any of America’s problems. They aren’t elites, they are descendants of the sort of middle class early English settlers who are responsible for America being so successful. Generally, these people are better quality — more intelligent, more honest and more civilized — than the sort of white people you encounter in most parts of the country.
Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.
You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.
On a somewhat relevant note, here is a anti-Muslim movement in the UK:
I tried to read his columns for a long time years ago. Finally had to come to the conclusion that the guy is a total ass wipe.
And a douche.
Svigor: I spent almost thirty years working in kitchens and I’ll let you in on a little secret. The only thing that changes when a business hires illegals is the amount of money going into the owners pocket, at least where restaurant owners are concerned, and I have a feeling enough other businesses that we might be surprised.
American restaurant owners prefer illegals, not because they’re cheaper, but because they are almost perfectly disposable and you can pawn off so many other costs on Uncle Sugar like healthcare [i.e., cheaper – Svi].
It is the nearest thing to slavery going on in this country right now and I find it pretty bloody despicable.
Tomato, tomatto. Legalize slavery and businesses who refuse to use it will suffer relative to those who do not. Force people into these choices and they’ll choose their daughters’ braces and their sons’ private school every time.
However, this guy has always struck me as an A-team wannabee on ’schrooms. The whole style just screams “attention whore” and “age anxiety”. I understand Matt’s reason for communicating with him, I just see the guy as pathetic…
Same here. When I say “he’s a douche,” I mean, “I’d like to slap him so hard those shades and that cigar and hat all fly off in different directions.”
I don’t have a BS in BS or anything, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two, and I know brownies, gang-life and the street:
I think most WN totally underestimate Mexicans (and Salvadorans, etc). When living in NYC, I had the ‘pleasure’ of being the foreman of a few construction crews (probably because I was the only legal, english-speaking white guy with a drivers license)…most of the guys under me left their countries of origin because they were sick of torturing people for Salvadoran Military Intelligence, etc. These guys know very well how to organize, kill, torture, etc.
Also, I lived in Arizona for a few years on the Tempe/Mesa border (college town/mexican shanty town border in Phoenix)… all of these people are formerly-Mexican criminals, fugitives and ex-military. The gang chullos are mostly ex-military and their kids.
Latrinos aren’t like american niggers (who couldn’t organize a party at a brewery)…they are relatively cool-headed, disciplined and know when to hold em, when to fold em. They know how to shoot, and they can survive on a thimble full of refried beans.
Friggin White people are ready to cry when the power goes out for a few hours and they can’t check their email for gods sake!
These are all considerations for whitey to contemplate now and in the very near future…
even worse, when we are fighting them in the streets, you can be pretty sure the police (and possibly military) will be right there arresting US and shooting us in the backs (I’m sure I hear the wishful thinkers groaning at that statement).
Also, concerning whites with guns (i suggest burying your shit in the far corner of grandma’s farmland very soon), my wife just turned me onto this article:
U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade
(Reuters) – The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.
The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush’s administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States would support the talks as long as the negotiating forum, the so-called Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, “operates under the rules of consensus decision-making.”
“Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly,” Clinton said in a written statement.
While praising the Obama administration’s decision to overturn the Bush-era policy and to proceed with negotiations to regulate conventional arms sales, some groups criticized the U.S. insistence that decisions on the treaty be unanimous.
“The shift in position by the world’s biggest arms exporter is a major breakthrough in launching formal negotiations at the United Nations in order to prevent irresponsible arms transfers,” Amnesty International and Oxfam International said in a joint statement.
However, they said insisting that decisions on the treaty be made by consensus “could fatally weaken a final deal.”
“Governments must resist US demands to give any single state the power to veto the treaty as this could hold the process hostage during the course of negotiations. We call on all governments to reject such a veto clause,” said Oxfam International’s policy adviser Debbie Hillier.
The proposed legally binding treaty would tighten regulation of, and set international standards for, the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons.
Supporters say it would give worldwide coverage to close gaps in existing regional and national arms export control systems that allow weapons to pass onto the illicit market.
Nations would remain in charge of their arms export control arrangements but would be legally obliged to assess each export against criteria agreed under the treaty. Governments would have to authorize transfers in writing and in advance.
The main opponent of the treaty in the past was the U.S. Bush administration, which said national controls were better. Last year, the United States accounted for more than two-thirds of some $55.2 billion in global arms transfer deals.
Arms exporters China, Russia and Israel abstained last year in a U.N. vote on the issue.
The proposed treaty is opposed by conservative U.S. think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, which said last month that it would not restrict the access of “dictators and terrorists” to arms but would be used to reduce the ability of democracies such as Israel to defend their people.
The U.S. lobbying group the National Rifle Association has also opposed the treaty.
A resolution before the U.N. General Assembly is sponsored by seven nations including major arms exporter Britain. It calls for preparatory meetings in 2010 and 2011 for a conference to negotiate a treaty in 2012.
“Oh, and the ‘white businessmen are hiring them’ thing ignores the fact that in business, you compete or you die. If you’re running a business in a sector that utilizes lots of brown labor, and all of your competitors are cutting costs by using brown labor, you have to, too. Which is why argumentum ad hominem is fucking stupid; one need not refrain from hiring brown laborers to genuinely oppose the brown invasion, since one need not refrain from competing to want to change the rules of the game.”
Very well said.
In the dark bowels of a cold and damp cave, after several days of starvation, I can forgive a man for cannibalism. But to cannibalize your own nation and slice your grandchildrens’ throats to keep your landscaping business afloat and your Volvo payments current is indefensible. If you were running a butcher shop and the customers started insisting on childburgers, would you do what you gotta do to “play the game”?
There’s a difference between riding the tiger and feeding your young to it. White Americans who directly conspire to facilitate a hostile foreign invasion are true traitors to their nation in the deepest sense of the word. There are other ways a man can support himself.
Vlad Katonic:
Although I’m not going to refute your experiences because I used to live in mesa,az, I think some of the people you are referring to are a very small minority of the total population of mestizos. Should we underestimate these people, hell no, but at the same time your post has a hint of defeatism in it.
As far as the military shooting at us, maybe in the beginning, but like society in general, it will fracture upon racial lines. Remember, the only thing stopping white people from getting nasty is that right now there are consequences for anything done or said against people of color and the system they represent. Once this is gone, and believe me, it will be, all hell will break loose and we will be able to unleash our anger at a system that’s dispossessing us at our expense.
As an aside, I stopped at the home depot in alhambra, ca the other day to get some brass fittings and was amazed to see the entire parking lot devoid of illegals. I guess recently they put up signs saying it was unlawful to solicit work from illegals and it took care of the problem, no shots fired. This just proves the point that most of these brown midgets are pussies and will self-deport in the event of a major catastrophe. It is possible the ex-military individuals you speak of could organize them, but I doubt it. Without the white man and his prosperity, these people have nothing to fight for.
ATBOTL says:
May 31, 2010 at 10:02 am
I don’t understand the fascination with race traitors who happen to be “right wing” and “un-PC.” If that kind of stuff was of any use, we’d be sitting pretty right now.
People in Vermont are not responsible for any of America’s problems. They aren’t elites, they are descendants of the sort of middle class early English settlers who are responsible for America being so successful. Generally, these people are better quality — more intelligent, more honest and more civilized — than the sort of white people you encounter in most parts of the country.
Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.
You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.
I believe the reputation Vermont gets is from the fact that it is a major destination for New York Jews who are seeking a “more laid back lifestyle.” The problem is that most of them bring their leftist Manhattan ideology along with them up to Burlington. Vermont only has a few hundred thousand people, one of the least populated states in the Union. Add 30,000 leftist New York Jewish Hippies to the mix and there is a major shift in state politics.
I lived in Portland for a decade, Oregon is another sparsely populated state if you take away the Portland Metro Area. Sure the farmers in the Willamette Valley and the Mormons in Eastern Oregon are a fairly conservative demographic. But Portland and it’s suburbs dominate State Politics. The Portland Metro Area also seems to be full of transplants from other parts of the Nation. Liberals from all over the country pack up and move to places like San Francisco, Portland, and other big leftist cities in blue states. How “homegrown” really is the “leftist” problem in blue states like California? Do families with deep roots in the place vote for transvestite mayors etc? Or is this the result of leftist yuppies nationwide flocking to the place and voting alongside Mexicans and other foriegners? I know of an overpriced, crime ridden, “trendy” neighborhood up in Chicago where all the kids flock to after colloge to be cool around all the queers and coffeehouses. It’s full of punks from rural Michigan, Iowa, lilly white Chicago suburbs, etc. The people who know better than to pay those ridiculous rents are actual white kids who grew up in the City of Chicago. Funny thing is when yuppies in the “cool” areas form families suddenly they all seem to move to the suburbs. Paying $1600 a month for an apartment, having nowhere to park, and dealing with all the black thiefs no longer seems the “idylic” life. Especially when they realize their kid will go to school with the basterd offspring of all the nonwhite punks vandalizing everything in site.
Vlad Katonic: No doubt there are some actually capable baddies among the 20-30 million invaders, but they’re just like the fruit pickers that the liberals claim we so desperately need; there aren’t that many of them. Mexican ex-military? So am I ex-military. So are tens of millions of Whites. When’s the last time the Mexican Army defeated anybody who could shoot back?
As for ex-torturers, all that proves is that they have a capacity for cruelty. We have our own dog-kickers in this country too. Don’t get captured.
The average Mexican in this country is a low-skilled worker, not too bright, with a 6th grade education at best. They are a lot quicker to resort to violence than we are, but much less effective at it once the ball’s in play. They can be organized and disciplined much more readily than the Blacks can, but that’s not saying much. In their natural state they are much more vibrant than organized, which is why they want Whites to provide them with First World infrastructure and social services. I’d rather go against a half dozen typical cholos than my 60 year old elk-hunting dentist.
America does not win wars by superior gallantry, but by superior organization and technology. Mexicans haven’t a chance if TSHTF.
I’d rather go against a half dozen typical cholos than my 60 year old elk-hunting dentist.
I hope the party gets started before that generation of alphas is dead and gone.
Prozium died and has been replaced by Guy White.
Maybe we should put aside all bravado for a moment,and maybe think about building coalition(s) and comunicating directly w/La Raza and their other groups,and think about cuttin deals,settin rules and the like,as it would surely be to our advantage to lay out borders,etc.you know,avoiding
our infirm being savaged,ground rules,we are in the power postion,a win-win w/out the bloodshed ci abla ezspayo? lol
“He’s married to a Mexican and devoid of loyalty to his White American countrymen…”
Then, he’s not of much use is he? You could have stopped there and changed the subject.
Whites who advocate surrender to the Central/South American demographic should be shunned.
Your frustration about your off-topic post being repeatedly deleted should be directed at me, not Hunter. He didn’t have anything to do with it.
This post doesn’t have anything to do with the gender issues you brought up, gender issues that I believe have been beaten to death and amount to hobby horsing.
If we hope to change minds outside of our very small and totally powerless core of White Advocates, then we have to learn how to engage and debate with people who disagree with us. One of the reasons why we’re failing is because we take your sour grapes attitude toward those outside the movement, either barking at them for defying rules they weren’t aware of or shunning them as if doing so will hurt them instead of us.
Nativist fantasies notwithstanding, the US is not going to round up thirteen (give or take) million people at gunpoint and force them across the border. If it doesn’t do this, few ilegals will leave.
Well seeing as many illegals seem to be leaving Arizona for elsewhere under some unlikely concerns about being rounded up perhaps that’s your answer.
Work towards having as many states as possible pass similar laws and leave a few that don’t (or actually won’t) – hey presto. Arnold can deal with most of them in California. And should the US ever be reclaimed the concentration of illegals to citizens in California will be such that it will be like scooping out fish in a barrel..
I prefer ingaugment,i was telling a group off negro loggers last week that my cuz works for a gov defense contractor and he said,”The Gen-Ethno chemical weapon is outta R&D,in production.”and then i went to describe that it was a HP strain of E-boli,immediatly throwing up blood as throat swells closed thus choking on own throw-up,dead w/in a hr.then i talk about how the old white people are getting scared about the way things are going,so maybe this”we be taken over” aditude should be thought out mo better. eyes all wide lol
As a recently awakened white, I wasn’t aware that not using the game plan of those who don’t even recognize us as legitimate was “sour grapes”, thanks for clearing this up.
You say our movement is “failing”, and this is even more curious. Nine months ago I would not be caught even browsing such a site as this, now I’m posting. And the reason I’m aware has nothing to do with whites who are indifferent toward the plight of whites.
Whatever salient advice Mr. Reed might have outside things concerning our race is a different story. The immigration disaster cannot be divorced from that though, and it’s not clear that we need people who are likely hostile to us tell us “Gee, the problem seems intractable.”
“Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.”
There are clearly lots of good white people in places like Portland and New England. Nobody is disputing that. I’ve got family in New England myself, spent a fair amount of time there as a child. But there is also no question that, on a regional basis, they are outliers from the broader white population. In the white majority areas of flyover country, very few jurisdictions voted for Obama. In the above mentioned regions, however, virtually every jurisdiction did.
In New England there was barely a single county that DIDN’T vote for Obama (there may have been one in Maine, not sure if there was a single one in any other New England state – that level of uniformity in voting for Obama is pretty amazing, and it does make New England a stand alone in that regard). Compared to the rest of flyover, this is strange indeed. As for Portland, it is fairly distinct from the rest of the state. Most of Oregon is “flyover normal,” but Portland itself certainly isn’t. The two shouldn’t be conflated. (same thing for Washington state, the interior being fairly normal and the coast being a liberal hotbed).
“You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.”
I despise both Bush and McCain, but the red/blue divide does serve as a somewhat useful proxy for meaningful divisions in this country. It is telling that very few majority white jurisdictions voted for Obama over the vast expanse of the nation, but New England and the Portland area did. There were also some Obama clusters centered in Wisconsin, bleeding into adjacant states like Iowa. Some in Colorado too, and a few others to boot. But again, these were few and far between. Areas that vote in such a manner certainly make themselves suspect, as far as I’m concerned. There is also something particularly noxious about liberal whites who, while not themselves subject to black on white destruction and mayhem, self righteously demand that others be so subjected. It’s a particularly offensive form of evil.
Having said all of that, I’ve made it clear many times that I’m generally opposed to regional conflict amongst whites. I’m not interested in setting northern whites versus southern, or what have you. However, for those few white areas of the country that are unusually loud proponents of the multicult, well, seems like they deserve a taste of their own medicine. There will come a time on this continent when people begin to move in large numbers, and the non-whites will have to go somewhere. Might as well be to those places that claim multiracialism is a wonderful thing. What can I say, poetic justice strikes a chord in me. People having to live by their own words strikes a chord in me too.
Further, I think there is value in being specific as to who the anti-white culprits actually are amongst our own people. As a Southerner myself, I can tell you that there is an anti-Northern undertone here, and many whites view them as liberal, grasping and rude. But this is somewhat misplaced. It certainly doesn’t apply to the good white people in the vast hinterlands of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, etc. Yet, both geographically speaking and in the Southern mind, all of that is the North. Bad liberal behavior is unfairly credited to the broad Northern book. The same error in perception applies to Washington and Oregon which are considered to be full of liberals when in fact, once you get away from the coasts, that really isn’t true at all.
In our case, I think it pays to hone in on the true problem regions and the true problem people, rather than allowing broad brush strokes to confuse the situation and encourage division amongst our people in places where there should be none. That’s one reason that I always say to view the red/blue maps by county, as it creates a far clearer picture than just looking at it by state.
I was refuting his declaration.
He published an article that declared White America’s situation hopeless. I published a rebuttal refuting his claim. When our opponents inject hopelessness and anti-White themes into popular discourse, it’s not a wise strategy to “shun” them.
Our movement is “failing” and has been doing so for decades. There are many reasons to be hopeful, but to claim we’re not failing right now is to be delusional. Until we start achieving quantifiable objectives and reversing our decline, the word “fail” fits. Unconditional positivity is handy when communicating with toddlers and the mentally handicapped, but that’s about it.
I’m not using his game plan. I was explicitly racial. I named the Jew. I declared him to be disloyal to his own people for having married a Mexican.
I think you’re confusing my attempt to challenge Reed’s arguments so that third-parties would understand our position with an attempt to persuade Reed, himself. When I’m debating somebody, I’m almost always debating for the benefit of the audience, not the opponent. As other commenters have noted, Reed himself is a lost cause, a bitter, cynical, and selfish old man who’s anti-White and anti-American.
I know of an overpriced, crime ridden, “trendy” neighborhood up in Chicago where all the kids flock to after colloge to be cool around all the queers and coffeehouses. It’s full of punks from rural Michigan, Iowa, lilly white Chicago suburbs, etc. The people who know better than to pay those ridiculous rents are actual white kids who grew up in the City of Chicago.
Hilarious. Blaming the disaster of Chicago on “punks from rural Michigan [and] Iowa.”
Like ATBOTL said, whites in small towns in Vermont, Maine, Iowa, and so on are not responsible for any of America’s problems. I do not understand so-called “white nationalists” who dislike these people so much and wish them ill. These types feel they are superior for living around throngs of non-whites and resent whites who live in mostly-white areas. They delight when things go wrong for whites in such areas and gleefully hope for these nice places to be destroyed by an influx on non-whites. I guess misery loves company. With friends like these, who take pleasure in the ruining of the lives and homes of nice, decent, white people, who needs enemies?
The first paragraph made me laugh out loud.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Somebody please change the stylesheet so that links show more clearly, in both the posts and comments.
He’s married to a Mexican and devoid of loyalty to his White American countrymen
He’s married to a Mexican, and he advocates for other White men to marry Asians and mestizos because he hates White women.
Why should we prop up people like him and compliment them? It’s like listening to negrophiles talk about how great Tiger Woods and other black athletes are. I don’t give a damn, it’s disgusting.
Good points Matt.
Fred writes:
Most of the children would be American citizens, but not Mexican. The idea of deporting a couple of million US citizens to a foreign country is fascinating.
Not nearly as fascinating as the reality that tens of millions of alien peasants can walk into our country and be treated by a treasonous government as better than any native born White citizen. How is Mexico being forced to take back millions of US-born mestizos any stranger than the idea that the US must accept millions of Mexican-born mestizos “migrating” here to stay forevermore?
Americans have consistently voted for restricting immigration, even legal immigration, to no avail. The lax laws themselves were imposed on an unwilling nation by a Jewish elite hellbent on weakening our traditional White American ethnonational foundation. I recommend that you read Professor Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique for a complete analysis of this well-documented usurpation.
The condensed version:
Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review
Freddie has gone native on us. Virtually all of his columns addressing illegal immigration are seen through the eyes of a mestizo race chauvinist. Freddie has lived in Mexico so long that that he can no longer write dispassionately and objectively on relations between mestizos and whites or the U.S. and Mexico. Mexico and mestizos always have the moral high ground evidenced by some of the snippets included in Matt’s post.
Illegal immigration was forced on an unsuspecting American populace by soulless, political prostitutes and corrupt business and media (Jewish) elites. While it’s been tolerated there has never been widespread support among ordinary, working Americans. It was only tolerated because most white Americans could isolate themselves from the social pathologies of illegals, but no longer. The ubiquitousness of mestizo illegals has allowed people to see the monster up close and personal leading to the backlash in Pennsylvania, Arizona and other states across America.
Fred is always singing the praises of Mexico like it’s the last heavenly bastion on the planet. Nevermind that it has one of the highest violent crime and murder rates in the world but that’s probably the fault of the U.S. like everything is. Nevermind that 50% of mestizos desire to live in America and Canada.
Fred is the same guy who, several years ago, wrote a column extolling the virtues of the Jewish people. Anyone who disagreed was dismissed as a demented Nazi or paranoiac. He received so much criticism that he stopped publishing his e-mail address. I like some of his columns but believe he’s a paid propagandist for the Mexican government.
Why should we prop up people like him and compliment them? It’s like listening to negrophiles talk about how great Tiger Woods and other black athletes are. I don’t give a damn, it’s disgusting.
I complimented him on the sacrifices he’s made as a veteran. I didn’t compliment him on his marriage to a Mexican woman or his disloyalty to his own people. Our movement should take every opportunity to influence popular commentary, and Fred Reed is an established voice on the Alternative Right. We need to be injecting our ideas, not our asses, into mainstream discourse.
Always be suspect of whites married to non-whites.
Your sadly mistaken if you think, “these disorganized and poverty-stricken foreigners in our midst will be the ones up against steep odds.”
Underestimating mexicans will cause folly and loss,in their eyes,conquest is
completely justified and from within that emotion draws a power that will have to be understood to defeat,in so many words,they have their gods w/them,and the first encounters will almost have to be hands down decisive,i grew up around alot of mexicans and this deal has the very real prospect of scary intense. Weaker whites in Atazlan should be getting prepare for exodus
Fred’s a douche. As a result, he turns his intellect to malfeasance.
If we turned the employment of illegals into a “lose your business and all your assets” lotto the jobs for illegals would dry up overnight. Then the illegals would self-deport overnight. Drug dealers know they’re playing the asset forfeiture lotto, which is why businessmen generally refrain from dealing drugs.
A sixth-grader could figure this out, as long as he wasn’t a douche. But Fred, being a douche, can’t.
Mexicans know they aren’t welcome here. And if they don’t, ignorance is no excuse; it’s your job to get the lay of the land before you move somewhere.
But Fred’s a douche, so this additional bit of sixth-grader logic is beyond him.
Oh, and the “white businessmen are hiring them” thing ignores the fact that in business, you compete or you die. If you’re running a business in a sector that utilizes lots of brown labor, and all of your competitors are cutting costs by using brown labor, you have to, too. Which is why argumentum ad hominem is fucking stupid; one need not refrain from hiring brown laborers to genuinely oppose the brown invasion, since one need not refrain from competing to want to change the rules of the game.
But Fred’s a douche, so this bit of sixth-grader logic is lost on him, too.
Matt says, “I accuse you [Fred] of having that curious White Supremacist bias in which Whites are to be treated like adults and deal with tough reality while people of color are to be cared for and protected as inferiors.”
Supremacy claims are made by many people in many ways. When a Mexican calls you a “gringo” or a Jew calls you a “goy,” they are claiming supremacy by claiming the right to name & label you. When President Obama referred to “typical white persons,” he’s claiming supremacy by claiming the right to describe & define you, to deprive you of American status, and to strip you of your demographic diversity.
Nevertheless, the ways that white supremacy reveals itself is a question for us to understand. One way is that our white office holders, as Matt says, hold us up to the precepts that once applied to everyone but give a pass to certain non-white persons. It is a true supremacy claim and based on a truly held supremacy view.
Another way is that, when other white people scoff at the need to vividly and memorably rebut those claims of supremacy by the Others on the ground that we mustn’t act like whiny Mexicans, Jews, and Africans, it is really a claim that the white American stock is so strong, so secure, and so superior in virtues and graces that we cannot be harmed by the Others’ claims.
But you need to ask the Portuguese & Spanish who were enslaved by Arabs for 700 years, or the Slavic peoples who were enslaved by the Turks for 500 years, about that. We can be enslaved, literally, just like other peoples and we need to keep it in mind.
Ask the Volga Germans. Ask the Prague Germans. Ask the Danzig/Prussian Germans. The “Cosmic Race” is on the move and the white effite liberal left cannot stop it, they ride its coattails. The white race will emerge post empire of the plutocrats.
@ “He’s married to a Mexican, and he advocates for other White men to marry Asians and mestizos because he hates White women.”
Since in the real world I’ve not met a single WN I emailed him and asked if he was interested in the movement (I could drive my car and in a few hours meet him in Mexico). He told me he was not interested.
Obviously those who have compromised their genotype cannot be solid anymore. (BTW, you guys would be surprised to learn about the customs and taboos here down the South, where the native Iberian white males are never seen on the streets with an Indian or semi-Indian partner; only the eccentric Nordics do that.)
There might be a considerable destruction of property, but the military would have little problem ousting the mexican interlopers from our midst. Just pull up the armored cars and tanks and establish a perimeter around the barrio and blare over the loudspeakers a 72 hour warning for everyone to pack their belongings and prepare for deportation. After 72 hours any one who remains, any house that resists would be shot up like swiss cheese by 50 caliber Gatling guns. Then an armored vehicle sporting a flame thrower could move in and burn the structure to the ground. If the mexicans refused to leave enmasse, I’d sleep well at night if the entire area was saturated by daisy cutters leaving little else but scorched earth. Those neighborhoods are run down and need rebuilding anyway.
I tried to read his columns for a long time years ago. Finally had to come to the conclusion that the guy is a total ass wipe.
Matt: I covered illegal immigration as my beat for about six years and guys like Fred never ceased to amaze me. They truly seem to delight in the idea of White people dying off and delicious Brown peasants replacing us. It is literally beyond my ken why this would be so but it is disheartening to say the very least.
Svigor: I spent almost thirty years working in kitchens and I’ll let you in on a little secret. The only thing that changes when a business hires illegals is the amount of money going into the owners pocket, at least where restaurant owners are concerned, and I have a feeling enough other businesses that we might be surprised.
American restaurant owners prefer illegals, not because they’re cheaper, but because they are almost perfectly disposable and you can pawn off so many other costs on Uncle Sugar like healthcare.
It is the nearest thing to slavery going on in this country right now and I find it pretty bloody despicable.
I’m just a poor former E-5 in the Army of my birth country, peace-time only, so I’m not claiming to be G.I. Joe.
However, this guy has always struck me as an A-team wannabee on ‘schrooms. The whole style just screams “attention whore” and “age anxiety”. I understand Matt’s reason for communicating with him, I just see the guy as pathetic…
Fred is, well, Fred. Good writer, prone to the occasional insight, can be interesting from time to time. But, at the end of the day, yawn. I can only take so much of these guys that are supposed to Hunteresque (Thompson that is, not Wallace), but at the end of the day stay well within safe boundaries. How cutting edge!
Fred is right about one thing, though. The System is so broken that it cannot behave rationally. As he says, that which is politically possible won’t work, and that which would work is not politically possible. A broken system, plain and simple. Which, after all, is why we will win.
Having read Mr. Reed’s columns and commentary over the course of the last 6 years or so, I can’t help but feel sorry for the chap. Just contrast his idyllic, all-American, Leave It to Beaver pieces on his youth and the America of yore (see: http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed104.html and http://www.lewrockwell.com/reed/reed135.html) with the column posted above.
Fred Reed is a bitter man and, by all accounts, he has the right to be. He is a Vietnam vet, a drunk, has one eye, doesn’t have too close a relationship with his children (which he has written about), got bent over in a nasty divorce, and has taken up with a mestizo in the wild jungle about an hour outside of Puerto Vallarta in turd-world frontera de Jalisco. These aren’t the sort of circumstances that breed altruism.
What folks need to realize is that Fred is the old fart on the Titanic pouring himself a highball as the ship begins to take on water. Rather than run for the life boats or help the women and children, he just wants to watch the motherfucker sink. Knowing this about him makes his columns more entertaining and far less disconcerting.
Conspiracy to destroy the White Race? What “Conspiracy”? Of course, all the key early feministas – Friedan, Jong, Brownmiller, Steinem, Feuerstein. etc. – who conned white women into having “careers” instead of children, were….Jewesses. Hmmmmmmm……Back on topic: browns, blacks, and their Jew-masters clearly intend to liquidate White America; this is an extremist goal and, normally, one form of extremism leads to another. It’s probably fortunate for Fred that he and his better half are already living in Mexico; where they will eventually be joined by millions of southward-bound mestizos.
“What folks need to realize is that Fred is the old fart on the Titanic pouring himself a highball as the ship begins to take on water. Rather than run for the life boats or help the women and children, he just wants to watch the motherfucker sink. Knowing this about him makes his columns more entertaining and far less disconcerting.”
Yes, that’s about the size of it. This can indeed make his columns entertaining, but after reading him regularly for several years, I began to tire of the punch pulling. If you are going to play the role of surly curmudgeon, why throw meatballs at the bottom of the ninth, with the bases loaded? But that’s our Fred. Still, Fred will go further toward the truth than most, but that’s not saying much.
“It’s probably fortunate for Fred that he and his better half are already living in Mexico; where they will eventually be joined by millions of southward-bound mestizos.”
LOL! Love it. That will be a sweet day indeed. At the risk of indulging in silly fantasy, few things would give me more pleasure than a tidal wave of brown stubbies heading Fred’s way. One of the things that would give me more pleasure is a huge wave of blacks swarming into New England, particularly Vermont. Or Portland and Seattle, now there’s a thought. Not for permanent occupation, mind you, just long enough to teach the anti-whites a most needed lesson. Since such people are slow learners, however, that lesson might need to last a few years.
Here’s to poetic justice.
This is an excellent article, but I would have done two things differently.
1) I would stress that many of the white-skinned Americans who hire illegals are in fact loyal to Israel. In the eyes of WNs, these are Israelis, not whites.
2) I would ask the writer to choose one word differently:
The original reads:
“In your article, you seem to genuinely give a shit about the feelings and entitlements of Mexicans in America who’ve been granted “citizenship” by the ruling regime. This giving of a shit is not reciprocated toward the actual Americans from whom this birthright was stolen.”
“Reciprocate” is a misleading word choice that will confuse many readers.
I suggest an alternate wording such as the following:
“This concern is not equitably extended toward the actual Americans from whom this birthright was stolen.”
I’ve personally known too many White Christians who exploit illegal immigrant labor to blame this treason at the small business level on Jews. Though I probably could have woven the Postville circus into the article.
I appreciate your advice on the phrasing. I’m afraid I could have almost certainly made that more concise.
Regarding The New Colossus:
“Unguarded Gates” by Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
Named of the four winds, North, South, East, and West;
Portals that lead to an enchanted land
Of cities, forests, fields of living gold,
Vast prairies, lordly summits touched with snow,
Majestic rivers sweeping proudly past
The Arab’s date-palm and the Norseman’s pine —
A realm wherein are fruits of every zone,
Airs of all climes, for lo! throughout the year
The red rose blossoms somewhere — a rich land,
A later Eden planted in the wilds,
With not an inch of earth within its bound
But if a slave’s foot press it sets him free.
Here, it is written, Toil shall have its wage,
And Honor honor, and the humblest man
Stand level with the highest in the law.
Of such a land have men in dungeons dreamed,
And with the vision brightening in their eyes
Gone smiling to the fagot and the sword.
Wide open and unguarded stand our gates,
And through them presses a wild motley throng —
Men from the Volga and the Tartar steppes,
Featureless figures of the Hoang-Ho,
Malayan, Scythian, Teuton, Kelt, and Slav,
Flying the Old World’s poverty and scorn;
These bringing with them unknown gods and rites,
Those, tiger passions, here to stretch their claws.
In street and alley what strange tongues are loud,
Accents of menace alien to our air,
Voices that once the Tower of Babel knew!
O Liberty, white Goddess! is it well
To leave the gates unguarded? On thy breast
Fold Sorrow’s children, soothe the hurts of fate,
Lift the down-trodden, but with hand of steel
Stay those who to thy sacred portals come
To waste the gifts of freedom. Have a care
Lest from thy brow the clustered stars be torn
And trampled in the dust. For so of old
The thronging Goth and Vandal trampled Rome,
And where the temples of the Caesars stood
The lean wolf unmolested made her lair.
Most of the children would be American citizens, but not Mexican.
Mexico will grant citizenship to anyone under the age of 18 if they have at least one parent who is a Mexican citizen.
I don’t understand the fascination with race traitors who happen to be “right wing” and “un-PC.” If that kind of stuff was of any use, we’d be sitting pretty right now.
People in Vermont are not responsible for any of America’s problems. They aren’t elites, they are descendants of the sort of middle class early English settlers who are responsible for America being so successful. Generally, these people are better quality — more intelligent, more honest and more civilized — than the sort of white people you encounter in most parts of the country.
Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.
You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.
On a somewhat relevant note, here is a anti-Muslim movement in the UK:
via metafilter:
From a metafilter commentator:
It seems the EDL sells a face-mask hoodie and labels it as a burqa so that they can claim the right to hide their faces so long as anyone wears a burqa.
Pious leftist commentary:
I tried to read his columns for a long time years ago. Finally had to come to the conclusion that the guy is a total ass wipe.
And a douche.
Svigor: I spent almost thirty years working in kitchens and I’ll let you in on a little secret. The only thing that changes when a business hires illegals is the amount of money going into the owners pocket, at least where restaurant owners are concerned, and I have a feeling enough other businesses that we might be surprised.
American restaurant owners prefer illegals, not because they’re cheaper, but because they are almost perfectly disposable and you can pawn off so many other costs on Uncle Sugar like healthcare [i.e., cheaper – Svi].
It is the nearest thing to slavery going on in this country right now and I find it pretty bloody despicable.
Tomato, tomatto. Legalize slavery and businesses who refuse to use it will suffer relative to those who do not. Force people into these choices and they’ll choose their daughters’ braces and their sons’ private school every time.
However, this guy has always struck me as an A-team wannabee on ’schrooms. The whole style just screams “attention whore” and “age anxiety”. I understand Matt’s reason for communicating with him, I just see the guy as pathetic…
Same here. When I say “he’s a douche,” I mean, “I’d like to slap him so hard those shades and that cigar and hat all fly off in different directions.”
I don’t have a BS in BS or anything, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two, and I know brownies, gang-life and the street:
I think most WN totally underestimate Mexicans (and Salvadorans, etc). When living in NYC, I had the ‘pleasure’ of being the foreman of a few construction crews (probably because I was the only legal, english-speaking white guy with a drivers license)…most of the guys under me left their countries of origin because they were sick of torturing people for Salvadoran Military Intelligence, etc. These guys know very well how to organize, kill, torture, etc.
Also, I lived in Arizona for a few years on the Tempe/Mesa border (college town/mexican shanty town border in Phoenix)… all of these people are formerly-Mexican criminals, fugitives and ex-military. The gang chullos are mostly ex-military and their kids.
Latrinos aren’t like american niggers (who couldn’t organize a party at a brewery)…they are relatively cool-headed, disciplined and know when to hold em, when to fold em. They know how to shoot, and they can survive on a thimble full of refried beans.
Friggin White people are ready to cry when the power goes out for a few hours and they can’t check their email for gods sake!
These are all considerations for whitey to contemplate now and in the very near future…
even worse, when we are fighting them in the streets, you can be pretty sure the police (and possibly military) will be right there arresting US and shooting us in the backs (I’m sure I hear the wishful thinkers groaning at that statement).
Also, concerning whites with guns (i suggest burying your shit in the far corner of grandma’s farmland very soon), my wife just turned me onto this article:
U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade
(Reuters) – The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.
The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush’s administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States would support the talks as long as the negotiating forum, the so-called Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty, “operates under the rules of consensus decision-making.”
“Consensus is needed to ensure the widest possible support for the Treaty and to avoid loopholes in the Treaty that can be exploited by those wishing to export arms irresponsibly,” Clinton said in a written statement.
While praising the Obama administration’s decision to overturn the Bush-era policy and to proceed with negotiations to regulate conventional arms sales, some groups criticized the U.S. insistence that decisions on the treaty be unanimous.
“The shift in position by the world’s biggest arms exporter is a major breakthrough in launching formal negotiations at the United Nations in order to prevent irresponsible arms transfers,” Amnesty International and Oxfam International said in a joint statement.
However, they said insisting that decisions on the treaty be made by consensus “could fatally weaken a final deal.”
“Governments must resist US demands to give any single state the power to veto the treaty as this could hold the process hostage during the course of negotiations. We call on all governments to reject such a veto clause,” said Oxfam International’s policy adviser Debbie Hillier.
The proposed legally binding treaty would tighten regulation of, and set international standards for, the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons.
Supporters say it would give worldwide coverage to close gaps in existing regional and national arms export control systems that allow weapons to pass onto the illicit market.
Nations would remain in charge of their arms export control arrangements but would be legally obliged to assess each export against criteria agreed under the treaty. Governments would have to authorize transfers in writing and in advance.
The main opponent of the treaty in the past was the U.S. Bush administration, which said national controls were better. Last year, the United States accounted for more than two-thirds of some $55.2 billion in global arms transfer deals.
Arms exporters China, Russia and Israel abstained last year in a U.N. vote on the issue.
The proposed treaty is opposed by conservative U.S. think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, which said last month that it would not restrict the access of “dictators and terrorists” to arms but would be used to reduce the ability of democracies such as Israel to defend their people.
The U.S. lobbying group the National Rifle Association has also opposed the treaty.
A resolution before the U.N. General Assembly is sponsored by seven nations including major arms exporter Britain. It calls for preparatory meetings in 2010 and 2011 for a conference to negotiate a treaty in 2012.
“Oh, and the ‘white businessmen are hiring them’ thing ignores the fact that in business, you compete or you die. If you’re running a business in a sector that utilizes lots of brown labor, and all of your competitors are cutting costs by using brown labor, you have to, too. Which is why argumentum ad hominem is fucking stupid; one need not refrain from hiring brown laborers to genuinely oppose the brown invasion, since one need not refrain from competing to want to change the rules of the game.”
Very well said.
In the dark bowels of a cold and damp cave, after several days of starvation, I can forgive a man for cannibalism. But to cannibalize your own nation and slice your grandchildrens’ throats to keep your landscaping business afloat and your Volvo payments current is indefensible. If you were running a butcher shop and the customers started insisting on childburgers, would you do what you gotta do to “play the game”?
There’s a difference between riding the tiger and feeding your young to it. White Americans who directly conspire to facilitate a hostile foreign invasion are true traitors to their nation in the deepest sense of the word. There are other ways a man can support himself.
Vlad Katonic:
Although I’m not going to refute your experiences because I used to live in mesa,az, I think some of the people you are referring to are a very small minority of the total population of mestizos. Should we underestimate these people, hell no, but at the same time your post has a hint of defeatism in it.
As far as the military shooting at us, maybe in the beginning, but like society in general, it will fracture upon racial lines. Remember, the only thing stopping white people from getting nasty is that right now there are consequences for anything done or said against people of color and the system they represent. Once this is gone, and believe me, it will be, all hell will break loose and we will be able to unleash our anger at a system that’s dispossessing us at our expense.
As an aside, I stopped at the home depot in alhambra, ca the other day to get some brass fittings and was amazed to see the entire parking lot devoid of illegals. I guess recently they put up signs saying it was unlawful to solicit work from illegals and it took care of the problem, no shots fired. This just proves the point that most of these brown midgets are pussies and will self-deport in the event of a major catastrophe. It is possible the ex-military individuals you speak of could organize them, but I doubt it. Without the white man and his prosperity, these people have nothing to fight for.
Spector’s house in Alhambra-
ATBOTL says:
May 31, 2010 at 10:02 am
I don’t understand the fascination with race traitors who happen to be “right wing” and “un-PC.” If that kind of stuff was of any use, we’d be sitting pretty right now.
People in Vermont are not responsible for any of America’s problems. They aren’t elites, they are descendants of the sort of middle class early English settlers who are responsible for America being so successful. Generally, these people are better quality — more intelligent, more honest and more civilized — than the sort of white people you encounter in most parts of the country.
Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.
You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.
I believe the reputation Vermont gets is from the fact that it is a major destination for New York Jews who are seeking a “more laid back lifestyle.” The problem is that most of them bring their leftist Manhattan ideology along with them up to Burlington. Vermont only has a few hundred thousand people, one of the least populated states in the Union. Add 30,000 leftist New York Jewish Hippies to the mix and there is a major shift in state politics.
I lived in Portland for a decade, Oregon is another sparsely populated state if you take away the Portland Metro Area. Sure the farmers in the Willamette Valley and the Mormons in Eastern Oregon are a fairly conservative demographic. But Portland and it’s suburbs dominate State Politics. The Portland Metro Area also seems to be full of transplants from other parts of the Nation. Liberals from all over the country pack up and move to places like San Francisco, Portland, and other big leftist cities in blue states. How “homegrown” really is the “leftist” problem in blue states like California? Do families with deep roots in the place vote for transvestite mayors etc? Or is this the result of leftist yuppies nationwide flocking to the place and voting alongside Mexicans and other foriegners? I know of an overpriced, crime ridden, “trendy” neighborhood up in Chicago where all the kids flock to after colloge to be cool around all the queers and coffeehouses. It’s full of punks from rural Michigan, Iowa, lilly white Chicago suburbs, etc. The people who know better than to pay those ridiculous rents are actual white kids who grew up in the City of Chicago. Funny thing is when yuppies in the “cool” areas form families suddenly they all seem to move to the suburbs. Paying $1600 a month for an apartment, having nowhere to park, and dealing with all the black thiefs no longer seems the “idylic” life. Especially when they realize their kid will go to school with the basterd offspring of all the nonwhite punks vandalizing everything in site.
Vlad Katonic: No doubt there are some actually capable baddies among the 20-30 million invaders, but they’re just like the fruit pickers that the liberals claim we so desperately need; there aren’t that many of them. Mexican ex-military? So am I ex-military. So are tens of millions of Whites. When’s the last time the Mexican Army defeated anybody who could shoot back?
As for ex-torturers, all that proves is that they have a capacity for cruelty. We have our own dog-kickers in this country too. Don’t get captured.
The average Mexican in this country is a low-skilled worker, not too bright, with a 6th grade education at best. They are a lot quicker to resort to violence than we are, but much less effective at it once the ball’s in play. They can be organized and disciplined much more readily than the Blacks can, but that’s not saying much. In their natural state they are much more vibrant than organized, which is why they want Whites to provide them with First World infrastructure and social services. I’d rather go against a half dozen typical cholos than my 60 year old elk-hunting dentist.
America does not win wars by superior gallantry, but by superior organization and technology. Mexicans haven’t a chance if TSHTF.
I’d rather go against a half dozen typical cholos than my 60 year old elk-hunting dentist.
I hope the party gets started before that generation of alphas is dead and gone.
Prozium died and has been replaced by Guy White.
Maybe we should put aside all bravado for a moment,and maybe think about building coalition(s) and comunicating directly w/La Raza and their other groups,and think about cuttin deals,settin rules and the like,as it would surely be to our advantage to lay out borders,etc.you know,avoiding
our infirm being savaged,ground rules,we are in the power postion,a win-win w/out the bloodshed ci abla ezspayo? lol
“He’s married to a Mexican and devoid of loyalty to his White American countrymen…”
Then, he’s not of much use is he? You could have stopped there and changed the subject.
Whites who advocate surrender to the Central/South American demographic should be shunned.
Your frustration about your off-topic post being repeatedly deleted should be directed at me, not Hunter. He didn’t have anything to do with it.
This post doesn’t have anything to do with the gender issues you brought up, gender issues that I believe have been beaten to death and amount to hobby horsing.
If we hope to change minds outside of our very small and totally powerless core of White Advocates, then we have to learn how to engage and debate with people who disagree with us. One of the reasons why we’re failing is because we take your sour grapes attitude toward those outside the movement, either barking at them for defying rules they weren’t aware of or shunning them as if doing so will hurt them instead of us.
Well seeing as many illegals seem to be leaving Arizona for elsewhere under some unlikely concerns about being rounded up perhaps that’s your answer.
Work towards having as many states as possible pass similar laws and leave a few that don’t (or actually won’t) – hey presto. Arnold can deal with most of them in California. And should the US ever be reclaimed the concentration of illegals to citizens in California will be such that it will be like scooping out fish in a barrel..
I prefer ingaugment,i was telling a group off negro loggers last week that my cuz works for a gov defense contractor and he said,”The Gen-Ethno chemical weapon is outta R&D,in production.”and then i went to describe that it was a HP strain of E-boli,immediatly throwing up blood as throat swells closed thus choking on own throw-up,dead w/in a hr.then i talk about how the old white people are getting scared about the way things are going,so maybe this”we be taken over” aditude should be thought out mo better. eyes all wide lol
As a recently awakened white, I wasn’t aware that not using the game plan of those who don’t even recognize us as legitimate was “sour grapes”, thanks for clearing this up.
You say our movement is “failing”, and this is even more curious. Nine months ago I would not be caught even browsing such a site as this, now I’m posting. And the reason I’m aware has nothing to do with whites who are indifferent toward the plight of whites.
Whatever salient advice Mr. Reed might have outside things concerning our race is a different story. The immigration disaster cannot be divorced from that though, and it’s not clear that we need people who are likely hostile to us tell us “Gee, the problem seems intractable.”
“Oregonians are largely descended from Southerners. It’s actually one of the more “racist” places in America. Portland is the whitest big city in America and has the biggest skinhead scene. People on this blog keep making derogatory comments about places they clearly have never been and know nothing about.”
There are clearly lots of good white people in places like Portland and New England. Nobody is disputing that. I’ve got family in New England myself, spent a fair amount of time there as a child. But there is also no question that, on a regional basis, they are outliers from the broader white population. In the white majority areas of flyover country, very few jurisdictions voted for Obama. In the above mentioned regions, however, virtually every jurisdiction did.
In New England there was barely a single county that DIDN’T vote for Obama (there may have been one in Maine, not sure if there was a single one in any other New England state – that level of uniformity in voting for Obama is pretty amazing, and it does make New England a stand alone in that regard). Compared to the rest of flyover, this is strange indeed. As for Portland, it is fairly distinct from the rest of the state. Most of Oregon is “flyover normal,” but Portland itself certainly isn’t. The two shouldn’t be conflated. (same thing for Washington state, the interior being fairly normal and the coast being a liberal hotbed).
“You would think people who read this blog would know better than to judge people by weather or not they voted for Bush and McCain.”
I despise both Bush and McCain, but the red/blue divide does serve as a somewhat useful proxy for meaningful divisions in this country. It is telling that very few majority white jurisdictions voted for Obama over the vast expanse of the nation, but New England and the Portland area did. There were also some Obama clusters centered in Wisconsin, bleeding into adjacant states like Iowa. Some in Colorado too, and a few others to boot. But again, these were few and far between. Areas that vote in such a manner certainly make themselves suspect, as far as I’m concerned. There is also something particularly noxious about liberal whites who, while not themselves subject to black on white destruction and mayhem, self righteously demand that others be so subjected. It’s a particularly offensive form of evil.
Having said all of that, I’ve made it clear many times that I’m generally opposed to regional conflict amongst whites. I’m not interested in setting northern whites versus southern, or what have you. However, for those few white areas of the country that are unusually loud proponents of the multicult, well, seems like they deserve a taste of their own medicine. There will come a time on this continent when people begin to move in large numbers, and the non-whites will have to go somewhere. Might as well be to those places that claim multiracialism is a wonderful thing. What can I say, poetic justice strikes a chord in me. People having to live by their own words strikes a chord in me too.
Further, I think there is value in being specific as to who the anti-white culprits actually are amongst our own people. As a Southerner myself, I can tell you that there is an anti-Northern undertone here, and many whites view them as liberal, grasping and rude. But this is somewhat misplaced. It certainly doesn’t apply to the good white people in the vast hinterlands of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, etc. Yet, both geographically speaking and in the Southern mind, all of that is the North. Bad liberal behavior is unfairly credited to the broad Northern book. The same error in perception applies to Washington and Oregon which are considered to be full of liberals when in fact, once you get away from the coasts, that really isn’t true at all.
In our case, I think it pays to hone in on the true problem regions and the true problem people, rather than allowing broad brush strokes to confuse the situation and encourage division amongst our people in places where there should be none. That’s one reason that I always say to view the red/blue maps by county, as it creates a far clearer picture than just looking at it by state.
I was refuting his declaration.
He published an article that declared White America’s situation hopeless. I published a rebuttal refuting his claim. When our opponents inject hopelessness and anti-White themes into popular discourse, it’s not a wise strategy to “shun” them.
Our movement is “failing” and has been doing so for decades. There are many reasons to be hopeful, but to claim we’re not failing right now is to be delusional. Until we start achieving quantifiable objectives and reversing our decline, the word “fail” fits. Unconditional positivity is handy when communicating with toddlers and the mentally handicapped, but that’s about it.
I’m not using his game plan. I was explicitly racial. I named the Jew. I declared him to be disloyal to his own people for having married a Mexican.
I think you’re confusing my attempt to challenge Reed’s arguments so that third-parties would understand our position with an attempt to persuade Reed, himself. When I’m debating somebody, I’m almost always debating for the benefit of the audience, not the opponent. As other commenters have noted, Reed himself is a lost cause, a bitter, cynical, and selfish old man who’s anti-White and anti-American.
I know of an overpriced, crime ridden, “trendy” neighborhood up in Chicago where all the kids flock to after colloge to be cool around all the queers and coffeehouses. It’s full of punks from rural Michigan, Iowa, lilly white Chicago suburbs, etc. The people who know better than to pay those ridiculous rents are actual white kids who grew up in the City of Chicago.
Hilarious. Blaming the disaster of Chicago on “punks from rural Michigan [and] Iowa.”
Like ATBOTL said, whites in small towns in Vermont, Maine, Iowa, and so on are not responsible for any of America’s problems. I do not understand so-called “white nationalists” who dislike these people so much and wish them ill. These types feel they are superior for living around throngs of non-whites and resent whites who live in mostly-white areas. They delight when things go wrong for whites in such areas and gleefully hope for these nice places to be destroyed by an influx on non-whites. I guess misery loves company. With friends like these, who take pleasure in the ruining of the lives and homes of nice, decent, white people, who needs enemies?