Whites Revolt

Working Class Whites Abandoning the Democratic Party.


The Democratic Party is getting its clock cleaned with White working class voters in the Midwest and Appalachia. The following quote from Michael Podhorzer, assistant political director of the AFL-CIO, cuts straight to the heart of the matter:

“With working-class, non-union whites, the bottom has fallen out. That’s a big factor in the change of fortunes of the Democrats. From 2006 to 2008 Democrats had rebounded with white working-class voters, but since the election, they’re the largest group that’s dropped very sharply. I think it’s the bad economy and the sense that the rich have weathered the economic crisis well, and that they haven’t. Among union members, the Republican message has not garnered traction, but there is demoralization and lack of recognition of how serious the Republican threat is. … There’s a lack of enthusiasm about everything.”

Why is it so hard to state the obvious?

Once a “bedrock of Democratic support” under FDR, the White working class has steadily been pushed out of the Democratic Party by its embrace of job killing “free trade” agreements and the noxious, anti-White progressive social agenda. Even at the height of Obamamania, McCain carried this key swing demographic by almost twenty points, roughly matching the dismal performance of Gore and Kerry who watched their careers go down in flames.

Remember Al Gore’s laughable return to Tennessee (when he got fat and grew a beard) to “mend fences?” How long did that last? What happened to Tipper?

In some ways, Obama’s decline in popularity is reminiscent of John Kerry. If Kerry had won in 2004, I suspect his political fortunes would have followed a similar downward trajectory. Like Kerry, Obama comes across as an aloof, holier-than-thou, know-it-all elitist with communist sympathies like his father. He is radically out of touch and unsympathetic to the concerns of ordinary White working people in the American Heartland.

The last two presidents were able to successfully blunt this perception and win reelection in this region: Bill Clinton with his affable, common touch could relate to the Bubbas and won Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Louisiana in 1996; George W. Bush with his inarticulate, folksy photo-ops clearing brush out on the ranch was sympathetic to the same constituency and won all those states in 2004.

Obama’s predicament is far worse than Bill Clinton’s in 1994.

Clinton had the advantage of being a genuine White Southerner with a working class background. He could convincingly play the role of a warm centrist when the loss of Congress forced him into that role. He also had the advantage of running against Bob Dole, a handpicked establishment candidate with a wooden personality, who lacked the political wind at his back of an explosive social movement like the Tea Party.

Clinton hadn’t raised expectations to the moon either. The economy recovered and he was able to reap the political dividends of balancing the budget. The fiscal anxieties that have animated the Tea Party were allayed in his second term.

Barack Obama is looking at a total meltdown like Jimmy Carter. He is underwater in states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Maine. Whereas Bill Clinton won West Virginia, Obama has such a negative approval rating there that the GOP is planting campaign signs that simply say, “Obama Wants You To Vote Democrat.” His negatives are through the roof all the way down the spine of the Scot-Irish belt and he is effectively weighing down popular candidates like Joe Manchin.

Can you imagine Barack Obama rolling up the sleeves of a flannel shirt or going hunting in the woods of West Virginia? He would look even more ridiculous than John Kerry. It is a fantasy to imagine him reconnecting with these voters when he lost that constituency even before he had a record to run on.

Obama was carried through the 2008 Democratic primary and the presidential election on a bubble: a cult of personality, millenarianism, and Bush fatigue that has since burst like a supernova. The wreckage can now be seen strewn across the political landscape in a White revolt that stretches from Fargo, ND to Buffalo, NY.

Having lost the White Center, Obama is now desperately trying to rev up what’s left of the Democratic Party, namely the blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, and young people who voted for him. This strategy has failed miserably in 2010 and could produce even worse results in 2012.

The majority of Americans already believe that Barack Obama should be a one term president. Unless the Republicans fumble spectacularly after winning control of Congress, I don’t see this perception changing, especially among the constituency that both Bush and Clinton needed to win, which Al Gore and John Kerry lost, and which Obama is set to lose by even wider margins in 2012.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Alex:

    No response to the video of Kristol salivating over the prospect of a Palin Presidency?

    You’re in the wrong place if you expect anyone to point to the obvious signs of manipulation. Very vocal proponents of people like Palin(100% Neocon vetted), Beck(rabid anti-racist), Tancredo(bellicose rantings about the evils of Iran)…….put it all together.

    Take the suggestion given to you and find a more productive website and/or outlet.

  2. Jackson in post #3 nailed it perfectly. Labels do matter, an no Appalachian voter is going to support anything that looks, acts, talks, or smells like a nazi.

  3. 1.) I don’t give a damn about Iran. It can rot in poverty for all I care. Tom Tancredo is about to be Governor of Colorado on a platform of ending multiculturalism, securing the border, and deporting illegal aliens. As Governor, Tancredo can’t do anything about foreign policy anyway.

    2.) I would rather Glenn Beck be seen as the authority on the Civil Rights Movement than the NAACP in the eyes of White America.

    3.) I doubt Sarah Palin would buck the conservative base on immigration. I think she would build the border fence and prove more responsive to our concerns in that area.

  4. Celestial Time has figured out that OD is obviously a Mossad front created by Israel to deceive White Nationalists into supporting a Jew-free, White ethnostate.

    I never said anything about Mossad, Sybil.

  5. The Jewish voices in the GOP mainstream that clearly hate Palin is an example of something we see often: Jews in disagreement over what is best for the Jews. Frum, Brooks and that side of the GOP establishment do indeed despise Palin, and relentlessly attack the TP for implicit Whiteness, especially Frum. Some influential Jewish voices, on the other hand, support Palin, like Bill Kristol. Bill Kristol, interestingly enough, was the only major pundit to predict that Palin would be McCain’s pick. Did he know something others didn’t? Kristol said it a week before the announcement. I personally don’t think there should be any doubt Palin would serve Jewish neocon interests with slavish devotion if elected.

  6. I never said anything about Mossad, Sybil.

    You obviously think I am engaged in some kind of conspiracy here. In reality, I am just a blogger with a point of view. I lived in Virginia with four other OD writers. If some kind of conspiracy was going on, I think they would be the first to know about it.

  7. Sarah Palin is a stepping stone in the right direction. She puts implicit Whiteness front and center. Her appeal to the White electorate is based entirely on identity politics, not her own accomplishments as Governor of Alaska.

    Making Whites more comfortable in their whiteness is good for us. Everyone on the Left can see this: empowering DeMint and Sessions in the Senate, reigning in John McCain, threatening Lugar and Hatch with primary challenges, Tancredo as Governor, shoring up the House Immigration Reform Caucus … is good for us.

  8. The problem is that sometimes Jews and neocons will support things that help us, not because it helps us of course, but because it helps them. So what are nationalists supposed to do? Not support any Jewish-backed candidate no matter what the circumstances, even if the candidate will help move things in our direction? Consider Europe for example. Jews are now turning against Islamic immigration. Should nationalists therefore fight to keep the floodgates open for NW Muslims because Jews now want to step back on immigration for their own reasons? Not sure that makes sense. For now, I will support any candidate the drives the anti-White Left into a frenzy until someone gives a good argument not to. That means supporting Tancredo and others.

  9. You obviously think I am engaged in some kind of conspiracy here. In reality, I am just a blogger with a point of view. I lived in Virginia with four other OD writers. If some kind of conspiracy was going on, I think they would be the first to know about it.

    I never said anything about a conspiracy. I said that you are a very vocal proponent of people that are “explicitly” pro-War, pro-Israel, rabid anti-racists, extreme Christian fundamentalists, etc. There’s no kind of conspiracy implied. You are what you are, but what you are depends on what month it is….Sybil.

    You think you can fix a fixed system by breathing life into it. Good luck.

  10. Celestial Time,

    1.) The alternative to “rejecting the system,” refusing to start where people are today, refusing to work with moderates on the basis of fundamentalism … is marginalization, irrelevance, and powerlessness on the political sidelines: a prescription for total victory by our enemies.

    2.) Personally, I am not “pro-War,” “pro-Israel,” a “rabid anti-racist,” or an “extreme Christian fundamentalist.” Politically speaking, I am an isolationist, a nationalist, an anti-Semitic racialist. I’m also a Darwinist and an atheist. Most importantly, I incline toward political realism.

    3.) As a political realist, I have priorities. I’m willing to work with other groups to get what I want most: an end to Third World immigration. Accepting reality means issues like “End the Fed,” Christianity,” and Zionism – which are primary for you – are secondary for me.

    4.) Tom Tancredo and Sarah Palin are hostile to Iran and pro-Israel, but are for securing the border. No one can have any doubt that Tancredo would sign Arizona-style immigration reform into law in Colorado – his signature issue – deport as many illegals as possible and push the envelope even further on immigration and multiculturalism.

    Palin is the creature of the conservative base. She has no other basis of support in the Republican Party. If Palin were elected president, conservatives would have far more influence over her policies than they ever had over George W. Bush, a blue blood establishment nominee, or Mitt Romney, who now represents the GOP establishment.

    5.) You have repeatedly made the argument that I am “manipulating” people. I also distinctly recall you making a comment that had conspiratorial overtones in another thread.

    6.) As far as I can tell, you incline toward fantasy politics: by the wave of a magic wand, everyone now in the mainstream will be instantly converted to your own radical point of view, with no intermediaries in between. The truth will be revealed all at once to the “lemming” masses.

    Instead of working within the system and achieving what is possible, we should set unrealistic goals and “stand firm” on a laundry list of extraneous issues (for example, hostility to Christianity) that isolate us from ordinary people and impede our ability to connect with an increasingly polarized constituency looking for answers about America’s national decline.

  11. Now that the system has been rejected, what are you doing about it? I mean aside from complaining here in the comments.

    You can

    1) make
    2) a list
    3) that details
    4) why you support
    5) pro-Israel
    6) pro-war
    7) Christian extremists
    8) and anti-racists

    but it doesn’t really matter in the end. You’re still yapping away about taking control of a system where you have not a single person to point to in that system that is officially pro-White. You mock other people about their supposed inability to function in normal society, but you have exactly the same amount of influence and power to affect that system and society – Zilch, Zero, Nada…….

    Seriously, telling me about inability to work with “moderates” just shows what a blowhard you are. I’ve been “moderate” for longer than you’ve been pretending to be pro-White. Do you actually think that shaking hands with Imm somehow made you an expert on public relations?

  12. Celestial Time,

    1.) I’ve repeatedly drawn attention to exactly why pro-Whites are seemingly unable to so much as get elected dog catcher in America. The root cause of that is retreating into a fantasy world and going outside the experience of ordinary people. That results in a failure to communicate and a lack of legitimacy needed to win elections.

    2.) All these negative characteristics can be found on abundant display in your comments. You can’t even work with the likes of Tom Tancredo. No wonder you are marginalized and irrelevant.

    3.) What do you propose? White Nationalists should run on a “Center Left” national platform of destroying Israel and Christianity.

    4.) I learned several months ago that nothing is gained by discussing my real world political activity on this website. It is actually counterproductive.

    5.) Unlike you, I am not driven by personal hatred or racial animus. I think it is admirable that Jeffrey Imm has the courage of his convictions – even if they are flat out wrong – he is willing to stand up for what he believes.

    I can’t say the same about you.

    Likewise, I don’t have anything against Mohammad Yahya for being an advocate for his people, when he could be doing any number of things in America. He’s not wrong to protest genocide and slavery in Sudan.

    What I dislike is the existing political arrangement in which Whites are forced to live side by side with these people who do not share our values or interests. I think it would be better for all parties to separate. After separation, I do not envision hostilities persisting between us.

  13. Notice how Celestial Time refuses to answer my question. Reject the system. Then what?

    Note: He doesn’t answer because he knows very well what the effective result of “rejecting the system” effectively translates into.

  14. Notice how Celestial Time refuses to answer my question. Reject the system. Then what?

    Note: He doesn’t answer because he knows very well what the effective result of “rejecting the system” effectively translates into.

    The premise of your question – and answering that question – would lead to nothing but speculation. Just like your unfounded speculation that White people are being “polarized” into accepting pro-White views by feeding one side of the two-turd system. The easy answer is that simply rejecting a fixed system will get you exactly what you have now by supporting it, which is nothing. A more detailed answer is not warranted for someone who supports neocon stooges and throws out straw man arguments.

  15. You don’t want to worry about politicians. Politicians will conform to the underlying conditions. If you change the underlying conditions then politicians will change or new ones will appear. That’s what the cultural marxists did. They changed the underlying conditions. Everything else naturally follows from that.

    What that means is there are three states not two.
    1) Reject the system completely.
    2) Embrace the system.
    3) Use the system if and when you can use it to change the underlying conditions.

    For example in the last six years i’ve been involved in political campaigns for four separate parties in different regions, three of those parties i hate and want to see destroyed. I just used those campaigns to get to talk to people about immigration.

  16. CT: Hypothetical question. Suppose America’s Jewish neocons get behind closing the border, and they give a bogus justification like it’s for security rather than the truth (they now perceive closed borders to be in Jewry’s interests), and they do it while adding anyone who favors closing the border for reasons other than security is a racist.

    What’s your view on how nationalists should respond? Support closing the borders or not in that context?

  17. “The Jewish voices in the GOP mainstream that clearly hate Palin is an example of something we see often: Jews in disagreement over what is best for the Jews.”

    They’re using psychology on the dumb ignorant masses. After the election she should have dropped off the map but no, the media starts attacking her, attacking her children, getting downright nasty and personal. Why would the media bother? They want the stupid sheeple to come to her defense and applaud every time she vomits some clumsy string of words out of her mouth for $100,000 a pop. They want her lined up as the next GOP ticket with Jindal, Steele, McCain or Lieberman as her sidekick. It’s the same sort of tactic they’ve been using when they whine about about Obama’s treatment of Israel, even though nothing has changed since Bush left office.

  18. LEW:

    CT: Hypothetical question. Suppose America’s Jewish neocons get behind closing the border, and they give a bogus justification like it’s for security rather than the truth (they now perceive closed borders to be in Jewry’s interests), and they do it while adding anyone who favors closing the border for reasons other than security is a racist.

    What’s your view on how nationalists should respond? Support closing the borders or not in that context?

    But I see closing the border as a security issue, not a race issue. I wouldn’t care if it were Germans pouring across the border. A nation is not a nation without a border; and a secure nation is not secure without a secure border. I would support border security in any context.

    Would I support a Jewish neocon led movement in order to make an issue or two more attainable? No. If it takes supporting anti-racists and bellicose posturing for more wars in order to secure our own border that should already be secure, then something tells me I don’t really have much control whatever I do. It would be like asking me would I rather someone shoot me in the left foot to spare me the pain that would come from them shooting me in the right foot. Why support something akin to extortion when I should be supporting something that gives me more of a guarantee to not shoot me in either foot? This is the mentality that led to Ron Paul’s popularity, and what made people feel the need to donate tens of millions of dollars and give the middle finger to the system. More than enough people are willing to do it, but only if someone is willing to stand firm.

    Why were Ron Paul’s supporters so much more vocal and radicalized than others? Apparently, shooting someone in either foot is frowned upon.

  19. “They’re using psychology on the dumb ignorant masses”

    There are two sides fighting. The left-liberal side wants the genocide of white people even if it puts Israel at risk. The neocon side also wants the genocide of white people but only if it can be achieved without risking the security of Israel.

    The left-liberal side *hate* Palin for implicit whiteness reasons. They really really hate her. That doesn’t mean she’s on our side or good for us or anything it just shows how much they hate us. The neocon side hate her too for the same reasons but they need someone they can use to herd the Tea Party with.

    The underlying conditions are such that *on the national level* the only politician who will get any media support will be either left-liberal vetted or neocon vetted but they *are* split. There are two sides now because they thought they could destroy white Americans without destroying the American power they need to protect Israel.

    It’s like the scene in Aliens where Ripley points her flamethrower at the mama alien’s eggs.

  20. Re: Celestial Time

    The premise of your question – and answering that question – would lead to nothing but speculation.

    Translation: Celestial Time’s proposed alternative to working within the system is idle speculation on anonymous comment threads. A non-threatening escape valve of empty rhetorical posturing.

    Just like your unfounded speculation that White people are being “polarized” into accepting pro-White views by feeding one side of the two-turd system.

    Is that a fact?

    My “unfounded speculation” can be seen in Arizona’s state immigration laws which have already driven over 100,000 illegal aliens out of the state. This model could easily be imported to Colorado where a majority of voters support SB 1070 and a Tancredo administration would certainly enforce it.

    My “unfounded speculation” that some Republicans are worth supporting can also be seen in the repeated defeats of comprehensive immigration reform and the DREAM Act.

    The easy answer is that simply rejecting a fixed system will get you exactly what you have now by supporting it, which is nothing.

    We defeated the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform several times. We also got part of the border fence built. That was before Obama was elected under the “worse is better” theory and construction of the fence has halted by Napolitano.

    A more detailed answer is not warranted for someone who supports neocon stooges and throws out straw man arguments.

    Translation: A solution to our problems “is not warranted.” I am simply here to waste time.

    But I see closing the border as a security issue, not a race issue. I wouldn’t care if it were Germans pouring across the border. A nation is not a nation without a border; and a secure nation is not secure without a secure border. I would support border security in any context.

    How does Celestial Time propose to secure the border? By seeing everyone now in Congress who supports securing the border defeated. By seeing challengers who would support securing the border like Tom Tancredo defeated by amnesty supporters by John Hickenlooper.

    Would I support a Jewish neocon led movement in order to make an issue or two more attainable? No.


    A political genius: the way to defeat the Jewish agenda is to behave in the real world exactly as the Jews themselves would. Maybe Jews will then see how powerless and hopelessly disorganized we are and surrender us an ethnostate!

    If it takes supporting anti-racists and bellicose posturing for more wars in order to secure our own border that should already be secure, then something tells me I don’t really have much control whatever I do.

    If Van Jones were here, he would point out that if Rosa Parks had demanded an end to Jim Crow, affirmative action, White self hatred, reparations for slavery, a black president, the end of anti-miscegenation laws, and the glorification of White women sleeping with black men in Hollywood, she would have been laughed out of court.

    Typical rhetorical radical behavior: making the perfect the enemy of the good. Securing the border and ending illegal immigration would be a huge step forward.

    t would be like asking me would I rather someone shoot me in the left foot to spare me the pain that would come from them shooting me in the right foot. Why support something akin to extortion when I should be supporting something that gives me more of a guarantee to not shoot me in either foot?

    This statement reveals that CT is a fantasist with no interest whatsoever in real politics. In reality, politics is all about compromise, building a majority, getting some of what you want.

    This is the mentality that led to Ron Paul’s popularity, and what made people feel the need to donate tens of millions of dollars and give the middle finger to the system. More than enough people are willing to do it, but only if someone is willing to stand firm.

    Ron Paul couldn’t win a single Republican primary. In stark contrast, Rand Paul will likely be the next Senator from Kentucky. Rand is going to the Senate because he moderated his message and worked within the system. If he had listened to Lew Rockwell’s rants against “Red State Fascists,” he never would have gotten anywhere.

  21. I can’t help but notice that you want to influence public opinion, but can’t be bothered to write for your own website.

    I have about 13 active sites, and 15 or so dormant or inactive domains….I’m not superman.

    Indeed, you are advertising none other than Jew-loving Amren on your site!

    Again, you really know nothing about me. I’ve told you several times now that I’m extremely moderate when compared to 99.9% of WN. Besides, what’s the alternative to putting up a site like AmRen?

  22. Let’s look past the fact that Palin has Jewish ancestry, has married a mixed race spouse and has mixed race children. Let’s ignore her lip service to conservative values when she fawns over MLK or campaigns for John McCain. Yes, she has promised to start WWIII by bombing Iranian nuclear facilities. No, she isn’t the brightest, most articulate politician in the world. Let’s go beyond all of this and ask a few simple questions. Is this the best that White America can offer? Have we so degenerated as a race that we’d settle for a media publicized second rate politician like herself? If we have, do we even deserve to survive as a race?

  23. In this age of political correctness it seems darn near half of whites have invented some sort of mythical “Cherokee” of whatever ancestry to try to curry favor with the anti white establishment. Anyone who can’t figure out this is what’s going on with Palin’s white family (just look at a family picture) has lost all sense of reality. “Palin Jewish,” Are you kidding? What kind of jew goes to a regional state college in the intermountain west, moves to small town Alaska, hunts, has tons of kids, and joins an Evangelical Church? That’s like garlic to a vampire, I don’t care how bad their agenda is to fool people, no jew could fake it like that for twenty years. Plus, why does everyone think the likes of Palin and Tancredo are serious when they throw out anti-Iran campaign rhetoric? As if the idea of politicians saying things to get elected is a novel concept for some people to understand?

  24. “Let’s look past the fact that Palin has…”

    That just shows how much they hate us. The implict whiteness left even after all the things you list still drives them crazy.

    “Is this the best that White America can offer?”

    Under the current conditions the best would never get that far in the first place. For me personally, the main, and maybe the only good thing about Palin is how much she annoys people like Jon Stewart. I’m hoping for heart attacks.

  25. Wandrin @4:22 Oct 25;

    Forgive me if I seemed to be denigrating White IT workers with Asperger’s syndrome. I’m not. I’m one of them myself. It’s true that many of them have lost their livelihood through anti-White immigration policies. My point was simply that their inability to recover is not a sign of moral weakness, but a lack of essential coping skills.

    When times are good, they can find jobs; their academic and professional records speak for themselves. When the jobs disappear, they can’t suddenly turn into entrepreneurs.

  26. Late to the discussion, but I thought I’d add my $.002 worth.

    Judeophobia paralyzes many White Nationalists, because they are afraid to move once they find a Jew supporting any position, even obstensibly a White one. Since, one is most likely to find a Jew on every side of a position, that leads to taking no action at all. The wisest course to take with a Jew that appears to be taking a pro-White stance is “trust, but verify.” Always assume that his interests come first with him, but consider the possibility that his interests align with yours once in a while. Only when you come across a suggestion or position of his that doesn’t quite pass “the sniff test,” should you hesitate. Of course, Mr. Chosenberg can suggest whatever he wants, it doesn’t mean it’s a heavenly decree you must obey. You can simply nod your head respectfully, promising to give it all due consideration, and then ignore it all together. As other racially aware groups do.

    Which brings me to why the Tea Party suddenly has traction and there is a big brouhaha about closing the border and getting a handle on this immigration problem. Could it be that our Jewish friends have discovered that it’s “better to deal with the devil you know than the one you don’t?” Negros are highly antisemitic and the Mestizos are even more so. The Asians study them suspiciously. Then there are the Muslim immigrants pouring into the West. Jews have discovered that, to the Non-Whites, they are simply the richest and most privileged of Whites. And in a race war, where your skin color is your uniform, these folks aren’t going to be too concerned whether their target is kosher or not.

    Now that I have said my piece on the Jewish Question, I’d like to address what my favorite talk-show host, Mike Savage calls the GOP or “the check-pant Republicans.” WNs need to understand that America’s dirtiest secret is not race, but class. Our elite are composed of White limousine liberals and chauffered conservatives who welcome support from the White bourgeoisie or working class during election but shiver in horror at having to deal with them or be in any way associated with their issues the rest of the time. It’s class snobbery, pure and simple.

    Of course, we need to throw them out (primary them) on their well-padded rear ends ASAP. That leaves “populist” Neocons like Sarah Palin or Tom Tancredo as presidential candidates. I’d prefer the latter to the former. However, there is nothing to keep us from reining in any Pro-Endless Wars for Israel zeal by making sure to elect a Congress that refuses to endorse or fund any such antics. You can do this by becoming active in any Anti-War activity available out there. There are versions of it on both sides of the political spectrum. Infiltrate them both. After all, part of fiscal conservatism is not spending money we don’t have. That should include funding wars that are not in our interest.

  27. Analogman,

    Apologies if i’m overly snappy. I’ve been training myself to be that way in other arenas – immediately jumping on anything that could concievably be anti-white.

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