End Affirmative Action

End Affirmative Action?

In the Los Angeles Times, Gregory Rodriguez has written an unusual article, one you wouldn’t expect to find in one of the most liberal newspapers in America.

It is a call to abolish affirmative action.

Ban affirmative action? Is this some kind of joke? Has the Hutaree Militia hijacked the building?

Gregory Rodriguez hasn’t changed his views on affirmative action. He simply thinks a White racial backlash is brewing that will prove to be so enormous that it threatens to sweep away the entire edifice of postwar anti-racist multiculturalism.

It is better to abolish affirmative action now before White racial consciousness can grow to the point where the gringos realize the “deck has been stacked against them.” Ease the pressure on Whites before it produces the inevitable revolutionary explosion.

What prompted this sudden reversal on affirmative action? People like David Duke have been demanding the end of affirmative action for over forty years.

“The Perfect Storm for White Anxiety”

It is because we are now “routinely hearing the cries of white minority victimhood” and the masses are being “seduced by the siren song of minority victimology that has captivated other groups.”

The people who are being “seduced by the siren song of minority victimology” are not the usual suspects.

That’s the critical difference.

It is one thing to have a bunch of anonymous characters on the internet scrawling racial slurs into the comment sections of online newspapers.

It is quite another when millions of ordinary people – the ones who vote, who make campaign contributions, who hit the streets, who own firearms – start asking the same uncomfortable questions and repeating the same arguments about diversity and multiculturalism.

Progressives know where the logic of asking those questions ultimately leads. It is not a scenario that they would like to dwell on. Better to offer a concession now and prop up the status quo – buy some time – than travel down that ugly road.

What’s even scarier to people like Gregory Rodriguez is that they must know the demands made upon dwindling Whites by the growing non-White majority will only increase as the “minority-majority” grows in number.

Barack Obama can’t afford to lose non-White voters. White voters have already abandoned him.

What are the chances he will abolish affirmative action to prove his sincere desire for racial reconciliation? Less than zero. It was always an election year ploy and a trick that won’t work the second time around.

In the years ahead, we will see more articles like this one, as the progressive movement hurtles toward its inevitable trainwreck and conservatives start to feel the consequences (i.e., discrimination and wealth redistribution) of their collective racial dispossession.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. One of the best things about the American system is that it allows men their grievances. If they don’t like the way things are going, they have avenues to redress their grievances other than the traditional way, which is to get so fed up that they shoot the bastards.

    Now we have a situation where we have de facto, if not strictly legal, suppression of the airing and redress of grievances. The elite simply don’t want to hear it, and think they have the perfect excuse. They’re wrong. If they continue to strangle debate and tighten the lid on the pressure cooker, they’re going to find themselves in historically very familiar territory.

  2. The only solution that I find acceptable to the quota issue is the enslavement of every White who supports affirmative action in word or deed. They have no rights that any White man need respect. I don’t care if we have to feed 100 million White dirtbags into tree chippers. There is simply no excuse for a White to rob another White of a livelihood, a job that the liberal doesn’t even want for themselves or their family. Their motivations are vanity, and hatred of their social inferiors/moral superiors. This, as you may guess, is personal. I hate their guts and I would like to finish my working life as a maintenance man at the re-education center at Auschwitzville, Nevada. If you think this is over the top, a little too unsubtle, an embarrassment to the cause, go ahead and delete it Mr Wallace. I understand. But I would give up sex for life if I could chain these bastards to a fence and stand before them, jumper cables in hand, asking them simple questions. You betcha.

  3. Discard: Wow! Elegantly and articulately expressed, sir. I like the way you think. This is what we need; a bit of passion, some righteous anger.

  4. Affirmative action for Mexicans like Gregory Rodriguez is exactly what Senator James Webb was writing about in the Wall Street Journal. These pukes smell something in the wind, and it scares them. BHO and his masters might want to back away, but I think that Mr Wallace is right, the Darks will stay home on election day if he betrays them. Worse than that, or perhaps better, the Darks will get (more) violent. They already believe that they have a right to a good job, that only “racism” stands between them and that fat paycheck. Being cargo cultists, they really don’t understand what takes to earn a good living. They’ve been told all their lives that their misfortunes are all Whitey’s fault, and their not going to accept their own failings now. Choke on it, “progressives”.

  5. Tim Wise, lecturer and author of “White Like Me” is a jew. He is a “white privilege” race huckster pretending to be white.

  6. If we must share our living space with muds, then so be it; miscegenation be damned. But let’s just end affirmative actions.

  7. Anti-racist in reality means one thing: anti-White. Black, Brown, Red & Yellow racism (but never called that) has the Kosher (K) seal of approval and is encouraged.

    “He simply thinks a White racial backlash is brewing that will prove to be so enormous that it threatens to sweep away the entire edifice of postwar anti-racist multiculturalism”

    I can’t wait for that glorious day of redemption. It’s been a long time coming and oh, how many, many Whites have suffered.


  8. Captainchaos,

    Ending affirmative action would cause massive social unrest. I think it’s going to happen as “mass layoffs” instead. This government will not do anything proactively.

    The racial polarization is going to reduce miscegenation, and force Whites to build something on our own, which is ours and which we will guard jealously from other races.

    The hands of the .gov are tied. They aren’t going to change anything. Circumstances will change things, and the .gov will have deniabiity, but also they will be considered less powerful. It’s a tradeoff.

    .gov is just a salary and pension and grant and contract and tax break and subsidies racket. That’s all it is folks. When .gov goes broke, no more .gov Then it will be ours to win or lose, once again.

  9. Affirmative action was actually preferable. Because it was limited by the courts, the establishment went on to “celebrate diversity”; that’s in part how having enough ‘diversity’ became an American moral-aesthetic standard.

  10. In a related story

    The FDNY written exam discriminates against minorities because “They say white, suburban school kids had more exposure to those types of tests growing up.”

    So minorities did not go to the same public schools as the white kids Ive been paying my property taxes towards? They are getting different tests in those segregated schools Ive heard about?

    OK. So maybe we should be breaking out the crayons and construction paper… oops, my mistake, they didnt have any exposure to those materials, too.

  11. Maybe its just a demographic thingy …

    “According to FDNY spokesman Tony Sclafani, 29,638 filed for the exam. Of those, 17,257 were white, 5,628 were black, 1,401 were women and the rest were Hispanic, Asian, Native American or unidentified.

    Mr. Sclafani said that 13,252 whites, 3,776 blacks and 814 women showed up Jan. 20, meaning that more than 50 percent of each demographic group that had expressed interest in joining the FDNY followed through by taking the exam.

    The last time the test was given in 2002, 13,618 whites, 1,357 blacks and 549 women showed up, although they had initially applied in far greater numbers.”

    Huh… 90% white; 10% black…

    Aside: How many “hispanics” identify themselves as white?

  12. If this is true, there is no end to madness in Washington:

    Our Advertisers Represent Some Of The Most Unique Products & Services On Earth!


    S510 – Illegal To Grow, Share,
    Trade, Sell Homegrown Food
    SB S510 Will Allow Government
    To Put You In Jail ….
    By Steve Green

    S510 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s111-510 )

    “If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.” ~ Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower.

    Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create without judicial review if it passes.

    S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food AND FARMING.


    In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton’s HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.

    In 2008, Hillary Clinton, urged a powerful centralized food safety agency as part of her campaign for president. Her advisor was Mark Penn, CEO of Burson Marsteller*, a giant PR firm representing Monsanto. Clinton lost, but Clinton friends such as Rosa DeLauro, whose husband’s firm lists Monsanto as a progressive client and globalization as an area of expertise, introduced early versions of S 510.

    S 510 fails on moral, social, economic, political, constitutional, and human survival grounds.

    1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency. It resembles the Kissinger Plan.

    2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security. It would end the Uruguay Round Agreement Act of 1994, which put US sovereignty and US law under perfect protection. Instead, S 510 says:


    Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.

    3. It would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into “the United States.” Since under that law, the US is a corporate entity and not a location, “entry of food into the US” covers food produced anywhere within the land mass of this country and “entering into” it by virtue of being produced.

    4. It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the US, a global system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to natural food supplements. Its bizarre history and its expected impact in limiting access to adequate nutrition (while mandating GM food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, since the world knows now it needs vitamins to survive, not just to treat illnesses.

    5. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security. See Seeds ­ How to criminalize them, for more details.

    6. It includes NAIS, an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease. Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out to substitute genetically engineered animals on which corporations hold patents. Animal diseases can be falsely declared. S 510 includes the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), despite its corrupt involvement in the H1N1 scandal, which is now said to have been concocted by the corporations.

    7. It extends a failed and destructive HACCP to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production ­ put it in corporate hands and worsen food safety.

    8. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations influencing the UN, WHO, FAO and WTO, with HHS, and CDC, acting as agents, with Homeland Security as the enforcer. The chance to rebuild the economy based on farming, ranching, gardens, food production, natural health, and all the jobs, tools and connected occupations would be eliminated.

    9. It would allow the government to mandate antibiotics, hormones, slaughterhouse waste, pesticides and GMOs. This would industrialize every farm in the US, eliminate local organic farming, greatly increase global warming from increased use of oil- based products and long-distance delivery of foods, and make food even more unsafe. The five items listed the Five Pillars of Food Safety are precisely the items in the food supply which are the primary source of its danger.

    10. It uses food crimes as the entry into police state power and control. The bill postpones defining all the regulations to be imposed; postpones defining crimes to be punished, postpones defining penalties to be applied. It removes fundamental constitutional protections from all citizens in the country, making them subject to a corporate tribunal with unlimited power and penalties, and without judicial review.

    For further information, watch these videos

    Food Laws ­ Forcing people to globalize?

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PwqUQ_HIlg&feature=related Corporate Rule? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXoJHG-er7A&feature=related Reclaiming Economies?


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  13. The silent subtext to both the Rodriguez essay and the Wise video is the advantages and disadvantages that affirmative action offers American Jews. As an example, look at who is admitted to UC-Berkeley now that a quota of 30% has been established for “white” applicants. Fully half that quota goes to Jews who secure those admissions through nepotism, their own good-old-boy network, and a freaky kind of aggression. (It’s not IQ.)

    That creates a silent affirmative action in their behalf while they support a reduction of white American’s share from its proper share of 65% (the white proportion of qualified applicants to UC-Berkeley). Jews make up only 4% of the qualified applicants to UC-Berkeley but they get their share bounced up to 15% of all admissions.

    And Jews are afraid of the next step in affirmative action, namely, their exclusion from the white American quota and their restriction to a share in good things that is related to their share of the pool of qualified applicants — about 4%, a much smaller share than the 15% overall admissions they now secure at UC-Berkeley by pretending to be white Americans.

    This affirmative action issue is fraught with peril for American Jews and there is a whiff of that fear in the Rodriguez essay and the stench of it in the Wise video. When we focus on black admissions to university, it’s like the magician saying, “Look over there, don’t look at us Jews.” Always look for the benefits accorded Jews in any public policy debate.

  14. Kieve as usual you are spot on with your analysis. A point to make, many millions of blacks are borderline retarded with pathological personality traits making them all but unemployable. This is of course in namby pamby white liberal land ignored, but if AA is taken to its logical extreme then every nice white liberal fembot would be seated next to the next Omar Thornton, and that haunts the twisted conscious of every white lib. Literally the Left’s Blank Slate experiment is a twisted take on eugenics, the black welfare/drug class reproducing beginning at 14-16 years and each generation declining in intelligence and socialization. Imagine nice white lib androgenous worker bee working in the same workplace where a group of young black males have gathered in a circle to do their hop up and down act?

  15. This is propaganda, the Times’ article, so that Whites won’t get minority benefits down the road. Whites, at best, are 58% of the population RIGHT NOW. Within 10 years that will become 49%, at BEST. Only Whites will not get the A-A benefits.
    Sharecropper status for Whites is the future unless MacDonald is right and it is GENOCIDE by the Inner Party as old Ygg calls them.

  16. It only goes to show that at this point in time, worse is better. As much as I hate the idea of passing amensty, if it were passed tommorow, it would set into motion a full-blown Native Born White American racial revolt against race-replacement at the hands of high fertility post-1065 asians,muslims,hispanics,carribeans and africans..oh I forgot to mention the terrible hmong also. It would happen within a short period of time. I always say this when I am in debate with a leftist immigration enthusaist….and when I say this ..they understand this very obvious consequence of passing amenesty…sometimes it is hard to deny the obvious.

  17. Discard

    Your post should be plastered on the front page of vadare.com permanently!!!! No one could have said it better. My view exactly. They are beyong the pale evil. When I think about what was done to my late father and brother..two of the most decent and nicest people you could ever meet. Plaster it on the front page of numbersuasa.com permanently…instead of the nonesense about protecting America’s ecosystem’s for the children of legal immigrant asians,muslims,hispanics,carribeans and africans.

  18. This is a comment from the LA TIMES page Hunter links to:

    TrueFreedom at 9:58 PM August 04, 2010
    oh sure. Just as we (whites) are about to become the minority and the eventual beneficiaries of Affirmative Action policies, you want to abolish it. Great. Just great.

  19. Simmons: “…making them all but unemployable.” I have been involved in foster care for many years. Sometimes you just can’t help the White kids either. I am astonished at times how some young White men and women act as if everything is simply their due.
    “Why am I doing this?”
    “It’s your job.”
    That is a conversation I had with a young White woman, verbatim. She will likely become a prostitute. There are armies of these unemployables. In the future this will be referred to as the “Slaves without masters” problem.

  20. Correct.

    If affirmative action were abolished, it would produce massive racial unrest. There would be riots in the streets. The resulting polarization would push Whites in a more radical direction.

    A good example of this was the race riots of the late 1960s which killed momentum for further civil rights reform. By the early 1970s, Whites had concluded that the pendulum had swung too far in the other direction.

  21. Cary: One of the issues that the early neocons worried about was that affirmative action would limit Jews to three percent of the slots in medical and law schools. Once it was understood that Jews would be counted as White, and that their tribesmen already in place would ensure their privileges would continue to expand, the neocons lost interest in stopping affirmative action.
    Jewish power could have stopped affirmative action easily, but they saw instead that it could be a weapon against the Goyim. They use it to hold back Whites, create a “middle” class of non-Whites who are beholden to them, all the while excluding themselves from its effects.

  22. Never trust the “official” census numbers….I can tell you from personal experience when I took a “gap job” as a “cable guy” that government census workers don’t go deep into black or hispanic neighborhoods…it’s simply too dangerous…therefore they’re population counts are grossly under-counted and inaccurate…if blacks are only 13% of the population how have they managed to trash every major city in AmeriKa….Whites are at best 50% of the population and mostly elderly at that. We’re in serious trouble.

  23. Discard:

    For some strange reason, I kept thinking about what your first post mentions, all day today. I kept coming back in my mind to “Ape shall not kill Ape.”

    & http://theoccidentalobserver.net/tooblog/?p=3067)

    I know it is ridiculous, but I think their might be some utility in “right to life,” and spurning the chekist answer our alien/elite friends previously dolled out. We must be positivists, and (at least visibly) show withheld vengeance/mercy, an exclusively white characteristic, maintains a spiritual or mythical superiority.

    I know I’m babblin’ and maybe someone smarter or a better wordsmith knows and can articulate what I’m trying to say. I am not saying that I don’t keep my hardware well-oiled, if you know what I mean.

    Thanks, Mike

  24. It’s amusing to read from immoral non-Whites like Rodriguez how they fear White backlash from being treated unfairly. They don’t want to treat Whites fairly on principle, they just fear the consequences.

    The biggest blow to affirmative action in its nearly 50 years of existence was the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States.

    Wrong, it’s the biggest proof, it’s affirmative action and pro-black bias taken to the highest level.

    They won’t get rid of affirmative action or some form of it when they value racial diversity as a goal. The latter is the real problem, they have this idea of America as a multi-racial union. We don’t have that goal, we have the opposite goal of a White nation, thus we are at an impasse.

    Secession is the best way to resolve this issue but they are supremacists and tyrants, and there is only one way to deal with those.

    With the changes to the blog, Hunter, have you given up on the goal of a White ethnostate? HBD blogs in contrast advocate for our current system just with a White majority.

  25. I am absolutely certain that if John McCain had won the election blacks would have sporadically attacked-in some cases mortally-White Males who found themselves at the wrong place and wrong time. No one should have any doubt about this. This of course would have speeded up the revolt against race-replacement. Now, here is something that would have speeded up the race against race-replacement:A John McCain victory in 2008 and amnesty. But how bout if you toss in the nuking of Iran with tactical nuclear weapons. Be patient comrades.

  26. Discard:

    This is going off on a tangent, but this quote from your post piqued my interest:

    ” I have been involved in foster care for many years. Sometimes you just can’t help the White kids either. I am astonished at times how some young White men and women act as if everything is simply their due.”

    – My former line of work brought me into occasional contact with some young white criminals whose upbringing (of course) I felt had much to do with their eventual “careers”. My feeling was that if they had been taken out of their environments at a sufficiently early stage (very young), then things might have been different with them; along the lines of this quote from St. Ignatius of Loyala:
    “give me a child when he is but five years old, and I will make him the Church’s for the rest of his life”.
    – By this I am not advocating a religious life (or a particular denomination of church), but am implying that early childhood seems to be THE most important stage of life for the inculcating of attitudes and work inclination for the rest of that child’s life. There seems to be a point (perhaps in adolescence?) of no return, where there is no going back for some individuals who have set a course in the wrong direction in life. Just curious as to your view on this given your work experience with foster care. As you can tell, I am not a big believer in “rehabilitation” (which is a huge industry that seems to produce nothing here in the US) since I have observed it up close and personal in my former line of work.

  27. It’s amusing to read from immoral non-Whites like Rodriguez how they fear White backlash from Whites being treated unfairly. They don’t want to treat Whites fairly on principle, they just fear the consequences.

    The biggest blow to affirmative action in its nearly 50 years of existence was the election of Barack Obama to the presidency of the United States.

    Wrong, it’s the biggest proof, it’s affirmative action and pro-black bias taken to the highest level.

    They won’t get rid of affirmative action or some form of it when they value racial diversity as a goal. The latter is the real problem, they have this idea of America as a multi-racial union. We don’t have that goal, we have the opposite goal of a White nation, thus we are at an impasse.

    Secession is the best way to resolve this issue but they are supremacists and tyrants, and there is only one way to deal with those.

    With the changes to the blog, Hunter, have you given up on the goal of a White ethnostate? HBD blogs in contrast advocate for our current system just with a White majority.

  28. The 2010 census figures should be interesting.

    It’s a sure bet the numbers will be distorted to serve elite interests; I’m just not sure if they will under count Blacks and other non-Whites, or over count them, or under or over count Whites, or all of the above.

    Although I strongly agree it doesn’t seem possible that Blacks are only 13% of the population, I also think that Blacks and other non-Whites have a strong incentive to make sure their numbers are accurately counted or even inflated. After all, the US federal government uses census figures to dole out billions of dollars in funding to local communities and to draw congressional districts, so with both money and political power on the line it seems likely we will hear about it if Black leaders feel the numbers come up short.

  29. I advocate a cordon sanataire policy as an intermediate stage before expulsion. I do advocate secession from Washington DC. A withdrawal of White consent-just enough-will delegitimize the Republican-Democratic corporation owned DC consensus. I do not accept being goverend by Bill Gates and Israel.

    Peter Brimelow and Steve Sailer are fanatical in their attempt to save the Republican party. I say tis to Brimelow and Salier:why would be so terrible if the Republican party died? It is so incredibly obvious that the death of the Republican party would be a wonderfull event

  30. It’s no secret that the black middle and upper classes will collapse if they did away with affirmative action. What’s the solution? Increase the welfare doles which won’t decrease the tax burden or the private sector? I can’t speak for other people’s experiences but I find black people to be less productive, less skilled, more prone to absenteeism and tardiness and difficult to get along with than White people or any other race for that matter. We have this one black girl who is frequently late or absent and since Obama got elected, it’s become a weekly ritual. Our hands are tied by workplace regulations from taking any action against her. Dozens more like her would run our company into the ground. I personally think that if you have no skills and a degree in black history, you should be washing dishes at Denny’s or turning down beds at the Motel 6.

  31. We’re in serious trouble.

    The trouble with this formulation is that our overwhelming dominance has greased the skids for all our current troubles. The trend is toward our current troubles becoming unaffordable luxuries, which I see as a good thing. The trend is toward non-whites bringing the whole system down, which I see as a good thing. Creative destruction, and all that.

  32. Jupiter, I don’t see what’s wrong with taking over the Republican party. It’s usually easier to infiltrate, conquer, and subvert an existing institution than it is to create a new one. If the Republicans were too hard to penetrate, that’d be one thing, but is this really the case? I see them as a bunch of effete wimps waiting to be knocked over.

    The problem has not changed in decades; there just aren’t enough awakened whites to do anything much. It’s boring, dealing with the actual problem, I know, but there it is.

  33. Mark,

    No, I have not.

    What I have given up on is the idea that White Nationalists will launch the revolution. I think it is far more likely that ordinary people – the maligned Joe Six Packs of America – will be provoked into some kind of confrontation with the federal government that could spiral out of control.

  34. Tim Wise is just another Jew problem. All I hear is how smart Jews are. For being so smart, they still have not learned how to stop the masses from hating them. I mean they just keep repeating the same mistakes century after century after century, country after country after country. They’re not scapegoats, they’re culprits.

    When I think of the elites (and their families – let’s not leave out their families because, after all, they don’t leave out ours), I think payback should be with midieval methods. The elites are defective humans.

  35. Hunter Wallace says: “What I have given up on is the idea that White Nationalists will launch the revolution. I think it is far more likely that ordinary people – the maligned Joe Six Packs of America – will be provoked into some kind of confrontation with the federal government that could spiral out of control.”

    My very first post on this site some months ago was several paragraphs carefully explaining this and why. But nooooooooo! No one ever listens to me. Then anywhere from several months to several years later someone, or a few others, will realize what I had already told them.

    In about my second or third post on this site–and I have said it to many others in person and on several other sites–I asserted the following:

    If you have tools, use them.

    If you have tools, use them.

    But noooooo! People have to always reinvent the wheel.

    I don’t claim to be a big brain or anything, but after almost forty years, I now know about a half dozen things about this world and people that I know are certain.

  36. “The elites are defective humans” – Joanne Dee.
    Exactly. Healthy people want to be respected by the sorts of people they respect, not to be feared by those they despise. There’s conflict enough in this world without going out looking for people to spit on.

  37. Mr. Wallace,

    Regarding a white ethnostate, I think your approach is correct.

    To build a nation, one must first have a self-concious people. Long before territorial breakups of the US are even conceivable, it will be necessary for American whites to see themselves as one people.

    As Pat Bucchanan noted early on, the Tea Parties are a first step in this direction. These groups desparately want non-whites to join them, but they don’t. Sooner or later, possibly very soon, the tea partiers will realize that their political goals are inseparable from their ethnicity.

    Shared oppression is one of the surest ways to forge a national identity, and anti-white policies will accelerate this process. As you say, I think some leftists are beginning to figure this out. It will do them no good. Multiculturalism has so much institutional inertia that it is unlikely that powerful figures on the left could apply the brakes even if they wished to. By the time it self-destructs, I suspect white Americans will know themselves as a people.

    As for what comes next…it is simply too early to say.

  38. Biased Observer: I do not believe that there is a point of no return for any sort of human behavior, but there is surely a diminishing probability of changing paths as one ages. Some people just won’t learn, and so require the same hard lesson every day. That’s why we build prisons. That’s a small answer for a big question, but it’s the best I can manage without writing an essay.

  39. The 2010 census was definitely not a normal census for several reasons, in fact too many to go into here. For one, without informing people census workers walked onto private property to take a GPS reading while standing at the front door of private residences. Some people got a long list of questions to answer whereas others got the usual couple of census questions regarding how many people live at the residence. Some people they didn’t bother to count at all. For others they made repeated and increasingly aggressive trips to intimidate and try and force uncooperative people to answer a long list of intrusive, unconsititutional questions.

    The purpose of the “census” was not about counting the number of people in the US, the purpose was to gather detailed information about white non jewish American citizens,

    I don’t believe any other racial groups were targeted with the same kind of intensity and aggressive harrassment from census workers. I’m old enough to know what a normal census looks like and wonder if there was a 2010-type census of the Russian people prior to the jewish bolshevik revolution in 1917?

  40. feminizedwesternmale: In my view, the White advocates of affirmative action have committed crimes too great for them to have any claim on my conscience. They betray their race, their nation, their civilization. Because they let the burden of affirmative action fall on Whites of lower status than themselves, they are bullies and oppressors. Because they refuse to admit what they know the Darks to be, they are accessories and enablers to murder and rape. Because they exempt themselves from the quotas they impose on others, they have corrupted the courts by creating different laws for the common Whites than for themselves. Some might say that I seek revenge, not justice, but what is more just than reaping what you have sown, being paid in the same coin that you have paid others?
    As for mercy, I am a strong believer in it. But it is no mercy to the honest White man to let a thief steal all he has and get away with it. There has been no mercy for honest Whites for decades. A few Whites have had to spend years and drag cases through the federal courts to get a break, but the overwhelming mass of White victims of race quotas have had to just suck it in and look for other opportunities. It’s their turn for mercy, for an admission of wrongdoing that amounts to something more than words, or another looting of the treasury to be made up out of other Whites’ taxes. It’s time for liberals to pay for the damage they’ve done out of their own pockets, time for them to place themselves at the mercy of the people they’ve been oppressing for decades, time for them to shut up and listen for a change. No mercy for the rich, powerful, and guilty, until the poor, ordinary, and innocent get their first.

  41. “Peter Brimelow and Steve Sailer are fanatical in their attempt to save the Republican party. I say tis to Brimelow and Salier:why would be so terrible if the Republican party died?”

    Depends how you cotton to one party rule by the Democrats, I suppose.

  42. “Gregory Rodriguez hasn’t changed his views on affirmative action. He simply thinks a White racial backlash is brewing that will prove to be so enormous that it threatens to sweep away the entire edifice of postwar anti-racist multiculturalism.”

    That isn’t really what he said.

    It’s obvious what this LA Times article was really about. Blacks benefit much more Affirmative Action than Mexicans do. In contrast, Mexicans benefit much more from immigration than Blacks do.*

    So the Mexican guy wants to throw Blacks under the bus to take some steam out of White backlash against immigration.

    This won’t happen, though, because Obama is more Black than Mexican.

    I don’t even know why the Mexican bothered writing the Op-Ed.

    *Actually, as a group Blacks don’t benefit from immigration at all, instead in net being harmed by it.

  43. Hunter Wallace says:
    August 8, 2010 at 4:40 am


    No, I have not.

    What I have given up on is the idea that White Nationalists will launch the revolution. I think it is far more likely that ordinary people – the maligned Joe Six Packs of America – will be provoked into some kind of confrontation with the federal government that could spiral out of control.

    I agree with this, WN by themselves can’t achieve this, at least this current lot, which let’s admit it leaves a lot to be desired.

    I like the new image at the top, it speaks volumes.

  44. Hunter,

    I second Mark regarding your assertion that the revolution will be by ordinary people.

    WN’s are just the early adopters. There were thousands of “early adopters” of personal computers, but only a dozen or so (Gates et al, Jobs et al) became the big dogs of personal computing, but now everyone has personal computers.

    I wouldn’t discount the value of WN’s however. These past 15 years of WN Internet such as Stormfront and blogs like this have developed our collective intellect. It’s been like a Talmud for Whites at a speeded up pace. And our views are becoming common knowledge. I’d love to know how many White Americans know the definitoin of “mudshark” now. I bet its in the low millions.

    What WN’ism has done for me is made me future-focused. It forced me to look at things as a whole, and become a “doomer,” kind of like many people are “gamers.” Doomers are much more practical, and even can become wealthy because they observe society and they take on these early adopter projects that can end up into something very timely and valuable.

  45. Svigor,Exactly how would a party owned by very powerfull corprations do what is necessary to lead the battle against race-replacement and reversing it. For this to be done we need men and women of impecable moral character..men and women who will not sell their soul to devil for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and ego.

    At the most fundamental level the corporatins must be taken on and completely stripped of their power. There is no way that this is going to happen with the imbeciles in the Tea Party-A Republican party reform movement. basically-who see commerce and business transactions as the essence of mankind which it is isn’t. Racial community and solidarity is of course the core of humanity.

    Taking on the corporations means accepting no many from the corporations and the greedy cheating class. White Nationalist should adopt the Naderite model of politics and combine it with in-your-face-Native Born White racialism. This is the only way to completely halt and reverse race-replacement. Brimeow and Sailer are pushing a refromed version of Republican corporatism. Brimelow at the most fundamental levelis a corporatist-worshipper of the corporation.

    The moratorium idea just means racheting up legal immigration levels-nonwhite variety-as soon as labor scarcities set in and the real wage sky rockets. Brimelow and Sailer are the last gasp of the Republican party..they most be thrown aside. Events will conspire to racially radicalize millions of Native Born White Americans. This is Brimelow’s and Sailer’s big fear. Once this happens, their pet immigrant group-asians-will be expelled.

    So what would be so terrible about letting the Republican party croak? If it did croak, many,many more things would be possible.

    Look, we have to stop thinking in terms of political parties. Vote for the person with the right platfrom. Get rid of political parties. Shorten the amount of time for campaigning.

  46. Don’t be shocked if the Tea Party thows its support behind the fake American Bobby Jindal.

    Now tell me, what would be so terrbile if the Republican party croaked? I can’t think of even one bad thing that would happen if this happens. I can think of lot good things that would hapen.

    Hindus can never be Americans. They are not Native Born White Americans.

  47. We are in a war and we should follow the advice of Nathan Bedford Forrest: “War means fighting, and fighting means killing.” Not that killing is the only aspect of a war; it is most certainly not. The most important aspect is spiritual: “All things are ready if our hearts be in the trim.” But to acknowledge that killing is a necessary part of any attack on liberaldom is to make the final break with liberal democracy. We can’t destroy liberaldom through the channels set up by liberals to preserve liberaldom. Witness the recent attempt by besieged white people in Arizona to put some small limits on the number of murdering Mexicans flooding into their state. The two major provisions in the anti-illegal alien bill were struck down by the courts. It will always be thus in every formerly European country. The colored man is part of the new romance. His right to murder individual white people and to destroy the few remaining remnants of white culture will always be supported as an inalienable right by the white-hating technocrats of European descent.


  48. Thanks RT. Your analysis has the ring of truth and it makes sense out of the Jim Webb article too. The plan is to talk on and on about affirmative action while never doing anything to acutally end it. Best to toss whitey a few AA crumbs to munch on and then try to sneak in some am’nasty when he’s busy looking the other way.

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