The Democratic Party is getting its clock cleaned with White working class voters in the Midwest and Appalachia. The following quote from Michael Podhorzer, assistant political director of the AFL-CIO, cuts straight to the heart of the matter:
“With working-class, non-union whites, the bottom has fallen out. That’s a big factor in the change of fortunes of the Democrats. From 2006 to 2008 Democrats had rebounded with white working-class voters, but since the election, they’re the largest group that’s dropped very sharply. I think it’s the bad economy and the sense that the rich have weathered the economic crisis well, and that they haven’t. Among union members, the Republican message has not garnered traction, but there is demoralization and lack of recognition of how serious the Republican threat is. … There’s a lack of enthusiasm about everything.”
Why is it so hard to state the obvious?
Once a “bedrock of Democratic support” under FDR, the White working class has steadily been pushed out of the Democratic Party by its embrace of job killing “free trade” agreements and the noxious, anti-White progressive social agenda. Even at the height of Obamamania, McCain carried this key swing demographic by almost twenty points, roughly matching the dismal performance of Gore and Kerry who watched their careers go down in flames.
Remember Al Gore’s laughable return to Tennessee (when he got fat and grew a beard) to “mend fences?” How long did that last? What happened to Tipper?
In some ways, Obama’s decline in popularity is reminiscent of John Kerry. If Kerry had won in 2004, I suspect his political fortunes would have followed a similar downward trajectory. Like Kerry, Obama comes across as an aloof, holier-than-thou, know-it-all elitist with communist sympathies like his father. He is radically out of touch and unsympathetic to the concerns of ordinary White working people in the American Heartland.
The last two presidents were able to successfully blunt this perception and win reelection in this region: Bill Clinton with his affable, common touch could relate to the Bubbas and won Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Louisiana in 1996; George W. Bush with his inarticulate, folksy photo-ops clearing brush out on the ranch was sympathetic to the same constituency and won all those states in 2004.
Obama’s predicament is far worse than Bill Clinton’s in 1994.
Clinton had the advantage of being a genuine White Southerner with a working class background. He could convincingly play the role of a warm centrist when the loss of Congress forced him into that role. He also had the advantage of running against Bob Dole, a handpicked establishment candidate with a wooden personality, who lacked the political wind at his back of an explosive social movement like the Tea Party.
Clinton hadn’t raised expectations to the moon either. The economy recovered and he was able to reap the political dividends of balancing the budget. The fiscal anxieties that have animated the Tea Party were allayed in his second term.
Barack Obama is looking at a total meltdown like Jimmy Carter. He is underwater in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine. Whereas Bill Clinton won West Virginia, Obama has such a negative approval rating there that the GOP is planting campaign signs that simply say, “Obama Wants You To Vote Democrat.” His negatives are through the roof all the way down the spine of the Scot-Irish belt and he is effectively weighing down popular candidates like Joe Manchin.
Can you imagine Barack Obama rolling up the sleeves of a flannel shirt or going hunting in the woods of West Virginia? He would look even more ridiculous than John Kerry. It is a fantasy to imagine him reconnecting with these voters when he lost that constituency even before he had a record to run on.
Obama was carried through the 2008 Democratic primary and the presidential election on a bubble: a cult of personality, millenarianism, and Bush fatigue that has since burst like a supernova. The wreckage can now be seen strewn across the political landscape in a White revolt that stretches from Fargo, ND to Buffalo, NY.
Having lost the White Center, Obama is now desperately trying to rev up what’s left of the Democratic Party, namely the blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, and young people who voted for him. This strategy has failed miserably in 2010 and could produce even worse results in 2012.
The majority of Americans already believe that Barack Obama should be a one term president. Unless the Republicans fumble spectacularly after winning control of Congress, I don’t see this perception changing, especially among the constituency that both Bush and Clinton needed to win, which Al Gore and John Kerry lost, and which Obama is set to lose by even wider margins in 2012.
“George W. Bush with his inarticulate, folksy photo-ops clearing brush out on the ranch was sympathetic to the same constituency and won all those states in 2004.”
Too bad Bush’s policies were just as hostile to these people as Clinton’s were.
It’s conceivable that the “National Socialists” among us could be taking advantage of this golden historic opportunity. The White working class is alienated from both major parties. They are losing faith in the system. Most can easily be swayed to the idea that Washington is broken and likely beyond repair.
What are they doing to take advantage of the present political environment?
Most Americans know that “National Socialism” means Nazi. Even for those who don’t the word “Socialism” has almost completely negative connotations to the demographic in question here. It is, in fact, the semi-offical right-wing politically correct put down of Obama: he’s a socialist.
Many White Americans in the heartland have grandparents or aging parents who fought, or died, to stop Nazism. And while these people may detest Obama, East Coast elites, the Democratic party and the “noxious anti-White progressive social agenda” they still hate Nazis and Socialists and National Socialists.
Persons wishing to advance a more pro-white agenda so do so, as you have sugggested here previously, by using American symbols, like the rattlesnake flag, and American terms. Tom Tancredo is on the verge of winning the Colorado Governor’s office running as a third party candidate, as the Constitution Party nominee.
A lot of disaffected heartland voters can find it in themselves to “send both parties a message” and pull the lever for the Constitution Party candidate, Tancredo.
Labels matter, and there is no point in picking ones that put you at an instant disadvantage. I believe even the American Third Position have been too clever by half on this topic. “Third Position” is a strangly elitist sounding turn of phrase. They would be much better to call themselves the American Third Party.
This would also mean that Wikipedia lookups of “Third Party” would bring up a list of many interesting Americans like Teddy Roosevelt, Ross Perot, John Anderson, Ralph Nader, George Wallace and Strum Thurmond.
The Wiki lookup of “Third Position” yeilds a list of foreign leaders and bizarre sounding related political movements. Why drag all this along behind you? Is the point to vindicate people and movements from the last century, to to accomplish what needs doing in this one?
White people of some sanity were kicked out of most of the Left’s cults (the left is comprised of cults), and all those cults are led by the insane who lord it over the weak. This is the “enemy”, doubt that then leave our little world and travel to a dim place like Kostown (synthesis of Kos and Jonestown) or some of the peak oil cult sites, and see how their mental health/group shaming sessions are conducted.
It is all great to have the facts and perfect ideology and all that Mother Professor approved goo goo, but like the “Art of War”, “know thy enemy.”
For those of you old enough to remember Jack Benny and Rochester.
Manchin & Obama could do a TV commercial that featured Obama saying, “Yes suh, Mista Manchin.” It would be better for Obama than saying it for real to “Mista” Raese.
I got a hunch a 100 years from now people will say, did you know that we once had a blackie as President? 🙂
Two huge potential victories for us: Tancredo becomes Governor of Colorado, Angle knocks off Harry Reid in Nevada.
Bush good, Democrats bad. Hunter, your articles get more and more Rush Limbaughian over time.
Check this out.
Perceptive, interesting and well written post as usual. When it comes to economic policy, both parties have abandoned the white middle class and the white working class. When it comes to social policy, the Dems have abandoned the white middle class/working class as well (with perhaps the exception of union members, as Podhorzer points out), especially middle class/working class white males, towards whom the Dems are actively hostile.
This gives the edge to the GOP for the time being, but it’s a precarious advantage at best. The GOP will have ongoing problems with becoming the “white party” for many reasons, but one of the big ones is that its economic platform consistently punishes middle class/working class whites for voting for it. Will race and identity issues outweigh economic self-interest in the long term? Will these whites be able to reform the GOP’s economic platform? Or will the flood of white voters into the GOP turn the other direction should the economy stabilize?
“The last two presidents were able to successfully blunt this perception and win reelection in this region: Bill Clinton with his affable, common touch could relate to the Bubbas…; George W. Bush… was sympathetic to the same constituency and won all those states in 2004.”
Hunter is saying pointing out that two of our enemies, Clinton and Bush, by their false folksy manner managed to co-opt what should naturally be the white nationalist constituency. How is this saying that Bush is good and democrats are bad Alex?
We should be trying to narrow the gap between White Nationalists and White America. That can be done here without sacrificing fundamentals like 1.) the ultimate goal of the ethnostate and 2.) open discussion of the Jewish Question.
What sense does it make to plunge in the opposite direction? Should we be trying to sound even more like we are from Neptune? Should we be trying to create even more barriers between White America and White Nationalists? Aside from making it more difficult for Whites to grasp our ideas, what is gained by empty rhetorical posturing on the internet?
Here’s another observation: the hottest topic on the internet right now is the upcoming midterm elections. Millions of Whites are searching the internet looking for insightful political analysis. That’s why we should be discussing what is on their minds.
Alternatively, we could be discussing whether the Rothschilds controlled the Confederacy, or Coco Chanel’s Nazi love affairs.
“Heartland America” is taking shape:
Translation: “Reds” are leaving the Democratic Party in droves which is magnifying the power of Jews, non-Whites, and progressives who will only make the Democrats even more unhospitable to White voters:
Please note that I voted against George W. Bush twice.
Alternatively, we could be discussing whether the Rothschilds controlled the Confederacy, or Coco Chanel’s Nazi love affairs.
Those events are in the past and are not helpful to our current situation and Coco Chanel’s story belongs in some trashy tabloid. You don’t talk about the things that really matter like the knarled rat-like claw of the Federal Reserve around the neck of America.
Pew has a report on the ’10 midterms, comparing polls with ’06, and focusing particularly on breaking down the surging Tea Party vote into its demographic constituents.
I’m no expert on the Federal Reserve and other websites have that angle covered. Immigration is far more important than monetary policy.
Jewish power is centered around our monetary policy. Ending the Fed would deliver a crushing blow to the alien elites who rule over us.
Not really.
Jewish power is centered around the disproportionate wealth of individual Jewish households. Most Jews work outside the financial sector. Few have any involvement with the Federal Reserve.
Hmm. I wonder why the Democrats are losing in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. I don’t know. What could could be the cause of that?
To summarize: polarization proceeds apace, and this is all good. We accelerate the process by penetrating the Republican right and gradually bending it in our direction, helped along by the increasingly anti-white Democrats. Best of all, post 2010 elections, post-the-usual-republicrat betrayal of white interests, millions more whites will start thinking of themselves as just that: White. That betrayal, incidentally, is already in the works: the other day Sharron Angle, supposedly hardest right of the TP Senate candidates, got caught…running political ads in Spanish. Put this all together with impending economic collapse, and the 2012 election – if there is one at all – will be heavy with racial-poltical opportunities.
“Jewish power is centered around our monetary policy. Ending the Fed would deliver a crushing blow to the alien elites who rule over us.”
I’d say that is only one half of it. The other half is their stranglehold on influencing the minds of children and young people as they grow up through control of television, cinema, schools and universities.
Anything that damaged the current banking setup would definitely weaken them but so would anything that damaged the current education and / or media setup.
White revolt? Well it’s about time!
Like The Clash once said, “White riot, I want a riot. White riot, a riot of our own!”
Ironic considering the The Clash generally embraced a leftist perspective. But they are spot-on in this case.
The problem with white people is that we’re not feared right now. And since nobody fears us, nobody feels the need to respect us. I am not advocating reckless violence (my comment might get edited), but it’s time for white people to get down and dirty.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
“Not really.
Jewish power is centered around the disproportionate wealth of individual Jewish households. Most Jews work outside the financial sector. Few have any involvement with the Federal Reserve.”
Kill the bank and then steal the Jews money. What’ so hard to understand, Hunter?
C’mon Joe we all know I wasn’t talking along those terms. This site is kosher certified with a big circle U.
Jews were wealthy and powerful long before the Federal Reserve was created. “End the Fed” is more of a mantra than a solution to the Jewish Question. If you ended fiat currency, Jews would dominate “hard money” like gold and silver just easily.
The major reason the Ron Paul people push so hard to “End the Fed” is because there are so many gold bug libertarians who would profit from doing so.
This site is “kosher” in the sense that some of us are able to discuss racial issues without sounding crazy to ordinary people.
Watching 60 Minutes: They’re interviewing Silicon Valley exprofessionals who are unemployed. These are all people with PhDs, MBAs, etc, none of whom can find work. One ex fiber optics engineer is working at Target. Some of these people are living in attics, some in shelters, and many are visiting the local food bank. 100% of the people interviewed were White. Don’t know what it’s going to take for people to wise. How can somebody have a high enough IQ to get an advanced degree and still not be able to put the pieces together?
Your site does nothing more than cheerlead for the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party. You site trashes libertarians and paleoconservatives, especially where Ron Paul is concerned and talk of the real problem, the Synagogue of Satan, is verbotten.
Not only do you trash Ron Paul but you gush over the latest nonwhite candidate like Nikki Haley in the establishment’s latest push to force multiracialism on us or an idiot establishment Republican like Sarah Palin.
Jews can’t charge us interest on the money we borrow from them via the Federal Reserve if this country prints its own money.
@LEW (60 minutes comment)
My perceptions is that the seductiveness of modern ‘liberalism’ (I consider it a hijacked term) is the sanction it gives people to feel self-righteous for promoting weakness over strength, vice over virtue, consumption over production, etc. It appeals to people in the former categories by letting them have high self-esteem while taking the easy path and not putting in the work of earning it. Even remarkably intelligent people stumble into the communist delusion nest when powerful incentives for NOT exercising their aptitude for critical thinking are in play.
It can make for interesting discussion, but abolishing the Fed is in one those reforms that will never happen barring a comet strike. It’s akin to talking about abolishing the US military or NYSE.
Elijah, I agree there is a lot of truth in what you wrote. The capacity for self-delusion is amazingly acute among Whites. It’s a good bet most of those people lost those jobs to Indian H1Bs.
1.) I haven’t defended “neocons” anywhere. I have said some positive things about mainstream conservatives like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. The conservative base is not synonymous with Jonah Goldberg, David Brooks, William Kristol, etc.
2.) That’s amusing. I have always been a fan of Pat Buchanan. I have defended Sam Francis from his Neo-Nazi critics like Alex Linder. The real paleocons who read this website are pleased with the change in tone here. I know a lot of them.
3.) I voted for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican primary. I’ve only criticized Paul for intentionally marginalizing himself after his disastrous presidential campaign. In contrast, Rand has gone more mainstream and will be elected to the Senate in Kentucky with the support of all those “Red State Fascists” that Lew Rockwell is constantly attacking.
4.) I wrote a post about the Jewish Question (The Bigot Whisperers) just the other day. Val Koinen has written two posts about the Jewish Question recently. Did you miss those? It looks more like you are simply lying.
5.) If memory serves, you spent much of August and September beating the drum against the worthless conservatives in the comments on this website. Only lately have you reinvented yourself as a champion of libertarians and paleocons.
6.) When the Federal Reserve is abolished, Jewish bankers won’t be around to rip off Gentiles with high interest loans, which they had been doing for over a 1,000 years before Shakespeare created Shylock.
7.) Sarah Palin isn’t an establishment Republican. She has only endorsed – what, how many candidates – who have taken on and defeated establishment Republicans like Mike Castle now?
8.) If Nikki Haley signs an Arizona-style immigration law in South Carolina, she will have done something more useful for pro-Whites than you and and the ten thousand other loudmouth anonymous do-nothing Neo-Nazis sucking up bandwidth on the internet. The same is true of Sarah Palin if she builds the border fence.
“My perceptions is that the seductiveness of modern ‘liberalism’”
When did most white people pick up their left-liberal (aka diluted cultural marxism) brain washing?
***When they were CHILDREN****
There was a recent TV series called Heroes where one of the heroines had a half-black kid. That isn’t aimed at adults, not even at your twenty year old daughter. It’s aimed at your ten year old daughter.
One of the reasons the jews made such a huge mistake with muslim immigration into Europe is they can’t control them because they all watch satellite TV from the middle-east and increasingly have their own schools.
“It can make for interesting discussion, but abolishing the Fed is in one those reforms that will never happen”
The Fed is a source of power but you’re right it is primarily a symptom of existing power for the self-evident reason that they had the power to create the Fed in the first place. For them the Fed is a more convenient way to rob us through what is effectively a gigantic coin-clipping scam.
However talking about the Fed (but not to the exclusion of all else) and the banking system in general is a great starting point when you’re working to make mainstream people less trusting of the powers that be.
The way humans learn is nearly universal. Any ideology is most effective on young minds, and the selection of any idea system – including White Nationalism or the ‘truth’ – is subject to the biases and distortions that are part of our common nature. I belong to a generation programmed with Marxist lies in public schools. I feel fortunate to have completed the disillusionment process. My understanding, however, is that these ideas ORIGINATED in adults, adults were the first converts, and adults allowed these ideas into our schools. I believe the very fact that a generation of adults was seduced by weakness worship is what laid the social groundwork I was referring to above: the situation where the love and pursuit of weakness, vice, and consumption is incentivized. As stated above, I further believe that these vicious perversions are seductive because they allow people the moral highground/righteous superiority/self-esteem/whatever without earning it. This aspect of humanity, I believe, does not vary significantly with age.
@Alex: if this site is that bad, quit b*tching and leave. I am not 100% happy with the new direction either, but I’m not whining about it.
@Hunter/Wandrin: I believe that discussion about the federal monetary system is valuable. Not only where money comes from, but also how money is “created”. Fractional reserve banking is one of the biggest hoaxes of our time, and a great reason for the boom-and-bust economy. From discussions with my (well educated) co-workers, I have come to realize that most people have no idea how little of our “money” is (non-gold redeamable) cash and how much is make-believe.
Sure. I was just making the point that the success of cultural marxism is largely, not wholly, down to their decision to target children and young people rather than adults. The original form of marxism was entirely aimed at adults which is a lot harder.
It’s why the cultural left is so keen on extending state controlled education as early as possible to as late as possible and why they hate home schooling so much.
@Erik Nordman
Sure. One of my stealth personas involves a leftist forum where i push those ideas – “down with capitalism!!!” etc
Of course monetary policy is important. It is nowhere near as important as immigration though.
Note: The boom/bust cycle was going on long before the Federal Reserve. How many financial panics were there in America between Andrew Jackson killing the Second BUS and the creation of the Fed?
I think the reasons for the highly qualified but destitute ex-Silicon valley workers may be simpler. People in that profession have a high incidence of Asperger’s syndrome. They’re nerds. They have no social skills, no idea how to sell themselves – or anything else.
Except they are ex-workers. They used to have jobs before those jobs were given to immigrants. Just like the unskilled working class whose jobs were given away to immigrants in previous decades all sorts of reasons will be pushed in the media as to why they no longer have jobs. However the real reason behind all the chaff that will be thrown up as a distraction will be the ongoing attempted global genocide of people of white european descent.
8.) If Nikki Haley signs an Arizona-style immigration law in South Carolina, she will have done something more useful for pro-Whites than you and and the ten thousand other loudmouth anonymous do-nothing Neo-Nazis sucking up bandwidth on the internet. The same is true of Sarah Palin if she builds the border fence. @Hunter
Of course this will be AN ENORMOUS *IF* … for both these gals.
Simmons says:
White people of some sanity were kicked out of most of the Left’s cults (the left is comprised of cults), and all those cults are led by the insane who lord it over the weak. …
It is all great to have the facts and perfect ideology and all that Mother Professor approved goo goo, but like the “Art of War”, “know thy enemy.”
Excellent perception on your part there Simmons.
I came across this site that takes a socio-biological look at evil, and think it buttresses very well what you are saying and what you have noticed and called out about most Leftists for what they actually are: Mentally-deranged PSYCHOPATHS:
It is all great to have the facts and perfect ideology and all that Mother Professor approved goo goo, but like the “Art of War”, “know thy enemy.” @Simmons
If you want the closest thing to the Leftist/Cultural Marxist “playbook” — particularly their psychopathological mindset — look not much further than this:
No response to the video of Kristol salivating over the prospect of a Palin Presidency?
Palin is a creation of Bill Kristol, and she believes in a strain of Christianity close to Christian Zionism. No doubt about that. Norman Podhoretz himself has also written favorably of Palin.
One of the reasons the jews made such a huge mistake with muslim immigration into Europe is they can’t control them because they all watch satellite TV from the middle-east and increasingly have their own schools.
No doubt one of the reasons the neocons (who all deserve to be hanged, it goes without saying) wanted to bomb the Al Jazeera studios at the beginning of the Iraq debacle.
The Iranian English language channel “PressTV” is another professional outfit. I don’t much like muslims or agree with what they have to say or think much of the idea of living around them but when they stick to affairs in their own countries they have a pretty reasonable view of things (it can’t be easy having to navigate through their stultifying, fatalistic cultures). WNs should watch it to see how differently the same events appear when news is broadcast according to a different set of assumptions from the jew and leftard infested western outlets.
In The Washington Post, William Kristol describes the GOP establishment’s hostility to Sarah Palin:
How odd.
According to Alex, Sarah Palin is a pillar of the GOP establishment. He has this on the authority of William Kristol … who says just the opposite above.