There has been a lot of back and forth recently about whether or not WN is at the stage where we could/should increase the amount of boots-on-the-ground activism right now or if we still need to hone in on the mysterious “It” that will give us that revolutionary advantage before we can really begin to see turnout and participation. Well, this post is not going to be about that, rather it is about something overlooked in that debate that can help us right now and in the future with recruiting potential followers.
Regardless of what ideologies, economic systems, etc. we wish to promote, something that the WN movement lacks when it comes to recruiting our fellow White Americans is incentives. Now for us, the ‘awakened’, fighting to preserve our race, nation, and homeland(s) is enough incentive for us. We already know, through research, experience, and common sense, that a White society is a safe, clean, and prosperous society. But what about those who may be inclined to our views, or will be in the future, but are not attracted to us? In short, what do we offer them once we have the ‘power to change’?
Although we may wish otherwise, our world has become very materialistic and self-serving. There is, at the very least, a subconscious thought of “What’s in it for me?” when it comes to people’s decisions. These thoughts are not always derived from selfishness; men and women with families have to think about what is in their best interests not just for themselves but for their spouses & children and sometimes their extended families. Young Whites who wish to have families, like myself, have to be able to plan carefully before taking risks that could threaten their very livelihood, not just comfort.
So how do we entice these potential activists and warriors towards our cause? One way, is by emphasizing jobs. But not just any jobs. I am talking about promoting the return of industry: manufacturing, machining, chemical, and high-tech jobs. A return to when Americans built our own tools, furniture, TVs, computers, etc. and were paid wages were one could have and maintain a comfortable family lifestyle. Where both spouses don’t have to have two full-time jobs just to make ends meat and can’t fulfill their dream of having three, four, or five kids and have to settle for one…if any. Jobs which give the worker a sense of worth, by building something for his people’s benefit.
Now obviously, unless we have a tycoon or two reading here, none of us have the resources or the influence to actually create, much less provide these jobs to unemployed Whites. But we have to be able to put forward the notion that we will fight to keep and bring in more jobs that emphasize manufacturing, engineering, and infrastructure. This attitude is similar to the A3P’s stance on globalization. We should take this position and incorporate it into our plans for the White Ethno-State. The plan here is so that we can go back to building and making our own items. Perhaps we should consider creating something like a union? Perhaps we can set up some kind of trust so that we can offer scholarships to students majoring in engineering, physics, etc. Or we can have some kind of referral system whereby we can forward people to apprenticeship programs e.g. Boilermaker, HVAC, etc.
Granted there’s currently a limit on what we can do directly, but from a political angle the issue of jobs in general is a hot issue in this free-falling economy of ours. We need to tell people, along with our pro-White message, how Multi-national businesses are off-shoring to places like China, Mexico, and India, not because the laborers are smarter or work harder (which they do/are neither), but because these foreign governments have very lax labor, workplace, and environmental laws in place; and because the different rate of exchange means that they can pay the workers literally pennies on the dollar. Not to mention there is, more often than not, a decrease in the quality of products that were once produced in a White nation after production moved to a third-world country.
Back in June, the CEO of America’s largest manufacturer, GE’s Jeffrey Immelt, stated that manufacturing jobs should comprise at least 20% of the U.S. Economy. I would argue that perhaps they should make up at least 30%, but at least he’s got the right idea. The point is that we have to get across to the average Joe and Jane that once we regain control of our country (or as much of it as we can get at first) we’ll be able to help them, directly or indirectly, have opportunities for jobs. Real American Jobs.
Jackson: If mandating wages worked, socialist and communist countries would be an economic success.
Minimum wage laws hurt small business; corporations probably don’t like it but easily pass on the costs to everyone. Such a stupid law makes costs go up for everyone, even those you supposedly want to help. In that case, why not make minimum wage $20/hour and we can all be rich? I guess freedom of contract means nothing to you?
And yes, tariffs should be as low as possible. You are welcome to start a business that produces clothes and employs white people. If you think ludicrous tariffs would help, good luck.
Anyway Jackson, you really need some basic economics education.
sth_txs: Economic efficiency is not the highest goal of a White Nationalist, nor of any nationalist. Owning twenty pairs of shoes per capita or a Humvee and a Lexus, or a 3000 sq ft house are not measures of anything we ought to value. True, material extravagance has always been a mark of status, from the time the first caveman wore feathers in his beard, but higher humans have always given respect to less visible, more durable qualities. We would not be the first people to try to found a society on a higher principles, nor the first to fail, but we surely should do something to counteract this present, Jewish-built culture of vanity and vice.
Good post and comments.
Robotics is the way to go. That, coupled with a decreased population and higher education standards, will go a long way toward curing a lot of our economic ills. A WN government should encourage the development and use of robotics by subsidizing the technology and heavy tax incentives to utilitize it.
The technology is perfect for agriculture and low paying manufacturing industries while providing good paying jobs to design, build, maintain and repair robotics and the related tech that goes along with it.
The Japanese are moving towards this model instead of importing cheap, racially alien labor to replace an aging population.
Free trade, like multiculturalism, is simply another weapon of the jews’ in their endless racial warfare against Whites. Like racial nationalism, economic nationalism is an absolute 100% requirement if we are ever able to build a safe, clean, orderly society wherein we can raise our children. Economic nationalism helps buttress social conservatism as well, for it is only in a country where good paying jobs are plentiful that a single income can support a family, thus allowing the wife/mother to STAY HOME and raise the kids instead of plopping them down in front of the Talmudvision & the PS3 to have their minds poisoned while she, like her husband, has to work 12 – 15 hours a day.
Please note that jew-libertarian economics is bad for whites even if it were to be implemented in an all-white nation. The sort of greedy sociopaths who tend to wind up running giant corporations would still want to use their money/power to scotch any attempt by working-class Whites to organize in their own economic interests (unions, guilds); eliminate workplace safety rules or pure food and drug laws; prevent paying working Whites anything more than pennies a day, if THAT; and finally block any recourse to the law by warping the political system in their favor through bribes – excuse me, “campaign contributions.” That is not the kind of place that is conducive to the social harmony and ordered liberty which is the hallmark of a true White civilization. Sooner or later those selfsame Robber Barons would be pushing once more for off-shoring and open borders immigration, all in the name of “cheap labor” and “competition,” White Nationalism be damned. Why not? It’s exactly what happened the last time.
Jews were able to accelerate the process of decay the first time this went down, but as someone once said, they are in many ways an opportunistic disease. The often times violent labor-management strife from the 1880s – 1930s, exacerbated by the rise of jew Marxism, had already turned whites against one another in a poisonous atmosphere of mutual antagonism and mistrust. Jews, along with their negro and hispanic tools, were able to play upon these divisions in order to ride to power. But in a truly race-conscious nation, one that had embraced not just racial but also economic nationalism as a means to help protect and preserve the White genotype, the free-market mania would never have been able to gain so much as a toehold. This is because they would be able to recognize that there is much, much more to life than mere production, and that some things are far more important than chits of paper with dead presidents on them.
Free trade, like multiculturalism, is simply another weapon of the jews’ in their endless racial warfare against Whites. Like racial nationalism, economic nationalism is an absolute 100% requirement if we are ever able to build a safe, clean, orderly society wherein we can raise our children.
Economic nationalism helps buttress social conservatism as well, for it is only in a country where good paying jobs are plentiful that a single income can support a family, thus allowing the wife/mother to STAY HOME and raise the kids instead of plopping them down in front of the Talmudvision & the PS3 to have their minds poisoned while she, like her husband, has to work 12 – 15 hours a day.
Please note that jew-libertarian economics is bad for whites even if it were to be implemented in an all-white nation. The sort of greedy sociopaths who tend to wind up running giant corporations would still want to use their money/power to scotch any attempt by working-class Whites to organize in their own economic interests (unions, guilds); eliminate workplace safety rules or pure food and drug laws; prevent paying working Whites anything more than pennies a day, if THAT; and finally block any recourse to the law by warping the political system in their favor through bribes – excuse me, “campaign contributions.”
That is not the kind of place that is conducive to the social harmony and ordered liberty which is the hallmark of a true White civilization. Sooner or later those selfsame Robber Barons would be pushing once more for off-shoring and open borders immigration, all in the name of “cheap labor” and “competition,” White Nationalism be damned. Why not? It’s exactly what happened the last time.
Jews were able to accelerate the process of decay the first time this went down, but as someone once said, they are in many ways an opportunistic disease. The often times violent labor-management strife from the 1880s – 1930s, exacerbated by the rise of jew Marxism, had already turned whites against one another in a poisonous atmosphere of mutual antagonism and mistrust. Jews, along with their negro and hispanic tools, were able to play upon these divisions in order to ride to power.
But in a truly race-conscious nation, one that had embraced not just racial but also economic nationalism as a means to help protect and preserve the White genotype, the free-market mania would never have been able to gain so much as a toehold. This is because they would be able to recognize that there is much, much more to life than mere production, and that some things are far more important than chits of paper with dead presidents on them.
Ex Pro White Activist wrote:
‘If you are located in the USA the probability is about 95% that, within 20 miles of your present position, you can easily find all the material resources necessary to set up and operate a small plant producing world class replacement brake parts. That is, cast and machine iron parts for rotors, calipers, wheel cylinders, drop forge drum brake arms and stamp and wind parts for the small bags of accessory components.
Yeah, maybe you *can* do it, but can you get away with it?
‘many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.
As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from “diverting” water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.’
If it’s illegal to divert rainwater, it’s probably illegal to start up a home-based business crafting artisanal brake components.
Execrable claptrap.
From my viewpoint, socialism under ‘white rule’ is just as awful as socialism under some African mambo.
And this nonsense of ‘jew-libertarianism’ is just that. America was basically a libertarian society for the first 50 to 100 years to a large extent.
A corporate structure has a legitamate place in society, but the problem is that corporations have been granted personhood and thanks to political lobbying no longer really responsible when it does something criminal.
If you want to rage against a corporation, start with the one that debases the currency known as the Federal Reserve. Run by Jews for sure, but this would no better under a bunch of WASP.
Anyone who tells me what I should be able to pay people can go screw themselves.
>>If it’s…it’s probably….<<
I read the article. The people at the practical end of that water collection law – Mark Miller Toyota – were able to get a permit to collect rainwater. Personally I think both our points are proven. Mine is that sufficient willpower can overcome apparent obstacles. As far as I can see your point is that people looking for an excuse to not do anything can readily find one.
But never mind. You have found your reason not to study, not to work, not to exert yourself. "Lawrence of Appalachia" has his ready excuse, too. He believes he's stalemated by a lack of magical printed pieces of paper that say "Federal Reserve Note" on them. Or, even more ludicrous, it's a lack of phosphor dot and electron tokens representing such paper. So he lacks derivative fiat money of fiat money.
As far as I can see he considers "Special" cellulose to be the only true wealth. Many others in this thread also easily slipped away into wise sounding nothings arguing about tariffs, marginal tax rates or half a dozen other things they will never be able to affect.
Lawrence's irrational beliefs about paper have led him into Checkmate, not Stalemate. It is impossible to free yourself from a slave master when you consider you cannot survive without him.
I predict, without much fear of contradiction, that even if a "tycoon" were to deliver a semi-load of this Special Cellulose Paper to Lawrence, he still would not be able to create either white jobs or products of value.
Harvard MBA Rick Wagoner, his entire “elite” board of directors and the UAW recently demonstrated how it’s possible to fail despite effectively possessing hundreds of billions in capital equipment, a trained workforce and brand name goodwill.
The current generation of white Americans have infinitely more in common with them than with some distantly remembered group of inventor, engineers, machinists and craftsmen from a century ago.
This is germane to the discussion, and very appropo.
That lack of cash that presents itself as an obstacle is really only the medium of exchange for those items of material and equipment we think we need. Actually, a whole list of apparent obstacles holds us back, but the lack of ready cash is the easiest obstacle to recognize and to discuss. As a result there is often too much discussion and too little practical work done. What is really needed is to put the whole matter into perspective so that apparent obstacles can be put aside and we can get on with the business at hand.
This was written by the late David Gingery. He actually built precision machine tools from junk using common tools. It would be difficult to improve on his original series as a starting point for training real machinists. Retired mechanical engineer tool designers were so impressed they built high school graduate Gingery’s series. And so have Ph.d aerospace engineers. I only mention this for the benefit of knaves who require an academic imprimatur.
Our real problems are not bad laws or a lack of special cellulose blessed by Rabbi Bernanke. It’s a lack of willpower, knowledge, skill and ability. This is compounded by a vice of immoral greed for E-Z speculative profits.
Mr. Marr must write a full length exposition on his children’s education. For the most part the college educated I work with are lazy dullards, and I do not think for a second that the new economy will treat them as they think they need to be treated.
I think a new ciriculum is in order.
sth_tsx: If you think that socialism under White rule is no better than socialism under African rule, I think your priorities are misplaced. First off, if Blacks are in charge of any system, the weaknesses of that system will be amplified. For example, I might not like to ride on airplanes, but if the crew and maintenance staff were Black, it would be a hell of a lot riskier.
Second, I place the continued existence of my people and culture ahead of prosperity. The White race can recover from socialism or poverty, but not from a major infusion of African genes.
I make no argument here for any particular economic arrangements, only that those arrangements or practices that are destructive of our people and culture ought be restrained. Every last individualist that doesn’t live in the woods, dressed in skins, hunting and gathering using only tools they made themselves, is dependent on a community and has some level of obligation to that community.
BTW, I agree with you about minimum wage laws, and probably a number of other economic issues too. Paying a lousy worker a lousy wage is not destructive of our people.
Ex Pro-White Activist: Most Whites have almost no personal experience of production. The last time they made anything with their hands was something for Mother’s Day back in the third grade, using paper, sissors, and glue. These people need to get to a community college and take some shop classes before they can build anything.
Anyone who advocates for free trade is advocating for the utter dispossession of white Americans whether they understand that fact or not. That is the only result of forcing the American middle class to compete against 25 cent an hour wages in non-white slave societies. The housing bubble is not the cause of our current economic woes, it’s collapse has just revealed the real jobless economy that has existed for the past ten years since most of our industry was off-shored. The housing bubble was just a scam to pump fake money into the system to cover up the damage done by unprotected trade.
One of the main reasons kids shun practical college majors for wishy washy pursuits is the influence of all these leftist teachers employed in the local school system. There were a lot of popular “cool” hipster teachers at my high school in Arlington Heights, an upper middle class suburb full of arrogant, dreamy, sheltered young types. These teachers encouraged vast numbers of students to go off to college and spend 60K of their parents money pursuing such practical majors as “voice,” “drama,” and “literature.” They made it sound like any college degree was this magical piece of paper that we could just take and walk into the Sears Tower the day after our graduation and get set up in some cushy job sitting at a desk and pulling in easy money. Well I found that “history” degree I got absolutely worthless for anything other than washing dishes at the local restaurant. It is having our school system filled with unhelpful ideologues like these marxist humanities teachers that has so ill prepared the last few generations of white children to get anywhere in the real world.
Nightowl: One of the many vile reasons the Regime promotes college attendance is to emasculate young White men. Classrooms full of females, feminism pushed at every opportunity, “Take Back the Night” anti-male vigils, “women’s voices” literature classes, and bad grades if you let any sexist heresies slip out. At a time when young men are leaving their mamas, when they should be learning to act like adult males, they are put into sissy utopia. Why would males subjected to four or more years of such things be expected to act like men? I would encourage all young White men, even the brainiacs, to spend a couple years at least learning a skill or two at a community college. Even the prospective engineers will benefit from having first hand experience of how the physical world works. And nobody will mind if they take calculus instead of shop math.
“Most Whites have almost no personal experience of production. The last time they made anything with their hands was something for Mother’s Day back in the third grade, using paper, sissors, and glue.”
I agree wholeheartedly. The real skills deficits are massive and growing. And no mountain of Federal Reserve Notes alone can cure these deficits, no matter how many forests are clear cut to provide paper to print them. Only study and practical application can do so.
Machine shops are going out of business every day. Go on the Craigslist for sale classifieds in any major city and they’re full of professional machine tools.
Why, because we don’t protect our industry. We don’t have tariffs. If you open a machine shop you’re competing with Chinese shops that will do the work for 1/10th the price. Walmarts are full of ‘retired’ machinists stocking shelves and running cash registers.
That’s why most Whites have lost interest in manufacturing careers, not laziness or vice.
Machine shops are going out of business every day. Go on the Craigslist for sale classifieds in any major city and they’re full of professional machine tools.
They’re full of antiques. Some can be retrofitted for further service.
Haas, Hardinge, Emco and Mazak style VMCs are where it’s at. Servos, steppers and ballscrews. Also CAD & CAM. Do these words mean anything to you? Here are the guts of the robotics someone else mentioned. Relearning the fundamental skills are the starting point. They’re not the final destination.
Walmarts are full of ‘retired’ machinists stocking shelves and running cash registers.
They’re working alongside “retired” real estate agents, “retired” stock brokers, “retired” Certified Financial Planners, “retired” corporate employee-engineers and History Majors who never found anything better.
But that’s okay. You have your reason for personal inaction and your “someone else do it” solution. To implement your prescribed policy all someone need do for you (it’s a given you won’t do it) is obtain veto proof majorities in both Houses of Congress, total control of the Executive branch and a 5 justice majority on the Supreme Court.
You say I’m impractical? OK. Now show me a credible road-map for obtaining the sort of political dominance required to implement your solution: tariffs. Don’t worry. I’m not holding my breath waiting on you to come through.
I no longer work in manufacturing. The choices I made as the economy was changed on us have taken me elsewhere, equally unremunerative. Yes, the screws were put on the skilled tradesmen, but some of them are still at work. Yes, they make less than they used to, but don’t most honest lines of work? Is the solution to work in retail, to become a medical biller, or to count beans for Goldman-Sachs? Is a degree in history or communications or marketing a better investment than learning something useful? Maybe with your certificate in machining or welding you get a first job turning discs in a brake shop or making trailer hitches. Shitty dirty jobs, yes, so what? Don’t be a candy ass.
In not too many years, old guys like me might be re-training accountants how to turn aluminum. Does anyone think the ponzi economy will recover? Will China ship us trinkets forever, in exchange for increasingly worthless scraps of paper? This country needs manufacturing, and if we can’t get in done in Asia, we’ll need to do it here. WN should be more than keyboard revolutionaries, they should be economic revolutionaries as well.
You seem to know a lot about it. How’s your machine shop doing competing with third world coolies who will undercut you by 90%?
What’s that, you don’t have a machine shop? You’re just blowing a lot of hot air? Who knew?
It will be easier than promoting most White Nationalist ideas. Convert the Tea Party to economic nationalism. Most polls (which are rarely done) show that the majority opposes “free trade.” Support populist candidates in the primaries. Many Democrats would side with us on this, even non-whites. So will many Republicans. If we can’t win on an easy issue like this we might as well pack it in.
sth_txs believes that “socialism under ‘white rule’ is just as awful as socialism under some African mambo,” and of course sth_txs is very wrong. democratic socialism such as has been practiced for decades in the Scandinavian countries is worlds different from the jew-Marxist central planning that was the hallmark of the tyrannical judeo-Soviet Union.
Add to democratic socialism a pro-active racial consciousness/racial nationalism which mandates NO JEWS & NO MUDS, ends so-called “corporate personhood” and refuses to allow White humans to be treated as mere beasts of burden to be used and discarded like so much soiled toilet paper and you pretty much have an ideal state in which Whites can not only survive but thrive.
I am not a cog. I am not a resource. I am a White human being. There are more important things in this life than just money. Securing the existence of our people and a future worth living in for white children is chief among them.
I hope you pass on what you know to a few young white boys near you. They’ll need it for the hard times upon us.
And good luck to you, Edison. I’ll be waiting with immense anticipation for that January 2011 announcement from the Tea Party dominated US Congress that the USA is withdrawing from GATT and NAFTA. Or will it take until January 2013 for you to work your E-Z political magic?
Just one question:
Most polls (which are rarely done) show that the majority opposes “free trade.”
Is this the same poll majority that for decades has consistently opposed illegal immigration, most “legal” immigration and affirmative action? Never mind.
My hat’s off to you if you demonstrate you can rouse this slumbering majority from their torpor. I have one son finishing his B.S. in Computer Science next spring. Another will graduate with a B.S. in Engineering in May, 2012. For these reasons GT & I prefer an early 2011 date to the 2013 time frame for completing your E-Z program.
“sth_txs believes that “socialism under ‘white rule’ is just as awful as socialism under some African mambo,” and of course sth_txs is very wrong. democratic socialism such as has been practiced for decades in the Scandinavian countries is worlds different from the jew-Marxist central planning that was the hallmark of the tyrannical judeo-Soviet Union.”
Socialism is pure garbage no matter who run its. The Scandinavian countries are an illusion. Most of this garbage came around the the time FDR, an administration infiltrated with commies.
Again, sound money, private property, freedom of contract, limited government such as America in the first 100 years or so would do nicely.
Anything less is detrimental.
sth_tsx: “Socialism is pure garbage no matter who runs it”. Perhaps, but I’d rather eat overripe fruit than overripe chicken. Not all garbage is the same, and it’s better to be ruled by mere fools than merciless enemies. I’m no fan of the way the Scandinavians pamper their layabouts, but it’s better than North Korea, no?
The American Republic is finished, because not enough of its people have the necessary character to be citizens. They are subjects. They are the majority and they don’t want limited government. Can you imagine them voting against Social Security and all the other goodies the Feds feed them? So be it. Any restoration of our country would require a government powerful enough to keep these masses of cattle in line. Better to limit the franchise at this point than to limit the government.
And how would you create sound money? I’m all for it, but I don’t know how it’s done. I expect it has something to do with having sound people and sound products.
Yes, and immigration is the issue that’s awakening White America to the dangers they face. Combine immigration control with economic nationalism and you have a winning White Nationalist program.
‘Free trade’ is unpopular.
How’s your machine shop doing?
“The American Republic is finished, because not enough of its people have the necessary character to be citizens. They are subjects. They are the majority and they don’t want limited government.”
Well, hell what can I say to that? Jay Leno’s Jaywalkers have the country.
“And how would you create sound money?”
Abolish the legal tender laws which block competing monies.
Money is whatever the buyer and seller agree it to be.
Money and schools are horror chambers due to state enforced monopolies. (All monopolies are of the state)
“Well, what the hell can I say to that?” sth_txs
Your name is unfamiliar to me, so your may be a newer poster here than I am, but the idea that the U.S. government lacks legitimacy is normal here. So are ideas about secession, mass deportation of aliens, jailing the ruling elite, and a host of other revolutionary beliefs. The common thread among us is the well-being of our people, which are most broadly defined as White or Caucasian. (It is not, BTW, settled among us just who falls into that White category.) If democracy no longer serves us, then democracy is dispensable. And since our Rulers, against the wishes of the large majority of the American people, chose to flood the nation with foreigners, who now are becoming the majority, democracy clearly does not serve us, nor has it served us for decades.
Historically, governments that represented anyone besides an aristocracy have been very rare. There are many examples of successful societies ruled by kings or chieftains or priesthoods or councils of elders or some other dominant individual or group. The U.S. is presently ruled by an administrative elite that not mere exploits the masses, but actively hates them and works to displace them with other, imported people. Better to be ruled by Theodoric, the Gothic ruler of Italy or by Henry the 8th than by Obama and his Masters and minions.
Believing that the current government and economy will not sustain themselves for long, many of us are concerned with what sort of government and economy will replace them. We don’t want to just be carried along the flash flood of history, we want to put an oar in the water and help ourselves and our people. I’d be interested in what the hell you could say to that.
“Abolish the legal tender laws which block competing monies.
Money is whatever the buyer and seller agree it to be.”
So it’s your position this policy will usher in the Millenium? Boy oh boy, today is your lucky day! Tabula Raza COME ON DOWN! The price is really right!!!!
Is U.S. currency legal tender for all debts?
“According to the “Legal Tender Statute” (section 5103 of title 31 of the U.S. Code), “United States coins and currency (including Federal Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues.” This means that all U.S. money, as identified above, when tendered to a creditor legally satisfies a debt to the extent of the amount (face value) tendered.”
“However, no federal law mandates that a person or an organization must accept currency or coins as payment for goods or services not yet provided. For example, a bus line may prohibit payment of fares in pennies or dollar bills.”
“Some movie theaters, convenience stores and gas stations as a matter of policy may refuse to accept currency of a large denomination, such as notes above $20, and as long as notice is posted and a transaction giving rise to a debt has not already been completed, these organizations have not violated the legal tender law.”
Yowza yowza yowza! Brothers and sisters, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is at hand! The Federal Reserve indeed says “money is whatever the buyer and seller agree it to be.”
And it’s always been that way. Huh? Then how in the hell did everything get so fouled up?
So are you ready to join Discard, GT and me in discussing the creation of values? Or are you still stuck with Edsel Carter on the trading of values created by others?
EPWA: Claire Wolfe has suggested that .22 ammunition would be a good medium of exchange for ordinary purchases. No doubt every craft could quickly come up with its own currency, nails among carpenters, copper wire among electricians, spices among cooks. Sounds primitive, but that’s exactly what productive people do when they have no other trustworthy money. It’s what Russians did under Soviet control. People would buy whatever was available in the stores, know that they could trade it later for something they could use. Not as efficient as dollars, but at least you’re dealing with actual value, and not feeding the taxman and the financial class.
In the 50s, my father made partial payment on medical bills by sending his sons to do the doctor’s yard work. The doctor sweetened the pot by letting us eat all the fruit we wanted off his trees. If you have ever worked in one of those parts of town crammed with little 1000 sq ft shops, picture framers and welders and furniture repair and machinists and auto electrical and window shade installers, you know that barter works. Cash is preferred, but payment in kind will do. They may not be titans of industry, but these people are actually creating and exchanging things of value, without anyone’s permission. That’s how real communities work.
So are you ready to join Discard, GT and me in discussing the creation of values? Or are you still stuck with Edsel Carter on the trading of values created by others? – Ex-Pro White Activist
I thought you were GT. Or maybe you’re the other guy, whose articles used to appear on FAEM in the old days when Frenz was still alive. Well, I’ve got some questions – what happened to GT’s archive of do-it-yourself manuals and the like re: self-education, is there any way to find that material now? You mentioned machining – are there any free resources to start with for someone who’s a bit strapped for cash at the moment?
Kasimir Petrenko: I don’t know anything about FAEM, but try googling David Gingery, the man mentioned above by Ex Pro-White Activist on July 28 at 2:00 pm. Try Craigslist, as mentioned above by Edison Carter on July 28 at 11:30 pm. Go to your local junior college for training. It’s a lot smaller investment than going to college for a degree in Knavery or White Groveling.
EPWA: Haas, Hardinge, Emco and Mazak style VMCs are where it’s at. Servos, steppers and ballscrews. Also CAD & CAM. Do these words mean anything to you?
EC:You seem to know a lot about it. How’s your machine shop doing competing with third world coolies who will undercut you by 90%?
Machinists may be starving in the USA, but EPWA might be writing from Germany or some other region.
In Asia, machinists make enough to eat, but they’re not booming.
Germany and Italy have a lot of experts in the machining business.
Remember, there are whites who live outside the USA.
What some on this and other WN sites – and especially on jew-safe, patriotard sites – fail to recognize is that aside from the small faction of objectivist/libertarian fanatics, there is no constituency for returning to the Gilded Age. Laissez faire is not an economic system conducive to White Nationalism as its workings tend to systematically undermine White civilization. It does this by deliberately wrecking the white middle class via job outsourcing; facilitating race replacement through brown immigration in the name of “cheap labor,” and concentrating all of the wealth (and power) into the hands of greedy jewish plutocrats who then use their stolen gold to buy elections. The recent Supreme Court decision regarding corporate campaign contributions will make this trend exponentially worse in the near future.
That is why the jews currently in charge are actively working to drag us all down the hellish road to 19th century laissez faire again. They do this because they know that the policies outlined above, once in place, are good for jews, and bad for Whites. Again: preserving the White race and returning it to a position of mastery over the world is the most important thing. Economic ideas which are conducive to that should be retained, whilst those that are not should be chucked.
Of course, not all Whites feel the same way regarding matters economic, as discussions on this and other sites can attest. Also, it may be that my ideas regarding laissez faire are incorrect – I don’t believe that they are, but I am willing to consider the possibility in the matter, and keep an open mind. Best to leave economic problems to be hashed out AFTER we manage to set up a proper White ethnostate.
interesting article.. I like your point of view on this matter. Although there are a couple points I oppose on I think you did a great job purposing your perspective. TY.
One point of disagreement, Irma Grese: I don’t think that mastery over the world has been good for Whites. “Invade the world, invite the world”, as some say. Mastery over our own house should be enough.
“You mentioned machining – are there any free resources to start with for someone who’s a bit strapped for cash at the moment?”
1. For “free” start at Google Books. The complete archives of Popular Science and Popular Mechanics are online there. There is full text & graphics of every issue extending back into the late 19th Century. The amount of practical technical know-how offered is incredible.
2. Youtube now has thousands of clips featuring machine tools of all kinds in operation. There is much else relevant to machining such as small scale foundry operations, “hand scraping”, etc.
3. The Dave Gingery series is available at Lindsay Technical Books.
You can get used copies at Amazon but the new prices are so cheap why bother? Lots of other interesting items at Lindsay’s, too.
I suggest Gingery’s LATHE, METAL SHAPER, MILLING MACHINE & DELUXE ACCESSORIES books. These projects require small scale aluminum castings. We’re talking about a “bucket foundry” the size of a 5 gallon metal bucket. Dave Gingery used a 1 quart cast iron pot and BBQ charcoal briquettes for his aluminum foundry.
Yes, you can “buy” machine tools on Craigs List. Once in a blue moon you can find quality South Bend, LeBlond and Hendey lathes and old Bridgeport mills. These invariably need of serious overhaul to restore them to accuracy. Just do a little bed & ways hand scraping to 1/1000″ precision, squirt in some Moglice and you’re in business. I’m assuming Edison Carter knows all about this so I’ll let him discuss the ins and outs of buying and overhauling used machine tools to restore them to precision.
More commonly what you’ll get are used Harbor Freight Chinese mills with E-Z cracking plastic gears, lathe beds with serious sand inclusions in the castings and the rest of their world-renowned quality.
What you can’t buy on Craigs List is skill. That only comes from studying and doing. That’s a primary purpose for building the Gingery series.
For small scale foundry technology itself I prefer the following author over Dave Gingery’s books:
Steve’s a mechanical engineer (for those stuck on academic credentials). He got his degree because he was “doing”, not the other way around. Several of his books were written pre-BSME. These two complement the Gingery books nicely.
Metal Casting: A Sand Casting Manual for the Small Foundry, VOLUME 1 paperback: 208 pages
Metal Casting: A Sand Casting Manual for the Small Foundry, VOLUME 2 Paperback: 192 pages
Moving on to the 21st Century…
We cannot match one white machinist against one Indian machinst. (Note to Edison Carter, the Indians are already undercutting the Chinese on wages here). We must therefore automate. Our future factories will be robotic. So let’s add the necessary skills, starting with ultra low cost:
Electronic Leadscrew. A retired German electrical engineer named Fritz Linck began developing this as an alternative to more expensive stepper and servo motor CNC systems.
http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/E-LeadScrew/ contains the archives and ongoing discussion. fyi, Group Leader John Dammeyer used his “Gingery” lathe as a development example.
This is a clip of Dammeyer’s E-Leadscrew Gingery lathe in action turning a taper.
This is one of the largest vBulletin communities in existence. The subject is “Computer Numerical Control” for machinetools. The Zone also covers much else about the manufacturing arts.
This is enough for several weeks of intensive skimming and many months of intensive study.
EPWA, Discard,
Thanks a lot for the responses. That’s quite a wealth of info there!
Irma Grese: “Laissez faire / its workings tend to systematically undermine White civilization”
Laissez-faire is the policy of limiting government intervention. I think it is usually bad for a country to have too much government intervention, or too little government intervention. We have to strike the right balance. But the real problem is when the government and the media are anti-White. Today, much of government intervention is aimed at replacing White people with non-Whites.
Job outsourcing can be considered as part of a laissez-faire policy. But mass immigration is largely due to the hijacking of socialist policies. Instead of letting people take care of themselves, the government has gradually created a collective welfare system. I think it was a good thing in the beginning. But the welfare system is now used to attract huge numbers of immigrants and to help them breed big families. The Whites are made to pay for their own collective replacement.
We need a welfare system where White money is used to support White people only. Both libertarian and socialist policies can be used against White people. It isn’t clear which is worse. The only real solution is racial separation.
“what happened to GT’s archive of do-it-yourself manuals and the like re: self-education, is there any way to find that material now?”
I asked for its removal. We decided it was a mistake to promote ethno-communitarianism on a pseudo-racialist website comprised of William F. Buckley-types who are simply hoping to use anti-immigration sentiment to promote a “nationalist” economic program that allows them preserve E-Z money class privileges and justifies the continuation of failed, JBS-style political tactics.
Here are more links for you:
Online Approved DOE Technical Standards 1001-2000
DOE Fundamentals Handbook, Classical Physics (142 pages)
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series – “Here are the 24 Navy Electricity and Electronics modules (NEETs) used by Navy and Marine Corp Technicians. These modules form the basis of all the basic electricity/electronic training needed to be mastered before going on to Navy/Marine Corp speciality training.”
Courtesy of Shop Dawg:
Navy Machine Shop Training
14 files consisting of Chapter 1 – Chapter 9, Glossary, Reference, and appendix A, B, and C.
Navy Fluid Power ( NAVEDTRA 14105 )
Complete self-study course on hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Naval Construction Electrician Courses
Basic and Intermediate
Naval Steelworker I&II
Two volume course on steel working and fabrication including cutting and various methods of welding.
Naval Tool Course
Classic “this is a wrench..” course on hand tools and proper use.
Ex-Pro White Activist,
thanks for the links.
This question might be impolite, but I fear it’s necessary: Are you, Ex-Pro White Activist, currently operating a machine shop within the USA and meeting expenses?
Edison Carter commented:
You seem to know a lot about it. How’s your machine shop doing competing with third world coolies who will undercut you by 90%?
What’s that, you don’t have a machine shop? You’re just blowing a lot of hot air? Who knew?
I personally have a lot of technical knowledge and technical skills (not in machining). However, I have often noted a difference between technical skills and the ability to turn a profit from technical skills.
Personally, I’ve spent many years and much money developing computer skills. I’d like to think that my computer work added real value, although clearly it was not as concrete as machining. However, I have noted that many highly skilled computer guys get very little monetary profit from their skills.
I definitely support the notion that each man should be proactive about creating value. However, I would like to know whether EPWA is making an actual profit from a machining business within the USA. If EPWA is retired and just spends money on machining as a hobby, perhaps EPWA has a lot of technical skill, but is not a credible source of advice on turning a profit.
“Combine immigration control with economic nationalism and you have a winning White Nationalist program. ‘Free trade’ is unpopular.”
Exactly! My thoughts in a nutshell.
The best welder I ever knew never made more than $30,000 a year from his own business. He practically lived in his shop, so it wasn’t laziness. Technical skills and business skills are not always found in the same person.
If you want to work for yourself, you’d better enjoy your work, because you’ll be putting in a lot of unpaid hours. A shitty job working for someone else is tolerable because after 3:30, as well as the weekends, you’re on your own time. Not so for the self-employed. Come Monday, your people will be at the door ready to work and be paid for it, along with your creditors. You may have to spend your weekend hustling instead of at the lake.
What values can we create that will preserve our race? We don’t have a primarily economic problem, we have a political problem that impacts our economic situation. But White people are still getting rich within the Jewish system and being praised by the Jewish media for their success so it’s self evident that White people becoming good capitalists isn’t a threat to that system. There are millions of good capitalist Whites working seventy hour weeks right now and they aren’t damaging the system, they’re strengthening it.
When you’re being attacked politically there’s no alternative to fighting. To redouble your effort within the system doubles the blood supply for the parasites that feed on us.
If the system collapses and White men still believe in globalism we’ll soon be right back where we started, competing with third world scabs for a few crumbs while the oligarchs gorge on our life blood. That’s what happened in Russia when they finally threw off Jew communism.
We must fight for our race, not profit, not self improvement. For the race.
Everything else is secondary.
Over at:
some people reminded me that a very relevant free book is at:
It’s in several PDFs, you can download them.
That book makes the comment that zoning laws and business licensing requirements often are designed to stifle small businesses that might provide local competition to kleptocrats.
Further, a very cheap project is going on with great results at:
The guy running it is called Marcin Jakubowski. He is building farm equipment that is designed to be very cheap.
His website reads, in part:
Say you want to build a village, enterprise, or for that matter – an entire civilization – because civilization is just a compilation of productive enterprises. Say you have only $10k in your pocket. You can begin to build your habitat with a CEB press of 3000 bricks per day production, and a sawmill with 3000 board feet per day of production – easily. You will need a tractor for earth moving and power. These 3 tools total $6500 for materials to build these tools from open source plans. You can then build the entire technological infrastructure with a personal fabrication open source Fab Lab – with metal melting furnace, 3D printer, CNC machines, and circuit fabrication, for another $3500 in materials, for a total of $10k. You’ll have to learn the skill to build and operate the production machinery. We can teach you, and you can even propagate a 5-kingdom gene bank for an entire agricultural infrastructure – it’s on the house. You’ll just have to find yourself some land, sun, water, and scrap steel.
Anyone interested in resilience should examine those three sites.