End-Game, Anyone?

by Val Koinen
August 12, 2010

No question about it. We White Americans in recent years have most certainly seen – in fact, we have been overwhelmed with – “change we can believe in.”

It’s happening right before our eyes. Right now, in real time, on a daily basis. And it is accelerating. You, me, our children, all of our people – and especially our men and boys – are being beat down by our Jew-controlled news and entertainment media, government, and public education system. We are well along the path to being totally crushed and gutted, and soon thereafter, genocided out of existence.

And you had better believe it – it is happening by design, in accordance with the plans of the Jew-dominated ruling elite in this country (in virtually all the White nations of the world, for that matter, including most of those in Europe and in Canada and Australia).

The really baffling thing is that so many of us White people are, like the horse with blinders, unable to see it. And that so many refuse to believe or acknowledge it when it is pointed out to them; even when their noses are rubbed in it.

How these anti-White changes can not be glaringly evident to any sane, reasonably intelligent and observant White person would simply be beyond my powers of comprehension if I wasn’t aware of all the malevolent Jewish influence in our society; ranging all the way from brainwashing our children to constantly propagandizing our people regarding virtually all matters racial, social, political and governmental, economical, geopolitical, and international.

Do you need help in seeing and understanding things? How our country has changed and is changing? Well just open your eyes, try to put aside your preconditioned positions and prejudices, and look around at the real world that surrounds you. It’s really quite easy to do.

Turn on your television and watch a couple programs and the multitudinous commercials. Pick up a newspaper and scan the news sections, the sports and entertainment pages, and the columns in the opinions section. Look at the ads too, on any given day but especially in the Sunday edition. Check the news online, on any of the “mainstream” internet sites. Go to a movie (try to get there in time to catch the previews). Go out on the street, go to the mall, or go to your local DMV office to get your driver’s license renewed (or to any government office for that matter). Go to your county courthouse and sit through a few courtroom sessions.

When you do those things you just can’t help but be overwhelmed by the in-your-face presence and artificially inflated stature of non-Whites in our society. You’ll notice all the Negroes and Jews offering advice to your majority-White community on the editorial pages of your local newspaper. You’ll see Negroes, Negroes, and more Negroes in television shows and commercials and in print ads, in numbers far beyond their percentage of the population (usually in positions of righteousness and authority, and at the height of stylishness in ads, accompanied by White girls). You’ll get a hint of all the Negroes and mestizos in crime reports, even though it is common practice in the Jew-dominated “mainstream media” for all mention of race to be omitted when the perps are non-White. You’ll begin to notice how many Negroes and mestizos there are amongst us (and how many more there are than there were just a few short years ago), in virtually all public places; especially when there are opportunities for “hanging out” (loitering), group attendance, and government employment. When you click on CNN, chances are you’ll see picture upon picture, and story after story, of/about some Negro celebrity or government official or criminal.

But you protest, of course – “So what? What’s wrong with having a few more “visible” non-Whites in our society? Big deal. What are you anyway, some kind of racist or something? An anti-Semite? A Nazi?”

Well, alright, I guess I should get into the nitty-gritty of the situation if I expect to show you how the above are unmistakable signs of the intended and calculated dispossession of our people, the founders and builders of this country and still the American majority.

No, this surely is not your father’s America. And yes, you (and your children) are constantly told to rejoice in and celebrate that change. But that is just insane. For White Americans it is an impending and unmitigated disaster that has yet to descend upon us in full force.

Let’s take a little tour. Just consider the following, given in no particular order of topic or importance:

Don’t you find it just a little curious that in this once-great country, in 2008 we elected a half-Kenyan (half-Negro) named “Barack Hussein Obama” as our President? An almost totally inexperienced Marxist/socialist activist; a “community organizer” (whatever that means); an anti-White racist; a past drug user and accused homosexual (bisexual); very likely not a U.S. “natural born citizen;” the son of a black African and a communist, race-mixing **** (it’s probably best to omit the epithet, considering that the woman passed on years ago – let’s just say that some people would say Obama’s White mama’s lifestyle choices, morals, and sexual proclivities might have come up short in some ways, or left a little to be desired)? Do you think that happened by accident? Well, even Obama himself stated, in a public speech, that he owed his election as Senator from Illinois to the Jews. So don’t you think they might have helped him win the Democratic nomination and the Presidency as well?

If your town is large enough to have a Negro- or mestizo-dominated section, go down there at nighttime and just hang around for awhile. You may not survive, but if you do, you will surely learn a thing or two about “all of us being the same under the skin,” or more likely, about real racial differences.

Do you pay any attention at all to the things your kids are being taught in school, and to the content of their textbooks? Do you even know that their instruction is maliciously distorted with unwarranted criticism of our White ancestors; anti-White, pro-non-White half-truths and outright lies that glorify Negro and other non-White historical figures and their supposed accomplishments; and various other kinds of garbage? And in particular, lies about the nature, intelligence, and contributions of non-Whites? And lies about Jewish uniqueness, persecution, and the mostly fictional so-called “Holocaust” of World War II?

Have you even noticed how media and the government constantly drum into our heads the ridiculous, factually untrue message that it is “normal and natural” to have a substantial if not ubiquitous Negro “presence” in our society? How we (and our children) are forced to read and hear, on a daily basis, all the absolutely and demonstrably false nonsense about “diversity being our strength,” and the “beauty of multiculturalism (multi-racialism)” via social integration and even miscegenation (race-mixing)?

Did you catch, in mainstream news reports of recent weeks, the stories of President Obama’s and Attorney-General Holder’s recent anti-White refusal to prosecute the blatant voter intimidation antics of the so-called “New Black Panther Party” thugs; as well as their (the Justice Department’s) following a policy of ignoring other non-White on White crime? Or how about the reports of the Obama administration’s (Holder’s Justice Department’s) judge Susan Bolton gutting Arizona’s SB-1070 in order to shield illegal mestizo aliens from State law enforcement, thereby endangering the (largely White) citizens of Arizona in an area that is woefully neglected by the Federal government?

Or for that matter, did you see the recent news story about the queer Federal judge Vaughn Walker striking down California’s anti-homo-marriage law (which had been put in place by the people as a result of a ballot initiative back in 2008)?

Have you noticed all the Obama appointments to the Cabinet and other senior administration positions that are clearly anti-White and in particular anti-White-male? All the Jews; Negroes; mestizos; Orientals; homosexuals; radical-feminist, ultra-liberal, and even socialist females?

For example, have you seen what the recent Obama appointments have done to our Supreme Court? How about that appointment of Sonia Sotomayor, the female, anti-White, south-of-the-border mestizo, pro-Aztlan and pro-MEChA, pro-LaRaza socialist? Or how about Elena Kagan, the probable lesbian, radical-liberal, political activist lawyer who is a judicially inexperienced, anti-White Jewess? Have you considered how those appointments have affected the makeup of that august judicial body? Kind of hard to find a straight-White-Christian-male anymore, isn’t it?

Do you even know, or choose to pay any attention to, the way “affirmative action” and other race-preference laws and government rules are routinely and unconstitutionally used these days to deny White people admissions to universities and jobs (so those positions can be filled with less qualified non-Whites)?

Are you even aware of the ongoing flood of mestizos (mostly Mexican), particularly in the West, Southwest, and Southeast? Of the overwhelming and rapidly increasing numbers of those racially alien people who oftentimes openly advocate the overthrow of American control in those areas and its replacement by their “Aztlan?” Of the very real potential for the near-total displacement and dispossession of White people in those areas resulting from their sheer numbers, all their “birth-right citizen” “anchor babies,” and their anti-White and anti-American racial and political loyalties?

Or, how about the resulting, ongoing mestizo “social rampage” in those areas – rampant crime (including drive-by shootings, drug dealing and marijuana-growing, etc.); costs of welfare, education, health care, and bi-lingualism; littering the environment; lowering of wages and taking of millions of jobs from White Americans; etc.?

Have you noticed what has happened to our once-healthy and beautiful White, European-derived popular culture? How it has suffered from the Jew-dominated television, movies, and music industries? How it has become so filthy, so gratuitously sexual when not actually pornographic and homosexual? Have you noticed all the Negrification – the “rap” and “hip-hop” so-called music and all the other aspects of Negro culture being marketed to our children? The constant promotion if not glorification of non-White professional sports figures (especially Negroes in football and basketball, and mestizos in baseball)? All the “normalization” and even adulation of homosexuals and homosexuality in television shows and movies; all the portrayals of homosexuality as “just another alternative lifestyle?”

Can’t you see and understand how young White men are encouraged, by professional sports organizations and their practices, the media, and commercial interests; to glorify – virtually worship – Negro sports figures? To watch them hour after hour, discuss and debate their performances and statistics, and to dress like them, talk like them, and act like them?

Surely you are aware of the way so many churches and other social-activist groups have for years now been working their butts off to import Somalian, Nigerian, Kenyan, and other African blacks into America and into our once-White communities, even in small towns across the country?

For that matter, did you know that since 1965 our immigration policy, largely designed and instigated by Jews and the infamous race-traitor and intern-killer Ted Kennedy, has been used to preferentially admit (import) non-White immigrants as opposed to Whites of European derivation?

Do you really think it is just an “accident,” or due to their superior abilities or commercial attractiveness, that two of the three major television network news anchors are now women (when just a couple years ago all three were men)?

Yes, I know it’s tough, seeing as how you’ve been so brainwashed since you were a child – but do you really mean to tell me you can’t recognize all the disproportionate and excessive, what’s-good-for-Jews and more often than not anti-White Jewish influences of (if not actual domination over) the media, government, our public education system, law enforcement when it comes to civil rights and “hate crime” issues and the like, and entertainment and popular culture (TV, movies, music, magazines, books)?

Aren’t you getting just a little sick and tired of the vastly disproportionate amount of crime committed in this country by Negroes; particularly violent crime, and interracial crime where they are the perpetrators and we Whites (all too often our women and children) are the victims? Oh really? That doesn’t bother you, even a little? (Or, didn’t you know about it?)

Were you aware that costs of black and mestizo social welfare, law enforcement (crime control), and incarceration are bleeding cities and states to death, along with the White taxpayers that support those jurisdictions? That many state and local governments are actually being bankrupted wherever there are substantial concentrations of those non-Whites?

And what else can be said of the hundreds if not thousands of mostly-White towns and even rural areas, many but not all of them in the West and Southwest, that have a substantial mestizo population? Haven’t you Whites in those areas noticed the grossly disproportionate mention of Mexican and other Latin-American surnames in connection with criminal activities and arrests in those areas? Surely, you’ve noticed how common it is for the mestizo minorities to be arrested for illegal gang activities, drug crimes, shootings, drunken driving and accidents, etc.?

Once again, in this late summer of 2010, America finds itself embroiled (bogged down) in wars being fought for the Jews – for Israeli hegemony in the Middle-East. Perpetual war for perpetual peace, as they say. You would think we would have learned our lesson from World Wars I and II, those horrible and devastating fratricidal wars that were also fought at the behest of the Jews; but apparently (and unbelievably), it seems we learned nothing from those costly lessons of history. And now, the Israeli Jews and their American Jew loyalists and White (“goyim”) lackeys are pushing for another mid-East war (this time with Iran, which will be even more devastating than the combined Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns to our moral standing in the world, our economy, our young soldiers, and our very stability and chances of survival as a nation).

What of the way in which so many of our largest corporations and most prominent foundations are falling all over themselves to donate millions upon millions of dollars to non-White organizations; some of which are openly, even notoriously, anti-White in their missions, objectives, and activities?

We wouldn’t want to forget the way so many of our largest corporations, via their advertising agencies and campaigns, preferentially feature and promote Negroes and other non-Whites in their ads and commercials. The way so many of those messages “put down” White people and the notion of Whites preferring to socialize and otherwise interact with one another (with people of their own race). And the way they glorify the non-Whites and promote race-mixing (especially between black males and White girls and women).

Oh, by the way – did you catch the news stories of the way a couple Negro staffers of the leftist activist organization ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) were caught on tape offering advisement on how to run a prostitution ring and how to evade taxes; and before that, during the 2008 election, how they used Federal grant money (your money, provided for the most part by White taxpayers) to facilitate non-White voter fraud? Have you given any thought to how these things could happen in a (supposedly) sane, majority-White country?

Have you begun to notice the “press 1 for English” directive so often encountered on the telephone? And all the “English as a second language” public school instruction? And the multi-lingual packaging and product instructional brochures? And what of all the virtually non-English-speaking government employees in many parts of the country? And all the other costs of bi-lingualism and multi-lingualism? Do you think those things have nothing at all to do with the dispossession of Whites in America, which is clearly an “anti-White” development?

Oh, yes, then we have the myriad other examples of anti-White discrimination becoming so commonplace in contemporary American society:

– As a matter of legal reality and actual practice, only non-Whites are allowed to openly express racial pride and to openly work to benefit their people (often as not, at the expense and/or to the detriment of White people).

– Only White people can be “racist.”

– Only non-Whites can have (oftentimes overtly anti-White) race-based social and advocacy groups and organizations such as political and professional organizations, school (campus) clubs, and social/political organizations such as NAACP, MEChA, etc.

– Virtually every bad thing that happens to or involves Negroes is blamed on White people and/or our supposedly racist society. Even when a Negro “chimps out” in the workplace and shoots a bunch of White co-workers, killing nine of them, the Jew-dominated mainstream media immediately tries to shift the focus and blame to “White racism.”

Need I go on? No? O.K. then, let’s finish this up.

Now, considering all the above, are you going to tell me there isn’t an ongoing anti-White trend here (and in particular, an anti-White-male trend)? A real change happening as a result of a concerted effort to promote and even glorify non-Whites while denigrating and working to dispossess the White majority in this country?

We were once a country not only created by Whites of European extraction; we were a society intended and designed to be compatible with our people’s history, habits, and culture; in short, our “Whiteness.” And yes, we were then, and for some time thereafter, a society and a nation dominated by White people and by White males in particular. And it was for the most part a good, continually growing and developing, evermore “civilized” and refined world of material well-being, cultural progression, hope, and promise. But then something went horribly wrong.

Both Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln, two of our most revered White male statesmen, openly and clearly expressed their well-considered beliefs that Whites were intended to be and should rightly be the dominant racial group in America – that this is a country of White Europeans of common ancestry, history, culture, and belief systems. And that the White and Negro races should not and could not intermix, or share this society as equals. With that in mind, I ask you – “what has changed?” Did the course of history and the performance of non-Whites prove they were wrong? No, absolutely not! In fact, the non-Whites have proven, time and time again, all over the country — in all kinds of social, political and governmental, educational, technical and scientific, moral, and ethical circumstances — that Jefferson and Lincoln were right on the money! Our history and social/national experience since our founding and since the War Between the States have shown, without deviation or exception, that this would still be a far better country if it had remained a more Eurocentric, White-culture-oriented, White-ruled nation.

So where does that leave us? Well, the message I take away from all this is that, so long as there is any chance whatsoever of correcting the present and ever-worsening situation – of staving off the cultural, social, political, and economic dispossession and devastation of White people in America – of preventing our ultimate demise (genocide) – we (all of us) need to not only just resist; we need to band together as a unified racial group with common interests, and fight for those interests. That is our inalienable right under the laws of nature, the laws of humankind, and the laws of this country!

Val Koinen blogs at Koinen’s Corner


  1. “we (all of us) need to not only just resist; we need to band together as a unified racial group with common interests, and fight for those interests. ”

    -Yes, “all of us” (every “nationality” and every religious persuasion of the white race) if you want any chance of success. Unfortunately, we still hear of the many hold-outs who stipulate that Christianity is mandatory, Kinism is what counts, or “I won’t associate with those___ (you fill in the blank for whatever group of whites you care to here).

  2. Put me, the Christian, in charge of the Judeo-Christian Zionists. I’ll return them to Christian Warrior status, like they are supposed to be, such that they are the most powerful arm of the new white confederacy.

  3. The situation in this country is just bullshit. This is the most heavily armed citizenry in the world. There’s like 90 guns per every citizen. What there is not is ANY inclination to change the situation because 99.9% of the people that believe in these issues won’t show up to events.

  4. A great piece but awfully depressing because it’s so true! What the hell is wrong with our people? And to add insult to injury, all the whites in my part are rude, arrogant ignoramuses!

  5. White Nationalism won’t save White people due to its fatal flaws. First, WN is nationalist, in the geographic sense of the word. WNs want to put a wall around some land and keep everyone else out. Due to technology, from ICBMs to satellite communication, that’s not longer an option.

    The second fatal flaw is that WN is conservative. Conservatives are just liberals 20 years behind the times, as can be seen by the current conservative movement’s hilarious worship of the likes of MLK.

    The third flaw is that WN is still mostly Christian and religious. Pierce was right about Christianity. No matter how kinist you may be, Christianity is universalist, superstitious and based on mythological history. No matter how you spin it, you’re still worshipping the Jewish god and his son, a Jew that was magically raised from the dead in 33 AD to fulfill predictions in the Jewish bible. As someone on this very site said not too long ago, superstition for the darkies, priests for the Jews, and natural philosophy (science) for Whites.

    Fourth, and perhaps the most problematic of all, WN, at least in America, is a middle class movement with no natural elite. As Americans, WN is staffed by overweight, intellectually deficient television watchers extremely concerned with mainstream status. As Hunter has rightly said a number of times, WN is currently an pseudonymous internet movement because going public is likely to get you fired from your job, if not harassed by the FBI/ADL.

    Greg Johnson made a brilliant point recently about a theoretical future White movement of “Star Trek elves” – a progressive, positive, future oriented ideology of White evolution, in contrast to the typical “back to the 50s” and Christian church oriented conservatism that has defined WN so far. (And however hokey that may be, it’s no more hokey than the mythology of resurrected Jewish god-men – or blatantly revisionist sentiments about American’s Masonic Founding Fathers.)

    A White evolutionary movement disguised as a religion, combined with a White Strike where Whites simply drop out of mainstream globalist culture, keeping our technology to ourselves, would pay handsome dividends in just a few generations.

    Waiting for a collapse is pointless, but if this link is to be believed (http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2010/aug/12/the-end-of-antibiotics-health-infections) we may be re-entering the era of mass deaths due to contagious disease, which will admittedly grim, could actually work quite well for Whites in sparsely populated areas like the American West.

    tl;dr Dropping the Bible and the Constitution, focusing on future evolution, both cultural and physical, and refusing cooperation with anti-white Whites and non-whites will provide the future that White Nationalism cannot.

  6. Parler White:
    First, unless foreigners are arriving by ICBM or satellite, a wall is a perfectly reasonable way to keep them out.
    Second, WN is not conservative. Some of us share some values with conservatives, some of us share some values with socialists, some of us share some values with national socialists. When self-acknowledged, mainstream conservatives start calling for the expulsion of the post 1965 non-White immigrants, an end to Jewish power, and racial segregation, you can call WN conservatives.
    Third, who says that WN are Christian? Some are, some aren’t. And those WN who are Christian have no problem with racial awareness, as other White Christians across the centuries have not. There are scientists who are Christians, who have no problem reconciling evolution with their faith, and a modern understanding of evolution is de facto “racist”.
    Fourth, aren’t most revolutionary movements middle class? Our Founding Fathers were prosperous Englishmen who ran their own businesses, not aristocrats. Mao Zedong was a school teacher. Fidel Castro was a middle class college dropout. The Red Brigades of Italy were all brought up in middle class homes. Adolph Hitler was the son of a government clerk, petite bourgeois to the core.
    Your prescriptions would carry greater weight if your diagnosis were more accurate.

  7. Discard:

    First, unless foreigners are arriving by ICBM or satellite, a wall is a perfectly reasonable way to keep them out.

    I’m not a very good writer and my comment perhaps came across more literal than I hoped. A wall won’t keep pollution out, a wall won’t keep missiles out, and a wall won’t keep enemy propaganda out. For good or ill, problems are global due to technology. As the late great NeoNietzsche pointed out on numerous occasions, a pastoral agricultural republic on the North American continent cannot be sustained without the tolerance of the global empire, and the idea that a NW republic, walled or not, is going to keep out the global empire seems unlikely.

    Second, WN is not conservative. Some of us share some values with conservatives, some of us share some values with socialists, some of us share some values with national socialists. When self-acknowledged, mainstream conservatives start calling for the expulsion of the post 1965 non-White immigrants, an end to Jewish power, and racial segregation, you can call WN conservatives.

    This blog shows otherwise; there’s a consistent idealization of old White culture, old White moral systems, Constitutionalism, republicanism, family values, etc. “Feminism” the “gay” movement, “big government” etc., are bugaboos here and in WN generally. WNs here tend to denounce “white supremacism” (i.e., white dominating other ethnic groups) and promote a “leave us alone” attitude, which is itself conservatism. This may be due to status-seeking and a feeble attempt to deflect criticism from the mainstream, but it’s still conservative. While procreative miscegenation is obviously not in White interests, recreational sex with, say, Asians is looked down upon – this is conservatism, “family values” and the like. Not that there is anything wrong with conservatism in and of itself, but it certainly seems that the majority of WNs hold to conservative politics and morals (and I don’t mean conservatism in the Rush Limbaugh/Republican party sense of the word.)

    Third, who says that WN are Christian? Some are, some aren’t. And those WN who are Christian have no problem with racial awareness, as other White Christians across the centuries have not. There are scientists who are Christians, who have no problem reconciling evolution with their faith, and a modern understanding of evolution is de facto “racist”.

    The fact that Christians need to “reconcile” their religion with modern science is itself the problem. The fact that evolution is even an issue to be reconciled is a problem. The fact that there are a significant faction of WNs that hold the Jewish Bible as anything other than a historical curiosity is a problem. Even if half of WN leadership is Christian, that’s a problem. And even those who are not religious (like Hunter) are still culturally Christian to a large degree, even if they don’t take it literally and call themselves atheists. “Racial awareness” isn’t the goal, it’s the minimum necessity. This is the same problem with conservatism.

    Fourth, aren’t most revolutionary movements middle class? Our Founding Fathers were prosperous Englishmen who ran their own businesses, not aristocrats. Mao Zedong was a school teacher. Fidel Castro was a middle class college dropout. The Red Brigades of Italy were all brought up in middle class homes. Adolph Hitler was the son of a government clerk, petite bourgeois to the core.

    None of the people you mentioned were “middle class” in the modern American sense of the term. It’s significant that all were products of a time before television. Aside from specifically racial issues, most WNs seem absolutely terrified of ideas that are not reflected in modern mass media.

    Your prescriptions would carry greater weight if your diagnosis were more accurate.

    Fortunately neither the diagnosis nor the prescriptions are mine, I’m simply paraphrasing (perhaps poorly) those of intellects far greater than my own. If OD and StormFront are typical of White Nationalism, it seems obvious that WN is geographically nationalist and politically republican, conservative, religious, Christian or culturally Christian, and culturally middle class American. The exception would be the neo-Nazi/neo-fascist strain, but that’s a whole other problem.

    I don’t see any future for White people in the current White Nationalist movement. I do expect to see the development of pro-White movements, the most promising of which will cut loose all that baggage.

  8. This is really all an empirical, not an “intellectual” issue. When the killing time comes – and this way sooner than you think – about 2/3 of the whites, plus some righteous yellows, blacks, browns, possibly even a Jew or two, will be on the Right side of the barricade. About 1/3 of the whites, plus most of the ethnoids, will be on the Left side of the barricade. Whoever organizes violence better will win…..and that’s going to be “us”.

  9. First off, Parler White, I appreciate your civility. Not everyone recognizes that disagreement is not animosity.
    I’m not aware that any WN are advocates of a pastoral republic, but I’m sure they exist. I’ve heard of Greens who take that view, maybe some of them are drifting our way. I am in favor of a large, environmentally sound, agricultural sector of the economy, but that still leaves plenty of room for mining and industry and so forth, including a modern military adequate to our needs. We won’t need the consent of the global economy if our own country is in order.
    It’s hardly surprising that WN hold much of old White culture and morality in high regard. Ought we despise it? Was America in 1900 or 1800 so unworthy? Will a new White nation be built on Japanese or African or Moslem principles? One reason that I deny that modern American culture is a culture at all is that I believe it is a commercial product, designed with a certain ideology in mind. A culture is something that evolves out of the needs and experiences of a people. Are you suggesting wiping the slate clean and manufacturing a new “culture”?
    Reconciling systems of thought is what people do. For close to two millennia, Christians had no problem with the idea of servitude, only with undue cruelty. People cheat, then call others dishonest, and mean it. Whatever is necessary, and much that is not, can be justified. A Christian America kicked the Red men aside, and bombed the shit out of Germany and Japan, killing helpless people by the millions. Regard Christians as deluded if you wish, but the Christian record is clear: They kick ass on other peoples and sleep well at night. Call it irrational, but it’s very real. Most people won’t tolerate too much rationality, and truly rational people understand that and live with it. If you try to strip people of their religion, they will get another. Organized Christianity has served Whites well, until recent decades. Do you have a replacement in mind? Better to work with what we have than to try to concoct some new, untried set of beliefs.
    I don’t know what you mean by middle class in the modern American sense, but every one of those I mentioned were from the middle class of their own time and place. What does it matter that they were from a pre-television age? (Actually, the Italians were from the 1960s and 70s.) The middle class in any society is low enough to have a grievance and resourceful enough to do something about it.
    Who will be the founders of a White Nationalist nation if not more or less middle class, more or less Christian, more or less conservative Whites who think America belongs to them, and not the aliens, foreign and domestic?

  10. @Parler White

    I’ve listened to every Pierce broadcast 20x each and he never said Christianity was a flawed. In fact, he said we were Christians for thousands of years and still had a healthy, masculine view of ourselves…..and our forefathers conquered America with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other. I will try to find those broadcasts and post them for you.

  11. This blog shows otherwise; there’s a consistent idealization of old White culture, old White moral systems, Constitutionalism, republicanism, family values, etc. “Feminism” the “gay” movement, “big government” etc., are bugaboos here and in WN generally.,

    So you think White Nationalism should be inclusive of flamers, butch women, Marxists and Satan worshippers? I see.

  12. Beside the fact that I grew a beard and mustache reading this it was a very good essay on the state of the white race in 2010. Whites are unceremoniously being shown the door to quote Edmund Connolly from Occidental Observer. I will add to his comment that specifically it’s white males that are being given the boot. Anti-racist, feminist white females are still being according some measure of respect and have a place in the new multiracial America.

    It seems when a white female decides to go mudsharking she’s celebrated on the cover of US, People, and other trendy mags multiple times. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen a pictures of mudshark supermodel Heidi Klum with her little mulatto monstrosity and her coal black and ugly beau, Seal. On magazine covers and on television it seems white females are being paired with black males. Just watch The Weather Channel and you’ll see what I mean.

    A white female meteorologist will be paired with a black male, a black female, a white female, an Asian male but almost never with a white male. Then we have Lebron James on the cover of Vogue with supermodel Giselle Bundchen. What place does a black NBA star have with a woman’s magazine other than for millions of young white women to see this image and perhaps consider a black male as a worthy mate/suitor?

    This reminds me of a column several years ago by Paul Craig Roberts where he showed that white, heterosexual, able bodied males (WHAMs) are being phased out of the American work force.

  13. “I will add to his comment that specifically it’s white males that are being given the boot. Anti-racist, feminist white females are still being according some measure of respect and have a place in the new multiracial America.”

    It’s divide and rule. Their place will go as soon as white people are a small enough percentage for them to tbe no longer needed.

  14. Wandrin: “It’s divide and rule. Their place will go as soon as white people are a small enough percentage for them to tbe no longer needed.”

    Exactly! White women are allowed to be part of the Coalition, for now. Soon enough, the White feminists will no longer be needed. It will be interesting when the Muslims, and jealous Black & Brown women kick out the White female race-tratiors, er, I mean feminists. Yellows may also be deemed politically unnecessary shortly thereafter.

  15. @Steve

    Yup. The gay rights people will be thrown off the bus too as soon as they’re no longer needed as it will appease the more socially conservative black and hispanic, and in Europe, muslim blocs.

    Animal rights as well.

    Environmentalists not so much as the Green thing is partly a redistributive scam.

  16. “Environmentalists not so much as the Green thing is partly a redistributive scam.”

    I disagree. Even though the Global Warming issue is used as an excuse to de-industralize the West and industrialize the Third World, the domestic issues will be more important. With massive Brown immigration, North American “environmentalists” will have to openly choose between saving the North American natural ecosystems OR eliminating Whites in the U.S. and Canada. It is either one or the other.

    The REAL White North American environmentalists will eventually have to choose, and they will choose the trees over special treatment for anti-White Browns. They will turn into immigration restrictionists. The other side will be forced into honesty, and will ditch enironmentalism.

    Of course, many (if not most) of the Black and Brown Male environmentalists are probably involved to get in White Females’ pants. White anti-racists are involved largely because they see it as a way to get back at other Whites.

    The White environmentalists who truly care about the environment will eventually break off-much like the Tea Party is now in the early stages of joining our side. The faux environmentalists will be forced to ditch their tree and bird buddies. The major corporations will love it! It is inevitable!

  17. Remember, it is the elites who control the coalition memberships, not common people who can’t even name all of the 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices OR 5 rights in the 1st Amendment!

    And, the elites tolerated the environmentalists, only to expand the coalition with more Whites during the Civil Rights era. Now, environmentalists are becoming less influential in the Rainbow Coalition, and they will be deemed unnecessary. Immigration Policy will become even more polarizing, and Environmentalists will have to make a decision, if they truly care about the forests. If they continue ignoring it, they will turn completely irrelevant, and lose on everything that could save the environment! Herefore, the issue will be forced.

  18. Remember, it is the elites who control the coalition memberships, not common people who can’t even name all of the 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices OR 5 rights in the 1st Amendment!

    And, the elites tolerated the environmentalists, only to expand the coalition with more Whites during the Civil Rights era. Now, environmentalists are becoming less influential in the Rainbow Coalition, and they will be deemed unnecessary. Immigration Policy will become even more polarizing, and Environmentalists will have to make a decision, if they truly care about the forests. If they continue ignoring it, they will turn completely irrelevant, and lose on everything that could save the environment! Herefore, the issue will be forced.

  19. Bill, let’s take your concerns one at a time:

    “Flamers” “”butch women”

    I hate to tell you this, but Christianity has been homo since the very beginning. What sort of men pledge celibacy so they can dedicate their lives to “brotherly love” among their fellow celibates? And don’t even try to pretend that this is a post-Vatican II problem – Catholic priests buggering altar boys has been commented on since the Lollards. What is the altar boy thing anyway but ritualized pederasty? The liberals are right about one thing, the most anti-homo men are virtually always closet cases. And it’s probably best not to comment on the fascists with their Hugo Boss designed uniforms either.


    Marxists are Jews, not White, so obviously they aren’t included in any pro-white movement.

    “Satan worshippers”

    “Satan” is a Christian concept, and the only “Satan worshippers” that exist are Christian kids rebelling against their Christian parents by listening to Ozzy Osbourne records. (I suppose it’s Marilyn Manson now a days.)

    But perhaps this is moot anyway, my basic point was that “White Nationalism” as it exists is unlikely to lead whites into a glorious future. “Upon blind faith their place their reliance, what we need more of is science.”

    For Vic, perhaps I’m confusing Pierce with Revilio Oliver, but I seemed to remember Pierce making some not very complimentary comments on worshipping the Jewish tribal god.

    On environmentalism, the carbon credits thing was not meant to de-industrialize the West, it was meant to slow the industrialization of China before they poison the entire planet, well, that, and provide a new global reserve currency. Goldman Sachs stands to make a mint trading carbon credits after all.

    Of course, many (if not most) of the Black and Brown Male environmentalists are probably involved to get in White Females’ pants.

    There aren’t any black or brown environmentalists. But that is probably true of Jewish environmentalists, their lust for the “shiksa” is legendary. Environmentalism is a great way to focus White women’s natural nurturing tendency; better them saving the dodo birds than Haitians.

    A white female meteorologist will be paired with a black male, a black female, a white female, an Asian male but almost never with a white male. Then we have Lebron James on the cover of Vogue with supermodel Giselle Bundchen.

    It’s so blatant it’s hard to see how people don’t notice it. Vogue is published by Conde Nast, perhaps the most evil Jewish media company on the planet. This blog may be familiar with another anti-white media company owned by Conde Nast, reddit.

  20. “I disagree. Even though the Global Warming issue is used as an excuse to de-industralize the West and industrialize the Third World, the domestic issues will be more important.”

    I meant in terms of official left-liberal support by the main left-liberal party rather than actual environmentalists themselves. As white people become a minority i think the various left-liberal parties will drop feminists, gay rights and animal rights but keep environmentalism as some aspects of it can be used for anti-white purposes. I agree actual white environmentalists may have left by this time of their own volition for population control reasons.

  21. My prediction: “environmentalism” will be used, tactically for White Guilt. But, the environment will also be kicked out of the Rainbow Coalition. I tried to post a second comment, but it is still waiting for approval (in I presume the spam filter).

  22. unless foreigners are arriving by ICBM or satellite, a wall is a perfectly reasonable way to keep them out.

    Mexicans often dig tunnels.

    January 27, 2006

    LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 — U.S. and Mexican authorities have discovered an elaborate tunnel that stretches the length of eight football fields connecting Mexico and the United States and was apparently used for drug trafficking, authorities said Thursday.

    The tunnel, unearthed Wednesday, runs from a warehouse in Tijuana and surfaces in the United States under an abandoned warehouse west of the Otay Mesa port of entry. Mexican authorities announced that they had seized about two tons of marijuana on the Mexican end, and experts said the passageway bore all the hallmarks of an operation by a major drug cartel.

  23. Angela: What do Jews or Whites gain by the displacement of other Whites? The irrationality of it has helped to conceal it. We can’t believe our eyes because our eyes show us things that make no sense to us. The fact is, they do carry out acts that can only destroy us. We can only speculate why.
    Mindless hatred, the sort of mass psychosis that we’re told gave the Nazis their power?
    Elimination of possible rivals, leaving them to rule over a mass of wholly inferior Darks?
    Fill in your own answer?
    Knowing the why is useful, but not essential. What matters most is recognizing that their deliberate actions will destroy us, and fighting back.

  24. “What do the Jews have to gain by displacing Whites with non-Whites?”

    I don’t believe in “the jews” as a single group and i also think a lot of it stems from uncontrollable paranoia rather than rational judgement but i think groups of jews within the international jewish tribe think:

    1. Historical hatred: Genocide of white Christians as revenge for Hitler or some other reason.

    2. Ethnic hatred: Simple racist hatred of white people.

    3. Religious hatred: Hatred of Christianity as a jewish heresy e.g the film Book of Eli.

    4. Paranoia: White minority status protects them from a future (white) Hitler, although not, they will find if we lose, from a future brown Hitler.

    5. Economic self-interest: In a country full of hundreds of competing minority ethnic groups with no single majority then the most ethno-centric and cohesive group has a competitive advantage. There was a recent article by a jew in LA more or less stating as much in a more or less gloating manner.

    6. Ideological: jewish ethnic supremacism, which has settled into two strands

    6a. The marxist strand which aims at creating a totalitarian state hell similar to the old soviet union with jewish rulers and hundreds of competing ethnic minories down below all in conflict with each other and thereby preventing any organised resistance.

    6b. The capitalist strand which aims at creating a no-state hell where all the nations have been flattened leaving an open field for billionaires to rule with the little people left in a multi-racial bladerunner type dystopia that prevents any effective resistance.

    7. Religious supremacism: Both of the monter-state and no-state hells are just variations on Deutoronomy and the Talmud which state quite explicitly that jews should destroy all nations, possess them and rule over them as a master race. They’re the original Nazis and have been for thousands of years.

  25. – Living in a non-white hostile society makes intermarriage less of a problem.

    – Half-way between ideology and racial hostility, there is the idea that Jews are safer, less visible, and more at home in a country where no race is a majority.

  26. Amid a squabbling collection of weak cultures, a strong culture that knows what it wants will have its way.

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