Tennessee: Dusk or Dawn?

Tennessee Rejects Amnesty.

The NSM thread paints an extremely bleak portrait of our fortunes in Tennessee. A casual visitor of this site who watches those two videos reaches for Oswald Spengler, the liquor bottle, or a white towel.

Fortunately, the Neo-Nazi sideshow in Knoxville (like the one in Missouri) masks a more fundamental transformation going on underneath the political surface. As with so many stories in recent weeks, the bad news comes out of the White Nationalist movement, and the good news comes out of the mainstream, whether it is Virginia or Arizona.

By a 4 to 1 margin, 72% of Tennessee voters want to enact Arizona’s SB 1070 in the Volunteer State. In fact, Tennessee state legislators plan to introduce a similar bill in January in spite of Judge Bolton’s ruling. Support for real immigration reform among White Tennesseans must be even higher.

This bill has the support of 92% of Republicans, 72% of Independents, and 44% of Democrats. The Tennessee state legislature passed a resolution earlier this year congratulating Arizona for defending its borders and standing up for state sovereignty.

Last month, eight state legislators from Tennessee went to Arizona in a show of support for SB 1070. Secessionist talk has entered the mainstream. Nullification is on the table. Sovereignty resolutions are the fashion of the day. The 14th Amendment is under attack.

White Tennesseans are dusting off and reasserting old ideas which been dormant since the Civil War. 37% of Tennesseans approve of Barack Obama’s job performance; 62% disapprove of the Magic Negro. White Nationalists aren’t sweeping to victory in Tennessee, but neither are progressives who are bracing for massive losses.

The mainstream on immigration has shifted in our direction. White Tennesseans haven’t been this angry or alienated since the Civil Rights Movement. Such a historical opportunity cannot be allowed to go to waste.

The subject without confines?

A more practical and intelligent message – one based on “reasonable extremism” – could succeed in pushing moderates along a more radical course. In this case, the failure to communicate is wholly the fault of the messenger, not a flaw in the message itself.

In the diluted form, White Nationalism has been gaining ground and making progress for several years now. In the strong form, it turns off ordinary people and socially cripples its own advocates.

It seems easier to cure ordinary people of ignorance than odd people of more serious problems. If change ever does come to America, I predict it will come out of the implicit corner of White Nationalism.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. To be an open, out and proud WN in this jew-ridden age is to make oneself a fedgov/ADL target. That’s AT LEAST 50% of the reason right there why the NSM, VNN, the Klan grouplets, etc are so ineffective. The only good work to be done is done quietly and sub-rosa within ones own neighborhood, or from within mainstream immigration reform orgs and the like.

  2. Have I mentioned that image macros, loosely called “memes,” are opening up awareness of these issues with young people?

    I’ll just link this here and the rest of you can decide if you want to generate more. The “Create New” tab on the site is self-explanatory.


    Wait … the site is telling me this is a duplicate comment.

  3. The NSM will no doubt show up in every state where momentum starts to build for an Arizona law. Waving swastikas is a great way to scare off White people who might be inclined to support such a law.

  4. I agree with Hunter that Tennessee is a great White state, one of the best. I went to college in Nashville TN 1979-83, then returned there for year and a half of activism after suffering the racial, criminal chaos of New York City 84-91.

    I managed to do rather well in my activism – which was generally patriot, America First, immigration control, crime control and generally opposing the perverts and liars in Hollywood, MSM, National Endowment for the Arts.

    One point that is a huge sticking point is that the Tennessee White population still is heavily influenced by Judeo Christian churches and deep respect for the US military, so most Whites in Tennessee will always go for “Support our troops” Neo Con propaganda about the latest Jew war in the Middle East. One has also to be very careful about how one approaches the Jewish question.

    I eventually P$*#$) off local Judeo Christians Whites letting it be known that Jews dominated the media, were screwing up our immigration program and were pushing us in to wasteful wars in the Middle East – also, all should be ready for the local Judeo Christian Whites to throw the HOLOCAUST 6 MILLION right in your face for any negative comments about Jews now.

    Also, while the poor, working class Whites in Tennessee are generally solid good folks, not liberals, cowards, Libertarians etc, my experience is too many of them become obsessed with trivial matters. I thought I had a loyal hard core following in TN and I went back and found my followers had become obsessed with Bill Clinton’s sex life and they listened to Rush Limbaugh!

  5. The costumes our are bain, the sadistic Queers of white/jewish liberalism our are allies. The sadistic Queers are basically because of the economy and faltering wealth transfer are down to stunts of gay marriage and mosques and immivasion advocacy to maintain the illusion of power. Hell FDR Democrats had it easy, throw the hillbillies a bone of SS or medical care and they bitch harmlessly about “liberals” while watching their country being taken from them, but today’s lefties are out of financial bullets. Today the Dems are down to telling their Faithful Coloreds to go out and buy generic Oreos for lil’Tyrone’s breakfast. (lil’ Tyrone being 6th generation welfare mother dependent and holding a 80IQ and narcissitic pathologies mentality)

    The sadistic Queers such as the Journolist/Kos cult are literally down to telling the Whites of Flyoverland, “You better behave or we’re gonna sic our n*****s on you.”

    These are great days my friends when the economy is great of growing at least people will believe or observe all sorts of taboos, when it is not then taboos are as frail as a lib’s little wrist.

  6. “To be an open, out and proud WN in this jew-ridden age is to make oneself a fedgov/ADL target. That’s AT LEAST 50% of the reason right there why the NSM, VNN, the Klan grouplets, etc are so ineffective.”

    – Irma, you are so right! Besides being a honeypot and riddled with Fed agents, these group activities also attract a certain type of attention seeking individual. It may be hard to believe, but there people who are so addicted to attention, any kind of attention, that they will readily join groups like these to satisfy their need (yes, this includes negative attention).

  7. If change ever does come to America, I predict it will come out of the implicit corner of White Nationalism. – HW

    This is on target, I would only add that the “implicit corner” will become more and more explicit – not in the clown sense of most modern WN “outfits” but in a good sense – as it increases in sophistication and confidence. This is why I think GT and Maguire’s idea of microcommunities and self-sufficiency are still the best hope we Americans have for the foreseeable future. The external events are already conspiring in our favor, it seems, so why not make ready now in anticipation of future opportunities.

  8. I actually sympathize, with the NSM, to a certain degree. I care about all of my Volk, even the…errr….confused ones. I think it’s absolutely essential to tell the truth about the *real* Nazis, and to defend them. Hitler and the Nazis are still demonized, and reviled, EVERY SINGLE DAY, by the Kosher Media. This is the psychological whip lashed against the White Psyche, by the Nation Wreckers. So it’s vital to get the truth out.

    That said – the American NSM would be better served by started a thatrical troupe, and putting on plays about Hitler and the Boys. Really – it would satisfy all sorts of emotional needs – and they could taunt the “Liberals” be being way more *cutting edge*, than any of ordinary, boring depravity crap the boychicks dream up, in Hollyweird.

  9. Wallace, I made eight solid new contacts here in Tennessee through Jeff Schoep.

    You need to be ashamed of yourself. Mr. Schoep is one of the nicest guys in the White Nationalist Movement and is well respected by many across the board.

    At the rally, a very successful business executive showed up at his first rally ever and thanked me for encouraging him to attend. He wrote me an e-mail lamenting that he lost a few of his Kosher Konservative “friends” for attending (a few Hunter Wallace types). I told him to not worry about it, because he has made some great contacts himself for showing up.

    Hunter, you are so out of touch with what is going on in Tennessee in your little on-line ivory tower, that you cannot even see the unity among various groups that is occuring outside of your internet world. Word has gotten out and WN from across the country are trying to find a way to move here.

    I could have introduced you to several actual leaders of the White Movement in East Tennessee that would have given you a better perspective on what is going on in and around the greater Knoxville area.

  10. LEW

    NSM will no doubt show up in every state where momentum starts to build for an Arizona law.

    Not long ago there was a news blurb about some neo-Marxist planning to “infiltrate” the Tea Parties by showing up with “racist” and misspelled signs. As any veteran lefty anti-war protesters will tell you, the violent or near-violent “Black Bloc” is usually staffed with local undercover law enforcement.

    Denise makes a good point above, if you are honestly the type that likes to dress up in costumes and act a part, start a theatrical group. Not only could the pro-white movement use a bit more artistry, it’s guaranteed to drive the enemy into conniptions; recall how Zionists freaked out over a play about Rachel Corrie in New York not long ago.

    The one and only uniform for pro-whites should be your Sunday best.

    As for image in general, it looks like there’s a consensus here and among most non-wacky pro-whites: Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, James Edward, and the A3P are all normal looking, moderate in language, and never promote violence or illegality. The pro-Confederate flag rally in South Carolina two months ago didn’t have a single person dressed up in a klan robe, but instead looked like an after-church picnic.

    But if you do want to be “extreme” – why not go to a leftist rally and hold up signs saying “Communists for Immigration” or something? Not only will you get your kicks, you’ll actually be doing us a favor. Start a division among the enemies, get them paranoid about infiltrators and the like.

    There’s a great lefty group named “Billionaires for Bush” that has hit upon the key everyone is looking for the get women involved – basically, a costume party. There’s no white woman alive that will miss an opportunity to dress up. I have half a a mind to organize a “Bankers for Obama” the next time there’s a pro-Obama/Dem rally anywhere. And if anyone wants to hold a “White Nationalists for a Jewish Israel” rally, let me know.

    The problem with the NSM/klan costume parties is that they look like ugly losers; many seem to barely be able to fit into their uniform. Humor goes a long way.

    One thing we need to accept and plan for – the media is Jewish; they will never give airtime to moderate, reasonable pro-whites like Jared Taylor or MacDonald, except to set them up. I remember David Duke on TV in the 1980s, after he went mainstream, and there’s a reason they had to take him down – his presentation was extremely effective among normal whites. They won’t make that same mistake again. So we’re going to have to find a way to end-run the media.

  11. Being moderate in what we want will never get us what we want. We have to be extreme in what we ultimately want but at the same time practically speaking you have to be moderate enough *for the particular individual you are talking to at that moment* for them to listen. So it’s tricky.

    Be extreme. Act moderate.

    “I actually sympathize, with the NSM, to a certain degree. I care about all of my Volk, even the…errr….confused ones.”

    ditto, even though i don’t think it’s good tactics myself, at least not until things are a lot worse, and a lot more obviously worse, than they are now.

  12. to Biological Racist:

    MSM reports that the NSM had government infiltrators, pretty open about dressing up in NAZI costumes and taking notes on who’s there.

    What are your comments to those who say American WN dressing in open NAZI costumes attract mostly kooks, misfits or government informers?

  13. These guys who do the “Blues Brothers Nazi Thing” have the same attention seeking, shock and awe narcissist personalities as those 70 year old poofters at the “Up Your Alley Fair” photo expose at the zombietime blog.

  14. “BR, serious question: How does waving swastikas help?”

    It does not hurt. Two to three times a year, I light up a swastika and let it burn all night long and I have yet to have a complaint. Saturday evening, I lit it up for the NSM Stand in the South. My Cuban neighbor came over and asked me about it. I told her ‘the symbol that she is seeing is one of the oldest symbols of my White Race…..and each of the 16 candles, other than the middle one, represents each of the 16 commandments of my religion, Creativity’.

    By the time that I am done, my neighbor has a renewed respect for my religion and the symbol that I have chosen to help me meditate on the 16 Commandments.

    I work outside during the hot summer days without my shirt on and all of my neighbors can clearly see my tattoos, they have no problem with it. I often work alongside on of the Republican party leaders in my area, without my shirt on, and he has no problem with it.

    The problem is that most of you are too worried that someone will offend a fickle White, when in reality, they will look for any excuse anyways.

  15. to Biological Racist:

    “MSM reports that the NSM had government infiltrators, pretty open about dressing up in NAZI costumes and taking notes on who’s there.

    What are your comments to those who say American WN dressing in open NAZI costumes attract mostly kooks, misfits or government informers?”

    Got news for you, ALL White organizations have been infiltrated and have their fair share of kooks, misfits, and government informers. It may suprise you, but at a recent meeting of the Historical Review, there was a slime ball, sitting too close to my lady friend (she has a set of big tits), and was being a pervert. That does not happen at NSM events, I can garantee you…..the pervert would get his ass thrown out.

    I have personally known many NSM members over the years and it is very rare to meet a slime ball with them. NSM is known to toss them out as soon as they are noticed.

    One NSM member at the march in Knoxville is a retired highschool teacher with three master’s degrees.

  16. Wandran,

    I left the NSM three years ago because wearing uniforms was not for me. I may not agree with them on all issues, but I will support them when they come to my area.

    The only ones I will not support are those who attack other White Nationalists unfairly, much like Hunter and crew have done for the last few months.

  17. To Biological Racist

    I apologize – as you did a good job of standing up for the good people in your organization.

    I think people here are reacting negatively to yet another – go by the bad scrip Hollywood NAZI press event, complete with antis, Feds and the like.

    It always comes off the same, and not good for us.

    How about trying something different, new?

    Do some public event that comes off differently – put out some false info to get infiltrators, the press, the Feds to be somewhere else and then do your own appearance complete with your own edited video, media.

    These events just feel as if they are scripted by ZOG media, we want to be writing our own scripts, make the Feds work a lot harder.

  18. I suppose the statistics cited are a welcome and positive trend but the problem is that most of these whites still oppose the anti-white agenda (illegal alien invasion, universal health care, affirmative action, etc.,) not on racial grounds but on constitutional and legal grounds. Ok, fine, jump for joy but unless whites view current trends as an all out assault on our race and culture and all we hold dear we will continue to go into this battle with both hands tied behind our back and ultimately fail in our quest to reclaim America. If we constantly have to use flowery language and speak/write in honeyed tones to sway the white populace then we are already doomed.

    Non-whites respond favorably to messages of racial hate towards whites while most whites are repulsed by the vary same message towards non-whites. That’s gnatseeism (sic) ya know and grandpappy Goober fought those bastards in WWII and furthermore my daughter just married a Mexican with a degree and a good job. He’s a member of La Raza but gee, isn’t that just a charitable organization of some sort that aids poor Mexicans to be just as successful as he is (don’t laugh it’s a true story)? Ah yes, this is the glorious state of white America in 2010.

    If most whites aren’t ready for a radical message now then when? In 2045 when we’ll already be a persecuted and politically impotent minority in much of the country?

    The tea parties’ reactions to recent charges of racism by the NAACP doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Rather than counterattack with charges of black racism backed up with concrete examples, Sarah Palin, the titular head of the party declaimed that her hubby is part kookachoo Indian (or something like that) so by golly she’s earned her diversity badge and that makes her family a wonderfully diverse family.

    And to say the only criticism of the tea parties emanates from radical quarters within WN like the NSM is factually wrong. The paleoconservative Political Cesspool radio show savages Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers for lack of racial backbone on their web site and on the radio show almost weekly. Even Jared Taylor has on occasion leveled criticism at them. I have no particular affection for the NSM but don’t know why they are being singled out.

  19. Biological Racist: “The problem is that most of you are too worried that someone will offend a fickle White, when in reality, they will look for any excuse anyways.”

    Thanks for responding. Based the video HW posted, I’d say I disagree with the NSM on style, not substance. The NSM’s style, unfortunately, is so discrediting it’s hard to believe they’re not a front group being paid to discredit White people who speak out against immigration and race replacement. There is no other reasonable explanation for using symbols the other side has spent 60 years and billions of dollars demonizing.

  20. Mr. Dithers,

    It is our job to lead the White majority from opposing immigration on constitutional grounds to opposing immigration on racial grounds. This will inevitably be a gradual process. It will require patience and hard work. It is not going to happen overnight.

    Several options are on the table:

    1.) Dismiss the White majority. Write them off as not radical enough for our tastes. Count on a miraculous transformation to solve our problems.

    2.) Start from reality. Work within the system to lead the White majority in a more radical direction. Understand this is a gradual process that will require patience and incremental progress.

    3.) Give up. Accept irrelevance.

  21. BR,

    1.) I am not saying that Jeff Schoep is a bad guy.

    2.) I am not saying he lacks courage.

    3.) I am not saying he is wrong about race and Jews.

    4.) I am saying there is a better way to persuade ordinary White people to adopt a racial point of view.

    5.) I’ve lost faith in the ability of the White Nationalist movement to bring about the change that I desire.

  22. 5.) I’ve lost faith in the ability of the White Nationalist movement to bring about the change that I desire.

    Then Hunter, you are wasting your time and ours. Why don’t you get it over with and put a bullet in your head.

    Try this simple exercise for the next two weeks. Pick three different locations each day, pick a White man or woman off the street that you feel comfortable talking with, and talk to them about White Racial Loyalty. I have been doing this for years and am now to the point that I can easily walk up to anyone and open their eyes within 10-15 minutes.

  23. “Besides being a honeypot and riddled with Fed agents, these group activities also attract a certain type of attention seeking individual. It may be hard to believe, but there people who are so addicted to attention, any kind of attention, that they will readily join groups like these to satisfy their need (yes, this includes negative attention).”

    Yes! As long as they can get their face on the screen they don’t CARE if everyone hates them. It’s all about the fame.

    I’ve run into a few of these type of kook myself. They weren’t WN, but they had the same type of ME ME ME LOOK AT ME personality. They are the sort of folks who will go right up in front of the cameras and assert with a straight face that they were abducted and sodomized by bug-eyed aliens. There is no way in hell White Nationalism will ever be able to effect any kind of real change with attention-whore nuts like that on board. Infiltration and gentile steering of mainstream immigration and pro-gun orgs really is the only way forward.

  24. Biological Racist says:
    August 17, 2010 at 3:26 am

    Then Hunter, you are wasting your time and ours. Why don’t you get it over with and put a bullet in your head.

    Somehow I doubt your ability to positively communicate with others with that type of outrageous and violent statement.

  25. BR,

    I didn’t say I have lost faith in an eventual White awakening. I just don’t believe people like yourself will bring it about. When it finally does happen, I predict it won’t change your irrelevance and isolation from your peers.

  26. The David Duke saga is revealing.

    It proves that any conceivable change will have to come out of the implicit wing of White Nationalism. The explicit wing is constitutionally unable to create a compelling alternative to the status quo.

  27. Mr Dithers
    “If most whites aren’t ready for a radical message now then when? In 2045 when we’ll already be a persecuted and politically impotent minority in much of the country?”

    They *should* be ready but if they’re not, they’re not. Also i don’t think people should give up on having a radical message it’s that they should give the particular inidividual they’re talking to as radical a message as that individual can personally handle at that moment in time. Once that person has accepted and digested the first message then you go back and step it up one more notch.

    Then again we may be sailing into such a bad economic storm that swastikas come back into fashion and none of this attempted subtlty will matter.

    “The tea parties’ reactions to recent charges of racism by the NAACP doesn’t exactly inspire confidence. Rather than counterattack…”

    This is i think is an area where WNs could be most useful inside mainstream groups. Somehow trying to spread by example the habit of *never* defending against accusations of racism but *always* and *only* counter-attacking by constantly accusing the accusers of being anti-white.

  28. “BR,

    I didn’t say I have lost faith in an eventual White awakening. I just don’t believe people like yourself will bring it about. When it finally does happen, I predict it won’t change your irrelevance and isolation from your peers.”

    You pretentious little shit, most of your friends are listening to me, not you, on the phone.

  29. “It proves that any conceivable change will have to come out of the implicit wing of White Nationalism. The explicit wing is constitutionally unable to create a compelling alternative to the status quo.”

    Hunter, you are talking out of your ass again. You are so out of touch with what is going on in the White Movement, it is not even funny anymore. “Implicit” versus “explicit”? LMAO. Admit it, you have not a fucking clue what you are talking about.

  30. COMMUNISTS FOR IMMIGRATION. That is genius Parler White. A half dozen disguised WNs proudly holding big yellow and black signs standing among the liberal “anti-racist” crowd. The possibilities for costumes/disguises are almost endless. Black clad antifa anarchist, 60s hippie type with long hair and beads. You could even dress up as a stereotype religious jew.

    It’s predictable that whenever the NSM has a demonstration they’re certain to attact a well-organized crowd of jeering clown-costumed counter protestors, probably from the local synagogue or jewish activist network. NSM should plan for it and use their own infiltrators to discredit and mock the other side.

    Regardless of whether you like or don’t like the swastikas, the NSM showed great courage, dignity and pride especially when compared to the professional activists on the other side of the street. They should be commended for that instead of condemned as “attention seekers.”

  31. “Hunter, you are talking out of your ass again. You are so out of touch with what is going on in the White Movement, it is not even funny anymore. “Implicit” versus “explicit”? LMAO. Admit it, you have not a fucking clue what you are talking about.”

    For a guy who constantly talks about some giant “underground” network, you sure seem to have the same tired, cliched responses. Your whole Internet persona seems to revolve around constant talk of being out in the real world and talking to “regular” people about issues; but your end result always resembles the exact same pro-White caricatures played out in the media(Nazis marching in the street, guy posing with assault rifle, “skinhead” and Klan guy in full costume). Why is that?

    You really should have picked a different state to try and BS people.

  32. BR- do you expect that the actions of the NSM will progressively radicalize the wider white population and turn them towards our way of thinking? By what metric are you, or the NSM, judging successful activity?

  33. If mainstream politicians can’t even hold the line against illegal immigration because of media and multicult attacking them over racism then it’s not surprising that explicit ethno-nationalism can’t get a public toe-hold.

    When cultural marxists first went to war against the traditional culture they wouldn’t have been able to get an overt toe-hold either so originally it was mostly covert and only gradually became more overt as they undermined the old culture. I’d say WN needs to follow a similar pattern.

    The actual WN bit whose end goal is white ethno-states i think *should* mostly exist online as a talking shop for discussing and spreading ideas and tactics and keeping eyes on the final prize. The main overt activities should be at whatever level is feasible in each individual’s locality whether it’s entry-level mainstream or tea party or A3P / Euro-nationalist / James Edwards level paleocon or whatever.

    The majority of white people don’t agree with what is happening but crumble without a fight whenever accused of being racist. This makes it easy for the multicult to continually extend the gulag-nation simply by continually extending the definition of racism. Therefore it seems to me the critical cultural battleground is over the ability of the MSM to bully and control white people with the “R” word and getting involved in something, anything really, which provides an opportunity to fight that cultural battle is of value.

  34. No doubt there’s a place for the watered down, “mainstream” approach to the problem but in case you haven’t noticed time is not on our side. Two fisted, racially tinged tinged can be a winner as evidenced by Pat Buchanan’s 1996 and 2000 campaigns. It wasn’t until he went soft in the head and picked black Ezola Foster as a vice president in 2000 that his support among whites collapsed.

    The late Sam Francis put it best when he said the various non-white races are attempting to exert racial power over whites that can only be checkmated by a countervailing racial power (white raced based political opposition). The only way to ultimately succeed is for the movement to be race based and recognize the racial nature of our struggle. The time for games and half measures is over.

    Raceless conservatism has been an abject failure in the political arean and to think the latest conservative thrashing about embodied as the Tea Party movement will succeed is wishful thinking

  35. No doubt there’s a place for the watered down, “mainstream” approach to the problem but in case you haven’t noticed time is not on our side. Two fisted, racially tinged tinged can be a winner as evidenced by Pat Buchanan’s 1996 and 2000 campaigns. It wasn’t until he went soft in the head and picked black Ezola Foster as a vice president in 2000 that his support among whites collapsed.

    The late Sam Francis put it best when he said the various non-white races are attempting to exert racial power over whites that can only be checkmated by a countervailing racial power (white raced based political opposition). The only way to ultimately succeed is for the movement to be race based and recognize the racial nature of our struggle. The time for games and half measures is over.

    Raceless conservatism has been an abject failure in the political arena and to think the latest conservative thrashing about embodied as the Tea Party movement will succeed is wishful thinking

  36. Mr Dithers
    “No doubt there’s a place for the watered down, “mainstream” approach to the problem but in case you haven’t noticed time is not on our side.”

    The approach i’m advocating is

    1. Put yourself in positions where you can talk to as many people as possible about politics. I don’t care what it is. It could be anything.
    2. Talk to people.
    3. Find out what their position is.
    4. Present a position one step more radical in a WN direction than where that person currently is and try and nudge them in that direction.
    5. Repeat ad infinitum.
    6. If enough people do that then the average level of race-realism and WN radicalism will increase and if that level gets past some indeterminate threshold then things will start happening.

    It’s not about being mainstream it’s about using whatever vehicles are available locally to increase the level of white radicalization. If there’s a good “two-fisted” campaign locally then fine join that, but if there isn’t join something else and practise talking to people.

    (Apart from anything else you will see visible progress on a regular basis which is good for morale.)

    (There’s also a functionally completely separate strand for people who want the something that happens, if it happens, to take a particular form, but that’s not my niche.)

    (It doesn’t have to be talking of course. Youtube videos, books, writing, graffiti, music or whatever other form of communication you prefer.)

  37. The explicit movement is the one that has been the abject failure. It is now represented in the streets by the likes of the NSM.

    White Nationalists are completely irrelevant. They have no influence or impact on legislation. They have shown no willingness to construct a viable alternative to the status quo. All they ever do is thrash about on the internet talking and fighting with one another in impotence.

    It is “wishful thinking” to presume that people who are unable to manage a lemonade stand or get themselves elected as dog catcher are able to do anything to change our circumstances.

    Conservatives might be gutless, ignorant, and kosher. Unfortunately, they are the only force holding back the fire, however insufficient their firewall might be. What’s the alternative? Glenn Miller for Senate?

    Imagine what would happen if everyone now in the conservative mainstream started acting like the Laptop Luftwaffe. What would take the enemy fifty years to accomplish would take less than a single legislative session.

  38. We joke around about the Laptop Luftwaffe all the time around here. Their idea of resistance consists of bombarding the enemy with electrons in the anonymity of cyberspace.

  39. Folks, drop the “underground” statement. My definition of “underground” is not lone wolf, but those Whites who do not wish to identify themselves as White Nationalists, but still agree with the program of White Racial Loyalty.

    The NSM rally provided us with a golden opportunity to reach out to our fellow Whites about White Racial Loyalty. All of you blew it, because you all are stuck on Hunter’s circle jerk dream.

    I, on the other hand, used this rally, to reach out to Whites on a non-White Nationalist forum, to promote White Racial Loyalty.


    Over 140 posts and nearly 1,500 hits, far more in three days than what you jack offs can accomplish in a month. Keep in mind, these are wealthy Whites, doctors, stockbrockers, etc. on this forum.

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