There has been a lot of back and forth recently about whether or not WN is at the stage where we could/should increase the amount of boots-on-the-ground activism right now or if we still need to hone in on the mysterious “It” that will give us that revolutionary advantage before we can really begin to see turnout and participation. Well, this post is not going to be about that, rather it is about something overlooked in that debate that can help us right now and in the future with recruiting potential followers.
Regardless of what ideologies, economic systems, etc. we wish to promote, something that the WN movement lacks when it comes to recruiting our fellow White Americans is incentives. Now for us, the ‘awakened’, fighting to preserve our race, nation, and homeland(s) is enough incentive for us. We already know, through research, experience, and common sense, that a White society is a safe, clean, and prosperous society. But what about those who may be inclined to our views, or will be in the future, but are not attracted to us? In short, what do we offer them once we have the ‘power to change’?
Although we may wish otherwise, our world has become very materialistic and self-serving. There is, at the very least, a subconscious thought of “What’s in it for me?” when it comes to people’s decisions. These thoughts are not always derived from selfishness; men and women with families have to think about what is in their best interests not just for themselves but for their spouses & children and sometimes their extended families. Young Whites who wish to have families, like myself, have to be able to plan carefully before taking risks that could threaten their very livelihood, not just comfort.
So how do we entice these potential activists and warriors towards our cause? One way, is by emphasizing jobs. But not just any jobs. I am talking about promoting the return of industry: manufacturing, machining, chemical, and high-tech jobs. A return to when Americans built our own tools, furniture, TVs, computers, etc. and were paid wages were one could have and maintain a comfortable family lifestyle. Where both spouses don’t have to have two full-time jobs just to make ends meat and can’t fulfill their dream of having three, four, or five kids and have to settle for one…if any. Jobs which give the worker a sense of worth, by building something for his people’s benefit.
Now obviously, unless we have a tycoon or two reading here, none of us have the resources or the influence to actually create, much less provide these jobs to unemployed Whites. But we have to be able to put forward the notion that we will fight to keep and bring in more jobs that emphasize manufacturing, engineering, and infrastructure. This attitude is similar to the A3P’s stance on globalization. We should take this position and incorporate it into our plans for the White Ethno-State. The plan here is so that we can go back to building and making our own items. Perhaps we should consider creating something like a union? Perhaps we can set up some kind of trust so that we can offer scholarships to students majoring in engineering, physics, etc. Or we can have some kind of referral system whereby we can forward people to apprenticeship programs e.g. Boilermaker, HVAC, etc.
Granted there’s currently a limit on what we can do directly, but from a political angle the issue of jobs in general is a hot issue in this free-falling economy of ours. We need to tell people, along with our pro-White message, how Multi-national businesses are off-shoring to places like China, Mexico, and India, not because the laborers are smarter or work harder (which they do/are neither), but because these foreign governments have very lax labor, workplace, and environmental laws in place; and because the different rate of exchange means that they can pay the workers literally pennies on the dollar. Not to mention there is, more often than not, a decrease in the quality of products that were once produced in a White nation after production moved to a third-world country.
Back in June, the CEO of America’s largest manufacturer, GE’s Jeffrey Immelt, stated that manufacturing jobs should comprise at least 20% of the U.S. Economy. I would argue that perhaps they should make up at least 30%, but at least he’s got the right idea. The point is that we have to get across to the average Joe and Jane that once we regain control of our country (or as much of it as we can get at first) we’ll be able to help them, directly or indirectly, have opportunities for jobs. Real American Jobs.
Economic Nationalism must be part of any White Nationalist constitution.
The government has a part to play in protecting good jobs. The first step is tariffs on the Third World. Tariffs were the primary form of taxation before the income tax.
The next step is capital controls. No one can become rich in a White nation and then take the money and run. That’s economic treason.
Another form of economic treason is technology transfer. In a White Ethnostate advanced technology will not be exported to non-Whites.
Finally our educational institutions, founded and made great by White creativity and genius, are for Whites only. No non-White will be permitted easy access to our technological expertise.
Technology traitors who sell our knowledge to our race enemies will be subject to (at the very least) permanent exile.
I’m new to this whole scene. I voted for Obama and only looked at my first WN site about six months ago. But I guess now I’m a committed WN.
I agree we need more industrial jobs. These are the most important jobs as they are the backbone — along with agricultural jobs… (Whites should be getting food grown only by other whites…not food grown by non-whites in the Third World (by mestizos, macacas, chinks) and shipped to the U.S.
But we also need to make sure whites can also get professional jobs. We need to stop all H1B visas from the Third World. Companies are firing many white people and replacing them with H1Bs from India or China. As an engineer myself, I have seen numerous whites recently canned and placed by Third World H1B imports.
Whites need to create pro-white job-advocacy groups…advocating for jobs for whites…as do the NAACP, La Raza, USINPAC and others for their co-ethnics.
We need to end free trade!!!
Repeal NAFTA, etc!!! Leave the WTO!
Free trade is nothing but a Jew stranglehold on the economy!!!
To Lawrence of Appalachia,
Are you interested in a serious discussion of the issues you’ve raised? Or do you have idées fixes on these subjects that are not amenable to change? If so I won’t waste my time or upset you. The only comment I’ll make now is:
“Back in June, the CEO of America’s largest manufacturer, GE’s Jeffrey Immelt, stated that manufacturing jobs should comprise at least 20% of the U.S. Economy.”
Immelt and the other Judeo-Corporatists are indeed thinking this way. Unfortunately the part you’ve left out are their concurrent extensive meetings with Michael Bloomberg and others about breaking the borders permanently.
So the “good news” is, yes, Immelt and the other corporate controllers intend to repatriate manufacturing from China to North America. The “bad news” is they’re going to provide themselves an imported low wage work force to staff the repatriated factories.
Americans (and whites in particular) are simply not choosing to pursue science and engineering education and jobs in sufficient numbers for the US to maintain its technical and innovation lead in the world economy.
If whites wish to have a successful ethnostate or even to continue to be successful within our current political system, then that will need to change.
The economic incentives already exist, as engineering salaries are quite high relative to the median income in the US. The problem is cultural.
The link below points to a list of engineering starting salaries:
They begin in the mid-$50,000’s and go up.
A friend of mine in Santa Clara, CA is a manager at a semiconductor firm, and they recently did their annual new-grad hiring. Starting salary is $82,000 plus comprehensive health care, employer matching 401k, and stock options. Not bad for a 22 year old kid with a 4 year degree taking his or her first real job.
As for the H1-B debate, the numbers will help put that into perspective. According to US gov’t statistics, there are a total of 25,278 total H1-B workers in the combined fields of “Architecture, Surveying, and Engineering”. Contrast that with 1.5 million engineers currently employed in the US and you’ll see it’s a drop in the bucket.
I realize that WNs wouldn’t want any H1-Bs and am including those stats to demonstrate that they’re not a major cause of white unemployment.
Bottom line: White parents need to set higher educational standards for their kids and encourage more of them to enter science and engineering.
“USCIS Statistics on the H1B Program for FY2009”: http://www.uscis.gov/USCIS/Resources/Reports%20and%20Studies/H-1B/h1b-fy-09-characteristics.pdf
I suspect you’re right. Any move to insource that sort of jobs can only happen after the borders are secured and third worlders deported.
Economic nationalism is the precise issue that HBDer and nominally pro-white blogger Richard Hoste raises all the time – in a very negative and hostile way. As a libertarian, he is completely opposed to it and has explicitly endorsed non-white immigration.
Every chance I get, I hammer home the fact that our establishment enemies promote free trade to send most of our jobs overseas and open borders to drive us out of what’s left. Our platform is designed from the foundation up to be in the interests of our target demographic, so it should be an easy sell once we get the ball rolling. I don’t really care what a man calls himself, if he’s for open borders and free trade, he’s anti-White.
Alt.Right has some decent material between Scott Locklin’s onanistic screeds against White Americans, Richard Hoste’s seething hatred of Jews gussied up in increasingly absurd ideological disguises, a gay satanist promoting butch faggotry, Slavophiles coughing up anti-Western propaganda, and some Jews.
I really hope this is just a phase.
Part II
I for one am sick of basically trying to get people to do what’s “good” for themselves…….i.e. stopping the guilt and self-loathing and getting them to see there ship is half-sunk with the bow up 90 degrees, only to be treated like a social leper and ostracized.
Even when I tone down the message, only feeding a little bit to people I think capable of handling it, they end up surprising me and freaking out.
I was on a date and after a couple drinks, somehow she brings up Anne Frank. I was purposely trying to avoid any controversial topic and tolerated her blabbering as long as possible, even trying to eat my shoe. Eventually, I couldn’t take it and simply said in the most watered down way I could think of “You know, there’s some evidence out there that her father may have forged the diary and he was treated in a German hospital”.
Well this simple suggestion caused WWIII with her seeming to improvise as she went along “Yes, he did edit out some sex parts but that was all” and “Yes, he was treated in a German hospital but by the Americans”.
Anyway, this has happened on a dozen separate occasions and I’m sick of “educating”.
If we’re not going to discuss the implementation of boots-on-the-ground activism in the revival of manufacturing technology in this country, then we’ve failed from the git-go. That’s unfortunate, Hunter, ’cause my youngest son (a fourth year electrical engineering student) was under the impression that the Internet non-movement was finally “getting it.” Well, it ain’t. What we’re going to do, instead, is push for a manufacturing revival concurrent with Immelt’s push for open borders and cheap Third World labor. Right? Jus’ more of the same ineffective, no-risk, E-Z money cyber-activism we’ve pushed in the past.
This is my third try at writing a post instead of a short, badly written book.
The dollar is sustained by fear, not trust, and it will collapse. Foreigners will no longer accept it. That means no more fleets of Chinese trinkets hitting our shores.
The Federal government will try massive relief programs, but they will be passing out increasingly worthless dollars. I wouldn’t doubt that there are a couple warehouses somewhere full of food rationing coupons. Those would become the new currency, just as in post-war Europe.
Most White jobs in this country are unneeded, at best. Frivolous as wedding planners, or pointless as keeping personnel statistics mandated by one government agency or another. The frivolous ones will disappear, the government jobs will remain, strangling the remaining employers.
Competition for shrinking resources will provoke racial conflict, unless the Darks choose to work cooperatively with Whites, contributing vitally needed wisdom, technological ability, and hard work to the common cause. TAJ,S
The Feds will, I suppose, try to revive industry, but given their unyielding malice towards Whites, they will insist on diversity first. Sorry, can’t restore a First World infrastructure with Dark Third World people.
So what do we do? Make ourselves useful. Learn a skill, and learn it well. There will be a huge black market in everything, including labor. I don’t know how to run a factory, but I know how to run a lathe. I can earn my keep.
Be part of a community. Join a book club or a church or a community garden or a square dance group. Read the book, “Nickel and Dimed” by the Jewish leftist Barbara Ehrenreich, and see how poor people pool their resources and manage to get by.
Have a family, and don’t worry about paying for their college or their Nikes and ipods. Just keep them away from cultural and genetic pollution as best you can.
Take up healthy hobbies and amusements that don’t call for a lot of spending. Learn a musical instrument, learn a language, learn a craft. Entertain yourself, rather than paying Blacks and Jews to entertain you.
I know the topic is re-industrialization, but if we remain a nation of candy-assed, soft-handed, easy-living cud-chewers, all those sweaty, difficult, useful jobs will go to non-Whites. Be the sort of White people that deserve their own nation.
This made my day. Welcome aboard.
// An Engineer says:
July 26, 2010 at 8:03 pm
I’m new to this whole scene. I voted for Obama and only looked at my first WN site about six months ago. But I guess now I’m a committed WN.
What about the learned injustice of the American worker? The bitching, the moaning, the chronic ingrained belief that they are underpaid and overworked? The complaining, the inability to manage their own lives and finances, the total lack of gratitude for the opportunity, the serial fatherhood, divorce, criminality and tardiness?
Lack of industry is the least of our problems.
I think some activities should be protected from economic competition. Free trade shouldn’t be a religion. But still, free trade is usually a good thing. It doesn’t necessarily mean fewer jobs. If the USA imports more goods, it has to export other things in exchange. Even though the USA imports goods made by labor-intensive industries and exports high-technology that employs fewer people, I think the country would still be OK if it was not for the massive presence of third-world immigrants.
What’s wrong is the relocation of factories in foreign countries. But you can stop the relocation of factories and still have free trade. I am no economist, and I used to think that Western governments probably knew what they were doing. Now, I no longer trust them. Economists are supposed to be technicians who rely on science and hard data, but I think the ideological pressure has an effect even on them. Most of them would rather stay politically correct. I don’t hear them much about immigration, for example.
“something that the WN movement lacks when it comes to recruiting our fellow White Americans is incentives.”
It would be great to have trade unions dedicated to the protection of white workers, or at least, trade unions that would denounce immigration and the hiring of illegals. But I think business owners also lose a lot of money on account of immigration. They have to pay higher taxes, and they have to hire non-whites. Ideally, they should fund the WN movement and pro-white trade-unions.
H1-B visas are a path to citizenship. The current crop of third world scabs isn’t the whole picture. Each year some of those invaders reach the end of the path and are naturalized. They flood the labor market undermining White wages.
In the war against working Whites H1-Bs are just one weapon in the globalist arsenal. Add to them the Asian engineers created by the displacement of Whites in the best schools by the Jew dominated admissions offices that give preference to any non-White when they can.
Then there’s the biggest threat, off shoring of jobs to third world techno-coolies, which also helps drive down the salaries of engineers and programmers.
This is another argument against miscegenators. How easily marrying a non-White turned you into an enemy of your own race, a cheerleader for globalism and White impoverishment.
“This made my day. Welcome aboard.
// An Engineer says:
July 26, 2010 at 8:03 pm
I’m new to this whole scene. I voted for Obama and only looked at my first WN site about six months ago. But I guess now I’m a committed WN.”
Ditto. Welcome aboard.
@Edison Carter
I quite agree with your idea of utilizing tariffs and capitol control. Not to mention confining technological achievements to our nation and race.
@An Engineer
I second LEW’s welcome aboard.
Yes, it is all to often we hear of people training their own replacements. The greedy owners who authorize that no doubt get a kick out of doing it.
@Ex-Pro White Activist
I wouldn’t have made this article if I didn’t want readers to discuss it and provide constructive criticism where needed.
Concerning the “Judeo-Corporatists” as you describe them, I am under no illusion that men like Mr. Immelt have our interests in mind. Some, undoubtedly, are bringing jobs back here with the hope that another amnesty is on the way to provide them with new quasi-slave labor.
But, as long as those jobs stay or come back here, our people still have a chance to get them. Plus, people are losing their patience over the Feds derelection of duty concerning immigration.
@Randy Garver
Parents should have their children strive for higher standards. No disagreement here.
But there’s another reason why not as many students go for the “hard sciences”. The change in culture as led to a change in desires. While some children today still have dreams of becoming doctors, firemen, scientists, etc., they’re now saying they want to become actors, musicians, artists, and entertainers…not in the vain of a Rudolf Valentino, Wagner, or Walt Disney.
@Matt Parrott
Please do keep on hammering. In this economy, even if people are employed, they are still worried about the job situtation and whether or not they’ll still have a job a year from now.
Thx for the links.
Sorry you had to find out what shoe leather tastes like. If I was you I would’ve replied to her feeble explanations with a simply “That’s not the point”. But at the very least you got her thinking about the topic in a whole new way.
1st: I did the article 🙂
2nd: That E-Z money is getting harder and harder to come buy, even for the tech-savy. And the immigration issue continues to heat up. Try an’ keep your chin up. And good luck to your son, that engineering degree (while not much) and knowledge will come in handy in the future.
Yes, the dollar no longer has any real value. But as the Feds and the Banks keep fooling around, the people won’t notice. Thankfully, with each passing day it gets harder and harder to keep up the facade.
And add on to those frivolous jobs all those various ones devoted to ‘Diversity’.
Soon enough all those whiners won’t have the time nor the energy to bitch.
Good points.
And keep in mind that most if not all of those econ. talking-heads on tv are in the pocket of somebody who has no interest in ‘rocking the boat’.
Matt Parrot: “I don’t really care what a man calls himself, if he’s for open borders and free trade, he’s anti-White.”
Free trade, like immigration, is a tool of Jews and globalists to undermine Western nations.
Donald: “Economic nationalism is the precise issue that HBDer and nominally pro-white blogger Richard Hoste raises all the time – in a very negative and hostile way. As a libertarian, he is completely opposed to it and has explicitly endorsed non-white immigration.”
As Sam Francis noted, no political ideology is more opposed to ethnic interests than libertarianism.
N.B. Jews oppose free trade for Israel but support it for Western countries. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
H1B visas lead to permanent residence which leads to chain migration. The H1B comes, then his wife, then his brother, then their parents. Then the whole village.
Legal immigration is actually a bigger problem than illegal immigration.
When you add up all the H1Bs, refugees, chain migrants, etc, there are currently around:
26 million LEGAL immigrants in the U.S. today.
Legals outnumber illegals by a considerable sum.
And the vast majority of legal immigrants comes from the THIRD WORLD
Kievsky might want to comment on Paul Craig Roberts’ latest.
My analysis: if PCR is right and the USA dissolves in seven years, the only industrial revitalization will be extremely localized, small-scale workshops.
That might be enough.
And for that matter, PCR’s scenario might not come to pass.
Edison Carter,
From a racial standpoint, I completely understand why White Nationalists would be against the H1-B program. I’m not trying to convince you otherwise.
Simply doing away with the H1-B program would solve a racial concern but wouldn’t address a broader economic one, which is a lack of Americans pursuing many skilled, high demand careers.
Everyone knows that as the supply of labor increases, wages decrease, but in many fields an acute lack of supply has created inflationary pressure which raises the cost of goods and services.
According to government figures, the median compensation for H1-B jobs in 2009 is $64,000. By contrast, the median income for a US adult in 2009 is $39,400.
In the health care field, many facilities have difficulty meeting minimum staffing levels. H1-Bs often earn the same as US citizens, and most are offered overtime or second jobs by managers. These are great jobs that not enough Americans are trained to fill.
Sure, do away with the H1-B program for racial reasons, but be sure to encourage your kids to pursue a career in the sciences or engineering.
Yeah, that’s a problem mainly of the media and culture today, which glorifies actors, sports starts, and other entertainers. If there’s any other ‘successful’ upper/middle class people portrayed in the media, they’re in some kind of sales position, maybe finance…you know, stuff jews are good at.
There should be a concerted effort to let kids in high school know that these jobs are out there and high-paying. Also, with the educational system, stop government funding for all these silly ‘humanities’ degrees and focus funding for these badly needed jobs. If a talented kid has to choose between a cheap or free engineering degree and a more expensive philosophy or ‘communications’ degree, that might help steer kids on more productive courses.
My God, we can’t allow that! Higher wages might break out and destroy America!
Wolf – Legal immigration is actually a bigger problem than illegal immigration.
And not just because of the raw numbers.
Illegals can be deported, its merely the lack of will thats the problem. They’re a sitting target.
A WN goverment elected tomorrow morning would hardly need to change anything legally as regards illegals, it would just need to start enforcemnt o current laws. Job done.
Legal immigrants otoh represent a whole raft of legal, moral, “racist” issues to be dealt with. Much more of a problem.
Before I started my consulting business, I worked in the guts of large company (annual revenue in the billions) where I had the misfortune of being involved in a decision to lay off the whole IT programming staff (mostly middle aged White men with families) and replacing them with Indians from this company:
It’s an Indian tech behemoth, based in Bangalore, India.
You want to know who got those White jobs?
You’re looking at them.
Notice how their Web site trumpets globalization using the meme “flat world,” an idea coined by the execrable Jewish writer and establishment apologist for globalization Thomas Friedman.
dagezhu: I don’t think that Paul Craig Roberts’ prediction will come entirely true. Withered though they may be, the states still have the political structure of independent nations. Many of them remain largely White, and given the spur of national economic disaster, they will see their own self interest. Threaten their livelihoods and watch the liberals turn White. Of course, it will be the liberals, who so infrequently do any work with their hands, who will be the ones begging for jobs.
Wolf & Lurker: The legal immigrants would not be as secure in their “citizenship” as you think, if we deported the illegals. Any government that threw the wetbacks out would be so far to the right of what we have now, that a great deal more would be possible. Anchor babies? Out. Their kids? Wouldn’t want to divide families, now would we? Out. Violent criminals? Out, after serving their sentences. Their kids? Out. White collar criminals (like those Chinese who bring their parents here and put them on Social Security.) Out, after serving their sentences. Their kids? Out. Burden to society? Receiving welfare? Out. Their kids? Out. Members of racist organizations, like the Indian American Protective League or Peruvian Dentists Association? Out. Their kids? Out. Members of subversive organizations, like the ACLU or the Democratic Party? Out. Their kids? Out.
The Reds use every possible excuse to justify importing these people, like the threat of having to live in their own cultures and get a clitorectomy, or the unending “family reunification”. We can follow their model.
Norm Matloff has discussed the H1B, foreigner, scientist and engineer issue for almost 20 years.
Everything Randy Garver discussed above and what “everyone knows” turns out to be wrong. For a start, there is no shortage of Americans studying the hard sciences and engineering. From there we learn the rest of the recitation of “facts” we hear concerning this supposed technological crisis is but a bundle of piffle.
Google Matloff for your point of departure.
When you can support an all gentile company do so. In the case of internet search that’s not possible, so support the partial gentile companies Yahoo and Microsoft. Send people to Yahoo or Bing.
Never send them to the 100% Jew controlled Google, a nest of Jewish supremacists so secure in their power and malign in their intentions that they insult the Christian country that made them rich every year by refusing to do a special Christmas logo. A Pac Man logo, on the other hand, is essential.
“Never send them to the 100% Jew controlled Google, a nest of Jewish supremacists so secure in their power and malign in their intentions that they insult the Christian country that made them rich every year by refusing to do a special Christmas logo. A Pac Man logo, on the other hand, is essential.”
I can understand from their perspective why they hate Christmas so much and don’t want to promote it. The holiday is, after all, from Germanic origins and retains much of the symbolism despite being Judeo-Christianized, of celebration of the winter solstice. Though their ultimate aim is to get rid of all religions and replace them with a one-world religion, they’re generally much more tolerant of Christianity, particularly the universalist, guilt-inducing, “turn the other cheek” aspects of it, than paganism.
“The government has a part to play in protecting good jobs. The first step is tariffs on the Third World. Tariffs were the primary form of taxation before the income tax.
The next step is capital controls. No one can become rich in a White nation and then take the money and run. That’s economic treason.”
The WN movement can do without this kind of economic ignorance. Tariffs were historically intended to fund the basic of the federal government and were used to keep some competition out. However, this is no the 19th century. American can no longer simply pull resources from the ground and utilize. No country is self sufficient in anything. Rare earths, uranium, nickel, iron, natrual gas, oil, lithium, are all important to industrial production.
I findi it interesting that Nissan, Hyundai, Honda, and others can assemble a car here profitably but near impossible for Ford and GM and Chrysler. I guess the unions over cooked their goose?
Instead of capital controls, how about implementing positive tax and regulatory policies that incentivise the creation of more wealth? This is the problem we have now; those with money and means are giving up their US citizenship or just dropping out altogether.
Free market and private property are the key aspects to a viable economy.
There are two sides to every story, and the H1-B situation is no exception. Also, Matloff is not without his critics.
But I’m not trying to sell anyone on the H1-B program. My main point was that we need to encourage more science and engineering education among US students. I think most people can agree with that statement.
If you look About.com’s list of the “Top 50 Fastest-Growing Occupations 2008-2018”, compiled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you’ll see that careers based in the sciences (physical / applied / health) thoroughly dominate.
As H. Rock White aptly pointed out, there’s aren’t many entries on this list for graduates with silly ‘humanities’ degrees .
If browns deny the White world natural resources we can do what we did the last time we needed raw materials, colonize and take them. Given that choice the browns will sell us what we want.
Free labor markets will either flood the United States with third world coolies driving White wages down to the global average or allow offshoring of enough jobs to do the same thing.
An economy without tariffs, border and capital controls is like a skinned cat, bleeding its life away until nothing but a desiccated husk remains.
The best way to encourage more science and engineering education among US students is to exclude all non-citizens from our universities and all non-citizen workers from our labor market. Provided we also have high tariff barriers this will force employers to bid up the price of skilled labor to the point where US citizens again see science and engineering as worthwhile fields, assuming that the “shortage” of such workers is real and not another corporate lie.
“An economy without tariffs, border and capital controls is like a skinned cat, bleeding its life away until nothing but a desiccated husk remains.”
That is not what I’m endorsing. The US and any country has the right to control its borders. The H1-B’s should be restricted or eliminated in times of recession. I’m against NAFTA, GATT, and other NWO crap. However, punishing tariffs so I’m forced to buy crappy products made by overpaid union slugs are not the way to go.
Capital controls are just another way of saying ‘I hate private property’. The US is bleeding capital now because of left wing scumbags.
Do I like it when an ‘American’ company chooses to domicile overseas? No, but look at the incentive they have compared to here. Years ago some corporations moved from northern states to southern states and usually choose to do business in an area that cost them the least.
If the world were on precious metals monetary standard, market imposed of course, the pay disparities would be less glaring.
I’m against unions, minimum wage laws, punishing taxation, and endorse a free market in money and private property rights and right to self contract.
Matt: yeah, what is going on over at AltRight? I really can’t pin them down anymore. I used to like the steady stream of useful info and opinion, but now it seems like more and more system-apologists are writing every article. Also, I will gladly beat the soft-handed, parasitic smugness out of Scott Locklin. What does that guy do for a living? I doubt it’s actual work.
Vic: you have to discuss ideology with chix AFTER you ‘convert them by the sword’, not before. Brainwashed women are way more receptive to a WN message once you’ve gotten intimate with them.
Whatever policies or ideology we take to as White men we will be opposed by the white/jewish anti-whites. It is in their DNA to hate whites. Reading the crappy liberal site oildrum.com anytime they come to “solutions” time it never fails that some kid won’t go on a consistent “anti-racist” theme (means anti-white but we all know that).
Lawrence & Hunter Wallace,
The replies thread to this post has hit 37. It seems to be the largest number for all posts on this page, even though it’s the newest post.
This surge alone ought to alert you that perhaps this is THE hot button issue.
Personally I think Lawrence (& A3P) have it backwards. The present message distills to, “give us political power and we’ll work socio-economic miracles.” I say to you it’s the other way around. Work socio-economic miracles and you’ll have more followers than you want.
>>none of us have the resources or the influence to actually create, much less provide these jobs to unemployed Whites.<<
No, you do have the necessary material resources. What's lacking is the required knowledge and, possibly, the inner will and direction to employ these resources. The specific question now is means.
Let's take a minor practical example.
Here's the good news and also an ugly truth. If you are located in the USA the probability is about 95% that, within 20 miles of your present position, you can easily find all the material resources necessary to set up and operate a small plant producing world class replacement brake parts. That is, cast and machine iron parts for rotors, calipers, wheel cylinders, drop forge drum brake arms and stamp and wind parts for the small bags of accessory components.
What you are lacking is knowledge (now freely available via www), definitely organization (hello perennially failing non-movement) and possibly the "right stuff" in your chromosomes (in which case it's lights out, good night).
I have written many times before that we need to be doing math and science outisde of the educational system, to reap the benefits without helping Marxist professors justify their salaries. There’s a book by John Young of European-Americans United about how to do a college degree via self study and “CLEP exams.”
Also, if you are the adventuring type, consider emigrating to Russia, learning the language, and trying to get into a university there. It’s free there, if you can get them to let you in. The language barrier is no big deal. I saw a Russian girl who didn’t speak a word of English doing a chemistry degree within a year of immigrating to the US. Even better ,learn the basics of math/science via self study here, then get a degree in Russia.
There’s a lot of options. it’s a big world. If you are a 20 something with no prospects here in the Kwa, definitely consider going to Russia to hang out and get a new perspective.
are CLEP exams still expensive? In the early 90s i had it in my mind to get an equivalency, but the price was, if i remember correctly, around $500!
How valuable is a college degree these days? It seems pretty much of a joke, so much so that I propose a law that every black kid has to go to college, no exceptions allowed.
Would you mind to write a few words that will give me a more concise feeling for the idea of “Kwa”?
Does this come from Star Wars?
Memo for Hunter Wallace,
I see your stated purpose is:
This website cannot exist without your generous support. Help Occidental Dissent expand into a true White Nationalist media organization.
This is a laudable goal. We can definitely use a real White Nationalist media organization.
For nearly a century the Jewish dominated corporate media has earned its keep by serving a profitable function for its economic supporters. It does this by the mechanism of “advertising”. Those who pay $ receive advertising time in return that – usually – results in directing paying customers in the payers’ direction. This is a “win-win” scenario for them (and 100% lose for “us”).
And any time a WN complains about hostile anti-white media they are invariably complaining about FOR PROFIT MEDIA! It’s very rare to hear complaints and non-profit media.
In this time all “White” media has operated on a more primitive level. The economic flow is one way from “Payer” to “Media”. And the White Medias have never once recognized any responsibility to leave the $upporter$ in an improved economic state.
This is a zero sum game. It’s definitely akin to how churches and other non-profit organizations operate. Only the direct employees receive any economic benefit. These benefits can sometimes be very great if the prosecutions of Jim Bakker and David Duke are to be believed. Or even the annual filings of the Simon Wiesenthal Centers.
It’s my opinion that once White Nationalist Media becomes a win-win economic proposition for both the proprietors and the $upporter$ then we’ll all be well on the road to enduring victory.
Math/Science education outside of the system:
In the 1970’s it became obvious to my wife and I that the political wind was favoring her career over mine. I dropped out of the job market and spent the majority of my adult life working as a home-maker. It didn’t take long for me to see that sending our children to school was a losing proposition.
I wasn’t a racialist per se, but I knew that I.Q. was heritable, and extrapolating from SAT scores, I could roughly guess the average I.Q. scores of college graduates with degrees in Education. So, when I left my job at the I.R.S., and we had to move to less expensive, inner-city housing, I just never re-enrolled our kids in the new school district. We just dropped of the radar. My daughter was in kindergarten. My son was in third grade.
There was no such thing as “home-schooling” in those days. We were just White-trash renegades with kids playing hooky 24/7. I was careful to avoid being noticed by government agencies, and do-good neighbors. The kids liked to sleep in late, so they naturally went through a temporal shift that made them less visible during normal school hours.
The greatest thing about all this was that we had no television. All we had were library books, chores, and a well used soccer ball. The only curriculum I imposed on the kids was one hour per day of formal mathematics study. Later on, my wife’s brother gave us a computer, and gaming became a big deal for my son. I never discouraged him, but only told him that if he wanted to learn how to create computer games, he would need to study math.
That was it. We just hung out, played soccer, played computer games, read whatever interested us, and studied math for an hour each day. As they got older, they started to take college courses. Both graduated from college at the age of 19. He got a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. She got hers in Bio-Chemistry. He now works as the creative director of a computer gaming company, and she is a dentist.
It was as easy as falling out of a tree.
My only regrets are that I wasn’t a White Nationalist during that time, and I never provided my kids with an explicitly White social science program. I was always pre-occupied with providing them with the nuts and bolts skills for surviving in the Kwa. Thanks to my efforts, they are well adapted to the system that I hate.
Great story, Jimmy Marr! You did real good!
It’s always great to read about new people coming out of the woodwork as recent converts to WN views.
Honestly, I don’t know how someone could make the transition from voting for Obama to being WN in such a short period of time but I’m glad it can happen.
sth_txs writes:
“However, punishing tariffs so I’m forced to buy crappy products made by overpaid union slugs are not the way to go.”
I see Cambodian women are in the news. Pretty dramatic pictures of them being beaten by riot police armed with shields and clubs. They are striking to get a raise from the $1.60 a day they are currently paid. The factory makes clothes for Adidas and The Gap.
So, we’ll stick with your “no-tarrifs’ rule and we can all continue to buy overpriced clothes that were made in Asian sweatshops and be satisfied that no (white American) “union slugs” were overpaid in their manufacture.
Or, perhaps we should follow your other bit of brilliant philosophy and get rid of minimum wage laws so White Americans can bid their wages down to be competitive with Cambodians.
Worldwide tarrif-free trade never made any sense, and still doesn’t.
The feminist will never allow our industry back.