Should White Americans Become Better Liars? #1

After the debacle of the 2008 Presidential campaign, White Americans should take an honest look in the mirror and try to understand why we did so badly.

Most White Americans chose to support old White men who went out of their way to be “fair” and not “racist” in any way,”honesty is the best policy.”

The result was a horrendous loss and many were shocked to learn that 24 out of 25 Black African Americans voted for Obama, even supposedly “conservative”, “patriotic” Black Americans like Gen. Colin Powell – Hey, what’s going on? Was Gen. Powell lying to us all those years?!!


Gen. Powell was a good liar – so are most of the Jewish Neo Conservatives who managed to fool White Americans that they’ve “seen the light” and come over to our side.

The truth is most NW and Jewish groups in America are good liars and our White side – well we’re just not very good liars.

So I would like to ask the Occidental Dissent community the question:

Should White Americans stop being so fair and honest?

Should we learn a little of the arts of deception, and work for the interests of our people in the various underhanded ways Jews and NWs do for their group?

Here is a scene from a great movie – True Romance, where a Sicilian Mafia leader is interrogating a White working class father to find the whereabouts of the father’s son Clarence.

The Mafia leader brags that Sicilians are great liars and also comments that the White working class father is a bad liar. Please watch the entire scene as it is arguably THE best White RACIALIST scene in any movie made since 1960

“Sicilians are great liars.
The best in the world.
I’m Sicilian.
My father was the world heavyweight
champion of Sicilian liars.
From growing up with him,
I learned the pantomime.
There are different things a guy can
do when he lies to give himself away.
A guy’s got 17 pantomimes.
A woman’s got 20.
A guy’s got 17. But if you know them
like you know your own face,
they’d beat lie detectors
all to hell.
Now, what we got here is
a little game of show-and-tell.
You don’t wanna show me nothing,
but you’re telling me everything.
I know you know where they are,
so… tell me…
before I do some damage
you won’t walk away from.”

Sicilians Great Liars, Sicilians Were Spawned by N…..


  1. We have the numbers, the truth, and a tradition of honor that will devestate this double talk one of these days. Read Solzhenitsyn’s Live Not By Lies. And consider the example of Officer Crowley last summer: he simply and forthrightly stood up to the bullshit, and knocked the president of the US down many pegs. The truth and strength of will are our strong suits, not conniving tools of the weak and the evil.

  2. Depends.

    If you want to engage in politics, you have to work with the hand you are dealt. You have to tailor your message to your audience.

    Ever walk a dog? You start out at Point A. You gently lead the dog by its leash to Point B. A series of small steps and incremental progress gets you to your destination.

    Ever watch college football? The coach orders a series of plays. The team makes incremental across the field. Five yards here. Three yards there. It adds up over time.

    Ever try to lose weight? It takes patience and hard work. You cut your calorie intake and exercise to create a calorie deficit. Discipline and patience will eventually get you to the goal. It doesn’t happen overnight.

    Ever try to pick up a woman? What sense does it make to say the first damn thing that comes to mind?

    Ever drive from Washington, DC to New York City? You have to go through Baltimore to get there.

    The plain meaning of words tells you everything you need to know. Lead is the root of “leadership.” It means to guide or direct in course (i.e., lead a horse by the halter).

    If you want to “lead” White people, you have to start off from where they are now, lead them to the next step, then the one after that, and then the one after that.

  3. Yes, Hunter – I agree that one must take little steps with the idea of going a long way to a final destination.

    But in the post, I am introducing a different idea – the idea that White Americans have often failed in politics, because we are the only group that is being honest, fighting fair, respecting everyone else’s opinions. What was that George Washington folk tale about him cutting down a Cherrie Tree and when confronted by parents/adults did he do it – he says:

    “I can not tell a lie” and proceeds to confess.

    I think a little White kid now living around D.C. should consider fingering some Black guy named “Washington”.


    I am opening up the idea here that maybe White Americans should strongly consider telling more than a few “White lies” – lies that help our race from being slaughtered, ethnically cleansed from the North American continent.

    I’ve a more than a few ideas of deceptions that might work, taking from our enemy’s playbook.

  4. “Should White Americans stop being so fair and honest? Should we learn a little of the arts of deception, and work for the interests of our people in the various underhanded ways Jews and NWs do for their group?”

    Some should be explicitly at the 14 words level – that’s the end game.
    Some should be semi-crypto at around the A3P sort of level.
    Some should be completely crypto around the VDare sort of level.

    In fact any particular individual could be at all 3 levels at once on different days depending how good an actor they are but it’s easier to just pick the one you think you’re best suited to.

    (When i say VDare or A3P they’re just examples of relative positions along a sliding scale from genocide to survival.)

  5. I should add to my previous comment there’s no point going crypto if your personality isn’t suited to it. It’s best if you’re naturally devious 🙂

    If you’re an out in the open sort of person then stick to being that way.

  6. It’s cultural suicide to be open and honest with an enemy who is not. He then knows where you are coming from and you are in the dark with regard to his intentions (if you are naive). So take a cue from successful politicians; tell them what they want to hear when the situation warrants and do the opposite. We have an enemy who’s motto is “by deception shalt thou do war”. A good example of their mentality and tactics is provided us by the Old Testament in Geneses 34:22-25 (really the whole chapter). To our credit, whites have (I believe) a predisposition toward honesty, but it does not serve us well in this world; it is a situationally maladaptive trait. Yes, when needed we need to be much better liars.

  7. I should hasten to add that it is not my intent that we should become like our racial enemies, rather that since racial survival and situational tactics warrant it, it is necessary to adopt methods that are anathema to our collective soul.

  8. We should tailor our rhetoric to the objective at hand. Words are words. We should judge people by their actions, not their words.

    What is the use of rhetorical posturing that accomplishes nothing? It is emotionally satisfying to the rhetorical radical himself, but hopelessly ineffective at communicating his message with his audience.

    The rhetorical radicals can keep their words. Realists prefer results.

  9. The discussion of deception and ethnopatriotism is an old one. I remember having this conversation many times at Stormfront years ago. The people who have a problem with deceiving their enemies are almost always the same people who want to shove them into ovens.

    Every real ethnopatriot is willing to lie, cheat, steal, kill, and everything-else his people to safety. The discussion is pointless.

  10. One of the problems white people have is we can’t tell lies to the outgroup and expect the ingroup to understand what we really mean, because white people take everything at face value and assume no ulterior motives. Most whites can’t even comprehend the ingroup/outgroup dynamic except that it’s “racist.” This is a big part of why “implicit whiteness” doesn’t work for our interests the same way that implicit Jewishness works for Jewish interests.

  11. Here’s the proof: 22 states are now following the Arizona example.

    Alabama is nullifying Obamacare and passing an even tougher immigration law. Half the Union is now in open rebellion against the Obama administration.

    The Arizona example shows how a moderate rhetorical stance can produce the necessary polarization to produce extreme actions whereas an extreme rhetorical stance produces no polarization and no action.

  12. “One of the problems white people have is we can’t tell lies to the outgroup and expect the ingroup to understand what we really mean”

    I don’t think people should lie exactly. You just leave out the stuff that freaks people until they’re ready for it. Like a cult. You don’t tell em about the lizards till the end. For example:

    One person could be working at a VDare sort of level getting people who are a bit worried about immigration and making them very worried about immigration.

    A second could be working at the A3P type level taking people who are very worried about immigration (and related issues) and tying it all to the multicult and how physically dangerous it is for white people to allow themselves to be turned into a minority.

    A third person is tying it all together at a 14 words level and pointing out that playing defense forever means we will eventually lose and so the world needs a bit of re-arranging to make the future safer.

  13. Our enemies are not winning because they are better liars, they are better manipulators, and I don’t necessarily mean that in the negative sense. Like a good comedian who understands comedic timing, onstage confidence and witty repartee, the Left understands how to manipulate the masses. A lot of White nationalists are juvenile in that regard. They think all they need to do is say the truth without any attention to style or how others will perceive them. It’s like an amateur comedian with poor timing who bombs on stage.

  14. That scene is one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history, it’s also very Nordicist. Nice to see Nordicism alive and well at OD.

  15. Mark: Jews have controlled show biz in this country for a long time. Good performers are caught in the snare from the beginnings of their careers. Some of them crack, like Mel Gibson or that “Kramer” character from “Seinfeld”.

  16. Thanks for the link to that scene.

    The Negro admixture in Sicilians is pretty well established by now.

    The Portuguese have even more Negro admixture than the Sicilians.

  17. Be straight with white folk, and practice whatever with skraelings and non=whites. We need a double standard; one for us and one for them. Now, most white folks hate the practice of a double standard, especially when they realize their the victim of such a practice. That really gets us mad, when we realize we’ve been had. At that point revenge in the form of ‘taquiyah’ is just a form of justice meted out consciously, and with a smile.

  18. The Portuguese have even more Negro admixture than the Sicilians.

    Apparently it stayed within the lower-classes, just like in Latin-America. There are plenty of Portuguese fully-descended from European-stock.

  19. When dealing with the parasites and hominids (jews and negroes) which surround us, OF COURSE we should lie to them! They don’t hesitate to do the same and worse to us. All is fair when the life of our race is as stake!

  20. Condensed Version of “The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal” by R.Smith, c.1970

    By the middle of the 16th century, Portugal had risen to a position analogous to that of the United States today. Portugal was the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, with a large empire and colonies in Asia, Africa and America. The Portuguese people were, like the Elizabethans in England, poets and explorers, a race of highly civilized, imaginative, intelligent, and daring people.

    Portugal began the Negro slave trade after encountering Negroes in its explorations and forays into Africa. Portugal brought the first Black slaves to Lisbon in 1441, and they continued to be imported in such numbers that by 1550, the population of Portugal was 10 percent Negro.

    There was no taboo or injunction against sexual relations with the Negroes, and the Negroes’ blood soon became assimilated into the general population through miscegenation, so that today there are no Negroes, as such, in Portugal.

    It should be pointed out that the Negro-White ratio, 1:9, in Portugal in the 1550’s does not represent the final percentage of Negro genes, for the Negro element was rapidly increasing while the White element was declining. The male Whites were leaving Portugal in large numbers – sailing to and settling in the colonies, and marrying the native women (the government encouraged this). Most of the Negro slaves brought to Portugal were adult males. The population was thus unbalanced – an excess of White women and Negro males, and a shortage of White men. Chronicles of the era relate that some Portuguese women kept Negro slaves as “pets”. They also married them.

    What you can see in Portugal today is the product of uniform, non-selective mixing of the 10 percent Negroes and 90 percent Whites into one homogeneous whole. In effect, it is a new race – a race that has stagnated in apathy and produced virtually nothing in the last 400 years.

    The contribution of this new race to civilization in terms of literature, art, music, philosophy, science, etc. has been practically nothing. Portugal today is the most backward country in Europe. The illiteracy rate is 38 % (U.S., 2.2%, Japan, 1.0%). The infant mortality rate in Portugal is 59.2 per 1000 births (in Sweden, 12.9 percent, U.S., 20.7 percent, France, 20.4%). The workers’ wages are the lowest in Western Europe, the equivalent of a little more than $2.00 a day.

  21. Thanks for everyone who contributed on my post. Lots of good comments.

    My point is that White Americans should look at rough realities and consider ways of thinking and acting that will lead to…


    Yes, winning as opposed to losing…


    ALL THE #*$(#$@ TIME!

    I don’t want to corrupt our White youth, advise them to lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery (well, yeah, I do want our White lads to get laid every once in a while 🙂

    But, I do want to put out the idea that we should be trying to win things – elections, contests, fights etc. and we should be objective about what works and what doesn’t work.

    What absolutely doesn’t work is fair, honest, nice economic conservatism – telling old White folks that we want to cut off their social security benefits, telling folks in Colorado Springs CO that we want to drastically cut the Federal budget for the Air Force…

    Telling folks in San Diego CA that we want to cut Federal Spending for the US Navy.

    My point is that we should get down and dirty, down in the gutter and compete with all the NW, Jew forces that compete for power.

    And I am perfectly honest in saying that I am willing to chuck the whole Brit/Anglo tradition of honesty and fair play to fight for the legitimate rights of our people.

    14 Words

    Our White Americans have to improve in so many ways – we have to become better fighters and….

    better liars.

    14 Words.

  22. Mark: I am pointing out that most of the people who make their living their with theatrical gifts, such as you mention, are working for Jews. Sorry if I phrased it poorly.

  23. We live by a code of ethics which would serve us well were we by ourselves. Others disrespect and exploit our ways. They have nothing to fear from us. This must change for the sake of our childrens’ future.

  24. PS: We are self sufficient and do not need anything from the others to live good lives.
    They are all fortunate to be among us. We carry our own problem population plus many of the others. They are a liability and should be made to understand such.

  25. Lying means the end of discourse. I can call you a filthy Jew, and you call me a stupid Goy, but we’re still honestly exchanging ideas. But not if you try to mislead me. To mislead me is to steal from me, to exploit me and my labor, to enslave me. The only point in talking to a liar is to ensnare and punish him. So we have no obligation whatsoever to anyone who lies to us. They have made themselves our enemies.

  26. White Americans need to look in the mirror and ask themselves why they voted for a Kenyan negro with no experience and ties to terrorists and black supremacists. It was the White vote that catapulted Obama to the Presidency. I know McCain wasn’t a better choice but I can’t get over so many people doing this. It’s frightening to think that our population is so brainwashed.

  27. For lying to be successful, it must be carefully planned out. If it does not come naturally, it is very hard work. To be used as a weapon, the liar must always stay focused on the details of his lie. A poor liar is quickly unmasked when he loses track of what he said to whom and why.

    I don’t think honesty is our problem. Our inability to expose the lies of others is our problem.

  28. Though the link to the “Sicilians” scene from True Romance was rather amusing, this was a serious post – as I want our WN youth to consider other ways of thinking and acting that do not always result in…


    White Americans have been losing in too many areas for too long.

    We need to learn how to play, fight to win.

    And White Americans have big problems with being

    Too honest
    Too nice
    Too understanding
    Too accepting of having others insult us

    So I would like for people here to consider making some SLIGHT adjustments in how they present our WN program – not out and out LYING, instead, try to:

    Tell Whites what they want to hear.

    For instance, if you are with a group of tough, White construction union workers – don’t try to preach free market Capitalism, where employers can hire and fire whoever they want, and give the lowest wages to workers from anywhere in the world letting the “market” determine wages.

    In this instance, you want to promote a more nationalist, socialist program – where hard working (White) union workers will not have their wages undercut by cheap, non union, non White immigrants.

    If you are around White senior citizens – don’t start preaching how American needs to end Social Security, Medicare and other government programs designed to help the elderly. Instead, discuss the huge costs of giving free medical care to millions of NW illegal aliens and other NWs who show up at emergency rooms demanding health care. You want to convey to White elderly that you/we are on their side, and we don’t want millions of mooching NWs to sink the whole system.

    If you are around White Christian religious folks, don’t try to “change” everyone and convince them that the Bible is only the rantings of backward, Middle Eastern Semite Jews – instead try to compliment them on their strong “Family Values” and in a slow way, begin to educate them on why Hollywood and network TV are so vulgar, so hostile, so alien to their (White) values.

    That said, after spending time with nice, honest White Judeo Christians and you find yourself around young college age Whites who are completely hostile to organized religion, the Bible, the Religious Right etc – shift gears and

    Agree with them. Tell them what they want to hear in a pro White way.

    Tell them you agree the Judeo Christian Bible is not science, not fair history and God never parted the Red Sea and took the side of the Jews – God’s Chosen People to crush the Evil Egyptians who were not God’s Chosen people. Explain to these bright, anti Bible young White folks that the situation is the same today – we’re not God’s Chosen People and the propaganda supporting pro Israel wars against Iraq – propaganda about Weapons of Mass Destruction, fighting on the side of God, the Israelites – it’s the same nonsense as in the Judeo Christian Bible.

    OK s0 do people see what I am getting at here?

    I’m trying to get American Whites, WN to tell other Whites….

    What they want to hear. We want folks agreeing with us, we want to convince Whites that ….

    We are on their side.

  29. Every large scale action is carried out for a number of reasons, by people with different interests. For example, let’s say we encourage immigration. Mexicans support it because they want more of their Raza. Reds support it because they hate Whites. Business supports it because they want cheap labor. Real estate brokers support it because more houses will be built. Democrat politicians support it because they will vote Democrat. Liberals support it because they think it makes them look like they care about the poor. The Catholic Church supports it because they will fill their pews. Teacher unions support it because they have lots of kids to fill classrooms.
    All these different groups benefit in different ways. They may not care about the benefits for other groups, or might even oppose the benefits for other groups, but they get what matters to themselves, and that’s enough to support it. So when I want to drum up support for Mexican immigration, I don’t tell the real estate broker that these people will fill the schools with their little half-bastards, or tell the Reds that they’ll work cheap. I tell everyone how a flood of ignorant, primitive, violent, dumb, resource consumers will benefit Them.
    It should be a good deal easier to sell decent White folk their own survival.

  30. One other Imami Shi’a doctrine that must be related is the doctrine of Taqiyyah, or dissimulation, (i.e. calculated deception). In support of this doctrine of deception, the Shi’a attribute the following to Abu Abdullah (Ja’far as-Sadiq): “Nine tenths of religion is Taqiyyah (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion.” (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.110) “He who conceals his religion has saved it, and he who makes it public has destroyed it.” “A believer who does not dissimulate is like a body without a head.” (Tafseer al-Askari) “Mix with them (i.e. non-Shi’a) externally but oppose them internally.” (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.116)

  31. Kievsky: I’m guessing that the Koran is making a virtue of the fact that Sand People lie anyway. Mohamud would not have gotten very far if he’d made honesty to strangers part of his religion. He might just as well forbade them to beat their wives. That goes for Christians and Jews from that part of the world too. I share books, and while I don’t worry about getting one back from even a New York Jew, a Sephardic Jew thinks a loan is a gift. And Armenian and Lebanese Christians are just as bad. I couldn’t believe that someone could try to steal your book, and then want to discuss it with you!

  32. A lot of good points here.

    Another example is not lying in what you’re saying exactly, just leaving out *why* you’re saying it. When cultural marxists went out like missionaries into the mainstream trying to destroy the old culture they didn’t lie about what they wanted they just didn’t mention *why* they wanted it.

    For example the original cultural marxist idea behind radical sex education was that it could be used to undermine traditional morality. Among marxists (jews basically) back in Hungary during the 20s and 30s the guy who started the idea called it cultural terrorism. They didn’t call it that in public though, they wrapped it up in some nice liberal sounding spin and sold the spin.

    A practical example. One line that is completely work-safe and can be used anywhere, family, friends, school, work, wherever is:

    The [left party] politicians wants immigration for the votes.
    The [right party] politicans wants immigration because they’re bought by corporations who want ever cheaper labour.

    The multicult presents the argument as a moral one with themselves as the good, moral people by saying diversity and immigration are good and the only ones against it are bad, nasty, racist people. Anyone who presents an argument in this way is setting themselves up as a moral authority – as a kind of preacher. By pushing the line that they have an ulterior selfish motive you undermine their moral authority without ever actually saying anything about the subject in hand. You’re not attacking diversity, immigration or the multicult directly – which is what makes it worksafe – you’re attacking it indirectly by attacking the moral authority of the priests of the multicult.

    The multicult has been doing the same thing recently with the catholic church. Attacking them incessantly over the paedophile scandal destroys their moral authority which effects every other issue that might come up – divorce, abortion, gay marriage or whatever. Once moral authority has gone *people stop listening*.

    So you’re not exactly lying to people but you are acting in a covert way like you’re operating behind enemy lines in a war and trying to undermine their government. Which is pretty much the exact situation we’re in.

    If there’s something explicit and good in your locality then join that. If you have the confidence to start something explicit and good in your locality then do that. If neither of those apply then instead of being frustrated copy what the cultural marxists did. Get involved in something, anything and act like a covert missionary and try and undermine the dominant culture at every opportunity.
    – the politicians are hypocrites
    – the media lies
    – diversity kills
    – anti-racism is a codeword for anti-white
    – mass immigration is slow genocide
    – why are there no holocaust memorials for the Ukraine?

    You’re not being explicitly pro-white, because that makes you a *bad* person. You’re attacking the moral authority of the dominant culture that says being pro-white makes you a bad person. You’re undermining their power to define pro-white as bad.

  33. Wandrin says:
    “The multicult presents the argument as a moral one with themselves as the good, moral people by saying diversity and immigration are good and the only ones against it are bad, nasty, racist people.”

    Very well said.

    Our side should come back and slam the supporters of mass immigration as being selfish bastards who don’t want to see any American worker earn a living wage – they want to be rich elitists with sub minimum wage slaves or they don’t care about the environment – supporting endless sprawl of strip malls , substandard housing for endless masses of slaves, consumers.

    Our side has to be willing to get down and dirty, fight in the gutter with these types and engage in ad hominem attacks, same as the antis do to us.

    The nice, polite, fair White Conservatives – always make the mistake of answering brutal, vicious ad hominem attacks from Leftist with, fair reasoned responses – pretending that the difference in opinion is causes by some “misunderstanding”.

  34. Jack Ryan: Telling the truth is not gutter fighting, though it may be merciless. People who support mass immigration do NOT pay the costs, they only reap the advantages. Rather, they socialize the costs and personalize the benefits. They are, quite objectively, selfish and greedy. I’ve been in middle class houses on Thursday afternoon that look like they’re ready for a Saturday evening party with wine and cocktails, and I used to wonder, How come their place is so much neater than mine? It’s a lot bigger and has a ton of little souvenirs and stuff, and no dust. No dishes waiting in the sink, either. I don’t wonder any more. Pairs of Mexican women come to clean house in econo-cars with “Minute-Maid” or some such thing on the doors. And these middle class bleeding hearts don’t send their kids to the same schools as the Mexicans do either. This is ugly, it’s true, and it’s not the least bit unfair to point it out.

  35. Well said Wandrin, and for the respectable conservatives they need at times be slammed for legitimizing the lefty scum. They should be held responsible.

  36. @ Hunter

    Getting shot in the head by some Roman Catholic greaseball ain’t exactly what I would call a positive outcome. Anyway, to say the North Africans in the Middle Ages were Black ain’t exactly the truth either. That’s like saying Americans are Black & mullato, because we have a Black & mullato population.

  37. Wanderer–ah, nice to see such an up-to-date, state-of-the-art essay.

    Seriously, 1970?! Had the mud even dried at Woodstock when he typed this on his state-of-the-art ribbon-fed typewriter?!

  38. Discard says:
    August 20, 2010 at 7:09 pm
    “Jack Ryan: Telling the truth is not gutter fighting.”

    But it is “fighting” – getting in the face of others, not being “polite”.

    White Americans have been way too “polite” these last 80 years.

    I strongly urge everyone here to watch the 5 minutes “Sicilian” section of the movie True Romance.

    The Sicilian Mafia don is confronting a regular, honest White working class American and insulting him, putting his/our people down, saying they are weak and Sicilians are much better than they/we are – Sicilians are better than regular Whites because Sicilians are supposedly tougher, smarter and are better liars, when it comes to lying to help their own people.

    The Dennis Hopper character – white working class father wants to help his own people, in this case, his own son Clarence, so Dennis Hopper character tries to lie and say that he hasn’t seen Clarence. The Sicilian Mafia figure says that Hopper is lying and that he is not a very good liar – and the Sicilian guy thinks that lying is perfectly OK and is a good thing, well done in service for his own family/people.

    I am saying pretty much the same thing as this Sicilian Mafia Don. White Americans have been too weak, too nice, too fair, too honest and we need to get much better at fighting for our people in so many ways, including knowing how and when to use

    deception – including telling….

    White lies.

    Some examples – you witness a regular White guy killing a NW who has insulted, threatened one of his daughters. You see it all.

    When the representatives of THE LAW come to question you – are you 100% honest and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth – will you testify that you saw the White father kill the NW who threatened the White daughter?

    I say “no”.


    You should say that you didn’t see anything or:

    “I have nothing to say”.

    Blacks call it “no snitching” and they don’t want Blacks cooperating with the police when it is Black on Black crime, for Black on White crime – 100% no way. But our side, the White side usually goes the way of always wanting to tell the truth. But I say now that honesty and White man’s honor mean different things in this corrupt, fallen anti White age.

    Our loyalty should be to the truth of the 14 words – all forms of fighting, including the using deception are the right and honorable thing to do.

  39. Gloob: The fact that research was done in 1970 has no bearing on its validity. Was everybody wrong about everything 40 years ago? Unless some new Portuguese archives have come to light, the conclusions of 1970 should be judged on their merits, not their age.
    I’d hate to have to throw all my books away every ten years.

  40. Yes…Razib Khan lies all the time and look how he’s been promoted…..

    Go over to Discover Magazine’s blogs and you’ll see that the anti-white Razib Khan (who’s obsessed with interracial porn) now has his own blog.

    It should be Steve Sailer or J. Philippe Rushton there blogging on human biodiversity. But of course Razib got job because he’s non-white and praised by Jewish pro-immigration activist Ron Unz

    BTW, people can leave comments at Razib’s posts at Discover Magazine. 🙂

  41. As a point of history and biology I wonder exactly what race the Moors were? I know that aboriginally, Moors were North African Caucasians. I’m not sure what they had become by the time of the Muslim invasion of Sicily, probably a Congoid mix.

  42. Discard and Gloob:

    The European Financial Crisis of the present day? It’s being blamed on the reckless behavior of the “PIIGS”. Portugal has the place of honor of being the first letter in that acronym!

    So that’s the present day, not 1970.

    Let’s look at history since 1970.

    Portugal remained economically backwards until the rest of Europe began propping it up in 1986. That is when it entered the EEC, European Economic Community. In 1970 and in 1986, Portugal’s GDP-per-capita was only 1/4th of Denmark’s. (See historical GDP-per-capita charts — Portugal, vs. Denmark).

    The EEC propped Portugal up and it grew decently for a while. When that boost petered-out, it began to stagnate. It has remained the lowest GDP-per-capita state in Western-Europe, just as it was when the above essay was written.

    Amazingly, 9% of Portuguese females today are illiterate.

    The CIA-Factbook entry on Portugal’s economy:
    Economic growth had been above the EU average for much of the 1990s, but fell back in 2001-08, and shrank 2.8% in 2009. GDP per capita stands at roughly two-thirds of the EU-27 average [half of which is now ex-communist]. A poor educational system, in particular, has been an obstacle to greater productivity and growth.

    The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal

  43. Discard and Gloob:

    The European Financial Crisis of the present day? It’s being blamed on the reckless behavior of the “PIIGS”. Portugal has the place of honor of being the first letter in that acronym!

    So that’s the present day, not 1970.

    Let’s look at history since 1970.

    Portugal remained economically backwards until the rest of Europe began propping it up in 1986. That is when it entered the EEC, European Economic Community. In 1970 and in 1986, Portugal’s GDP-per-capita was only 1/4th of Denmark’s. (See historical GDP-per-capita charts — Portugal, vs. Denmark).

    The EEC propped Portugal up and it grew decently for a while. When that boost petered-out, it began to stagnate. It has remained the lowest GDP-per-capita state in Western-Europe, just as it was when the above essay was written.

    Amazingly, 9% of Portuguese females today are illiterate.

    The CIA-Factbook entry on Portugal’s economy:
    Economic growth had been above the EU average for much of the 1990s, but fell back in 2001-08, and shrank 2.8% in 2009. GDP per capita stands at roughly two-thirds of the EU-27 average [half of which is now ex-communist]. A poor educational system, in particular, has been an obstacle to greater productivity and growth.

    The Black Man’s Gift to Portugal

  44. Godan’s Own Paper: I don’t know how Congoized the Moors were. There would have been a lot more coming and going along the coasts, Semites and Greeks, than across the Sahara. I suppose that some Blacks made it to the Mediterranean via the Atlantic coast, but then as now, they are pretty dumb as a rule, and would remain on the bottom of society, slaves mostly. Maybe the Moors just looked dark compared to the Central Europeans who had settled in Iberia (Spain) in late Roman times.

  45. Discard,

    Yes, probably the Moors tended toward Arab admixture more so than Black, unless the original Moors bred with their Black slaves. I’m sure genetic tests have now told the whole story.

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