The Next American Civil War?
Sounds interesting. When I bought this book a few weeks ago, I was immediately attracted by the title. I was also persuaded to buy the book because Lee Harris is the author. If Harris had written this book, I knew it was going to be worth reading.
A few years ago, I bought another one of his books, Civilization and Its Enemies, which remains an all time favorite. There is an important discussion in that book about what Harris calls “fantasy ideology” which has never left me.
The fantasist is a common fixture in these circles. Understanding how they operate and see the world enables you to identify and avoid them. It is never a good idea to let yourself become a prop in the role playing fantasy world of others. The fantasist always forgets that you are a person with thoughts and feelings of your own.
In recent weeks, intellectuals have been taken to the woodshed around here. My firm opinion is that most intellectuals are useless. With intellectuals, it is always hit or miss, and usually miss. An intellectual can either bring great clarity to some given problem or hopelessly obfuscate the issue. They either hit the bullseye or fire completely off target.
As proof that the vast majority of intellectuals are useless, I offer the editorial page of the New York Times (which I read daily), the iron curtain of political correctness that reigns over American academia, and what passes for analysis in the academic journals of the social sciences. It goes without saying that most of us find that type of material highly disagreeable.
If we concede that the majority of intellectuals are useless, then we must grant that a minority of them are truly brilliant. This minority is capable of producing valuable and penetrating insights into the nature of their own societies. We would be foolish to ignore their wisdom.
The Next American Civil War is about an impending revolution that is gestating in America. There are two sides in this conflict: the “cognitive elite” with its utopian vision of progressive transformation and the “natural libertarians” who are determined to rule their own lives and are now being pushed to the point of rebellion.
Framing the Argument
There’s a shouting match going on in America between the Blues and the Reds. Fingers are being pointed. Accusations are being made. Grievances are being aired. Battle lines are being drawn.
The gulf between the Blues and Reds – the cognitive elite and the natural libertarians – has grown to the point where neither party speaks the same language, dreams the same dreams, lives for the same future, or can even understand the perspective of the other side. America has bifurcated into two nations.
In the Blue corner, Frank Rich of the New York Times speaks for the “cognitive elite”:
We’re smarter than you. We’re better than you. You’re ignorant, backwards, reactionary, prejudiced, and paranoid. Your kooky ideas are an embarrassment. You’re racist. You’re too White. You’re suffering from irrational anxiety about the future.
The better sort – judges, bureaucrats, technocrats, intellectuals, academics, the media elite – should make all the important decisions in America. You are too stupid to manage your own lives. Your antiquated traditions are standing in the way of modern progress and must be demolished.
We will use the mass media and public education system to nudge and brainwash your children and turn them against you. If force is required to drag you kicking and screaming into our utopian future, as it was required in Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, and now Arizona, then so much the better.
In the Red corner, Joe the Plumber speaks for the “natural libertarians”:
You’re not better than us. This is America. We’re equals here. If you are so smart, how did you spend over a trillion dollars of taxpayer money – collected from little guys like me – and produce depression level unemployment? Given your disastrous track record, why should anyone trust you? I prefer to think for myself.
What you call progress looks more like decline. Undermining the family, the church, the community, the nation, and the entrepreneur weakens the institutions which are necessary to preserve our independence and prosperity. You want to reduce citizens to subjects of government and lord over us, denigrate us, and exploit us like a new aristocracy.
In the name of tolerance, you look down your noses at us and seek to take away our freedom for you can erect new privileges for so-called “protected classes.” The last thing you believe is that ordinary people are your equals. You also want to redistribute our wealth to corrupt interest groups. We’re not going to take it anymore.
I’m as free of prejudice of as man. I don’t hate minorities. Some of my friends are minorities. It is starting to seem like it is impossible to live up to your standards. I am going to be called a “racist” no matter what I do. I’m starting to think you hate me and look down on me because I am White.
This is America. We rule ourselves here. Government rests on the consent of the governed. That means it can be withdrawn.
Keep pushing me. Keep disrespecting me. If you keep this up, I am eventually going to lose my patience, and like a rattlesnake I will strike. You will regret the day you dared to tread on me.
That’s the significance of the Tea Party. It isn’t so much a set of ideas as it is an attitude. It is also a thinly veiled threat. If you keep pushing us and rubbing our noses in the dirt, eventually it will spark a rebellion.
White America is starting to feel like an “outsider.” The “Real America” has been submerged underneath the utopian post-national America of the progressive ruling class. The new outsiders are organizing to “take our country” back.
Insiders don’t rebel. Outsiders do.
White America is now the outsider. How did the descendants of Jefferson and Washington become the have nots? What are the long term consequences of this epochal transformation?
Transformation of the Elites
“If religion is the opiate of the masses, then utopianism is the methamphetamine of intellectuals.” – Lee Harris
In the nineteenth century, the American elite wasn’t nearly as distinct from the American people as it is today. Back then, the rulers and the ruled were drawn from a common Anglo-Protestant ethnic stock.
The rulers shared the same culture and religion as the ruled. In the South, the planter class enjoyed drinking, hunting, chasing women, and playing cards as much as the yeoman farmers. They worshiped the same god in the same churches.
The rulers were average men with the faults of ordinary men. They weren’t necessarily more intelligent or educated than the ruled. At least after the Federalist Party was overthrown and the Jacksonian revolt ushered in the modern two party democratic system.
Over the next two centuries, American society would become increasingly complex. The growing technological complexity of society began to require more in the way of specialized knowledge.
In the mid-twentieth century, America adopted the meritocratic system of selecting its elites. Within a few decades, the WASP elite was displaced by a new elite which remains in place in our own times.
The advent of meritocracy radically shifted the delicate balance between rulers and the ruled. The catch of meritocracy is that it led to the creation of a new elite which puts a premium on high intelligence and education. By its nature, such an elite is highly selective and excludes ordinary people.
The new American elite was drawn from disparate sources. The new ruling class – which is disproportionately composed of intellectuals – came to radically differ from the American people in terms of their race, religion, ethnicity, social class, culture and ideology. They don’t even live in the same regions, much less in the same cities, states, or neighborhoods.
Ever since the French Revolution, intellectuals of all stripes have dedicated their lives to a single model of political organization: a utopian society, one ruled over by intellectuals, in which ordinary people are coerced, nudged, or guided to the realization of the millennium on earth.
Standing in the way of the intellectuals and their realization of utopia, there are millions of “natural libertarians” who are content to quietly live their own lives and enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Most of these people plan to ascend to heaven the old fashioned way. They also tend to be skeptical of delusional progressive schemes that never seem to work out.
Blues vs. Reds
The conflict between the Blues (the cognitive elite and their vassals) and the Reds (the people being nudged toward utopia) has evolved to the point where the Blues have suffered a total and complete collapse of legitimacy.
The Blues are now more unpopular with the Reds than King George III was with the American colonists on the eve of the American Revolution. The numbers are stunning:
– 21% of Americans believe the U.S. federal government has the “consent of the governed.” 61% of Americans believe the federal government does not have their consent. 18% are undecided.
– 63% of the political class (the Blues) believes the federal government has the consent of the governed.
– 71% of Americans consider the federal government a special interest group.
– 70% of Americans believe the federal government and big business are in collusion to hurt consumers.
– 75% of Americans are “angry” at the federal government.
– 63% of Americans believe it would be better if all members of Congress lost their jobs.
– 57% of Americans believe the federal government is a “direct and immediate threat” to their freedom.
– 11% of Americans have a “great deal” or “a lot” of confidence in Congress.
– Over half of Americans have “very little” or “no confidence” in Congress.
– 25% of Americans have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in newspapers.
– 22% of Americans have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in television news.
– 76% of Americans have a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the military.
What institutions do Americans trust? Small business, the military, the police, and the church. What do these institutions have in common? They are institutions which the Reds have traditionally dominated.
A racial breakdown of the numbers would be even more illuminating. It is a safe bet that the Reds – White America – are even more radically alienated than the polls above (which include the Blues) tend to suggest.
A word of caution: it is a mistake to write off these numbers as just the latest example of the usual partisan bickering. The Republican Party and Beltway conservatives are even more unpopular than their Democratic counterparts.
“Unfashionable Observations”
This book is a treasure trove of “unfashionable observations.” There are too many to list here. I highly recommend you check out this book yourself. It was a delight to read.
In hindsight, a more appropriate title would have been something like “A Discourse on the History and Future of Liberty.” Among my favorite little gems of insight:
– Liberty doesn’t come from “natural rights” or any abstract universal theory. It is a living tradition that evolved as a response to a peculiar set of environmental circumstances.
– No one chooses liberty and anomie over the comforts of tradition. Liberty evolves when some emergency or catastrophe knocks a society off auto-pilot and forces men to be free. Some men thrive in these conditions and rise to greatness.
– The only effective check on the ruling class is the character type of the people, specifically, the moral virtues that favor independence.
– It is always a good thing to have a vibrant political ecology that includes multitudes of ornery, independent minded people who dislike being told what to do. Their presence works to the advantage of freedom and acts as a check on the utopian bureaucratic totalitarianism that has become a threat to liberty in our own times.
– Progressive intellectuals really are trying to sap and undermine the foundations of liberty in their delusional pursuit of a utopian society. This project can only end in rebellion and disaster.
– The people have only won their freedom when they have risen up and seized it themselves. Liberty doesn’t come from abstractions, intellectuals, or philosophers. The vital role of mobs, insurgents, and outlaws has been overlooked in the history of liberty.
– There is an inherent conflict between civilization and liberty. An overcivilized society rots and degenerates over time. It increasingly takes on a pyramid form. Uncivilized behavior – mob violence, unlawful rebellion, racial imperialism, extremism – played the critical role in the creation of the free society that progressive intellectuals take for granted.
– The free society that progressive intellectuals take for granted sprung from selfish motives of dead white males. Rich smugglers like John Hancock played a vital role in fomenting the American Revolution. Western speculators wanted access to land beyond the Appalachians. Religious bigotry and pro-slavery sentiment was intertwined with the patriot cause.
If you examine the history of the American Revolution, unfounded conspiracy theories about the Pope and the Crown played a vital role in getting it off the ground. The Indians and negro slaves tended to fight for the British.
– Thomas Jefferson understood that rebellion was needed to renew a free society from time to time. This is an observation we would be well advised to heed in our own times.
Final Thoughts
The original American Revolution was a bloody affair. There are many parallels with the Tea Party, but this is not one of them. The list of grievances which the Reds could cite to justify their separation from the Blues dwarfs those of the American colonists. The Blues yearn for the cultural, economic, and demographic annihilation of the Reds.
King George III never aspired to anything so radical as the establishment of a complete dictatorship over the mind and systematic the redistribution of American wealth to racial aliens. He never thought so less of his misguided subjects as to appoint the bastard mulatto son of a White woman and an African foreigner as a colonial governor.
In the Civil War, President Lincoln only wanted the Confederates to remain loyal to the Union and respect majority rule, which is why Andrew Johnson served as his Vice President. The rift between the Blues and Grays over slavery was quickly healed once the institution was eliminated and the North abandoned its attempt to transform the South.
There are no “mystic cords of memory” or “patriot graves” or “bonds of affection” to swell the chorus of the Union this time around. The Blues and Reds have nothing in common to rally around and resolve their differences. Nothing but inertia and nostalgia holds our inverted society together.
Eventually, the traitors will be chased from the temples of power, and the meritocratic system which have facilitated their rise will be overthrown. It could happen as a national uprising (1776), a peaceful and bloodless reform (1828), or geographic separation into two nations (1861).
The 1776 route is the most likely scenario. Tellingly, its iconography has already been adopted by White America. The day is fast approaching when some overt act by the federal government will spark a revolution in the United States.
Couples who hate each other this much don’t stay married for long. They’re not going to stay together “for the kids” either.
I submit that Tom Chittum is an intellectual. His predictions are far from perfect; for example, he predicted open racial conflict by 2005, and even ten years later, conflict seems to be “under wraps” rather than open.
If you have not read Chittum, I advise that you put his books on your to-read list.
@Hunter Wallace,
“In recent weeks, intellectuals have been taken to the woodshed around here. ”
The intellectual anti-intellectuals didn’t win that debate so exactly who took who to the woodshed is highly questionable. Hunter, you are a good writer and a terrible street activist. I personally have 10x the street presence you will ever have, while you are 10x the writer I will ever be, so for you to take up the anti-intellectual cudgel is ridiculous, as intellectualism, not street activism, is your strong suit. Why would you hit the streets in camera dressed like a slob? You don’t write like a slob. PS, lose the yellow t-shirts.
How nice it must have been to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with real men ready to fight for what they believe in………….instead of being an island in a sea of metro-sexual, cowardly, over-weight, couch potato, spectator sport watching whimps who are more than happy living as 3rd class slaves while being constantly mocked and ridiculed.
“A coward dies many times before his death. The valiant never taste of death but once.”
That debate had far reaching consequences. It was a real eye opener. It prompted me to reconsider my own beliefs, strategy, associations, and future plans.
I was already moving in that direction. In light of experience and observation, I had begun to ask mild questions about the character of White Nationalists, as it seemed to be the common denominator swirling around a number of issues.
The events that transpired after that debate removed any lingering doubts I had about the subject. If these people can’t stand beside you on an internet blog, when the chips are down and the shit hits the fan, will they stand beside you in the street or in a foxhole?
That’s the wrong question. It is asking too much.
Here are the real questions:
1.) Will these people betray you over a small amount of money? Yes.
2.) Will they stab you in the back when they see an opportunity to advance themselves? Yes.
3.) Will these people use you and take advantage of your idealism to promote themselves? Yes.
4.) Will these people forget everything you have done for them? Yes.
5.) Do these people appreciate all the hard work and enormous sacrifices you have made to advance their beliefs? No.
6.) Can such people stare down the federal government and win a concession as big as an ethnostate? No.
I asked those questions and answered all of them to my satisfaction. Then I reconsidered everything I had been doing and promptly changed course.
Is Harris Jewish?
Don’t think so.
Harris’s use of the MSM’s “Blue/Red” color symbolism makes me instantly suspicious; this aside, sounds like a good read. HW’s List of Six is why I am an Operational Nationalist, not a WN: every day, out working in the streets, I encounter whites who are as existentially worthless as Jews, blacks, and browns, and in approximately population-proportional numbers. We’ll just see who is shooting in what direction and then, when the dust has settled, distribute rewards – and sanctions – accordingly. I do not doubt that a HardRight coalition can and will take down the ZOG; whether whites will EARN a separate ethnostate during the upcoming violent proceedings is another question entirely. We’ll see….
Post-script: list of WN and other links needs to be restored. And why has Walking Man with Grazing Sheep returned?
I can’t find the appropriate size image that I want for the banner. I will have to get someone to photoshop me a banner with the precise dimensions.
I like the bucolic landscape banner. It looks like a nice place to live and reminds me of what we are fighting for. Perhaps a selection of banners, changed every time the page is refreshed?
I think Harris uses ‘Blues’ and ‘Reds’ because it is a meme people are familiar with, Steve Sailer also uses this terminology. Codevilla uses the more precise and accurate ‘country class vs ruling class’, which basically means the same thing, as does the older term ‘radicalized Middle America’, or what has been called recently by Palin as ‘real America’.
The ‘meritocracy’ concept was a good one, the problem is that it only works if everyone plays by the same rules, and there are consequences for those who don’t. The problem is that most of what has now become the ‘ruling class’, especially the jews, haven’t adhered to this once they got into power. There’s a recent article by Buchanan, and also one by MacDonald, showing how they reserve spots in what they designate the ‘elite’ institutions for their own, plus some affirmative action spots, and lock out ordinary white Americans, especially those not from the coastal elite centers.
My problem is that, for the post part, I can’t stand modern red-state Fox News Channel/Israel-first/evangelical(delusional)Christian/war-mongering/race-blind/rural America, any more than I can stand modern blue-state multicultural/ultra-pluralistic/urban/liberal America. They are two sides of the same counterfeit coin to me.
I obviously haven’t read the book, so perhaps I am way off. But the overview seems to more or less mirror the standard mainstream conservative “two Americas” narrative which, while not altogether incorrect in many ways, grossly oversimplifies the issues facing traditional white America, and the white race on the whole.
My view is that any kind of populist backlash against the elites that is not explicitly racialist will be co-opted by the Rush Limbaugh/Newt Gingrich types and will end with someone like Bush in charge.
I base this belief on the fact that that is what has happened in the recent past every time populist anger builds. It happened in the late 60’s/early 70’s with the “white backlash,” which elected Richard Nixon, who instituted affirmative action. It happened with the “Reagan Revolution” that resulted in amnesty for illegal aliens, Martin Luther King Day as a federal holiday and the neocon’s take over of the conservative movement. Then we had the “Republican Revolution” of 1994, which swept the GOP to power in Congress where they spent the next 12 years ignoring rapidly increasing rates of legal and illegal immigration, affirmative action and outsourcing.
The same types of people who are behind the Tea Party then elected Bush twice. Bush, if you don’t remember, played up a folksy, populist, “red state,” image, complete with fake Southern accent and brush clearin’ down on the ranch while pushing hard for another amnesty for illegal aliens, creating a massive new prescription drug entitlement and a massive new federal education bureaucracy devoted largely to racially equalizing student achievement, running up record budget deficits and starting a disastrous war in Iraq at the behest of the neocons. I’m not about to put my faith in the people who voted for that just 6 years ago.
What I think is likely to happen is that this cycle — conservative populist white backlash followed by co-option, sell out and liberal resurgence — will repeat for the foreseeable future. The cycle will be broken when conservative whites are no longer enough of the voting public to elect a president and Congress they find acceptable, even during good years. By this time, you’re likely to see the GOP far to the left of what it is now. Most of the Baby Boomers will be dead at this point and the Gen Xers will be starting to die out too, so there won’t be any Tea Party to speak of. Hopefully at this point, the remaining whites will become more open to some form of white nationalism on a large scale.
The alternate scenario that I think is somewhat plausible is that as these conservative populist movements come and go, they become more explicitly racial. At some point they would have to move beyond racially coded rhetoric and start advocating actual pro-white policies, like restricting legal non-white immigration and addressing Jewish influence. This could lead to a mass white nationalist movement by a gradual shift from current colorblind conservatism. I don’t think we are moving that direction now although I understand why some think we are. A racially charged political atmosphere similar to what we have today has existed at various times over the last 50 years, and it always fizzled out while the overall state of America continued to get worse.
H. Rock White: Sometimes I have used the expressions because they have become familiar, but I hate the “red state/blue state” terms most of all for designating the states that have the fewest Marxists as Red. It’s a deliberate muddying of the water, like the way the msm used to call the die hards in the Soviet government “conservatives”.
I also came to many of the same answers you have. That’s when I decided to move to central europe and it’s been the best decision ever. I feel like i’m “home” and on the same wave-length as the locals as most of my ancestors are from main-land europe. Alex Linder planted this idea in my mind when he mentioned the difference between “Germanic” and “Anglo-Saxon” thinking and he was right, there’s a huge difference.
Ango-Saxons are a more passive, hobbit like people, who need to be beaten on for centuries before they take action. The Romans beat on them for decades before a woman, Boudica, had to lead them in battle. The English raped Scottish brides for centuries before Braveheart finally appeared. The hobbits need to analyze and discuss their oppression for decades before finally convincing themselves action is the only resort.
The Germanic, Roman mentality says, we have a problem, there’s nothing else to discuss. Let’s Blitzkrieg the bastards and get back to enjoying life. This is my mentality.
Don’t worry about the blue/red ‘meme’ (annoying lil neologism)…soon the gays will take over and books will be written about the mauve/chartruse states.
Hunter- The main point in which we are in agreement is that this is all fantasy play. Books like this are written to pander to which ever side they are feeding.
They start off with loose facts, poor examples of history and then try to leave the reader with the sense of false hope and that they got their $25 worth from wasting it at Barnes and Nobles for buying such nonsense.
There will never be another civil war.
Between American inertia and Fed infiltrations nothing will change, the corporations at this point are running the country and your life.
The red vs blue is just a summer camp game of flag football. It means nothing and it makes no difference which side is in office, your life will not change.
The racial culture war is over, there are no such thing as racial camps anymore.
There are people playing racial fantasy games and forums like Stromfront and VNN to play up to them. But, how many of the posters on those boards are trolls, feds, and just plain mentally ill?
How many rallies does the white power street theater have where half the people don’t even really look “white”? How many of them are feds? And how many really are there?
Last year about 300K t-baggers came to DC on 9/12. It was not really that big, we have all seen bigger from the left. The average large ANSWER anti-war rally is usually about 500K, but, for the “right” it was the biggest they ever really had in a long time.
Do you think this year on 9/12 they are going to get the same numbers again?
No, they blew off their steam of fear of a black man in the white house, looked like fools, got caught with stupid misspelled and racist signs and will stay home not wanting to deal with DC traffic, expensive hotels and the crowded metro.
Basically, the movement blew its wad and it is all over from here.
I appreciate that you are an avid reader and a person of high intelligence, but you are looking for answers in hype that you want to hear for some kind of false hope of a world that will never exist.
I have to slip this in. I trash Steve Sailer quite often and with very good reason . Just take his most recent post on vdare.com about global warming,Mexican imimgrants and liberal enviromentalists. Its another blizzard of the eyes-glaze-over idiotic wonkishness. I think Sailer is an intelligent man. But he is missing the big target with his asperger syndrome obserssion with statistical and excel spreadsheet calculations.
Liberal and Leftist environemetalist don’t care about the environment. They are “envirnmentalist”. They want to race-replace the Native Born White Majority with high fertlity post-1965 asians,muslims,mexicans,hmong,carribeans and africans.
The theme of this thread is Civil War 2. Civil War 2 is the fundamental issue. In fact it is not so much a Civil War as it is a invasion of Native Born White American by post-1965 high fertility nonwhites who are waging a vicious race war against the Native Born White American Maority. It should be thought of as an international incident. And they are doing this with the enthusiastic support of Liberal and Leftist environmentalist-they want US dead!!!!!. What could be more obvious.
Liberal-Leftist “environmentalist” could care less about protecting ecosytems. It’s onward with the race war against the Native Born White Majority.
This is what should be stated on vdare.com. Instead we get asperger syndrome blatherings of the mad calibrator Steve Sailer. You would think at this late stage in the game-one minute before midnight for millions of Native Born White Amerians-that Peter Brmilow would go right to the heart of the issue:they are waging a vicious rac war against OUR PEOPLE.
Liberal and Leftist “environmentalists” are using “environmentalism” to exterminate the Native Born White Majority. They are publicly stating-more or less-that protection of America’s ecosystems and endangered species requires Native Born White Majority to breed below replacement level. That is to say, they are demanding that Native Born White Americans commit racial suicide within the borders of America so that HIGH FERTILITY post 1965 asians,muslims,africans,carribeans,HMONG!!!!!!,and hispanics can take over the place-after which they will wreck “America’s” ecocsystems and wipe out endangered species. What could be more obvious.
So no to the mad calibrator nonesense of Steve Sailer. WE are in a vicious race war with high fertility post-1965 nonwhites!!!
“Liberty doesn’t come from abstractions, intellectuals, or philosophers. The vital role of mobs, insurgents, and outlaws has been overlooked in the history of liberty.”
The Old America:
The decline in the vigor of American self-government is directly tied to the decline in the vigor of American mobs.
Latter Day Saints can testify to the vigor of mobs in nineteenth century America. Between 1830 and 1847, members of our church lived in states with existing white populations. Because of the numbers we settled in and our tendency to vote as a block, we seemed to threaten existing local political arrangements. Since we traded among ourselves, we seemed to threaten existing local commercial interests. Because of our distinctive religious beliefs, we seemed to threaten local ecclesiastical establishments. During our attempts to settle in Missouri, all of these factors were compounded by a culture clash between local Southerners and the Saints, most of whom came from Greater New England.
During the 1990s, several economists, most notably Ernst Fehr at the University of Zurich and his colleagues, decided to test the assumptions of rational choice theory experimentally…what these experiments…reveal is that society consists of several types of people. Some of them–perhaps a quarter in experiments with American college students–are self-interested, rational agents – ‘the knaves’. These will never contribute to the common good, and will choose free-riding unless forced to [contribute] by fines imposed upon them. The opposite type, also about a quarter, are the unconditional cooperators, or ‘the saints’. The saints continue to contribute to the common pool and lose money, even when it is obvious to everybody that cooperation has failed (although most of them reduce the amount of their contribution). The largest group (40 to 60 percent in most experiments) are the conditional cooperators, or ‘the moralists’. The preference of the moralists is to contribute to the pot, so that everyone would be better off. However, in the absence of the mechanism to punish noncontributors, free-riding proliferates, the moralists become disgusted by this opportunistic behavior, and withdraw their cooperation. On the other hand, when the punishment option is available, they use it to fine the knaves [even though imposing a fine comes at a cost to them…and] the group [eventually] achieves the cooperative equilibrium at which, paradoxically, the moralists do almost as well as the knaves, because they now rarely (if ever) need to spend money on fining the free-riders.
The blogger carefully avoids ethnic and racial factors in his analysis.
Jupiter because it is safe to hide behind stats, AmRen does this and it gives the wealthier contributors some hiding room from the word “racist.”
As for this spock character, now there is a joke post with its “end of history” rhyme that gets trotted out by witless authoritarians. What America has become is a 3000 mile wide Jim Jones cult with no economic future, no future at all, it is as the essay says survives on “inertia” and nothing else.
It is amazing how lucky the treason lobby has been. Can’t predict the black swan event. But surely it is comming. Yes, American is a joke nation at this point in time.
Native Born White Americans are facing the very real possibility of losing 1/4 of its living space in the very near future. It will extremely difficult at that point in time to carry on with the self-deceptions and escapes into fantasy which is rampant in White American these days. I agree with Peter Brimelow. It is going to be very painfull–very very painfull. I expect White women to turn on their husbands for not protecting them against from what in retrospect was an obvious on comming-no brakes working-train.
Look, not only are White Americans gonna have to be higher vilgent, they are going to have to be highly contemplative. The reconstructed White American culture is going to have to reflect this. The current White American culture is sick and diseased. It has shot up with veryhigh potetn crack for at least 30 years. It’s adrenal glands are shot. It has the appearance of a diseased ridden emaciated…
disease ridden emaciated AIDS patient a few days from expiring.
Look, throw the racism charge back at the f…….rs
John Walters:
I believe Chittum’s date is 2012 beginning in LA.
White americans essentially still have it too good…which is a symptom of the disease you speak of. As long as they can make the payment on their Jap-built Lexus sedan, why worry about the long-term future of the country?
America the Jim Jones cult writ large is ruled by a corrupt elite using the word “racism” to keep the masses cowed and working in the garden patch heads down and mute. History Channel had a show about that prescient kook who was only 40 years too soon in his methods, and his last rambling speech reads and sounds like anything produced by today’s liberals.
As revolutionaires we want the “establishment” to whip the masses hard with the “racist” lable, we must never allow them to even contemplate turning back. As our economy fails and there is less loot to support the millions of unemployable blacks who continue to multiply with abandon further pressing the white/jewish elite to whip its slaves harder to provide, the “elite” will start triage. Which probably means they fuel up the jets, steal the office supplies and then skedaddle.
I wish I could write Obama’s speeches, they would be titled; “We gonna whip dem craKKKas, but done good” and other such niceities. The elite whips and we are there whispering, “There is a way out.”
I think folks are pretty tired of coonservatives & Republicoons too. Vote ’em all out this November. All incumbents must go.
The least you are doing is forcing all political deals to be re-negotiated. That’s what we want isn’t it?
ATBOTL’s point was that the loyal opposition Republicans, like the false opposition parties like the German Democratic Republic, coopt Red Staters and their anger,use them, and neutralize their opposition and revolutionary potential. As ATBOTL points out, this has repeatedly happened over the last 42 years. I believe it will happen again in 2010 with the Tea Partiers voting the Repubs into both houses of Congress. However, this depression is so severe and the Republicans will almost certainly do hardly any better then the communist Democrats in aleving the growing unemployment and economic collapse situation. This will put the ball in 2012 in the court of Ron Paul and the Paleos (Paleoconservatives, Paleolibertarians, Brimelow and Alternative Right National Conservatives, and Sailerian and Murrayian Evolutionary Conservatives). Given the rising situation, it appears they could pull off a “Goldwater” moment and usurp the presidential nomination in 2012. If that happens, the Oligarchial Class might try something desparate to maintain their status que. A desparate tactic like ballot box stuffing or more obscene tactics on the part of the “elite” could easily galvanize the Red State public into more radical, say secessionist, politics. I think we live in a very interesting era and I doubt recent history can be much of a guide for it.
This will put the ball in 2012 in the court of Ron Paul and the Paleos (Paleoconservatives, Paleolibertarians, Brimelow and Alternative Right National Conservatives, and Sailerian and Murrayian Evolutionary Conservatives). Given the rising situation, it appears they could pull off a “Goldwater” moment and usurp the presidential nomination in 2012.”
Will never happen.
Ron Paul: He is a good galvanizing and fund raising tool for the more conservative side of the Republican Party, but will never be anything more.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in a shell. Paul’s Campaign for Liberty is the major bankroll for Republican candidates as well as having a well connected tie to Morton Blackwell’s Leadership Institute as major player in Republican politics.
Brimlow: Political box office poison. Try and watch him at a CPAC, you’d think he was carrying the germs of a toxic virus. He lost respect from the old lady conservative organizations when he married Lydia, they all *tsk* in the hotel lobby of CPAC when Brimlow and Lydia walk through. And then, of course they don’t want to be tied to his racism and his little troll Marcus Epstein who follows him around.
The Paleos: Are about as effective for the right as the Communists parties are for the left. They stand for the core principles, but in the long run the party will throw this small aging rusty old group under the bus for corporate campaign donations.
There are no real political movements on either side left.
All there are are corporate McActivism/astroturf with Madison Ave campaigns.
You are fighting this battle as effectively as civil war re-enactors wearing old itchy mothball ridden uniforms using black powder rifles.
It’s an amusing performance, you make yourselves feel better for a day or two, but then when that morning alarm clock rings you have to face the real world again.
It is a sad reality all for us from either side of the political spectrum have to face at some point.
Politicians and their bosses understand that the best way to maintain law and order is to distribute the nations wealth evenly. It is true that many whites are being thrown under the bus to make peace possible. Violent protest is useless, it can put you in a cell with a sex offender. The best an angry and unemployed white man can do is fill out an application at a fast food franchise and hope to be hired.
I don’t think the Tea Party is the latest example of a partisan conservative backlash. In 2006 and 2008, the Republicans collapsed and the Democrats took over the Presidency and Congress.
In hindsight, this wasn’t because Americans suddenly realized they liked the progressive social and economic agenda. It was because Americans lost faith in the GOP as vehicle of social change. Obama won states like Indiana, North Carolina, Virginia, and Ohio because White voters were demoralized and sat out the election.
In 2010, the GOP hasn’t recovered its lost credibility. White voters are simply punishing the Democrats by electing Republicans. The GOP is even more unpopular than the Democrats.
There has been an across the board collapse in the legitimacy of major institutions: Democrats, Republicans, Congress, Big Business, Big Labor, MSM. America itself is now said to be in decline.
There has been a progression in White voters from demoralized to alienated to angry under Bush and Obama.
Hunter- I agree. I don’t even think the GOP is going to get the sweep they are due come November.
The GOP candidate for this time around are a circus. This was the first time Harry Reid has actually been easy to take out and vulnerable, and who does the GOP put against him? A crazy babbling dingbat who has no political savvy or experience.
Reid’s seat was their big brass ring and they blew it.
Now, I have a theory, but, it is a shot in the dark….
Political trends show that presidents are more popular when they have the opposing party controlling the Hill.
If they keep the Hill Democrat it could hurt Obama in 12, just like it hurt Carter in 80, hence cutting into the incumbent advantage.
This is a long shot theory, but because the country is such a mess right now it might advantage the Republicans to keep the blame on the Dems by keeping them in office, while continuing to block any solutions they offer.
Why pick on Marcus? He is racially hybrid, but he is not working against the legitimate racial interests of the Native Born White Majority.
When you call Peter Brimelow a racist you mean “racist”. If you are claiming that the Republican establishment will not go to bat for the Native Born White American Majority, I agree.Throw the party of White corporatist White Male traitors with silly looking haircuts overboard.
Murryian evolutionists are not a very large political constituency-I’d say a small fraction of a percent…very small. There is a very big constituency for Native Born White American racial triblaism-it is just a matter of getting it out-full-blown-in public. This is much simpler and easier than nutty sidetracking psychometric discussions about whether or not asians are smarter than Native Born White Americans. White Amerians don’t care about the Murray evolutionist stuff. Complete waste of time.
If what happened in Michigan and Missouri is any indication, the Democrats are going to get a “thumpin” in 2010 worse than the one Republicans received in 2006.
It’s not because of any particular love of the Republicans either. White voters are mad at the Democrats right now and want to punish them.
The country could easily stay together regardless of how much two segments hate each other. There are many examples around the world of countries that survive for generations with long-lasting animosity between two groups.
I doubt there is that much hate, either. Not for war. For political pressure to increase, maybe, but for now that’s it.
Re: Intellectuals. The real problem with attacking intellectuals is that an important fact might be lost: Without intellectuals who want to defend the White side there is no possibility of victory.
More practical intellectuals are certainly not a bad group to court. The question is, being more practical, they would of course ask what’s in it for them?
What is?
1.) There isn’t any attack on pro-White intellectuals going on here. Granted, there was a thread about the subject a few weeks ago, but the debate was over before I went on vacation.
A few commentators like Trainspotter continue to resurrect the subject. That’s the only reason it continues to be discussed here.
2.) The book that I reviewed above never mentioned pro-White intellectuals. It was about the vast majority of American intellectuals who subscribe to the progressive worldview and the backlash they are courting among ordinary White people who they attempting to evangelize.
3.) Personally, I do not believe that pro-White intellectuals are indispensable to victory. I can’t imagine a scenario in which these people will read a book or essay that will inspire them to do anything beyond read the next book or essay.
4.) Once again, I would like to emphasize that is my own personal opinion. In the event I am proven wrong, I will change that opinion, but I am convinced that is unlikely to happen.
5.) What’s indispensable to victory is acting in the real world to break the taboos against nurturing a positive sense of White identity. Taboos that are not challenged only grow stronger.
@ Hunter etc.
What you have to ask all of these politicians is, what have you done for White people?
That question is going to stop any incumbent of any party, or any claimed politics dead in their tracks. Takes some balls to ask—but ask we must! In person, in writing, to their friends and supporters. Word gets back quickly to te politcian, when you reduce Joe or Sue to tears!
If you can’t reduce someone to tears you should get another hobby besides politics.
“1.) Will these people betray you over a small amount of money? Yes.
2.) Will they stab you in the back when they see an opportunity to advance themselves? Yes.
3.) Will these people use you and take advantage of your idealism to promote themselves? Yes.
4.) Will these people forget everything you have done for them? Yes.
5.) Do these people appreciate all the hard work and enormous sacrifices you have made to advance their beliefs? No.
6.) Can such people stare down the federal government and win a concession as big as an ethnostate? No.”
Ain’t that the truth. They will use responders like “it’s nothing personal” at that. These questions are EXTREMELY valuable and you should judge all of your associations according to these points.
If you are going to worry about shit—get another hobby besides politics. Can’t take the heat get another hobby!
Hunter, do you know how badly discredited and unpopular the GOP was after Nixon resigned? Today is nothing compared to that. There is no good reason to believe that what is happening now is anything special. Most of the Tea Party types are GOP partisans. Some of them are alienated others, but it was always like that. Ever hear of “Reagan Democrats?” There is nothing to see here, people.
I think the time for pessimism is over. Always remember this: tomorrow, Rush Limbaugh could get on the air and address his radio audience with the following statement and forever alter the course of our nation –
“The nation you and I love is irrevocably lost, not because of Democrats, socialists, communists, nor RINOs. But because of the rise of the minority population.”
20 million people stop hiding in the shadows, afraid to speak the truth that sits on the edge of their tongues.
At this point, those debates with obscure “intellectuals” become meaningless. Once white people look around and realize it is okay to acknowledge their white heritage without fear of ostracism, then you know we are close to the disintegration of the stock market and the economy, which is why Limbaugh or one of the gate-keepers that holds back the true “Falling Down” backlash from occurring.
The truth keeps rearing its ugly head Hunter. Don’t stop writing, for if one person stumbles upon your site and changes their opinion based on what you have written then your work is not in vain.
Also, I second the poster who recommended Chittum’s important work. The recent blowup in Arizona has shown that we are galloping (no longer inching) closer and closer to the finality of the American experiment.
It is unlikely that the Tea Party will radicalize, but it is more likely than White Nationalists ever getting their act together.
Hunter- The demographics of white America are angry at Dems, but are they anymore angry than they were before Obama was elected?
Are they anymore angry at the Dems than they are fed up with the Repub?
I honestly see a large amount of disgruntled people staying home in November.
The old people might come out, who normally vote Repub, but all and all I think the only really big win for the Repubs is going to be Rand Paul who is going to give the Dems years and years of good fundraising and galvanizing material.
Virginia has not been a pure red state in a long time, if anything it has been a purple one.
McDonnell won because Deeds ran a shitty campaign and he dissed the minority vote, Cuccinelli rode on his coat tails.
McDonnell also got Sheila Johnson’s endorsement which made a world of difference and he paid attention to NOVA.
I don’t think the average down state Repub can do as well as he did.
Hunter, thanks for the clarification.
There’s really only one thing I want to know after reading the post: Is it the case that the so-called natural libertarians can win?
Obviously unlike WN, positions related to libertarianism are easily publicly defended. Practically, if enacted, such a philosophy would lead to an end to affirmative action, foreign wars, and forced integration. The only question is on immigration and open borders, which libertarians still debate.
Good enough.
So, can natural libertarians and their allies win?
If you look at what happened in Europe, once you get a big enough influx of normal people into the movement, the movement will become better organized and more functional. Things are going to have to get worse and the faux-opposition is going to have to lose credibility before that happens. We have to be in this for the long haul and be prepared to face ups and downs.
I actually think there is a lot to be excited about. The debate over racial differences among experts in academia has shifted towards our side. A lot of the most intelligent students today are reading material about Sociobiology, Evolutionary Psychology and HBD. That stuff is increasingly part of the intellectual milieu for those who will be the next generation of elites, like Marxist theory was for the generation in power now. Our ideas are likely to get more of hearing in the right wing media soon and I am confident that given a fair hearing, we will win many new converts. However, I think we can write off the Baby Boomers and most Gen Xers. These people are too attached to their colorblind delusions. The future is in the people under 35.
That’s one of the reasons why I am so down on the Tea Party. They are overwhelmingly old. These are literally the same people who voted for Bush and Reagan. They aren’t really alienated so much as being sore losers because their team lost the last big game. They will go right back to being smug triumphalists oblivious to America’s decline if the GOP wins the next two election cycles.
“It is unlikely that the Tea Party will radicalize, but it is more likely than White Nationalists ever getting their act together.”
The system will have to take itself down. Our job is to survive until that self-take down happens. Personally I don’t think this system has anymore future than it did in the USSR. So just wait. Create a community of friends, propagandize the sheep, and enjoy your life as much as you can. I don’t see the point of stressing over loyalties and appreciation factors. Friends come and go. So what else is new?
“Within a few decades, the WASP elite was displaced by a new elite which remains in place in our own times.”
And just who are these new elites? Green men from Alpha Centauri? Surf Nazis from Newport Beach? I guess Kevin MacDonald and others are way off target in categorizing Jews as our new hostile elite. Why insult the intelligence of your readers by dissembling?
From what I can tell this book doesn’t deal with the racial aspect of the looming civil war and the actors behind America’s demise so I don’t see how it’s relevant to white nationalism. To present the problems before us as a contest between “cognitive elites” and “natural libertarians” is disingenuous and amounts to intellectual twaddle. Are blacks and mestizos natural libertarians because given their lack of gray matter they certainly aren’t cognitive elites?
Civil War II by Thomas Chittum is the best book on the boiling racial cauldron that will erupt into a full blown race war and to a lesser extent, class war, on American soil. Not some esoteric tome that presents the struggle in terms not widely understood by the layman. This isn’t just merely a conflict between populism and liberalism which makes it almost a gentlemanly affair.
BTW, is this becoming a conservative/race realism light (very light) website these days? Gone are the days of hard hitting commentary that tackled race and the Jewish question from the perspective of racially conscious white men.
Great article and perspective, Hunter.
“- 75% of Americans are “angry” at the federal government.” Add: And, 25% of that 75% is filled with blinding fury! Percentages increase daily.
I don’t think “full blown race war” is likely to break out anytime soon. That’s a distraction from the real task at hand.
Nobody here should be under the impression that Hunter or the other major contributors of this site are becoming ‘conservatives’, or believe that existing electoral political means can bring about the actual changes that we all want to see.
Writing about contemporary non-racial political movements and political unrest is about trying to understand where we are today, and to see if there is anything that we can do to influence the future course of events. The past few posts have been about the increasing delegitimization of the current regime, and rising populist sentiment. Any suggestion of political action through mainstream/legitimate channels should get us thinking about the possibility that we might actively promote politically acceptable (i.e., not explicitly pro-white) wedge issues that have a chance to further polarize the country and radicalize the ‘reds’/’natural libertarians’/’country class’. Not to address our racial grievances as GOP hacks, but to use existing political infrastructure as an avenue for agitation.