American Tradition

Real world advocacy is critically important, but to engage in a political struggle without acting in accord with overarching meta-political considerations is to thrash around aimlessly. It’s not as simple as merely climbing out of our basements and taking our message to the street. As we all know, theorizing for the sake of theorizing is masturbatory folly. But to argue between theory and action is as absurd as arguing between mind and body – each is useless without the other.

If we hope to ever make progress, it will be through the marriage of deep thought and decisive action.

The first thing one must understand about Western meta-politics is that we’ve been the battleground of a fierce occult war between competing oligarchies for centuries. While other civilizations like India and China have firmly entrenched oligarchies that operate with minimal secrecy and deception, our own situation has been highly complex, loaded with more secrecy, deception, and complexity than a Dan Brown novel. While I don’t claim to comprehend the full sweep of it, I believe I understand the general sweep of events enough to arrive at some basic conclusions that are relevant to the real world activist.

If you don’t have a stomach for the sweeping and speculative, turn back now…

From the fall of the Roman Empire until the Protestant Reformation, Europe’s two oligarchies co-existed in relative stasis. The Germanic warlords evolved into Europe’s nobility, dominating  martial and political life, with the Catholic Church dominating managerial and religious life. The alien Jewish managerial caste and the alien Gypsy menial caste were both subject to the hegemony of this power structure, relatively powerless outcasts.

While the Protestant Reformation was ostensibly a theological matter, and surely was for many of the key actors in the struggle, the meta-political factor is that the peasantry of Western Europe were ascendant, becoming more worldly through widespread literacy and more powerful through an increase in private wealth. An emergent elite grew to challenge both the increasingly decadent and derelict nobility and clergy through a loose network of Protestant denominations and trade guilds.

The Age of Discovery brought a tsunami of wealth to this primordial mercantile elite, with the trade guilds becoming the focal points of organized resistance to both papal and royal hegemony. Organically, over the centuries, the masonic guilds morphed from mere trade guilds into a full-fledged secret society, an oligarchy with a haphazard mash-up of initiatic rituals, an elaborate creation myth, and precisely the kind of worldview and ideology one would expect from a band of wealthy businessmen hostile to both their King and their Pope. The Enlightenment was born.

The Catholic Church fought back with the creation of its own secret society, the Jesuit Order. The aristocracy took advantage of the church’s weakened condition to seize more power. The Jews played the competing oligarchies against one another for their own emancipation and enrichment. Europe descended into centuries of occult warfare, smoldering for decades then erupting in fits of terror and genocide. The French Revolution is the quintessential example, though these occult struggles animated virtually every European conflict up until WWII – the final spasmodic resistance to absolute Jewish hegemony.

Meanwhile, the new European nation of America was forming from Europe’s purging of its zealots, scoundrels, and highlanders. Europe’s aristocrats were tied to the Old World and few Catholics settled in North America. We had virtually no Jews. The North American Continent was under the absolute hegemony of Freemasonry.

The American Revolution was meta-politically a struggle between America’s indigenous Masonic oligarchy and the distant aristocratic regime in England. The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are thoroughly Masonic. They embody the themes of progressive enlightenment, liberation from tyranny and darkness, and universal “natural rights”. They also establish a system of government that explicitly bans titles of nobility and the establishment of a state religion.

While there’s that bogus Benjamin Franklin quote floating around, a more likely truth is that our founding fathers were simply ignorant of the Jewish Question. What little they did record on the matter demonstrates their naivete. To them, the Jews were little more than another religious denomination oppressed by the cruel tyrants and intolerant priests of the Old World. While our founders were relatively successful in establishing a system of government and a society free of tyrants and inquisitors, their failure to grasp the Jewish Question would eventually unravel their noble attempt at sovereign stewardship.

Much of the contemporary argument about America and its relationship with Europe is affected by the failure to recognize that America did indeed have a Traditional elite, one derived from Europe. Ours is an integrally European tradition, albeit one which was never able to reach its full expression there. To this day, Europe’s Traditionalist intellectuals arrogantly presume that only their traditions are even worthy of the namesake. To them, America is an anti-Traditional abortion, a snake pit of superstitious fools and opportunists.

Freemasonry in America was eventually overwhelmed by Jewish subversion, a mote in our eye that our brothers abroad never fail to herald. But they haven’t raised up an elite of their own capable of stewardship. They’re apparently content to be crypt keepers (euphemistically referred to as historians), wallowing in the rotting remains of the Third Reich, pre-Soviet Orthodoxy, pre-subversion Catholicism, and even such ancient institutions as the Ghibelline faction of the 12th century.

Americans have unfortunately accepted this paradigm uncritically, with one faction dismissing Tradition in favor of an ahistorical and individualist dead end. The other faction embraces Tradition and damns their own nation (if they can even stoop to calling it a true nation) in doing so. The European Traditionalists would like us to believe that we’re their inferiors, that Tradition is somehow tied to the European continent. It’s not. We’re European, as European as they are. Whatever we think, do, and say is integrally European.

Our current situation is abysmal, both here and there. The pope answers to Abe Foxman’s shrill demands. What little is left of the European aristocracy is devoid of any hint of patriarchy or martial honor. There’s some promise to be found in Russian Orthodoxy and Vladimir Putin’s charismatic leadership – but it’s still only speculative and it’s largely hostile toward Americans, anyway. Freemasonry in America has been completely subverted, inverted, and destroyed. A nation decapitated of its elite, robbed of its patriarchs, ceases to be a nation. Both the Ron Paul movement and the Tea Party movement are mere cargo cults. No matter how frequently they repeat Masonic rhetoric and dress up in American Revolutionary costumes, they’re no more likely to resurrect America’s Masonic oligarchy than the primitive islanders are going to bring cargo.

If only a splinter group of Freemasons could have had the foresight and courage to radically reinvent their oligarchy as more than a mere secret society of mercantile elites. Imagine if a small band of Freemasons had created a managerial, martial, and mercantile elite all at once – then went off into the mountains to hide, waiting for the right time to ride in on a white horse and rescue the American nation from our Jewish overlords when our constitution hung by a thread. Perhaps they would have even modified their doctrine to be explicitly White Nationalist. Ideally, and I know this is too much to ask, a highly disciplined army of true patriarchs could have been hidden in plain sight, quietly building parallel trade networks and loading up vast storehouses of food and supplies.

But I’ve digressed.

Any lasting resistance will require either raising up a new oligarchy in opposition to Jewish hegemony or rehabilitating one of our moribund oligarchies. In lieu of raising up our own oligarchy, our most fruitful efforts will be in infiltrating, influencing, and reviving an oligarchy that still has a pulse (however faint). To merely engage in political activism without cleaving to a priesthood or elite, without an actual base of both temporal and spiritual power, is no more useful in turning back the flood than splashing water upstream.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. ‘While there’s that bogus Benjamin Franklin quote floating around, a more likely truth is that our founding fathers were simply ignorant of the Jewish Question. What little they did record on the matter demonstrates their naivete. To them, the Jews were little more than another religious denomination oppressed by the cruel tyrants and intolerant priests of the Old World. ‘

    Of late I have often pondered Washington’s “black gentry” quote:

    “This tribe of black gentry work more effectually against us, than the enemy’s arms. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties, and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ere this, has not hunted them down as pests to society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America.”

    Washington was complaining about these “black gentry” because they were speculating. Did he mean to imply that they were swarthy-skinned or that their souls were black with avarice?

    Even if it could be established that the speculators in question were Jewish, Washington probably would have distinguished between good Jews and bad Jews.

  2. On a 10-scale of macro-history, I’d rate MP’s effort about a “7”. For an off-the-top-of-the-head rant, that’s quite good. I have one major and one minor objection. Major: “these occult struggles animated every European conflict up to WW II”. Round One, 1914-18, of the anti-German War of Encirclement, aka WWI-WWII? I don’t think so. Round One looks like a pretty clearcut case of European white-tribal fragmentation, a sudden rise to European prominance by Wilhelmine Germany, and a reactive determination by global-imperialist Britain to destroy this so-called threat to the Empire. Round II….that’s where the Jews come in, bankrolling both Hitler and Churchill, aiming them at each other, in order to bring about a massacre of (non-Zionist) European Jewry and so enable a Jewish racial state in Palestine. Minor: the Franklin Prophecy. I don’t know whether it is apocryphal or not, but there are statements about the Jews in BF’s letters that are at least as realistic as anything in the Prophecy: see Bill Grimstad, ANTIZION, pp. 53-55; there’s a PDF available at

  3. The Founders were well aware of Jewry. Come on. It pops up. It’s a B list thing – freeing the Nation from England was the A List concern. But come on. Don’t you think Jefferson know who “the bankers” were, when he warned about central banks?

  4. “Both the Ron Paul movement and the Tea Party movement are mere cargo cults.”

    Good call. This article has real substance. Well done, Matt.


  5. So the Jews bankrolled Hitler, eh? Geez, it’s really true, White people will believe anything, no matter how absurd.

    EVIDENCE. Not theory. Actual, factual evidence!

    Yeah, I figured.

  6. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (pdf):

    Roosevelt’s New Deal and Hitler’s New Order

    Hjalmar Schacht challenged his post-war Nuremburg interrogators with the observation that Hitler’s New Order program was the same as Roosevelt’s New Deal program in the United States. The interrogators understandably snorted and rejected the observation. However, a little research suggests that not only are the two programs quite similar in content, but that Germans had no trouble in observing the similarities. There is in the Roosevelt Library a small book presented to FDR by Dr. Helmut Magers in December 1933.20 On the flyleaf of this presentation copy is written the inscription,

    To the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in profound admiration of his conception of a new economic order and with devotion for his personality. The author, Baden, Germany, November 9, 1933.

    FDR’s reply to this admiration for his new economic order was as follows:21

    (Washington) December 19, 1933

    My dear Dr. Magers: I want to send you my thanks for the copy of your little book about me and the “New Deal.” Though, as you know, I went to school in Germany and could speak German with considerable fluency at one time, I am reading your book not only with great interest but because it will help my German.

    Very sincerely yours,

    The New Deal or the “new economic order” was not a creature of classical liberalism. It was a creature of corporate socialism. Big business as reflected in Wall Street strived for a state order in which they could control industry and eliminate competition, and this was the heart of FDR’s New Deal. General Electric, for example, is prominent in both Nazi Germany and the New Deal. German General Electric was a prominent financier of Hitler and the Nazi Party, and A.E.G. also financed Hitler both directly and indirectly through Osram. International General Electric in New York was a major participant in the ownership and direction of both A.E.G. and Osram. Gerard Swope, Owen Young, and A. Baldwin of General Electric in the United States were directors of A.E.G. However, the story does not stop at General Electric and financing of Hitler in 1933.

    In a previous book, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, the author identified the role of General Electric in the Bolshevik Revolution and the geographic location of American participants as at 120 Broadway, New York City; the executive offices of General Electric were also at 120 Broadway. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was working in Wall Street, his address was also 120 Broadway. In fact, Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, the FDR Foundation, was located at 120 Broadway. The prominent financial backer of an early Roosevelt Wall Street venture from 120 Broadway was Gerard Swope of General Electric. And it was “Swope’s Plan” that became Roosevelt’s New Deal — the fascist plan that Herbert Hoover was unwilling to foist on the United States. In brief, both Hitler’s New Order and Roosevelt’s New Deal were backed by the same industrialists and in content were quite similar — i.e., they were both plans for a corporate state.

    There were then both corporate and individual bridges between FDR,s America and Hitler’s Germany. The first bridge was the American I.G. Farben, American affiliate of I.G. Farben, the largest German corporation. On the board of American I.G. sat Paul Warburg, of the Bank of Manhattan and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The second bridge was between International General’ Electric, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company and its partly owned affiliate in Germany, A.E.G. Gerard Swope, who formulated FDR’s New Deal, was chairman of I.G.E. and on the board of A.E.G. The third “bridge” was between Standard Oil of New Jersey and Vacuum Oil and its wholly owned German subsidiary, Deutsche-Amerikanisehe Gesellschaft. The chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey was Walter Teagle, of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He was a trustee of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Georgia Warm Springs Foundation and appointed by FDR to a key administrative post in the National Recovery Administration.

    These corporations were deeply involved in both the promotion of Roosevelt’s New Deal and the construction of the military power of Nazi Germany. Putzi Hanfstaengl’s role in the early days, up to the mid-1930s anyway, was an informal link between the Nazi elite and the White House. After the mid-1930s, when the world was set on the course for war, Putzis importance declined — while American Big Business continued to be represented through such intermediaries as Baron Kurt von Schroder attorney Westrick, and membership in Himmler’s Circle of Friends.

  7. “If only a splinter group of Freemasons could have had the foresight and courage to radically reinvent their oligarchy as more than a mere secret society of mercantile elites. Imagine if a small band of Freemasons had created a managerial, martial, and mercantile elite all at once – then went off into the mountains to hide, waiting for the right time to ride in on a white horse and rescue the American nation from our Jewish overlords when our constitution hung by a thread.”

    It did exist and was called the Ku Klux Klan.

  8. It’s not just the replacement of a benevolent oligarchy with a hostile one that we are up against. It’s also the loss of an independent middle class i.e. people who work for themselves and own their own homes without paying a 30 year mortgage. Such independence gave middle America the virtue to stand up for itself. Instead we have a new class of technocrats who have very different interests from the average middle class American who actually works for a living.

  9. Brilliant article. Talking about the Founding Fathers, Constitutionalism, Ben Franklin, and the rest without discussing Freemasonry is absurd, it’s like talking about medieval France without discussing Catholicism.

    But even mentioning the word “freemasonry” automatically puts you in the category of “conspiracy theorist” doesn’t it? Much like how discussing “Jews” does.

    It did exist and was called the Ku Klux Klan.

    Baptist overreach. The Mormons actually did the Northwestern Front idea and moved to the Northwest and created a nation.

    To them, the Jews were little more than another religious denomination oppressed by the cruel tyrants and intolerant priests of the Old World. While our founders were relatively successful in establishing a system of government and a society free of tyrants and inquisitors, their failure to grasp the Jewish Question would eventually unravel their noble attempt at sovereign stewardship.

    Masons actually believed the Zohar was somehow interesting. Like many believe in Nostradamus and the like. What an ignoble end to the WASP elite.

  10. While the Protestant Reformation was ostensibly a theological matter, and surely was for many of the key actors in the struggle, the meta-political factor is that the peasantry of Western Europe were ascendant, becoming more worldly through widespread literacy and more powerful through an increase in private wealth. An emergent elite grew to challenge both the increasingly decadent and derelict nobility and clergy through a loose network of Protestant denominations and trade guilds.

    The Age of Discovery brought a tsunami of wealth to this primordial mercantile elite, with the trade guilds becoming the focal points of organized resistance to both papal and royal hegemony. Organically, over the centuries, the masonic guilds morphed from mere trade guilds into a full-fledged secret society, an oligarchy with a haphazard mash-up of initiatic rituals, an elaborate creation myth, and precisely the kind of worldview and ideology one would expect from a band of wealthy businessmen hostile to both their King and their Pope. The Enlightenment was born.


  11. “There’s some promise to be found in Russian Orthodoxy and Vladimir Putin’s charismatic leadership – but it’s still only speculative and it’s largely hostile toward Americans, anyway.”

    Hostile to the American Government and NGOs, certainly, but I don’t see how they’re hostile to Americans.

  12. If only a splinter group of Freemasons could have had the foresight and courage to radically reinvent their oligarchy….. Ideally, and I know this is too much to ask, a highly disciplined army of true patriarchs could have been hidden in plain sight, quietly building parallel trade networks and loading up vast storehouses of food and supplies.
    Matt Parrot

    Mitt Romney won’t save us.

  13. I would like to thank TabuLa Raza for the following exchange:

    Alfred Rosenberg says:
    June 24, 2010 at 4:00 am
    So the Jews bankrolled Hitler, eh?
    Geez, it’s really true, White people will believe anything, no matter how absurd.
    EVIDENCE. Not theory. Actual, factual evidence!

    TabuLa Raza says:

    Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (pdf):
    Roosevelt’s New Deal and Hitler’s New Order

    There were then both corporate and individual bridges between FDR,s America and Hitler’s Germany. The first bridge was the American I.G. Farben, American affiliate of I.G. Farben, the largest German corporation. On the board of American I.G. sat Paul Warburg, of the Bank of Manhattan and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The second bridge was between International General’ Electric, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company and its partly owned affiliate in Germany, A.E.G. Gerard Swope, who formulated FDR’s New Deal, was chairman of I.G.E. and on the board of A.E.G. The third “bridge” was between Standard Oil of New Jersey and Vacuum Oil and its wholly owned German subsidiary, Deutsche-Amerikanisehe Gesellschaft.

    I suppose Rosenberg will now graciously admit that the weight of the facts shows that international bankers – largely Jewish – bankrolled Hitler’s Germany.

  14. Lawrence of Appalachia says…
    My question is: unless/until we create a new oligarchy, which one(s) should we target?

    All of the contemporary oligarchies are corrupted and confused to one extent or the other, but it’s really a matter of sizing up their framework, their potential, and their potential for influencing. Personally, I think the three most promising routes are Catholicism via Rad Trad, Western Rite Orthodoxy, and LDS.

    Edison Carter says…
    Mitt Romney won’t save us.

    I’m definitely not suggesting that they’re planning this out. I firmly believe that Mitt Romney and Glenn Beck are every bit as stupid as they seem. I’m not saying that the LDS will save America. I’m saying that we might be able to save America, by influencing the LDS.

    Boffin says…
    …we have a new class of technocrats who have very different interests from the average middle class American who actually works for a living.

    I don’t think there’s anything new or special about our technocratic elite. In olden times, they carved on clay tablets and managed grain surpluses. Now they scribble on iPads and manage esoteric financial instruments. In the later stages of a mature civilization, the middle class citizen/farmer type is steadily replaced by the four varna/niches: martial, managerial, mercantile, and menial. The only thing new or special is that a technocratic elite from a long-dead ancient civilization has swooped in and dominated the niche.

    I agree that we have more than one major problem. But having a hostile elite is, in my mind, a much greater problem than the natural progression and maturation of a human civilization.

    Veni Vidi Vici says…
    Masons actually believed the Zohar was somehow interesting. Like many believe in Nostradamus and the like. What an ignoble end to the WASP elite.

    Indeed. The merchants and craftsmen who formed the core of Freemasonry were intelligent, probably much more so than the Catholic priests and aristocratic dandies they were subservient to. The initiatic rituals this elite threw together are truly worthy of a face palm. But I’m an Evolutionary Traditionalist and not a Radical Traditionalist. I believe all the Traditions emerge from the minds of men. The measure of a Tradition is not in how well its mythology stands up to modern examination, but how well its priesthood serves as patriarchal stewards for their folk.

    By this metric, the Brighamite LDS Tradition has proven itself.

    Reginald says…
    Hostile to the American Government and NGOs, certainly, but I don’t see how they’re hostile to Americans.
    I think there’s a real opportunity in Western Rite Orthodoxy, but there’s a strong anti-American sentiment throughout Eastern Orthodoxy, one which strikes all the way down to our folk. Have you tried to converse with any of these people? It’s very discouraging. America’s not a true nation. Protestants this. Protestants that. Great Satan. Blah blah blah.

    Andrew Yeoman says…
    It did exist and was called the Ku Klux Klan.
    Oh, yeah. Probably that, too.

  15. John Walters says…
    Even if it could be established that the speculators in question were Jewish, Washington probably would have distinguished between good Jews and bad Jews.

    Anti-Semites who fancy that they can defend themselves from “bad Jews” with the clever use of “good Jews” are useless. See: Nixon, Richard.

  16. In lieu of raising up our own oligarchy, our most fruitful efforts will be in infiltrating, influencing, and reviving an oligarchy that still has a pulse (however faint). To merely engage in political activism without cleaving to a priesthood or elite, without an actual base of both temporal and spiritual power, is no more useful in turning back the flood than splashing water upstream.

    We should become Mormons? No other organization seems to fit the bill.

  17. icr says…
    We should become Mormons? No other organization seems to fit the bill.

    I suppose that “we” as White Advocacy groups should support a broad range of efforts to create and/or influence institutions and oligarchies, from the local Kiwanis Club all the way up to the Catholic Church. But, yes, I believe that the Brighamite LDS tradition has delivered us an intrinsically White American oligarchy that’s deeply committed to partriarchal stewardship. It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m convinced that it’s far and away our best chance at preserving not only our racial heritage but our traditional American way of life.

  18. To Washington and most of the Founders Jews would have been almost as alien as space aliens would be today. Chances are, that our ancestors born prior to 1900, may never have even seen a Jew!

    Naturally, Ben Franklin was more aware of the Jews because of his diplomatic travels in Europe.

    As far as the Masons go they were only one of the fraternal organizations that played a role in early America. We forget about the various Tammany Societies/Sons of Liberty/Redman lodges etc. etc. All played a role as large or larger than the Masons.

  19. “What an ignoble end to the WASP elite”. Yes it was indeed, not totally, but partially. The remnant, or current WASP elite are either in league with the new alien ‘elite’, as an active Golem, or marginalized and milked. They are, for the most part, either active or passive collaborators in the demise of their own ethny. Stupid, greedy, complacent, short sighted White people under the influence of mind-altering parasites, who are essentially gravediggers of their own race and nation.

  20. Matt: I’ve skimmed your article as I haven’t had my coffee yet this morn… You need to get a copy of a book called “Rulers of Evil, Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies” by F Tupper Saussy

  21. JW you are welcome. The Nutzis don’t like this sort of information and will ignore it. NS Germany and the New Deal are the same- same ideas, same people, same special interests. Same philosophy- German Idealism, which over here is called pragmatism.

    The cartelization of America was through the Swope Plan. Gerard Swope was head of General Electric:

    Gerard Swope

    Gerard Swope (December 1, 1872 – November 20, 1957) was a U.S. electronics businessman. He served as the president of General Electric Company between 1922 and 1939, and again from 1942 until 1944. During this time Swope expanded GE’s product offerings, reorienting GE toward consumer home appliances, and offering consumer credit services.

    Swope is possibly best-known for his labor relations innovations. While at GE, Swope implemented numerous labor reforms, making conditions better for employees with voluntary unemployment insurance, profit-sharing, and other programs considered radical in their day. Swope increased sales and overall efficiency (economics), earning high profits and market share, while focusing on employee training, retention, and loyalty during an era when most Big Business leaders treated labor poorly.

    He designed FDR’s National Recovery Administration program.

    In 2005, Forbes Magazine ranked Swope as the 20th most influential businessman of all time [1].

    Swope was born in St. Louis, Missouri to Jewish immigrant parents. He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1895. He married Mary Dayton Hill. He was the brother of Herbert Bayard Swope, and father of Henrietta Swope and John Swope, the Hollywood and Life Magazine photographer who married actress Dorothy McGuire.

    He died in New York City in 1957.

    The Swope Plan:

  22. So, late 1800s, the Freemasons were ruling America quite contentedly and were so liberal minded that when a former Mason wrote a book about their secret rituals, and was literally, not symbolically, killed for breaking his oath, half of the Freemasons resigned their lodges in protest. Since they already were the establishment and in control of the government, Freemasonry lost its military/intelligence purpose; the Masonic IRA became Sinn Fein.

    When did they make Mormons stop doing the “cut the throat” ritual?

    Re: Swope Plan, let me see if I remember the details: National Recovery Act was based on the Federal Reserve Act from a decade earlier. NRA was to create an industrial cartel modeled on the Fed banking cartel. It may be the perfect case of bankers believing that they are actual productive economic actors instead of the privatized tax-collectors/rent-seekers they are. They thought actual productive economic activity could be centrally regulated and controlled like their printing press and gambling operations. That’s why commies can’t make decent shoes.

    NRA was found unconstitutional but FRA was never challenged.

  23. Matt wrote:

    “Freemasonry in America has been completely subverted, inverted, and destroyed.”

    Matt, can you please elaborate on this? How so? And do you know how simple it is to join freemasonry today? Rather than simply damning it as hopelessly lost, why not reinfiltrate? They’re literally desperate for younger and newer membership, since the old timers are dying off. In addition, though many claim jews have infiltrated and destroyed masonry, many of the most elite invitational bodies of the York Rite require one to profess Trinitarian Christianity. There has been a slight upsurge lately in younger men interested in masonry because of films like National Treasure. One can even minor in Masonic Studies now at U.C.L.A., a program sponsored by the masons as an outreach program to try to appeal to younger men as potential new members.

  24. Guest Lurker,

    I appear to stand corrected! I may dive into that and try to get a feel for the real state of contemporary Freemasonry and its potential for influencing.

  25. Matt, I also think too much is made of the alleged conflict between Freemasonry and Catholicism. Granted, Popes have felt threatened by its emerging influence and passed encyclicals against it in the past, but it was masonic Jacobites who defended the Stuart line of kings in Britain in favor of Catholic absolute monarchy and divine right of kings. Things were never as simple as masons against catholics. Masonry initially emerged within a Catholic milieu, after all, as the operative masons were the builders of the great cathedrals of Europe. In fact, I recall reading somewhere a while back that after the failure of the Jacobite rebellion at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, it was those Jacobite Catholics fleeing to and settling America that were the backbone of American masonry, while the older Puritan population viewed them and emergent masonry with suspicion. That’s why even today, you’ll get the more fanatical Protestants like Jon Eric Phelps claiming masonry was a tool created by the jesuits.

  26. The quality of individual on this site as I saw it has been reduced drastically in my eyes by the appearance of the pro-Freemasonry meme. Freemasonry needs to be routed out of every village, town, city, county state and Government office and culture and burned at the proverbial stake. There is nothing so insidious and destructive to ANY culture than secret societies. And yes, I know the founding of this country is deeply rooted in Freemasonic elements. And in my opinion, those are the elements that need to be crushed from our history and disavowed. I cannot state this strongly enough. There is nothing so seedy as Freemasonry.

  27. The central mythology of Freemasonry is Jewish. It’s the original Judeo-Xianity. It’s Zionism. After the Jews bamboozled you with Kabbalistic nonsense, they left you holding the bag, or wearing the apron so to speak.

    Freemasonry has no value when it comes to mythology, symbolism, or ideology. What it does have is some choice real estate, a decent network of charitable institutions, and a bunch of rich old coots. That may be worth taking over, but anything else really would be a cargo cult.

    As wiki so broadly hints but rarely says openly, the Mormons are the useful heirs of the American Masonic legacy. They modified the silly rituals as they needed and focused on the whole “Saving Food and Making Babies” thing, while the original Masonic elite devolved into a golf club.

  28. Thanks, Tabula Raza (and others) for answering Al ROSEN(berg) on corporate-Jew (i.e., Zionist) financing of Hitler and Nazi movement. Evidence from the German side of the situation relates to the late 1920s rent payments on the Brown House (NSDAP HQ) by Berlin Jew Banksters; early 1930s rich Jew cash infusions; and broader financing by the Bank of England (i.e., Rothschild) during the mid-1930’s. The Brown House issue was particularly notorious among the Nazi left (so-called “beefsteak” Nazis, “Brown outside but Red inside”, Ernst Roehm and the SA, the Strasser bros., etc., who wanted a second, anti-capitalist revolution once the communists had been beaten down) and was a factor in the eventual break between Hitler and his movement’s left wing. Almost any book by a survivor of the Night of Long Knives deals with this sort of thing; for instance Kurt Ludecke, an early personal crony of AH, says in I KNEW HITLER that the Brown House “resembled the abode of a Jewish banker…”. Best evidence on the early 30’s Jew-financing of out of Hitler’s own mouth: see Edouard Calic, SECRET CONVERSATIONS WITH HITLER. Calic was a hardright German journalist who Hitler considered sympathetic to his designs and, in several 1931 not-for-publication interviews, let his hair down on a number of issues; when Calic objected to the rich Jew $$$$, Hitler responded in effect: “for the time being, we have parallel goals: (rich Zionists) want the Jews out of Europe…and so do I.” Later during the 1930s, Hitler realized he had told Calic too much, and had him killed, but not before C. had preserved and dispersed several copies of the interviews. All this, of course, ties in with broader Nazi-Zionist connections during the 1930s, and here there are many excellent documentations: L. Brenner, ZIONISM IN THE AGE OF THE DICTATORSHIPS, F. Nicosea, THIRD REICH AND THE PALESTINE QUESTION, etc. On connections between the Bank of England and the Reich, a good starting pointing is Guido Preparata, CONJURING HITLER: HOW BRITAIN AND AMERICA MADE THE THIRD REICH.

  29. “Some years back a series of accidents clued me in to the huge role that the old fraternal orders had in structuring American communities a century ago, and in the process I also learned that the handful of fraternal orders that still survive are rapidly going under for lack of new members. The obvious response was to apply for membership in a lodge, which I did. The results have been an experience, in almost every possible sense of the word. I’ve given and received quite a range of secret handshakes, and worn some very exotic headgear; I’ve spent evenings in mostly empty lodge halls while a handful of elderly members try to remember the details of initiation ceremonies none of them have had a chance to perform in twenty years; I’ve seen old men, proud as hawks, get teary-eyed as they reminisced about the days when the rest of the community responded to the lodges and their charitable work with something other than total indifference.

    Now of course this is not the way lodges, and particularly Masonry, are portrayed in today’s popular culture, and I’m quite aware that to a certain percentage of my readers, my Masonic affiliation defines me as one or more of the 31 flavors of evil incarnate. It doesn’t matter that membership in Masonry has been dropping like a rock for decades, that most Masonic lodges are struggling to find enough members to keep their doors open, or that Freemasonry has less influence in this country than at any time since the Revolutionary War – the last Mason in the White House was Gerald Ford, for heaven’s sake. There are still plenty of people who use the Craft, as Masons like to call their oddball institution, as the perfect inkblot onto which they can project their fantasies of organized wickedness, whatever those happen to be. At a time when people can get million-dollar book contracts and all the radio air time they want to bash Masonry, it may seem a little odd that they can insist that Masons control the media and the rest of American society to boot – when’s the last time you saw something favorable about Masons on the media, by the way? – but contradictions of that sort are pretty much par for the course in our collective discourse these days.

    The irony here is that all this vituperation is being flung at the last struggling remnant of what was once a huge social force in America. During the first two decades of the twentieth century, by reliable estimates, half of all adult Americans – counting, by the way, both genders and all ethnic groups – belonged to at least one fraternal lodge. The Masons, the Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, the Grange, and many other orders – some 3,500 different organizations, all told – formed a crucial element in civil society in America; they had a similar role elsewhere in the English-speaking world, where they were called “friendly societies,” and a somewhat less active presence elsewhere.

    What makes this explosion of voluntary communal organization particularly relevant to our time is that the old lodges weren’t simply social clubs. With few exceptions – Freemasonry, interestingly enough, was one of those – they had a vital economic role. In an age when governments didn’t consider people starving in the streets a matter of public concern, in fact, the fraternal lodges filled many of the same roles now filled by the welfare state.

    Still, the core factor was simple enough; the fraternal orders went away because most Americans didn’t need them any more, and were no longer willing to pay the costs of maintaining them. Once labor unions won the right of collective bargaining, employers rather than lodges started to cover sick pay; social security and other government welfare programs provided a social safety net much sturdier than the one the lodges were able to weave from their own resources; more broadly, the immense general prosperity of American society in the wake of the Second World War made starving to death in the street a good deal less pressing a threat than it had been not too long before.

    The Freemasons weathered these changes a little better than most other fraternal orders, and the reason is instructive. The Craft never offered sick pay or other direct financial benefits to its members, and its main functions were self-improvement, networking, and fundraising for public charities, which weren’t entirely rendered surplus by the social changes of the 1930s and 1960s. Thus Masonry’s decline was slower, and it still maintains a modest fraction of the infrastructure of lodge buildings and local groups that it had during its glory days – something that very few other fraternal orders can say these days. Even so, the steady influx of young men who used to join the Masons as a standard coming-of-age ritual has almost entirely come to a halt, because very few of those young men see any value in investing the time and energy that Masonic membership requires.

    More generally, of course, that’s what happened to community in America. The suburbanization of the country after the Second World War has many aspects, but one of the most important was a deliberate flight from community. A great many people who had grown up in compact urban neighborhoods or small towns fled to the anonymity of the suburbs just as quickly as they could, because in their eyes, the costs of community made it more of a burden than a benefit.” –

  30. “The Jews played the competing oligarchies against one another for their own emancipation and enrichment. Europe descended into centuries of occult warfare, smoldering for decades then erupting in fits of terror and genocide.”

    This is certainly True, but one must remember that Jews themselves are active participants in occult warfare! Look at the Jewish history of banking! It was esoteric Hitlerist Miguel Serrano who called Jewish banking a form of ‘black magic’.

    “We had virtually no Jews.”

    No there were actually sizable groups of Sephardic Jews in the New World at this time. America has always had Jews and because of this the American experiment has been doomed from the start!

  31. INFO, thanks for that very informative article. It filled in a lot of gaps in my understanding of how the old lodge systems worked. The part about the medical “lodge trade” was really interesting, and I did not know they provided unemployment insurance, funerals, window and orphan care, and the like.

    I would join such an organization in a heartbeat if I found one that provided such things. I assume that churches are about the only social organizations left that provide these services. Maybe we should form a White Lodge system based on scientific naturalism as opposed to religion or mysticism.

  32. No there were actually sizable groups of Sephardic Jews in the New World at this time. America has always had Jews and because of this the American experiment has been doomed from the start!

    No, there were not “sizable groups” of Jews in the United States at the time of the Revolution.

    From A Century of Population Growth:

    Table 45 — Per cent distribution of the white population of each state according to nationality as indicated by names of heads of families: 1790

    All nationalities 2,810,248

    English 2,345,844 (83.5%)
    Scotch 188,589 (6.7%)
    Irish 44,273 (1.6%)
    Dutch 56,623 (2.0%)
    French 13,384 (0.5%)
    German 156,457 (5.6%)
    Hebrew 1,243 (0.04%)
    All other 3,835 (0.1%)

  33. @Compassionate Fascist:
    Thanks for the book recommendations.
    I’ve been checking and re-checking your blog. Do you plan to update it? The top post is dated 9 June 2010!

  34. “Per cent distribution of the white population of each state according to nationality as indicated by names of heads of families”

    This doesn’t take into account the number of Cryto-Jews infesting America.

  35. Do you have any evidence to support your claim that there were “sizable groups” of “Cryto-Jews” in the United States at the time of the Revolution, or are you, as I suspect, just making things up?

  36. I agree with VVV and Spooky. Masons are ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst. As a rich man’s club, they are merely silly. If managing any power and influence, they are a threat to the nation and the people.

    I don’t think we need to get involved with skulls and coffins anymore than we need our spiritual food from New York gold tablets.

  37. The quality of individual on this site as I saw it has been reduced drastically in my eyes by the appearance of the pro-Freemasonry meme. Freemasonry needs to be routed out of every village, town, city, county state and Government office and culture and burned at the proverbial stake. There is nothing so insidious and destructive to ANY culture than secret societies. And yes, I know the founding of this country is deeply rooted in Freemasonic elements. And in my opinion, those are the elements that need to be crushed from our history and disavowed. I cannot state this strongly enough. There is nothing so seedy as Freemasonry. @Spooky

    Right, so right Spooky!

    Here is a great historical precedent for doing so, and how to possibly go about it:

    Freemasonry banned in Spain by General Franco

  38. Heck President Washington even sent a letter to a synagogue! America was philosemitic, and thus Doomed from the very beginning.

    Arguing about the details is a waste of time when one should be focusing on the Jew-Free White Ethno-State Ideal.

  39. Heck President Washington even sent a letter to a synagogue! America was philosemitic, and thus Doomed from the very beginning.

    Arguing about the details is a waste of time when one should be focusing on the Jew-Free White Ethno-State Ideal.

    I’ll take this to mean no, you don’t have any evidence to support your claim.

  40. Book suggestion. Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt’s America, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hitler’s Germany, 1933-1939, by Wolfgang Schivelbusch. It was published in 2006 by Picador, a subsidiary of Henry Holt and Co, so it’s not hard to find, and it’s only a couple hundred pages long, so you don’t have to make a career of reading it.

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