South Carolina: Confederate Flag Rally, June 26

Via CofCC:

The South Carolina CofCC encourages you to attend a Confederate Flag Rally & Let Us Vote Demonstration at the statehouse in Columbia, SC on Saturday, June 26th at 1:30 PM. The rally will mark the ten year anniversary of the so-called “compromise” that removed the flag from the statehouse dome. Now the NAACP is demanding that the Confederate flag, as well as the entire Confederate soldier statue, be removed from the statehouse grounds.

Defending our Southern heritage is a worthy cause. I strongly encourage OD readers in South Carolina and neighboring states to show up in Columbia to support the Confederate flag.

If unforeseen circumstances don’t intervene, highly unlikely at this point, I will be traveling to South Carolina with H. Rock White and Mike Capatano to attend this event. I would love to meet comrades in the area.

Those coming from out of state should bring along some spending money. We wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity to support the NAACP boycott by patronizing some fine South Carolina vendors and restaurants. There are also countless historical sites to check out.

Change We Can Believe In:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Voters in South Carolina nominated a black Republican lawmaker for an open congressional seat Tuesday, rejecting a legendary political name and potentially changing the face of the national party.

    State Rep. Tim Scott defeated Paul Thurmond, an attorney who is son of the one-time segregationist U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond. Scott, who won the runoff with 69 percent of the vote, is now poised to become the nation’s first black GOP congressman since 2003.

    Look away, look away, look way Dixie land…

  2. “Voters in South Carolina nominated a black Republican lawmaker for an open congressional seat Tuesday, rejecting a legendary political name and potentially changing the face of the national party.

    State Rep. Tim Scott defeated Paul Thurmond, an attorney who is son of the one-time segregationist U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond. Scott, who won the runoff with 69 percent of the vote, is now poised to become the nation’s first black GOP congressman since 2003.

    Look away, look away, look way Dixie land…”

    Naw, naw! You got it all wrong. They are getting ready to expell all the blacks and other non-whites. They are getting ready to have an all white ethnostate down there. Pro white racialism is so strong there, you see, that a powerful white racial movement is about to explode onto the scene and there is even gonna be a succession from the Union.

    Just ask, listen to, or read, any Southerner on any of these sites if you doubt me. They’ll tell ya.

  3. South Carolina (1998) and Alabama (2000) were the last two states in America to repeal their anti-miscegenation laws.

    In 1998, 40% of Whites in South Carolina voted to keep the ban on miscegenation.

    In 2000, 49% of Whites in Alabama voted to keep the ban on miscegenation.

    In 2004, 50% of Alabama voters chose to keep “separate but equal” language in the Alabama State Constitution. That means the White percentage of the vote must have been far higher. Blacks were unanimously in favor of getting rid of the offensive phrase.

    I challenge Brutus to show me that level of public support for explicit racialism in any Northern state. So far he has only been able to support his arguments against the South with poor anecdotes.

  4. A useful proxy of racial attitudes:

    Every anti-miscegenation law in the South was struck down in the Loving v. Virginia decision by the Supreme Court in 1967.

    Arizona, Utah, Nebraska, Maryland, Wyoming and Indiana voluntarily repealed their anti-miscegenation laws between 1960 and 1967.

    California, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, North Dakota, and South Dakota repealed their anti-miscegenation laws between 1948 and 1959.

    Washington, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Maine, and Rhode Island repealed from 1865 to 1887.

    Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Kansas, New Mexico, and Iowa repealed before 1865.

    Alaska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont and New Hampshire never had anti-miscegenation laws.

  5. White racial attitudes reflect common sense: the most racially conscious Whites are in the Deep South, followed by the Upper South, followed by Indiana and the Western States, followed by the Midwest, followed by the Northeast.

  6. Confederate Civil War history is really interesting to me. Especially with how things have been these days with racism even in this day and age. It’s at a state that really is something I dont like and hope will someday change. I hope its soon.

  7. “I challenge Brutus to show me that level of public support for explicit racialism in any Northern state.”

    Okay. Come on up and I will SHOW you.

    You and I are talking about two very different things. You keep talking about such and such laws while I am talking about what people are ACTUALLY LIVING. We don’t NEED what you keep carping on.

    I will show you public places that DO NOT ALLOW NIGGERS. You think I am lying? I will SHOW YOU.

    I will show you how the vast majority of people do not like niggers, do not care to be around them, do not feel the need to be pollitically correct. I will show you towns that are still Sundowner towns, irregardless of any signs at the entrance.

    You do really need to get out of the South for at least a vacation, my friend. You really do because your perception is skewed big time. Like I said, you and I have been going at this from two totally different angles. I am not even thinking in terms of laws or “public support” of causes and laws because I go by what I see and how people are actually living. There simply is no need to pass or show up at a rally to support “seperate but equal” laws if there is already heavy segregation and no one even thinks twice about a need to make it official.

    As for anecdotal evidence, I don’t call what happened in the recent nominations “anecdotal.” But all the same, I rather prefer what I actually see and hear over your citations about polls and votes. I don’t care what law or poll or what year they finally overthrew laws against segregation, I care about how much intermingling there is betwen whites and blacks in the South. Moreover, why the hell is it nearly everyone else who comes to visit or live in the South I talk to, read, or hear from says damn near the exact thing I say? And everytime we only hear the same as you are doing: denial and talk about how the South is “gonna do it again” and how they vote.

    I will tell you something, where I am at right now, I haven’t seen half a dozen niggers in as many months, if that! I have not seen a mixed race couple. But every two or three weeks, when I have to travel South, I see more than that in a few hours, and far too many mixed race couples.

    So, yes, I will be more than happy to SHOW you. You come up here where I am, and we will go out and travel around plenty and talk to people and listen to people and I will SHOW you. Then we will go down South and do the same, and then I want you to look me in the face and continue telling me about who is more racial.

  8. “A useful proxy of racial attitudes:”

    No, it’s not. A far better indicator is actual observation of people.

  9. Outside the ‘Black Belt’ running from Louisiana up through DC/Baltimore (where blacks dominate the Democratic Party), the best gauge of racial awareness is whether the states voted for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama

    Racially aware areas:

    The upper south, including West Virginia and Oklahoma

    The southwest

    The ‘rust belt’ extending from Boston/New Hampshire/Providence through New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana

    South Dakota (home to many indian reservations)

    Not very racially aware areas:

    Upper Midwest
    Interior west
    Northern New England
    Connecticut (mostly a mixture of wealthy suburbs and rural New England)

    Missouri and Illinois are too mixed up to measure by state: Obama won these states due to a combination of urban blacks and corn-belt midwesterners, but these states also have racially aware ‘upper south’ and rust-belters.

    Stuff from 1860, or even 1960, is not very useful in measuring racial attitudes today

  10. Too bad about the ‘ol Stars and Bars. Just noticed the new OD banner pic, though, and it is most excellent: Texicans having at it with Mexicans. Racial nationalism will win for us; racial separatism will lose. Keep the message positive and remember that the Main Enemy is organized Jewry, not their black, brown, and other bribed-off allies. Drive wedges. Let’s make the Jews secede instead. Back to where they came from: the pits of hell.

  11. The primary/caucus factor may somewhat muddle analysis of the Clinton/Obama vote.

    37 states had primaries. Obama won 15 and Clinton won 22. The average margin for all 37 was Clinton +1.

    Based on exit polls of the vote by race, Obama won the white vote in only 8 primaries (Illinois, New Mexico, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Vermont, Oregon, and Montana). The average margin of the white vote in the 37 primaries was Clinton +17.

    Clinton’s largest margins among white voters were in her semi-home state Arkansas (+63), Kentucky (+49), Alabama (+47), and West Virginia (+46).

    Obama won 12 of the 13 caucuses. The states with caucuses were Iowa, Nevada, Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Washington, Nebraska, Maine, Hawaii, and Wyoming. Nevada was the only caucus Clinton won (+6). The average margin in the 13 caucuses was Obama +32 (Obama won 10 caucuses by 20+ points, 8 by 30+, 4 by 40+, and 2 by 50+).

    By all accounts Obama supporters were rabid during the caucuses. It is quite probable that they intimidated Clinton supporters (probably calling them “racist” if they did not support Obama).

  12. Those photos illustrate one of the primary causes of our racial problems throughout history: the use of black (and other non-white) labor.

    That was a point that should’ve be made 200 years ago–now that they’re here, it’s moot. Better to throw them a bone by letting them serve us drinks for minimum wage so that they don’t riot. After all, in Richmond Co., where I live and these photos were taken, we’re the minority.

  13. That was a point that should’ve be made 200 years ago–now that they’re here, it’s moot. Better to throw them a bone by letting them serve us drinks for minimum wage so that they don’t riot.

    The point is not moot. If people adopt your attitude, we will never achieve racial preservation.

    Arthur Kemp said the definition of a white South African is someone who would rather be murdered in their bed than make it. White South Africans can wring their hands like you do for similar reasons, but it doesn’t change the fact that they will go extinct without geographic racial separation. The same applies to us. Racial preservation requires racial separation.

  14. If people adopt your attitude, we will never achieve racial preservation.

    In The South, we have achieved it; are achieving it; and will achieve it.

    White South Africans can wring their hands like you do for similar reasons, but it doesn’t change the fact that they will go extinct without geographic racial separation.

    True in their case, but we have a better track record than they do of keeping the Negro in his place. In fact, I’m not sure that anyone–British, Boer, Spaniard–has managed what Southerners have for nigh 200-250 years now: of being a racial minority in your own land while still in control of it.

    Racial preservation requires racial separation.

    Agreed. And that is exactly what the majority of Southerners practice in the day-to-day: racial preservation in the face of mandated racial integration. Everyone said we’d lose this battle 50 years ago, but we’re still here; we still rule; and we still manage to throw parties like the one in pictures.

    So: unless you can explain how the US is going to execute some ‘Black Trail of Tears’ and march ’em out of here (and that would have to be done by the most racially degenerate military force in the world), we have to live with ’em for the time being–so let ’em serve our drinks!

  15. In The South, we have achieved it; are achieving it; and will achieve it.

    No, you haven’t.

    True in their case, but we have a better track record than they do of keeping the Negro in his place. In fact, I’m not sure that anyone–British, Boer, Spaniard–has managed what Southerners have for nigh 200-250 years now: of being a racial minority in your own land while still in control of it.

    It may take generations or even centuries before the process of intermixture and racial destruction is complete, but it is nonetheless inevitable. Without geographic separation, racial destruction is guaranteed in the long run.

    Agreed. And that is exactly what the majority of Southerners practice in the day-to-day: racial preservation in the face of mandated racial integration.

    Segregation is not geographic separation.

    Everyone said we’d lose this battle 50 years ago, but we’re still here; we still rule; and we still manage to throw parties like the one in pictures.

    50 years is an infinitesimal period of time. Many people do not understand the unavoidable consequences of multiracial conditions in the long run, but this does not change the reality that intermixture and racial destruction are the inevitable result of a multiracial society.

    Richard McCulloch explains these issues better than I ever could in his essay “Separation: The Preservationist Imperative.”

  16. But you still haven’t an answer to the crux of the debacle, i.e.: “Unless you can explain how the US is going to execute some ‘Black Trail of Tears’ and march ‘em out of here (and that would have to be done by the most racially degenerate military force in the world), we have to live with ‘em for the time being[.]”

  17. I lived in Ohio and South Carolina. I can tell you that the more diversity you have, the more racially conscience white people are.

    This is what makes the “lets move to Idaho and Oregon and set up an independent white country” fall flat.

    You go to these places and everyone thinks that all blacks are like the Cosby family. The media does not report all the black crime, welfare, ect. They just know what they have seen on tv. You come to a place that is 1/3rd black and everyone knows someone who has been mugged or attacked by blacks somewhere along the line. It is an entirely different mentality.

  18. I was in South Carolina last year, and in fact may be down there for this event – and if not, I’ll send a friend to meet up with you guys.

    Interracial couples in SC? I’ve never seen it. Healthy racial attitudes go without saying.

    Here in New York City, interracial couples are a common sight, and there’s quite a few that look at it as a badge of honor.

    And by the way Brutus, I’ve spent half my life outside of the South and much of it in the North. Your “observations” sound purely fictional. The only people from the North I have ever heard actually insulting the South like you do are Jews – Jews who have almost never actually been down South, except for Florida.

    Let’s make a deal – stay north of the Mason-Dixon line and you won’t have to deal with Southerners, and we won’t have to deal with your unfortunate flatulence problem.

  19. “Interracial couples in SC? I’ve never seen it.”


    Mason-Dixon line, huh?

    You got any more cliches?

    Tell the truth, you haven’t even been in the South, have you? You are only an armchair commentator. You probably think the grass really is blue in Kentucky.

  20. “Healthy racial attitudes go without saying.”

    Uh-huh. That’s why they are about to have a Sihk governor and just nominated a nigger over a Thurmond for congress.

    Yep, the racial attitudes sure don’t need discussed, I agree.

  21. Funny thing is most of the people in Chicago think of the people in central and southern Illinois as “Southern Rednecks” and consider I-80 to be the an extension of the Mason Dixon Line. Drive on the interstate south out of Chicago and soon every small town truck-stop and McDonalds you stop in and the locals all speak in thick southern accents. The Chicago region is largely an afterthought that sprung up a generation or two after the founding of the state by Kentuckians, Virginians, and Tennesseans with the population center near St Lois. Most of these central Illinois towns had sundown laws and to this day the cops are quite aggressive in dealing with the local blacks. The mayor of Champaign is an ex-cop who keeps the local Negroes in check. He is HATED by the blacks in town who consider him KKK. Last October the cops gunned down a teenage black criminal in the act of committing a burglary. The blacks acted as if he was some innocent angel and went ballistic with rally after rally. Here every white knows that blacks are dangerous except Urbana counter culture liberals affiliated with the university and white trash girls hooked on drugs they get from their black drug dealers(“boyfriends” most black male-white female relationships center on drugs.) Back in the 90’s I had a white “tough cookie” boss who I could tell knew the score. At the first sign of “negritude” worthless black employees sent over from the temp agency were out the door. In reality if you took away the Chicago region with all the Black, Hispanic, Irish union types, and Jewish voters Illinois would be just as red a state as Kentucky, Kansas, or Nebraska.

  22. after we rid our selves of progressives and affirmative action, negroes will retreat back to the cesspool of the black community.there they can murder each other and breed on their own nickel.maybe then blacks will take responsibility for there own bad behavior but after seeing two teen wide load bad girls attack a police officer over jay walking.i may be wrong and the majority of negroes will not be able to over come their bad behavior will remain at the bottom of civilization.

  23. Before some do-gooding peace-maker arrives, let me just say that I think this regionalist sentiment is good, to an extent. Let it thrive and build, but let’s not forget who the real enemy is. IOW, we can do this for fun and (political) profit.

    That said, Brutus, you sound like a jealous wife.

    And the word is s-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n.

  24. Listening to Dixie, I’m reminded how much it sounds like a national anthem should, robust and proud. The other one sounds like a melodramatic show toon.

    Anybody care to dispute that? (ha!)

  25. But you still haven’t an answer to the crux of the debacle, i.e.: “Unless you can explain how the US is going to execute some ‘Black Trail of Tears’ and march ‘em out of here (and that would have to be done by the most racially degenerate military force in the world), we have to live with ‘em for the time being[.]“

    There are a number of plausible scenarios for racial separation, which would hopefully be achieved with as little hostility as possible.

    Education must come before arousal, arousal before action. What matters now is convincing our co-ethnics to value racial preservation and helping them understand that in the long run racial preservation requires geographic separation.


    New report reveals Southern region most tied to,
    impacted by, U.S. military and foreign policy

    DURHAM, N.C. – As national debate grows over the Iraq war and the course of U.S. foreign policy, a new report shows that the U.S. South – more than any other region of the country – is the most tied to and impacted by the nation’s military and foreign wars.

    The study by the non-profit Institute for Southern Studies, “Missiles and Magnolias: The South at War 2005,” analyzed which states provide the most military recruits, where troops are stationed, and which states attract the most defense contracts.

    “Politically and economically, the South remains the heart of our country’s military,” said Desiree Evans, a co-author of the report and fellow at the non-profit Institute. “The South stands the most to gain – and the most to lose – from the fortunes and misfortunes of war.”

    Among the report’s key findings:

    – The South provides a disproportionate share of the nation’s troops. An analysis of Department of Defense state reveals that 35% of the nation’s active-duty military personnel come from 13 Southern states. Of the top 15 states where those serving in the military are born, the South accounts for seven.

    – The South especially dominant in stationing troops. 51% of active-duty U.S. military personnel based in the continental U.S. are stationed in the South. Four of the top states for stationing troops are in the South: Virginia, Texas, North Carolina and Georgia.

    – The South has been the region most highly impacted by the loss of soldiers in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Of the U.S. troops that have died in Iraq, 38% were based in the South. 47% of those killed in Afghanistan were based in Southern states.

    – Southern states draw a substantial share of military contracting and production. An analysis of prime defense contracts reveals that 32% of the contracts granted in 2005 have gone to companies operating in Southern states, led by states rich in defense production such as Virginia, Texas and Florida.

    – Southern leaders play a critical role in promoting a unilateral and aggressive foreign policy. An analysis of voting records reveals the critical role played by the South’s Congressional delegation in promoting military investment and foreign wars. For example, in the latest scorecard by Peace Action, 58% of Southerners in the U.S. House and Senate scored in the bottom quarter of the peace group’s ratings on key votes for the Iraq war, arms sales, and support for the United Nations.

    “This report drives home what most Southerners already know,” says report co-author Chris Kromm, Executive Director of the Institute. “Almost everybody in the South knows someone in the service, who works at a base, or is otherwise connected to the military. That has a big impact on how Southerners view the military and foreign policy.”

  27. The above article posted by Amerikaner reminds me of those who blame Europeans for their current plight. The fact is, both the South and Europe became conquered provinces of a Jew-run United States. Both eventually surrendered spiritually, though moreso with the South, due to time.

    It also reminds me that, before the war of 1861-1865, the “Bible Belt” was in New England. This is what defeat, utter prostration, does to our people. Turns them into rabid enforcers of their new master’s will. South Carolina, Germany, same thing.

  28. It also reminds me that, before the war of 1861-1865, the “Bible Belt” was in New England. This is what defeat, utter prostration, does to our people. Turns them into rabid enforcers of their new master’s will. South Carolina, Germany, same thing.

    Herr Rosenberg,

    Excellent observations on your part!

    This is why I posted the article, for I wish that we start to spiritually and emotionally ween ourselves off the very System that hates, despises, and, worst of all, uses us to be our own worst enemies.

  29. Damn, I would’ve attended this but the happenings in my area have prevented me from doing so this weekend.

    It’s a long shot, but if y’all feel like stopping in Charlotte on the way back to Virginia either later today (Saturday) or Sunday I could probably meet up – I’m assuming that y’all are taking I-77 back north to Virginia, and it passes right through Charlotte – so let me know if you want to meet up for a couple hours when you drive through.

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