Disunited States of America

Disunited States of America

The ties that bind together the Glorious Union are unraveling at a gathering pace. The Reds and Blues are exchanging fire across the political spectrum over their irreconcilable differences. The rhetoric of both sides continues to escalate.

A number of mainstream commentators are throwing the spotlight on the Disunited States of America. Polarization is working its magic. The chasm is widening between the two camps.

Our Scene

1.) In the New York Times, Ross Douthat has a new article called “Islam in Two Americas.” The Ground Zero Mosque has become an ideological battlefield in the clash between Reds and Blues over the American future.

Blue America sees the Ground Zero Mosque as a litmus test of America’s commitment to liberalism and multiculturalism. Red America sees the Ground Zero Mosque as an intolerable reminder of America’s imperiled cultural identity.

Intelligent observers understand that the Ground Zero Mosque is not the real issue here. Like the Compromise of 1850 or the Kansas-Nebraska Act, it is a symbolic marker on the road to some type of national crisis.

After years of passive resistance, Red America is now experiencing a real existential crisis. Millions of White Americans are convinced they are “losing their country.” They are determined to “take our country back.”

For decades, Red America operated on the assumption that the lifestyle and culture they are accustomed to could be preserved in spite of changing demographics. The election of Barack Obama and his determination to advance a radical agenda challenged that fundamental assumption.

Blue America has been pushing the envelope for so long that it cannot understand the sudden collapse of the old consensus. It took for granted the acquiescence of Red America.

Similarly, Red America took for granted that Blue America wasn’t leading the nation to disaster. It bought into the utopian promises of the political class. The best and brightest were given the benefit of the doubt.

“Trust us.”

The reality of the “transformation” that Blue America had in mind is starting to sink in. The Ground Zero Mosque is a visible sign of transformation. Barack Obama’s presidency is another. The contempt and disrespect shown toward the White majority is another still.

The Reds are starting to see and feel the consequences of their dispossession: taxes are going to be raised, wealth is going to be redistributed, schools are going to deteriorate, the economy is going to collapse, posterity is going to be saddled with unsustainable debt, freedom is going to be transfered to “protected classes,” neighborhoods are going to decline, cultural traditions are going to be extirpated.

The Cassandras of America and their dire warnings of an impending disaster were ignored. The chickens are coming home to roost. The future is now the present.

Red America doesn’t like to think about that future. That’s why there is such an uproar whenever they are reminded of it.

In the long run, Red America, otherwise known as White America, isn’t going to reconcile itself to “change” as defined and envisioned by Blue America, otherwise known as the political class and their racial vassals.

Before that happens, there will either be a revolution (1776), a reformation (1828), or a civil war (1861) in the United States.

2.) In the New York Times, a Blue diatribe against the Reds waves the red flag in front of the bull. It is a truly amazing case study in just how radically out of touch the Blue elite (i.e., the political class) is with Red America (i.e., ordinary White Americans).

Instead of defusing a volatile situation, the Blue elite is throwing gasoline on the fire and browbeating the Reds with accusations of intolerance and bigotry. Barack Obama has gone on record with a full throated defense of the Ground Zero Mosque.

3.) In the Associated Press, Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York City) says it will be “a sad day” if his opponents succeed in thwarting construction of the Ground Zero Mosque. It is a losing issue in New York State and New York City, but the sneering Blue contempt for ordinary Americans knows no bounds.

4.) Florida is competing with Virginia to become the next state to defy the Obama administration on immigration. The polarization that followed the Justice Department lawsuit against Arizona succeeded in realigning the political mainstream in that state and many others.

5.) In U.S. News and World Report, Jamie Stiehm advocates the expulsion of South Carolina, Texas, and Arizona from the Union, along with Florida and the Deep South states. Many Blues would happily choose progressive ideology over the preservation of the Union.

6.) In the Washington Post, Dana Milbank pokes fun at the Reds and notes that neo-Confederate concepts like secession, nullification, and state sovereignty have returned to the political mainstream.

7.) In Forbes, Joel Kotkin has a new article called “A New War Between the States,” in which he describes the “new irrepressible conflict” between the states and the federal government.

Red America has a geographical and economic basis. Are fiscally conservative states like North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas willing to be taxed to bail out the free spending, poorly managed states like California, New York, and Illinois?

When California become the Greece of the Pacific and Illinois the Iceland of the Midwest who rides to the rescue? In the long run, will the White Heartland prop up the failing parts of the Union, or will it bail and create an enlarged Confederacy?

Unfashionable Observations

We live in interesting times.

It is worth noting though how utterly irrelevant the White Nationalist movement is to the anger and tension that is building in White America. While all this is going on, White Nationalists are discussing the Edgar Steele and Hal Turner cases.

White Nationalists have long predicted that eventually the White majority would wake up and start resisting its dispossession. Similarly, White Nationalists forecasted the collapse of the American economy and the destruction of the middle class.

When it comes to analysis, White Nationalists are usually not far off the mark:

– Yes, it is true the Jews are a bad influence.

– Yes, it is true that race exists.

– Yes, it is true that Whites are being pushed aside and will eventually lose majority status.

– Yes, it is true that political correctness and multiculturalism are calculated to weaken the White majority.

– Yes, it is true that Whites are expected to be individuals and non-Whites are expected to identify with their racial group.

– Yes, it is true that disaster (racial, cultural, financial) is inevitable if present trends continue.

The tragedy of the White Nationalist movement is that its ability to see reality so clearly is frustrated by its complete inability to do anything about it.

When the White Revolution does come, it will invariably be led by opportunists and scoundrels, who will co-opt the movement for their own purposes, not by the saints and prophets who toiled away in obscurity.

It won’t be the first time this has happened.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Regarding the opportunists and scoundrels: In times past, such as these could cover their tracks much more easily than today. You could make a speech in Tennessee saying one thing and another in Frisco saying another, and the papers will never point it out if they like your politics. Nowadays, there is an electronic trail for everybody. And since the Regime has made treason fashionable, most of the vermin have publicly proclaimed themselves to be enemies of the White race. The Red flag has been raised and they have leaped up to salute it. They have indicted themselves. “Are you now or have you ever been a race traitor, you lying puke?”

  2. “5.) In U.S. News and World Report, Jamie Stiehm advocates the expulsion of South Carolina, Texas, and Arizona from the Union, along with Florida and the Deep South states. ”

    The man is brilliant and deserves a thank-you card. Now if some of us out here in the west would be allowed to follow our Southern brethren out of the chains of Washington, D.C, life would be perfect. 🙂

  3. Also, on the red parts of that map is the bulk of the nation’s agriculture, oil, minerals and a lot of the fresh water. “Let the eastern bankers eat their gold”, as the saying went during the Depression.

  4. Mr. Wallace:
    Thank you for the summary. You hit many nails on their proverbial heads. As always, and whatever happens, it will be one a hell of a ride (actually, it already has been); and, of course, the blues and their useful idiots will be “surprised” and claim “no one could see it coming”. About your three choices, how about a fourth; how about ‘all of the above’?

  5. “Blue America has been pushing the envelope for so long that it cannot understand the sudden collapse of the old consensus. It took for granted the acquiescence of Red America.”

    I’m can’t understand the sudden collapse either. Blue AmeriKa hasn’t operated in a vacuum. They’ve been shouting their intentions from the rooftops for decades now and Red AmeriKa hasn’t cared as long as they could sit in their living rooms getting fat, watching ball games while getting drunk and popping prescription drugs. There are thousands of examples of Blues announcing their intentions. One that pops out is when Clinton had thousands of White University students cheering the fact they’d be a minority in a couple decades.

    That’s why i’m not going to feel sorry for the lazy, cowardly Red AmeriKa bastards when the axe finally drops….in fact, i’d sooner introduce them to wood chipping 101 than the Blues.

    Good article btw.

  6. I’m can’t understand the sudden collapse either. Blue AmeriKa hasn’t operated in a vacuum. They’ve been shouting their intentions from the rooftops for decades now and Red AmeriKa hasn’t cared as long as they could sit in their living rooms getting fat, watching ball games while getting drunk and popping prescription drugs.

    A lot of what we now consider ‘Red America’ was going along with ‘Blue America’ for ethnic, religious, and class reasons. Even a lot of WNs I knew would vote for Massachusetts Democrats when I lived there because they were “voting for the Irish guy” or the one their union supported. Also the takeover of the GOP by the evangelical Christians from the late 80s chased off a lot of younger and northern people, not to mention the neo-cons. Now, all those are washed aside, and the focus is mainly on issues which unite most whites who haven’t bought entirely into the marxist left, in addition to the generational change.

  7. White Nationalists are discussing the Edgar Steele and Hal Turner cases.

    The tragedy of the White Nationalist movement is that its ability to see reality so clearly is frustrated by its complete inability to do anything about it.

    Let’s all ask ourselves if we can see the connection between these two points. The Hal Turner case is far more significant than this article admits.

    Blue America sees the Ground Zero Mosque as a litmus test of America’s commitment to liberalism and multiculturalism. Red America sees the Ground Zero Mosque as an intolerable reminder of America’s imperiled cultural identity.

    Both sides operate under the delusion that New York is an American city. Red staters were told that there were Muslim terrorist cells operating in every major city, just waiting to strike, and we needed a massive homeland security apparatus (conveniently staffed by Israeli contractors) to stop it, and now cannot understand why the political establishment of NYC is promoting this. In fact, the entire Republican regime of the last decade was based on this proposition. When the Red state footsoldiers found out that we were, in fact, not at war with East Asia, you can imagine their shock.

    Yes, it is true the Jews are a bad influence.

    That should win a euphemism award or something.

    It may be helpful to conceptualize the “ruling class” that opposes the “country class” as Organized Crime. Just like the Sicilian Mafia was at the heart of the immigrant Italian communities, in turn both feeding off of/exploiting that community, but also protecting and nurturing that community, so our current Jewish ruling class can be understood as having the world Jewish mafia embedded at its core. Another example is the Irish mafia of Boston, where the leaders of the political class was literally related to the leaders of the criminal class. Organized crime derives its power from vice; consider the rise and fall of GOP establishment figures like Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley, and Larry Craig; recall the famous fight over figures like Jack Abramoff; then think about Hal Turner again.

    Too much is made of this red/blue division; it’s one of rhetoric as much as substance. If Dick Cheney were to run against Obama in 2012, he’d probably win. Considering this is a man that stood before the Council of Foreign Relations just a few years ago and cracked jokes about the dim-wittedness of his constituents in Wyoming, who oppose the entire globalist, pro-immigration and multicultural agenda of the CFR, but nevertheless continued to vote for him, it’s hard to see the red/blue division as anything other than rhetorical.

    With all this controversy around the Arizona immigration law, I haven’t read a single white-wing author write about the lead up to it. The Arizona GOP suffered a major internal battle over immigration a few years ago, centered around the Goldwater Institute. There was a clear divide between the Big Business wing of the GOP and the populist right. When the tide against immigration turned against the Big Business faction, establishment Senators like McCain and Graham turned on a dime to become restrictionists. Even if both lose and are replaced with immigration reformers, it will not change the structure of the GOP; reform will be cosmetic not fundamental. Remember, it took Reagan to pass the first amnesty.

    If the White Nationalist movement is worth anything, it’s to peer beyond the red/blue political divisions to understand and explain the power structures to whites. Otherwise, it’s just the red equivalent of Newsweek and the likes of Jamie Stiehm; sportscasting the horse race, with the addition of talking about the breed of the horses, but never asking why we’re gambling on red.

    Political movements of the past like seccessionism and nullification are about as relevant to the future of the political economy of the US as steam power is to future transportation infrastructure.

    A recent comment on Sailer’s blog:

    “Anyone who tells you the free movement of labor is not on the agenda is lying. Each round of trade talks has whittled away at more and more items. First it was manufactured goods, later financial services and now they are working out agricultural policies. Labor will eventually be discussed because free trade can’t exist without the free movement of labor.”

    It IS being discussed. It is called GATS – the General Agreement on Trade in Services. It is continuously discussed, secret negotiations are carried out by secret negotiators,, all the time, to break down barriers to trade in services — people work.

    The GATS template/master agreement was signed in 1994 after the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations. Each country makes “commitments”, i.e. appendices to the master agreement in which they agree to let foreigners in to compete with local service providers.

    Each round of negotiations is deliberately intended to expand these “commitments” until there is a free flow of people and business around the world.

    Ultimately it will transfer virtually all sovereignty to GATS and the WTO.

    This memo should give you a sense of what is up for grabs. In this memo, Europe demands the Feds b!tch slap the states until they bend over and take it up the keister, changing their laws on everything from real estate to the law in order to accomodate foreign multinationals who want unfettered access to America’s service sector.

    Remember “the Doha round”? that is what it is all about.

    I predict that we will have Indian hospital corporations working in America, paying Indian nurses $3,000 a year (excellent Indian wages, by the way) to live and work as nurses in an Indian hospital located in America. Cheap medical care at wages American hospital cannot compete against. That is what “trade in services” means.

    Does anyone believe that the Democrats getting routed in 2010 and a Dick Cheney like Republican beating Obama are 2012 is going to have any effect other than rhetoricalal and cosmetic, considering that the “Red State” political class is as dedicated to this sort of globalism as is the bluest multicultural Democrat pushing for a Ground Zero Mosque? Are most Red States even relevant in any significant way? Wyoming has a population of a half million people? Just how much more political weight do they have compared to, say, a medium sized town in Vermont?

    The White Wing needs a deeper analysis than red vs. blue.

  8. (1) “opportunists and scoundrels” — surely you really mean, warriors ready to take real-world action on behalf of their people and civilization?

    (2) “saints and prophets” (LOL!!) — surely you mean the chubby sofa samurai, old women, and wannabe intelektshewals hiding behind their keyboards who will be the first ones to capitulate once the revolution ensues?

  9. Once one is explicitly White is reverting to implicitly white even possible? Disgust with White Nationalism is nothing new, which I thought was the reason people liked the label White advocate instead? There is an element of grandiosity here.

  10. Who are the Blues and why do they produce such info? These are questions that need answered, by answering them correctly we then can make the right decisions going forward.

    I posit that the Blues are a about 30% of the White population of America, of that a much smaller percentage is “hard core”, the rest being fashion mavens/cultists.

    That said with the declining state of America’s bread and circus economy the “Hard Core” Blues are now down to ruling by stunts, like a South American dictator on his last legs. These whackos are our allies. (distasteful as that might seem)

  11. I think that the next 25 months will see economic (as well as possibly military and political) crises that might make the Republican primaries much more competitive in 2012 then the current GOP neocon and Chenny/Rockefeller type scum expect. The truth is WNs don’t really need to do all that much at this very minute. The elite class has blown their wod and the economy is doomed! LOL!

  12. “What is going on in Montana that it has a sizeable blue chunk? Hippies?’

    Californians who cheerled for Mexican “undocumented immigrants,” then sold their houses at the top of the bubble in order to escape the hell to White, beautiful, formerly affordable, formerly sane areas of Montana like Flathead Lake, Kalispell, and West Yellowstone, where they promptly commenced recreating the political climate that they just fled.

    In short, yes.

  13. As one who lives in the bluest of blue states – Illinois, urban Chicago University Community, I am not at all comfortable with this “blue state vs red state” theme.

    There are good White folks in all areas of America and we have to find ways to reach them, help them work in realistic ways to survive and do better.

    Sure, many of us in these Blue state areas often wish we could fly the Rebel flag, have monster truck rallies, display guns in the open, drink beer and say public slurs against N#($#@!, queers, towel heads, Jew financiers, Jew Hollywood perverts etc – but that’s just not something we can do here or being honest, not something we really want to do ALL THE TIME.

    There are many good ways to make WN work within liberal, Blue state areas. The most important is birth control, population control of the NW underclass. And when you live and survive long enough in urban blue state areas, you learn many ways of thinking and acting that work fine. Government nanny state actions, telling others what to do, how they can drive, how they must dress, looking to “change” people, talking down to people, taking away people’s guns, taxing people and activities, generally acting like an elitist who thinks and acts like he is better than regular folks, yeah, well when you are in a big city with huge NW underclass, assuming many of the positions and ways of elitist liberals is the right thing to do.

    Anybody reading Occidental Dissent really think we should let the likes of Mike Tyson be “free to choose” – offer these different folks with alternative lifestyles the full gift of American liberty?

  14. “Many Blues would happily choose progressive ideology over the preservation of the Union.” And many Reds would happily choose paleo-conservative ideology over the preservation of the Union.

    Another great article, Hunter. But do I like it because I hope you are correct and I’m reading what I want to hear?

  15. “Blues” and “Reds” do not refer to Blue States and Red States or Democrats and Republicans. “Blues” live in the South and “Reds” live in the North. The divide isn’t so much geographical as it is urban vs. rural.

    “Reds” are ordinary White Americans who are conservatives or independents or have traditionally been apolitical. The “Reds” are people who are not explicitly racial. They are content to live their own lives. They want to be left alone. They don’t want America to be “transformed” in ways that they dislike.

    In the 1990s, millions of “Reds” were Joe Six Packs and Clinton voters, but now America has deteriorated to such a degree that they have become politicized and agitated about it. The “Reds” assumed that “everything would work out in the end” and the lifestyle they are accustomed to would not be disrupted by underlying demographic and economic trends.

    The key change is that the “Reds,” who have always thought of themselves as “insiders,” are starting to think of themselves as “outsiders.”

    The “Blues” are vastly outnumbered by the “Reds.” They are people who go out of their way to distinguish themselves from ordinary Whites who are perceived and degraded as inferior in social status. The SWPLs are “Blues.” The Jews are “Blues.” Hipsters are “Blues.” Globalists and “Blues.”

    Read the articles linked above. It is easy to pick these people out.

    The American elite is overwhelmingly composed of “Blues.” The political class is almost synonymous with the “Blues.” The “Blues” control both political parties. They make all the important decisions in how America is run.

    As I said above, Jews overwhelmingly fall into the “Blue” category, but the two are not synonymous. There are plenty of Whites, Asians, Hispanics, and negroes who share the “Blue” worldview and vision of the American future.

  16. Isn’t that “blue” area of Montana a sparsely populated Indian Reservation? They aren’t voting democrat for any liberal social agenda, they just want free money. Same for Illinois, It may go “blue” but it is hardly a liberal place outside of the queer and jewish lakefront district around Wrigley field. It is Blacks and Union thugs voting for free money. If you are unaware that places like the Quad Cities, Danville, Decatur, Springfield are essentially black ghettos in left behind mill towns surrounded by evangelical, southern drawl speaking farm towns, you might get the impression that these places are full of Seattle coffee house types. Remember “Cabrini Green” and “The Robert Taylor Homes” the nasty Chicago housing projects that liberals thought were architecturally designed to “corrupt” these angelic, budding rocket scientist blacks. Well, they had to go somewhere when the left got their way and tore them down and they shipped them downstate to places like the abandoned “Chanute Air Force Base” where formerly nice military housing was as cheap as $275 a month for a three bedroom apartment. The baby mama’s found their welfare checks went farther there and now the formerly hillbilly town of Rantoul is filled with all these nasty underclass blacks. The good news is that the blacks downstate are terrified of venturing into the small towns due to “Klan Lynching” rumors and stay in their ghettos. They cancer is far more geographically concentrated that the Blue-Red state maps infer.

  17. There’s really no reason for the US to exist anymore. What is it protecting us from, the Soviets? Ze Germans? The Redcoats? The US is no longer the indispensable nation, not even to its own subjects.

  18. coldequation: The value of the U.S. is to kick the invaders and their home-grown allies out of North America, so that White people can re-establish our own civilization. Secession, if that’s what you’re suggesting, is merely postponing a decision. If we allow Cambridge Massachusetts or Los Angeles to remain as bridgeheads of the non-White, Judeo-Marxist disease, they will recover their strength and we’ll have to go through this again.

  19. OK, “reds” are normal white middle class Americans, and “blues” are elites.

    So then, “reds” taking power from the “blues” is a populist uprising, a French or Communist Revolution. A wave of bloodletting, political, figurative, or literal, than a new elite takes over. But the white elite is “blue” – so we are back where we started. Without a pro-white elite class, our future remains the same.

    “Reds” need to either recruit an elite, or grow an elite. Is that possible, and if so, how? Considering the consensus is we don’t have much time left, presumably it will have to come from elites already alive, we don’t have time for a march through the institutions.

    Any elite whites who actually oppose what leftist academics call corporate globalization, and conservative populists call the new world order, will be ostracized by the existing elite, and will be banned from FOX news. How is that going to change?

    A populist white uprising can be easily managed; the entire American political system is designed for this specific purpose (Madison’s Constitution). Even if various states were to secede, I don’t see how they avoid joining the Borg anyway.

  20. I think these WN and race-realism sites have a bigger effect than might be imagined. I think a diluted version of what is discussed has been slowly getting pushed into the mainstream in a similar way that opposition to the global warming bandwagon is largely nurtured online and then pushes into the mainstream from there.

    However i do think there are a lot of people who, if there’s nothing explicitly WN to get involved with locally then they don’t get involved in anything. If there’s nothing explicitly WN in an individual’s locality to get involved with then they should get involved in whatever is the next best thing imo. There are lots of things that are WN without being explicitly so: anything to do with immigration-restriction, gun control, home schooling etc. Even if you live in hippy central then you could join an environmental group and quietly push the population growth / immigration aspect.

  21. It is more likely Red America will grow an elite than White Nationalists will grow a physical body in the real world. While both scenarios are implausible, I find the former scenario to be the more likely one.

  22. Wandrin,

    That’s exactly my point. The vast majority of White Nationalists are unwilling to act in the real world. The social and economic penalties are sufficient to deter them.

    White Nationalists attack conservatives for their cowardice, but they are no more willing to act themselves without the indispensable fig leaf of legitimacy. The major consequence of this is that the door to an explicit movement is sealed shut.

    It is better to do something than nothing. The White Nationalists who are unwilling to go public with their views should work within the implicit movement to nudge the mainstream in a more radical direction.

  23. Parler:
    The Reds aren’t exactly “peasants”, though there is a lot of that. There is definitely a high IQ stata there. Also, a lot of Blues are closet Reds. If the revolution comes to pass, White America won’t lack for any elites.

  24. Wandrin

    I think these WN and race-realism sites have a bigger effect than might be imagined.

    I think we can all be assured that the GOP is paying very close attention to what is being said in the pro-white/race realist blogosphere. Pat Buchanan said the way the GOP dealt with David Duke was by adopting the parts of his platform that didn’t conflict with other GOP positions. As Sailer has noted, the GOP is basically the “White Party” now, and it cannot have gone unnoticed that the GOP is virtually Jew-free as well. There’s only *one* federal level elected Republican that is Jewish right now. FOX news is the only broadcast network that is not owned by Jews. While it’s of course taboo to say it, it is not unnoticed.

  25. The most likely scenario is that an opportunistic segment of the current elite will jump ship and ride the wave of White Rebellion to power. That is also what happened when the Confederacy was formed.

    Alexander Stephens opposed secession in Georgia until it was an accomplished fact. Jefferson Davis, a Washington insider, left the Senate with tears in his eyes after Mississippi seceded. Robert Toombs opposed secession until 1860. Charles Memminger was another mainstream latecomer.

    The men who ended up leading the Confederacy were not the ones who fomented secession. They were the “conservatives” of their time. When the South finally decided to leave the Union, it turned to the “cooler heads” and “legitimate authority figures,” not the “fire eaters.”

    If you watch the John Adams series, you will see that it was Sam Adams who fomented the American Revolution in Massachusetts, while John Adams was defending the British after the Boston Massacre. After the American Revolution, Patrick Henry and the Anti-Federalists were defeated by the establishment.

  26. Hunter Wallace:

    When the White Revolution does come, it will invariably be led by opportunists and scoundrels, who will co-opt the movement for their own purposes, not by the saints and prophets who toiled away in obscurity.

    It’s a sad fact of life, there are always social predators waiting to pounce on opportunities.

    We don’t need to wait though, we already have such people abusing White racial consciousness to their own ends. Just look at a lot of these organizations, forums and websites.

    Despite the split and change at OD, which I think has been positive except for the loss of Robert Campbell, Hunter Wallace is one of the good guys working for the cause. That’s what keeps people coming here, he’s a genuinely good and decent person who tells the truth, and with incisive commentary.

    “5.) In U.S. News and World Report, Jamie Stiehm advocates the expulsion of South Carolina, Texas, and Arizona from the Union, along with Florida and the Deep South states.”

    I strongly support this, however they must take all of our blacks and non-Whites with them. Little Jamie Stiehm can have all the negroes around here that like to boom their music, wear their pants down and throw trash everywhere move in to her neighborhood. They can all visit the new mosque together.

    Erik Nordman says:

    The man is brilliant and deserves a thank-you card. Now if some of us out here in the west would be allowed to follow our Southern brethren out of the chains of Washington, D.C, life would be perfect.

    All pro-White Nords are welcome in the South.

    Jamie Stiehm: Call me a damn Yankee, but South Carolina is always on the wrong side of history.

    Somehow I think a lot of Yankees would instantly become pro-South and move here if that split ever happened.

  27. Heartfelt – the ‘opportunists and scoundrels’ are not any current WN – neither those hitting the street in marches and rallies, those that advocate working ‘within the system’, or those that just bitch online. Existing WN are the ‘saints and prophets’, those that know the score and know whats coming, costumed freaks and internet geeks alike.

    The opportunists are going to be those who rise to power, locally or otherwise, through legitimate means during the downward slide, placing themselves as the alternative to ‘establishment’ and federal types. Sheriffs, local politicians, community leaders, etc. People in positions of power now or in the near future that can claim to be outsiders, claim to not be part of the limp-wristed, limp-dicked, white-hating elite, but who are otherwise not WN in any sense of the word. They can take the momentum of a fall and turn it towards their own ends, away from an outcome favored by WNs.

  28. When the White Revolution does come
    It isn’t coming. What IS coming is a certain percentage, probably low, of organized, hardcore Whites, very tough, very savvy, and without moral or ethical restraints. Perhaps like NLR or AC but with an ability more akin to Hizballah and/or P.C.C.

  29. HW,

    Yes i agree. I think some people see these kind of discussions as being “we should be more moderate” which is not the same thing at all.

  30. “The man is brilliant and deserves a thank-you card.”

    -By all means, send that thank you card, but he’s a she- her picture is posted above her name at the head of the article.

  31. Parler White,

    Yes. I was also imagining a more random process with WNs and paleocons reading WN and HBD stuff and then pushing diluted elements of it into paleo circles and then a further diluted version slowly seeping into mainstream conservative circles in the same way cultural marxist stuff did on the other side from the 30s onward.

    They didn’t have the net but what they had instead was a network of tiny little marxist bookshops down backalleys which sold tiny circulation marxist micro-magazines pushing cultural marxist ideas. The individuals involved would have micro-groups that discussed things explicitly in little private meetings then afterwards as individuals they’d join this or that organisation and push a diluted or disguised version of the ideas into the mainstream.

  32. “FOX news is the only broadcast network that is not owned by Jews.”

    Rupert Murdoch is a mamzer Jew. Even NA missed that calling him a “gentile Australian” David Irving has a piece on Murdoch’s Jewish roots. Remember when Ted Turner offered market plus HALF for CBS? The Jews said NO to him. They shut him out.
    Only THEIR boys get to play.

    With that in mind, it’s important that the aspiring film-maker should remember these three things:

    One: Jews tend to occupy the top of the Hollywood food chain.

    Two: They intend to remain there.

    Three: Don’t forget those first two things.


  33. If the goal is to halt race-replacement and reverse race-replacement-this is the core of White Nationalism-the most effective ideological and organization strategy is to keep it simple. The HBD enthusiasts believe that millions of beleagured Native Born White Americans need to be educated about Murray-Hernstien IQ stuff. Big mistake. This complicates and sidetracks from the fundamental goal and mission. Gut revulsion reactions to racial diversity is more than enough. There is nothing clever about the HBD tactic. Gut level racial tribalism is all that is necessary…it’s all that matters……

    Thi time around the co-opters should be shunned and expelled. The White Nationalist revolt against race-replacement must have a very strong anti-corporate streak to it. Corporations must be stripped of their legal right to be super-beings. This time around, ordinary Native Born White Americans must in control. The organizing principle for Native Born White American socieity must be communitarian and socialistic. Greed can no longer be a virtue. Get rid of the demented and austic Libertarians.

    To be more specific, the poltical model for White Nationalism can be lifted right from Ralph Nader’s website..of of course White Nationalism will reject the social and cultural liberalism of Ralph Nader. To be even more specific:say no to professional politicians. One penny from a corporation and immediate disqualification.

  34. Truth about “ascetic” Nader

    Secret luxury house:
    The Nader myth is built in large part of stories of his personal asceticism — such as taking a minuscule salary, not owning a car (he bums lots of rides), and living (through the 1970s at least) in a boarding house with a bathroom down the hall. He claims to live on $5,000 a year and give nearly all the rest to his organizations.

    Back in 1996, we noted that Nader had long earned hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in speaking fees — over $250,000 annually even in the mid-1970s — played the stock market and carefully avoided making details of his finances public, even as he demanded that various corporations and other politicans reveal their money dealings.

    He has steadfastly refused to make his tax returns public (as Dole and Clinton have done). In 1996 he even says he spent less than $5,000 on his campaign so that he wasn’t required to file even the minimal financial disclosure forms every other candidate is filing.

    This time he had to admit spend more than $5,000, and his financial disclosure — while sketchy — revealed that he is a multimillionaire who makes hundreds of thousands on speeches each year and owns over $1 million in Cisco stock alone. (Nader still refused to release his tax returns, though all other major candidates have done so for the last many years.)

    His lifestyle claims are bullpucky in other ways, too. His speaking gigs often include first class hotels and and meals, even limousines, and the many organizations he controls — that’s where his tax-deductible contributions go — have many ways to cover his expenses as well. Plus, there is considerable evidence that he does own and stay in one or more houses. He acknowledges spending considerable time at a “family house” in Connecticut, and he appears to own a townhouse in Washington.

    David Sanford of the New Republic documented that residents of a posh neighborhood in Washington — on Bancroft Place NW — often spotted him sneaking into an expensive house there. Some investigation showed that Nader’s brother purchased the house — worth $100,000 even back in 1972 — though he was an underemployed educational “consultant” and had no education beyond high school. Nader issued a statement “that he does not live in his brother’s Bancroft Place house”, but when a now-former worker (Lowell Dodge) asked him privately, he wouldn’t deny it.

    When the Washington Post’s then-society columnist Maxine Cheshire asked Nader about the reports, he knew every detail of the house’s financing and couldn’t resist rhapsodizing about what a great tax break buying a house was. “He talks about that real estate investment the way some men talk about sex. He’s so excited about the whole idea of tax write-offs and all that. I mean, did I realize that that’s the greatest investment you can make, the biggest tax advantage, bla bla bla bla bla bla.”


  35. Tabula raza

    So what’s your point? Nader’s hypocrsy is beside the point. By the way, I am not advocating a monk’s vow of poverty and high taxes on ordnary Native Born White Americans. I also believe that the very wealthy at a minimum should pay a fair share of taxes to subsidize the agreed upon goverment funded programs that are necessary. As it stands now,ordinary White Americans pay a greater percentage of their wealth in taxes than the rich. The creepy Paul Craig Roberts revealed his true allegiance-to the greedy cheating class today on vdare.com. What I do believe in is that a society that is more equal economically is a better society than one where wealth is highly concentrated. A high degree of wealth concentration in a society is immoral.

    What I am advocating is a close approximation-as close as possible to democratic self-governance. So, if politicians are a necessary evil, a high degree of vigilence is required.

    Nader has a great ideas on his website as to how to do this.

    White Nationalist must be in favor of stripping Corporations of all power. They should have no legal standing as humans in the courts as they do now.

  36. Parler White: Most of what our current elites do is unnecessary at best. Do we need an elite to fill the country with foreigners, elevate Darks over Whites, destroy our schools, fill the airwaves with lies, etc, etc, etc? No, we need people who know how to keep the power on, people to design, build, and fix things, people to run transportation networks, people to teach White children, people to shoot invaders, people to have families. I would wager that the sorts of intelligent people who excel at these things are more likely to be part of Real America than of the Blue toilet bowl.

  37. “Red America has a geographical and economic basis. Are fiscally conservative states like North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas willing to be taxed to bail out the free spending, poorly managed states like California, New York, and Illinois?

    When California become the Greece of the Pacific and Illinois the Iceland of the Midwest who rides to the rescue? In the long run, will the White Heartland prop up the failing parts of the Union, or will it bail and create an enlarged Confederacy?”

    Unfortunately, I could not find anything up to date , but based on historic data Cali, NY & Ill have contributed more to the fed than they receive, whereas ND and KS receive more than their fair share. Largely, the greater burden to the fed falls on the shoulders of those free spending, poorly managed states, and for this they turn around and tax their constituents higher. As a “blue-stater”, I’ll be happy when those red-staters get off the welfare. Source materials here .

  38. “I also believe that the very wealthy at a minimum should pay a fair share of taxes to subsidize the agreed upon goverment funded programs that are necessary. ”

    What is their fair share, Comrade Jupiter? The top 1% of earners in the US already pay 28% of total tax dollars collected. The top 5% pay 44%, and the top 10% pay 55%. The top 20% of earners pay a whopping 70% of all tax dollars collected in the US from individuals. And at least as far as the top 10% of earners ($113,000+ per year) are concerned, hardly any of them use the services that they pay for. To wit:

    80% of the budget goes towards social security, the military, unemployment/welfare, medicare/medicaid, and interest on the national debt.

    And Roberts’ article in Vdare today was about how to get the army out of Iraq and Afghanistan and end offshoring. How does that make him a friend of plutocrats?

  39. I don’t know that the really wealthy earn the money they pay in taxes. Some of these CEOs get huge retirement packages even if they run the company into the ground. The boards of directors who vote to pay the huge salaries and golden parachutes are themselves CEOs of other companies, which have boards of directors made up of other CEOs, ad infinitum. They’re all just washing each others hands, stealing from the stockholders.

  40. http://mat-rodina.blogspot.com/2010/08/american-elite-dialectic-perpetual-war.htmlhttp://mat-rodina.blogspot.com/2010/08/american-elite-dialectic-perpetual-war.html

    Sunday, August 15, 2010
    American Elite Dialectic: Perpetual War for Perpetual Profit
    It should not come as any surprise to anyone familiar with the American elites that the business of America is business and that the best way to propagate that business is war, bloody, messy and ever so profitable war. Of course, what would one expect from a nation, whose elites were majority Masons, and for whom conspiracy was the life blood of their crooked hearts.

    These are the people who rebelled against their God appointed monarch, over throwing his rule and thus freeing themselves of his vicious 10% tax and who then turned around placed a much heavier tax upon their people, expanding it over the last 250 years till America is now one of the highest and heaviest taxed and regulated nations in the world. Of course the real reason had a lot more to do with the treaties that King George had signed with the various Indian nations on the boundary of his colonies, swearing to not expand any further. This would hamper the profits of those who held the or wanted to hold the leadership of the soon to be USA.

    One must ask why Canada and Australia never felt the urge to rebel, the quantity of Masons being much lower.

    In the process of rebellion, the newly minted USA showed that its Elites had no honour or sense of duty, as they betrayed and exterminated the majority of their Iraqua allies and then equally betrayed their allies and main financiers, without whom they would not have ever won: the French and to a smaller degree the Spanish. With the French, they refused to repay their loans, even grabbing some French shipping, leading to the Phony War and with the Spanish, they stole Florida, while exterminating their peaceful neighbors the country of Creek, a nation of westernized Indians, who had their own light industry, carriages and newspapers. This in turn lead to the three Seminole Wars.

    Other Indian nations were to follow, such as Apachia in the south, the Five Nations in the Ohio River Valley and many other smaller ones. Equally, as soon as the USA felt itself strong enough, it started to move on Canada, launching the 1812 War, which the Americans lost, as their goal of conquering Canada was a failure.

    The borders were open and kept open for mass immigration that would drive the national expansion, which of course would lead to more wars, such as the Mexican American War and dozens of Indian wars. Land hunger led to the theft of the Indian lands and freedoms and lives, as well as their resources and then of the more organized Mexicans.

    As the Masons of America gained more and more control of their new found empire, the southern states, more religious and traditional decided to separate, as was their right. To that end, the Marxists of the Republican party (see the 1848ers and the founders of the Republican party) and the Mason Elite launched the American Civil War, with a murderous rage, that had at that point not been seen in the civilized world. As a note, of the 36 million people who lived in United States of early 1861, over 600 thousand were dead by 1865, almost a third of them civilians and all the civilians in the destroyed Confederacy. Mason/Marxist strategy continued to starve, impoverish and drive out the citizens of the South for over a generation to follow, while those territories withered under military rule and northern recolonization.

    So it should be no surprise that the US elites launched one military adventure after another in Latin America, the Caribbean nations and against the Spanish Empire, China, Kingdom of Hawaii and Japan, to name a few.

    So it is no wonder then, that when WW1 broke out, the Masons fed the flames of war, selling weapons to both sides, until they saw first, an opportunity to remove our Russian Tsar, through the backing of the Soviet Revolution and then, by directly entering the war, to remove the German Kaiser, as well as the Austro-Hungarian King, dividing central Europe up into small states, easier to exploit and easier to foster various Marxist revolutions upon, such as the Fascist Marxist movements of the Nazis.

    After twenty years of direct US Mason exploitation in Europe, all while tightening the noose on their own freeman turned peasants turned serfs, they had the stage set for WW2 and the Cold War to follow. As the American president Eisenhower warned, the military industrial complex, the money making and controlling body of the American Elites would soon bankrupt the very serfs it had convinced, er brain washed, into supporting them.

    Is it any wonder why the Soviet Union died owing the US and UK over $39 billion? If the Mason were really fighting the Cold War, why give money to the failing Communist Marxist state? Why to keep the good times rolling.

    Once the Soviet Union collapsed, they helped foster numerous local wars, stealing everything that was not nailed down in our own nation. Of course greed, the worship of Mennen, knows no bounds.

    With the last ten years, the Soviet Union gone, Russia unwilling to play Cold War, even though the US/NATO have done everything to provoke us throughout the 1990s and China to strong, the American elite launched one war of another in the Middle East, again, using the terror of the very Islamic Jihadists that they themselves helped train and release upon the world, as the pretense for further exploits. The number one thing underlining these, has been the continued transfer of monies from their serfs to the masters.

    The world depression that they launched in 2007-8 was only the latest step, stealing even more of the world’s wealth, into the hands of the US Masons, as they damned hundreds of millions to misery and death. Yes, their greed knows no bounds. It is interesting to note, as their own people start to realize the bleak future they all face, that more and more of the Mason’s military might has been moved and reorganized to deal with the coming revolts and rebellions, to now drown their own serfs in the blood they so readily drown the world in.

    When will our leaders and the people ever learn, with whom they deal?

  41. Flippityfloppity: California, New York, and Illinois have got an awful lot of big corporations and big executives located in LA, Frisco, NYC, and Chicago. The work is done elsewhere, but the money flows to a few places, and the taxmen follow the money. The money the corporations pay to the IRS came from productive people elsewhere.

  42. flippityfloppity, I think most of the tax dollars going to KS and ND are farm subsidies, which do absolutely nothing for the majority of residents in those states who are not farmers. You also have things like the interstate highways which are more beneficial to people passing through those states than the residents themselves.

    And I doubt those studies that purport to show that red states leech off of blue states account for the fact that the blue states destroyed the economy. A housing crash, primarily in California, caused by the irresponsibility of finance guys in blue NY, with TARP bailouts that ultimately go to the same finance guys, cannot be blamed on Kansas or North Dakota.

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